GOS :: Volume #3

#252: The history is repeated( second ~)

In the old city wall, Duo Long murderous aura, in eyes is containing extreme Qiu Luan Hen, is waiting silently. 古城城墙上,多隆一身的杀气,双眸中蕴藏着极度的仇圞恨,默默等候着。 Ka Ba, Ya Meng and Yi Tianmo three people, some cautiously is accompanying in the one side, has not talked too much anything. 卡巴轧猛奕天漠三人,有些小心翼翼的在一旁陪伴着,并未多言什么。 Many Yin Demon Race clansmen, do not dare to leave the atmosphere, bends the waist, even does not dare to look at that Duo Long. 更多的阴魅族的族人,连大气都不敢出,一个个弯着腰,甚至不敢多看那多隆 The overall strength of wing clan, must by far strong Yin Demon Race, in recent years, Yin Demon Race in the fight of wing clan, has been in the weak side, there are many times, the internal contradictions of wing clan, Yin Demon Race feared that was conquered directly. 翼族的整体实力,要远远强过阴魅族,这些年来,阴魅族在和翼族的战斗中,一直处于弱势方,有很多次,要不是翼族的内部矛盾,阴魅族怕是被直接征服了。 Wing clan meat body powerful, Essence Qi is vigorous, and does not fear the attack of Yin Demon Race soul, in Yin Demon Race fighting Luan Zheng, they have the natural superiority. 翼族肉圞身强悍,精元浑厚,并且不惧阴魅族灵魂的侵袭,在和阴魅族的斗圞争中,他们有着天然的优势。 Duo Long is the Grey Wing Clan head of the clan, but Grey Wing Clan, although the strength is inferior to Black Wing Clan and White Wing Clan, but Grey Wing Clan is extremely militant, this Duo Long is radical minute of Luan Zi of wing clan, advocated that gives the slave Luan Yi Yin Demon Race. 多隆灰翼族的族长,而灰翼族,虽然实力不如黑翼族白翼族,可灰翼族却极其好战,这多隆更是翼族的激进分圞子,主张将阴魅族给奴圞役。 Therefore, Grey Wing Clan Duo Long, most makes the Yin Demon Race clansman be sick, most makes the Yin Demon Race person dread. 因此,灰翼族多隆,最让阴魅族的族人厌烦,也最让阴魅族的人畏惧。 The arrival of Duo Long, to Ka Ba, Ya Meng and Yi Tianmo three people are frightening, to the ordinary Yin Demon Race clansman, Duo Long is the evil star, does not know that he will make any matter. 多隆的到来,对卡巴轧猛奕天漠三人是一种震慑,对普通的阴魅族的族人来说,多隆可谓是煞星,不知道他会做出什么事情来。 In prisoner's cage. 囚笼中。 Cao Zhilan limpid eyes, transferred on the body of that Duo Long, gazes at the stone ball in Duo Long hand quietly, in the heart is being astonished however. 曹芷岚清澈的双眸,在那多隆的身上转了一圈,悄悄注视着多隆手中的石球,心中讶然。 She does not know how Shi Yan offended Duo Long, but from the Duo Long facial expression, she knows that Shi Yan this time feared was more unfortunate than fortunate. 她不知道石岩到底怎么得罪了多隆,但从多隆的神情来看,她知道石岩这次怕是要凶多吉少了。 It seems like this time was hopeless really...... 看来这次真的没戏了…… But in the Cao Zhilan heart sighed, her also aim looked at Shi Yan to a Yin Demon Race attack, letting them to make use to get rid of the Yin Demon Race soul to imprison prohibition, but the arrival of Duo Long, made Shi Yan become all of a sudden being the target of public criticism, now all people regard in the child eyes to puncture him, he feared that could not make any hands and feet to come again. 曹芷岚心中无奈叹息,本来她还旨望石岩可以给阴魅族点打击,让她们能趁势摆脱阴魅族的灵魂囚圞禁,可多隆的到来,一下子让石岩成了众矢之的,如今所有人都将他当成子眼中刺,他怕是再也做不出什么手脚来了。 Cao Zhilan was conceivable, how long cannot want, Shi Yan will be imprisoned prohibition by the Yin Demon Race clansman bring, by suffering extreme distress that the Duo Long method suffered, compared with them first starting off. 曹芷岚可以想象,要不了多久,石岩就会被阴魅族的族人囚圞禁着带来,被多隆的手段折磨的死去活来,比他们先一步上路。 Ceng Yanjing and Pan Zhe in one line of prisoner's cage, is so the idea. 囚笼中的曾砚睛潘哲一行人,也是如此想法。 Suddenly, Yi Feng silhouette, appears fiercely in the distant place. 突然,奕风身影,猛地在远处显现出来。 Has not come, that Yi Feng then calls out in alarm: Commands greatly, that humanity escaped, does not know the city when leaves, as if went to outside the city now.” 还未过来,那奕风便惊呼起来:“大统领,那名人类逃掉了,不知道何时出的城,如今似乎已经到了城外。” Anything!” Yi Tianmo cannot bear call out in alarm makes noise. “什么!”奕天漠忍不住惊呼出声。 In what direction?” Duo Long drinks severely. “在什么方向?”多隆厉喝。 That side.” Yi Feng puts out a hand to aim at outside the city. “那边。”奕风伸手指向城外。 Yi Tianmo, hopes that is not the tricks that you get, when I caught him, I will ask.” Duo Long ominous air/Qi winds around, „, if makes me know you to attempt to pervert, do not blame me not being impolite.” 奕天漠,希望不是你做的手脚,等到我抓到他了,我会问出来的。”多隆一身凶气缭绕,“要是让我知道你做了手脚,别怪我不客气。” The wordsDuo Long to fly away suddenly. 话罢”多隆突然飞走。 Ya Meng and Mou Ba, Yi Tianmo and other Yin Demon Race the mastershave gawked , with Duo Long, flies in abundance in the direction of another city wall. 轧猛、牟巴、奕天漠阴魅族的高手”愣了一下,也纷纷跟向多隆,往另一处城墙的方向飞去。 In another city wall. 另外一处城墙上。 Ya Meng, Ka Ba, Yi Tianmo, Ya Ji and other Yin Demon Race the clansmen, are looking into the front from afar, the facial expression is strange. 轧猛卡巴奕天漠轧吉阴魅族的族人,远远眺望着前方,神情怪异。 Group of Cong Congyin the beast in that forest reunites Luan Ji, first six levels of nascent ghost was roaring unceasingly, seemed gathering Luan Ji more cloudy beast arrivals. 丛丛阴兽在那一块森林中团团聚圞集,其中一头六级的鬼婴不断地咆哮着,似乎在聚圞集更多的阴兽到来。 Wrong slightly several, people discovered that side cloudy beast not under thousand heads, dense and numerous, the housefly is common. 错略数一下,众人发现那边的阴兽不下于千头,密密麻麻的,蚊蝇一般密集。 Behind these a large number of cloudy beasts, spreads dazzling rays of light, looks from afar, visibles faintly the wing clan masters of winged, as if just and cloudy beast Luan Jiaozhan, the battle is quite intense. 在那些数量众多的阴兽后方,传出一道道炫目的光芒,远远望去,隐约可见一道道长着翅膀的翼族高手,似乎正和阴兽圞交战,交战还颇为激烈。 Scarlet-red Fiery Flamesuch as the red lightning is together common, at this time is flying toward these cloudy beast crowded places. 一道赤红的火炎”如红色闪电一般,此时正朝着那些阴兽密集之地飞去。 ” The Duo Long whole body severe gale after that scarlet red Fiery Flame turns Luan Jiao, looks fierce, face upwards to sneer, is in hot pursuit. 在那赤红色火炎之后”多隆浑身厉风翻圞搅着,龇牙咧嘴,仰天冷笑,紧追不舍。 „The strength of strive to excel Fiery Flame! Is fellow that by humanity that you seize? ” “好强的火炎之力!那家伙”就是那一名被你们擒住的人类?” Ka Ba is staring at that Fiery Flame silhouette, looked at carefully a while carefully, suddenly the complexion big change, is not right! This, the strength of this Fiery Flame, this is not general Fiery Flame! It is not!” 卡巴盯着那火炎身影,仔细端详了一会儿,突然脸色大变,“不对!这,这火炎之力,这不是一般的火炎!绝不是!” Ya Meng body fierce earth tremor Luan Dou gets up, the sound also becomes very strange, this, this is Heavenly Flame! This is Heavenly Flame! Good deed that Yi Tianmo, you do!” 轧猛身躯猛地颤圞抖起来,声音也变得非常奇异,“这,这是天火!这是天火啊!奕天漠,你干的好事!” In Yi Tianmo eyes the none remaining overflows, body slightly has also swayed a while, at once suddenly smiles bitterly saying: I do not know......” 奕天漠双眸中精光四溢,身躯也微微摇晃了一会儿,旋即突然苦笑道:“我也不知的……” „Can you not know?” The Ya Meng facial expression is cloudy, in that person, has soul imprint that you plant, since you have gotten down restriction on him, how can not know his body Luan body secret? Yi Tianmo, you did not fear that plays with fire from Luan Fen? As commanding in clan, won't you know the harm of Heavenly Flame to our entire Luan Clan?” “你会不知道?”轧猛神情阴厉,“在那人身上,有着你种下的灵魂烙印,你既然在他身上下了禁制,岂会不知道他身圞体的秘密?奕天漠,你不怕玩火自圞焚么?身为族内的统领,你不会不知道天火对我们整个种圞族的危害吧?” I do not know really the body of this boy, actually has the strength of Heavenly Flame.” Yi Tianmo shook the head, is unimportant, now Duo Long passed, no matter on this boy has Heavenly Flame, cannot escape the poisonous Luan hand of Duo Long. Things have gotten to this point, does not need to be worried about anything.” “我真的不知道这小子的身上,竟然拥有天火之力。”奕天漠摇了摇头,“不过不要紧了,如今多隆已经过去,不管这小子身上是不是拥有天火,都逃不掉多隆的毒圞手。事已至此,不需要多担心什么了。” Yi Tianmo speech time, Yi Cuibi elegant Luan Li silhouette flashes through under the city wall quietly. 奕天漠讲话的时候,奕翠碧的俏圞丽身影悄悄在城墙下方闪过。 Also mediated you to have nothing to do?” Ka Ba is the facial expression is also gloomy, linked that boy to kill the Duo Long son's matter evidently, you should know, will otherwise not make Cuibi put him to leave. Yi Tianmo, do you know that what you are making? So long as Duo Long seizes that boy, pressed for an answer the reason, even if Duo Long has killed that boy, will seek to ask you to revenge, the Duo Long temperament you do not know why you do want such to do?” “还说和你无关?”卡巴也是神情阴森,“看样子连那小子杀了多隆儿子的事情,你应该都知道,否则不会让翠碧放他离开。奕天漠,你知不知道自己在做什么?只要多隆将那小子逮住,逼问出缘由来,就算多隆杀了那小子,也还会寻上来找你报仇,多隆的脾气你不会不知道,为什么你要这么做?” I do not know that you were saying anything.” The Yi Tianmo facial expression is faint, Duo Long if really seeks me to revenge, has nothing to do with you, what are you anxious?” “我不知道你在说什么。”奕天漠神情淡漠,“多隆真要是寻我报仇,也和你们无关,你们紧张什么?” Called!” “称!” Ka Ba is cold the face, to Yi Tianmo nodded, becomes aware Luan to arrive at anything at once suddenly, Ha Ha said with a smile crazily: I understood, I understood, Yi Tianmo Yi Tianmo, you were having our ideas. Ha Ha, Heavenly Flame is our Yin Demon Race difficult adversary, you want through controlling Luan Zhi that boy, frightens me and Ya Meng? I understood finally.” 卡巴寒着脸,冲着奕天漠点了点头,旋即突然悟圞到什么,哈哈狂笑道:“我明白了,我真的明白了,奕天漠奕天漠,原来你在打我们的主意。哈哈,天火乃我们阴魅族的克星,你是想要通过控圞制那小子,来震慑我和轧猛吧?我终于明白了。” The Ya Meng complexion terrified changes, nods secretly, „, Yi Tianmo Yi Tianmo, your plan hit very loud, what a pity, actually by Duo Long but actually came broken Luan Huai. You definitely have not calculated that Duo Long can know who has killed his son, this taking a rash step is right?” 轧猛脸色悚然一变,也暗暗点头,“原来如此,奕天漠奕天漠,你算盘打的挺响,可惜啊,却被多隆的倒来破圞坏了。你肯定没有算到多隆能够知道谁杀了他儿子,这才失策对吧?” You really can think.” Yi Tianmo shook the head, the facial expression is as before invariable. “你们真是能想。”奕天漠摇了摇头,依旧神情不变。 You will regret!” Ka Ba severe Xiao. “你会后悔的!”卡巴厉笑。 Ya Meng is also the facial expression yin cold, obviously is extremely discontented with the Yi Tianmo procedure, as if secretly is also equaling anything, seeks to cope with the Yi Tianmo means. 轧猛也是神情阴寒,显然对奕天漠的做法极其不满,似乎也在暗暗合计着什么,找寻对付奕天漠的办法。 In the body, bunches of Fiery Flame well up crazily, Shi Yan changes into together the rocket, gathers the place of Luan Ji by extremely quick speed flying northward beast. 身上中,一簇簇的火炎狂涌而出,石岩化为一道火箭,以极快的速度飞向阴兽聚圞集之地。 After Yi Cuibi the news of Duo Long arrival said that Shi Yan then criticizes one, immediately at the maximum speed fled from the old city. 奕翠碧多隆到来的消息道出之后,石岩便暗骂一声,立即以最快的速度逃离古城。 Initially he put to death that Han Long time, to prevent the elder of opposite party knew, by two Warrior including writing dragon body has killed together, cleanness that they killed, he thinks did such clean agile, the opposite party definitely non- ear can discover him to come, there expected him to misjudge. 当初他诛杀那翰龙的时候,为了防止对方的长辈知晓,连翰龙身旁的两名武者一起干掉了,将他们三人杀的干干净净,原本他以为做的这么干净利索,对方肯定不耳能找出他来的,那里料到他还是失算了。 Thereforehe can only run away. 因此”他只能逃。 He knows his superiority, because in body Luan body has Heavenly Flame, his fearless cloudy beast, therefore the cloudy beast gathers the place of Luan Ji, is his place of escaping. 他知道他的优势,因为身圞体中有着天火,他无惧阴兽,所以阴兽聚圞集之地,便是他的逃生之地。 Yin Beast Mountain! 阴兽山 He from Cuibi mouth Luan, knows that in Yin Beast Mountain has extremely formidable barrier to exist, these barrier have isolated Yin Beast Mountain, the three head of the clan of wing clan, do not have the means to eradicate these barrier, in Yin Beast Mountain proliferate the cloudy beast, the air/Qi of yin cold of heaven and earth is powerful, only if the cloudy beast, the average person the strength will reduce in the past greatly. 他从翠碧的口圞中,知道阴兽山之中有着极其强大的结界存在,那些结界隔离了阴兽山,就连翼族的三名族长,都没有办法破除那些结界,阴兽山内遍布阴兽,天地之阴寒之气强盛,除非阴兽,一般人过去将会实力大减。 So long as arrives at Yin Beast Mountain, is relying on body Luan Tie Heavenly Flame, he can not fear the attack of cloudy beast, Heavenly Flame can burn down all, perhaps links barrier in that mountain massif to eradicate, then bad risk Yin Beast Mountain extremely to others, he avoids the place of life Duo Long chases down. 只要到达阴兽山,凭借着身圞体垩内的天火,他可以不惧阴兽的攻击,天火可以焚烧一切,说不定连那山体中的结界都可以破除,那对别人来说凶险万分的阴兽山,正是他躲避多隆追杀的活命之地。 In the body plaster Fiery Flame seethes with excitementShi Yan to stimulate to movement Escaping Lightning Changes, body Luan body just likes dodges the lightning arrow together, the speed clashes the northward beast crowded place. 体垩内火炎沸腾”石岩催动起逸电变,身圞体犹如一道闪电光箭,速度冲向阴兽密集之地。 About thousand cloudy beasts, gather Luan Ji there, all round spheres dozens White Wing Clan and Black Wing Clan clansmen, in these cloudy beasts, there are many six levels and seven levels of cloudy beasts, the Yin Qi full that on these cloudy beasts releases in all around, has formed the First Level meat Luan Yan obvious ash-gray cloud layer. 近千头阴兽,聚圞集在那儿,团团将数十名白翼族黑翼族的族人围住,这些阴兽之中,有许多六级、七级的阴兽,这些阴兽身上释放出来的阴气充盈在四周,形成了一层肉圞眼可见的灰色云层。 Gabion body like rocket, perpendicular incidence Luan to that cloudy beast crowded place. 石笼身如火箭,直射圞向那阴兽密集之处。 Intermittent Yin Qi such as Wu Luan Yun is rolling generally, these Yin Qi head on, Shi Yan smelled the one breath, thinks suddenly completely relaxedly, state of mind clear Luan Xing is suddenly incomparable. 阵阵阴气如乌圞云一般滚动着,那些阴气扑面而来,石岩只是嗅了一口气,突觉心旷神怡,神志骤然清圞醒无比。 In eyes full is stunned, induced carefully, the Shi Yan body trembled, the happy expression of whole face. 双眸中满是愕然,细心感应了一下,石岩身躯一颤,满脸的喜色。 The cloudy vortex that chest three acupuncture points, form gyrates quietly, the operation of that cloudy vortex is obviously related with nearby Yin Qi, in that moment of cloudy vortex rotation, his body Luan body started to absorb to gather on own initiative Luan Ji these Yin Qi. 胸口三处穴位,形成的阴漩悄悄旋动,那阴漩的运行明显和附近的阴气有关,在阴漩转动的那一刻,他的身圞体已开始主动来吸收聚圞集那些阴气 Meanwhile, vortex forms in his top of the head quietly, a that vortex appearance, then transmits strongly attracts the suck strength. 与此同时,一个漩涡悄悄在他头顶形成,那漩涡一出现,便传来强劲的吸圞吮力。 The nearby such as grey Yun Yiban Yin Qi, is receiving the attraction of that vortex, wells up in abundance, completely has become that vortex nutrient, making that vortex bigger and bigger. 附近如灰云一般的阴气,受着那漩涡的吸引,纷纷涌来,全部成了那漩涡的养分,让那漩涡越来越大。 Profound Yin Secret Art! 玄阴诀 The special secret that this coming from Three God Church, has gathers Luan Ji heaven and earth Yin Qi holds the different effect, so long as displays Profound Yin Secret Art in the Yin Qi rich region, this Profound Yin Secret Art spontaneously will form vortex, gathers Luan Ji nearby heaven and earth Yin Qi in the same place, changes into the body plaster yin bead in cloudy vortex. 这种来自于三神教的特殊秘技,有着聚圞集天地阴气的持殊效果,只要在阴气浓郁的区域施展玄阴诀,这玄阴诀就会自发形成漩涡,将附近的天地阴气聚圞集在一块,化为体垩内阴漩中的阴珠 In the past when the cloudy place certainly, he used Profound Yin Secret Art to resist Yin Qi, has stimulated to movement Profound Yin Secret Art accidentally, will be unexpectedly cloudy place certainly heaven and earth Yin Qi absorbing. 当年在阴绝之地的时候,他用玄阴诀来抵御阴气,无意中催动了玄阴诀,竟将阴绝之地的天地阴气给吸收一空。 That time scene, comes clearly into view now, now looks at the change of this cloudy vortex, the formation of top of the head vortex, making Shi Yan realize suddenly underwent Luan history possibly to repeat. 那时的场景,如今还历历在目,现在看这阴漩的变化,头顶漩涡的形成,让石岩突然意识到历圞史可能重演。 The people are in the midair, in body Luan Tie Fiery Flame winds around, but top of the head actually float Yin Qi precise vortex, the teachings transmitted from master to pupil over generations of that vortex leaves fierce attracts the suck strength, crazy poly Luan Ji Yin Qi in all directions. 人在半空中,身圞体垩内火炎缭绕,可头顶却悬浮出一个阴气凝炼的漩涡,那漩涡之心传出狂烈之极的吸圞吮力,疯狂的聚圞集四面八方的阴气 This, over a thousand cloudy beasts, realized unusuality between heaven and earth, in abundance Qiu Luan Hen is staring Shi Yan. 这一块,上千头阴兽,都察觉到了天地间的异常,纷纷仇圞恨的瞪着石岩 Extremely in the city wall in distant place, Ka Ba, Ya Meng and Yi Tianmo three people, is dumbstruck, does not dare to believe is looking at Shi Yan that. 极远处的城墙上,卡巴轧猛奕天漠三人,也是目瞪口呆,不敢置信的望着石岩那一块。
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