GOS :: Volume #3

#255: Sea of Consciousness changes

Yin Beast Mountain. 阴兽山 Bunches of Heavenly Flame accumulation agglomerates, become the burning hot fireballs, rolling rushes in a Yin Beast Mountain giant cave. 一簇簇天火聚集成团,成一个个炙热的火球,滚滚涌向阴兽山一个巨大的山洞中。 cave entrance, yin cold viscous Strange Energy, unceasingly precise accumulation, once Heavenly Flame emerges, these Strange Energy burnt pa pa makes noise, emits dusky Yin Qi. 洞口,阴寒粘稠的奇异力量,不断地凝炼聚集,一旦天火涌入,那些奇异力量就会被烧的“啪啪”作响,冒出灰蒙蒙的阴气 Nearby Yin Beast Mountain, the lightning thunderclap dance, the spirit snake common thunderclap chops to shoot from the space, shells above the mountain massif. 阴兽山附近,闪电霹雳狂舞,灵蛇一般的霹雳从天上劈射下来,轰击在山体之上。 Shi Yan in that mountain cave entrance not far away, in the strength of precise Heavenly Flame, is trying eradicating barrier in cave. 石岩就在那山洞口不远处,正在凝炼天火之力,试图将石洞中的结界给破除。 Flies from cloudy beast outside, sees Shi Yan to arrive, just likes the frightened person is ordinary, has drilled into Yin Beast Mountain, has not dared. 飞离在外的阴兽,眼看石岩到来,犹如惊弓之鸟一般,纷纷钻入了阴兽山内,没有一个胆敢出来。 Also can absorb their Yin Qi, can burn down their Shi Yan with Heavenly Flame, making these cloudy beasts alarmed and afraid exceptionally, means do not have. 又能吸收它们身上的阴气,又能用天火焚烧它们的石岩,让这些阴兽惊惧异常,一点办法都没有。 These high Level cloudy beasts, realized that from Shi Yan aura of natural enemy, has not dared to approach Shi Yan rashly, for fear that will be burnt down by Heavenly Flame, again in special suction by Shi Yan body plaster, precise Yin Qi digesting. 就连那些高等级的阴兽,也从石岩身上察觉到了天敌的气息,不敢冒然靠近石岩,生怕会被天火焚烧,再被石岩身体垩内的特殊吸力,将一身凝炼的阴气给消化掉。 Existence of Shi Yan, is not only the Yin Demon Race natural enemy, is the natural enemy of cloudy beast. 石岩的存在,不但是阴魅族的天敌,也是阴兽的天敌。 Bunch Heavenly Flame, pours into the cave turbulently, barrier Shi Yan of cave entrance can feel, such as trillion types of tenacious silk threads rub, Heavenly Flame that he releases, can the short time ruin part that barrier. 一团团天火,汹涌注入山洞中,洞口的结界石岩可以感受的到,如亿万种坚韧丝线搓揉而成,他释放出来的天火,可以短时间将那结界毁掉一部分。 However, before barrier has not burst thoroughly, from nearby cave, will emerge massive energy to repair these barrier, does not wait for barrier to be burnt down thoroughly, energy that these emerge will repair the breakage place. 然而,在结界没有彻底破裂之前,会从附近的山洞之中,涌入大量的能量来修复那些结界,不等结界彻底被烧掉,那些涌入的能量就会将破损处修复。 He has also tried other cave, finally is the same. 他也尝试了别的山洞,结果还是一样。 On this Yin Beast Mountain such as in the honeycomb common caves, as if there is unusual relation, once barrier in cave were attacked, elsewhere energy will gather fast, resists these invasions with joint forces energy. 阴兽山上如蜂窝一般的山洞之间,似乎有着奇特的联系,一旦一个山洞内的结界受到侵袭,别处的能量都会快速聚集起来,合力来抵御那些入侵的能量 Heavenly Flame can burn down the myriad things, including various class barrier and restriction, according to the truth, the strength of Heavenly Flame, drives out a cavern this barrier sufficiently. 天火可以焚烧万物,包括各类的结界禁制,按照道理,天火之力,是足以将这结界被轰开一个洞穴的。 May attempt in every possible way, Shi Yan actually discovered that this barrier solid degree, far exceeds his imagination! 可百般尝试,石岩却发现这结界的结实程度,远远超出他的想象! Once he transports the plaster to move the strength of Heavenly Flame fully, the lightning thunderclap of space will divide to shoot, he who forces must spend some mind to deal with, cannot truly concentrate completely power. 一旦他全力运垩动天火之力,天上的闪电霹雳就会劈射下来,逼迫的他也要花费些心神应付,不能真正集中全部力量 Shouted!” Fiery Flame that the breath, will release gently slowly takes backstrokes Blood Vein Ring, Shi Yan is passing on the incoming signal to read to ten thousand years of Earthcore Flame: Can't release the strength of many Fiery Flame?” “呼!”,轻轻呼吸,缓缓将释放的火炎收回”抚摸着血纹戒,石岩向万年地心火传来讯念:“不能释放出更多的火炎之力么?” Ok, but you possibly...... Possibly cannot withstand, at crucial moment that , I, my evolved, these days is not suitable to release power continually. Perhaps, after a period of time, can enough, when I precise succinctly was truly good power, should, should be able to give you to help greatly......” “可以,但是你可能……可能承受不了,还有,我,我正在进化的关键时候,这段时间不适合持续释放力量。或许,过一段时间,就能够了,等到我真正将力量凝炼精粹好了,应该,应该就可以给你更大的帮助了……” Ten thousand years of Earthcore Flame some message disorder, but also is somewhat off and on, rephrased in own words its present situation to Shi Yan. 万年地心火讯息有些紊乱,还有些断断续续,将它的现状转述给石岩 Pa! 啪! A lightning fallsShi Yan to move instantaneously, immediately has cut off and relation of Earthcore Flame, has hesitated, he is trying once more revolution Profound Yin Secret Art. 一道闪电落来”石岩瞬间移动走,马上切断了和地心火的联系,迟疑了一下,他试着再次运转玄阴诀 The cloudy vortices of chest three acupoint places, ” gyrate slowly under the function of yin bead. 胸口三个穴道处的阴漩,在阴珠的作用下”缓缓旋动起来。 In nearby countless caves, in abundance the overflow hunchback wisp of Yin Qi to come out, gathers at Shi Yan top of the head vortex fast, changes into yin strength in Shi Yan body plaster, by that three cloudy vortex one by one purifications. 附近数不尽的山洞之中,纷纷溢出一偻缕的阴气出来,快速聚集在石岩的头顶漩涡,化为石岩身体垩内的阴力,被那三个阴漩一一净化。 Meanwhile, in these caves the strength of barrier, when he releases Profound Yin Secret Art, as if also quietly weakened. 同时,那些山洞之中结界之力,在他释放玄阴诀的时候,似乎也悄悄减弱了一些。 The cloudy vortex dances in the air, in Shi Yan Sea of Consciousness also raised the mighty waves, 5 Devils has somewhat been ready to make trouble in Sea of Consciousness, five Negative Emotions gradually became the mood, has led negative energy in Shi Yan whole body acupoint. 阴漩飞舞,石岩识海中也掀起了波涛,五魔识海中有些蠢蠢欲动,五股负面情绪逐渐变得情绪,带动了石岩浑身穴道内的负面之力 Shi Yan enters the boundary of Rampage First Sky instantaneously. 石岩瞬间进入暴走一重天之境。 whole body Negative Energy does not wind around loose, Profound Yin Secret Art evolves top of the head vortex that becomes, after Shi Yan enters Rampage, sucks strength suddenly suddenly to increase. 浑身负面力量缭绕不散,玄阴诀衍变而成的头顶漩涡,在石岩进入暴走之后,吸吮力骤然暴增。 In Yin Beast Mountain these countless caves, spreads the panic-stricken cry of cloudy beast in abundance, these cloudy beasts have as if realized improper, started after barrier restlessly, screamed in a panic that the cry was sharp. 阴兽山那些数不尽的山洞中,纷纷传出阴兽的惊恐叫声,那些阴兽似乎意识到了不妥,在结界之后也开始不安了,仓皇尖叫,叫声尖锐急迫。 wū wū!” Chirp!”, „!” 呜呜!”“嘤嘤!”,“嗷嗷!” The sound wave like the tide, explodes suddenly from caves, these sound waves spread the mountain chaotic sound, as if has caused the Yin Beast Mountain mutation. 音波如潮水,突然从一个个山洞之中爆出来,那些音波遍山乱响,似乎引起了阴兽山的异变。 Thunder and lightning that suddenly, on Yin Beast Mountain winds around, becomes such as Giant Dragon general size, shoots fiercely from the space. 突然间,阴兽山上缭绕的霹雳闪电,又变得如巨龙一般大小,猛地从天上射来。 Meanwhile, several types held the different cloudy beast to call outhave formed the fearful soul striking power unexpectedly, formed the naked eye the soul momentum that was difficult to see, fell into Shi Yan Sea of Consciousness instantaneously. 同时,几种持殊的阴兽嚎叫”竟形成了可怕的灵魂攻击力,形成肉眼难见的灵魂冲力,瞬间落入石岩识海 5 Devils in Sea of Consciousnesssuddenly becomes hot tempered exceptionally, under the soul attacks of these cloudy beasts, 5 Devils all transfers Shi Yan Negative Emotions unexpectedly, must form the strength of counter-attack. 识海中的五魔”突然变得暴躁异常,在那些阴兽的灵魂袭击下,五魔竟然将石岩负面情绪全部调动,要形成反击之力。 Pa!, not the thick long lightning, shoots together suddenly in the Shi Yan back, the faint trace hunchback the strength of wisp of lightning, seeps, some intrude Shi Yan Sea of Consciousness directly. 啪!”,一道并不粗长的闪电,骤然射在石岩后背,丝丝偻缕的闪电之力,渗透进来,其中一些直接闯入石岩识海 Side a severe pain wells up whole body instantaneously. 一股剧痛瞬间涌边全身。 In an instant that the severe pain approaches, his cloudy vortex stops revolving, vortex of top of the head vanishes instantaneously does not see. 在剧痛来临的一霎,他阴漩停止运转,头顶的漩涡瞬间消失不见。 The Sea of Consciousness ache is incomparable, 5 Devils grazes in Sea of Consciousness in all directions, makes threatening gestures, the dissipation leaves all sorts of Negative Emotions, resembles to the Shi Yan state of mind destroy, making him fall into the crazy boundary. Shi Yan clenches teeth, stops the revolution of boundary of Rampage hurriedly, lightning one by one of eye looks at space, has to retreat hurriedly, dashes from that Yin Beast Mountain. Sea of Consciousness has raised the difficult situation, 5 Devils is the chief criminal in Sea of Consciousness, in the lightning the attack of invasion and under cloudy beast soul attack, 5 Devils becomes some are hard-to-control, the mental consciousness under Shi Yan imprint, becomes is hard to control 5 Devils gradually, the whole person is going to fall into the crazy boundary. 识海疼痛无比,五魔识海中四处飞掠,张牙舞爪的,散逸出种种负面情绪,似要将石岩神志摧毁,让他陷入疯狂之境。石岩咬着牙,急忙停止暴走之境的运转,眼看着天上的闪电一一袭来,不得不急忙退走,从那阴兽山上一路飞奔下来。识海掀起了惊涛骇浪,五魔就是识海中的罪魁祸首,在闪电侵入和阴兽灵魂攻击的袭击之下,五魔变得有些难以控制,石岩烙印下的精神意识,变得逐渐难以控制五魔,整个人将要陷入疯狂之境。 cultivation this demon time definitelyShi Yan then knows that must frequently maintain the control to 5 Devils, once this 5 Devils breaks away from his mental manipulation, he will degenerate into purely slaughters the crazy demon, possibly forever is hard to regain consciousness! 修炼这魔决的时候”石岩便知道必须时刻保持对五魔的控制,一旦这五魔脱离他精神控制,那他将会沦为纯粹的杀戮狂魔,可能永远难以苏醒! Wants such, 5 Devils in Sea of Consciousness, will substitute for his soul leadership, his self-awareness will disappear gradually. 真要那样,识海中的五魔,将会取代他的灵魂主导,他的自我意识会渐渐泯灭。 This and mystical Martial Spirit has absorbed too many negative energy, releases massive Negative Emotions to make his crazy that condition consistent, the state of mind of but, by Negative Emotions being beaten, once and other acupoint purified these essence, gradually will restore. 这和神秘武魂吸收了太多负面之力,释放出大量负面情绪让他疯狂的那种状态一致,只不过,被负面情绪击垮的神志,一旦等穴道净化了那些精气,会逐渐的恢复过来。 Once has been controlled his mind by 5 Devils, has substituted for his soul, he then may fall into the perdition, will never wake up. 而一旦由五魔控制了他的心神,取代了他的灵魂,他便有可能陷入万劫不复之地,永远不会醒来。 Is restraining by force the Sea of Consciousness unusual form, Shi Yan from that Yin Beast Mountain, arrives at Yin Beast Mountain at the foot of the hill, he then noticed that Ka Ba, Di Shan, Yu Rou and the others were waiting long time ago. 强压着识海的异状,石岩一路从那阴兽山中下来,来到阴兽山的山脚下,他便看到卡巴帝山羽柔等人早早就在等候了。 Is worse, I induce! So long as your power is strong a point, the strength of Heavenly Flame is more precise, you can break that barrier!”, Di Shan is shutting tightly eyes, opens suddenly, almost, why suddenly drew back?” “还差一些,我感应的到!只要你力量再强一分,天火之力更加凝炼一下,你就可以破掉那结界!”,帝山紧闭着的双眼,突然睁开,“就差一点,为什么突然退回来了?” My power backlash, has not drawn back now, will not have the opportunity to attack barrier again.” “我力量反噬了,现在不退回来,将再也没有机会冲击结界。” Shi Yan clenches teeth secretly, the breath is loud, the eyes ominous light overflows, as if had not feared that these five super Expert pressures, sinks to shout to clear the way: You need to try to find the solution, otherwise, once my power backlash, I will die a tragic death, could not help you again! I can affirm, so long as gives me many points of time, I can break that barrier absolutely!” 石岩暗暗咬着牙,呼吸粗重,双眸凶光四溢,似乎已经不怕这五名超级强者身上的压力,沉喝道:“你们需要想想办法,要不然,一旦我力量反噬,我将会惨死,再也帮不了你们!我可以肯定,只要给我多点时间,我绝对能够破掉那结界!” The Yi Tianmo complexion changes, suddenly said: His soul is extremely unusual, the beat frequency is violent, in Sea of Consciousness, as if, as if must come hot tempered......” 奕天漠脸色微变,突然道:“他灵魂极其异常,跳动频率非常猛烈,识海之中,似乎,似乎要暴躁开来……” Knowledge, Sea of Consciousness?” “识,识海?” Di Shan and Yu Rou they, cannot bear call out in alarm, a face surprise is looking at Yi Tianmo. 帝山羽柔两人,忍不住惊叫起来,一脸诧异的望着奕天漠 Wing clan regarding the cognition and induction of soul, by far inferior Yin Demon Race, even if Di Shan and Yu Rou these two, does not know that Shi Yan has formed Sea of Consciousness, heard Yi Tianmo saying that two people were shocked immediately. 翼族对于灵魂的认知和感应,远远逊色阴魅族,即便是帝山羽柔这两人,也不知道石岩形成了识海,一听到奕天漠这么说,两人马上被震惊到了。 „! This boy this boy really really has Sea of Consciousness! ” Ka Ba and Ya Meng, have not paid attention the brain territory change of Shi Yan actually carefully, now to a Yi Tianmo reminder, they emits powerful the strength of soul explorationimmediately to realize in the Shi Yan mind only belonged to Nirvana Origin Expert Sea of Consciousness to exist. “啊!这小子”这小子竟然真的有识海!”卡巴轧猛,倒是并未仔细留意石岩的脑域变化,如今给奕天漠一提醒,两人纷纷放出强悍的灵魂探索之力”立即在石岩的脑海察觉到了只属于涅巢强者识海存在。 „Should this boy, have Earth Level?” Yu Rou is rubbing the forehead, loses shintoism. “这小子,应该只有地位之境吧?”羽柔揉着额头,失神道。 Good, I do not know how he forms Sea of Consciousness, but truly is Sea of Consciousness. Now in his Sea of Consciousness has the strength of five unusual soul, the attribute is various, and is repelling one another, starts to affect his Sea of Consciousness, even possibly makes his Sea of Consciousness explode.” Yi Tianmo sinking sound track strength he cannot die!” The Di Shan complexion changes, said fierce: Boy, how we must help you, can make you avoid backlash?”, Woman.” Shi Yan eyes gradually flood red, is breathing heavily the gas channel: I need the woman to vent! Ya Ji prison that three human women give me earlier, I can through their three, avoid power backlash, once I restore, some days I definitely have been able to break these barrier! ” “不错,我也不知道他怎么形成识海的,但确实是识海。如今他识海内有五种奇特的灵魂之力,属性各不相同,并且在相互排斥,开始影响他的识海,甚至可能让他识海爆裂开来。”奕天漠沉声道力“他不能死!”帝山脸色一变,厉声道:“小子,我们要怎么帮你,才可以让你避免反噬?”,“女人。”石岩双眸渐渐泛红,喘着气道:“我需要女人来发泄!轧吉囚牢了的那三个人类女人早点交给我,我可以通过她们三个,来避免力量反噬”一旦我恢复过来,过些日子我肯定能够破掉那些结界!” Is the woman?” Di Shan one dull, is so simple?” “就是女人?”帝山一呆,“这么简单?” Un.” Shi Yan nods. “嗯。”石岩点头。 The Yu Rou cheek flood redbeautiful pupil is bright and intelligent, smiles, said: This boy does not know that cultivation any evil merit method, giggle, it seems like should be small pervert, um, but is only the words of woman, is actually very easy to solve. Ya Meng, we go to that side you together, making your son Ya Ji hand over that three human girls, don't you have the issue?” 羽柔脸蛋泛红”美眸水汪汪,轻轻一笑,道:“这小子不知道修炼的什么邪恶功法,咯咯,看来应该是个小色狼,嗯,不过只是女人的话,倒是很容易解决。轧猛,我们一起去一趟你们那边,让你儿子轧吉将那三个人类少女交出来,你没问题吧?” Does not have, does not have the issue.” Ya Meng has gawked staring, strange looked at Shi Yan one, braced oneself to comply. “没,没问题。”轧猛愣了愣,怪异的看了石岩一眼,硬着头皮答应了下来。 Leads him to walk.” Di Shan to Yu Rou nodded, black wing shook shaking, silhouette blurred gradually. “带他走。”帝山羽柔点了点头,黑色羽翼晃了晃,身影逐渐模糊。 Boy, so long as you can break barrier to me, let alone that three human women, even if Yin Demon Race and woman of wing clan, so long as you have a liking, we can seek to you.” The Yu Rou giggle chuckle, „here, most did not lack the beauty extraordinary woman, grace and bearing of alien race woman, I can make you realize the body well......” “小子,只要你能够给我破掉结界,别说那三个人类女人了,就算是阴魅族、翼族的女人,只要你看上,我们都可以给你寻来。”羽柔咯咯轻笑,“在我们这里,最不缺姿色非凡的女人了,异族女人的风情,我可以让你好好体会体呢……” Raises Shi Yan, Yu Rou is flickering to move general, glistens in void suddenly presently, gradual approaches that giant stone old city. 提着石岩,羽柔瞬移一般,在虚空中忽闪忽现,逐渐的逼近那巨石古城。 Shi Yan eyes was completely red, the breath is getting more and more heavy, small of Yu Rou is carrying with the hand him, was hearing that light orchid delicate fragrance, he could not bear capriciously. 石岩双眸已全部赤红了,呼吸越来越重,羽柔的小手提着他,闻着那淡淡的兰花般的清香,他已忍不住心猿意马。 Void, Shi Yan gains ground, is looking at that flesh snow white such as the jade porcelain, the elegant beautiful woman, the look is gradually confused. 虚空中,石岩抬头,望着那肌肤雪白如玉瓷,雍容华贵的美艳女人,眼神渐渐迷乱起来。
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