GOS :: Volume #3

#256: Has what does not dare?

In the forest of cover, Yu Rou is fanning the snow white wing gently, tender body easily such as the void god electricity, dodges to pass. 茂密的森林中,羽柔轻轻扇动着雪白的羽翼,轻易的娇躯如虚空神电,一闪而逝。 This boy......” “这小子……” Lowered the head to shoot a look at Shi Yan one ” the Yu Rou look to be strange, somewhat helpless shaking the head, has to increase speed once more. 低头瞥了石岩一眼”羽柔眼神怪异,有些无奈的摇了摇头,不得不再次提速。 Was raised Shi Yan in hand by him, the breath is loud, the scarlet red pupil has covered entirely the blood thread, is Bloodthirsty Ferocious Beast, in the body the malignant influences soars to the heavens likely, to person an extremely dangerous feeling. 被他提在手中的石岩,鼻息粗重,赤红色的瞳仁布满了血丝,像是一头嗜血凶兽,身体中煞气冲天,给人一种极度危险的感觉。 Yu Rou as head of the clan White Wing Clan, soul cultivation base, although is far profoundly, but regarding various special power cognition, actually command Yin Demon Race three greatly profoundly are too more. 羽柔身为白翼族族长,灵魂修为虽然谈不上精深,但对于各种特殊力量的认知,却要比阴魅族的三个大统领深刻太多。 Emits together Essence Qi quietly, prospected in the Shi Yan body veins, the Yu Rou graceful ketone body trembled suddenly, in eyes jumped projects the shining bright light. 悄悄放出一道精元,在石岩身体筋脉中勘察了一下,羽柔曼妙的酮体骤然一颤,双眸中迸射出灿灿明光。 Impossible......” “不可能……” Yu Rou is panic-stricken exceptionallymutters whispers, emits once more hunchback wisp of Essence Qi, concentrates on to realize from experience, feels the unusual form in Shi Yan body plaster. 羽柔惊骇异常”喃喃低语一句,又再次放出一偻缕精元,全神贯注体悟,去感受石岩身体垩内的异状。 A faint trace inquires about the strength, such as disappears the disappearing rivulet to roll in the Shi Yan veins, under the circulations of these power, the veins, bone lou and five internal organs six crisp detailed message Shi Yan body, the back coupling gives Yu Rou little, enabling her to be able clear transparent sees clearly all of Shi Yan body. 一丝丝探寻之力,如消消细流在石岩筋脉中滚动,在那些力量的流转之下,石岩身体的筋脉、骨髅、五脏六脆的详细讯息,一点点地回馈给羽柔,让她可以清晰明了的洞察石岩身体的一切。 long time, the head of the clan two illumination of White Wing Clan, did not stop in void, dull looks at Shi Yan. 多时,白翼族的族长两眼发光,就在虚空中停了下来,呆呆的看着石岩 Boy, are really you human Warrior?” Yu Rou has hesitated, suddenly inquired with deep veneration that her voice such as lightning, falls into the Shi Yan mind together loudly, making state of mind some unclear Shi Yan awake to turn around fiercely. “小子,你真是人类武者?”羽柔沉吟了一下,忽然肃然询问,她声音如一道电光,轰然落入石岩脑海,让神志有些不清的石岩猛地醒转过来。 In Sea of Consciousness, 5 Devils still in disturbing is fluctuating, massive Negative Emotions wander about destitute from the 5 Devils body plaster, pours into Sea of Consciousness, making Shi Yan Sea of Consciousness change quietly, gradually affects his mental. 识海中,五魔还在翻搅变幻着,大量的负面情绪五魔体垩内流落出来,注入识海中,让石岩识海悄悄发生变化,逐渐影响他的心智。 The state of mind is slightly sober, Shi Yan gains ground the looks at this moving heart and soul White Wing Clan beautiful woman, is hearing on her the attractive delicate fragrance, cannot bear capriciously, the breath is loud. 神志略略清醒,石岩抬头看着这名动人心魄的白翼族美艳妇人,闻着她身上诱人的清香,忍不住心猿意马,鼻息更加粗重起来。 Such will ask why?”, Continually attracted several tonesShi Yan reluctantly to control the mood, knit the brows the sinking sound track. “为什么会这么问?”,一连吸了几口气”石岩才勉强控制住情绪,皱眉沉声道。 Human body should not powerful, your fleshly body veins be so tenacious, the skeleton experiences for a long time to quenching, does not have slight impurities, in the body plaster each cell is active, is containing the astonishing explosive force! Even if not utilize any Essence Qi you is only the striking power that the body has, not inferior general Disaster Warrior, you are really humanity? ” “人类身体不该这么强悍,你肉身筋脉坚韧宽阔,骨骼久经淬炼,没有丝毫杂质,体垩内每一个细胞活跃无比,蕴藏着惊人之极的爆发力!就算是不运用任何精元”你光是身体产生的攻击力,都不逊色一般的百劫武者,你真是人类?” The Yu Rou facial expression was strange, has hesitated, said: As far as I know, the Devil Clan these fleshly body powerful races, the body under this Realm cannot be your intensity. With is the Earth Realm boundary, the youth talent of our wing clan, the fleshly body intensity is inferior to you unexpectedly, do you achieve? fleshly body powerful, Earth Level also had Sea of Consciousness, the soul attainments are similarly extraordinary, your this......” 羽柔神情怪异无比,沉吟了一下,又道:“据我所知,就连魔族那些肉身强悍的种族,在这种境界下身体都达不到你的强度。同为地位境,我们翼族的青年才俊,肉身强度竟然都不如你,你到底怎么做到的?肉身强悍,地位之境还拥有了识海,灵魂造诣同样非凡,你这家起……” Yu Rou is very shocking, she has prospected the condition of Shi Yan body accidentally, discovery this boy soul is special, fleshly body powerful is inexplicable, once this peculiar genius the future will grow, does not know that will reach the what kind altitude. 羽柔很是震惊,她无意中勘察了一下石岩身体的状况,却发现这小子灵魂特殊,肉身强悍莫名,这种怪才一旦将来成长起来,不知道会达到何种高度。 In her heart started to regret, regretted after complying with the Shi Yan matter to become, guaranteed his life. 她心中开始后悔了,后悔答应石岩事成之后保他一命。 Can stand up to the pain, not awfully quenchings oneself, can turn into this.” Shi Yan is constraining the Sea of Consciousness disorder mood, clenches teeth secretly, respite urging: Do not waste everybody's time, is quicker delivers to that giant stone old city me, I feared that I could not support to be too long.” “经得住痛苦,不要命的淬炼自身,就可以变成这样。”石岩压抑着识海的紊乱情绪,暗暗咬着牙,喘息催促:“不要浪费大家的时间,快些将我送到那巨石古城,我怕我撑不了太久。” Your this young bastard, is really the vulgar silkworm embryo.” Yu Rou cannot help laughing, shook the head ”, but said: „, Ok, waited to solve the backlash strength of your body, I interrogated you again well. “你这小混蛋,真是下流胚子。”羽柔哑然失笑,摇了摇头”无奈道:“,算了,等解决了你身体的反噬力,我再好好盘问你。 During the words, Yu Rou then prepares to stimulate to movement in the body plaster once more power, bringing Shi Yan to go to that Yin Demon Race old city. 话语间,羽柔便准备再次催动体垩内力量,带着石岩前往那阴魅族的古城。 In this time, an intense soul surges, suddenly transmits from the Shi Yan body, this soul fluctuation is turbulent, appears, then instantaneously fills the air, attacks toward that Yu Rou. 就在此时,一股强烈的灵魂波荡,突然从石岩身体中传来,这股灵魂波动汹涌猛烈,一显现出来,便瞬间弥漫开来,直朝着那羽柔攻去。 Desperate, fear and bloodthirsty, want and hate five Negative Emotions corruptly, changes into five souls to fluctuate, spreads, covers head of the clan White Wing Clan quickly. 绝望、恐惧、嗜杀、贪要、怨恨五种负面情绪,化为五股灵魂波动,蔓延开来,倏地笼罩住白翼族族长。 Inner world 5 Devils is from unusual Martial Skills in Blood Vein Ring, in the escape by Shi Yan acupoint comes out Negative Emotions that feeds with his spirit imprint fusion in Sea of Consciousness, not only has him consciousness partially, but also has the terrifying soul influence, Shi Yan when spoke with Yu Rou, cannot help but will spill over to solve the will crazy thought with Yu Rou first. 心海五魔乃是来自于血纹戒中的奇特武技,由石岩穴道内飞逸出来的负面情绪,在识海中和他精神烙印融合喂养而成,不但拥有着他部分意识,还有着恐怖的灵魂影响力,石岩在和羽柔讲话的时候,不由自主的会泛出先用羽柔解决心志疯狂的念头来。 This thought is born in the inner world, inspires inner world 5 Devils, made in his Sea of Consciousness originally on the 5 Devils sudden riot of being ready to make trouble, has regarded the goal that Yu Rou unexpectedly, toward the Yu Rou attack. 这念头在心海中诞生,引动心海五魔,令他识海中本来就蠢蠢欲动的五魔突然暴乱,竟将那羽柔当成了目标,朝着羽柔攻击而来。 Soul attack......” Yu Rou smiles, to shake the head gently, to our wing clans, the soul attack is the procedure of non- wisdom.” “灵魂攻击……”羽柔恬然一笑,轻轻摇头,“对我们翼族来说,灵魂攻击是最不智的做法。” Desperate, fear and bloodthirsty, greedy, hate five special soul fluctuations, changes into a faint trace naked eye the soul line that is difficult to see, pesters fast to Yu Rou, the potential must affect Yu Rou mental, lets Yu Rou by these mood leadership, becomes the 5 Devils puppet. 绝望、恐惧、嗜杀、贪婪、怨恨五种特殊的灵魂波动,化为一丝丝肉眼难见的灵魂线,快速纠缠向羽柔,势要影响羽柔的心智,让羽柔被这些情绪主导,成为五魔的傀儡。 Falls far short......”, ” “差得远呢……”,” Yu Rou remains unmovedin that instants of these five soul fluctuation seepage mind, suddenly roar lightly. 羽柔不为所动”在这五种灵魂波动渗透脑海的那一霎,忽然轻啸起来。 The clear and melodious howl, the persuasive reverberation in the forest, the bright sword that the howl such as cuts off any soul entanglement, gives the one by one elimination the soul fluctuation that 5 Devils releases. 清越的啸声,在森林中婉转回荡,啸声如斩断任何灵魂纠缠的慧剑,将五魔释放出来的灵魂波动给一一清除。 Quickly, by the soul attack that 5 Devils releases, eliminates in the howl, has not left the slight trace. 很快地,被五魔释放出来的灵魂袭击,在啸声中消泯一空,没有留下丝毫的痕迹。 Shi Yan eyes Pure Brightness some, suddenly said slightly: Loosens me.” 石岩双眸略略清明一些,突然道:“松开我。” What's wrong?” Isn't Yu Rou light smiling, now anxiously looking for the woman?” “怎么?”羽柔淡淡的笑着,“现在不急着找女人了?” Puts me to get down, I stabilize first, these soul mood that you cut off, enabling me to get rid of Sea of Consciousness the strength of soul backlash, gives me some time, perhaps I can restore to come.” “放我下来,我先稳定一下,你斩断的那些灵魂情绪,让我可以摆脱识海的灵魂反噬之力,给我一些时间,说不定我能够恢复过来。” If you hope.” Yu Rou chuckle letting go. “如你所愿。”羽柔轻笑着松手。 The Shi Yan body, is tumbling in the midair, the complexion great change, stimulates to movement Essence Qi hurriedly, eyes none remaining glittering, seeks trees trunk and branches that can stop over. 石岩的身躯,在半空中翻滚着,脸色巨变,急忙催动精元,双眸精光闪烁,找寻可以落脚的树木枝干。 This White Wing Clan head of the clan, in several hundred meters upper air, actually said that drops independently, basic, no matter Shi Yan can die directly. 白翼族的族长,在数百米的高空,竟然说放手就放手,根本不管石岩会不会被直接甩死。 Dares to carry on the soul to attack to me, the courage not small......” is fanning the snow white wing, Yu Rou float in void, in the bright eyes the cold brightness dodges to pass. “竟敢对我进行灵魂攻击,胆子不小……”扇动着雪白羽翼,羽柔悬浮在虚空,明眸中寒光一闪而逝。 „! chā chā!”, First successive breaks by smashing with stone ten arm thick or thin branches, the standing firm body potential that Shi Yan whole body is sore, face upwards to lie down in an ancient branch phyllome, is looking up at space that the beautiful woman of physique abundant rhyme, an anger of face, shouted to clear the way: „Do you want to plunge to death me really?” “喀嚓!嚓嚓!”,一连砸断十来根手臂粗细的树枝,石岩浑身酸痛的稳住身势,在一颗古树枝叶丛中仰天躺着,仰视着天上那身姿丰韵的美艳女人,一脸的怒气,喝道:“你真想摔死我啊?” Does not have.” Is swaying white wing, woman cultivates the straight beautiful leg to kick one's legs, lowers from the day slowly, light smiling, „aren't you safe and sound?” “没啊。”晃荡着白色翅膀,那女人修直的美腿踢蹬着,缓缓地从天降下,淡淡的笑着,“你不是安然无恙么?” Strange light wave that the naked eye is together difficult to see, in that woman wing waves, suddenly flies to shoot. 一道肉眼难见的奇异光波,在那女人翅膀舞动间,突然飞射而出。 kacha!” 咔嚓!” Shi Yan Yang Tang the branch, separates broken, he who stands firm the body potential with great difficulty, drops from the grove directly shake in the place, whole body is sore incomparably. 石岩仰躺着的树枝,纷纷碎断开来,好不容易稳住身势的他,直接从树丛中跌落在地,浑身被震的酸痛无比。 Well, how to get down?”, Yu Rou falls gently light, is smiling acclaiming: Really good, falls not to plunge to death you from such high place, the young fellow body is really strong, good good, I like the strong man.” “咦,怎么下去了?”,羽柔轻飘飘落下来,微笑着赞叹:“真不错,从这么高的地方摔下来都没摔死你,小伙子身体真是强壮,不错不错,我喜欢强壮的男人。” „Do you want to try? My anything pattern excels, satisfaction guaranteed!” Shi Yan clenches jaws to say. “那你要不要试试?我什么花样都擅长的,包你满意!”石岩咬牙切齿道。 In Yu Rou bright and intelligent eyes the cold brightness dodges, said lightly: I also really want to try, do you dare to come up?” 羽柔水汪汪的双眸中寒光一闪,淡淡道:“我还真想试试,你敢上来么?” As the White Wing Clan head of the clan, Yu Rou Sheng Yan, because of her smiling face reduction slightest, she long so will not be big, such had not been sexually harassed, while the resentment gets angry, in the heart actually also flood an unusual feeling, thought......, Is somewhat exciting. 身为白翼族的族长,羽柔的盛严,不会因为她的笑容减少分毫,她长这么大,还从来没有被人这么调戏过,在恚怒的同时,心中竟然还泛起一种奇特的感觉,觉得……,有些刺激。 Has what does not dare?” “有何不敢?” The Shi Yan facial expression is cold, the racket buttocks have stood, has moved the hands and feet, walks unexpectedly directly toward Yu Rou. 石岩神情冷然,拍拍屁股站了起来,活动了一下手脚,竟径直朝着羽柔走来。 The behind snow white wing draws in quietly, at this moment, the White Wing Clan head of the clan somewhat is unexpectedly tense, in her beautiful pupil different light glittering, tranquil is staring at step by step the line Shi Yan, on whole body vulgar reveals Expert unique is respectable and powerful that keeps aloof, lets cold severe aura that Shi Yan was killed instantaneously sufficiently, slowly spread comes, all around covers her. 身后雪白羽翼悄悄收拢,这一刻,白翼族的族长竟有些紧张,她美眸中异光闪烁,平静的盯着一步步行来的石岩,浑身下流露出高高在上的强者特有的威严强悍,身上一股足以让石岩瞬间丧命的冷厉气息,慢慢扩散开来,将她周遭笼罩。 In the past, any masculine Expert revealed desirably in her her powerful and is respectable, after releasing this rank Expert aura, will restrain heart worthilyto feel inferior before her immediately, even does not dare to visit her, not to mention gave birth encroaches upon her thought. 以往,任何男性强者在她刻意表露出她的强悍威严,释放出这种级别强者气息之后,都会马上收敛不愧之心”在她面前会自惭形秽,甚至不敢看她,更别提生出侵犯她的念头了。 Duo Long that instinct obscene zhuo profanes, before her well-mannered, never dares to reveal that the innermost feelings the desire comes out. 就连天性淫丵亵的多隆,在她面前都规规矩矩,从来不敢表露出内心的欲望出来。 She thinks that Shi Yan is also no exception. 她认为石岩也不会例外。 Step by step close, the Shi Yan facial expression is callous, just like does not know that he will face any general, strides bravely forward under her formidable air/Qi field, had not flushed going forward unexpectedly really slightly hesitant. 一步步接近,石岩神情冷酷,宛如不知道他将会面临什么一般,在她那强大的气场之下昂首阔步,竟然真的没有丝毫犹豫的冲了上前。 Old god in Yu Rou, in the beautiful pupil suddenly appears a flurry, looks at this look cold grand youth, does not have reason afraid of somewhat unexpectedly. 老神在在的羽柔,美眸中骤然显出一丝慌乱,看着这眼神冷然的雄伟青年,竟没来由的有些心虚。 In this time, the Shi Yan corners of the mouth suddenly transgresses the ridicule of taunt, stopped in the Yu Rou body first ten meters place, deeply is gazing at her, said: „Did you fear?” 就在此时,石岩嘴角突然逸出嘲讽的讥笑,在羽柔身前十米处停了下来,深深地注视着她,道:“你怕了?” „Did I fear?” Yu Rou thought that was insulted greatest, sneers is very drawing out the abundant milk-white bosom, said: I here! If you plant, touches me!”, A stronger energy fluctuation, such as the hurricane gets up in her behind wind generally, that energy fluctuation turbulent violent, such as swallows Devil of life to be ordinary, is releasing the astonishing energy fluctuation continually. “我怕?”羽柔觉得受到了莫大侮辱,冷笑着挺起丰挺的酥胸,道:“我就在这里!你若是真有种,就上来碰我吧!”,一股更强的能量波动,如飓风一般在她身后飙起,那能量波动汹涌暴烈,如吞噬生灵的妖魔一般,持续释放着惊人的能量波动。 Her frightens Shi Yan! 她这是震慑石岩 I have not known that really has what fears in a friendly way.” “我还真不知道有什友好怕的。” Shi Yan laughs brightlysuddenly silhouette like the electricity, unexpectedly proud Dong Escaping Lightning Changes, instantaneously before head of the clan White Wing Clan body, finding out that a pair of big hand does not fear death, accurate incomparable according to that abundant very full unusual twin peaks. 石岩灿烂大笑”突然身影如电,竟傲动了逸电变,瞬间到了白翼族族长身前,一双大手不怕死的探出,准确无比的按在那丰挺饱满异常的双峰上。 Has rubbed maliciously, has not come and realized from experience the Yu Rou twin peaks the wonder, he violent shouted to clear the way immediately: You, if has killed me, your clan can never leave the place of this exile! Only then I can lead you to be separated from here!” 狠狠地搓揉了一下,还没来及体悟羽柔双峰的美妙,他当即暴喝道:“你若杀了我,你们一族将永远不能离开这放逐之地!只有我才可以带你们脱离这儿!” He fully realized that wing clan and Yin Demon Race want to leave here urgently, knows these two clans to leave this damned place does not hesitate at all costs, therefore, he believes this White Wing Clan head of the clan , regardless of being angry, so long as he mentioned by name this matter, this White Wing Clan head of the clan would soberly. 他深知翼族、阴魅族迫切想要离开这里,知道这两族为了离开这鬼地方不惜一切代价,因此,他相信这白翼族的族长不论多么愤怒,只要他将此事点名,这白翼族的族长总会清醒。 Therefore, the twin peaks that his big hand presses down this graceful woman of quality, call out immediately, even does not dare to realize. 因此,他大手一按上这雍容贵妇的双峰,马上暴喝起来,甚至不敢多体会一下。
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