GOS :: Volume #4

#336: Disregarding all consequences

Shi Yan goes ahead, not to the opportunity that the person argued, such old route returned. Goes toward that at the foot of the hill. 石岩说走就走,没有给人辩解的机会,就这么原路返回。往那山脚下而去。 The Tang Yuannan complexion sinks, coldly looked at Qing Ming three people of one, said lightly: I think that three had troublesome.” 唐渊南脸色一沉,冷冷看了青冥三人一眼,淡淡道:“我想三位有麻烦了。” Qing Ming, days later and De Huang three people neglect one, the knitting the brows head, does not have slightly was extremely worried that thinks the Yi Tianmo three people, although fierce, but according to their God Realm cultivation base, in addition Corpse God Church Corpse King, poured not necessarily has also feared Shi Yan and the others. 青冥天后地皇三人忽视一眼,微微皱了皱眉头,却也并没太过担心,觉得奕天漠三人虽然厉害,但依他们三人神境修为,再加上尸神教尸王,倒也不见得就怕了石岩等人。 The Cao Zhilan black eyebrows deep lock, in the heart sighed in a soft voice, said to that Yin-Yang Fairyland days later: „ Incense stick maternal aunt, with the Shi Yan mutual hatred, is really the non- wisdom. 曹芷岚黛眉深锁,心中轻声一叹,对那阴阳洞天天后道:“香姨,和石岩交恶,实属不智。 The days later Fan Xiangyun hear Yanmei pupil of Yin-Yang Fairyland moves, the brow tip flutters, smiling looks to Cao Zhilan, „, the small basket, why will you say?” 阴阳洞天天后梵香云闻言美眸一动,眉梢轻扬,笑盈盈的看向曹芷岚,“,小篮子,为什么你会这么说?” Yin-Yang Fairyland and Cao Family, in the Tuta sea area, powerful of Cao Family influence in the Tuta sea area, surpass other three. 阴阳洞天曹家,都在图塔海域,在图塔海域中曹家势力之强悍,远超其余三家。 Cao Zhilan looked like Boy to be ordinary in childhood, the disposition is too wild, Cao Qiudao sees her not like the girl, Venerable escorts to Tianxie Fairyland her, was taught by days later Fan Xiangyun after a period of time. 曹芷岚小时候像男孩子一般,脾性太野,曹秋道见她不像女孩,尊将她送往天邪洞天,由天后梵香云教导过一段时间。 Therefore, she and relations of days later Fan Xiangyun, are quite actually close, Fan Xiangyun is considered as on her half master. 因此,她和天后梵香云的关系,其实颇为亲密,梵香云算得上她半个师傅。 Also is so, in childhood Fan Xiangyun has then called her for the small basket, when she has grown up, Fan Xiangyun so has also yelled, the sentiment of obvious two world is great. 也是如此,小时候梵香云便一直称呼她为小篮子,等她长大了,梵香云也一直这般喊叫,可见两人间的感情不浅。 Incense stick maternal aunt, Shi Yan this fellow is very crazy, matter that he said that definitely will do.” Cao Zhilan forced smile, „, although his Essence Qi cannot meet again, but these alien race people, as if as before quite respect to him, if so, you offend him, feared that will annoy the counter-attack of alien race person.” “香姨,石岩这家伙很疯狂,他说出来的事情,肯定会去做。”曹芷岚苦笑,“虽然他一身精元不能重聚了,可那些异族人,似乎依旧对他颇为敬重,若是这样,你们得罪他,怕是会惹来异族人的反击。” Also my three people collaborates on three alien race people, even if is slightly more inferior, in addition Qing Ming Corpse Kingshould not be worse than their strength. ” Fan Xiangyun is somewhat strange, that pair lets the person mind dazzling beautiful pupil, flows out the innumerable small obscure rays, her corners of the mouth raise, said with a smile: What's wrong, not incense stick maternal aunt's strength?” “也就三名异族人”我三人联手,就算是略略逊色一些,加上青冥尸王”应该并不比他们实力差。”梵香云有些奇怪,那双让人心神炫目的美眸,流出无数微小的暗光,她嘴角扬起,微笑道:“怎么,不相信香姨的实力?” Cao Zhilan shakes the head, sighed: This is not their true strengths these three alien race people, is only half power. In that Snow Dragon Island, two more fearful alien race people, the two, add more formidabe than these three people. Five God Realm Expert collaborate, you said that you also do have odds of suc­cess? Let alone, you may face the invasion of demon person. ” 曹芷岚摇头,叹道:“这并不是他们的真正实力”这三名异族人,只是一半力量。在那雪龙岛,还有两个更加可怕的异族人,那两人,比这三人加起来都要难对付。五名神境强者联手,你说你们是否还有胜算?更何况,你们可能还要面对魔人的入侵。” Qing Ming, days later and De Huang these three God Realm masters, to a Cao Zhilan such saying, finally changed the complexion. 青冥天后地皇这三名神境高手,给曹芷岚这么一说,终于变了脸色。 The Tang Yuannan eye flashes through a bright suddenly, he has sized up Cao Zhilan secretly, nodded, said gently: This is also place that I am worried about that five alien race people because of the relations of Shi Yan, honest law-abiding, if the alien race person of that five God Realm ranks, spear point to approaching demon person, but together to you, that consequence...... Simply inconceivable! ” 唐渊南眼睛骤然闪过一道亮光,他暗暗打量了一下曹芷岚,轻轻点了点头,道:“这也是我担心的地方”那五名异族人因为石岩的关系,才老实安分,如果那五名神境级别的异族人,不将矛头对向魔人,而是一起对向你们,那后果……简直不堪设想!” „Didn't you early say?” The Qing Ming sound is quietin heart annoying, concealment of dark strange Tang Yuannan. “你怎么不早说?”青冥声音幽冷”心中懊恼不已,暗怪唐渊南的隐瞒。 I in reminding you, but you are too not willing to listen probably, you to the Shi Yan body[ body] in the Heavenly Flame interest, has surpassed to his dreading, I am also helpless.” Tang Yuannan is helpless, shook the head, sighs: I pass to urge, hopes that he can listen my, if he does not listen my, your three tried to find the solution on oneself.” “我一直在提醒你,可你好像不太愿意听,你对石岩身〖体〗内天火的兴趣,已超过了对他的忌惮,我也无奈。”唐渊南无奈,摇了摇头,叹息道:“我过去劝一劝,希望他能听我的,要是他不听我的,你们三个就自己想办法了。” The words, Tang Yuannan silhouette slowly twists the change, slowly vanishes under the people gaze does not see. 话罢,唐渊南身影又缓缓扭曲变化,就在众人注视下慢慢消失不见。 Before a next external Shi Yan body, the air transmits a pa pa straight sound, in this strange sound, Tang Yuannan braves quickly. 下一外在石岩身前,空气传来一阵啪啪直响,在这股诡异的响声中,唐渊南倏地冒出来。 Shi Yan, calm.” The Tang Yuannan forced smile, keeps off before the Shi Yan body, said: In the Qing Ming body has Heavenly Flame, is so, he has had the greedy idea to you, but I want to pass through this, he should not dare to act unreasonably. Now the demon person threatens the close at hand, if you act unreasonably, this Endless Sea seriously extremely bad risk, if really stirs up all influence violent anger, collaborates to cope with you, I think that you cannot endure.” 石岩,冷静一下。”唐渊南苦笑,挡在石岩身前,道:“青冥身体中拥有天火,正是如此,他才对你一直有着贪婪的想法,但我想经过这一遭,他应该再也不敢乱来了。如今魔人威胁近在眼前,你若是乱来下去,这无尽海当真会极为凶险,真要是惹得各方势力暴怒,联手要对付你们,我想你们也吃不消。” Shi Yan is silent, not, because the persuasion of Tang Yuannan changes an attitude. 石岩沉默不语,没有因为唐渊南的劝说回心转意。 Result that your this procedure, eventually causes, will be the same with the Yang Family present condition.” Tang Yuannan hesitant, said: Antagonizes people in all directions, to be finally then deserted by friends and allies, becomes is the target of public criticism, even if your influence is abundant, but cannot with the entire Endless Sea influence be the enemy, let alone Cao Family and Martial Spirit Palace are also fearful, these two if collaborates, you also only then a rout road.” “你这种做法,最终导致的结果,会和杨家如今的状况一样。”唐渊南犹豫了一下,又道:“四处树敌,到最后便会众叛亲离,成为众矢之的,就算是你们势力雄厚,但也不能和整个无尽海的势力为敌,更何况曹家武魂殿也非常可怕,这两方要是联手,你们也只有溃败一条路。” Cao Family and Martial Spirit Palace influence, strong?” Shi Yan is no longer silent, sinking sound track. 曹家武魂殿的势力,到底有多强?”石岩不再沉默,沉声道。 Cao Qiudao and Yang Yitian, if gets rid fully, does not give a thought to the heavy losses of body, they should be able to execute God Realm Second Sky Warrior, this astonishing power does not know from where, but Yang Qingdi also has, Cao Qiudao, Yang Yitian and Yang Qingdi three people, have to jump the ranks terrifying power of murder, why this is also Martial Spirit Palace, Cao Family and Yang Family is the real cause that Endless Sea ranks the first three influences.” Tang Yuannan said after a sigh. 曹秋道阳翼天,若是全力出手,不顾身体的重创,他们应该能够格杀神境二重天武者,这种惊人的力量不知道来自于何处,但杨青帝也拥有,曹秋道阳翼天杨青帝三人,拥有越级杀人的恐怖力量,这也是为什么武魂殿曹家杨家无尽海排名前三势力的真正原因。”唐渊南感叹道。 In Shi Yan heart one cold, slightly changed the complexion. 石岩心中一凛,微微变了脸色。 Do not impulse, this Endless Sea you imagine is more complex, that Qing Ming, days later and De Huang three people, perhaps are not your matches, but you if really acts unreasonably in the Tuta sea area, I think that Cao Family will not sit by and do nothing.” A Tang Yuannan face is honest, in the Tuta sea area, Yin-Yang Fairyland, Corpse God Church and Desolate Barbarian Church, and Cao Family communication is close, can say that Cao Qiudao is the Yuanluo Sea Area genuine overlord, if you in the Tuta sea area to Yin-Yang Fairyland and Corpse God Church under. Cao Family decides however will not sit by and do nothing.” “别冲动,这无尽海比你想象中的要复杂,那青冥天后地皇三人,或许不是你们的对手,可你真要是在图塔海域乱来,我想曹家不会坐视不管。”唐渊南一脸坦诚,“在图塔海域,阴阳洞天尸神教荒蛮教,都和曹家来往密切,可以说曹秋道垣罗海域的真正霸主,你要是在图塔海域对阴阳洞天尸神教下子。曹家定然不会坐视不管。” Shi Yan deeply frowns, partly makes a sound nods saying: i got it, I can no matter temporarily bothering of this Endless Sea, when the confrontation of Endless Sea all parties influence and demon person, I have come to see again, has a look at that Cao Qiudao whether can lives by luck in the hand of Devil Emperor and yama.” 石岩深深皱着眉头,半响才点头道:“我知道了,我可以暂时不管这无尽海的烦扰,等无尽海各方势力和魔人的交锋过了,我再来看看,看看那曹秋道是否能够在魔帝和冥王的手中侥幸活下来。” Devil Emperor? Yamas?” 魔帝?冥王?” Tang Yuannan shook the head, said with a smile: Is impossible, deep person cannot breakthrough Gate of Heaven, that Gate of Heaven be unidirectional, Gate of Heaven to Seven-Layered Underworld in our Three God Church hand, this point I am clearest.” 唐渊南摇了摇头,微笑道:“不可能的,冥人不能突破天门,那天门乃单向的,通往七重冥界天门在我们三神教手中,这一点我最为清楚。” , Tang Yuannan also said: Devil Emperor impossible Gate of Heaven that grasps from your Yang Family to come out, that Gate of Heaven regarding Expert of his rank, should have the strength of limit, otherwise for these years, Devil Emperor possibly bones of the dead Body Clone did not come in Endless Sea, their main bodies, by the restraint of that Gate of Heaven, cannot enter into.” 顿了一下,唐渊南又道:“魔帝也不可能从你们杨家掌握的天门之中出来,那天门对于他那种级别的强者,应该有着限制之力,要不然这么多年来,魔帝不可能只是已白骨法身无尽海现身,他们的本体,受那天门的约束,根本不能迈入。” It seems like you have not known condition.” Shi Yan sigh. “看来你们还不知道状况。”石岩叹息。 What friend condition?” Tang Yuannan whole face surprise. “什友状况?”唐渊南满脸诧异。 In several hundred years ago, the demon person and deep person collaborated to cooperate, between Fourth Devil Area and Seven-Layered Underworld, should make a connection, how long could not want, that Seven-Layered Underworld deep person will enter Devil Territory, once these two terrifying races collaborated, by tens of millions corpses and soul precise to become Shihun bridge, then can connect this, by the strength of tens of millions lives, repaired the space node is unstable, enabling Devil Emperor and yama true body to arrive at Endless Sea.” Shi Yan cold voice said. “早在数百年前,魔人和冥人已经联手合作,第四魔域七重冥界之间,应该已经打通了,要不了多久,那七重冥界的冥人就会进入魔域,这两个恐怖的种族一旦联手,以数千万尸首、魂魄凝炼成尸魂桥,便可以连通这一界,以数千万生灵之力,修复空间节点的不稳定,让魔帝、冥王可以真身降临无尽海。”石岩冷声道。 The Tang Yuannan body trembles fiercely, a face does not dare to believe the well to look to Shi Yan, „does your this news come from where?” 唐渊南身躯猛地一颤,一脸不敢置信井看向石岩,“你这消息来自于何处?” My Heavenly Flame.” The Shi Yan knitting the brows head, it knows that some remote hidden secret, know the ancient history, according to its view, the deep person and demon person should construct the corpse soul bridge, perhaps the corpse soul bridge soon succeeded has also been able to know, the demon person invaded Jialuo Sea Area, has not continued to cope with you immediately, wants to come then to slaughter in Jialuo Sea Area, with the strength of Jialuo Sea Area several million life, concentrates corpse refinement soul bridge.” “我的天火。”石岩皱了皱眉头,“它知道一些久远的秘辛,知道古老的历史,按照它的说法,冥人与魔人应该已经构造尸魂桥,或许尸魂桥快要成功了也未可知,魔人入侵伽罗海域,并没有马上继续对付你们,想来便是在伽罗海域大开杀戒,用伽罗海域数百万生灵之力,来凝炼尸魂桥。” , Shi Yan sighed: Present Jialuo Sea Area, feared that is already life extinguish, all islands have become the dead island, the Jialuo Sea Area tragic situation, should appear in your Yuanluo Sea Area quickly, how long possibly could not want, this Yuanluo Sea Area also met life extinguish.” 顿了一下,石岩叹息道:“现在的伽罗海域,怕是已生灵涂炭,所有的岛屿都成了死岛了,伽罗海域的惨况,应该很快出现在你们垣罗海域,可能要不了多久,这垣罗海域也会生灵涂炭。” The Tang Yuannan complexion somewhat is slightly pale. 唐渊南脸色略有些苍白。 At this time, I thought that all your parties had not realized as before the gravity of matter, has own planning, to be honest, I do not favor you to exceed the demon person, therefore, I think that I should avoid temporarily, evolving of indifferent looks at situation.” Shi Yan heartless smiling, evades Tang Yuannan at once , to continue downward to go toward the mountain. “在这个时候,我看你们各方依旧没有认识到事情的严重性,一个个都有着自己的算计,老实说,我不看好你们能够胜过魔人,所以,我想我应该暂时避开来,冷眼看着事态的衍变。”石岩无情的笑了笑,旋即避过唐渊南,继续往山下行去。 The Yi Tianmo three people follow indifferently. 奕天漠三人漠然跟上。 Tang Yuannan somewhat absent-minded, there eyes rays of light glittering, as if rapidly is pondering anything. 唐渊南有些失神,愣在那儿双眸光芒闪烁,似乎在急速思考着什么。 Half sound, he disappears suddenly once more, the regions falls on that Qing Ming and the others again decides, to Qing Ming and other humanity: On the summit, I had important matter saying that this matter had a bearing on the entire Endless Sea life or death.” 半响,他突然再次消失,重新在那青冥等人的区域落定,对青冥等人道:“上山巅,我有要事说,此事关系整个无尽海的存亡。” Qing Ming and the others were startled, but also wants to ask again, discovered that Tang Yuannan vanishes to disappear. 青冥等人吃了一惊,还想再问的时候,发现唐渊南又消失不见了。 Qing Ming, days later, De Huang, Cao Zhilan and Man Gu some people look at each other in blank dismay, does not know that Tang Yuannan was why terrified, has gawked, these people were also hurried toward the summit line go. 青冥天后地皇曹芷岚蛮古一干人面面相觑,不知道那唐渊南因何而惶恐,愣了一下,这些人也急忙朝着山巅行去。 Young Master Yan, are you?” At the foot of the hill, that Li Fu looks at Shi Yan, the expression is strange: „Do please descend the mountain by Cult Master?” 岩少爷,你这是?”山脚下,那李福愣愣地看着石岩,表情古怪:“你难道是被教主请下山了?” At the foot of the hill crowd hears sound of the clamoring. 山脚下人群传来一片喧哗之声。 Many bystanders take pleasure in others'misfortunes, thinking Shi Yan should be caught up by Three God Church, because of Yi Tianmo three people of climbing mountains, has violated the Three God Church custom. 许多围观者不由幸灾乐祸起来,觉得石岩应该是被三神教赶下来了,因为奕天漠三人的上山,违反了三神教的规矩。 In the crowd, Gu Linglong is secret, the small mouth was holding sneering well, the mood all of a sudden. 人群中,古玲珑暗暗快意,小嘴噙着冷笑,心情一下子好了起来。 Qu Yanqing eye pupil somewhat is actually astonished, as if has not expected Shi Yan to descend the mountain suddenly, in heart secret surprised guess, does not know that on the mountain had anything. 倒是瞿砚晴眼眸有些惊异,似乎也没有料到石岩会突然下山,心中暗暗惊奇猜测,不知道山上发生了什么。 Shi Yan looked that does not look at these people, the facial expression indifferently, returns to louse toward the old route directly „, Zhongli Dun!” 石岩看也不看那些人,神情漠然,径直往原路返虱“咦,钟离钝!” „, Zhongli Dunlai?” “啊,钟离钝来了?” „Did Martial Spirit Palace also come the person unexpectedly?” 武魂殿竟然也来人了?” „......” “……” In the crowd hears the sound of clamoring suddenly, the people look up the day, a azure flood dragon that the looks at space presents, that azure flood dragon length of body about 50 meters, the body is covering the green scales, dragon's head is gigantic, dragon eye flood the ice cold cold light, in that azure flood dragon neck, tall silhouette is sitting well together, the appearance is fuzzy. 人群中突然传来喧哗之声,众人一个个抬头看天,看着天上出现的一头青蛟,那青蛟体长50米左右,身上覆盖着青色鳞甲,龙首硕大,龙目泛着冰寒的冷光,在那青蛟颈部,一道颀长的身影端坐着,模样模糊。 Under the gaze of people, sees only that azure flood dragon to sway from side to side the giant body repeatedly, turns head to gaze at the behind sound, in the dragon eye is flashing through startled expression. 在众人的注视下,只见那青蛟频频扭动着巨大的身子,回头注视着身后的动静,龙眼中闪过一种惊慌的神色 This azure flood dragon, seems avoiding the pursuit of any person. 这青蛟,似乎在躲避什么人的追击。 Grating roar, transmits after that azure flood dragon, seven levels of Demonic Beast azure flood dragon that huge bodies, tremble unexpectedly slightly, more anxious wants to enter Sun Island. 一声刺耳的厉啸,在那青蛟之后传来,七级妖兽青蛟那庞大的身子,居然微微一颤,更加急切的想要进入日岛 Well!” “咦!” The Shi Yan facial expression moves, the complexion somewhat strange looks at day, realizes any strange aura likely. 石岩神情一动,脸色有些怪异的看着天,像是察觉到什么古怪的气息
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