GOS :: Volume #3

#253: Turning bad luck into good

Yin Qi is precise, congealing cloudy strength, this, how is this matter?” 阴气凝炼,凝阴化力,这,这是怎么一回事?” Does not know that this fellow obviously is humanity, why can be ordinary with the cloudy beast, gathers Yin Qi to come cultivation? Moreover, he gathers the Yin Qi speed, want to be quicker than time the cloudy beast!” “不知道,这家伙明明是人类,为什么能够和阴兽一般,聚集阴气修炼?而且,他聚集阴气的速度,要比阴兽还要快许多倍!” This ability, should not be humanity can have! Our Yin Demon Race, cannot gather yin strength quickly, our bodies cannot withstand that many yin strength one time! How is this person a matter?” “这种能力,不应该是人类可以拥有的!就连我们阴魅族,也不能那么快聚集阴力,我们的身体一次性也承受不了那么多的阴力啊!这人到底是怎么一回事?” Yin Demon Race three command, has been shocked completely, opened the eye, the discussion of facial expression delay. 阴魅族的三名统领,全部惊呆了,睁大了眼睛,神情呆滞的议论。 The cloudy beast gathering place, has the black wing, the look monster different Black Wing Clan middle-aged man, has snow white wing the beautiful woman of White Wing Clan to stand with one shoulder to shoulder, Yin Qi vortex that distant looks at whole body Fiery Flame dreadful Shi Yan, the looks at Shi Yan top of the head presents. 阴兽聚集之地,一名有着黑色羽翼,相貌妖异的黑翼族的中年男人,和一名有着雪白羽翼的白翼族的美艳妇人并肩而立,远远看着浑身火炎滔天的石岩,看着石岩头顶出现的阴气漩涡 Di Shan, in that human body plaster releases, should be Heavenly Flame!” Is having the beautiful woman of snow white wing, the sound is weak, very of pleasant to hear. 帝山,那人体垩内释放出来的,应该是天火!”拥有着雪白羽翼的美艳妇人,声音酥酥软软,非常的好听。 Indeed is Heavenly Flame!” Black Wing Clan head of the clan Di Shan, in monster different eye pupil different light glittering, first is restriction becomes less crowded, now also has person who has Heavenly Flame appears, it seems like our time can be separated from the place of this abandonment. Yu Rou, we must prevent Duo Long that boorish fellow, I looked, had Heavenly Flame that human boy, should be kills Han Long that person that Duo Long said.” “的确是天火!”黑翼族的族长帝山,妖异的眼眸中异光闪烁,“先是禁制松动,如今又有拥有天火的人出现,看来我们这次真的能够脱离这遗弃之地了。羽柔,我们必须阻止多隆那莽夫,我看出来了,拥有天火的那人类小子,应该就是多隆所说的杀死翰龙的那人。” Un, must prevent him, this human boy cannot have the matter!” White Wing Clan head of the clan Yu Rou, slowly nod. “嗯,必须阻止他,这人类小子绝不能有事!”白翼族的族长羽柔,缓缓点头。 Black Wing Clan head of the clan Di Shan, with White Wing Clan head of the clan Yu Rou, has exchanged a while fast, at once suddenly is separated from this. 黑翼族的族长帝山,和白翼族的族长羽柔,快速的交流了一会儿,旋即突然脱离这一块。 Here numerous Black Wing Clan and White Wing Clan master, facing surrounding of cloudy beast, deals is not difficult. 这里的众多的黑翼族白翼族的高手,面对阴兽的包围,应对的并不困难。 Black Wing Clan and White Wing Clan master, be more than Grey Wing Clan master, these people dare to come from Yin Beast Mountainare the elites in clan, is extremely rich with the experience of cloudy beast zhuo battlestrengths is also extremely powerful. 黑翼族白翼族的高手,要比灰翼族的高手还要多,这些人胆敢从阴兽山后方过来”更是族内的精英,与阴兽丵交战的经验极其丰富”一个个实力也是极其强盛。 Is facing the attack of cloudy beast, after losing Di Shan and Yu Rou assumes personal command, they are as before unflustered. 面对着阴兽的袭击,在失去帝山羽柔坐镇之后,他们依旧从容不迫。 Yin Demon Race Ka Ba, the facial expression is gloomy, considered secretly, suddenly said: We need to pass to have a look, this human boy was too special, perhaps, he can be we leaves the key of this damned place!” 阴魅族卡巴,神情阴森,暗暗思量了一下,突然道:“我们需要过去看看了,这人类小子太特殊了,或许,他会是我们离开这个鬼地方的关键!” Good, this fellow was unable dead, perhaps if he died we really unable to walk. ” After on Shi Yan Heavenly Flame releases, after also puts forth Profound Yin Secret Art gathers heaven and earth Yin Qi ”, links the Ya Meng manner also to have the subtle change, starts to maintain the Shi Yan safety unexpectedly. “不错,这家伙还真的不能死,他要是死了”我们说不定真的走不出去。”在石岩身上天火释放之后,又使出玄阴诀聚集天地阴气之后”连轧猛的态度也发生了微妙的改变,竟然开始维护起石岩的生命安危来。 Did not fear that Heavenly Flame entire did seek the harm of race to us?”, Yi Tianmo faint smile. “不怕天火对我们整牟种族的危害了?”,奕天漠似笑非笑。 This boy, only then cultivation base of Earth Realm boundary, can control temporarily, when we are separated from this damned place time, attended to him conveniently is.”, Ka Ba indifferent say|way. “这小子只有地位境的修为,暂时还是可以控制的,等我们脱离这鬼地方的时候,随手料理了他便是。”,卡巴淡然道。 Isn't this?” Yi Tianmo smiled, I know that everybody is curious he to gather the Yin Qi method, after all, our Yin Demon Race cultivation and Yin Qi have very big connection, if can obtain his to gather the Yin Qi method, to our Yin Demon Race will be the epoch-making progress, right? ” “不是这样吧?”奕天漠笑了笑,“我知道,大家都好奇他聚集阴气的方法,毕竟,我们阴魅族修炼阴气有很大关联,如果能够得到他那聚集阴气的方法,对我们阴魅族来说”将是划时代的进步,对吧?” Snort, this is our entire race future important matter.” Ka Ba sinking sound track. “哼,这是我们整个种族的未来大事。”卡巴沉声道。 What does that also wait for? We hurry, if he by Duo Long killing, our anything could not obtain.” Ya Meng somewhat could not calm down, light shout, flies from rapidly, the threat of nascent ghost does not fear. “那还等什么?我们赶紧过去,若是他被多隆给杀了,我们什么都得不到了。”轧猛有些沉不住气了,轻喝一声,迅速飞离出去,连鬼婴的威胁都不惧怕了。 Yi Feng and Cuibi, you stay here” unable to leave the old city. ” Yi Tianmo lowered the head to tell one, this with. 奕风翠碧,你们都留在这里”绝不能离开古城。”奕天漠低头吩咐了一句,这才跟上去。 Fiery Flame winds around ” the top of the head actually heaven and earth Yin Qi winding, that vortex in the short dozens seconds, swelled dozens times. 一身火炎缭绕”头顶却天地阴气缠绕,那涡旋在短短几十秒时间,胀大了数十倍。 At this time, that vortex became such as the tornado is ordinary, Yin Qi soars to the heavens, such as various grey Giant Dragon are ordinary, when winds to sway from side to side the physique, absorbs nearby heaven and earth Yin Qi fast. 此时,那漩涡已变得如龙卷风一般,阴气冲天,如一各灰色巨龙一般,在蜿蜒扭动身姿的时候,快速吸收附近的天地阴气 Massive heaven and earth Yin Qi gather, Shi Yan Heavenly Flame, was given the influence by yin strength, in the body plaster Fiery Flame starts to vanish gradually. 大量的天地阴气聚集过来,石岩身上的天火,都被阴力给影响,渐渐地,体垩内火炎开始消失。 When blotted out the sky to cover this to Yin Qi, body of Shi Yan, then closely was bound all round by the ash-gray dark clouds, heavy exceptionally. 待到阴气铺天盖地笼罩了这一块,石岩的身体,则是被团团灰色阴云给紧紧裹住,沉重异常。 Wanted to fire into Yin Beast Mountain him, because of the heaviness of body, cannot move unexpectedly. 本来想要冲向阴兽山的他,因为身体的沉重,竟动弹不得。 The Shi Yan body flies high float, along with circling in flight of top of the head Yin Qi vortex, the body fast is still raising, a while is at a midair hundred meters region. 石岩身子凌空悬浮着,随着头顶阴气漩涡的飞旋,身体还在快速拔高,一会儿就处在半空百米区域。 Yin Qi vortex become, he could not control, at this time that Grey Wing Clan head of the clan Duo Long is still pursuing, he wants to endure, actually in discovery body plaster fluctuation of cloudy vortex, did not listen to his directing. 阴气漩涡一成,他也控制不住了,此时那灰翼族的族长多隆还在追击,他想要挺住,却发现身体垩内阴漩的变幻,已不听他的使唤。 Damn it Three God Church! 该死的三神教 Shi Yan cannot bear obloquy that this Three God Church Profound Yin Secret Art and Stars Martial Spirit, have characteristics he unable to control. 石岩忍不住大骂,这三神教玄阴诀星辰武魂,都有个特性他控制不住。 At crucial moment, the unusuality of this Profound Yin Secret Art and Stars Martial Spirit, can make him fall into the perdition. 在关键时候,这玄阴诀星辰武魂的异常,可以让他陷入万劫不复之地。 For example this time. 譬如这次。 Duo Long has been pursuing, in this at crucial moment, he because actually Profound Yin Secret Art unusual cannot move, the body was locked in void, once a while Duo Long comes up, naturally can cut to kill him easily. 多隆一直在追击,在这个关键时候,他却因为玄阴诀的异常动弹不得,身体被锁在虚空中,一会儿一旦多隆上来,自然可以轻而易举将他斩杀。 The unusuality of this Profound Yin Secret Art, will make him lose one's life directly! 玄阴诀的异常,将会让他直接送命! The people in the midair, he are incapable of controlling the cloudy vortex to be motionless, regardless of wants to live does not think that heaven and earth Yin Qi of top of the head rolling is emerging, the faint trace hunchback yin strength that the wisp can induce clearly, then collects the cloudy vortex center in front acupoint, slowly pours into acupoint., In three cloudy vortex centers, three small yin bead rapidly formed quickly unexpectedly. 人在半空,他无力控制阴漩不动,不论想活不想,头顶的天地阴气都在滚滚涌入,丝丝偻缕能清晰感应的阴力,则是汇集到胸前穴道内的阴漩中心,慢慢注入穴道。很快地,在三个阴漩中心,三枚小小的阴珠竟快速形成了。 Three yin bead formations, fall into acupoint immediately, the faint trace slightly obviously ices cold yin strength outwardly submissive but inwardly evil-hearted, ripples fast in acupoint, let the cloudy vortex and top of the head vortex gyration speed is quicker. 三颗阴珠一形成,立即落入穴道内,丝丝阴柔略显冰寒的阴力,在穴道内快速荡漾起来,让阴漩和头顶漩涡的旋动速度更快了。 Shi Yan does not know whether to laugh or cry. 石岩哭笑不得。 Here heaven and earth Yin Qi, compares the cloudy place certainly Yin Qi also to be richer unexpectedly! 这里的天地阴气,竟然比阴绝之地的阴气还要浓郁许多! Such a while time, in acupoint then forms three yin bead, has Duo Long to chase down in behind, he will think that this luck is really good, the good luck to can make Profound Yin Secret Art absorb Yin Qi unexpectedly wantonly. 就这么一会儿时间,穴道内便形成三颗阴珠,要不是有多隆身后追杀,他会觉得这次运气真是奇佳,竟然好运到可以让玄阴诀大肆吸收阴气 However, the threat of Duo Long, makes his happy not get up, regardless of he gathers many yin strength these days, once Duo Long comes, he only then blind alley one various. 然而,多隆的威胁,却让他高兴不起来,不论他这段时间聚集多少阴力,一旦多隆过来,他都只有死路一各。 According to that Yi Cuibi that Duo Long is Sky Realm peak, a foot has entered into the boundary of God Passage, the supernatural power has acquired understanding of esoteric teachings. 按照那奕翠碧所说,多隆天位巅峰,一只脚已迈入了通神之境,法力通玄。 So the character of rank, wants to execute him, radically is easy matter ”, regardless of he can gather many yin strength, facing this inter-species difference the matches of several ranks, could not have the too major function. 如此级别的人物,想要格杀他,根本就是轻而易举的事情”不论他能不能聚集到更多的阴力,面对这种差了几个级别的对手,都产生不了太大的作用。 Feels the accumulation of heaven and earth Yin Qi secretly, Shi Yan is having no alternative, is waiting for the arrival of Duo Long silently. 暗暗感受着天地阴气的聚集,石岩无可奈何,默默等候着多隆的到来。 Toxin!” “毒!” Takes one to break in Duo Long in ash-gray dark clouds, by the black and white two ripple, was left stiffly to the bang. 就要一头冲入灰色阴云中的多隆,被黑白两圈波纹,给硬生生轰离出去。 The Duo Long body trembles continuouslyunder that two black and white ripple, retreat, has drawn back hundred meters unceasingly, stands firm the body potential. 多隆身躯连续震颤”在那两圈黑白波纹之下,不断地后退,一直退了百米,才稳住身势。 Di Shan! Yu Rou!”, Duo Long flies into a rage, shouted to clear the way toward a direction anger: Why keeps off me?” 帝山羽柔!”,多隆勃然大怒,朝着一个方向怒喝道:“为什么挡我?” Ka Ba, Ya Meng and Yi Cuibi three people, do not know when hasalso quietly a behind several hundred meters appearance in Duo Long, frowns to look to Duo Long. 卡巴轧猛奕翠碧三人,不知何时起”也悄悄在多隆身后数百米出现,都皱着眉头看向多隆 You!” “还有你们!” From the Ka Ba three people, Duo Long also realized that evil intention, eyes is red, Duo Long turns head suddenlywickedly the looks at Ka Ba three people, sneers saying: „Do you also want to keep off me?” 卡巴三人身上,多隆也察觉到了恶意,双眸赤红,多隆突然回头”恶狠狠地看着卡巴三人,冷笑道:“你们也想挡我?” If you want to kill that boy, three of us will collaborate to prevent you.” Ya Meng nodded. “如果你想要杀那小子,我们三人会联手阻止你。”轧猛点了点头 You dare with me for enemy!”, Duo Long face upwards severe Xiao, manner is fierce: Offends my Grey Wing Clan, do you know the fate?”, enough Duo Long!” “你们敢和我为敌!”,多隆仰天厉笑,神态狰狞道:“得罪我灰翼族,你们知不知道下场?”,“够了多隆!” The Di Shan sound passes on suddenly, black lightning flashes through together, that Di Shan wing is swaying, decides in the Duo Long body advance party instantaneously. 帝山的声音突然传出来,一道黑色电光闪过,那帝山羽翼摇晃着,瞬间在多隆身前站定。 Yu Rou is light, such as a piece of feather, after Di Shan comesslightly disgruntledly is also looking at Duo Long, orchid Duo Long, calms down, we chatted well. Un, the Ka Ba three people are also a good intention, they for the future of our two clans, you will leave too not know how to appreciate kindness.” 羽柔轻飘飘的,如一片羽毛,也在帝山之后现身”略显不悦的望着多隆,兰“多隆,消消气,我们好好谈谈吧。嗯,卡巴三人也是一片好意,他们都是为了我们两族的未来,你别太不识抬举了。” Di Shan and Yu Rou, one on the left and other on the right, keep off on road that in Duo Long has led the way. 帝山羽柔,一左一右,挡在了多隆前行的路上。 Duo Long facial expression cloudy eyeball is uncertain, when treats the Ka Ba three people he can roar, can speak the threat. 多隆神情阴睛不定,在对待卡巴三人的时候他可以咆哮,可以出言威胁。 However, facing Di Shan and Yu Rou, he does not have this boldness. 然而,面对帝山羽柔,他却没有这份魄力。 Black Wing Clan and White Wing Clan overall strength, has striven to excel their Grey Wing Clan, Di Shan and Yu Rou their individual power, must exceed his Duo Long to plan. 黑翼族白翼族的整体实力,都要强过他们灰翼族,帝山羽柔两人的个人力量,也要胜过他多隆一筹。 Di Shan is mean, Yu Rou is deceitful, these two fierce Duo Long know fairly well, to any, he cannot ask for the advantage alone, let alone these two obviously already united front. 帝山阴狠,羽柔狡诈,这两人的厉害多隆心中有数,单独对上任何一个,他都讨不到好处,何况这两人明显已经统一战线了。 Also, Ka Ba, Ya Meng and Yi Tianmo three people, collaborated obviously, so the situation, is beyond control he not to be prudent. 还有,卡巴轧猛奕天漠三人,显然也联手了,如此形势,由不得他不慎重。 Why guarantees that boy?”, Duo Long clenches teeth, actually gradually calm. “为什么保那小子?”,多隆咬着牙,却渐渐冷静了下来。 He can lead us to leave here, his Heavenly Flame, could burn down Yin Beast Mountain restriction, you also know that the Yin Beast Mountain interior, possibly has the method that we leave.” Di Shan smiled, said to Duo Long: „The boy can die, but is not now, when we found the method of leaving, whatever the boy you handle, but before then, you do not permit him!” “他可以带我们离开这里,他身上的天火,或许能够焚烧掉阴兽山禁制,你们也知道,阴兽山的内部,可能有我们离开的方法。”帝山笑了笑,对多隆道:“那小子可以死,但不是现在,等我们找到离开的方法,那小子任由你处置,不过在此之前,你不准动他!” „Are you this meaning?”, Duo Long looks all around. “你们都是这个意思?”,多隆环顾四周。 Yu Rou, Ka Ba, Ya Meng and Yi Tianmo four people, nod together, approved the Di Shan excuse. 羽柔卡巴轧猛奕天漠四人,一起点头,都认同了帝山的说辞。 Good, I am motionless temporarily he, hopes that your judgments is right.”, Duo Long gloomy the face, has been thinking a while, under five people of pressures, can only agree that the nod said: Here gave you, I one step returned to Grey Wing Clan to have the newest situation to remember that first informed me. Also, this boy must give me in the future, I must live! ”, Un I can promise you. ” Di Shan light say|way. “好,我暂时不动他,希望你们的判断是对的。”,多隆阴沉着脸,想了一会儿,在五人的压力之下,只能同意下来,点头道:“这里交给你们了,我先一步返回灰翼族了”有了最新情况记得通知我。还有,这小子将来要交给我,我要活的!”,“嗯”我可以答应你。”帝山淡淡道。 Duo Long no longer said at once that complexion ugly departure, a while then vanishes to disappear. 多隆旋即不再多说,脸色难看的离开,一会儿便消失不见了。 I think that we can have a look at that human young fellow, is really the adorable kid, he has brought the light of departure for us.” Yu Rou smiled in a soft voice, the deportment myriad, „, I know the deterrent of Heavenly Flame to your Yin Demon Race, but I hope that your Yin Demon Race is also more law-abiding, do not act unreasonably, otherwise the body blames us not being impolite.” “我想,我们可以去看看那人类小伙子了,真是可爱的小家伙,他为我们带来了离开的光明。”羽柔轻声笑了笑,仪态万千,“嗯,我知道天火对你们阴魅族的威慑,但我希望你们阴魅族也都安分一些,可不要乱来,否则体怪我们不客气。” Ka Ba, Ya Meng and Yi Tianmo three people, complexion cloudy clear uncertain, but under the gaze of Yu Rou, actually together nods, indicated that can obey her words. 卡巴轧猛奕天漠三人,脸色阴晴不定,但在羽柔的注视下,却一起点头,表示会听从她的话语。 Since we achieve the tacit understanding, that can pass.” “既然我们达成默契,那就可以过去了。” Di Shan said at will, then takes the lead in flushing away toward the region that Shi Yan Yin Qi covers, other people follow, in the heart was curious, wants to have a look at that central zone to be turned into any appearance by Shi Yan. 帝山随意说了一句,便带头朝着石岩阴气笼罩的区域冲去,其余人紧随其后,心中充满好奇,都想看看那中心地带到底被石岩变成什么样子了。 PS: Third, made up yesterday PS:第三更,补昨天的
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