GOS :: Volume #4

#335: Naked threat

Holy Light Mountain, at the foot of the hill. 圣光山,山脚下。 The Yi Tianmo three people of statures shake slightly, a chill in the air spreads suddenly, covers entire the entrance to Holy Mountain instantaneously. 奕天漠三人身躯微微一震,一股寒意忽然蔓延开来,瞬间笼罩住整个通往圣山的入口。 Surroundings numerous surrounding Warrior, terrified one startled, gives way to traffic in abundance, leaves that Yi Tianmo three people distantly. 周围众多围观的武者,悚然一惊,纷纷避让开来,一个个离那奕天漠三人远远的。 In the people panic-stricken vision, the Yi Tianmo three people open the eye suddenly, the look cloudy severe Ruxue frost, stands quickly, must enter toward that entrance. 在众人惊骇的目光中,奕天漠三人突然张开眼,眼神阴厉如雪霜,倏地站起来,就要朝着那入口处进入。 Stops up in front Li Fu, the smiling face on face stagnates, the hurried hollow laugh is preventing: Sorry, not having the written invitation unable to enter.” 堵在前方的李福,脸上的笑容一滞,急忙干笑着起来阻挡:“抱歉,没有请帖不能进入。” The Yi Tianmo three people did not say a word, has not been serious Li Fu, directly broke the rule, changed into three bunches of lightning, rushed instantaneously. 奕天漠三人一言不发,也没有将李福当一回事,直接破坏规矩,化为三束电光,瞬间冲了上去。 The Li Fu complexion big change, wants to stop, actually discovered that the Yi Tianmo three people vanished without the trace, takes out together Transmission Stone hurriedly, information tramsmit that hurries Yi Tianmo three people of climbing mountains. 李福脸色大变,想要阻拦,却发现奕天漠三人已消失无踪,急忙取出一块音石,慌忙将奕天漠三人上山的消息传递出去。 silhouette that surrounding bystander, facial expression stunned, dull looks at Yi Tianmo three people of disappearances, looks at that Li Fu anxious communication, whoops suddenly. 周围的围观者,一个个神情愕然,呆呆的看着奕天漠三人消失的身影,看着李福焦急的传讯,突然议论纷纷。 They have not expected the Yi Tianmo three people to violate the Three God Church custom unexpectedly, in others domains, but also dares to act unreasonably. 他们没有料到奕天漠三人竟然违反了三神教的规矩,在人家的地盘,还敢乱来。 Suddenly, the people criticize, accuse the Yang Family person to be really arrogant, including in others domains, dares so to break the rule. 一时间,众人纷纷暗骂,指责杨家人果然飞扬跋扈,连在人家的地盘,都敢这般破坏规矩。 Mountainside. 山腰。 In a thorough mountain side cavern, Shi Yan expression is calm, eyes ice cold looks at that Qing Ming, is guarding secretly. 一个深入山腹的洞穴中,石岩神色冷静,双眸冰寒的看着青冥,暗暗提防着。 Qing Ming is somewhat helpless, under the threat of that Nine Serenity Soul Devouring Flame, strenuousness that somewhat he resists, helpless calls out to that Tang Yuannan, wants that Tang Yuannan to get rid to prevent. 青冥有些手足无措,在那九幽噬魂焰的威胁下,他抵御的有些吃力,无奈的冲那唐渊南暴喝,要那唐渊南出手阻止。 ” The endocrater that Tang Yuannan stunned slightly somewhat amazed looks at thoroughly bottom ten meters Shi Yan, looks at Shi Yan creates, hesitatedto smile bitterly saying: Shi Yan, received that Heavenly Flame, otherwise we were not good to do.” 唐渊南愕然”略有些惊诧的看着深入地底十米的石岩,看着石岩造成的巨坑,沉吟了一下”才苦笑道:“石岩,把那天火收了吧,不然我们不好做。” Speech time, Tang Yuannan looked at one toward Qing Ming behind quietly, simultaneously spreads a wisp of thought to Shi Yan:, Yin-Yang Fairyland that two came, this sect has one strange treasure, should be able to restrain your this devour soul Heavenly Flame do not take risk. ” 讲话的时候,唐渊南悄悄往青冥身后望了一眼,同时向石岩传出一缕念头:,“阴阳洞天的那两位已经来了,这个宗派拥有一种奇异的宝物,应该可以克制你这噬魂天火”不要冒险了。” In Shi Yan heart one cold, at once immediately pours into Blood Vein Ring heart Divine Sense, immediately raises the left hand, with Blood Vein Ring to approaching Nine Serenity Soul Devouring Flame. 石岩心中一凛,旋即立即将心神念头灌入血玟戒,立即扬起左手,用血纹戒对向九幽噬魂焰 In Blood Vein Ring imprisons Nine Serenity Soul Devouring Flame Crystal Stone, suddenly rays of light Sheng, spreads a strong fierce attracting customer interest greatly, pulls Nine Serenity Soul Devouring Flame that that non- sentiment does not hope directly to Shi Yanimprisons in Blood Vein Ring. 血玟戒之中禁锢九幽噬魂焰晶石,突然光芒大盛,从中传出一股强猛的吸扯力,将那不情不愿的九幽噬魂焰直接拉扯向石岩”重新禁锢在血玟戒中。 In the middle of Blood Vein Ring strange Crystal Stone, had the mystical imprisoned strength to Nine Serenity Soul Devouring Flame, under the function of that power, Nine Serenity Soul Devouring Flame any ability of revolt, had not been inhaled directly. 血玟戒当中的奇异晶石,已对九幽噬魂焰有了神秘的禁锢力,在那股力量的作用下,九幽噬魂焰没有任何反抗的能力,被直接吸入其中。 Completes all theseShi Yan lowly chuckled, looks at head Tang Yuannan, said: No wonder I, am this Qing Ming Cult Master explore the mystery of my body, incautiously triggered me[ body] in Heavenly Flame, this evolves so the condition.” 做完这一切”石岩嘿嘿低笑一声,看着头上的唐渊南,道:“怪不得我,是这青冥教主来探索我身体的奥妙,一不小心触发了我〖体〗内的天火,这才演化成这般状况。” Qing Ming after Nine Serenity Soul Devouring Flame vanishesmisty green light of head also completely receives, in his eye pupil innumerable green luminous spots, concealing has not revealed the collection to come out in pupil deep place againonce more. 青冥九幽噬魂焰消失之后”头上的蒙蒙绿光也全部收起,他眼瞳之中无数绿色光点,也重新隐匿在瞳仁深处”没有再次显集出来。 Listened to a Shi Yan so saying, the Qing Ming look to flash through together ruthless severe rays of lightcoldly snorted, has not said anything. 石岩这般一说,青冥眼神闪过一道狠厉的光芒冷哼一声,没有多说什么。 In this time, silhouette of two elegant bearings, shoulder to shoulder walks at the foot of the hill direction, male is dashing, is full of the unique charm of mature man, female graceful, whole body is sending out one share astonishing attracting makings, so long as any man has a liking for her one eyes, will be capricious, will lose the principle this is a thoroughly ripe woman, the carriage is plentiful, has to concave-convex the curve may be called perfect, particularly that ballooning heavy twin peaks, the cracking clothes wants simply, the beautiful buttocks that arc curls upwards straight, along with her lotus steps slowly, ripple the charming wave, was wanted to indulge., Never wants to wake up general. 就在此时,两道风度翩翩的身影,并肩从山脚下的方向走来,男的英俊潇洒,充满成熟男人的独特魅力,女的风姿绰约,浑身散发着一股子惊人的魅惑气质,任何男人只要看上她一眼,都会心猿意马,会失去理哦这是一个熟透的女人,体态丰满动人,一身凹凸有致的曲线堪称完美,尤其是那鼓胀沉甸甸的双峰,简直裂衣欲出,那弧线挺挺翘的美臀,随着她的莲步缓缓,荡漾出迷人的波浪,让人想要沉溺其中。,永远不想醒来一般。 Originally was Yin-Yang Fairyland two Mansion Lord arrived, he he, I said how also two soul energy circled void unceasingly.” Tang Yuannan sprinkles however smiles, to that Yin-Yang Fairyland two Mansion Lord nodded, these words was to that two Yin-Yang Fairyland Mansion Lord was saying that was explaining anything to Shi Yan secretly likely. “原来是阴阳洞天的两位府主到了,呵呵,我说怎么虚空还有两股灵魂能量盘旋不断呢。”唐渊南洒然一笑,冲那阴阳洞天的两位府主点了点头,这番话是对着那两位阴阳洞天府主说的,暗地里却像是在对石岩解释什么。 In the Shi Yan heart moves, immediately realized just at crucial moments, was this Yin-Yang Fairyland two Mansion Lord souls gets rid. 石岩心中一动,立即意识到刚刚在关键时刻,便是这阴阳洞天的两位府主的灵魂出手了。 In the past beginning when to Endless Sea, he and Xia Xinyan lodged temporarily on the Yin-Yang Fairyland ships, that ships led Corpse God Church to bury the place of corpse them finally directly on the 93 rd, at that time, he then knows that between Corpse God Church and Yin-Yang Fairyland should relate significantly. 当年初到无尽海时,他和夏心妍两人暂时寄宿在阴阳洞天的船只上,那船只最后直接将他们带到了尸神教的93号埋尸之地,在那时候,他便知道尸神教阴阳洞天之间应该关系匪浅。 This halfway up the mountainside, the Corpse God Church Cult Master Qing Ming soul was suppressed by the Yi Tianmo three people, definitely through any mystique summons to nearby these two Yin-Yang Fairyland Mansion Lord, having made them get rid to assist, made him get rid of the Yi Tianmo three people of soul suppressions, instead getting rid injured Shi Yan. 这趟半山腰,尸神教教主青冥灵魂被奕天漠三人压制,肯定是通过什么秘法传唤到了附近的这两个阴阳洞天府主,让两人出手协助,才让他摆脱了奕天漠三人的灵魂压制,反而出手伤了石岩 In cave entrance, Shi Yan was narrowing eye, looks at Yin-Yang Fairyland days later and De Huang, the brow wrinkled the wrinkle, the complexion was not quite attractive. 在洞口,石岩眯着眼睛,看着阴阳洞天天后地皇,眉头皱了皱,脸色不太好看。 Boy is really extremely arrogant.” That De Huang line, shot a look at Shi Yan one slowly indifferently, laughs in a soft voice, „, Yang Qingdi in the past, does not have you to be so conceited, comes out the person who from Yang Family, is really first generation is more rampant than first generation, no wonder Yang Family jointly was swept Endless Sea.” “小子真是狂妄。”那地皇缓缓行来,冷眼瞥了石岩一眼,轻声嗤笑,“,就连杨青帝当年,也没有你这般狂妄自大的,从杨家出来的人,真是一代一代嚣张,难怪杨家被联合扫出无尽海。” Yin-Yang Fairyland that attracts full days later, is charming smiling , the look rich profound meaning, has sized up Shi Yan one, the sound light Judo: Young bull does not fear the tiger, the young people have the vitality to be very good, I like very much.” 阴阳洞天那魅惑十足的天后,则是妩媚的笑了笑,眼神富有深意,打量了石岩一眼,声音轻柔道:“初生牛犊不怕虎,年轻人有朝气很好,我很喜欢呢。” Her voice is weak. As if can go directly to the will of the people, listening to elder sister that warm word gentle speech, Shi Yan to plant to bathe the comfortable feeling in hundred flower hot springs, as if the whole body pore all of a sudden widened. 她声音酥酥软软。仿佛能够直达人心,听着姐那温言柔语,石岩有种沐浴在百huā温泉中的舒适感觉,仿佛浑身毛孔都一下子开阔了。 Ices cold aura together, points on Blood Vein Ring to transmit from him fiercely, this ice cold aura such as a cold current, slowly in him[ body] in wanders, leads from some nightmare him. 一道冰寒的气息,猛地从他手指上的血玟戒传来,这冰寒气息如一条寒流,徐徐在他〖体〗内游荡,将他从某种梦魇之中带出来。 The Shi Yan brain shakes, eyes restores the Pure Brightness suddenly, when looks at that charming moving days later again, in the eye are many have wiped the panic-stricken meaning. 石岩脑子一震,双眸骤然恢复清明,再看那妩媚动人的天后时,眼中多了一抹惊骇之意。 This woman said 1-2 words, as if has actually controlled his mind, making him become ignorant, almost cannot get down from that strange Realm, the technique of so fearful mind control, really made Shi Yan alarmed and afraid, the complexion also changed, immediately and Profound Ice Cold Flame achieved the relation, making it remind him frequently. 这女人只是说了一两句话,却仿佛控制了他的心神,令他变得浑浑噩噩,差点不能从那诡异的境界下来,如此可怕的心灵操控之术,实在让石岩惊惧,脸色也不由的变了变,立即和玄冰寒焰达成联系,让它时刻来提醒他。 days later that pair like fond dream intoxicant eye pupilslightly one brightin heart dark startled, is the strength in meditation that Shi Yan displays feels odd, in her opinionBlood Qi side just Shi Yan, was from the start the impossible defense lived in her spoken language charm, has not expected all of a sudden, Shi Yan then restored unexpectedly. 天后那双如美梦般醉人的眼眸”微微一亮”心中暗惊,为石岩表现出来的定力感到奇怪,在她看来”血气方刚的石岩,是压根不可能防御的住她的言语魔力的,没料到只是一下子,石岩居然便恢复了过来。 chi chi chi!” 嗤嗤嗤!” The body broken void sound, conveys from the rear area suddenly, long time, that Yi Tianmo three people, do not come side Shi Yan unexpectedly together. 身破虚空的声音,突然从后方传来,不多时,那奕天漠三人,竟一起在石岩身旁现身。 Three people one, enters the endocrater by Yi Tianmo, takes away Shi Yan, then the eye of Yi Tianmo that pair of gloomy, stares immediately to Qing Ming. 三人一来,由奕天漠下入巨坑,将石岩从中带离出来,然后奕天漠那双阴沉的眼睛,立即瞪向青冥 Meanwhile, bunch of iron grey lightning, start to reveal in the eye pupil of Yi Tianmo. 与此同时,一束束灰白色的电光,开始在奕天漠的眼眸之中流露出来。 Ya Meng and Ka Ba expression is equally badmaliciously looks at that Qing Ming, seems also fermenting anything, the soul attack that the preparation will excel most at displays. 轧猛卡巴神色一样不善”狠狠地看着青冥,似乎也在酝酿着什么,准备将最为擅长的灵魂攻击施展开来。 Qing Ming look one cold, actually subconscious retreat one step, stands with that Yin-Yang Fairyland days later and De Huang together. 青冥眼神一冷,却下意识后退一步,和那阴阳洞天天后地皇站到一块儿。 Suddenly ” the Yi Tianmo three people, face-to-face confront with Qing Ming, days later and De Huang on, the fight is ready to be set off. 一时间”奕天漠三人,和青冥天后地皇面对面对峙上,战斗一触即发。 Tang Yuannan changed the complexion, lightning flashes through together, he stands firm among the people, frownssinking sound track: Everybody, here is Three God Church!” 唐渊南变了脸色,一道电光闪过,他在众人之间站定,皱着眉头”沉声道:“各位,这里是三神教!” Shi Yan, do not act unreasonably you not to wage a war here? ” Tang Yuannan facing the Qing Ming three people, actually quietly approaches Shi Yan soul communication: Now the threat of demon person is everywhere in this moment, is not the opportunity of civil war, if you really want to cope with them, must wait for the matter to pass said again. ” 石岩,不要乱来”你也不想在这里大动干戈吧?”唐渊南面对青冥三人,却悄悄向石岩灵魂传讯:“如今魔人的威胁无处不在”在这个关头,不是内战的时机,你真要是想对付他们,也要等事情过了再说。” Three, I think that everybody gets together in the same place, should to discuss that copes with the important matter of demon person, right?” Tang Yuannan to that Qing Ming three humanity. “三位,我想大家齐聚一起,应该是要商议对付魔人的大计,对吧?”唐渊南对那青冥三人道。 Shi Yan and Qing Ming and the others, did not say a word, both sides mutually bad looking at each other, as if not, because the Qing Ming words had anything to touch. 石岩青冥等人,一言不发,双方互相不善的对视着,似乎并未因为青冥的话有什么触动。 In this time. 就在此时。 Cao Zhilan and Desolate Barbarian Church Man Gu, shoulder to shoulder toward here line, Man Gu, although the complexion is somewhat pale, but the spirit is also good, Shi Yan to his wound, with that Cao Zhilan the help of all sorts of spirit medicine, dealt with restore much. 曹芷岚荒蛮教蛮古,并肩往这里行来,蛮古虽然脸色有些苍白,可精神还算是不错,石岩对他的创伤,在那曹芷岚的种种灵药的帮助下,应付恢复了不少。 What's the matter?” After Cao Zhilan comes, somewhat surprised looks to Shi Yan, looks at Qing Ming, days later and De Huang three people, a black eyebrows wrinkle, said lightly: This has not bumped into demon person, can you then first in the nest counter- inadequate?” “怎么回事?”曹芷岚过来后,有些惊讶的看向石岩,又望了望青冥天后地皇三人,黛眉一皱,淡淡道:“这还没碰到魔人,你们便要先窝里反不成?” Cao Young Lady, is this boy first under the cruel methods.” Qing Ming aims at Shi Yan, sound quiet cold say|way: This boy is cruel and merciless, days later and De Huang in the, I feared that wanted badly his violent treachery, I thought that he has not collaborated to cope with the meaning of demon person from the start.” “曹小姐,是这小子先下狠手。”青冥指向石岩,声音幽冷道:“这小子心狠手辣,要不是天后地皇就在附近,我怕是要糟了他的毒手了,我看他压根没有联手对付魔人的意思。” Cao Zhilan is astonished however. 曹芷岚讶然。 Her doubt looks to Shi Yan, looks at Qing Ming, suddenly said: Shi Yan Essence Qi cannot meet again, under this condition, how he can injure you?” 她狐疑的看向石岩,又望了望青冥,忽然道:“石岩一身精元不能重聚,在这种状况下,他怎能伤你?” She is really curious, leaves after that manor, she has had the meaning of becoming estranged to Shi Yan, her, Shi Yan that Essence Qi cannot meet again, even if also some mystical, the future achievement will be also limited. 她真的非常好奇,从那庄园离开之后,她就对石岩生出了疏远之意,在她来看,一身精元不能重聚的石岩,就算是身上还有些神秘,将来的成就也有限了。 May then day of time, in this halfway up the mountainside, Qing Ming actually say that he almost by the Shi Yan violent treachery, what condition is this? 可这才一天时间,在这半山腰,青冥竟然说他差点遭了石岩的毒手,这是什么状况? Cao Zhilan is filled with the doubts, beautiful pupil different light, does not know that Qing Ming said is really the vacation. 曹芷岚满心疑惑,美眸点点异光,也不知道青冥所言是真是假。 We walk.” “我们走。” Shi Yan turns around suddenly, downward goes toward mountain directly, the facial expression, as if suddenly was tranquilly insipid to the parliament of summit. 石岩突然掉头,径直朝着山下行去,神情平静之极,似乎对山巅的议会突然索然无味了。 The Tang Yuannan complexion changes. 唐渊南脸色微变。 Qing Ming, days later and De Huang three people, is face a marvelousness in admiration of somebody's fame, does not know that in this moment, why Shi Yan will come such. 青冥天后地皇三人,则是一脸的慕名奇妙,不知道在这个关头,石岩为何会来这么一遭。 The Yi Tianmo three people did not say a word, silently with Shi Yan. 奕天漠三人一言不发,默默地跟着石岩 Shi Yan.” Tang Yuannan opened mouth, the look is complex, in heart thinks faintly improper. 石岩。”唐渊南张口,眼神复杂,心中隐隐觉得不妥。 This Endless Sea situation, I do not have any interest, I do not have any foundation in any case in Endless Sea, did not fear that the demon person wreaks havoc all sea area.” The Shi Yan sound is unfeeling, „ these five big sea areas die many people, with me with the pass/test, because of this Endless Sea, not the thing that is worth me worrying to care about, copes with the important matter of demon person, you have reached an agreement slowly, I did not have the interest to accompany. “这无尽海的形势,我没什么兴趣,我反正没有任何根基在无尽海,不怕魔人来肆虐各方海域。”石岩声音冷酷无情,“这五大海域死多少人,和我与关,因为这无尽海,并没有值得我牵挂在意的东西,对付魔人的大计,你们慢慢商量好了,恕我没兴趣奉陪了。 , Shi Yan suddenly turned around, looks at Qing Ming, days later and De Huang three people, said calmly lightly: „, Hopes that your Corpse God Church and Yin-Yang Fairyland luck has good luck ever after greatly, because you besides must face the demon person, perhaps, our attack that but also wants the surface, my loyal hope your two sides can support.” 顿了一下,石岩突然转身,平静地看着青冥天后地皇三人,淡淡道:“,希望你们尸神教阴阳洞天福大命大,因为你们除了要面对魔人之外,或许,还要面的我们的袭击,我忠心的希望你们两方能够撑住。” Qing Ming, Heavenly Flame and De Huang three people of discolored. 青冥天火地皇三人勃然变色
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