GOS :: Volume #4

#333: Goal Linyi

Chapter 246 goal Linyi 第246章目标临沂 Shanghai Central China Expeditionary force Headquarters, new expeditionary force commander? The handsome six army great general proper dangers sit, he has replaced Iwane Matsui's imperia. 上海华中派遣军司令部,新任派遣军司令官?俊六陆军大将正经危坐,他接替了松井石根的统帅权。 In fact, Iwane Matsui also understands that he is only an excessive candidate, after all before had ruined several thousand empire soldiers, he did not have the qualifications to sit in this commander position. Because commander Chaoxianggongjiuyan kissed your highness dead in battle accidentally, unavoidablily the supreme headquarters reused him, making him once more Central China Expeditionary force commander. 实际上,松井石根也明白,他不过只是一个过度人选而已,毕竟之前葬送了数万帝国士兵,他已经没有资格坐在这个司令位置上了。只是由于司令官朝香宫鸠彦亲完殿下意外阵亡,不得已大本营才重新使用他,让他再次成为了华中派遣军司令官。 Naturally, if Iwane Matsui can regard as the Japanese forces supreme headquarters Li Changqing and Nanjing Garrison troops of malignant tumor wipes out, such just right merit balance or cancel each other, perhaps he also the time that may make long. 当然,如果松井石根能够将日军大本营视为毒瘤的李长青和南京守军全部歼灭的话,那样正好功过两抵,或许他还有可能做的时间长点。 The Nanjing Garrison troops as well as Li Changqing safely evacuated the fact of Nanjing, lets Iwane Matsui's military life temporary coming to the end, returns to the ranks of reserve duty. 南京守军以及李长青都安全的撤离了南京的事实,让松井石根的军事生涯暂时的告一段落,重新回归预备役的行列。 But? Handsome six army senior generals have replaced his duty, became the commander-in-chief of Japanese forces Central China Expeditionary force. 而?俊六陆军大将接替了他的职务,成为了日军华中派遣军的总司令。 However, sits above this top digit, only meeting Japanese forces besides the Guandong, sharpest regiment? Handsome six army senior generals are actually not able to be happy. Before he arrives, Emperor, Japanese forces supreme headquarters Prince Kan'in Kotohito, admonished to him personally. Emperor Hirohito were alarmed, proclaimed the decree directly, requesting him to lead Central China Front armies to do everything possible to annihilate the ever green division, to recall international influence, redeemed the Japanese royal troop prestige of internationally, for examining Your Highness Chaoxianggongjiuyan as well as the heroic empire soldiers revenged. 不过,坐在这个高位之上,只会日军除关东军之外,最为精锐的军团,?俊六陆军大将却是无法开心起来。他到来之前,天皇陛下,日军大本营闲院宫载仁亲王,亲自对他训话。裕仁天皇都被惊动了,直接颁下旨意,要求他率领华中方面军想方设法歼灭长青师,以挽回国际影响,挽回大日本皇军在国际上的声誉,替审朝香宫鸠彦殿下以及英勇的帝国士兵报仇。 pa pa knock resounds. 啪啪一阵敲门声响起。 Comes in “进来” Before Tsukada attacks major general complexion dignified walked the coming in table, the both legs stand at attention, said: Great general, the supreme headquarters urged us to thoroughly finally the ever green master, and seized Xuzhou, eliminated since birth power of native of China.” 冢田攻少将面色凝重了走了进来桌案前,双腿立正,道:“大将阁下,大本营来敦促我们必须彻底结果长青师,并且占领徐州,消灭支那人的有生力量。” ? Handsome six are looking at this expeditionary force major general adjutant, the complexion is not quite attractive. Assumes the post to start from him, supreme headquarters several times made him eliminate obstinate stately Li Changqing as well as the ever green master. ?俊六望着这个派遣军少将副官,脸色也不太好看。从他到任开始,大本营方面就数次来让他消灭顽匪匪李长青以及长青师。 According to ambushing internal agent spreads the news, ever green Master Rutong was missing generally, did not have the slight news unexpectedly. Does not have slight clue on the company headquarters, is unable to grasp including the whereabouts, regarding the elimination ever green master radically is one group of empty talk. 只是按照潜伏内部的特工传来消息,长青师如同失踪了一般,居然没有丝毫的消息。就连部也没有丝毫的线索,连行踪都无法掌握,谈起消灭长青师根本就是一团空话。 But in his heart, actually so takes seriously the ever green master to be very discontented the supreme headquarters. In his opinion, ever green master, although is talented, eventually is only a division, does not need so to make much ado about nothing. At present most important seizes Xuzhou, eliminates ** since birth power. 而在他心中,却是对于大本营如此重视长青师很是不满。在他看来,长青师虽然实力不俗,终究只是一个师而已,根本不需要如此大惊小怪。目前最为重要的则是占领徐州,消灭**有生力量 When ** after the main force was eliminated, the ever green master is strong, that Li Changqing is strong, cannot raise any storm. For the part, gives up the army, the procedure of this putting the cart before the horse, lets this Central China Expeditionary force commanders-in-chief is really helpless. 等到**主力被消灭之后,长青师再强,那个李长青再强,也掀不起任何风浪。为了部分,放弃全军,这种本末倒置的作法,让他这个华中派遣军总司令甚是无奈。 However faces, order facing supreme headquarters, he does not dare not to comply with. After all, the ever green master of Li Changqing and his subordinates, making Emperor of Japan hate to the marrow of the bones, wanting place then quick. As the serviceman in empire, he must share sorrow to help overcome difficulties for the emperor. 但是面对,面对大本营的命令,他不敢不予遵从。毕竟,李长青和他麾下的长青师,让日本天皇恨之入骨,欲处之而后快。身为帝国的军人,他必须替天皇陛下分忧解难。 ? The handsome six silent moments asked: „Does the reconnaissance aircraft that Tsukada, the air unit sends out bring back to the news?” ?俊六沉默片刻问道:“冢田君,航空队派出的侦察机带回消息没?” Commander, the reconnaissance aircraft came back. However,” Tsukada attacks the complexion one darkly, said: Subordinate is incompetent, not presently the trail of Chinese ever green master.” “司令官阁下,侦察机已经回来了。不过,”冢田攻脸色一暗,道:“属下无能,并未现支那长青师的踪迹。” Ok.”? Handsome six interrupt the words that Tsukada has attacked, beckoned with the hand, indicated the safe, this Li Changqing was the sly person, otherwise already by emperor ** the team eliminated.” “算了。”?俊六打断了冢田攻的话,摆了摆手,表示无事,“这李长青乃是狡猾之人,否则早已被帝**队消灭。” Tsukada attacks the major general to say suddenly: „The vanguard army and ever green master that but, the board fence your excellency comes according to the fifth division Commander Master have the contact, but an ever green master contact received, later lost the trace once more.” 冢田攻少将忽然说道:“不过,据第五师团师团长板垣阁下来的前卫部队与长青师一部有过接触,只是长青师一接触就收了回去,之后再次失去了踪影。” Nanie? What did you say?”? Handsome six have stood all of a sudden, said: You said that ever green master does appear around Xuzhou?” “纳尼?你说什么?”?俊六一下子站了起来,说道:“你是说,那个长青师在徐州周围出现?” Kazakhstan , Iran according to the news that the information branch spreads, the ever green master truly presents Tsukada to attack the both legs around Xuzhou one and loud say|way. “哈伊据情报科传来的消息,长青师确实在徐州周围出现过”冢田攻双腿一并大声道。 Em?”? Handsome six do not allow to set at nodded otherwise, the vision was lost in thought that long time asked that present fifth and 12 th division in what position?” “恩?”?俊六不容置否的点了点头,目光陷入了沉思,良久才问道,“现在第五和第12个师团在什么位置?” Commander, the fifth division lands from Qingdao, presently Shandong Weifang, takes Linyi along the Jiaoji track line via Weixian, the tenth division advances to south day by day, goal Tengxian Shigeto attacks does not dare to neglect, hastily on the board fence division and Isogai division position the map marks. “司令,第五师团自青岛登陆,沿胶济铁路线转经潍县现山东省潍坊市、直取临沂,第十师团日益向南推进,目标藤县”重藤攻不敢怠慢,连忙将地图上板垣师团和矶谷师团位置标明出来。 In fact, this Japanese forces make to join forces the decision of Xuzhou, completely from oneself strategically intention. 实际上,这次日军做出会师徐州的决定,完全是从自身战略上意图。 Because two big front armies, once joins forces Xuzhou, Jin-Pu Railway can link up on all fronts, that in the following combat, northern China and armies and commodity of central China two strategic directions can go north or go south through Jin-Pu Railway rapidly, this regarding the next consolidated occupied area's rule, as well as will continue to the Chinese center attack, will have very big advantage. 因为两大方面军一旦会师徐州,津浦铁路就能全线贯通,那么在后续作战时,华北、华中两个战略方向的军队和物资就能通过津浦铁路迅北上或南下,这对于今后巩固占领区的统治,以及继续向中国腹地进攻,都有非常大的好处。 Truly around achieves, enters to attack, draws back can defend, does not need was worried the converging attack. Two big front armies grip tightly a fist definitely likely will deliver Shanghai battle Late Stage, flees at the mere distant sight, evades its point. When the time comes, failure that first several times fight also along with it disappearance, morale also big promotion. The international reputation of royal troop greatly will also promote. 真正做到,进可以攻,退可以守,无需担心前后夹击。两大方面军紧握成一个拳头肯定会像是送沪会战后期,望风而逃,避其锋芒。到时候,前几次战斗的失败也随之消失,士气也大大的提升。皇军的国际声誉也将大大提升。 This strategy devised that the Japanese forces supreme headquarters have not made the unified plan. Central China, the northern China two front armies completely are the different strategy groups, among them has not had any exchange. What speechless is, the supreme headquarters have not formulated the strategic time ticket unexpectedly, determined when two big aspect main forces can join forces Xuzhou. 只是这一战略还是构想,日军大本营并未作出统一的规划。华中,华北两个方面军完全是不同的战略集团,他们之间并未有任何的交流。更为让人无语的是,大本营居然还未制定战略时刻票,确定何时两大方面主力能够会师徐州。 Hits completely is looking, where projects on is where, all take eliminating ** since birth power for premise, seeks ** the main force is the precondition, thus to kill to force the national government surrender. 完全就是打着看,打到哪里算是哪里,一切都是以消灭**有生力量为前提,找寻**主力为先决条件,从而以杀伤迫使国民政府投降。 This is only wishful thinking of Japanese forces, although Chairman Jiang is somewhat incompetent, but in his bone is a Chinese, is not Han Jin first-class may compare. 这只是日军的一厢情愿罢了,蒋委员长虽然有些无能,但他骨子里还是一个中国人,并非汉Jin一流可比的。 In the wooded mountain of secret, an army enormous and powerful rapid march. 在隐秘的山林中,一支部队正浩浩荡荡的急行军。 On a nearby flat land, several wear the person of high-ranking military officer clothing to stand there, the surroundings security personnel are defending strictly. 旁边的一处平地上,几名身穿将官服饰的人站在那里,周围警卫人员严密的防守着。 But was encircled in the center the epaulet that ever green Master Division Commander Li Changqing, on the shoulder glistens changed into the lieutenant general, side all people is also the major general military uniform. 而被围在中心的正是长青师师长李长青,肩膀上闪亮的肩章已经换成了中将,旁边诸人也都是少将军服。 Master place, where is our must go to?” Li Qiang who wears the major general military uniform inquired low voice. “师座,我们这是要去哪里?”身穿少将军服的李强小声的询问道。 Linyi Li Changqing cold voice said. “临沂”李长青冷声道。 Linyi? Do we go to Linyi to do? Didn't the Japanese forces attack Taierzhuang?” Asking of Li Qiang somewhat doubts, the side people are blurry, does not know that the master of great moral integrity and learning place wants to do. “临沂?我们去临沂干嘛?日军不是进攻台儿庄了吗?”李强有些疑惑的问道,旁边众人都是一阵迷糊,不知道师座想要干什么。 Naturally touches our old match fifth division.” Saying of Li Changqing voice coldly. “当然是碰碰我们的老对手第五师团了。”李长青声音冷冷的说道。 Couple of days ago was really too busy, has not owed four chapters with enough time, the fire certainly will have made fiercely up, hopes that everybody supported A 前两天实在是太忙了,没来得及欠了四章,火烈一定会补上的,希望大家支持A
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