GOS :: Volume #4

#337: Demon Yun Zhetian

Seven levels of Demonic Beast azure flood dragons batter beside Sun Island, exude to roar, must break in Sun Island anxiously. 七级妖兽青蛟在日岛之外横冲直撞,发出一声声吼叫,急着要冲入日岛 On azure flood dragon that person's shadow, is calling beside Sun Island together, as if in urging the person on Sun Island, is about to split barrier. 青蛟身上的那一道人影,在日岛之外吆喝着,似乎在催促日岛上的人,快些将结界裂开来。 The Sun Island surroundings, are surrounding strange barrier, has not been under the permission of Three God Church, cannot enter from outside world. 日岛的周围,环绕着奇异的结界,没有得到三神教的许可,是不能从外界进入的。 Even if Martial Spirit Palace Zhongli is obtuse, cannot violate this stipulation, he can only outside red huai, actually unable to enter. The sound of Zhongli Dun and that seven levels of Demonic Beast azure flood dragons, in many people the island was startled. 即便是武魂殿的钟离钝,也不能违反这个规定,他只能在外面绯徊,却迟迟不能进入。钟离钝和那七级妖兽青蛟的动静,将岛上许多人都惊到了。 Holy Light Mountain Cao Zhilan, Qing Ming and the others, saw the change of space, suddenly sky over focuses attention on, does not know that azure flood dragon is avoiding anything. 就连圣光山曹芷岚青冥等人,也看见了天上的变化,一时间纷纷瞩目上空,不知道那青蛟到底在躲避什么。 Grating roar, contains endless ominous to absorb aura, spreads extremely from the distant place. 一声刺耳的厉啸,蕴藏着无尽的凶摄气息,从极远处蔓延开来。 In that howl, said that around the island sea water likely has seethed with excitement, has raised many giant storms, the howl direct link will of the people, as if can tear the eardrum of person, in frail the thing smashing the person soul is ordinary. 在那啸声中,曰岛周围的海水都像是沸腾了,不由掀起了许多巨大的风浪,啸声直达人心,似乎能够撕裂人的耳膜,将人灵魂中脆弱的东西粉碎一般。 The Li Fu complexion changes, as if received any message, he lives in the entrance slightly stares, suddenly flying. 李福脸色一变,似乎收到了什么讯息,他在入口住只是微微一愣,突然飞天而起。 Li Fu is Sun Island greets one of the Outsider guiding, after obtaining Tang Yuannan summons, immediately flies to ascend the sky, the front surface arrives at the azure flood dragon the position, will hinder outside world barrier to split a slit hurriedly. 李福日岛迎接外来者的导引者之一,得到唐渊南传唤之后,马上飞上天,迎面来到青蛟的方位,急忙将阻碍外界结界裂开一条缝隙。 The azure flood dragon has been waiting for the opportunity, sees that crack to appear, is without hesitationimmediately infiltrated. 青蛟一直在等候时机,见那裂缝一显现出来,丝毫不迟疑”立即钻了进来。 Seven levels of Demonic Beast azure flood dragons, change into one bunch of radiant azure light, dodges to pass in that crack. 七级妖兽青蛟,化为一束璀璨的青光,在那裂缝之中一闪而逝。 Next quarter, this azure flood dragon then in the Sun Island sky revealed that ” that person's shadow above azure flood dragonhas stood in the azure flood dragon fiercely the body, has patted the azure flood dragon gently. 下一刻,这青蛟便在日岛的上空显露出来”青蛟之上的那道人影”猛地在青蛟上站直了身子,轻轻拍了拍青蛟。 This azure flood dragon howls, suddenly then arrives at Holy Light Mountain the place of summitto pace back and forth in the position of that summit, is shouting to peak place some people sounds. 这头青蛟呼啸起来,瞬息间便来到圣光山的山巅之处”在那山巅的方位徘徊,对着巅峰处的一些人大声嚷嚷起来。 In the Holy Light Mountain surroundings, is winding around other barrier, the azure flood dragon approaches that summit, actually cannot break through barrier, arrives above the summit directly. 圣光山的周围,缭绕着另外的结界,青蛟靠近那山巅,却不能冲破结界,直接到达山巅上方。 Fights the list first Zhongli to be obtuse, likely extremely urgent, at this time cannot keep in view the Three God Church custom unexpectedly, comes in that summit place directly, and toward is the Tang Yuannan sound yells likely. 战榜第一的钟离钝,像是极为的急迫,此时竟然顾不到三神教的规矩,直接在那山巅处现身,并朝着像是唐渊南的声音大声喊叫。 The Holy Light Mountain summit, that Tang Yuannan and other Three God Church audiences Expert, hear Zhongli Dun explanation, is with amazement, makes that azure flood dragon come in together with Zhongli likely extremely unexpectedly obtusely together. 圣光山的山巅,那唐渊南三神教的一众强者,听闻钟离钝的解释,像是极其骇然,竟然让那青蛟连同钟离钝一起进来。 Body that azure flood dragon that windsin a glare, drills into the Holy Light Mountain summit instantaneously, with coming to participate in various strong side accumulations of parliament in one. 青蛟那蜿蜒的身子”在一阵强光中,瞬间钻入圣光山的山巅,和前来参加议会的各方强者聚集在一块。 Holy Light Mountain at the foot of the hill, the people do not know that had anything, looks up the day, or looks at the direction that Zhongli is coming obtusely, looks to the Holy Light Mountain summit, in the heart does not think faintly wonderfully. 圣光山山脚下,众人都不知道发生了什么,一个个抬头看天,或是望着钟离钝过来的方向,或是看向圣光山的山巅,心中隐隐觉得不妙。 Also is grating roar, transmits from that Sun Island side far place, howl world-shaking. 又是一声刺耳的厉啸,从那日岛的极远之处传来,啸声惊天动地 A howl has initiated more howls, suddenlyputs in order now nearby Sun Island, the howl resounds through again and again, making that Sun Island surrounding sea water seethe with excitement, has raised the giant mighty waves. 一声啸声引发了更多的啸声,一时间”整今日岛附近,啸声连连响彻出来,令那日岛的外围海水沸腾不已,掀起了巨大的波涛。 Shi Yan and Yi Tianmo three people, must return to that manorsuddenly to discover so change, stopped fiercely. 石岩奕天漠三人,才要返回那一座庄园”忽然发现如此变化,又猛地停了下来。 Especially Shi Yan, is listening to grating roar sounds, in his look flashes through complex meaning unexpectedly. 尤其是石岩,听着一声声刺耳的厉啸声,他眼神中竟闪过一丝复杂的意味。 Master, what's the matter?” “主人,怎么回事?” Yi Tianmo noted the change of Shi Yan, has hesitated, in a soft voice inquired: What has discovered?” 奕天漠注意到了石岩的变化,迟疑了一下,不由轻声询问:“是不是发现了什么?” The Shi Yan complexion is strange, nodded, gently why does not know, I from that numerous howl, realized familiar aura......” 石岩脸色怪异,轻轻点了点头,“不知道为什么,我从那众多啸声之中,察觉到了熟悉的气息……” Yi Tianmo is astonished however, has gawked staring, does not know how a carriage return, Sun high raised, burning hot the light of Sun, shines the earth, will put in order Holy Light Mountain to shine shining. 奕天漠讶然,愣了愣,不知道怎么一回车不知不觉间,太阳已高高升起,炙热的太阳之光,普照大地,将整座圣光山照耀的金灿灿的。 In the island all Warrior, bathe completely in the shining solar halo, Shi Yan is no exception. 岛上所有武者,全部沐浴在金灿灿的太阳光晕之中,石岩也不例外。 Different with other people, under taking care of this sunlight, his clear feeling Stars Martial Spirit of heart, has had a suction, gathers that afterglow of one by one Sun, slowly guiding to his heart place. 和旁人不同,在这日光的照应之下,他清晰的感觉到心脏的星辰武魂,产生了一股吸力,将那太阳之余晖一一聚集起来,慢慢导引向他心脏处。 Beats the active heart, suddenly transmits one share warming up, this warming up initial is not intense, actually gradually more and more burning hot gets up. 跳动活跃的心脏,突然传来一股子温热,这种温热初始并不强烈,却渐渐越来越炙热起来。 Shi Yan facial expression stunned, is feeling the powerful beat of heart, feels the seepage of light of Sun, in the heart was deciding secretly, after arriving at the above parliamentary conclusion, must ascertain to that Tang Yuannan surely, having a look at this Stars Martial Spirit to have what mystery, so was why mysterious. 石岩神情愕然,感受着心脏的强有力的跳动,感受着太阳之光的渗透,心中暗暗决定,待到上方的议会结束之后,定要向那唐渊南问个清楚,看看这星辰武魂到底有何奥妙,为何如此神奇。 When he thinks secretly, suddenly, he discovered Stars Martial Spirit regarding the suction of strength of Sun, stopped instantaneously. 就在他暗暗去想的时候,突然间,他发现星辰武魂对于太阳之力的吸吮,瞬间停了下来。 In the heart some doubts, Shi Yan looks up the day, wants to have a look at that to be hanging is under Sun of vault of heaven in audiences head, why will become different. 心中有些疑惑,石岩不由抬头望天,想要看看那悬挂在众人头顶苍穹的太阳,为什么会变得不同了。 The terrified cry, transmits from the surroundings bystander mouth suddenly, many person face shocking looks at days, the look fluctuates again and again. 惶恐的叫声,忽然从周围围观者口中传来,许多人一脸震惊的看着天,眼神连连变幻。 Gains ground, the Shi Yan facial expression, in heart also suddenly is with amazement startled. 抬头,石岩神情骇然,心中也是骤然一惊。 Bunch pitch-black such as cloud cluster of black ink, does not know that flutters to come from where, in this while time, the light of Sun void will then hang blocks from unexpectedly. 一团团乌黑如墨的云团,不知道从何处飘荡而来,竟在这一会儿功夫,便将虚空高悬的太阳之光遮住。 These pitch-black cloud clusters, bunches, cover heaven and earth, covered up all brights quickly. 那些乌黑的云团,一簇簇的,遮天盖地,很快将所有亮光遮掩了。 Bathes Holy Light Mountain in the sunlight. The Saint light is not , the entire islands, start to be dim gradually. 沐浴在太阳光中圣光山。圣光不在,整座岛屿,渐渐开始昏暗下来。 The mutation comes not any omen, when the people realize is improper, that Sun vanished, is covering in the audiences head top, is only bunches of the black cloud clusters of rich not being able to melt. 异变来的没有任何的预兆,等众人察觉到不妥时,那太阳已消失,在众人头顶笼罩着的,只是一簇簇浓郁的化不开的黑色云团。 Ringing the clear sky, instantaneously has been becoming a darkness, Sun Island from the daytime, entered the dark night all of a sudden. 朗朗晴空,在瞬间成了一片黑暗,日岛从白天,一下子进入了黑夜。 In the dark ray, around Sun Island often transmits appalling roaring, as if not know that many ominous severe biogenic accumulation, will put in order Sun Island surrounding. 在幽暗的光线中,日岛周围不时传来一声声让人毛骨悚然的吼叫,仿佛不知有多少凶厉的生物聚集起来,将整座日岛给包围起来了。 In the island many Warrior, are concerned, is calling, wants on that Holy Light Mountain summit. 岛上许多的武者,心生惶恐,一个个吆喝着,要上那圣光山山巅去。 Expert of all influence, gathers at the Holy Light Mountain summit at this time completely, the present Holy Light Mountain summit master converges, if Sun Island if really has any mutation, there without doubt is safest. 各方势力的强者,此时全部聚集在圣光山的山巅,如今的圣光山山巅高手云集,如果日岛真要是有什么异变,那里无疑是最为安全的。 Does not have the responsibility golden color written invitation, anybody can not mount Holy Light Mountain!” “没责金色请帖,任何人不得登上圣光山!” When does not know gets up, Li Fu leads to the Holy Light Mountain summit the entrance to stand firm in that once more, was screaming loudly: Everybody each one returns to the rest the first place, on this day on strangeness, we quickly to them an explanation, everybody do not worry.” 不知何时起,李福再次在那通往圣光山山顶的入口处站定,大声尖叫着:“大家各自先返回休息的地方,这天上的怪异,我们很快会给他们一个说明,大家不要着急。” However, Warrior that surrounds as if not show respect for somebody's ability, in heart huge scared, many person Bei Po the hindrance of Li Fu, dashed about wildly to go toward the summit along that track directly. 然而,围观的武者似乎并不买账,在心中的巨大恐慌下,许多人卑破了李福的阻碍,沿着那小道直接往山顶狂奔而去。 Li Fu and Three God Church some Warrior have called a while, sees the people to ignore, wants to get rid, the discovery was actually submerged by the crowd, putting out Transmission Stone that can only be sweating profusely, asked for instructions anything to that Tang Yuannan. 李福三神教的一些武者吆喝了一会儿,见众人不理不睬,想要出手,却发现已被人群淹没,只能满头大汗的拿出音石,向那唐渊南请示什么。 The Shi Yan knitting the brows head, in the heart also flood one share unclear premonition, coldly looked at the summit place to flash before the fuzzy sound once for a while, has hesitated, he courageously said: First goes back, at the maximum speed!” 石岩皱了皱眉头,心中也泛起一股子不详的预感,冷冷看了看山巅处时不时闪现一下的模糊声音,沉吟了一下,他当机立断道:“先回去,以最快的速度!” Yi Tianmo without demur, puts out a hand to grasp to his arm, at once suddenly flies. 奕天漠二话不说,伸手抓向他臂膀,旋即突然飞起。 Ya Meng and Ka Ba also realized that the strangeness of situation, had not asked one, followed, flies rapidly toward that manor. 轧猛卡巴也察觉到了事态的诡异,没有多问一句,也跟了上来,迅速朝着那座庄园飞去。 Manor car(riage) Xia Shenchuan and Xia Xinyan they, realized that the strange variation of space, Xia Shenchuan just using Transmission Stone, had exchanged with that Xia Family some people at this time, must rest, resumes the mental consciousness, actually fiercely discovered that daytime suddenly turned into the dark night. 庄园车夏神川夏心妍两人,也察觉到天上的诡异变异,这时候夏神川才刚刚利用音石,和那夏家的一些人交流过,才要休息一下,恢复一下精神意识,却猛地发现白天突然变成了黑夜。 Without any omen. 没有任何的预兆。 Under the huge doubts, Xia Shenchuan and Xia Xinyan arrived at outside the room, raises hand to look at the day in the developing martial stage in manor. 在巨大的疑惑下,夏神川夏心妍来到了房外,在庄园的演武场中扬手望天。 Ye Changfeng and Lin Yaqi they, is expression is astonished, appeared unexpectedly here, the change of dull looks at space. 夜长风林雅琪两人,也是神色惊异,竟已经出现在这里,呆呆的看着天上的变化。 What had?” After Xia Shenchuan comes, shot a look at Ye Changfeng one, but also calculates in calm asking. “发生了什么?”夏神川过来之后,瞥了夜长风一眼,还算在镇定的问道。 Temporarily has not known.” Ye Changfeng shook the head, facial expression rare is dignified, has many Demonic Beast to gather, in addition, in the demon cloud was rich on that day, perhaps the Devil Territory demon person also made use, now Sun Island has been layer on layer sphered, does not know how Demonic Beast and demon person will arrive together, really made the person not dare to believe.” “暂时还不知道。”夜长风摇了摇头,神情难得的凝重起来,“有很多妖兽聚集过来,除此之外,那天上魔云浓郁,说不定魔域的魔人也趁势过来了,现在日岛已被重重围住,不知道妖兽和魔人怎会走到一块儿的,真是让人不敢置信。” Made the person palpitation howling, resounded through beside Sun Island, the roar was deafening, prolonged, was popular to be tired of intent to be dry noisyly. 一声声令人心悸的吼叫声,在日岛之外响彻开来,吼声震耳欲聋,经久不息,吵得人心烦意燥。 When the Xia Shenchuan complexion is startled changes, Yi Tianmo is bringing Shi Yan, suddenly returns. 夏神川脸色惊变的时候,奕天漠带着石岩,突然返回。 Well!” Ye Changfeng stares, strange say|way: Parliament that you do not participate in that summit? Why such quickly returned? You from that summit, understood what news?” “咦!”夜长风一愣,奇怪道:“你不是参加那山巅的议会了么?为什么这么快就返回了?你是不是从那山巅,知道了什么消息?” Shi Yan shakes the head, after waiting for Yi Tianmo to put down him, knits the brows: Temporarily has not known had anything, the looks at stance, some people regarding the intent of extinguishing killing Sun Island all formidable Warrior gave birth, clear(ly) clearly know this parliament came many God Realm Expert, dares to surround Sun Island unexpectedly, the opposite party came prepared obviously, perhaps really had can the collection of all Warrior extinguishing kills the island in 石岩摇头,等奕天漠将他放下之后,皱眉道:“暂时还不知道发生了什么,看着架势,有人对于日岛所有强大武者生出的灭杀之意,明明知道这次议会来了不少神境强者,竟然还敢将日岛包围,对方显然有备而来,说不定真的有将岛上所有武者灭杀的能集” Such remarks, nodded of Ye Changfeng approval, said: Has the possibility very much.” 此言一出,夜长风赞同的点了点头,道:“很有可能。” Everybody should not be separated, watches changes quietly, once discovered that in the island the bad risk, I and others immediately evacuated Sun Island.” Shi Yan has hesitated, suddenly calm free say|way. “大家不要分开,静观其变,一旦发现岛上凶险,我等立即撤离日岛。”石岩沉吟了一下,忽然冷静自如道。 Xia Shenchuan and Xia Xinyan secret nod, relaxed slightly. 夏神川夏心妍暗暗点头,微微松了一口气。 The Yi Tianmo three people are God Realm Warrior, has these three people in the side, everybody thought that is also feels at ease, if really this islands have the irresistible fight, is led breakthrough by the Yi Tianmo three people, the opportunity that they exit safely will be larger compared with many people. 奕天漠三人都是神境武者,有这三人在身旁,大家觉得还算是心安,真要是这座岛屿发生不可抵挡的战斗,由奕天漠三人率领突破,他们平安出去的机会将比很多人要大的多。 Thinks that the eye looks at space mutation occurrence, several people appeared are too not worried. 这么一想,眼看着天上异变发生,几人也显得不太担心了。 Shi Yan these words said that suddenly sat on the ground, clenched teeth secretly, placed the ground that right hand, the look slightly changed. 石岩这番话讲完,忽然在地上坐下来,暗暗咬牙,将那右手放在地上,眼神微微变了变。 The people cannot bear stare to look. 众人忍不住凝视去望。 Sees only that right hand arm of Shi Yan, why does not know the reason, crawled unexpectedly completely the green spooky silk thread, these thread initially looked probably in the skin surface, under examined carefully, discovered these strange green silk threads, unexpectedly in Shi Yan right hand body, and was still moving in slowly huo. 只见石岩的那一只右手臂,不知因何原因,竟爬满了绿幽幽的丝线,那些细线初看好像是在皮肤表面,细看之下,才发现那些奇异的绿色丝线,居然都在石岩右手皮肉之中,并且还在缓缓蠖动着。 looks at, this right hand arm, as if crawled completely some careful earthworm, along with the activity of silk thread, looked like gives people unexpectedly a feeling of creepy feeling. 一眼看着,他这一条右手臂,仿佛爬满了某种细细的蚯蚓,随着丝线的活动,看起来竟给人一种头皮发麻的感觉。
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