GOS :: Volume #3

#247: Bird men

Shi Yan stunned, knits the brows the consideration. 石岩愕然,皱眉思量。 Cuibi is suddenly anxious, clenches teeth gently, cold voice said: I gave you from the plaster by, will you ask me to murder those who have cheated them in the future? I captured you, with belonged your coerces you from the plaster origin, making you catch Demonic Beast for me, do you certainly hate me?” 翠碧突然紧张起来,轻轻咬着牙,冷声道:“我给你自垩由了,你将来是不是会找我寻仇?我擒拿了你,用本来属于你的自垩由来要挟你,让你为我捕捉妖兽,你一定非常恨我吧?” Hates you?” “恨你?” Shi Yan has gawked a while, thinks that laughs in spite of trying not to shake the head: As if also far hates, is only somewhat discontented, if you have the friendly manner to me from the beginning, but does not coerce, I think that I should be also glad to help you catch some cloudy beasts.” 石岩愣了一会儿,想了想,才失笑摇头:“似乎也谈不上恨,只是有些不满罢了,如果你们一开始对我采取友好的态度,而不是要挟,我想我应该也乐意帮助你们捕捉一些阴兽。” Cuibi beautiful pupil brilliant, flickers is staring at Shi Yan that does not move, as to see through his true idea. 翠碧美眸灼灼,一瞬不移的盯着石岩,似乎想要看穿他真正的想法。 The Shi Yan look is broad and level, the corners of the mouth have a smile, does not have what afraid performance under her gaze, but also shrugs, said lightly: If you can meanly, actually, we be able to be a friend, um, I am humanity, you are Yin Demon Race, although is the alien race, but does not have anything to relate.” 石岩眼神坦荡,嘴角含笑,在她的注视下没有什么心虚表现,还耸了耸肩,淡淡道:“如果你能够更加友善一点,其实,我们可以做个朋友,嗯,我是人类,你是阴魅族,虽然是异族,但也没什么关系。” I called Cuibi, Yi Cuibi, happy knew you very much, hoping you to be able, when my friend.” “我叫翠碧,奕翠碧,很高兴认识你,希望你能当我朋友。” The Cuibi silent half sound, natural extends the pure white small hand to Shi Yan suddenly, said sincerely: I for my formerly rash apology, hope that you can forget the beforehand unhappiness, when just knew me.” 翠碧沉默半响,突然大大方方向石岩伸出素白的小手,诚恳道:“我为我先前的莽撞道歉,希望你能忘记之前的不快,就当刚刚认识我。” Shi Yan.” Extends the big hand, has grasped with Cuibi Yi Cuibi, the Shi Yan smiling face is bright, this is good.” 石岩。”伸出大手,和翠碧奕翠碧握了一下,石岩笑容灿烂,“这样就挺好。” Thank you. “谢谢你。 Yi Cuibi splits a tranquil smiling face suddenly, your help, I think that I should be eaten by nascent ghost. nascent ghost each after a period of time, massively will come out from Yin Beast Mountain, regards the game my clansman, hunts and kills the cloudy beast to be ordinary like us, nascent ghost also hunts and kills us, through swallowing us, nascent ghost can proceed to make great strides forward on the path of evolution.” 奕翠碧突然绽出一个恬静的笑容,“要不是你的帮助,我想,我应该已经被鬼婴吃掉了。鬼婴每过一段时间,就会大量从阴兽山出来,将我的族人当成猎物,就像我们猎杀阴兽一般,鬼婴也猎杀我们,通过吞食我们,鬼婴可以在进化的道路上往前迈进一些。” Shi Yan with amazement. 石岩骇然。 nascent ghost this Demonic Beast, probably is our Yin Demon Race natural enemy, this nascent ghost ear to evolve unceasingly, is fearful they not to fear the soul attack of my clan, can actually tear our bodies easily. ”, Yi Cuibi shows the expression that has a lingering fear, „, whenever nascent ghost comes out from Yin Beast Mountain, our Yin Demon Race can only treat in the old city, does not dare to leave old city one step. I listened to my father saying that this nascent ghost was we are sent into exile together here, these people made nascent ghost, to frighten our Yin Demon Race......” 鬼婴这种妖兽,好像就是我们阴魅族的天敌,这鬼婴耳以不断地进化,非常可怕”它们不惧我族的灵魂攻击,却可以轻易撕裂我们的身体。”,奕翠碧露出心有余悸的表情,“每当鬼婴阴兽山出来,我们阴魅族都只能待在古城中,不敢离开古城一步。我听我爹爹说,这鬼婴是和我们一起被放逐在这里的,那些人将鬼婴弄进来,就是为了震慑我们阴魅族……” „, Related to your Yin Demon Race beforehand matter, I knows nothing, does not want to make anything to appraise.” “呃,有关你们阴魅族以前的事情,我一无所知,也不想做什么评价。” Shi Yan has hesitated, „, but I am certainly wide to your Yin Demon Race, I am same to anybody alien race this clansman, is friendly to me, I meanlywill be also disadvantageous to me to it, my doing everything possible will also make the opposite party not feel better, this is my basically conduct criterion. Un, I know that you also want to leave here, this and my goal is consistent, hopes that following day, everybody can live in peace with each other, looks for the method of leaving together. ” 石岩沉吟了一下,“但我本人对你们阴魅族绝无偏见,我对任何人都一样”不论是异族还是本族人,对我友善的,我也会友善对之”对我不利的,我也会想方设法让对方不好过,这是我最基本的行事准则。嗯,我知道你们也想离开这里,这和我的目标一致,希望接下来的日子,大家能够相安无事,一起找寻出离开的方法。” My father is only one of the old city three big commanding our Yin Demon Race clansman, is unfriendly to your humanity, this point you should also faintly look. Your time hereI will regard my servant to treat you, only then such other clansman will not aim at you, hopes that you forgive. ” Yi Cuibi sincere say|way. “我爹只是古城三大统领之一”我们阴魅族的族人,对你们人类非常不友善,这一点你应该也隐隐看出来。你在这里的时候”我还是会将你当成我的奴仆来对待,只有这样别的族人才不会针对你,希望你谅解。”奕翠碧诚恳道。 I understood.” Although Shi Yan is not willing like this, actually also to know not to have the means that but nods. “我了解。”石岩虽然不愿意这样,却也知道没有办法,无奈点头。 „, Hopes that you little use that Heavenly Flame power, should better not to make any Yin Demon Race clansman see again, otherwise, I feared that all our clansmen, will aim at you.” Yi Cuibi sighed in a soft voice, truth said you to you, I just almost want to kill you, the strength of Heavenly Flame you released, to the cloudy beast was the disaster, to us was also same, our bodies, could not withstand the strength of Heavenly Flame burnt to say slightly......”, the Shi Yan body shook. “还有,希望你少用那天火力量,最好不要让任何阴魅族的族人再见到,要不然,我怕我们所有族人,都会针对你。”奕翠碧轻声一叹,“实话对你说你吧,我刚刚差点都想杀了你,你释放的天火之力,对阴兽是灾难,对我们也是一样,我们的身体,承受不住天火之力的丝毫焚说……”,石岩身躯一震。 „Did you understand fierce relations?” “你明白其间的厉害关系了吧?” Deeply inspired, Shi Yan nodded, said: I understood, if you cannot limit me above the soul, I draw support the strength of Heavenly Flame, can destroy completely your entire race, right?” 深深吸了一口气,石岩点了点头,道:“我懂了,如果你们不能在灵魂之上限制我,我借助于天火之力,可以灭掉你们整个种族,对吧?” The Yi Cuibi forced smile nods, is this, once makes you know that you have this ability, others will massacre you without hesitation. Otherwise, once you grow to do not fear the attack of our soul, hereyour threat wants the wing to wing clan also to want terrifying. After all, here special ice cold great treasure, has not been not enough to resist the invasion of your Heavenly Flame, why this must return to the ancestor place the reason, because it is said the ancestor , is having this rare treasure, can let our Yin Demon Race clansman, does not fear the strength of Fiery Flame, does not fear killing of nascent ghost. ”, Faint trace faint trace! Silk faint trace!”, Continuously ash-gray smog, flies thoroughly from front Yin Beast Mountain, sees only, when grey Yin Qi fills the air ” a leader strange cloudy beast, flies from abundance from these caves. 奕翠碧苦笑点头,“就是这样,所以一旦让你知道你拥有这种能力,别人会毫不犹豫杀掉你。要不然”一旦你成长到不惧我们灵魂的攻击,在这里”你的威胁要比翼族还要恐怖。毕竟,这里没有特殊的冰寒至宝,不足以抵挡你天火的侵入,这也是为什么要返回祖地的原因,因为据说祖地之中,便拥有着这种秘宝,可以让我们阴魅族的族人,不惧火炎之力,不惧鬼婴的袭杀。”,“丝丝丝丝!丝丝丝!”,一缕缕灰色烟雾,从前方阴兽山之中飞透出来,只见在灰色阴气弥漫的时候”一头头稀奇古怪的阴兽,纷纷从那些山洞之中飞离出来。 These Demonic Beast are all sorts of strange and unusual, some look like the apes and monkeys, actually head bend angle, some likely are the tiger lions, has the scales, holds differently, the body has intense yin cold aura, should in the cloudy beast that in Yin Beast Mountain lives, is the Yin Demon Race cultivation extremely good material. 那些妖兽千奇百怪,有的像猿猴,却头上弯角,有的像是虎狮,却拥有鳞甲,一个个都非常持殊,身上都有着强烈的阴寒气息,应该都是在阴兽山之内生活的阴兽,也是阴魅族修炼的极好材料。 Day, these many cloudy beasts came out, Yin Beast Mountain restriction became less crowded evidently.” “天,这么多阴兽出来了,看样子阴兽山禁制真的松动了。” Yi Cuibi calls out in alarm one, suddenly said: „It is not good! The sounds of these cloudy beasts are so big, can definitely being startled movable wing clansman, perhaps the person of wing clan, caught up. It is not good I to return immediately, told my father here situation. ” 奕翠碧惊叫一声,突然道:“不好!这些阴兽的动静那么大,肯定会惊动翼族人,说不定翼族的人,也赶过来了。不行”我必须马上返回,将这里的情况告诉我爹爹。” These cloudy beasts do not dare to come.”, Shi Yan smiled, um I take back Heavenly Flame power first, so long as Heavenly Flame aura exists, these cloudy beasts will be law-abiding. Un must capture and kill more cloudy beasts, is more honest, like this they will swallow the bait. ” “那些阴兽并不敢过来。”,石岩笑了笑,“嗯”我先收回天火力量,只要天火气息存在,那些阴兽都会非常安分。嗯要捕杀更多的阴兽,还是要老实一些,这样它们才会上钩。” Bunches of Fiery Flame clouds, change into say|way Fiery Flame stream ray, from emerges Blood Vein Ring in abundance in all directions, by that Earthcore Flame taking back. 一簇簇火炎云朵,化为道道火炎流光,纷纷从四面八方重新涌入血纹戒,被那地心火给收回。 An flame strength, converges Blood Vein Ring quietly, Shi Yan scarlet-red, quickly recovered normally. 一身的炎力,也悄悄汇入血纹戒,石岩一身赤红的身体,迅速恢复了正常。 long time, in Shi Yan all around, again did not have the strength of slight Fiery Flame. 多时,在石岩周遭,再也没了丝毫的火炎之力。 These Yin Beast Mountain cloudy beastsin the Yin Beast Mountain mountainside place, strange is staring at Shi Yan, actually hesitates, as if knows that Shi Yan is not affable. 那些阴兽山的阴兽”在阴兽山的山腰处,一个个诡异的盯着石岩,却踌躇不前,似乎知道石岩并不好惹。 Winds around lightning thunderclap around Yin Beast Mountain, why does not know the reason, as if in gradual weakening ” the careless person great dragon-kind giant lightning, gradually, became such as the arm generally was thick or thin...... 缭绕在阴兽山周围的一道道闪电霹雳,不知道因何原因,似乎在逐渐的减弱”原本粗人巨龙般的巨大闪电,渐渐地,变得如手臂一般粗细了…… restriction power in...... Is continue weaken!” 禁制力量在……在持续减弱!” The Yi Cuibi well is astonished exceptionally, does not suit, does not suit! Definitely had anything, otherwise this Yin Beast Mountain does not become that strange!” 奕翠碧井讶异常,“不对劲,非常不对劲!肯定发生了什么,要不然这阴兽山不会变得那么奇怪的!” hū hū shouted!”, The Yin Beast Mountain back, transmits the howling sound suddenly, long time, sunspots, do not appear from that Yin Beast Mountain back. 呼呼呼!”,阴兽山的背面,突然传来呼啸声响,不多时,一道道黑点,从那阴兽山的背面显现出来。 Bird man!” “鸟人!” Shi Yan narrowed the eye to examine carefully, abruptly exclaim, at once immediately responds that said: „It is not right, should this be the wing clansman who you said?”, The sunspots of distant place, are long have the humanity of various wings, the only difference of they and average person, was the back birth has the wing, and strong incomparable. 石岩眯着眼睛细看了一下,突然惊叫起来,旋即马上反应过来,道:“不对,这应该就是你们所说的翼族人吧?”,远处的一个个黑点,乃是长有各种翅膀的人类,他们和一般人的唯一区别,便是背脊出生有翅膀,并且身体强壮无比。 Five the youth of wing clans, the look sinister and viciouses, the aquiline nose, the look gloomy ice is cold, is whipping the long ash-gray wing, flies fast from that Yin Beast Mountain, flies toward Shi Yan this. 五名翼族的青年,一个个相貌阴鸷,鹰钩鼻,眼神阴森冰寒,拍打着长长的灰色翅膀,从那阴兽山后面快速飞出来,朝着石岩这一块飞来。 They are the wing clansmen.” Yi Cuibi nodded, the black eyebrows deep lock, looks like the Yin Beast Mountain accident , the well moved the wing clansman, um, has alarmed including them, I think that the clansmen in old city should also induce, perhaps at this time had caught up toward here.” “他们就是翼族人。”奕翠碧点了点头,黛眉深锁,“看来阴兽山的变故,也井动了翼族人了,嗯,连他们都惊动了,我想古城的族人应该也感应到了,说不定这个时候已经往这边赶了。” Five the youth of wing clans, the ash-gray wing are stirring up, clashes fast toward this. 五名翼族的青年,灰色翅膀煽动着,快速朝着这一块冲来。 long time, these five wing clan youth, before did not arrive at the Shi Yan body. 多时,这五名翼族青年,已来到石岩身前。 Five people from afar shot a look at Shi Yan one, originally yin cold eyes then even more ice-cold, is a youth looks at carefully Shi Yan bad, suddenly sneers saying: Unexpectedly is humanity!” 五人只是远远瞥了石岩一眼,本就阴寒双眸便愈加的冰冷起来,为首一名青年不善地端详石岩,突然冷笑道:“竟然是人类!” Five the youth of wing clans, completely are Earth Level cultivation base, in the ash-gray wing has the pure energy fluctuation to gush out. 五名翼族的青年,全部都是地位之境修为,灰色的翅膀中有着精纯的能量波动涌出。 However, these wing clan youth seem to be small and weak in the soul attainments, even has not formed including Mental Energy, obviously cannot such as the Yin Demon Race clansman like that instantaneously imprison Shi Yan Sea of Consciousness. 不过,这些翼族青年在灵魂造诣上似乎非常弱小,甚至连精神力都没有形成,显然不能如阴魅族的族人那般,瞬间禁锢住石岩识海 What may feel strange is the brain territory structure of wing clansman is very special, but as if can actually hinder the invasion of strength of soul, looks like the insulator of some soul is ordinary, the Shi Yan mental consciousness releases, cannot seep unexpectedly enters their brain territories. 可奇怪的是翼族人的脑域结构很特殊,但似乎却可以阻碍灵魂之力的侵入,就像是某种灵魂的绝缘体一般,石岩精神意识释放出去,竟然不能渗透进入他们的脑域。 Reason that evidently these alien race people the difficulty on soul cultivation, should be concerned with their brain territory structure, the special brain territory constructs, making their soul attack to the Yin Demon Race have extremely good defensive power, lets them on soul cultivation to obtain too many progressions. 看样子这些异族人之所以在灵魂修炼上困难,应该和他们的脑域结构有关,特殊的脑域构造,让他们对阴魅族的灵魂攻击有着极佳的防御力,却也让他们不能在灵魂修炼上获得太多的增进。 Humanity how?” The Shi Yan calm face, the corners of the mouth are holding sneering, not salty not pale say|way. “人类怎么了?”石岩沉着脸,嘴角噙着冷笑,不咸不淡道。 The Yin Demon Race soul characteristicscan imprison him, when facing Yin Demon Race, he is very law-abiding. 阴魅族的灵魂特点”可以将他禁锢,所以在面对阴魅族的时候,他很安分。 The clansmen of wing clan are strong, has the formidable immunity to the soul attack, powerful enemy to Yin Demon Race, but to Shi Yan, actually does not place in the eye. 翼族的族人身体强壮,对灵魂攻击有强大的免疫力,对阴魅族来说可谓劲敌,但对石岩来说,却并不放在眼中。 With is Earth Leveldoes not use any Profound Ice Cold Flame and Earthcore Flame power, Shi Yan self-confidently can attend to these five people. 同为地位之境”不动用任何玄冰寒焰地心火力量,石岩都自信可以料理掉这五人。 I dislike humanity!” That wing clan youth sneer, suddenly said carelessly: „, Told you to come in? How many companions? Otherwise, I will make you know that enters the territory of our wing clan rashly, can be the how fearful matter!” “我讨厌人类!”那翼族青年冷笑一声,突然大大咧咧道:“,告诉你怎么进来的?还有多少同伴?不然,我会让你知道冒然进入我们翼族的领地,会是多么可怕的事情!” When did here become the territory of your wing clan?” Yi Cuibi shouted to clear the way coldly. “这里什么时候成你们翼族的领地了?”奕翠碧冷喝道。 Hehe, including your Yin Demon Race old city, is the territory of our wing clan! Here is also certainly no exception!” That wing clan youth facial expression proudly, Cuibi? You just wait, how long could not want, our wing clans will conquer your Yin Demon Race, when the time comes you become my maidservant. Un, I will favor your me to know that well the names Yin Demon Race body cannot withstand too fierce whipping of our wing clan man, relax, I will be very gentle, will not kill your. ” 嘿嘿,连你们阴魅族的古城,都是我们翼族的领地!这里当然也不会例外!”那翼族青年神情傲然,“翠碧是吧?你等着吧,要不了多久,我们翼族就会征服你们阴魅族,到时候你将会成为我的女奴。嗯,我会好好宠幸你的”我知道称们阴魅族身体承受不了我们翼族男人的太凶猛的鞭挞,放心,我会很温柔的,不会弄死你的。” The Yi Cuibi tender body trembles lightly, clenching jaws of air/Qi, looks at that youth of hatred. 奕翠碧娇躯轻颤,气的咬牙切齿,仇恨的看着那青年。 Bird man, your mouth is very smelly.” Shi Yan shouted to clear the way coldly. “鸟人,你嘴很臭啊。”石岩冷喝道。 Damn it humanity, what did you call me?” 该死的人类,你叫我什么?” Bird man!” “鸟人!”
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