GOS :: Volume #3

#248: Cleaning up is clean!

Wing clan youth facial expression is cloudy, in eyes shoots Luan to leave the ice cold biting cold cold light suddenly, sad and shrill murderous aurasuddenly flows Luan Yi to come out from his ash-gray wing slowly. 翼族青年神情阴厉,双眸中骤然射圞出冰寒彻骨的冷光,一股凄厉之极的杀气”突然从他那灰色翅膀中缓缓流圞溢出来。 Is whipping the ash-gray wing gently, this wing clan youth not anxiously not slow, slowly collects toward Shi Yan. 轻轻拍打着灰色翅膀,这名翼族青年不急不缓,慢慢朝着石岩凑上来。 The halfway, sharp swords of the wind, are quickly precise, the sharp sword of each handle wind, the crystal light overflows, brilliant eye-catchingis containing power of extremely astonishing wind. 半途,一道道风之利剑,倏地凝炼出来,每一柄风之利剑,都晶光四溢,绚烂夺目”其中蕴藏着极其惊人的风之力量 Human boy, I will make you live to might as well die! Offended my Han Long person, gave up any idea of that died well.” That wing clan youth are whipping wing, sharp swords of the wind howl, void assumes various dazzling crystal light, dodges to pass. “人类小子,我会让你生不如死!得罪了我翰龙的人,休想好好死去。”那翼族青年拍打着翅膀,一道道风之利剑呼啸而出,虚空中呈一各条刺目的晶光,一闪而逝。 In his behind, another two youth of wing clans, is the look yin cold, one on the left and other on the right protects that wing clan youth in central. 在他身后,另外两名翼族的青年,也都是眼神阴寒,一左一右将那翼族青年护在中垩央 Three wing clan youth, all are cultivation base of Earth Realm boundary, is this named Han Long wing clan youth, cultivation base is slightly betterprobably in Second Sky of Earth Level, this person of Luan Tixing is valiant, in meat body has the greatly strengthened explosive force, so long as if leaves, such as the javelin of ejection generally will shoot. 三名翼族青年,皆是地位境的修为,为首这名叫翰龙的翼族青年,修为略高一筹”大概在地位二重天之境,此人圞体型彪悍,肉圞身中有着极强的爆发力,似乎只要一个动身,就会如抛射的标枪一般射来。 Comes well!” “来得好!” Under sharp swords of the wind, Shi Yan gives a calm smile, has not revealed Luan leaves slightly startled accommodates, active greatly called unexpectedlythen unflustered transfers Luan body. 在一道道风之利剑下,石岩淡然一笑,没有露圞出丝毫的惊容,竟然还有功大吆喝一声”这才从容不迫的挪移身圞体。 The body like the lightning, in killing of sharp swords of that wind, Shi Yan grazes fast, was evaded by the power of precise sharp sword wind that easily. 身如闪电,在那一道道风之利剑的袭杀中,石岩快速飞掠,轻易将那一道道由风之力量凝炼的利剑避过。 Such selects the well to bear?”, The Shi Yan ginger has not stimulated to movement Rampage, has not borrowed tiny bit defeated/carrying Luan Mian power, „, if such selects the ability, that this time you were miserable.” “就这么点井耐么?”,石岩甚姜并未催动暴走,没有借用一丝一毫的负圞面力量,“如果只是这么点能耐,那这次你惨了。” Han Long!” Yi Cuibi elegant Luan Lianwei changes, in the beautiful pupil full is the surprised color, „are you youngest son Han Long of head of the clan Grey Wing Clan?” 翰龙!”奕翠碧俏圞脸微变,美眸中满是惊讶之色,“你是灰翼族族长的小儿子翰龙?” Human boy, you must die without doubt.” That wing clan youth have not responded Yi Cuibi, slowly inspired, as if in the even homocentric anger, I must capture alive you to treat you to our Grey Wing Clanmakes you taste by the taste of obscene ape infringement. ” “人类小子,你必死无疑。”那翼族青年没有搭理奕翠碧,慢慢吸了一口气,似乎在平复心中的怒火,“我要生擒你”将你待到我们灰翼族”让你尝尝被淫猿侵犯的滋味。” The two wing clan youth of his side, listened to his such saying, suddenly laughed in spite of trying not to make noise, on the face revealed Luan to leave the thought-provoking strange expression. 他身旁的两名翼族青年,听他这么一说,突然失笑出声,脸上露圞出耐人寻味的怪异表情。 Your hobby is quite special, is frequently and obscene ape handles that matter together?” Shi Yan reveals Luan to leave an unthinkable expression, at once is suddenly enlighted, claps hands to laugh saying: „ Also, your bird men are also hybrid livestock Luan Sheng, does that matter also to complement each other with the obscene ape, I made much ado about nothing actually. “你嗜好比较特殊嘛,是不是常常和淫猿一起做那种事情?”石岩露圞出一副匪夷所思的表情,旋即恍然大悟,抚掌大笑道:“也是啊,你们鸟人也是杂交畜圞生,和淫猿做那事也是相得益彰,倒是我大惊小怪了。 Bang!”, The sad air demolition sound, spreads from named Han Long Grey Wing Clan youth behind suddenly, the speed that his ash-gray wing fans speeds up suddenly. “砰!”,沉闷的空气爆破声,突然从名为翰龙灰翼族青年身后传出,他那灰色翅膀扇动的速度骤然加快。 Just likes leaves the arrow of string together, the writing Dragon God sentiment is gloomyin look to be full the hatred mood, the illness is shooting Shi Yan. 犹如一道离弦之箭,翰龙神情阴森”眼神中充溢着怨毒的情绪,疾射石岩 Everywhere severe gale howls, two silver sharp claws unusual rare treasuresin his hands drag the dazzling silver light, in that silver light has very intense spirit, non- Luan Jianluan Luan Cui is not ordinary. 漫天厉风呼啸,两个银色利爪般的奇特秘宝”在他手中摇曳出刺目的银光,那银光中有着非常强烈的锐气,无圞坚圞不圞摧一般。 Meanwhile, the youth body Luan body muscle of this Grey Wing Clan swollens Luan Zhang, strong Essence Qi in his whole body fast-flowfierce exceptionally. 与此同时,这灰翼族的青年身圞体肌肉膨圞胀,浓烈的精元在他浑身快速流动”凶猛异常。 At this moment, Han Long was enraged thoroughly, gets down striking to let Shi Yan tragic death determination at the scene. 这一刻,翰龙被彻底激怒,下了一击让石岩惨死当场的决心。 Shi Yan eyes narrows the eyes slightly. 石岩双眸微微眯起。 Faint trace iron grey light smog ” the escape from the body Luan Tiluan pore, in the iron grey smog is blending all sorts of desperately, cruel, the mood of bloodthirsty quietly ”, collects in his behind together. 一丝丝灰白色的淡淡烟雾”悄悄从身圞体圞毛孔中飞逸而出,灰白色的烟雾中”参杂着种种绝望、暴戾、嗜杀的情绪,一起在他身后汇集。 Gang of evil Luan E, yin cold and hate strange aura, becomes is suddenly getting stronger and stronger, these iron grey smog, gather rapidly Luan Jicheng bunches, precise becomes fierce terrifying Devil phantom. 一股邪圞恶、阴寒、怨恨的古怪气息,突然变得越来越浓烈起来,那些灰白色的烟雾,迅速聚圞集成一簇簇,凝炼成一头狰狞恐怖妖魔虚影来。 Strength of substantializing defeated/carrying Luan Mian. 负圞面之力实质化。 This is Shi Yan tried to find out the one special attack skill, benefits Luan to wind around strength of not the loose defeated/carrying Luan Mian with Luan body, precise becomes situated in Devil phantom between illusory and entity, because in this Devil phantom is full the strength of numerous defeated/carrying Luan Mian, equivalent to entrusted with some life. 这是石岩自己摸索出来的一种特殊的攻击技巧,利圞用身圞体中缭绕不散的负圞面之力,凝炼成介于虚幻和实体之间的妖魔虚影,因为这妖魔虚影之中充盈着众多负圞面之力,相当于被赋予了某种生命。 Forms the later Devil empty body, is not only carrying astonishing defeated/carrying Luan Mian power, but can also kill the opposite party with all sorts of defeated/carrying Luan Mian mood, making the opposite party state of mind fall into enemy hands, sustains Luan Mian to seep easily clearly, gives up arriving at Luan Kangli directly. 成形之后的妖魔虚体,不但携带着惊人的负圞面力量,还可以用种种负圞面情绪袭杀对方,让对方神志失守,轻而易举的被负圞面清晰渗透,直接放弃抵圞抗力。 Any thing!” “什么东西!” Devil phantom, three Grey Wing Clan youth, simultaneously startled shout make noise. 妖魔虚影一处,三名灰翼族的青年,同时惊喝出声。 Yi Cuibi elegant Luan face slightly changes, transferred a distance toward the rear area quietly, has spread out with that Devil phantom. 奕翠碧俏圞脸略略一变,悄悄往后方挪移了一段距离,和那妖魔虚影拉开了一段距离。 The Yin Demon Race soul is special, attainments of Yi Cuibi on cultivating Luan Lian of soul is quite deep, her inductive force is extremely keen, flashes that in that Devil phantom presents, she then realized that this Devil phantom strange Chi, is gathered by some special evil Luan E energy in body Luan body who extremely purely Luan Ji becomes, actually has the massive mood to fluctuate. 阴魅族的灵魂特殊,奕翠碧在灵魂的修圞炼上造诣颇深,她感应力极其敏锐,在那妖魔虚影出现的一霎那间,她便察觉出这妖魔虚影极其奇持,纯粹由某种特殊邪圞恶能量聚圞集而成的身圞体中,竟然拥有着大量的情绪波动。 So special existence, is having the evil Luan E life likely, sufficient youngest child Bloodthirsty kills Luan Lu wanting Luan Wang. 如此特殊的存在,像是拥有着邪圞恶的生命,充满子嗜血杀圞戮的欲圞望。 Broken!”, Shi Yan sinks to drink, two inflate, Seal of Life and Death in shining none remaining precise, rumbles suddenly. “破!”,石岩沉喝,两手虚抬,生死印在灿灿精光中凝炼,骤然轰出。 Han Long that silver sharp claws strange rare treasure, explodes fire Luan to leave all sorts of swift and fierce silver light, the silver light like the bolt of white silk, the bang shoots Luan to Shi Yan body Luan body. 翰龙那银色利爪般的怪异秘宝,爆圞射圞出种种凌厉之极的银光,银光如匹练,轰射圞向石岩身圞体。 But in that instant that Seal of Life and Death blows out, all toward the silver ray that the Shi Yan collection comes, shortly the disintegration, will change into the silver light, dissipates instantaneously. 但在生死印爆出的那一霎,所有朝着石岩汇集而来的银色光线,在顷刻间崩碎,化为点点银光,瞬间消散开来。 Seal of Life and Death is easily accomplished, first rumbles that silver silk thread the smashing, subsequently crazily plunders, wells up Luan to the chest of Han Long. 生死印摧枯拉朽一般,先将那银色丝线轰成粉碎,继而一路狂掠,直涌圞向翰龙的胸口。 Body Luan body who Han Long discoloredgrazes fast trigs in the midair stiffly, in body Luan body, the violent Essence Qi fluctuation collects suddenly, his wing fans fast, the severe gale howls the connection, has formed the tornado of meat Luan Yan obvious wind unexpectedly. 翰龙勃然变色”快速飞掠的身圞体硬生生在半空制住,身圞体之中,猛烈的精元波动突然汇集起来,他翅膀快速扇动,厉风呼啸交汇,竟形成了肉圞眼可见的风之旋风。 Seal of Life and Death that castrates strikes, falls into that tornado that violently does not reduce directly, at once sad explosives transmit constantly, Luan Liluan broken Luan to break of that tornado in the explosive, disaster Luan Nan maintains, dissipates instantaneously. 生死印那去势不减的猛烈一击,直接落入那旋风内,旋即一声声沉闷的爆响不迭传来,那旋风在爆响中支圞离圞破圞碎,灾圞难维持,瞬间消散开来。 Has killed him!” The Han Long poisonous snake eye pupil, is staring Shi Yan stubbornly, in that flash fast retreat of tornado dissipation. “杀了他!”翰龙毒蛇般的眼眸,死死瞪着石岩,在旋风消散的那一瞬间快速后退 Another two youth of wing clans, one on the left and other on the right, clash fast toward Shi Yan, Han Long withdraws to evade that Seal of Life and Death explodes Luan Zha complementary waves, flies once more to Shi Yan, body murderous aura swiftly and fiercely. 另外两名翼族的青年,一左一右,快速朝着石岩冲来,翰龙退后避过生死印爆圞炸的余波,也再次飞向石岩,身上杀气凌厉之极。 Shi Yan, he is Grey Wing Clan the Luan of Zi head of the clan, you, you......” Yi Cuibi cannot bear call out in alarm, as to prevent Shi Yan from continue begin. 石岩,他是灰翼族的族长之圞子,你,你……”奕翠碧忍不住惊叫起来,似乎想要阻止石岩继续动手。 Goes!”, Shi Yan has not looked at Yi Cuibi one, puts out a hand finger of Han Long, in his behind float huge Devil phantom, the ghosts and demons fly suddenly generally, stretches out the sharp claws, Zhang Luan Kai fang, worries toward that Han Long. “去!”,石岩没有多看奕翠碧一眼,伸手一指翰龙,在他身后悬浮着的巨大妖魔虚影,忽然鬼魅一般飞出去,伸出利爪,张圞开獠牙,朝着那翰龙撕咬下去。 Peng!, bunch of scarlet-red Fiery Flame, in the palm blooming flame winding on the finger, such as various earthworms turn move fiercely unceasingly. 嘭!”,一团团赤红的火炎,猛地在掌心绽放火苗缠绕在手指上,如一条各蚯蚓般不断地扭圞动着。 First burns down your bird wools.” Shi Yan waves flame to fly from the control indifferently, two wing clan youth who will come twine. “先烧掉你们的鸟毛。”石岩淡然挥手一条条火苗飞离手心,将迎面而来的两个翼族青年缠绕。 He is the Luan of Zi friend wing clan head of the clan, Shi Yan, you cannot ask for advantage/cheap, ok, we walk now.” “他是友翼族族长之圞子,石岩,你讨不到便宜的,算了吧,我们现在就走。” Yi Gu Biji said. 奕辜碧急道。 Inexpensive Luan people, you do not want to live!”, Han Long under that Devil phantom is as before wild, said with a smile ferociously: Offends my Han Long person, must live to might as well die!” “贱圞人,你也别想活!”,在那妖魔虚影翰龙依旧猖狂,狞笑道:“得罪我翰龙的人,都要生不如死!” Bird man is the bird man, wisdom is limited.” “鸟人就是鸟人,智慧有限。” The Shi Yan shaking the head look yin cold of get down gradually, the intention fluctuates that Devil phantom to pounce upon suddenly Han Long, the strength of turbulent defeated/carrying Luan Mian, fills the air to cover instantaneously directly that writing dragon body Luan body. 石岩摇了摇头眼神渐渐阴寒下来,心念变幻间那妖魔虚影猛扑翰龙,汹涌的负圞面之力,瞬间弥漫开来将那翰龙身圞体直接笼罩住。 chi chi chi!” 嗤嗤嗤!” In pitiful yell Luan soundHeavenly Flame flame of that two by the Grey Wing Clan youth who touches Luan Chu, ash-gray wing Fiery Flame of back place is visited the day, their sad and shrill raves yelled, a power gradual retrogression. 惨叫圞声中”那两个被天火火苗碰圞触的灰翼族青年,背脊处的灰色翅膀火炎诣天,两人凄厉的狂吼大叫,一身的力量逐渐的消退。 Died will not have any future trouble.” “都死了也就不会有什么后患了。” Turbulent Fiery Flame, such as the cloud cluster is common, suddenly trundle elegant to that three Grey Wing Clan youth in the Yi Cuibi screams, these three youth of wing clans fast by Heavenly Flame twining. 汹涌的火炎,如云团一般,霍然滚动飘逸向那三名灰翼族的青年在奕翠碧惊呼声中,这三名翼族的青年快速被天火给缠绕住。 That Devil phantom, returned quietly, gradually vanishes in the Shi Yan body side. 那一头妖魔虚影,已悄悄返回,在石岩身侧逐渐消失。 Fiery Flame turbulent burning Luan Shao, three Grey Wing Clan youth, did not have including the pitiful yell in Fiery Flame, for several seconds the time, three people of body Luan body were fired the flying ash, dissipates with the wind. 火炎汹涌的燃圞烧,三名灰翼族的青年,在火炎中连惨叫都没了,短短几秒钟时间,三人的身圞体被烧成飞灰,随风消散开来。 Has not left behind including the essence unexpectedly. 竟连精气都没有遗留。 Shi Yan stunned, eyes closed has feltregrettable shaking the head , after heart, little opposes the enemy with Heavenly Flame, otherwise is unreachable anything. 石岩愕然,闭目感受了一下”才不无遗憾的摇了摇头,心道以后还是少用天火来对敌,否则将什么都不能得到。 Flying ash dissipationthese three Grey Wing Clan youth, such disappeared from the line of sight. 飞灰消散”这三名灰翼族的青年,就这么从视线中消失了。 In the Yi Cuibi limpid moving beautiful pupil, full is the color of being frightened, the flying ash of dull looks at everywhere, thinks suddenly the chill in the air raids the body. 奕翠碧清澈动人的美眸中,满是惊惶之色,呆呆的看着漫天的飞灰,突觉寒意袭身。 Howling! Howling!” “嚎!嚎!” On front Yin Beast Mountain, a leader cloudy beast in the instance that Heavenly Flame presents, roared fiercely. 前方的阴兽山上,一头头阴兽在天火出现的瞬间,猛地咆哮起来。 Originally many cloudy beasts that clashes from Yin Beast Mountain, the body in the roaring sound trembles Luan Dou, hurriedly once more return fast, hid into Yin Beast Mountain at the foot of the hill. 本来从阴兽山冲下来的许多阴兽,在咆哮声中身躯颤圞抖,都急忙再次飞快的返回,又从山脚下重新躲入了阴兽山 The high Level cloudy beast, induced destruction aura from Heavenly Flame, through the roaring sound, summons the subordinates descendants to avoid Heavenly Flame burning down of Shi Yan. 等级的阴兽,从天火中感应到了毁灭的气息,通过咆哮声,来呼唤麾下子孙来躲避石岩天火焚烧。 Quickly, the cloudy beast that walks from Yin Beast Mountain, shrank completely. 很快地,从阴兽山上走出来的阴兽,又全部缩了回去。 The Yin Beast Mountain mountainside place, several build huge aura distant Demonic Beast, the strange eye pupil is gazing at Shi Yan from afar, reveals Luan to leave the alarmed and afraid facial expression to come. 阴兽山的山腰处,几头体型巨大气息悠远的妖兽,诡异的眼瞳远远注视着石岩,露圞出惊惧的神情来。 Obviously, these cloudy beasts also know the fear, knows fierce of Heavenly Flame. 显然,这些阴兽也都知道害怕,知道天火的厉害。 You, you have killed Han Long. You have killed Han Long unexpectedly.” “你,你杀了翰龙。你竟然杀了翰龙。” Yi Cuibi muttered whispers, the facial expression was complex, said astonishedly undecidedly: Han Long is Grey Wing Clan head of the clan Luan of Zi, Grey Wing Clan is one of the wing clan three, the Grey Wing Clan head of the clan is always militant, hides shortcomings extremely, he knows that Han Long died, will be definitely crazy.” 奕翠碧喃喃低语,神情复杂,惊异未定道:“翰龙灰翼族族长之圞子,灰翼族是翼族三支之一,灰翼族的族长向来好战,又极其护短,他知道翰龙死了,必然会疯狂的。” Three people, the news will not all have released Luan Luluan to exit.” Shi Yan smiled, that fellow wants to kill me, I naturally cannot resign oneself to extinction, kill him to be also neat. Un I think that ” I here, this Yin Beast Mountain cloudy beast should not come out temporarily, we evade first, waits for these cloudy beasts from the mountain, do we continue to capture and kill again? ” “三人全死了,消息不会泄圞露圞出去的。”石岩笑了笑,“那家伙想杀我,我自然不能束手待毙,杀了他也干净利落。嗯”我想”我在这里,这阴兽山的阴兽应该暂时不会出来了,要不,我们先避一避,等这些阴兽从山上下来,我们再继续捕杀?” Hope so.” “希望如此。” Yi Cuibi some are indefinite, wing clan, in the soul cultivates on Luan Lian to be inferior, perhaps he can know dying of Han Long, but possibly cannot know Han Long that who kills. We hope that hopes that he does not know Han Long true cause of death, otherwise not only you will meet with a disaster, our clan, must withstand his anger.” 奕翠碧有些不确定,“翼族在灵魂修圞炼上非常逊色,或许他能知晓翰龙的身亡,但可能不能知道谁杀的翰龙。希望,希望他不会知道翰龙的真正死因,要不然不但你会遭殃,就连我们一族,都要承受他的怒火。” hū hū shouted!” 呼呼呼!” Flutters sound of soaring, suddenly transmits from the distant place Yin Beast Mountain rear area, this wing is crowded in the voice of air Jungsan-dong, this means that more wing clansmen, feared caught up after Yin Beast Mountain. 振翅飞翔的声响,突然从远处阴兽山的后方传来,这次翅膀在空气中山洞的声音非常密集,这意味着有更多的翼族人,怕是从阴兽山之后赶过来了。 Walks quickly!” “快走!” The Yi Cuibi complexion changes, one grasps Luan Zhu Shi Yan, leading him to fly comingto go toward the direction line of that giant stone old city directly. 奕翠碧脸色一变,一把抓圞住石岩,带着他直接飞了开来”朝着那巨石古城的方向行去。
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