GOS :: Volume #3

#257: Said the boastful talk

Deep woods n 森林深处n Shi Yan big hand according to head of the clan White Wing Clan in tall and straight twin peaks, after calls out, the whole body pore stands erect, is waiting for the arrival of violent storm. 石岩大手按在白翼族族长挺拔的双峰上,一声暴喝之后,浑身毛孔竖立,等候着狂风暴雨的到来。 Unexpected, the sticking out suddenly attack of Yu Rou has not arrived immediately. 出乎意料,羽柔的暴起袭击并未马上到来。 Shi Yan not only displays Petrification, but also offers a sacrifice to Dark Light Shield, and secret revolution Essence Qi, the body and spirit near the whole body power class, to resist will possibly make him die a tragic death strikes. 石岩不但施展出石化,还将乌光盾祭出,并且暗暗运转精元,将全身力量流边体魄,就是为了抵御可能会让他惨死的一击。 However. The bitter marquis ten seconds, that swift and fierce attack actually had not come. 然而。苦侯了十秒钟,那本来凌厉的攻击却并未如约而至。 Shi Yan gawked. Dull looks at front head of the clan White Wing Clan. Actually stunned discovered that her whole body myo- superficial red, the look is blurred, the breath is loud, stands there unexpectedly strangely is motionless, the back leaves the snow white wing that draws, gently is shivering is resuming. 石岩愣了。呆呆的看着面前的白翼族族长。却愕然发现她浑身肌肤泛红,眼神迷离不定,鼻息粗重,竟奇怪站在那儿一动不动,就连背脊出收拢的雪白羽翼,都在轻轻颤抖着重新展开。 Starting touch mild willowy, wonderful, that full abundant very front, a grain of grape size raised point ballooning. Gradually changes oh...... ” 入手触感温润有弹性,美妙之极,那饱满的丰挺前端,一粒葡萄大小凸点鼓胀着。渐渐变唉……” Bang!...” “轰!…” The turbulent desire, such as the volcano erupts generally, Shi Yan restores Pure Brightness eyes with great difficulty, suddenly becomes scalding hot hot, in body evil fire hurricane! 汹涌的欲望,如火山一般爆发,石岩好不容易恢复清明的双眸,骤然变得灼热火辣,身体中邪火一路狂飙! An instant, Shi Yan then once more lost the reason, the desire has led all. 只是一霎,石岩便再次失去理智,欲望主导了一切。 Is emptying a hand, extends suddenly, one according to the beautiful buttocks of this noble graceful beautiful woman, impolite has rubbed, before Shi Yan gathers up fiercely, toward that ruddy red lips has then nipped. 空着的一只手,也忽然伸出来,一把按在这高贵雍容的美妇的美臀,不客气的搓揉了一下,石岩猛地凑上前,朝着那红润的朱唇便咬了下去。 Fragrant greets the nostrils. The taste of being overwhelmed with emotion such as electric current passing over gently and swiftly body, the Shi Yan grand body shivered gently, each pore was joyful. 芳香扑鼻。销魂的滋味如电流掠过身体,石岩雄伟的身躯轻轻颤抖,每一个毛孔都愉悦起来。 Shi Yan gnaws to nip the wonderful cherry lips of Lord of this clan, two hands have not been idling, moves on her moving ketone body recklessly, heartily infringement this absent-minded beautiful woman. 石岩啃咬着这一族之主的美妙樱唇,两只手也没有闲着,在她那动人的酮体上肆意活动,尽情侵犯这失神的美妇。 ying ......... “嘤………” Yu Rou has not gasped for breath, under Shi Yan kisses the scant of breath, could not bear groan. 羽柔喘不过气来,在石岩的强吻之下呼吸困难,忍不住呻吟了起来。 Never by head of the clan White Wing Clan who the male encroaches upon, after a groan, sinks to the abyss the state of mind rapidly to restore the Pure Brightness. 从来不曾被男性侵犯的白翼族族长,在一声呻吟之后,沉入深渊的神志快速恢复清明。 The confused beautiful pupil, flashes through suddenly absorbs the cold brightness of person together. The next quarter, a swift and fierce crazy fierce fluctuation, spews out from her tender body suddenly. 迷茫的美眸,骤然闪过一道摄人的寒光。下一刻,一股凌厉之极的狂猛波动,突然从她娇躯中喷涌而出。 Peng!...” 嘭!…” Shi Yan such as the Jianshan mountain bombardment, body looked like the wind of line Venerable, threw by far flies. 石岩如建山岳轰击,身体像断了线的风尊,远远抛飞。 The people in the midair, he then spout a blood, body Dark Light Shield bursts, whole body breaks out the meat crack, after falling to the ground. Whole body power shaken Chaos cannot withstand. 人在半空,他便喷出一口鲜血,身上乌光盾破裂,浑身劈开肉裂,倒地之后。全身力量都被震的混乱不堪。 You dare! You dare!., White Wing Clan head of the clan. The woods are cold the face. In pupil swift and fierce murderous aura such as a handle handle sharp sword, unexpectedly precise like essence, instantaneously suddenly to launch from her pupil. “你竟敢!你竟敢!。,白翼族的族长。森寒着脸。眸中凌厉的杀气如一柄柄利剑,竟凝炼如实质,瞬间从她瞳孔中暴射而出。 The Shi Yan whole body is incapable, all sorts of power in body are completely confused, has a mind to avoid, actually the discovery unexpectedly links power to be hard to use, can only looks at that dazzling white photoemission helplessly come, means do not have. 石岩全身无力,身体中的种种力量全部错乱,有心躲避,却发现竟然连一丝力量都难以动用,只能眼睁睁的看着那一道道炫目的白光射来,一点办法都没有。 The body caused heavy losses instantaneously. That Sea of Consciousness 5 Devils is suddenly is on the contrary law-abiding, at this critical moment, has not continued to rebel. 身体瞬间被重创。那识海五魔反倒是突然安分下来,在这个关键时刻,没有继续作乱。 I can help your wing clans leave here!...” Shi Yan clenches teeth to drink greatly. ” I died. You then for a lifetime treat here!...” “我能帮助你们翼族离开这里!…”石岩咬着牙大喝。”“我死了。你们便一辈子待在这里吧!…” In the beautiful pupil of head of the clan White Wing Clan, flashes through together the astonishing white light, manic mood suddenly along with it stagnation. 白翼族族长的美瞳之中,闪过一道惊人的白光,狂躁的情绪突然随之凝滞。 xiū xiū xiū!...” 咻咻咻!…” The direction of fire Shi Yan white lights, deviated the direction suddenly, passes through in the Shi Yan two ear places, deeply submerges in the earth. 一道道射向石岩的白光,突然偏离了方向,在石岩两耳处穿过,深深没入大地之中。 Shi Yan relaxed secretly, has wiped a bloodstain of corners of the mouth. Acts recklessly saying: „ You were too moving, do not blame me, any man before you. Feared that cannot control itself.. Has not thought really you have never experienced the man, I gained. 石岩暗暗松了一口气,抹了一把嘴角的血迹。不知死活道:“你太动人了,别怪我,任何一个男人在你面前。怕是都控制不住自己。呵。真没想到你从来不曾经历过男人,我真是赚到了。 Under so condition, Shi Yan not only has not been affected, dares to speak impertinently unexpectedly. Was seriously bold. 在如此境况之下,石岩不但没有装孙子,竟然还敢口出不逊。当真是色胆包天了。 Swift and fierce counter-attack in Yu Rou bodyflies the Shi Yan bang instantaneously. In eyes strange Divine Light, flying that also does not control self shoots. Shi Yan calls out promptly, he hides one wave. Cannot hide the second wave. Even if body powerful is incomparable, feared that cannot withstand. 羽柔身体中的凌厉反击”瞬间将石岩轰飞。双眸中奇异神光,也不自禁的飞射出来。要不是石岩的一声暴喝及时,他就算是躲得了一波。也躲不掉第二波。就算是身体强悍无比,怕是也承受不住。 You damn!...” “你该死!…” The Yu Rou breath is loud, beautiful pupil cold brightness sparkles, swift and fierce murderous aura, her maliciously looks at Shi Yan. clenches the teeth, the air/Qi tender body shivers all over. 羽柔鼻息粗重,美眸寒光闪闪,一身的凌厉杀气,她狠狠地看着石岩咬着银牙,气的娇躯乱颤。 Sits slowly from the ground, Shi Yan breaks out the meat crack, body fresh blood drip flowings, but actually under looking angrily at Yu Rou, blooms the bright smiling face, „, died is also worth! You were too charming, can get on intimate terms with. Even if loses one's life for this reason, I also recognized. Ha Ha!.” 缓缓从地上坐起来,石岩劈开肉裂,身上鲜血淋漓,但却在羽柔的怒视之下,绽放出灿烂的笑脸,“哈哈,死也值得了!你太迷人了,能够一亲芳泽。就算是为此送命,我也认了。哈哈!。” The Yu Rou snow white wing moves gently, the tender body transfers before the Shi Yan body instantaneously, thin Changbai sword that handle Essence Qi precise becomes. From her control little highlights, arrives in the Shi Yan throat place. Look cold and gloomy is looking at Shi Yan, the sound ice cold say|way: „Don't you fear death really?...” 羽柔雪白的翅膀轻轻一动,娇躯瞬间挪移到石岩身前,一柄精元凝炼而成的细长白剑。从她手心一点点的突出来,抵在石岩喉咙处。眼神森冷的望着石岩,声音冰寒道:“你真不怕死?…” Feared..” Shi Yan smiled. Confident nod: Naturally fears death, but I know that you will not kill me, ha. Should I be first have kissed your man?...” “怕。。”石岩笑了笑。坦然点头:“当然怕死,但我知道你不会杀我,哈。我应该是第一个亲过你的男人吧?…” You also dare to say!...” “你还敢说!…” The Yu Rou heart trembles, the anger instead smiles extremely, you think really I don't dare to kill you? Even if does not kill you now, when you have eradicated barrier, in your today's procedure, I not only will kill you, will also make you die extremely pitiful! When the time comes you know that falls to my hand, falling is more painful than to that Duo Long hand in!”. 羽柔芳心震颤,怒极反笑,“你真以为我不敢杀你?就算是现在不杀你,等你将结界破除了,以你今日的做法,我不但会杀你,还会让你死的极其凄惨!到时候你就会知道落到我手上,比落到那多隆手中更加痛苦!”。 I believe..” A Shi Yan brave, to allow not to compel saying: „ I know that your Realm cultivation base surpasses asks for Duo Long, if you really want to make me endure hardships, relaxedness that I am naturally impossible dead.., Yu Rou beautiful pupil somewhat short absent-minded, looks at the youth who front quarts were discussing, she more looked more air/Qi. This hateful boy, unexpectedly really bold. Unexpectedly has encroached upon her recklessly, resentful intent unseemly behavior on her pure white non- flaw perfect naked body, she wishes one could to be cut to pieces Shi Yan now. Actually knew cannot the killer under this time. “我相信。。”石岩点英,以容不迫道:“我知道你的境界修为超讨多隆,你真要想让我遭罪,我自然不可能死的轻松。。,羽柔美眸有些短暂的失神,望着面前夸夸而谈的青年,她是越看越气。这个可恶的小子,竟然真的色胆包天。居然不知死活的侵犯了她,在她洁白无瑕的完美胴体上怨意妄为,她恨不得现在就将石岩千刀万剐。却又知道不能在这个时候下杀手。 For wing clan. In order to leave this damned place, she must endure! 为了翼族。为了离开这个鬼地方,她必须忍! You too charming......” “你真的太迷人了……” Shi Yan twittering, is taking a look at her in a soft voice secretly, moves the body slowly, is separated from the attack range of Yu Rou that dazzling light sword neck, at once suddenly has stood. 石岩轻声呢喃着,暗暗打量着她,缓缓挪动身子,将脖颈脱离羽柔那炫目光剑的攻击范围,旋即突然站了起来。 Yu Rou is raising that light sword. The arm unbends, is sneering looks at he, has hesitated, that light sword little contraction, slowly vanishes in her control. 羽柔提着那光剑。手臂伸直,冷笑着看着他,沉吟了一下,那光剑一点点收缩,慢慢在她手心消失。 Relaxed quietly, Shi Yan eye gods and ghosts light dodges. Suddenly goes forward one step, fiercely element White Jade who grips this beautiful woman of quality, bold gas channel: We such, you have been my woman....” 悄悄松了一口气,石岩眼神异光一闪。突然上前一步,猛地握住这美艳贵妇的素白玉手,豪气道:“我们都那样了,你就做我的女人吧。…” You!., Head of the clan White Wing Clan waves the arms about fiercely, is staring him maliciously, „ was your this boy insane? Let me be your woman, I have never seen you so extremely arrogant brat! What do you have? What can you give me? Why do you make me be your woman? Has kissed me depending on you?...” “你!。,白翼族族长猛地一甩手,狠狠地瞪着他,“你这小子疯了么?让我做你的女人,我从来不曾见过你这般狂妄的臭小子!你有什么?你能够给我什么?你凭什么让我做你的女人?就凭你亲了我?…” Yu Rou sneers constantly, eyes ice cold biting cold, comforts itself unceasingly, is certainly calm, cannot move the killer at this time. 羽柔冷笑不迭,双眸冰寒彻骨,不断地宽慰自己,一定要冷静,不能在这个时候动杀手。 You should have cultivation base of boundary of God Passage First Sky..” Shi Yan sprinkles however smiles, 1 indeed. This is very fearful Realm, but I actually only then Earth Level cultivation base, between I and you, Nirvana Origin and Sky Realm twofold Realm, the average person must step over these two Realm, perhaps takes a lot of years, most people also step these two ridges life-long ......... “你应该有着通神一重天之境的修为。。”石岩洒然一笑,“1的确。这是非常可怕的境界,而我却只有地位之境修为,我和你之间,还有涅巢天位两重境界,一般人要迈过这两个境界,或许需要千百年的时间,大多数人终生也迈不过这两道坎………” Yu Rou was shocked, slightly reveals surprise looks at Shi Yan, you not silly, bright clearly know between you and me disparity, but also dares to say the boastful talk, you why?.” 羽柔愣住了,略显诧异的看着石岩,“你没傻啊,明明知道你和我之间的差距,还敢口出狂言,你凭什么?。” Most 50 years, I decide however can achieve the boundary of God Passage!...” Shi Yan shouted to clear the way suddenly, most 60 years, I surpassed you inevitably!...” “最多50年,我定然能够达到通神之境!…”石岩突然喝道,“最多60年,我必然超过你!…” giggle! giggle!...” 咯咯咯咯!…” Yu Rou laughed loudly suddenly, tears that smiled must come out, was pointing at Shi Yan, the head of the clan whole face ridicule of this White Wing Clan, 50 years entered the boundary of God Passage! 60 years surpass me! Ha Ha, is really laughable, I have not seen have looked like you so conceited humanity. Now does the outside world youth, look like you so not to know the immensity of heaven and earth?...” 羽柔突然捧腹大笑,笑的眼泪都要出来了,指着石岩,这白翼族的族长满脸讥笑,“50年进入通神之境!60年超过我!哈哈,真是可笑,我还没有见过像你这般狂妄自大的人类。现在外界的青年,都像你这般不知天高地厚么?…” „It is not..” Shi Yan shook the head, average person before you, approaches does not dare, not to mention braved death to encroach upon you....” “不是。。”石岩摇了摇头,“一般人在你面前,连靠近都不敢,更别提冒死侵犯你了。…” The ridicule on Yu Rou face restrains suddenly. 羽柔脸上的讥笑骤然收敛。 Good, you are indeed braver than all people, but this does not represent anything!., „ I think that ordinary Earth Level Warrior, under the counter-attack that you that does not control self, the whole body has exploded died broken. Even if Nirvana Origin Warrior. Under that strikes, is very difficult to maintain a livelihood, but I. Actually also stands before you....” “不错,你的确比所有人胆大,但这并不代表什么!。,“我想,普通地位之境武者,在你之前那不自禁的反击之下,已全身爆碎身亡了。就算是涅巢武者。在那那一击之下,都很难活命,而我。却还站在你面前。…” Yu Rou beautiful pupil rays of light is suddenly bright. 羽柔美眸光芒骤然明亮。 She by the Shi Yan strange action making somewhat mentally confused. Therefore has neglected this matter, to a Shi Yan such reminder, she finally realizes Shi Yan to be able Immortal. Could be called the miracle absolutely. 她只是被石岩的古怪举动给弄的有些心乱。所以才忽略了此事,给石岩这么一提醒,她终于意识到石岩能够不死。绝对称得上奇迹了。 She is extremely confident to her power, she knows strength of how terrifying that counter-attack she does not control self! 她对自己的力量极其有信心,她知道她不自禁的反击之力多么恐怖 Just like Shi Yan said that let alone Warrior of Earth Realm boundary, even if Warrior of Nirvana Origin boundary, withstood her such one has struck, must die without doubt. 正如石岩所说,别说地位境的武者,就算是涅巢境的武者,承受了她那么一击,也必死无疑。 But Shi Yan, still quarts before her discussed. 石岩,却还在她面前夸夸而谈。 You indeed have real skill....” Yu Rou has to acknowledge, „, but your arrogance. With your present strength. It is not proportional! If you in the boundary of God Passage, I actually will consider your proposition now, but......” groans!” “你的确有两下子。…”羽柔不得不承认,“但是你的狂妄。和你如今的实力。并不成正比!如果你现在在通神之境,我倒是会考虑一下你的提议,不过……”“哼哼!” Some Shi Yan headaches. 石岩有些头疼。 He knows that in this damned place, Yin Demon Race or the wing clan, cherishes to him illegally, he does not believe that Di Shan and Yu Rou beforehand guaranteehe knows, once he eradicates barrier, waited for that his inevitable meeting dies. 他知道在这个鬼地方,不论是阴魅族还是翼族,都对他心怀不轨,他不相信帝山羽柔之前的保证”他知道一旦他将结界破除,等待他的必然会是一死。 Reason that he take risks to encroach upon Yu Rou, harasses the Yu Rou heart. Is hopes that can leave behind the point to hold the different emotion on the Yu Rou heart, so long as Yu Rou has that little favorable impression to him, he then can obtain many asked the life force meeting, after he discovered that this seemed like had endured many hardships the beautiful woman who has experienced unexpectedly never the man, even more thought that can regard the breakthrough mouth her. 他之所以冒险侵犯羽柔,扰乱羽柔的心扉。就是希望能够在羽柔心上留下点持殊的情感,只要羽柔对他有那么一点点的好感,他便可以获得更多的求生机会,当他发现这看似久经风霜的美妇居然从未经历过男人之后,越发觉得可以将她当成突破口。 However, implements truly, he discovered that is extremely difficult, regardless of his how tongue Can lotus flower. This woman remains unmoved radically. 然而,真正实施起来,他发现还是太过困难,不论他如何舌灿莲huā。这女人根本不为所动。 Difficult office...... ” 难办啊……” Well! You, your body!” Yu Rou covers the mouth to call out in alarm suddenly, in beautiful pupil the extraordinary splendor ripple riddle, a stroke sees the appearance of any mysterious matter. “咦!你,你的身体!”羽柔突然掩口惊呼,美眸中异彩涟谜,一划见到什么神奇事情的模样。 Shi Yan lowers the head looked that discovered Immortal Martial Spirit has played the role, by naked eye obvious speed repair wound. 石岩低头一看,发现不死武魂发挥了作用,正在以肉眼可见的速度修复伤口。 Immortal God Body! You are the Ancient Times three big God King descendants!...” Head of the clan White Wing Clan, dull half sound, suddenly loses one's voice to scream that in the beautiful pupil lightning glittering, on the elegant face full is the shocking, graceful tender body cannot stop shivers gently. 不死神体!你是上古三大神王的后裔!…”白翼族族长,呆愣半响,突然失声尖叫起来,美眸中电光闪烁,俏脸上满是震惊,曼妙的娇躯止不住轻轻颤抖。
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