GOS :: Volume #3

#254: Empty and winding

The billowing dark clouds do not wind around loose, these Yin Qi condense the cloud layer that becomes, from doing nearby cloudy beast. 滚滚阴云缭绕不散,那些阴气凝聚而成的云层,来自干附近的阴兽。 The cloudy beast escapes from Yin Beast Mountain, the body is carrying rich Yin Qi, the cloudy beast itself, in the body plaster also includes Yin Qi, Yin Qi is cloudy beast the source of power, is the cloudy beast livelihood basis. 阴兽从阴兽山遁出,身上都携带着浓郁的阴气,阴兽本身,体垩内也含有阴气,阴气乃是阴兽的力量之源,是阴兽赖以生存的根本。 The arrival of Shi Yan, has formed the formidable suction yin strength vortex, existence of vortex, made the Yin Qi in abundance escape that on the cloudy beast wound around, instead drilled into vortex central that Shi Yan that came out precise, changed into yin strength to seep his body slowly, has become yin bead in his chest cloudy vortex. 石岩的到来,形成了强大的吸吮阴力的涡旋,涡旋的存在,令阴兽身上缭绕的阴气纷纷飞逸而出,反而钻入石岩那凝炼出来的涡旋中垩央,化为阴力慢慢渗透他身体,成了他胸口阴漩中的阴珠 Profound Yin Secret Art, overbearing peerless, actually has to absorb the cloudy beast body all around Yin Qi fearful ability. 玄阴诀,霸道绝伦,竟然有着吸收阴兽身体周遭阴气的可怕能力。 Layer upon layer dark clouds centralthat huge vortex revolves in the Shi Yan top of the head accumulation, the vortex is getting bigger and bigger, the suction strength that has also strengthens. 层层阴云中垩央”那巨大的漩涡石岩头顶聚集旋转,涡旋越来越大,产生的吸吮力也随之增强。 Massive Yin Qi gather, pours into vortex in abundance, changes into pure yin strength, falls into the Shi Yan cloudy vortex center. 大量的阴气聚集过来,纷纷注入漩涡中,化为精纯的阴力,落入石岩阴漩中心。 Nearbyover a thousand cloudy beastsappear the sound that is disturbed with fear, six levels of Demonic Beast, somewhat cannot control body surface Yin Qi, eye looks at these Yin Qi rushes Shi Yan crazily, the cloudy beast starts to be scared. 附近”上千的阴兽”都显现出惊恐不安的动静,就连六级的妖兽,都有些控制不住身体表面的阴气,眼看着那些阴气疯狂涌向石岩,阴兽开始恐慌起来。 Some high Level cloudy beasts, try to rush ahead, will gather Yin Qi Shi Yan to put to death fast. 一些高等级的阴兽,试图冲杀过来,将聚集阴气石岩快速诛杀。 However, waits to help some high Level approaches Shi Yan again beast, immediately discovers in the Shi Yan body, actually has the strength of rich Heavenly Flame. 然而,等帮些高等级的再兽才一靠近石岩,立即发现石岩身体之中,竟然有着浓郁之极的天火之力。 Heavenly Flame is the difficult adversaries of all cloudy beasts, separated was very far, the high Level cloudy beast induced to destroy their Heavenly Flame to burn down power from the body of Shi Yan sufficiently. 天火乃所有阴兽的克星,隔了很远,高等级的阴兽都从石岩的身上感应出足以毁灭它们的天火焚烧力量 Under frightening of Heavenly Flame, wants to execute the Shi Yan cloudy beast, almost not too many hesitant, has drawn immediately then back. 天火的震慑下,过来想要格杀石岩的阴兽,几乎没有太多犹豫,马上便又退了开来。 Cloudy beast that not long time, coming, at recently time also wants the quick speed, flying of being able choose the exact way because of flurry to draw back. 多时,过来的阴兽,一个个以比来的时候还要快捷的速度,慌不择路的飞退开来。 The space cloudy beast exudes the strange ghost cry, as if received some big stimulation to let off these clansmen of wing clan, does not dare to approach to fly in abundance in the Yin Beast Mountain direction with Shi Yan. 天上阴兽发出奇异的鬼叫声,似乎受了某大的刺激放过了翼族的那些族人,不敢和石岩靠近纷纷朝着阴兽山的方向飞去。 So long as keeps the cloudy beast near Shi Yan, can the clear detection Yin Qi in body plaster be uncontrolled, wells up fast, quietly toward Shi Yan that vortex accumulation. 只要留在石岩附近的阴兽,都可以清晰的察觉到体垩内的阴气不受控制,快速涌出来,悄悄往石岩漩涡聚集。 Any cloudy beast, realizes improper, knows, so long as stays here, Yin Qi in body plaster will reduce. 任何一头阴兽,都意识到不妥,知道只要留在这儿,身体垩内的阴气就会减少。 Clean that therefore quickly, the nearby about thousand cloudy beasts, then walk. 因此很快地,附近近千头的阴兽,便走的一干二净。 heaven and earth Yin Qi came from the cloudy beast, when leaves nearby to these cloudy beast one by one then does not have many Yin Qi to emerge, that float in huge vortex of Shi Yan top of the head when not being able to obtain injection of Yin Qi, the speed of gyrating also starts the gradual slowness, until vanishes gradually. 天地阴气来自于阴兽,待到这些阴兽一一离开附近便没有更多的阴气涌入,那悬浮在石岩头顶的巨大漩涡在得不到更多阴气的注入时,旋动的速度也开始逐渐的迟缓,直至渐渐消失。 The thick dark clouds slowly change pale, vanishes gradually. 浓稠的阴云慢慢变淡,渐渐消失。 Shi Yan body, when the dark clouds vanishstarts to drop from the float posture slowly, does not have the support of these dark clouds Sky Realm Realm he, naturally cannot maintain stands arrogantly void, finally drops in the forests of cover. 石岩的身躯,在阴云消失的时候”开始从悬浮的姿势缓缓下降,没有那些阴云的支撑不到天位境界的他,自然不能保持傲立虚空,终于跌落在茂密的林间。 Splash!” “扑通!” Body landing head vortex without a trace, chest three cloudy vortices three yin bead also along with it crashing into acupoint. 身躯落地头上的漩涡无影无踪,胸口三个阴漩的三颗阴珠也随之坠入穴道内。 In three acupoint of chest, were many at this time six yin bead, in yin bead is containing astonishing yin strength, making his whole body cool, the cloudy vortex of chest also as if becomes under yin bead even more highly effective, purifies the yin strength speed to strengthen. 胸口的三个穴道中,此时多了六颗阴珠,阴珠之中蕴藏着惊人的阴力,让他浑身清凉舒畅,胸口的阴漩也似乎在阴珠之下变得越发的高效,净化阴力的速度随之增强。 Finally, the cloudy vortex purifies all yin strength, stagnated slowly. 终于,阴漩将所有阴力净化掉,缓缓停滞了下来。 Shi Yan along with it opening eyes, then cannot bear call out in alarm one, the sinking sound track: „Do you want to do?” 石岩也随之睁开眼,然后忍不住惊呼一声,沉声道:“你们想干什么?” In his sideYin Demon Race Ka Ba, Ya Meng and in Yi Tianmo three people of looks different light glittering, as if has all sorts of doubts, that Black Wing Clan Di Shan and White Wing Clan Yu Rou, then is quite interested is looking at him, after seeing him to wake up ”, slowly nods. 在他身旁”阴魅族卡巴轧猛奕天漠三人眼神中异光闪烁,似乎有着种种疑惑,那黑翼族帝山白翼族羽柔,则是颇为感兴趣的望着他,见他醒来之后”才缓缓点头。 „Does young fellow, in your body plaster have Heavenly Flame? You understood that utilizes the strength of Heavenly Flame?” White Wing Clan Yu Rou, smiles, expression is leisurely, supple, making the person unable to bear the heart fresh favorable impression. “小伙子,你身体垩内是不是有天火?你是不是懂得运用天火之力?”白翼族羽柔,嫣然一笑,语气轻缓,柔柔的,让人忍不住心生好感。 Di Shan narrows the eyes to focus slightly, in tall and slender eyes has as if shone upon Shi Yan all, during his eyes eyeball rotations, Shi Yan whole body is not comfortable, thought that had unusual power to seep the body quietly unconsciously, was peeping at all of his body. 帝山微微眯着眼,细长的双眼中仿佛映照了石岩的一切,他那双眼睛转动之间,石岩浑身不自在,觉得有种奇特的力量悄然不觉渗透了身体,正在窥视他身体的一切。 In Shi Yan heart imposing, somewhat touches does not permit the regards of these people, Ran Wang has not approached that Yi Tianmo. 石岩心中凛然,有些摸不准这些人的心意,不冉望向了那奕天漠 These days, he and Yi Tianmo have the exchange, in his soul, had gotten down restriction by Yi Tianmo, this time before Duo Long comes reason that Yi Cuibi fast incoming telegram news, he also knows that decides however is the tricks that Yi Tianmo gets, he knows that Yi Tianmo does not hope temporarily he dies. 这段时间,他和奕天漠有过交流,就连他灵魂之中,都被奕天漠下了禁制,这次在多隆过来之前奕翠碧之所以快速来报讯,他也知道定然是奕天漠做的手脚,他知道奕天漠暂时不希望他死。 Thereforehe wants from the face of Yi Tianmo, obtains some useful message. 因此”他想要从奕天漠的脸上,来得到些有用的讯息 You best to reply honestly that this relates to your life and death.” Yi Tianmo toward nod that gently his micro cannot be looked up, said lightly: This is White Wing Clan head of the clan Yu Rou, this is Black Wing Clan head of the clan Di Shan the strengths of their two clans has striven to excel Duo Long Grey Wing Clan, reason that this time you can escape from the Duo Long hand, is their merit. ” “你最好老实回答,这关系到你的生死。”奕天漠朝着他微不可查的轻轻点头,淡淡道:“这是白翼族的族长羽柔,这一位乃是黑翼族的族长帝山”他们两族的实力要强过多隆灰翼族,这次你之所以能够从多隆手中逃生,也是他们的功劳。” Shi Yan terrified one startled, stands silently, has arched cuping one hand in the other across the chest toward Di Shan and Yu Rou, said neither arrogant nor servile: Apologized.” 石岩悚然一惊,默默站起来,朝着帝山羽柔拱了拱手,不亢不卑道:“谢过了。” Is impolite, the young fellow, you will not have answered my issue.” The Yu Rou pursing the lips chuckle, the manner is ease, as if neighbor Eldest Sister elder sister. “不客气,小伙子,你还没会回答我的问题呢。”羽柔抿嘴轻笑,神态悠然,似乎邻家大姐姐。 Shi Yan is gazing at her calmly, on the face flashes through the shocking color, this Yu Rou is the beautiful appearance of solemn woman of quality, the flesh snow white, the carriage is beautiful and bewitching, and has the snow white wing, so appearance, so special carriage, to person a greatly strengthened cup being puzzled strength, when her winning smile is graceful, the whole person glows a mature abundant rhyme, making the man unable to bear be involved. 石岩冷静地注视着她,脸上闪过惊艳之色,这羽柔乃端庄贵妇的美艳模样,肌肤雪白,体态妖冶,并且有着雪白的羽翼,如此模样,如此特殊的体态,给人一种极强的盅惑力,在她巧笑盈盈的时候,整个人焕发出一种成熟的丰韵,让男人忍不住深陷其中。 Shi Yan is no exception. 石岩也不例外。 Such is gazing at Yu Rou, Shi Yan calm eyes, gradually becomes gentle, slowly is also affectionate to the feeling of Yu Rou, thought that this Yu Rou is trustworthy, is worth saying to his one by one the secret in heart that thought this Yu Rou will definitely not harm him......, Sea of Consciousness swings light wave suddenly. 就这么注视着羽柔,石岩冷静的双眸,渐渐变得柔和起来,对羽柔的感觉也慢慢亲昵起来,觉得这羽柔非常值得信任,值得将心中的秘密向他一一道来,觉得这羽柔肯定不会害他……,识海突然荡起淡淡波浪。 5 Devils in Sea of Consciousnessas if quietly moves in Sea of Consciousness, injects his inner world five marvelous mood, restored his state of mind quietly. 识海中的五魔”在识海中似乎悄悄动了动,将五股奇妙的情绪注入他心海,悄然恢复了他的神志。 eyes restores the Pure Brightness gradually, the Shi Yan rank copper fills top general, is puzzled from the Yu Rou cup wakes up, only thinks that whole body perspiration all over the body, just liked was ordinary after a heaven shaking war. 双眸渐渐恢复清明,石岩腥铜灌顶一般,从羽柔的盅惑中醒来,只觉浑身遍体出汗,犹如历经了一场惊天大战一般。 Good strength! 好强! Shi Yan, the heart plentifully is with amazement startled, does not dare to look at Yu Rou, lowered the head obediently. 石岩骇然,心丰满是惊慌,竟不敢多看羽柔,乖乖地低下头来。 A word smilesin unknowingly affects the mind of opposite party, lets think that will tenacious Shi Yan almost say|way, the cup being puzzled strength, is extremely so fearful. 一言一笑”在不知不觉中影响对方的心神,让自认为心志坚韧的石岩都差点着了道,如此盅惑力,极其可怕。 Perhaps if not for the change of that Sea of Consciousness 5 Devils, Shi Yan under the smile inquiry of that Yu Rou, all secrets will make a clean breast of the body, that mystical Martial Spirit will not lose! 若不是那识海五魔的异动,石岩在那羽柔的微笑询问下,说不定会将身体中一切秘密和盘托出,就连那神秘武魂都不会遗落! Eldest Sister, do not resort to these methods to be good, I cannot withstand.” Shi Yan lowers the head the forced smile, my cultivation mystique is special, if Eldest Sister these many come several times, I feared that will unable to withstand, direct soul destroyed/terror-stricken. Un, when the time comes, regardless of you want to achieve anything through me, I think me powerfully intentionally.” 大姐,不要动用那些手段可好,我承受不住。”石岩低着头苦笑,“我修炼的秘法特殊,如果大姐这么多来几次,我怕是会承受不住,会直接魂飞魄散。嗯,到时候,不论你们想要通过我达成什么,我想我都有心有力。” Yu Rou beautiful pupil turning round transferred the revolutions, giggle chuckle two, nodded, said slowly: Interesting boy, that quickly can awake to turn around unexpectedly, the will tenacious degree stems from me to be unexpected, no wonder can subdue Heavenly Flame.” 羽柔美眸滴溜溜的转了转,咯咯轻笑两声,缓缓点了点头,道:“有趣的小子,竟然那么快就能醒转过来,心志坚韧程度出乎我意料之外,难怪可以收服天火。” I and Heavenly Flame are friends, is that partner's relations, is not that you think subdues, um, what you want me to make, can explain?” Under the gazes of five super Expert, Shi Yan knows that any resistance is the futile effort, therefore coordinates. “我和天火是朋友,是那种伙伴的关系,不是你们想的那种收服,嗯,你们到底想要我做什么,能否说明白一些?”在五名超级强者的注视下,石岩知道任何的抵抗都是徒劳,所以非常配合。 Is very simple, goes to Yin Beast Mountain, in Heavenly Flame with your body, eradicated barrier in Yin Beast Mountain.” Black Wing Clan Di Shan light say|way. “很简单,去一趟阴兽山,用你身体中的天火,将阴兽山中的结界破除了。”黑翼族帝山淡淡道。 I will coordinate you, but, once I Yin Beast Mountain barrier eradicating you, was is my time of death. I know that Duo Long will definitely not let off me also to have you! ” Shi Yan aims at Ya Meng and Ka Ba, unperturbed does not fear, we talk clearly first, can you when the time comes destroy completely me immediately?” “我会配合你们,不过,一旦我将阴兽山结界给破除你,是不是便是我的死期了。我知道,那多隆肯定不会放过我”还有你们!”石岩指向轧猛卡巴,夷然不惧,“我们先说清楚,你们到时候会不会马上灭掉我?” Boy, you thinks was too far. „ Words that” coldly snorted that Ya Meng gloomy sinksdoes not coordinate, I can destroy completely you now! ” “小子,你想的太远了。”轧猛阴沉沉的冷哼一声”“不配合的话,我现在就可以灭掉你!” You begin.” Shi Yan smiled, shrugs saying: Since must die sooner or later, I why help you, um, now you have killed me, is so best.” “那你动手吧。”石岩笑了笑,耸肩道:“既然早晚要死,我何必帮你们,嗯,现在你们就杀了我吧,如此最好。” Un, understood person who bargained back and forth, was a smart person.” Yu Rou smiles indifferently, has hesitated, said to Di Shan: If this boy can eradicate barrier, keeps his life also to might as well but actually, our two clans in order to were separated from this damned place to consume the endless painstaking care, he was a turning point, if he can help us achieve the wish, I am willing to put him to live, did you look?” “嗯,懂得讨价还价的人,是个聪明人。”羽柔淡然笑笑,沉吟了一下,才对帝山道:“若是这小子真的能够破除结界,留他一命倒也无妨,我们两族为了能够脱离这鬼地方耗费了无尽的心血,他是个契机,如果他真能帮助我们达成心愿,我个人愿意放他活,你看呢?” Di Shan narrows the eyes to focus, has thought that slowly nod, „, good.” 帝山眯着眼,想了一下,缓缓点头,“,好。” pa pa!” 啪啪!” Yu Rou claps hands the chuckle, shot a look at Shi Yan lightly, said smilingly: Little Brother, you can feel relieved, so long as you can help us eradicate barrier, I and Di Shan take responsibility, keep your life.” 羽柔抚掌轻笑,轻瞥了石岩一下,笑盈盈道:“小哥,你可以放心了,只要你真的能够帮我们破除结界,我和帝山做主,留你一命。” They?” Shi Yan looks to Ya Meng and Ka Ba. “他们呢?”石岩看向轧猛卡巴 We said that keeps your life, you will then not die.” Di Shan drinks one coldly, light looks to Ya Meng and Ka Ba, said: Yes?” “我们说留你一命,你便不会死。”帝山冷喝一声,平淡的看向轧猛卡巴,道:“是吧?” Ya Meng and commanding of Ka Ba these two Yin Demon Race, under the gaze of Di Shan and Yu Rou, feel indignant but not daring to speak out, slowly nod. 轧猛卡巴这两个阴魅族的统领,在帝山羽柔的注视之下,敢怒不敢言,缓缓点头。 Walks, I lead you to go to Yin Beast Mountain.” White Wing Clan Yu Rou no longer rubbish, puts out a hand to raise the Shi Yan shoulder, flutters flies, plunders several kilometers instantaneously, just likes flickers to move general, approaches toward Yin Beast Mountain fast. “走吧,我带你去阴兽山。”白翼族羽柔不再废话,伸手提着石岩肩膀,振翅一飞,瞬间掠出数千米,犹如瞬移一般,快速朝着阴兽山靠近。 Di Shan closes one's eyes, silhouette gradual changes decides, slowly vanishes. 帝山闭着眼,身影逐渐的变决,慢慢消失。 What to do?” After Di Shan and Yu Rou leave, Ka Ba puts on a long face, looks to Ya Meng and Yi Tianmo, that boy has Heavenly Flame, once grows, can definitely be the significant threat of our Yin Demon Race!” “怎么办?”在帝山羽柔离开之后,卡巴哭丧着脸,望向轧猛奕天漠,“那小子身怀天火,一旦成长起来,必然会是我们阴魅族的重大威胁!” Di Shan and collaborates outwardly submissive but inwardly evil-hearted, our three can also collaborate with Duo Long, when the time comes and other barrier broke, in addition Duo Long, we might as well be able to kill that boy.” Ya Meng ruthless severe say|way. 帝山和阴柔联手,我们三个也可以和多隆联手,到时候等结界破掉,加上多隆,我们未尝不能干掉那小子。”轧猛狠厉道。 Ka Ba stares, at once nodded, says with a smile ferociously: Also is, in addition Duo Long that fellow, we have not feared Yu Rou and Di Shan.” 卡巴一愣,旋即点了点头,狞笑道:“也是,加上多隆那家伙,我们还真不怕羽柔帝山。” Walks, having a look at that boy to break barrier.”, Yi Tianmo had not said that facial expression indifferently, as if has to haggle over. “走吧,看看那小子是不是真的能够破掉结界。”,奕天漠并未多说,神情漠然,似乎另有计较。
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