GOS :: Volume #4

#358: In the riches and honor danger asked

Under shining of sunlight, He Qingman snow white naked body is emitting the jade carving gloss, the proud exposition in the air, making people dazzling and intoxicating. 日光的照耀下,何青曼雪白胴体散发着玉器般的光泽,骄傲的暴露在空气中,让人目眩神迷。 Abundant twin peaks, do not have a smooth lower abdomen of unnecessary excrescence, fragrant grass Yinyin's private forbidden land, that snow white, lets any man blood spray out attractive spring scenery in light of vulgar revealing Sun, beautiful simply such as a fine artware, making the person not endure to destroy, does not dare to touch. 丰挺的双峰,没有一丝多余赘肉的平坦小腹,芳草茵茵的私密禁地,那一身雪白,在太阳之光下流露出让任何男人血脉喷张的诱人春光,美的简直如一件精美的艺术品,让人不忍破坏,不敢触摸。 She so naked body before the Shi Yan body, the piece wisp, the curve is exquisite, the ketone body swings the person heart and soul. 她就这般在石岩身前赤裸身子,不着片缕,曲线玲珑,酮体荡人心魄。 But her eye, does not have the light gloomily, the likely not can see dark cloud blocks from, one such as this time mood, cannot see the light, could not find the direction. 可她的眼睛,却灰暗无光,像是被看不见的乌云遮住,一如她此时的心境,看不见光明,找不到方向。 The Shi Yan facial expression shakes, reveals for the first time startled accommodates, the looks at front may be called the perfect attracting ketone body, in his pair of ice cold pupil, flashes through light of scalding hot passion suddenly. 石岩神情一震,首次露出惊容,看着面前堪称完美的魅惑酮体,他一双冰寒的眸子中,忽然闪过一丝灼热的情欲之光。 However is only an instant, his look then restores the Pure Brightness, the corners of the mouth transgress a mock the happy expression, the nod said: Is very beautiful.” 不过只是一霎,他眼神便恢复清明,嘴角逸出一个讥诮的笑意,点头道:“很美。” Leads me to kill off the short Devil Clan clansman, I then am you. Flame Cloud Island that my He Family is, by its extermination!” “带我杀光矮魔族的族人,我便属于你。我何家所在的火云岛,就是被其灭门的!” Whatever He Qingman his dissolute vision forgets to return on own ketone body, has not blushed bashfully, the beautiful pupil cold and gloomy like the ice cone, coldly said suddenly. 何青曼任由他放肆的目光在自己的酮体上流连忘返,没有一丝羞赧,美眸突然森冷如冰锥,冷冷道。 Shi Yan shakes the head, you should look for Cao Qiudao, or Yang Yitian, only then this Endless Sea genuine overlord, can meet your request.” 石岩摇头,“你应该找曹秋道,亦或者阳翼天,只有这种无尽海真正的霸主,才能满足你的要求。” Their this old men, have read completely the world hundred condition, although life force rushes, heart actually like dead situation.” The He Qingman elegant face full is the bitter and astringent meaning, their pursues are different from the young people, my beautiful appearance, is difficult to enter their discernment.” “他们这种老头,已阅尽人间百态,生机虽然澎湃,心却如一潭死水。”何青曼俏脸满是苦涩之意,“他们的追求和年青人不一样,我的美貌,难进他们法眼。” So was saying, He Qingman before his body, but also shows a posture of bending the waist, two walking tractors trembling abundant very snow white ***, reveals one to attract obsequious attitude, looks at Shi Yan saying: You, if promises me, I can give you to select the benefit now, so long as you did not want me truly, other, my as you wish......” 这般说着,何青曼在他身前,还摆出一个弯腰的姿势,两手拖着颤颤巍巍的丰挺雪白***,露出一副魅惑之极的媚态,看着石岩道:“你若是答应我,我现在就可以给你点甜头,只要你不真正要了我,其它的,我随便你……” Her manner seems like attracts, the look does not have the meaning of sentiment moving, as before indifferent heartless. 她神态看似魅惑,眼神却没有一丝情动之意,依旧冷漠无情。 In the Shi Yan heart sighed, shook the head secretly, in hand Imaginary Space Ring one bright, a material quality rough linen clothing departed suddenly. 石岩心中一叹,暗暗摇了摇头,手上幻空戒一亮,一件材质粗糙的麻布衣衫突然飞出。 Under the amazed gaze of He Qingman, he uses this clothing to bind the He Qingman moving ketone body, at once launches Star Wing, suddenly flew. 何青曼的惊诧注视下,他用这件衣衫将何青曼的动人酮体裹住,旋即展开星翼,忽然飞了起来。 Leaves Endless Sea, this Grace Mainland not solely only then such Warrior gathering place, your heart here died, changes an environment, you can bloom life force.” “离开无尽海吧,这神恩大陆不单单只有这么一个武者聚集之地,你的心在这里已死,换一个环境,你才能重新绽放生机。” The Shi Yan sound distant conveys from the space, in the expression full is sigh with emotion, is urging her likely , is persuading itself likely. 石岩的声音遥遥从天上传来,语气中满是感慨,像是在劝她,又像是在劝说自己。 In the He Qingman beautiful pupil full is astonished however unclearly, dull looks at he changes into light of one bunch of meteor, increasingly estranged, in heart flood an indescribable emotion. 何青曼美眸中满是讶然不明,呆呆的看着他化为一束流星之光,渐行渐远,心中泛起一股难以言喻的情感来。 Has gawked some little time, He Qingman knits the brows will be binding the rough hempen garments to slip off, has changed a clean fibroin long skirt, attractive naked body will conceal. 愣了好一会儿,何青曼皱眉将身上裹着的粗糙麻衣褪下,重新换了一件干净的丝质长裙,将诱人的胴体掩饰住。 She is just about to discard this inexpensive rough linen clothing, suddenly remembers anything, on the face flashes through one shyly crimson, she has gawked staring, finally has not discarded in the hempen garments this, but is the unexpected happening its receives Imaginary Space Ring. 她正要将这件低廉的粗糙麻布衣衫扔掉,忽然又想起什么,脸上闪过一丝羞涩绯红,她愣了愣,最终没将这件在麻衣扔掉,而是鬼使神差的将其收入幻空戒 Walks into the cave, the demon female corpse bodies of three Dragon Horn Clan, heave in sight immediately, three succubas are naked the body, indentation all over the body, had suffered anything before one's death once, clear. 走入山洞,三具龙角族的魔女尸身,立即映入眼帘,三名魔女赤裸着身子,遍体齿痕,生前曾遭受过什么,一目了然。 looks at three female face Shangyou are hanging satisfaction grace and bearing, the He Qingman long eyelash fanned, the beautiful pupil flashes through surprised. 看着三女脸上犹挂着的满足风情,何青曼长长睫毛扇动了一下,美眸闪过一丝惊讶。 The succubas' demands in fields are excessive she early to have hearing, in the legend the human man is very difficult to satisfy the succuba, said that five human men go forth to battle one after another, can perhaps satisfy a succuba, helping the succuba obtain the desire tide truly...... 魔女在某些方面的需求无度她早有耳闻,传说中人类男子很难满足魔女,说五名人类男子轮番上阵,或许才能满足一名魔女,让魔女真正获得欲望潮点…… looks at these three succubas, the He Qingman expression is slowly strange, is startled for somebody fields powerful ability secret hearts. 看着这三名魔女,何青曼表情慢慢古怪起来,为某人某些方面的强悍能力暗暗心惊。 ...... …… Cold wind island. 阴风岛。 The thick dark clouds cover the backdrop, this islands Yin Qi is extremely heavy, all year long was bound by the dark clouds, cannot see the daylight. 厚厚阴云笼罩天幕,这座岛屿阴气极重,终年被阴云裹住,看不见天日。 Here belongs to the Gu Family territory, at this time actually has become the place of Corpse God Church believer tabernacle. 这里属于古家的领地,此时却成了尸神教教徒暂居之地。 Many grottos that in the deathly silence mountain ridge, mountain side of mountain peaks open, in each grotto, have the Corpse God Church believer tabernacle. 死寂山岭内,一座座山峰的山腹开辟的许多岩洞,每一个岩洞之中,都有尸神教的教徒暂居。 And in a grotto, Corpse God Church Elder Yin Hai sits on two cloudy wooden coffins, closes one's eyes to gather Yin Qi, contains yin strength Essence Qi to pour into two cloudy wooden coffins within the body. 其中一个岩洞内,尸神教长老尹海坐在两口阴木棺上,闭着眼聚集阴气,将体内蕴藏阴力精元注入两口阴木棺中。 Suddenly, Yin Hai opened eye fiercely, complexion suddenly gloomy. 突然,尹海猛地张开眼,脸色骤然阴沉了下来。 ka ka ka!” 咔咔咔!” In two cloudy wooden coffins, transmits the nail to rip the sound of stroke of coffin, two Heavenly Corpse in the coffin, have not received Yin Hai the life of controlling corpse, wants from the coffin unexpectedly *** come. 两口阴木棺中,传来指甲撕划棺木的声响,两具天尸在棺材中,没有收到尹海的控尸之命,竟想要从棺材***来。 Yin Hai has gawked, immediately takes out Transmission Stone, transmits here unusual form. 尹海愣了一下,立即取出音石,将这里的异状传递出去。 long time, in other deathly silence mountain ridge mountain side, does not depart three person's shadows quickly, arrives at the cave that Yin Hai is at fast. 多时,在死寂山岭别的山腹中,倏地飞出三道人影,快速来到尹海所在的山洞。 Is bringing Corpse God Church Cult Master Qing Ming of fiendish features mask, comes swiftly, immediately with ices the cold voice sound that his is in sole possession to ask gloomily: „Is Yin Hai, the situation true?” 带着青面獠牙面具的尸神教教主青冥,倏一过来,马上用他那独有的阴森冰冷声音问道:“尹海,情况属实?” Yin Hai bows a ritual, from two cloudy wooden coffins, has referred to the cloudy wooden coffin, did not say a word. 尹海躬身一礼,从两口阴木棺上下来,指了指阴木棺,一言不发。 Strange sound, braves from the cloudy wooden coffin, sounds appallingly. 奇异的声响,又从阴木棺中冒出来,听起来让人毛骨悚然。 However one line of three people of grotto, after hearing this alarmed and afraid sound, not only did not fear that instead reveals the excited vision, the facial expression is pleasantly surprised. 然而岩洞的一行三人,听到这让人惊惧的声音之后,不但一点不怕,反而纷纷露出兴奋的目光,神情惊喜。 Boy in nearby!” “那小子就在附近!” Qing Ming coldly snorted, Hehe sneers, looked like he could not hold, this time once more will definitely get rid, perhaps the goal was here.” 青冥冷哼一声,嘿嘿冷笑,“看来他又憋不住了,这次肯定会再次出手,说不定目标就是这里。” Yin-Yang Fairyland days later and De Huang, expression cold severe, the look cold and gloomy ice is cold, one *** head. 阴阳洞天天后地皇,神色冷厉,眼神森冷冰寒,一***头。 To seize this boy, we have spent many times, may actually unable to find him, was lucky that these two Heavenly Corpse, can find his whereabouts finally.” days later has licked the ruddy corners of the mouth charmingly, a bloodthirsty of face ruthless severe, these days, my Yin-Yang Fairyland had more than 30 disciples dead a tragic death in his hands, my most complacent three girl students, was suffered by him until death, this boy has gotten angry the day resentful person who Endless Sea stirred, this necessity killed him!” “为了逮住这小子,我们花费了不少功夫,可却一直不能找到他,多亏这两具天尸,终于可以找到他的行踪了。”天后娇媚的舔了舔红润的嘴角,一脸的嗜杀的狠厉,“这段时间,我阴阳洞天有30多名弟子惨死在他手中,就连我最得意的三名女弟子,也被他折磨至死,这小子已将无尽海搅的天怨人怒,这次必要杀他!” „His time must die without doubt!” De Huang coldly snorted one, is he has to endure to compare Mo Jita power, your my three people collaborate , the potential must extinguish him!” “他这次必死无疑!”地皇冷哼一声,“就算是他有着堪比摩奇铊力量,你我三人联手,也势要灭他!” Relax, Corpse King still in the place bottom, this time I comes prepared, so long as he dares to enter this cold wind island, makes him come but not return absolutely.” Qing Ming said with a smile ferociously. “放心吧,尸王还在地底之中,这次我有备而来,只要他敢进入这阴风岛,绝对让他有来无回。”青冥狞笑道。 I must attract *** power, making him escape positive and dies!” days later is nipping Bei Chi, suddenly giggle smiles tenderly, such as a Bloodthirsty female beast, excited. “我要吸***一身力量,让他脱阳而死!”天后咬着贝齿,忽然咯咯娇笑,如一头嗜血的母兽,兴奋不已。 Yin Hai, you stay here do not move, three of us concealing gets up temporarily.” Qing Ming has hesitated, told. 尹海,你留在这里不要动,我们三人暂时隐匿起来。”青冥沉吟了一下,吩咐道。 Subordinate understands!” “属下明白!” Three God Realm Warrior, have exchanged fast, flies away from this cave together, dives together hidden, waits secretly. 三名神境武者,快速交流了一下,一起从这石洞中飞走,一起潜隐下来,暗暗等候。 Yin Hai sits again on the cloudy wooden coffin, puts out a hand to trace the coffin, cold voice drinks lowly: To this doing accounts time.” 尹海重新在阴木棺上坐下来,伸手摸了摸棺木,冷声低喝:“到了该算账的时候了。” ...... …… Behind in a cold wind island sea area. 阴风岛后方的一片海域中。 The tranquil sea level swings ripples suddenly, in the spread ripples, a seabed person such as the sea-monster is ordinary, dives slowly in the direction of cold wind island. 平静的海面突然荡起涟漪,在扩散的涟漪中,海底一人如游鱼一般,缓缓朝着阴风岛的方向潜去。 Other people in the sea water, look up the day in the seabed once for a while, emits Divine Sense young small hole to observe the surrounding all exceptionally. 他人在海水之中,时不时在海底抬头看天,放出神识细洞察周围一切异常。 Two strange fluctuations, transmit from that cold wind island, that fluctuation seemed summoning, making him quicker comes. 两股奇异的波动,从那阴风岛中传来,那波动似乎在呼唤着,让他快些过来。 Calmed the mind to feel a while, his speed fast, was moving in the seabed, arrived at the shore of cold wind island, did not have anxiously cropping up, but stopped temporarily. 静心感受了一会儿,他速度飞快,在海底活动着,来到阴风岛的岸边,却没有急着冒头,而是暂时停了下来。 For a long time, he came ashore quietly, the dark clouds of distant looks at cold wind island space, close one's eyes to feel the fluctuation of heaven and earth Spiritual Qi, sinks to which the mind, tries to see clearly the unusual form on island from heaven and earth Spiritual Qi. 许久后,他悄悄上了岸,远远看着阴风岛天上的阴云,闭着眼感受天地灵气的波动,将心神沉入其中,试着从天地灵气中来洞察岛上的异状。 Nirvana Realm Warrior aura, under his Divine Sense spies on, already understood clearly in Xiong, existence of that two Heavenly Corpse, means Elder of Yin Hai this Corpse God Church Sky Realm boundary, in island. 涅槃之境武者气息,在他神识窥探之下,早已了然于胸,那两具天尸的存在,意味着尹海这名尸神教天位境的长老,也正在岛上。 Traded to make the past, if in the fully aware of island had the Sky Realm boundary Warrior stay, he does not dare to take risk decidedly. 换作以往,如果明知岛上有天位武者逗留,他断然不敢冒险过来。 However, under the condition that in Holy Spirit God, Profound Ice Cold Flame and Earthcore Flame three strange life bodies fuse temporarily, he actually does not fear, not only did not fear, but also exceptionally excited. 然而,在圣灵神玄冰寒焰地心火三种奇异生命体暂时融合的状态下,他却并不惧怕,不但不怕,还异常的兴奋。 Now the body Martial Spirit mutation, has covered two and upper part, so long as kills several Sky Realm boundary Warrior again, draws support the Sky Realm boundary Warrior vigorous pure essence, he can definitely complete the mutation of lower part, Sky Realm boundary Warrior for him, is the best tonic. 如今身体武魂的异变,已覆盖了两手和上半身,只要再杀几名天位武者,借助于天位武者浑厚精纯的精气,他肯定可以将下半身的异变完成,天位武者对他来说,乃是最佳的补剂。 Recently, because he mutation of upper part is completed, thought more and more two legs cannot bear the astonishing weight of body gradually, the mutation of body each muscle, will make his fleshly body heavy like the mountain, he discovered gradually the skeletons of his two legs, as if start unable to bear the weight of upper part, once is conscientious, two leg skeletons will send out the abnormal noise once for a while. 最近一段时间,他因为上半身的异变完成,越来越觉得两腿逐渐承受不住身体的惊人重量,身体每一块肌肉的异变,都会让他肉身变得沉重如山,渐渐地,他发现他两腿的骨骼,似乎都开始承受不住上半身的重量,一旦脚踏实地,两腿骨骼都会时不时发出异响。 Must complete the mutation as soon as possible, otherwise this body will be getting more and more strange, this imperfect shape, will affect the crazy eruption of his power. 必须尽早将异变完成,否则这具身体将会越来越怪异,这种不完美的形态,会影响他力量的疯狂爆发。 Every day, each night, Holy Spirit God, Profound Ice Cold Flame and Earthcore Flame power in passing fast, he is unable to prevent. 每一天,每一夜,圣灵神玄冰寒焰地心火力量都在飞快的流逝,他无法阻止。 Indistinct within, he knows how long perhaps could not want, the fusions of these three big life bodies will then relieve, he by the striking back primary form, no longer will have by that time to extinguish kills the Sky Realm boundary Expert strength. 隐约间,他知道或许要不了多久,这三大生命体的融合便会解除,到那时候他将会被打回原形,不再拥有可以灭杀天位强者的实力。 Now Endless Sea extremely Chaos, if loses this to endure with power that God Realm Warrior fights, he step by step will be difficult in Endless Sea, will be extinguished finally kills. 如今无尽海极其混乱,如果失去这股可堪和神境武者一战的力量,他在无尽海将会步步艰难,会最终被灭杀。 Before then, he must complete mutation as soon as possible, only then the body mutation is perfect, he can increase the hope of survival. 在此之前,他必须要尽快将异变完成,只有身躯异变完美,他才能增加存活的希望。 When does not need I! 时不待我! The day that looks at gloomy sinks perhaps, in the clearly know island has the bad risk, he also darkly decides, prepares to give it all. 看着阴沉沉的天,明知道岛上或许有凶险,他也暗下决心,准备放手一搏。 In the riches and honor danger asked! 富贵险中求! Heart one ruthless, he at once no longer hesitant, Star Wing launches suddenly, displays Star Brilliance, the ghosts and demons flickers to move in the wooded mountains, approaches the deathly silence mountain ridge quietly. 心一狠,他旋即不再犹豫,星翼霍然展开,施展出星耀,鬼魅般在山林间瞬移着,悄悄逼近死寂山岭。 You came finally.” “你终于来了。” When other source one comes in the deathly silence mountain ridge, in the bottom hears the Qing Ming cold severe crafty laughter suddenly, at once the person's shadow shoots up to the sky from the soil together, falls before his body fiercely. 当他方一在死寂山岭现身,地底之中突然传来青冥的冷厉诡笑声,旋即一道人影从泥土中冲天而起,猛地落到他身前。 Meanwhile, the earth rumbling the explosive, whole body is covered with the man ape monster that grows hair thickly, has braved. 与此同时,大地轰轰爆响,一头浑身长满浓密长毛的人猿般的怪物,也随之冒了出来。
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