GOS :: Volume #3

#246: One the thing falls a thing

Tall and slender silhouette, in grey cloudy and! Is grazing, that ash-gray shadow covers rapidly, the potential must Shi Yan and Cuibi they twining. 一条条细长的身影,在灰色阴与!中飞掠着,那灰色阴影迅笼罩下来,势要将石岩翠碧两人给缠绕住。 In dusky strange Yin Qi, that tall and slender silhouette is clear gradually, this is one type has the human baby face, expression is pale, special Demonic Beast of mouthful fang. 灰蒙蒙的怪异阴气中,那一条条细长的身影逐渐清晰,这是一种有着人类婴儿脸庞,神色苍白阴森,满嘴獠牙的特殊妖兽 This Demonic Beast height about three meters, snake body, baby face, woods white face, long fang, gloomy and grim. 妖兽身长三米左右,蛇身,婴儿脸,森白的脸,长长的獠牙,阴森可怖。 From this nascent ghost, passes on the collection very violent Yin Qi fluctuation, the soul of this living thing is extremely special, in the brain territory as if one special sarcrolemmas, the ear to resist various souls the attacking responsibility. 从这鬼婴身上,传集非常猛烈的阴气波动,这种生物的灵魂极其特殊,脑域中似乎有一种特殊的肉膜,耳以抵挡各类灵魂的攻责。 They move fast, a snake body swing, can graze dozens zhang (3.33 m) in void gently fast. 它们行动迅捷,蛇身轻轻一个摇摆,就能在虚空中快速飞掠数十丈。 Among instants, three nascent ghost then appear, makes threatening gestures, oppresses toward Shi Yan and Cuibi. 只是一霎间,三头鬼婴便显现出来,张牙舞爪,直朝着石岩翠碧压迫下来。 The intensity of Cuibi soul, endures compared with Sky Realm master, however, is facing nascent ghost actually distressedly exceptionally, has not released the attack of soul unexpectedly, but drags to entrain Shi Yan, wants to be separated from this fast. 翠碧灵魂的强度,堪比天位强者,然而,面临着鬼婴却狼狈异常,竟然没有释放出灵魂的攻击,只是拖拽着石岩,想要快速脱离这一块。 Cannot leave, is very obvious, your speed quickly this special Demonic Beast.” “走不掉的,很显然,你的速度快不过这种特殊妖兽。” Shi Yan standing firminstead calmed down at this time, him, this nascent ghost, although was somewhat strange, had the flaw, the air/Qi of their yin cold were heavy, although vitality strong fierce, but also at most was only 56 levels of Demonic Beast, endured compared with Warrior of human Earth Realm Nirvana Origin boundary. 石岩屹然不动”在这个时候反而冷静下来,在他来看,这鬼婴虽然有些诡异,却并不是没有破绽,它们身上阴寒之气非常重,生命力虽然强猛,但也顶多只是56级的妖兽,堪比人类地位涅巢境的武者 This Level Demonic Beast, Shi Yan does not fear. 这种等级妖兽,石岩并不惧怕。 wū wū......” 呜呜呜……” Three nascent ghost send out to be similar to the crying aloud sound of baby, the woods white fang suddenly changes incisive tall and slender, the faint trace dark red bloodstain, overflows from their corners of the mouth, looks like very evil terrifying. 三头鬼婴发出类似于婴儿的啼哭声,森白的獠牙突然变的越加的尖锐细长,丝丝殷红的血迹,从它们的嘴角流溢出来,看起来非常邪恶恐怖 This nascent ghost does not fear our Yin Demon Race soul bunch to reel off silk is our Yin Demon Race natural enemy they, once comes out, we must hide into the city!” On the Cuibi face does not have scarlet, anxious calling out of jittery. “这鬼婴不惧我们阴魅族的灵魂束绎是我们阴魅族的天敌它们一旦出来,我们必须躲入城中!”翠碧脸上没有一丝血色,惊慌不安的急叫道。 Before three nascent ghostthis time arrived at the Shi Yan body not far away, they disperse, assumes the triangle spheres Shi Yan and Cuibi. 三头鬼婴”此时已来到石岩身前不远处,它们分散开来,呈三角形将石岩翠碧围住。 nascent ghost is dancing in the air, delimits ash boundless smog, their speed is extremely fast, the line of sight of Shi Yan, is very difficult to catch the trail only to rely on the induction of Divine Sense, determines their directions. 鬼婴飞舞着,划出一道道灰茫茫的烟雾,它们速度极快,就连石岩的视线,都很难捕捉到踪迹只能凭借着神识的感应,来确定它们的方向。 Does not know that is realized in the Shi Yan body plaster has thick flame strength three nascent ghost to come, actually not immediately under killer, but gathers round Shi Yan and Cuibi ” seems waiting for anything. 不知道是不是察觉到石岩身体垩内有着浓浓的炎力三头鬼婴汹涌而来,却并未马上下杀手,只是将石岩翠碧围着”似乎在等候着什么。 Cuibi frightens at the gaze of that three nascent ghost aquamarine eye pupils, the elegant face full is terrified this simple and beautiful court lady style of dress girls treats the Shi Yan time powerful but incomparably was really to the natural enemy, started to instigate. 翠碧在那三头鬼婴碧绿色眼瞳的注视吓,俏脸满是惶恐这清丽的宫装少女对待石岩的时候强势无比但真是对上了天敌,也开始怂了。 Do not be worried why you did forget me to come with you? These three nascent ghost, probably are only five levels of cloudy beasts to your Yin Demon Race, copes with this cloudy beast unable to start, but for me, is not the extremely difficult matter.” The Shi Yan look is indifferentfaces three nascent ghost unperturbed not to fear, said lightly: „, Gave me to be good.” “别担心,你忘了我为何跟你过来了么?这三头鬼婴,大概只是五级的阴兽对你们阴魅族来说,对付这阴兽无从下手但对我来说,并不是太过困难的事。”石岩眼神冷漠”面对着三头鬼婴夷然不惧,淡淡道:“,交给我好了。” wū wū! wū wū!” 呜呜呜呜呜!” Three nascent ghost screamed unceasingly that sends out sound that cries aloud, in not far away some Yin Beast Mountain cave, often spreads the response sound. 三头鬼婴不断地尖叫,发出啼哭的声响,不远处的阴兽山某个山洞之中,不时传出回应声。 They were summoning more cloudy beasts to come!” “它们在呼唤更多的阴兽过来!” Cuibi realizes suddenly improper, perhaps, Yin Beast Mountain surrounding restriction, really weakened, I thought that probably must have the important matter to occur! It is not good, we must return to the old city immediately, in the old city has all sorts of barrier restriction to exist can resist the invasion of any cloudy beast! ” 翠碧霍然意识到不妥,“,阴兽山周围的禁制,说不定真的减弱了,我觉得,好像要有大事发生!不行,我们必须立即返回古城,古城中有种种结界禁制存在”可以抵御任何阴兽的入侵!” I must complete my commitment first.” The Shi Yan knitting the brows head, do not use the attack of any soul class to me, I began!” “我要先完成我的承诺。”石岩皱了皱眉头,“不要对我动用任何灵魂类的攻击,我动手了!” The words, Shi Yan immediately and Earthcore Flame relation in Blood Vein Ring. 话罢,石岩立即和血纹戒中的地心火联系。 Continuously burning hot the strength of Fiery Flame, quickly get lost to well up from Blood Vein Ring, pours into the Shi Yan whole body veins instantaneously, is only among the flashes, the Shi Yan whole body is then red, the body has the flame to brave faintly leisurely. 一缕缕炙热的火炎之力,倏地从血纹戒中滚涌出来,瞬间注入石岩全身筋脉,只是一霎那间,石岩便全身赤红,身上隐隐有火苗冒逸而出。 Has eaten essence of Sun the strength of Fiery Flame with the Earthcore Flame minute, the Earthcore Flame fast evolution, the recent wisdom is promoting rapidly, the strength of Fiery Flame violently has also exceeded the imagination of Shi Yan, had and capital of Profound Ice Cold Flame chamber protection faintly. 地心火分食了太阳之精的火炎之力,地心火快速进化,最近的智慧在迅速提升,火炎之力也猛烈的超出了石岩的想象,隐隐有了和玄冰寒焰分庭抗御的资本。 Under burning down of Flame of Sun, Shi Yan fleshly body also has the marvelous change, becomes possibly withstands the strength of many Earthcore Flame Fiery Flame, that continuously came from Earthcore Flame the strength of Fiery Flame, seeped the whole body veins, Shi Yan has only thought whole body warmdid not have the pain of five main internal organs (entrails) burning down again. 太阳之火的焚烧下,石岩肉身也发生奇妙的变化,变得可能承受更多的地心火火炎之力,那一缕缕来自于地心火火炎之力,渗透了全身筋脉,石岩只觉浑身暖洋洋的”再也没有五脏六腑焚烧的痛苦了。 The intention moves. 心念一动。 Hunchback hunchback flame, suddenly the escape from the body, these flame departs swiftly, immediately gathers, changes into bunches of hot clouds, proliferates side Shi Yan. Each bunch of fire in the clouds, attached the mental consciousness of Shi Yan, under the mind control, these fire Yun are suddenly elegant, goes toward three nascent ghost windings that surrounding grazes fast. 一偻偻火苗,突然从身体中飞逸而出,这些火苗倏一飞出,马上聚集起来,化为一簇簇的火云,遍布在石岩身旁。每一簇火云中,都附加了石岩的精神意识,心神操控下,这一朵朵火云突然飘逸开来,向着周围快速飞掠的三头鬼婴缠绕而去。 Chirp! Chirp!” “唧唧!唧唧!” Three nascent ghost have the strange squeal fiercely, saw with own eyes that the Fiery Flame clouds winding comes, in these three nascent ghost aquamarine eye cicadaslightens the panic-stricken expression, in abundance avoidance not awfully. 三头鬼婴猛地发生怪异的尖叫声,眼见火炎云朵缠绕而来,这三头鬼婴碧绿色的眼蝉中”闪出惊恐之极的表情,纷纷不要命的躲避开来。 Stays behind!” “留下!” Shi Yan cold voice light shout, the mind again changes. 石岩冷声轻喝,心神再变,。 That fire clouds that explodes to shoot suddenly, changes into the countless Fiery Flame luminous spots, covers the surrounding space completely. Flame such as drizzle, the junction reprimanded in space each corner, exploded shoots the later Fiery Flame luminous spot, although power was slightly weak, was extremely many, making that three motion agile nascent ghost have no place to go simply. 那一朵朵火云,骤然爆射开来,化为数不尽的火炎光点,将周围的空间全部笼罩。火光点点如蓬蓬细雨,交斥在空间每一个角落,爆射之后的火炎光点,虽然力量稍弱,却极其繁多,让那三头行动敏捷的鬼婴简直无处可逃。 chi chi chi! chi chi chi!” 嗤嗤嗤嗤嗤嗤!” The evil bodies of three nascent ghost, were stained by these Fiery Flame luminous spots, immediately emits the friend white smog. 三头鬼婴的邪恶身体,被那些火炎光点沾上,立刻冒出友白色的烟雾。 These Fiery Flame light to nascent ghost the body that is congealed by the air/Qi of yin cold, endures compared with in world most violent sulphuric acid simply, instantaneously their bodies spoiled pure is only the point Fiery Flame luminous spot, once moves nascent ghost, nascent ghost body immediately corroded revealing large cave. 这些火炎光对鬼婴由阴寒之气凝结的身体来说,简直堪比世间最猛烈的硫酸,瞬间将它们的身体腐纯只是点点火炎光点,一旦碰触到鬼婴,鬼婴身体立即被腐蚀的露出大洞。 The bodies of these nascent ghost, came from the Fiery Flame luminous spot natural restraint of Earthcore Flame, the luminous spot of everywhere escape Fiery Flame, three nascent ghost shriek and howl wildly, the body belches smoke, the speed of activity received the limit greatly. 这些鬼婴的身体,被来自于地心火火炎光点天然克制,火炎之光点漫天飞逸,三头鬼婴鬼哭狼嚎,身体冒烟,活动的速度大大受了限制。 These three nascent ghost should Monster Core, be firm enough?” “这三头鬼婴妖晶,应该足够坚固吧?” Shi Yan turns head to look to Cuibi, actually discovered that the Cuibi look is evasive, initiative and he has spread out, hears his inquiry, Cuibi as if suddenly responds that hastily nod: Monster Core is firm.” 石岩扭头望向翠碧,却发现翠碧眼神躲躲闪闪,主动和他拉开了一段距离,听到他的询问,翠碧才似乎突然反应过来,连忙点头:“妖晶都非常坚固。” Heavenly Flame! Absolutely is Heavenly Flame power! 天火!绝对是天火力量 In the Cuibi heart has raised Tao day rough sea waves, in the limpid eye cicada, full fears intent, she started to be afraid Shi Yan. She knows that fierce of nascent ghost, with is the cloudy beast, this nascent ghost is in the cloudy beast to the strength of Fiery Flame is also of some immunities, general Fiery Flame is throws on nascent ghost, nascent ghost unperturbed does not fear, can continue wild wreaking havoc in all directions , to continue to attack to the Yin Demon Race clansman. 翠碧心中掀起了涛天巨浪,清澈的眼蝉中,满是惧意,她已经开始害怕石岩了。她知道鬼婴的厉害,同为阴兽,这鬼婴可谓是阴兽之中对火炎之力还算是有些免疫力的那种,一般的火炎就算是扔到鬼婴身上,鬼婴也夷然不惧,可以继续猖狂的四处肆虐,继续对阴魅族的族人攻击。 But Shi Yan release the luminous spot of Fiery Flame, but falls to the bodies of these nascent ghost on, makes nascent ghost fleshly body corrode, almost directly vanishes in puff of smoke, what power is this? 石岩释放的火炎之光点,只是落到这些鬼婴的身体上,就让鬼婴肉身腐蚀,差一点直接灰飞烟灭,这是什么力量 Only then in legend the difficult adversary of cloudy beast, Heavenly Flame the strength of Fiery Flame, can achieve so the effect! 只有传说中阴兽的克星,天火火炎之力,才可以达到如此功效! Although Cuibi has never seen Heavenly Flame, actually from his father knows that the Heavenly Flame legend and to cloudy beast the restraint, burning hot Heavenly Flame, to the cloudy beast are most terrifying the thing of restraint. 翠碧虽然从未见过天火,却从他父亲那儿知道天火的传说和对阴兽的克制,炙热的天火,对阴兽来说乃是最为恐怖的克制之物。 To Yin Demon Raceis the most fearful feasibility? 阴魅族来说”又何尝不是最可怕的可行? Yin Demon Race clansmanphysique leaning yin cold, soul, although extremely vigorous formidable, but burning hot the strength of Heavenly Flame, once falls to their bodies, that and falls on cloudy beast effect actually not too many distinctions. 阴魅族的族人”体质偏阴寒,灵魂虽然极其浑厚强大,可炙热的天火之力,一旦落到他们的身上,那和落在阴兽身上的效果其实并没有太多的分别。 In other words, these come from Shi Yan Fiery Flame luminous spot, so long as stirs up the plaster to shoot on her body, she will be the same with nascent ghost, will be corroded fast, the outwardly submissive but inwardly evil-hearted air/Qi of Yin Demon Race body, cannot resist burning down of Heavenly Flame from the start! 也就是说,这些来自于石岩身上的火炎光点,只要激垩射在她的身上,她会和鬼婴一样,也会被快速被腐蚀,阴魅族身体的阴柔之气,压根就抵挡不住天火的焚烧! If Yin Demon Race does not have the exceptional superiority in the soul, if Shi Yan does not fear restraint and imprisonment in Yin Demon Race soul, is only heto depend upon the body strength of Heavenly Flame, he can act in a self-serving manner in the old city! 如果阴魅族不是在灵魂上有着得天独厚的优势,石岩若是不怕阴魅族灵魂上的束缚和禁锢,单凭他一人”依靠着身体中的天火之力,他可以在古城中为所欲为! Even, he can use the strength of Heavenly Flame, the slaughter falls entire Yin Demon Race! 甚至,他可以利用天火之力,屠掉整个阴魅族 Only if the Yin Demon Race clansman, supports is groaning the ice cold attribute rare treasure, can defend the invasion of Heavenly Flame with the special rare treasure, otherwise their bodies, under Heavenly Flame, basic are common on such as the water vapor, can be evaporated very much easily by Heavenly Flame. 除非阴魅族的族人,拥哼哼着冰寒属性的秘宝,能够用特殊的秘宝防御天火的侵入,不然他们的身体,在天火之下,根本就如水汽一般,可以很容易被天火蒸发掉。 Cuibi fearful child. 翠碧心寒子。 The eye looks at Shi Yan control looks like from Earthcore Flame the strength of Fiery Flame, three Yin Demon Race natural enemy nascent ghost burning pitiful yell again and again, in Cuibi beautiful cicada different bright, suddenly has emitted a thought. 看着石岩操控看来自于地心火火炎之力,将三头阴魅族的天敌鬼婴给烧的惨叫连连,翠碧美蝉之中异光闪闪,突然冒出了一个念头。 Adjoined to kill him immediately? 毗要不要立即杀了他? Cuibi look glittering is uncertainthought that more and more immediately kills Shi Yan, perhaps is the most correct decision, otherwise and other Shi Yan days had have not feared the method of Yin Demon Race soul attack, his existence, will be the Yin Demon Race nightmare! 翠碧眼神闪烁不定”却越来越觉得立即干掉石岩,或许是最正确的决定,不然等石岩某一天拥有了不惧阴魅族灵魂攻击的方法,他的存在,将会是阴魅族的噩梦! Is very simple.” “很简单啊。” In her heart raises the difficult situation, Shi Yan already unflustered gives to annihilate that three nascent ghost, three aquamarine Monster Core float in space, under his Essence Qi hauling, flutteredto fall his control fast. 在她心中掀起惊涛骇浪的时候,石岩已从容不迫的将那三头鬼婴给消灭掉,三枚碧绿色的妖晶悬浮在天上,在他的精元牵引之下,快速飘飞过来”落到了他的手心。 „” These three Monster Core gives you, um, relax, I will collect enough Monster Core. ” “诺”这三枚妖晶给你,嗯,放心,我会凑齐足够的妖晶的。” Shi Yan smiled, sees that Cuibi to be in trance, said: This world is that strange, profound attainments of your Yin Demon Race in soul, can easy extinguishing kill me. But this nascent ghost, is actually your natural enemies, can very easy rip the fragment you, but I actually am the nascent ghost natural enemy, can use the strength of Fiery Flame easily, cuts to kill them, a thing falls a thing, this is nature natural law.” 石岩笑了笑,见那翠碧神情恍惚,不由道:“这个世界就是那么奇怪,你们阴魅族在灵魂上的高深造诣,可以轻而易举的灭杀我。可这鬼婴,却又是你们的天敌,能够很容易将你们撕成碎片,但我却又是鬼婴天敌,可以轻而易举的利用火炎之力,将它们斩杀,一物降一物,这就是自然规则啊。” The Cuibi facial expression was complexputs out a hand to receive these three aquamarine nascent ghost Monster Core, said: These three nascent ghost Monster Core, are more precious than common cloudy beast Monster Core, nascent ghost Yin Qi and soul of Monster Core accumulation are very heavy, is beneficial to our cultivation. Depending on our Yin Demon Race power, does not have the means to gain nascent ghost Monster Core, only then the person of wing clan, can hunt for nascent ghost, they will use nascent ghost Monster Core, received exchange our Yin Demon Race most precious thing......” 翠碧神情复杂”伸手接过这三枚碧绿色的鬼婴妖晶,道:“这三枚鬼婴妖晶,比一般的阴兽妖晶还要珍贵,鬼婴妖晶聚集的阴气和阴魂很重,对我们的修炼非常有益。光凭我们阴魅族力量,是没有办法获取鬼婴妖晶的,只有翼族的人,才能够捕猎鬼婴,他们会用鬼婴妖晶,来换取我们阴魅族最为珍贵的东西……” I will collect enough Monster Core to you. “我会给你凑齐足够的妖晶 Shi Yan knitting the brows head, said lightly: So long as you can cash to pledge, um, although was imprisoned forcefully by you, I am not feeling well, but my this person can distinguish clearly the situation.” 石岩皱了皱眉头,淡淡道:“只要你们能兑现承诺,嗯,虽然被你强行禁锢住,我非常不爽,但我这人能分清形势。” „Do you hate us?” Cuibi said suddenly. “你恨我们吗?”翠碧突然道。
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