GOS :: Volume #4

#334: A life and death space

I have also browsed regarding the Martial Spirit variation, your this situation is very special, making me have a look, can perhaps discover sheath method definitely to come for you.” “我对于武魂变异也有所涉猎,你这种情况很特殊,让我看看,说不定能够为你找出鞘决的方法来。” Corpse God Church Cult Master Qing Ming smiles spookily, the laughter is gloomy, his green and glossy eye pupil deep place, bunches of green flame are jumping, appears extremely cheerful, must the escape from that eye socket come out likely general, to person an extremely inappropriate feeling. 尸神教教主青冥幽幽一笑,笑声阴森诡异,他那绿油油的眼眸深处,一簇簇绿色火苗跳跃着,显得极其欢快,像是要从那眼眶中飞逸出来一般,给人一种极其不妥当的感觉。 Qing Ming speaks, no matter also Shi Yan whether agreed that collects directly toward Shi Yan. 青冥讲着话,也不管石岩是否同意,直接朝着石岩凑上来。 God Realm Warrior cultivation base Realm, is not Shi Yan can contend, he gently sways, looks like flickers to move general, comes in the Shi Yan body previous meter place directly. 神境武者修为境界,不是石岩可以抗衡的,他只是轻轻一晃荡,就像是瞬移一般,直接在石岩身前一米处现身。 Is bringing Qing Ming of fierce mask, the sound is gloomy, making person whole body uncomfortablethat pair of aquamarine eye pupil, is the looks like paints nighttime Ghost Flame in grave, making the person live all over the body coldly, does not dare to approach with it. 带着狰狞的面具的青冥,声音阴森森的,让人浑身不舒服”那双碧绿色的眼眸,更是像漆黑夜里坟地中的鬼火,让人通体生寒,不敢与其靠近。 Qing Ming stretches out is bringing the right hand of glove, the five fingers are curving, such as claw check, sluggish touches to the Shi Yan lower abdomen place. 青冥伸出带着手套的一只右手,五指弯曲,如爪似勾,慢吞吞的向石岩小腹处摸去。 A continuously strange green silk thread, likely is the tiny earthworm fast gathers at his five fingers fingertip, that continuously green silk thread has Vanishing Corpse Flame Corpse Qi, along with nearness of his finger, is the living creature drills likely toward the Shi Yan lower abdomen place. 一缕缕诡异的绿色丝线,像是细小的蚯蚓快速在他五指指尖聚集出来,那一缕缕绿色丝线带有毗绝尸火尸气,随着他指头的靠近,像是活物般朝着石岩小腹处钻去。 Thanks, does not use to trouble.” “谢谢,不用劳烦。” Shi Yan grins, is wearing the left hand of Blood Vein Ring, keeps off quietly toward the right hand that Qing Ming that touches, in the eye pupil the cold brightness is cold, whole body aura is also the ice coldly. 石岩咧嘴,佩带着血纹戒的左手,悄悄朝着青冥那摸上来的右手挡去,眼眸中寒光冷冽,浑身气息也是冰寒之极。 In a flash, this ravine, was replaced by the world of ice and snow likely. 一瞬间,这一块山间,像是被冰天雪地替换了。 That Qing Ming, the look was glittering, realized the sudden change of environment. Qing Ming extremely has not cared, in the heart sneers, takes bearing the movement of Shi Yan lower abdomen placenot, therefore stopped. 就连那青冥,眼神都是闪烁了一下,察觉到了环境的突然变化。青冥并未太过在意,心中冷笑,探向石岩小腹处的动作”没有因此停了下来。 This degree of ice is cold, to God Realm Qing Ming, superficial. 这种程度的冰寒,对神境青冥来说,不痛不痒。 Ka!” “咔!” The Shi Yan left hand palm has blocked the five fingers of Qing Ming ” a continuously strange green silk thread, suddenly runs out from the Qing Ming five fingers fingertip, drills into the Shi Yan control crazily. 石岩左手掌心挡住了青冥的五指”一缕缕诡异的绿色丝线,突然从青冥五指指尖冲出,疯狂地钻入石岩手心。 Severe pain duplicate full palm, this flash, Shi Yan entire left hand bone lou breaks to pieces innumerably. 剧痛覆满掌心,就这一霎那,石岩整个左手骨髅碎断无数。 In his control several thousand green silk threads, break through the energy hindrance of his left hand palm, ” flies to shoot toward his left hand arm in along his wrist|skill. 他手心中数万绿色丝线,冲破他左手掌心的能量阻碍,沿着他手腕”一路往他左手臂膀之中飞射去。 „My good intention.” “我一片好意。” In Qing Ming look green spooky rays of light, energy that I release, has possibly ruled by force to you, this point hopes that you can forgive, by your Immortal Martial Spirit characteristics, I thinks that you hold bone lou that breaks brokenheartedly, should reorganize very much easily, so long as can not prevent, my these energy, will then not continue to make the injury to you. ” 青冥眼神中绿幽幽的光芒更甚,“我释放出来的能量,对你来说可能太霸道了一些,这一点希望你能谅解,以你不死武魂的特点,我想你掌心碎断的骨髅,应该很容易重新重组”只要你不非要阻挡,我这些能量,便不会对你继续造伤害。” The Qing Ming sound moves fast emptily, the perpendicular incidence the eye pupil of Shi Yan, the facial skin under that mask, as if gently was shivering, is letting his mask, twisted, becomes even more fierce. 青冥声音飘忽空荡,直射着石岩的眼瞳,那张面具下的脸皮,似乎轻轻颤抖了一下,连带着让他那张面具,也扭曲了一下,变得愈加狰狞。 Shi Yan expression is calm, as if has not felt palm spirit lou from the start breaks to pieces, on the face has not even revealed that to fear the sentiments of a wee bit pain. 石岩神色冷静,仿佛压根没有感受到掌心骨髅的碎断,脸上甚至没有露出那怕一丁点儿的痛楚之情。 The Qing Ming several thousand green energy silk threadsalong the veins of his arm, fly to flow on, flows toward the Essence Qi light group place of his lower abdomen. 青冥的数万股绿色能量丝线”沿着他手臂的筋脉,一路飞流向上,直朝着他小腹的精元光团处奔涌而出。 All theseShi Yan can see clearly completely, the consciousness is clear. 这一切”石岩全部能够洞察到,知觉清晰无比。 Also good.” “也好。” Stems from Qing Ming to be unexpectedShi Yan to relax suddenly, has not continued to utilize the power resistance of Profound Ice Cold Flame, seepages of his unexpectedly to ignore Qing Ming these green energy to body, to ignore these energy thorough lower abdomen places the places of Essence Qi cyclone. 出乎青冥意料之外”石岩忽然放松,没有继续运用玄冰寒焰力量抵抗,他竟然放任青冥那些绿色能量对身体的渗透,放任那些能量一路深入小腹处的精元气旋之处。 The Qing Ming eye dodges, in the heart somewhat is also astonished, does not know why Shi Yan so coordinates. 青冥眼睛一闪,心中也有些惊异,不知石岩为何这般配合。 Has not thought that Qing Ming stimulates to movement fully green energy, when these green energy must collect to the Shi Yan Essence Qi cyclone place, suddenly turns one group, at once under a strange fluctuation, the minute shoots several thousand fiercely. Several thousand green energy, become a continuously green silk thread, suddenly from the Shi Yan lower abdomen leaves[ stirs up] shoots, along he meridians, drills into toward his body each corner. 没有多想,青冥全力将绿色能量催动开来,那些绿色能量就要汇集向石岩精元气旋处时,突然扭成一团,旋即在一股诡异的波动之下,猛地分射成数千股。数千股的绿色能量,成一缕缕绿色丝线,突然从石岩小腹出〖激〗射开来,沿着他一身的经脉,往他身体各个角落钻入。 The Shi Yan complexion changes. 石岩脸色微变。 The Qing Ming secret cold Wu short three seconds, these several thousand green energy, seeped the Shi Yan whole body most corner, extends to each region. 青冥暗暗冷芜短短三秒,这数万股的绿色能量,已渗透石岩全身大半个角落,延伸到各个区域。 Except child two places. 除子两个地方。 First, his brain \; first, his right hand arm. 一是他大脑,一是他右手臂。 Comes from Qing Ming several thousand energy, after[ stirs up] shoots, in any event attacks, cannot wear out to his hindrance of brain and right hand arm, can only lingers in his neck place and arm place. 来自于青冥的数万股能量,在〖激〗射开来之后,不论如何冲击,都不能穿破通往他大脑、右手臂的阻碍,只能在他脖颈处和臂膀处徘徊。 In the Qing Ming look green light condenses slowly. 青冥眼神中绿光慢慢凝聚。 Meanwhile, these in Shi Yan[ body] hundreds of thousands of green silk threads that in the dissipation comes, from gather suddenly in all directions, by the dispersion to meeting again, unites in the Shi Yan right hand arm shoulder. 与此同时,那些在石岩〖体〗内散逸开来的数十万绿色丝线,突然从四面八方汇聚,由分散至重聚,在石岩右手臂肩部重新合一。 Hundreds of thousands of green silk threads, after meeting again, the strange air/Qi were heavier a point. 数十万股绿色丝线,在重聚之后,诡异之气更重了一分。 The Qing Ming goal is self-evident. 青冥的目的不言而喻。 It seems like the issue in your right hand arm, relaxes, I the power seepage has a look.” The Qing Ming five fingers thread up the Shi Yan left hand, eyes are staring at Shi Yan, said lightly, at once suddenly catches up. “看来问题在你右手臂,放松,我将力量渗透其中看看。”青冥五指紧扣石岩左手,双眸凝视着石岩,淡淡说了一句,旋即突然发力。 Shi Yan grins, the smiling face suddenly becomes cold such as the cold blade. 石岩咧嘴,笑容突然变得冷冽如寒刀。 In this time. 就在此时。 On his left hand that Blood Vein Ring, revealed quickly the misty rainbow light, garnet rays of light, such as the dark red blood, covers the Shi Yan palm. 他左手上那血玟戒,倏地亮出蒙蒙虹光,暗红色的光芒,如殷红的鲜血,覆盖石岩掌心。 In Blood Vein Ring, that is imprisoning Nine Serenity Soul Devouring Flame that together Crystal Stone, suddenly split a tiny slit. 血玟戒中,那禁锢着九幽噬魂焰的那一块晶石,突然裂开了一条细小的缝隙。 Was imprisoned for a long time Nine Serenity Soul Devouring Flame, suddenly changes into one bunch of bright silver glares, that glare breaks through Blood Vein Ring restraint layer upon layer, has shot from Blood Vein Ring suddenly. 被禁锢许久的九幽噬魂焰,突然化为一束亮银色强光,那强光冲破血玟戒的层层束缚,骤然从血玟戒之中射了出来。 The garnet halo, deceived the Shi Yan whole body, Blood Vein Ring has shone, that bright silver Nine Serenity Soul Devouring Flame, then directly flew from. 暗红色光晕,蒙住石岩全身,血纹戒只是亮了一下,那亮银色的九幽噬魂焰,便直接飞离出来。 Nine Serenity Soul Devouring Flame precise becomes a delicate small face, this face like cloud cluster, has been separated from the Blood Vein Ring garnet halo, appears in that Qing Ming top of the head. 九幽噬魂焰凝炼成一张清秀的小脸,这张脸如云簇,脱离了血玟戒暗红色光晕,在那青冥头顶上显现出来。 That delicate small face, strange smiling, puts out foul air at once suddenly, spurts to that Qing Ming crown. 那张清秀的小脸,奇异的笑了笑,旋即突然吐出一口浊气,喷向那青冥的天灵盖。 Some Qing Ming look suddenly delay. 青冥眼神骤然有些呆滞。 In his aquamarine eye pupil, innumerable green luminous spot glittering is gathering, in breaths, these green luminous spots then concise becomes a small face in his left eye pupil. 在他碧绿色的眼眸之中,无数个绿色光点闪烁着聚集起来,在一息间,那些绿色光点便在他左眼瞳之中凝练成一张小脸。 That small face is very astonished, moves suddenly in the Qing Ming eye pupil, comes out the innumerable green luminous spot in Qing Ming right eye precise. 那小脸很是惊异,在青冥眼瞳之中急剧活动起来,将青冥右眼中的无数绿色光点凝炼出来。 Suddenly, the Qing Ming head emits the misty green halo, these halo First Level levels, some innumerable green luminous spots are attached to these halos, dense and numerous, likely is the mystical insect *. 一时间,青冥头上冒出蒙蒙绿色光晕,那些光晕一层层,有无数绿色光点附在那些光晕上,密密麻麻的,像是神秘的虫*。 By foul air of Nine Serenity Soul Devouring Flame blowout, the liquid moistens generally in these green halos, resembles is corroding these green halos fast, sees only these to attach to the dot in green halo, is arranging suddenly, forms the innumerable mystical lineups, is releasing all sorts of astounding energy. 九幽噬魂焰喷出的一口浊气,液体一般沾在那些绿色光晕上,似在快速腐蚀那些绿色光晕,只见那些依附在绿色光晕上的小点,急剧的排列着,形成无数神秘的阵形,释放着种种让人惊奇的能量 The unusual change of Qing Ming eyes, Shi Yan watches, in the heart the ice is cold. 青冥双眸的异常变化,石岩看在眼里,心中冰寒冷厉。 Qing Ming is struggling, must take back covers that hand of Shi Yan, he had a premonition that was not wonderful. 青冥挣扎着,要收回扣住石岩的那一只手,他预感到了不妙。 The Shi Yan look is callous, the corners of the mouth overflow meaning of ridicule, suddenly the backhand covers that hand that he withdraws, at the same time, he slightly difficult lifts the right hand slowly, drills toward the chest of that Qing Ming. 石岩眼神冷酷,嘴角流溢出一丝讥讽的意味,突然反手扣住他抽回的那只手,与此同时,他略显艰难的缓缓抬起右手,往那青冥的胸口钻去。 Qing Ming eyes flashes through anger. 青冥双眸闪过一丝怒意 The innumerable spirits consciousness, such as the water of Milky Way falls in torrents, inundates from Qing Ming Sea of Consciousness, sweeps across crazily to Shi Yan. 无数股精神意识,如银河之水倾泻下来,从青冥识海中漫出,疯狂席卷向石岩 chi chi chi!” 嗤嗤嗤!” Faint trace strange lightning, crafty Exotic Land appears between Shi Yan and Qing Ming, these strange lightning, are supplementing extremely astonishing energy fluctuation. 一丝丝奇异的电光,诡异地石岩青冥之间显现出来,这些奇异的电光,附带着极其惊人的能量波动。 Qing Ming that spirit consciousness, breaks, was intercepted all, before cannot be eloquent, breaks in one. 青冥那一股股精神意识,冲入其中,被尽数拦截下来,再也不能佞前冲入一丝。 Holy Light Mountain at the foot of the hill, the Yi Tianmo three people look dignified, air/Qi of withering, fills the air suddenly. 圣光山山脚下,奕天漠三人神情凝重,一股肃杀之气,骤然弥漫开来。 Nearby many Warrior of accumulations, realized that from three people that terrifying aura that made the will of the people tremble, made concessions, once more and three people spread out. 旁边许多聚集的武者,都从三人身上察觉到了那股让人心颤的恐怖气息,不由地纷纷退让开来,再次和三人将距离拉开一些。 The mental consciousness of Qing Ming, was layer upon layer hindered to intercept, does not wait for him to take back these mental consciousness, the soul vortex towering appearance, plunges his Sea of Consciousness crazily, must the stance that his Sea of Consciousness is disillusioned. 青冥的精神意识,被层层阻碍截住,不等他收回那些精神意识,一个个灵魂漩涡突兀出现,疯狂的扑向他的识海,一副要将他识海破灭的架势。 Was I am offensive.” “是我唐突了。” Qing Ming calls out in alarm hurriedly, the eye pupil of looks at Shi Yan, filled dreaded the meaning, I actually and well-meant, Shi Yan, cultivated the behavior too certainly! All things keep one, in the future will be good to see! Do not be ruthless!” 青冥急忙惊叫起来,看着石岩的眼眸,充满了忌惮之意,“我其实并没有恶意,石岩,做人不要太绝!万事留一线,日后好想见!别太狠了!” My this will not remain.” The Shi Yan facial expression is callous, said lightly: Because we will not meet in the future again.” “我这一线不会留。”石岩神情冷酷,淡淡道:“因为日后我们不会再相见了。” The Qing Ming look drastic change, must stimulate to movement whole body power to draw back, actually discovered that Sea of Consciousness by some soul power invasion, the consciousness could not unexpectedly somewhat be controlled the body. 青冥眼神剧变,就要催动全身力量退开来,却发现识海被某股灵魂力量侵入,意识竟然有些控制不住身体。 Shi Yan calmly, difficult is lifting the right hand arm, grasps toward the Qing Ming heart place. 石岩冷静之极,艰难的抬着右手臂,往青冥的心脏处抓去。 Boy is extremely arrogant!” “小子狂妄!” Two soft such as cotton soul aura, inserts suddenly in this important pass. 两股柔软如棉的灵魂气息,在这个关口突然插入进来。 These two soul aura likely are the pliable but hard to break vine canes, ties up temporarily Yi Tianmo three people of Divine Sense, the Yi Tianmo three people, cannot continue to confuse that Qing Ming Sea of Consciousness unexpectedly. 这两股灵魂气息像是柔韧的蔓藤,将奕天漠三人的神识给暂时捆缚住,竟然奕天漠三人,不能将那青冥识海继续搅乱。 Qing Ming Sea of Consciousness restores once more steadily, restored instantaneously to the control power of body, is only an instant, a strong fierce explosive force, clears away quickly from the Qing Ming body. 青冥识海再次恢复平稳,瞬间恢复了对身体的掌控权,只是一霎,一股强猛的爆炸力,倏地从青冥身体之中涤荡开来。 kacha!” 咔嚓!” Shi Yan is grasping the left hand of Qing Ming, lou explodes to break to pieces once more, the Qing Ming soft right hand, filled power instantaneously. 石岩握着青冥的左手,个髅再次爆碎开来,青冥本来软绵绵的右手,瞬间充满力量 The complexion changes, Shi Yan that drill to the right hand of Qing Ming, the violent force drills suddenly. 脸色一变,石岩那钻向青冥的右手,突然猛力钻地。 Bang!” “轰!” Landslide power, pours into underground, the Shi Yan fist belt body, submerges in mountain side continually completely. 山崩般的力量,灌入地下,石岩连拳头带身体,全部没入山腹之中。 A fist that Qing Ming rumbles, the danger dangerous falling arrives at the vacancy, center does not have the Shi Yan body. 青冥轰出来的一拳,险之又险的落到空处,没有正中石岩身体。 Qing Ming must begin again, the green halo of discovery top of the head, burst impressively unexpectedly several, that float in the small face of void Nine Serenity Soul Devouring Flame, more delicate clear, surpasses his top of the head to fly unexpectedly slowly. 青冥再要动手,赫然发现头顶的绿色光晕,竟已破裂数层,那张悬浮在虚空的九幽噬魂焰的小脸,越加清秀清晰,竟慢慢超他头顶飞来。 In the eye pupil green light Sheng, cannot keep in view Shi Yan greatly again, Qing Ming starts to deal with the attack of that Nine Serenity Soul Devouring Flame fully. 眼瞳中绿光大盛,再也顾不到石岩,青冥开始全力应付那九幽噬魂焰的袭击。 Side him, in the air transmits strange chi chi sound, together the person's shadow slowly is at once precise, is Tang Yuannan. 在他身旁,空气中传来奇异的“嗤嗤”声响,旋即一道人影慢慢凝炼出来,正是唐渊南 A Tang Yuannan swiftly appearance, but looked at a Qing Ming condition, is then terrified one startled, cannot bear shouts to clear the way lowly: Heavenly Flame!” 唐渊南倏一出现,只是看了一眼青冥的状态,便悚然一惊,忍不住低喝道:“天火!” Comes from Shi Yan!” Qing Ming clenches teeth, gloomy coldly snorted, said: Tang should Cult Master, make that boy receive Heavenly Flame?” “来自于石岩!”青冥咬着牙,阴森森的冷哼一声,道:“唐教主,是不是应该让那小子收了天火?” Qing Ming speech time, at the foot of the hill hears the sound of footsteps, as if some people. 青冥讲话的时候,山脚下传来脚步声,似乎又有人来。
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