GOS :: Volume #3

#249: Gives me a reason

The Grey Wing Clan clansmen, appear in Shi Yan quickly the place of their disappearance, after these Grey Wing Clan clansmen come, looks around, seems removing is seeking anything. 一名名灰翼族的族人,很快出现在石岩两人消失之地,这些灰翼族的族人过来之后,一个个东张西望,似乎在撤寻着什么。 And a Grey Wing Clan clansman, takes out a dark blue stone ball, dropped a drop of blood on that green stone ball. 其中一名灰翼族的族人,取出一枚暗绿色的石球,滴了一滴血在那绿色石球上。 Stone Qiu overflows green rays of light slowly, a faint trace came from soul aura on writing dragon body, was gathered from everywhere flying ash, concentrates into that stone ball. 石球缓缓溢出绿色光芒,一丝丝来自于翰龙身上的灵魂气息,从漫天飞灰中被聚集起来,凝入那石球之中。 Perhaps this Grey Wing Clan clansman, color deterioration mouth said suddenly: „ Han Long died!” 这名灰翼族的族人,突然变色“口恐道:“翰龙死了!” All Grey Wing Clan clansmen, rave gets up together, rapid spread comes, starts to search for the murderer. 所有的灰翼族族人,一起狂吼起来,迅速扩散开来,开始搜寻凶手。 After Yin Beast Mountain, in Grey Wing Clan territory. 阴兽山之后,灰翼族的领地中。 On hundred meters high old trees, is building unusual log cabins, in each log cabin, has the Grey Wing Clan clansman in cultivation. 一株株百米高的古树上,筑造着一栋栋奇特的木屋,每一个木屋中,都有灰翼族的族人在其中修炼 After an old tree, mountain valley that the rumor howls. 一株古树之后,有一个风声呼啸的山谷。 In that mountain valley, a look and Han Long have seven points of similar Grey Wing Clan old man, gloomy the face, is looking, in everywhere wind roar is sitting well hot silhouette, in the eye pupil of gloomy and cold, is sparkling obscene rays of light. 在那山谷内,一名相貌和翰龙有七分相似的灰翼族的老者,阴沉着脸,望着在漫天风啸中端坐着的火辣身影,阴冷的眼眸中,闪耀着淫秽的光芒 That stature hot silhouette, wears the garnet armor, the body has aura of rich wind unexpectedly, she sits well in the mountain valley, energy of surroundings massive wind, collect unexpectedly fast, has become in her body plaster the Martial Spirit nourishing thing, making her whole person be in high spirits, face glowing with health. 那道身材火辣的身影,着暗红色盔甲,身上竟有着浓郁的风之气息,她端坐在山谷中,周围大量的风之能量,竟然快速汇集开来,成了她身体垩内武魂的滋养物,让她整个人神采飞扬,容光焕发。 what Xiaoe the elder sister, your cultivation, Fengshan valley power of wind is well rich on this day, usually only then I can cultivation, I give you now.” That Grey Wing Clan old man gaze as if a torch, looked in that say|way enchanting body some little time, muttered whispers: You are the heaven grant me, Martial Spirit of your wind, is power of good cauldron furnace my cultivation wind, when you gathered energy of enough much wind, I will pick, making my Realm go a step further again, surpasses the two......” “何小垩姐,你好好修炼,这天风山谷的风之力量非常浓郁,平常只有我一人可以修炼,现在我让给你。”那灰翼族的老者目光如炬,在那道妖娆的身躯上望了好一会儿,喃喃低语:“你是上天赐予我的,你身上的风之武魂,乃是我修炼风之力量上好的鼎炉,等你聚集了足够多的风之能量,我会采摘掉,让我的境界再进一步,超过那两人……” In the mountain valleyenergy of wind twines He Qingman of whole body, opens eyes quietly, the beautiful pupil shot a look at that old man one eyes from afar, immediately closes, on the face reveals the low-spirited color. 山谷中”风之能量缠绕全身的何青曼,悄悄睁开眼,美眸远远瞥了那老者一眼,马上又闭上,脸上露出黯然之色。 „!!” “叮铃铃!叮铃铃!” The unusual sound, transmits from that Grey Wing Clan old man chest suddenly, this old man brow! The wrinkle, pulls out a dark blue stone ballnot to say from the bosom patiently: What matter?” 奇特的声响,突然从那灰翼族老者胸口传来,这老者眉头!皱,从怀中掏出一枚暗绿色石球”不耐烦道:“什么事情?” Few, Young Master died!” In Stone Qiu, spreads the anxious restless sound. “少,少爷死了!”石球中,传出急切不安的声音。 What?” This old man discolored, on the face the blue vein violent facial expression, immediately gets angry the howling say|way suddenlyfiercely: You said again!” “什么?”这老者勃然变色,脸上青筋暴突”神情狰狞之极,当即怒嚎道:“你再说一遍!” Young Master died, the soul has dispersed, the head of the clan forgives! We do not know what's the matter.” In stone ballfull is terrified restless. 少爷死了,灵魂都散了,族长饶命!我们也不知道怎么回事。”石球中”满是惶恐不安。 The Grey Wing Clan old man looks fierce, cannot bear face upward wild cry in mountain valley, in the howl, the astonishing energy fluctuation, collects, rushes that Stone Qiu crazily. 灰翼族的老者龇牙咧嘴,在山谷中忍不住仰天狂啸,啸声中,惊人的能量波动,纷纷汇集起来,狂涌向那石球。 The stone ball explodes suddenly projects shining green light, a green light unceasingly precise, gradual formation picture. 石球骤然爆射出灿灿绿光,绿光不断地凝炼,逐渐的形成一个画面。 Shi Yan that slightly fuzzy the callous wash bowl in that green spooky picture, was outlined by the green silk thread, pours into along with more and more energy, the Shi Yan look is getting more and more clear. 在那绿幽幽的画面中”石岩那略显模糊的冷酷脸盆,被绿色丝线勾勒出来,随着越来越多的能量注入,石岩的相貌越来越清晰。 Humanity!” “人类!” Ash-gray old man roar, the body severe gale surges, the surrounding old trees were eradicated, changed into everywhere sawdust. 灰色老者厉啸,身上厉风激荡开来,周围一株株古树被连根拔起,化为了漫天木屑。 He Qingman under the unusual rebellion of that old man, cannot bear open the eye, at once then saw Shi Yan face that in the mountain valley green light outlined. 何青曼在那老者的异常暴动之下,忍不住张开眼,旋即便看到山谷中绿光勾勒出来的石岩脸庞。 In the beautiful pupil the astonished light dodges, He Qingman almost cannot bear call out in alarm, closes one's eyes hurriedly, feigns anything not to see. 美眸中惊异之光一闪,何青曼差点忍不住惊叫起来,急忙又闭上眼,佯装什么都没有看见。 what Xiaoe does the elder sister, you have a look to know this humanity?” The Grey Wing Clan old man, the breath is loud, the facial expression is fierce, shouted to clear the way to He Qingman. “何小垩姐,你看看认不认识这人类?”灰翼族的老者,鼻息粗重,神情狰狞,冲着何青曼喝道。 Opens eyes once more, He Qingman stared at Shi Yan illusion that in that green light was appearing deeply to look at a while, lightly said: He is we enters abyss battlefield target where, but I actually do not know him, the person who we come in together, dispersed, whose position no one knew. ” 再次睁开眼,何青曼盯着那绿光中显现出来的石岩幻象深深望了一会儿,才淡淡道:“他是我们进入深渊战场的目标”但我却不知道他在什么地方,我们一同进来的人,都分散开来了,谁也不知道谁的位置。” I will make him live to might as well die.” This Grey Wing Clan old man inspired, just likes enraged Demonic Beast, lowers the sound to roar. “我会让他生不如死。”这灰翼族的老者吸了一口气,犹如被激怒的妖兽,压低声音怒吼。 You also really can toss about. 你还真能折腾啊。 In the He Qingman heart full is the forced smile, shook the head gently, start is the Shi Yan destiny worries. 何青曼心中满是苦笑,轻轻摇了摇头,开始为石岩的命运担忧起来。 xiū xiū xiū!” 咻咻咻!” Gentle and charming silhouette, proposes one person to graze in the woods of cover together fast, flies in the direction of giant stone old city. 一道娇柔的身影,提着一人在茂密的树林中快速飞掠,直朝着巨石古城的方向飞去。 Cuibi!” 翠碧!” Suddenly, from the direction of giant stone old city, spreads one to sink to drink. 突然,从巨石古城的方向,传出一声沉喝。 Father!” Yi Cuibi calls out in alarm, at once the speed slows down, approaches toward that old man, you realized Yin Beast Mountain was strange?” “爹爹!”奕翠碧惊呼,旋即速度放缓,朝着那老者靠近,“你察觉到阴兽山的怪异了?” Yi Tianmo nodded, in iron grey eye pupil flashes through together strange light, Cuibi, does this boy catch Demonic Beast?” 奕天漠点了点头,灰白色的眼眸中闪过一道奇光,“翠碧,这小子逮到妖兽没?” Homicide three nascent ghost.” Yi Cuibi light say|way. “他杀了三头鬼婴。”奕翠碧淡淡道。 What?” The Yi Tianmo complexion changes, at once immediately calms down, deeply looks at Yi Cuibi, asked: How is a matter?” “什么?”奕天漠脸色一变,旋即立即冷静下来,深深地看着奕翠碧,问道:“到底是怎么一回事?” He, his body has Heavenly Flame, son Han Long of his head of the clan Grey Wing Clan killed.” The Yi Cuibi forced smile said. “他,他身上有天火,还有,他连灰翼族族长的儿子翰龙都杀了。”奕翠碧苦笑道。 The Yi Tianmo thin body shivers gently, the panic-stricken sentiment on face is hard to conceal, he such dull looks at Shi Yan, the flash facial expression somewhat is vacant. 奕天漠瘦削的身躯轻轻颤抖,脸上的惊骇之情难以掩饰,他就这么呆呆的看着石岩,一瞬间神情有些茫然。 Heavenly Flame, Heavenly Flame, unexpectedly is the beauty......” 天火,天火,竟然是天人……” Half sound, Yi Tianmo muttered whispers, at once suddenly grins strangely has smiled, boy, you really had Heavenly Flame, very good to be very good!” 半响,奕天漠喃喃低语,旋即突然咧嘴怪异的笑了起来,“小子,你竟然有天火,很好很好!” Father! mysterious Cuibi screamed......, Do not kill him, he has rescued my life, if not he, I had possibly been killed by nascent ghost.” “爹爹!奥翠碧尖叫起来……,不要杀他,他救过我的命,如果不是他,我可能已经被鬼婴杀了。” Yi Cuibi knows that her father's temperament, knows Yi Tianmo always gou did not happily chat, once he has shown the strange smiling face, then generation of plasters showed him to kill people. 奕翠碧知道她父亲的脾气,知道奕天漠从来都是不芶言笑的,一旦他露出了了怪异的笑脸,那么便代垩表他要杀人了。 Let alone he has rescued your life, even if were he has rescued my life, must die.” Yi Tianmo shook the head with a smile, iron grey eye pupil deeply is gazing at Shi Yan, his existence, to our entire Yin Demon Race is the fatal threat. We were sent into exile here, here, we do not have any ice cold rare treasure to defend the body, once he will grow to does not fear our soul attack Realmhe to liveis being our entire Yin Demon Race disaster! ” “别说他救了你的命,就算是他救了我的命,也得死。”奕天漠笑着摇了摇头,灰白色的眼瞳深深注视着石岩,“他的存在,对我们整个阴魅族来说”都是致命的威胁。我们是被放逐到这里的,在这儿,我们没有任何冰寒异宝可以防御身体,一旦他成长到不惧怕我们灵魂攻击的境界”他活着”将是我们整个阴魅族的灾难!” You cannot kill me!” Shi Yan sinks to drink suddenly. “你不能杀我!”石岩突然沉喝。 „?” Yi Tianmo is a face strange smiling face, the look actually more and more ices coldly, said to look that you do hold true by letting me do not kill you, I know that you is a smart person, will not say thing that graciousness of kind of I any life-saving will not care about.” “哦?”奕天漠还是一脸怪异的笑容,眼神却越来越冰寒,“说说看,你有什么理由让我不杀你,我知道你是聪明人,不会说什么救命之恩这类我不会在意的东西。” I can help you cope with the cloudy beast.” “我可以帮助你们对付阴兽。” This reason is insufficient, your existence, compared with threat big many of cloudy beast.” “这个理由不够,你的存在,比阴兽的威胁大的多。” Yin Beast Mountain changes, the massive cloudy beasts can be separated from Yin Beast Mountain, including many nascent ghost, they can ruin your Yin Demon Race.” Shi Yan knits the brows to say. 阴兽山有变,大量的阴兽可以脱离阴兽山,其中有许多鬼婴,它们能够毁掉你们阴魅族。”石岩皱眉道。 So long as hides into the old city, the cloudy beast being hard achievement, after a period of time, the cloudy beast will return to Yin Beast Mountain, you cannot convince me.” Yi Tianmo continues to shake the head, the smiling face is invariable. “只要躲入古城中,阴兽难以作为,过一段时间,阴兽还是会返回阴兽山,你说服不了我。”奕天漠继续摇头,笑脸不变。 restriction on Yin Beast Mountain in weakening has the big accident to occur, cloudy beast on this Yin Beast Mountain, possibly compared with the past any time fierce! ” Yi Cuibi cannot bear call out in alarm, father, we should wait for some time, has a look at the sound of cloudy beast his Immortal, we have to cope with the method of cloudy beast. ” 阴兽山上的禁制在减弱”有大变故发生,这次阴兽山上的阴兽,可能比以往任何一次都凶猛!”奕翠碧忍不住惊呼起来,“爹爹,我们应该等候一段时间,看看阴兽的动静”他不死,我们就有对付阴兽的方法。” This reason is insufficient.” Yi Tianmo continues to shake the head, the smiling face still, kills the heart to be as before needless. “这理由还是不够。”奕天漠继续摇头,笑脸还在,杀心依旧不消。 I can also help you deal with other Yin Demon Race person, um, I hear in the old city, two with your same commanding, think to look, so long as you can control me, possibly can in obtain the boost of imagination with their kind of fronts in, this could help you press that two to command. ” Shi Yan miraculous glow one presently, when Yi Tianmo must begin, escapes the tastes hurriedly. “我还可以帮你对付别的阴魅族人,嗯,我听说古城之中,还有两个和你一样的统领,想想看,你只要能够控制住我,可能就能够在和他们的类锋之中”得到想象不到的助力,这或许能够帮助你压过那两个统领。”石岩灵光一现,在奕天漠就要动手的时候,急忙脱口道。 The smiling face on Yi Tianmo face, has restrained suddenly. 奕天漠脸上的笑容,忽然收敛了起来。 His eyes center point different light glittering, the facial expression is gloomy, as if at fast weight responsibility success and failure. 他眼中点点异光闪烁,神情阴森,似乎在快速衡量责得失。 long time, Yi Tianmo nodded, did not say suddenly lightly: I do not kill you temporarily, but you cannot before anybody, reveal absolutely again Heavenly Flame comes.” 多时,奕天漠忽然点了点头,淡淡道:“我暂时不杀你,不过你绝对不能再在任何人面前,显露出天火来。” Yes.” Shi Yan nods hastily. “明白。”石岩连忙点头。 xiū xiū xiū!” 咻咻咻!” Not far away, transmits from out of the blue soaring silhouette, as if has many Yin Demon Race clansmen, caught up from the direction of old city. 不远处,传来一道道破空飞翔的身影,似乎有更多的阴魅族的族人,从古城的方向赶来了。 Cuibi, you lead him to go back first, I go to Yin Beast Mountain.” The Yi Tianmo knitting the brows head, told suddenly. 翠碧,你带着他先回去,我去一趟阴兽山。”奕天漠皱了皱眉头,突然吩咐。 Yi Cuibi nods, drags to entrain Shi Yan, goes toward the direction line of old city fast, around Shi Yan secret observation, discovered on the way has many Yin Demon Race fierce masters, hurries to that Yin Beast Mountain direction. 奕翠碧点头,拖拽着石岩,快速朝着古城的方向行去,途中石岩暗暗观察四周,发现有很多阴魅族的厉害高手,都朝着那阴兽山的方向赶去。 And, two soul fluctuations formidable to letting Shi Yan for aura that it trembles with fear, dodges to pass, vanished from the Divine Sense induction of Shi Yan instantaneously. 其中,两股灵魂波动强大到让石岩为之惊颤的气息,也一闪而逝,瞬间从石岩神识感应中消失了。 Ka Ba and Ya Meng two commanded.” Yi Cuibi explained to Shi Yan: „The two are the same with my father, is commanding of our Yin Demon Race, is fierce, the Yin Beast Mountain mutation, has alarmed obviously also them.” 卡巴轧猛两个统领也去了。”奕翠碧石岩解释:“那两人和我爹爹一样,都是我们阴魅族的统领,非常厉害,阴兽山的异变,显然也惊动了他们。” They rush to Yin Beast Mountain now, doesn't fear the attack of cloudy beast?” Shi Yan has gawked, asked. “他们现在赶往阴兽山,不怕阴兽的袭击?”石岩愣了一下,才问道。 Ka Ba and Ya Meng cultivation base is profound, only if high Level nascent ghost, almost does not have what cloudy beast to injure them, if they want to walk, nascent ghost cannot overtake them.” Yi Cuibi replied. 卡巴轧猛修为非常高深,除非高等级鬼婴,几乎没有什么阴兽可以伤害到他们,如果他们想走,就连鬼婴也追不上他们。”奕翠碧回答。 understood.” 知道了。” In giant stone old city. 巨石古城中。 In a grand grand historic building, Cao Zhilan, Gu Linglong, Di Yanqing and Pan Zhe one line of Warrior, were imprisoned in a secret room, once for a while, Warrior carried off by the Ya Ji person. 一座雄伟壮阔的古建筑内,曹芷岚古玲珑翟砚晴潘哲一行武者,被囚禁在一间密室之中,时不时地,一名武者轧吉的人带走。 long time, cannot hear from nearby room, spreads the sad and shrill pitiful yell. 多时,就能够听到从附近的房间内,传出凄厉之极的惨叫。 At this time, Cao Zhilan and Pan Zhe these Endless Sea new first generation eminents, are the facial expression are all gloomy, on the face lost the past appearance. 此时,曹芷岚潘哲这些无尽海的新一代翘楚,皆是神情灰暗,脸上失去了往日的神采。 Cao Xiaoe elder sister, your Spirit Divinity Martial Spirit, can't eradicate the soul restriction?” Comes from Penglai Holy Land Warrior, a despair of face, to the Cao Zhilan inquiry. “曹小垩姐,你的灵神武魂,也不能破除掉灵魂的禁制么?”一名来自于蓬莱圣地武者,一脸的绝望,对着曹芷岚询问。 Cao Zhilan sits cross-legged to sit, shakes the head gently, but said: This alien race person, goes far beyond us regarding the understanding of soul, so long as my Spirit Divinity Martial Spirit has exceptionally, here any alien race person, can respond immediately. Let alone my soul was banned, even if had not been banned, I do not dare to act rashly here.” 曹芷岚盘膝坐地,轻轻摇头,无奈道:“这异族人,对于灵魂的认识远远超过我们,我的灵神武魂只要一有异常,这里任何一个异族人,都可以马上反应过来。别说我灵魂被禁,就算是没有被禁,我也不敢在这里妄动。” „Do we such wait for death?” This Warrior muttered. “那我们就这么等死么?”这武者喃喃道。 Temporarily I do not have the means that perhaps but that Shi Yan by restraint, perhaps, he had not had the method, after all, in his body has special power, could survive here?” “暂时我没办法,不过那石岩并未被束缚,说不定,说不定他有方法,毕竟,他身体之中有着特殊的力量,也许能够在这里生存下去?” He?” “他?” Pan Zhe, Gu Linglong and entire inkstone eyeball one line, all cannot bear call out in alarm, the expression is strange. 潘哲古玲珑、整砚睛一行人,皆是忍不住惊呼起来,表情怪异。
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