GOS :: Volume #3

#250: Precise 5 Devils

In a light dim giant stone chamber. 一间灯光昏暗的巨大石室中。 Shi Yan holds the breath with rapt attention, eyes glistens, faint trace tall and slender lightning braves to transgress from his eye pupil, in dim stone chamber, splendid. 石岩屏息凝神,双眸闪亮,一丝丝细长的电光从他眼瞳中冒逸出来,在昏暗的石室中,熠熠生辉。 The finger caresses Blood Vein Ring lightly, the mind sinks, heaven and earth in Blood Vein Ring, maps the mind slowly. 手指轻抚血纹戒,心神沉入,血纹戒中的天地,缓缓映入脑海。 The mind extends, Blood Vein Ring imitates, if limitless, empty, vast infinite. 心神延伸开来,血纹戒仿若无边无际,空空荡荡,浩瀚无穷。 In this strange space, three special regions, an ice cold biting cold, a burning hot is dazzling, strange not measured. 在这个奇异的空间中,有三个特殊的区域,一处冰寒彻骨,一处炙热炫目,一处诡异莫测。 Profound Ice Cold Flame, Earthcore Flame and hot crystal great sword is divided into three, by Blood Vein Ring to singular space of restraint in ring, Profound Ice Cold Flame was given to cover by the dusky smog all round, cannot pass on ice cold cold energy unexpectedly. 玄冰寒焰地心火、火晶巨剑分成三块,被血纹戒束缚在戒指内的奇异空间,其中玄冰寒焰被团团灰蒙蒙的烟雾给笼罩,竟传不出冰寒的寒力 The Shi Yan mind summoned, Profound Ice Cold Flame also extraordinary had not responded. 石岩心神呼唤,玄冰寒焰也出奇的没有反应。 That burning hot dazzling light group place, the mysterious life fluctuation is actually obvious gradually, after obtaining essence of Sun the strength of Sun, Earthcore Flame fast is having transformation, the soul is complete gradually, had the independent consciousness gradually. 倒是那炙热炫目的光团处,神奇的生命波动逐渐明显,得到太阳之精的太阳之力以后,地心火在快速发生着蜕变,灵魂逐渐完整,渐渐有了自主意识。 The mind gathers at that same place, consciousness across layer on layer hinders, Shi Yan discovered the region that Earthcore Flame is, Fiery Flame visits the day, is flooding the astonishing light and heat, if not he had also been quenchinged the body and soul by the strength of Sun, in the consciousness the supplementary has burning hot of strength of Sun, peeping at this Divine Sense, will perhaps be burnt down the ashes. 心神聚集在那一块,意识穿过重重阻碍,石岩发现地心火所在的区域,火炎诣天,充斥着惊人的光和热,若非他也被太阳之力淬炼过身体和灵魂,意识中附带有太阳之力的炎热,这神识的窥视,或许都会被焚烧成灰烬。 One group flamings the collection Fiery Flame luminous spot, the overflowing fresh splendor in that sea of fire, is releasing the intense quantity of heat, resembles to all burning down be clean. 一团炽集的火炎光点,在那火海中流溢生辉,释放着强烈的热量,似要将一切焚烧干净。 You, you come......” “你,你又来……” Suddenly, a weak news read, slowly welled up from the heart of that flame, transmitted in Shi Yan Divine Sense quietly. 突然,一丝微弱的讯念,慢慢从那火光之心涌来,悄悄传递到石岩神识之中。 In the dim stone chamber, Shi Yan eyes lightning four shoot, the body cannot bear trembles slightly. 昏暗的石室中,石岩双眸电光四射,身躯忍不住微微一颤。 Earthcore Flame spreads the complete news to read for the first time! 地心火首次传出完整的讯念! This means that its life form, will effectively form in the extremely short time, means that it will be the same with Profound Ice Cold Flamecan have one's wish with him really exchanges! 这意味着它的生命形态,将会在极短的时间真正形成,意味着它将会和玄冰寒焰一样”真的可以随心所欲和他交流! Your you can spread the clear thought finally, very must worry very much , to continue cultivation, how long I could not want, between you and me, can exchange one time well.” The Shi Yan corners of the mouth transgress a light smiling face, is stroking gently Blood Vein Ring gently, transmits the thought. “你你终于可以传出清晰的念头了,很好不要着急,继续修炼,我想要不了多久,你我之间,就可以好好交流一次了。”石岩嘴角逸出一个淡淡的笑容,轻轻摩挲着血纹戒,将念头传达出去。 My I will be quick, how long does not need, I can become with it same......” “我我会很快的,不需要多久,我就可以变得和它一样了……” Earthcore Flame message is off and on, is babbling the transmission of baby message is not quite likely agile, but Shi Yan actually listened to its meaning. 地心火讯息断断续续,像是牙牙学语的婴儿讯息的传递还不太利索,但石岩却听出了它的意思。 Was good I to anticipate that day.”, In Blood Vein Ring, soul fluctuation of Earthcore Flame in dreadful Fiery Flame is violent, the Shi Yan mind peeps at to discover that in the heart of that Fiery Flame, tall and slender Fiery Flame precise entanglements, interweave the obscure mystical life magnetic field. “好我期待着那一天。”,血纹戒内,地心火在滔天火炎中灵魂波动猛烈,石岩心神窥视发现那火炎之心内,一道道细长的火炎凝炼纠缠,交织成晦涩神秘的生命磁场。 That Fiery Flame silk threads, just like the nerve of human brain, have become Earthcore Flame the source of life. 那一道道火炎丝线,宛如人脑的神经,成了地心火的生命之源头。 After obtaining the Shi Yan news read, Earthcore Flame that to interweave fast the winding life firing line, by way that some profound Ommo measured, a higher-speed congealment fluctuated. 得到石岩的讯念后地心火那正快速交织缠绕的生命火线,以某种玄奥莫测的方式,更加高速的凝结变幻。 Life firing lines imitate, if the living creature is common, dances in the air in that life magnetic field is releasing is letting the person soul for the strength of Fiery Flame it shivers. 一道道生命火线仿若活物一般,在那生命磁场内飞舞着释放着让人灵魂为之颤抖的火炎之力。 Takes back the consciousness quietly, the Shi Yan mood is joyful. 悄悄收回意识,石岩心情愉悦。 Although cannotbe possible the change of Earthcore Flame to make him like with the Profound Ice Cold Flame relation in very much, by Earthcore Flame the fast evolutionary rate, how long it is estimated that really cannot want now, it then can have the complete life form, spreads out turns with Profound Ice Cold Flame general Heavenly Flame. 虽然未能和玄冰寒焰联系上”可地心火的变化却让他很是欢喜,以地心火如今快速的进化速度来看,估计真的要不了多久,它便可以拥有着完整的生命形态,衍变成和玄冰寒焰一般的天火 So long as completes this step, Earthcore Flame was real Heavenly Flame, has absorbed essence of Sun the strength of Sun, was really helpful to its evolution. 只要完成这一步,地心火就算是真的天火了,吸收了太阳之精的太阳之力,果然有助于它的进化。 In the dim stone chamber, sits cross-legged to sit the place Shi Yan to breathe evenly, is considering silently. 昏暗的石室内,盘膝坐地的石岩呼吸均匀,默默思量着。 For a long time, he sinks to Blood Vein Ring mind once more, goes to that handle extravagant sword in observation Blood Vein Ring. 许久之后,他再次将心神沉入血纹戒,去观察血纹戒中的那柄阔剑。 The extravagant sword such as the hot crystal is radiant, monster different eyes are shutting tightly on the sword body, this handle extravagant sword since enters Blood Vein Ring, imitates, if all Feng magnificent were precipitated, does not have the slight special energy fluctuation to transmit again, that originally sufficiently the spiritual attack that the person soul strangles to death, clean that also vanishes. 阔剑如火晶般璀璨,一只只妖异的眼睛在剑体上紧闭着,这柄阔剑自从进入血纹戒,仿若一切锋华被沉淀,再也没有丝毫的特殊能量波动传来,那原先足以将人灵魂绞杀的精神侵袭,也消失的一干二净。 Float the extravagance in Blood Vein Ring blows, as if became a handle most common greatness has carved ” the Shi Yan mind to look at carefully for a long time, could not discover the unique element. 悬浮在血纹戒中的阔刮,似乎成了一柄最为普通的巨刻”石岩心神端详许久,也找不出一点特殊之处。 Divine Sense is hard to communicate, he wants to take from Blood Vein Ring this handle extravagant sword to size up carefully, actually discovered that is unable to start. 神识难以沟通,他想要将这柄阔剑从血纹戒中取出来仔细打量,却发现无从下手。 Although this Blood Vein Ring wears in hand, however until present, he cannot understand thoroughly the secret of this ring as before truly, naturally cannot order to Blood Vein Ring round of number anything. 这枚血纹戒虽然戴在手上,然而直到如今,他依旧不能真正洞彻这枚戒指的秘密,自然也不能对血纹戒发号什么命令。 He discovered that on treating this Blood Vein Ring, since, as if he has been in passively, is passive by Blood Vein Ring leading by the nose. 他发现在对待这血纹戒上,一直以来,似乎他都只是处于被动,一直都是被动的被血纹戒给牵着鼻子走。 He does not like this feeling, has no alternative. 他不喜欢这种感觉,却无可奈何。 A brightin some Blood Vein Ring corner glittering, the bright is not dazzling, cannot achieve by far carves with the rays of light intensity of that Earthcore Flame release extravagantly. 一丝亮光”在血纹戒某个角落闪烁,亮光并不耀眼,远远达不到阔刻和那地心火释放的光芒强度。 The mind Shi Yan that draws back from the ring, actually keen detection existence of that bright, and from that bright, induced layer upon layer the strength of barrier restriction. 正要将心神从戒指中退出来的石岩,却敏锐的察觉到那亮光的存在,并且从那亮光内,感应到了层层结界禁制之力。 The mind shakes, after Shi Yan remembers suddenly has entered into the Earth Realm boundary, not once more sprint Blood Vein Ring barrier. 心神一震,石岩霍然想起了迈入地位境之后,还未再次去冲刺血纹戒的屏障。 In Blood Vein Ring, has strange soul to remember that his Rampage Martial Skills with Seal of Life and Death, came from Blood Vein Ring, whenever as if in his body plaster power grows to certain situation, then can obtain special Martial Skills that same made him benefit greatly from Blood Vein Ring. Has hesitated, retires from Blood Vein Ring mind, in the stone chamber, Shi Yan takes out Returning Yuan Pill silently, swallows later starts to restore Essence Qi. 血纹戒内,有着诡异的灵魂记忆,他那暴走武技生死印,全部来自于血纹戒,似乎每当他体垩内力量增长到一定地步,便可以从血纹戒中得到一样令他受益匪浅的特殊武技。沉吟了一下,将心神从血纹戒内退出来,石室中,石岩默默取出回元丹,吞服之后开始恢复精元 Controls one's breathing long time, when to him thought that the vigor achieves the boundary of peak, then suddenly catches up. 调息良久,待到他觉得精气神达到巅峰之境,便骤然发力。 Billowing Essence Qi such as the mountains and rivers burst a dike, converges Blood Vein Ring crazily, changes into the energy light beam that destroys the hardest defenses, at the maximum speed, fires into the formidable barrier in Blood Vein Ring. 滚滚精元如山河决堤,疯狂汇入血纹戒,化为无坚不摧的能量光束,以最快的速度,冲向血纹戒中的强大屏障。 Puchi!” 噗哧!” The unusual sound, transmits from Blood Vein Ring, that defensive power often barrier just right, suddenly once more disruption First Level. 奇特的声响,从血纹戒中传来,那防御力每每恰到好处的屏障,突然再次碎裂一层 A wave is collecting the memory tidal current of all sorts of Symbols writing, fiercely after that barrier wells up, breaks in the Shi Yan inner world instantaneously, becomes in his brain territory memory imprint that is hard to disappear. 一波汇集着种种符号文字的记忆潮流,猛地从那屏障之后涌出来,瞬间冲入石岩心海,成为他脑域中难以泯灭的记忆烙印 Strange Symbols, collect in the mind, spreads out turns into one to gather Negative Emotions unusual law determination sea 5 Devils! 一个个奇异符号,在脑海中汇集,衍变成一篇聚集负面情绪的奇特法决心海五魔 Sea of Consciousness raises the mighty waves, these strange Symbols slowly elegant above Sea of Consciousness, has caused fluctuation of Sea of Consciousness. 识海掀起波涛,那些奇异符号慢慢飘逸在识海之上,引起了识海的变幻。 Meanwhile, the Shi Yan body shivers gently, Negative Emotions in whole body acupoint, starts to well up uncontrolled, together toward the Sea of Consciousness collection. 同时,石岩身躯轻轻颤抖,浑身穴道中的负面情绪,开始不受控制的涌出来,一起朝着识海汇集。 Sea of Consciousness that is collected by Divine Sense, the mighty waves tumble, that came from Blood Vein Ring unusual Symbols, starts to absorb the Sea of Consciousness strength of Divine Sense, comes imprint Shi Yan Soul Consciousness. 由一道道神识汇集起来的识海,波涛翻滚,那来自于血纹戒的奇特符号,开始吸取识海中的神识之力,来烙印石岩灵魂意识 , These Symbols writing spread out gradually turn into five transparent subordinate, the appearance and Shi Yan are exactly the same. Each transparent subordinate, immerses in Sea of Consciousness, in absorbing energy in Sea of Consciousnessin transparent subordinate were gradually many Shi Yan life aura, as if entrusted with some life mark. 渐渐地,那些符号文字衍变成五个透明的小人,模样和石岩一模一样。每一个透明的小人,都沉浸在识海之中,在吸取识海中的能量”透明的小人内渐渐多了石岩的生命气息,似乎被赋予了某种生命印记。 In dim stone chamber, Shi Yan two Can, if the stars, all sorts of Negative Emotions, uncontrolled well up, the extremely fast flows drills into that five transparent subordinate bodies that Sea of Consciousnesshunchback. 昏暗的石室内,石岩两眼灿若星辰,种种负面情绪,不受控制的涌出来,极速流向识海”一偻偻的钻入那五个透明小人身体。 Desperate, fear and bloodthirsty, greedy, hate five strong mood to fluctuate, once submerges Sea of Consciousness, then disperses, five mood are divided into five, imitates, if the long silk thread, drills into different transparent subordinate separately. 绝望、恐惧、嗜杀、贪婪、怨恨五种强烈的情绪波动,一旦没入识海,便分散开来,五种情绪分成五股,仿若长长的丝线,分别钻入不同的透明小人 Shi Yan sits well there, is withstanding all these passively. 石岩端坐在那儿,被动地承受着这一切。 Desperate, fear and bloodthirsty, greedy, hate these five Negative Emotions, after the dispersion abandonfalls into that five transparent subordinate bodies, these five transparent subordinate looks gradually change......, Collected massive desperate mood transparent subordinate, the facial skin gradually has become the dark green, the shoulder place starts to cover the scales, the armpit emits two sections of arms...... 绝望、恐惧、嗜杀、贪婪、怨恨这五种负面情绪,分散弃来”落入那五个透明小人身体之后,这五个透明小人的相貌逐渐发生变化……,汇集了大量绝望情绪的透明小人,脸皮渐渐成了暗青色,肩膀处开始覆盖鳞甲,腋下又冒出两截手臂…… Forehead was emitted the sharp strange corner/horn by transparent subordinate of frightened Negative Emotions massive emerging, eyes turns into the unusual silver-white color...... 被恐惧负面情绪大量涌入的透明小人”额头冒出尖尖的怪角,双眸变成奇特的银白色…… By subordinate of strength of collection bloodthirsty, eyes becomes the scarlet red, the appearance is fierce, the corners of the mouth emit the tall and slender fang...... 由嗜杀之力汇集的小人,双眸成赤红色,面目狰狞,嘴角冒出细长的獠牙…… subordinate of greedy strength seepage, two legs gather, the waist locates a tail to drill slowly...... 贪婪之力渗透的小人,两腿并拢,后腰处一根尾巴慢慢钻出来…… subordinate of strength of collection hate, eyes becomes the dark blue, the gloomy ice is cold, a heavy line winding, nail such as pointed knife...... 怨恨之力汇集的小人,双眸成暗绿色,阴森冰寒,一身的黑线缠绕,指甲如尖刀…… All sorts of Negative Emotions, uncontrolled emerging Sea of Consciousness, emerges on five subordinate in Sea of Consciousness, after these Negative Emotions emerges massively, these five subordinate are having the change quietly, becomes more and more strange, evil aura, to person one type scared feeling that came from the mind. 种种负面情绪,不受控制的涌入识海,涌入识海中的五个小人身上,在这些负面情绪的大量涌入之后,这五个小人悄悄发生着变化,变得越来越诡异,一身的邪恶气息,给人一种来自于心灵的恐慌感。 Shi Yan does not know that had anything, but passive is accepting all these. 石岩并不知道发生了什么,只是被动的接受着这一切。 , He discovered gradually that five in subordinate that in Sea of Consciousness immerses, although is having his life aura, actually becomes more and more not like him, extraordinary, unexpectedly before him uses the negative energy precise Devil phantom look, starts the little proximity. 渐渐地,他发现那五个在识海中沉浸的小人,虽然拥有着他的生命气息,却变得越来越不像他,出奇的,竟然和他之前利用负面之力凝炼的妖魔虚影相貌,开始一点点的接近。 Shi Yan with amazement. 石岩骇然。 Desperate Demon, Fear Demon, Bloodthirsty Demon, Greedy Demon, Hated Demon. 绝望之魔,恐惧之魔,嗜杀之魔,贪婪之魔,怨恨之魔 Five looks are getting more and more fierce evil subordinate, in change time, hunchback the hunchback thought to ripple in his inner world, these ancient writing appear once more, dodges to pass in that five body of subordinate, as if mentioned by name these five subordinate special status. 五个相貌越来越狰狞邪恶的小人,在发生变化的时候,一偻偻念头在他心海中荡漾起来,那些古老的文字再次显现出来,在那五个小人的身体之中一闪而逝,似乎点名了这五个小人的特殊身份。 By the Negative Emotions precise demon! 负面情绪凝炼的魔头! The Shi Yan body shakes suddenly, the miraculous glow flashes through the mind together, the instant, all sorts of deep meanings of related inner world 5 Devils this secret, start to feed back from that five young demon, emerges the Shi Yan heart, became he has remembered part. 石岩身躯霍然一震,一道灵光闪过脑海,霎那间,有关心海五魔这秘诀的种种奥义,开始从那五个小魔头身上反馈回来,重新涌入石岩心田,成了他记忆中的一部分。 In a flash, Shi Yan had as if learned all of concerned five young demon, obtained actuated the methods of five young demons, understood their accurate uses! 一瞬间,石岩仿佛就获知了有关五个小魔头的一切,得到了驱动五个小魔头的方法,知道了他们的确切用途! eyes glistens, the Shi Yan corners of the mouth transgression light smiling face, sits well there feels on five young demons to be his energetic mark secretly. 双眸闪亮,石岩嘴角逸出淡淡的笑容,端坐在那儿暗暗感受五个小魔头身上属于他的精神印记。 In acupoint, all sorts of Negative Emotions have not stopped passing, pours into that five young demon as before fast. 穴道中,种种负面情绪并没有停止流逝,依旧快速注入那五个小魔头之中。 In desperate, fear and bloodthirsty, greedy, hate under injections of these Negative Emotions, on Sea of Consciousness evil aura in five young demon are getting more and more heavy, to person a soul very intense deterrent effect. 在绝望、恐惧、嗜杀、贪婪、怨恨这些负面情绪的注入下,识海中的五个小魔头身上的邪恶气息越来越重,给人灵魂一种非常强烈的震慑力。 Comes out!” The intention moves, Shi Yan light shout. “出来!”心念一动,石岩轻喝一声。 Five young demons in Sea of Consciousness, vanishes in Sea of Consciousness instantaneously does not see, next quarter, in Shi Yan behind, is float five height ten meters demon illusion, this is the despair, fear and bloodthirsty Sea of Consciousness, greedy, hates five big demons. 五个处在识海中的小魔头,瞬间在识海中消失不见,下一刻,在石岩身后,则是悬浮着五个高十米的魔头幻象,这正是识海中的绝望、恐惧、嗜杀、贪婪、怨恨五大魔头。 PS: Today a chapter, has blushed with shame, has the brothers big hot days to run to play unexpectedly, almost does me, I will make up tomorrow.. PS:今天就一章,汗颜了,有兄弟大热天居然跑来玩,差点搞死我,我明天补。。
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