GOS :: Volume #4

#338: Great talent tested in a small task

Shi Yan looks solemn, Divine Sense is beyond example precise, gathers in that right hand arm together. Attentively observation the change of arm. Several thousand tiny green silk threads, huo in his arm body are moving slowly, as if must destroy in his muscle the muscle fiber, must give torn to pieces this arm. 石岩神情肃穆,神识空前凝炼,一起汇聚在那一只右手臂。全神贯注地观察着手臂的变化。数万条细小的绿色丝线,在他手臂皮肉中缓缓蠖动着,似乎要破坏他那一块块肌肉中肌纤维,要将他这条手臂给支离破碎。 In the green spooky silk thread, strange energy likely is the small insect, must nibble the textile fiber in Shi Yan muscle one by one, gnaws to eat his flesh and blood, turns into the glistening bones of the dead this section of arm, must gnaw the food to be clean his flesh and blood. 绿幽幽的丝线内,诡异的能量像是小虫子,要逐个蚕食石岩肌肉中的纤维,啃食他的血肉,将他这一截手臂变成莹莹白骨,要将他血肉啃食干净。 These power come from Corpse God Church Cult Master Qing Ming. 这些力量来自于尸神教教主青冥 In that Holy Light Mountain halfway up the mountainside, Shi Yan uses three Heavenly Flame power, beforehand and Yi Tianmo three people of souls achieve the relation, while[ body] in Essence Qi dried up, making Qing Ming relax vigilantly, this planned him. 在那圣光山半山腰,石岩利用三种天火力量,事先和奕天漠三人灵魂达成联系,趁着〖体〗内精元枯竭,让青冥放松了警惕,这才算计到他。 The Qing Ming soul was trigged by the Yi Tianmo three people, lost to the control power of body, had an opportunity by him, he almost the Qing Ming heavy losses. 青冥灵魂被奕天漠三人制住,失去了对身体的掌控权,才被他有机可乘,他差点将青冥重创。 However, because of prompt getting rid of days later and De Huang, Qing Ming avoids a tribulation, however causes heavy losses to him easily, he responded promptly, feared that was already by Qing Ming easy obliterate. 然而,因天后地皇的及时出手,青冥躲过一劫,然而轻而易举重创他,要不是他反应及时,怕是已被青冥轻而易举抹杀了。 In God Realm Expert, this Qing Ming perhaps is weakest one, cultivation of body or soul, or Essence Qi vigorous with Martial Skills, he in Endless Sea God Realm Warrior, should be at the worst social stratum. 神境强者中,这青冥或许是最弱的一个,不论是身体还是灵魂的修炼,亦或者精元的浑厚和武技,他在无尽海神境武者中,应该都处在最差的阶层。 Because, some of his life big energy, used on Corpse Slave, he and Corpse King communicated, cultivation controlled the technique of corpse to consume too many youth and years, caused him, although achieved the boundary of God Passage, power was actually worst. 因为,他一生好大部分精力,都用在了尸奴身上,他和尸王沟通,修炼控尸之术耗费了太多的青春和岁月,导致他虽然达到通神之境,力量却是最差。 Does not have Corpse King to accompany about, this Qing Ming individual power, actually by far other inferior God Realm Warrior. 没有尸王陪伴左右,这青冥的个人力量,其实远远逊色别的神境武者 Even but if sobecause of the Level huge disparityShi Yan is also at is not his match, if not the suppressions of Yi Tianmo three people of souls, with that Heavenly Flame to his deterrenthe feared that cannot wait for the Yi Tianmo three people to catch up, then must by that Qing Ming obliterate. 可即便如此”因等级的巨大差距”石岩也是根本不是他的对手,若非奕天漠三人灵魂的压制,和那天火对他的威慑”他怕是等不到奕天漠三人赶来,便要被那青冥抹杀 Qing Ming in him[ body] power that in leaves behind, manifests suddenly at this time, makes his pain inexplicable. 就连青冥在他〖体〗内留下的一道力量,此时发作起来,也让他痛苦莫名。 Eye looks at that continuously strange silk thread, gradually spread, will put in order an arm to give the seepage, gnaws the food flesh and blood powerto manifest suddenly quietly, in Shi Yan heart one cold, then must seek for the extra help. 看着那一缕缕奇异的丝线,已渐渐蔓延开来,将整条手臂都给渗透,其中啃食血肉的力量”悄悄发作,石岩心中一凛,便要找寻额外帮助。 He prepares to summon Profound Ice Cold Flame, discovered fiercely the right hand arm mutation sticks out suddenly. 他才准备呼唤玄冰寒焰,猛地发现右手臂异变暴起。 Shining dazzling purple-red rays of light, the violent from his arm muscle shoots, in a flash, the cell textile fiber in his muscle as if suddenly lived getting upin the muscle fierce shivers. 灿灿炫目的紫红色光芒,从他手臂肌肉中暴射开来,一瞬间,他肌肉中的细胞纤维仿佛突然活了起来”在肌肉之中剧烈的颤抖起来。 The body of Shi Yan also large scale is trembling, under this trembling, in his arm muscle block, has a terrifying suction strength suddenly. 连带着,石岩的身体也大幅度震颤不已,就在这种震颤下,他手臂肌肉块中,骤然生出一股恐怖的吸吮力。 As if that musclesuddenly became the sponge of absorbing water was common, these dissociation on his arm, was seeping the flesh and blood green energy to adsorb unceasingly fiercely, an even child pulled into the arm muscle block completely. 仿佛那一块块肌肉”突然成了吸水的海绵一般,将那些游离在他手臂上,正不断渗透血肉的绿色能量猛地吸附住,一平子全部拉扯入手臂肌肉块。 Purple-red rays of light greatly Sheng! 紫红色光芒大盛! In dazzling purple-red rays of light, intermittent strange wave min appears from his arm, these green energy vanish without the trace at this time completely, in the strange energy assimilation by his muscle, in energy with his muscle merged into one organic whole quickly, has become part of his body. 在刺目的紫红色光芒中,阵阵奇异的波玟从他手臂上显现出来,那些绿色能量此时全部消失无踪,被他肌肉中的诡异能量同化,很快和他肌肉中的能量融为一体,成了他身体的一部分。 The mutation ended slowly„” 异变缓缓结束”“” Purple-red rays of light is hidden quickly his arm, is only he originally normal skin color, then thoroughly has become the purple red. 很快地”紫红色光芒重新隐没他手臂,只是他原先正常的肤色,则彻底成了紫红色。 Mild purple-red halo, overflows mistily from that body, looks like this right hand arm, likely has become the purple-red beautiful jade, throughout is sending out the jade archery target halo. 温润的紫红色光晕,从那皮肉中蒙蒙流溢出来,看起来他这只右手臂,像是成了紫红色的美玉,始终散发着玉质的光晕。 Suddenly makes a fist, power that rushes extremely, wells up from his arm muscle fiercely crazily, collects in his palm instantaneously. 突然握拳,一股极为澎湃的力量,猛地从他手臂肌肉中狂涌而出,瞬间汇集在他掌心。 The Shi Yan complexion is firm and resolute, grins Hehe to smile, sudden fist bang to front. 石岩脸色坚毅,咧嘴嘿嘿一笑,突然一拳轰向前方。 A fan-shaped purple-red glare, the violent from his fist shoots! 一圈扇形的紫红色强光,从他拳头之中暴射出来! This glare, the air spreads the pa pa strange sound, the spread of glare in flying slowly, a while time, then has covered front that Fifth Level stone house. 这强光一出,空气传出啪啪的奇异声响,强光在飞逝之中缓缓扩散,一会儿功夫,便覆盖了前方的那一座五层石楼 An explosive, under the gaze of people, that height dozens meters blue stone building, shortly the avalanche, the quarry stone will flutter about loudly, ground mass disruption. 轰然一声爆响,在众人的注视下,那座高数十米的青石大楼,在顷刻间崩塌,乱石纷飞,石基碎裂。 Fan-shaped purple-red glare castrates does not reduce, with irresistible force is broken this stone house bang, hurricane , the successive breaks in two stone house, rays of light is dim, finally changes into the innumerable purple-red luminous spots, vanishes in void gradually. 扇形的紫红色强光去势不减,势如破竹的将这座石楼轰碎,一路狂飙,又连破两栋石楼之中,才光芒黯淡,最终化为无数紫红色光点,在虚空中渐渐消失。 The people are expression are all astonished, dull looks at he. 众人皆是神色惊异,呆呆的看着他。 Shi Yan smiled, slightly somewhat strenuous holding up becomes the even more heavy right hand, said lightly: Might is good.” 石岩笑了笑,略有些吃力的举起变得愈加沉重的右手,淡淡道:“威力还不错。” People wooden collection nod, in the heart exclaimed in surprise secretly. 众人木集点头,心中暗暗惊叹。 Is this far more than good? 这何止是不错? The fist shoots the rainbow light, including breaking three dozens meters high blue stone buildings, this might, who general Earth Realm Warrior can have? 拳射虹光,连破三座数十米高的青石大楼,这种威力,一般的地位武者谁能拥有? energy came from the right hand arm, without Essence Qi, depends on the arm is containing strange energy only, might that he creates, before is not inferior, explosive force that strikes fully! 能量来自于右手臂,在没有精元的情况下,单靠手臂之中蕴藏着的奇异能量,他所造成的威力,并不逊色以前全力一击的爆发力! So looks like, even if can never gather Essence Qi, he is not worse than others. 如此看来,即便是永远不能聚集精元,他未尝就比别人差。 To come, in the Shi Yan heart moves , the idea braves. 这么想来,石岩心中一动,又有一个主意冒出来。 Pours into my body your energy, my body can withstand many, transports many, I have a look whether can regard Essence Qi to use.” “将你的能量注入我身体,我身体能够承受多少,就输送多少,我看看是否可以当成精元来使用。” Shi Yan to Profound Ice Cold Flame communication. 石岩玄冰寒焰传讯 Yes.” Profound Ice Cold Flame returns to the news immediately. “明白。”玄冰寒焰立即回讯。 The next quarter, turbulent cold current, Blood Vein Ring that wears from the left hand of bone lou reorganization the class comes out suddenly! 下一刻,汹涌的寒流,霍然从骨髅重组的左手佩戴的血纹戒中流出来! The rivers and streams that the Profound Ice Cold Flame cold current, such as bursts a dike, pour into his body crazily. 玄冰寒焰的寒流,如决堤的江河,疯狂注入他身体。 By the body of Profound Ice Cold Flame transformation, can definitely adapt to these biting cold chill in the air. That cold current in[ body] in turbulent accumulation, quick sufficient summer his entire left hand arm. 玄冰寒焰改造的身体,完全可以适应这些彻骨的寒意。那寒流在〖体〗内汹涌聚集,很快充夏他整条左手臂。 His left hand arm ties the turn into ice frost, at once above the thick ice crystal covers, gang of woods cold biting cold cold intent, spreads quietly from his left hand arm. 他左手臂结成冰霜,旋即厚厚的冰晶覆盖其上,一股森寒彻骨的冷意,悄然从他左手臂中蔓延开来。 Under the gaze of people, Shi Yan grins to smile once more, suddenly has squatted, the left hand presses gently on the ground. 在众人的注视下,石岩再次咧嘴笑了笑,忽然蹲了下来,左手轻轻按在地上。 Earth instantaneous freezing, in sparkling stone white energy light waves, clears away from his left hand, takes his left hand as the source, a sparkling stone white light fog seepage earth, proceeds to extend in the Zhongyi Road of place bottom, the speed is strange. 大地瞬间冰冻,在一圈圈莹白色的能量光波,从他左手之中涤荡开来,以他左手为源点,一股莹白色的光雾渗透大地,在地底之中一路往前延伸出去,速度奇怪。 ka ka ka!” 咔咔咔!” The sparkling stone white light fog place visited, the earth has thick ice rock, ” a strip width five meters thick ice road rapidly formsalong with extending of that light fog and promotes, toward another direction fast spread in the past. 莹白色的光雾所过之处,大地结出厚厚的冰岩,随着那光雾的延伸”一条宽五米的厚厚冰路快速形成”并一路伸张,朝着另一个方向快速蔓延过去。 Bright flower grass, after that sparkling stone white light fog passed over gently and swiftlyturned into the ice sculpture accessory completely, one by one is covered by the thick ice crystal, such as exhibited in the fine cultural relic of museum. 一株株鲜艳的huā草,在那莹白色的光雾掠过之后”全部变成了冰雕饰品,一一被厚厚冰晶覆盖,如陈列在博物馆的精美文物。 Two three people of wealthy big trees, became in the flash Santa Claus night have made the snow and ice Christmas tree, thick ice rock covered the big tree, the leaf on big tree, was glittering and translucent carvinglikely is the beautiful crystal product. 就连两颗三人腰粗的大树,也在一瞬间成了圣诞老人夜里弄出来冰雪圣诞树,厚厚的冰岩覆盖住正棵大树,大树上的叶子,都晶莹剔透”像是美丽的水晶制品。 The light fog continues to proceed to extend, same dozens meters high blue stone building, was attacked immediately. 光雾继续往前延伸,同样一栋数十米高的青石大楼,立即受到侵袭。 The flash, entire stone house has become the sparkling stone white, was covered by the ice piece completely. 只是一瞬间,整座石楼都成了莹白色,全部被冰块覆盖。 People dumbstruck. 众人目瞪口呆 Shi Yan squatted on the ground, in the left hand the innumerable sparkling stone white cold currents such as lightning glow passed over gently and swiftly generally. 石岩蹲在地上,左手中无数条莹白色的寒流如电芒一般掠过。 He according to that left hand of ground, after withstanding huge Profound Ice Cold Flame cold energy, finally somewhat surpasses the load, the left hand palm skeleton transmits frozen stiff ka ka the resounding. 他按在地上的那只左手,在承受了庞大的玄冰寒焰寒力之后,终于有些超出负荷,左手手掌骨骼传来冻僵的咔咔脆响。 Then in this time, his left hand takes back, a right hand arm fiercely fist rumbles into underground. 便在此时,他左手收回,右手臂则是猛地一拳轰入地下。 Is centered on his earth the world that freezes disrupts suddenly! 以他脚下大地为中心,冰冻的世界突然碎裂! Earth disruptionseveral hundred flower grass change into everywhere shaved ice in clear icy light, two big trees will shortly explode broken, that ice sparkling stone stone house, crushes the innumerable ice pieces. 一块块大地碎裂”数百株huā草在晶莹的冰光之中化为漫天冰屑,两颗大树顷刻间爆碎,那座冰莹的石楼,也粉碎成无数冰块。 Comes fiercely, innumerably frozen thing before Shi Yan body, looks like the ice sculpture collapses, completely crushes. 猛地开来,在石岩身前的无数被冰冻的事物,就像是冰雕倒塌,彻底粉碎开来。 The biting cold chill in the air, spreads fiercely from this region. 彻骨的寒意,猛地从这这一块区域蔓延开来。 In the manor many bodyguard female servant cannot withstand, are separated by several hundred meters in tremblingalong with the seepage of here Cold Qi, these bodyguard servants are possibly quick must freeze to death. 庄园中许多侍卫女仆承受不住,相隔数百米都在瑟瑟发抖”随着这里寒气的渗透,那些侍卫奴仆可能很快就要被冻死。 Yi Tianmo and the others facial expression delayhave not gotten rid to rescue promptly. 奕天漠等人神情呆滞”没有及时出手解救。 The Shi Yan withdrawing right hand, responds at once suddenly that hurried once more and Profound Ice Cold Flame achieves the relation. 石岩抽回右手,旋即忽然反应过来,急忙再次和玄冰寒焰达成联系。 He regarding the utilization of cold energy, cannot achieve to take and put away as one desires, releases easily, wants to control to draw in is quite difficult, at this moment, he does not have the means to test, can only count on Profound Ice Cold Flame. 他对于寒力的运用,达不到收放随心,释放出来容易,想要控制收拢却极为困难,在这个时刻,他也没办法多实验,只能指望玄冰寒焰 Stems from the people to anticipate, in this moment, Ye Changfeng suddenly light shout: Hindrance!” 出乎众人意料,就在这个关头,夜长风突然轻喝一声:“阻!” The innumerable golden Fiery Flame cloud cluster, escape constantly from the Ye Changfeng body comes out one after another, is difficult to see the speed that by the naked eye, here circles in flight in all directions, forms a strange Fiery Flame aperture, covers completely nearby 300 meters regions, enabling that Profound Ice Cold Flame chill in the air to seep. 无数金色火炎云团,从夜长风身体之中接连不迭的飞逸出来,以肉眼难见的速度,在这里四处飞旋,形成一个奇异的火炎光圈,将附近300米区域全部笼罩住,让那玄冰寒焰的寒意不能渗透出去。 chi chi!” 嗤嗤!” cold energy that Profound Ice Cold Flame overflows, attacks in these golden Fiery Flame apertures, transmits the strange smog, is only a while, cold energy that these clear away, is consumed by the golden Fiery Flame aperture that Ye Changfeng releases. 玄冰寒焰流溢出去的寒力,冲击在那些金色火炎光圈上,传来奇异的烟雾,只是一会儿,那些涤荡开来的寒力,就被夜长风释放出来的金色火炎光圈消耗一空。 Shi Yan shouted the one breath gently, shouted a narrow squeak darkly, then flushed hurriedly, beyond several hundred meters a servant toward girls that dressed up plunders that girls to think must die without doubt, the elegant face full was panic-stricken, the look full was the mournful meaning, actually suddenly discovered that golden Fiery Flame emerged out of thin air, detained that terrifying cold current unexpectedly completely. 石岩轻轻呼了一口气,暗叫一声好险,然后急忙冲了出去,朝着数百米外一名仆人装扮的少女掠蒂那少女本来以为必死无疑,俏脸满是惊骇,眼神满是凄然之意,却突然发现一圈金色火炎凭空出现,竟将那恐怖的寒流全部拦阻。 Has not responded that she then sees the Shi Yan whole face to be anxious, horizontally clashes to come, in the heart spills over a strange sweet intent suddenly. 还未反应过来,她便见石岩满脸焦急,一路横冲而来,芳心中忽然泛出一股奇异的甜意。 He, he worries I, I move on own initiative, only wants by far looks at he , he there are my...... 他,他心里着急我呢,我主动调过来,只想远远看着他,他心里,还是有我的…… girls thinks secretly that on tender and delicate cheek, splits a satisfied smiling face, as if thought that formerly had no intention to kill by Shi Yan, was well satisfied. 少女暗暗想,娇嫩的脸蛋上,绽出一个满足的笑容,似乎觉得先前就算是被石岩无意杀死,也心满意足了。 Linda, how can you here?” Shi Yan one decides in her body advance party, the whole face was worried that said in a soft voice: „Are you all right?” 琳达,你怎么会在这里?”石岩咻的一下在她身前站定,满脸担心,轻声道:“你没事吧?” Long braid Miss smiles, in the eye full is joyful, I am the god surrounding disciple, this Sun Island guest are too many, I was then arranged, the short time serves the honored guest, I originally in transaction field, because knows you here, therefore...... Therefore my then request came to here.” 长辫子姑娘嫣然一笑,眼睛中满是欣喜,“我是神教外围弟子,这次日岛客人太多,我便被安排过来,短时间侍奉贵客,我本来在交易场的,因为知道你在这里,所以……所以我便要求来这里了。” The words arrived afterward, the Linda whole face blushed, was somewhat embarrassed. 话到后来,琳达满脸羞红,有些不好意思。 In the Shi Yan heart is moved, must say anything, actually hears the space to hear the terrifying incomparable rumbled sound. 石岩心中感动,才要说些什么,却听到天上传来恐怖无比的轰鸣声。 His subconscious gaining ground looks at the day, at once the complexion suddenly changes. 他下意识的抬头望天,旋即脸色猛然一变。 Sees only jet black such as in the thick dark clouds of black ink, suddenly presents a kilometer giant bone ship, that bone ship all over the body snow white, white, on the hull covers entirely fierce Bone Thorn, the bone ship floats in the thick dark clouds, slowly toward big date Saint light backdrop impact. 只见漆黑如墨的浓浓黑云之中,忽然出现一艘千米长的巨大骨船,那骨船通体雪白,白森森的,船体上布满狰狞的骨刺,骨船就浮在浓浓黑云之中,缓缓朝着大日圣光天幕冲击而来。 Above kilometer bone ship, person's shadow flickering, various appearance fierce fearful demon people, the look ice is cold, on the face full is the Bloodthirsty cruel expression, slightly the Holy Light Mountain summits under some excited looks at big date Saint light backdrops. 千米长的骨船之上,人影幢幢,各类长相狰狞的可怕魔人,眼神冰寒无情,脸上满是嗜血残忍的表情,略有些〖兴〗奋看着大日圣光天幕下的圣光山山巅。
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