GOS :: Volume #3

#243: Giant stone old city

Is separated by ten meters. 相隔十米。 Shi Yan such stands in essence of not far away Sun, he can induce to coming from essence of Sun Fiery Flame stars strength, continuous overflows, pours into his heart. 石岩就这么站在太阳之精不远处,他可以感应到来自于太阳之精的火炎星辰力,正源源不断的从中流溢出来,注入他心脏。 His heart place, has looks like from Three God Church Star God Stars Martial Spirit. 他心脏处,拥有看来自于三神教星神星辰武魂 Originally, this Stars Martial Spirit can only absorb Strength of Stars, from the start cannot obtain slight Sun light, however, this time, when facing the essence of Sun, enters that flash of body in these strength of Sun, the Stars Martial Spirit display function, gives the absorption the strength of Sun. 原先,这星辰武魂只可以吸收星辰之力,压根就不能得到丝毫的太阳之光,然而,这次在面对太阳之精的时候,在那些太阳之力进入身体的那一瞬间,星辰武魂发挥作用,就将太阳之力也给吸收。 What reason is this? 这是什么原因? Shi Yan knows that this is not such that Profound Ice Cold Flame saidis not because Sun is the stars, can obtain the strength of Sun to be so simple. 石岩知道,这绝不是玄冰寒焰所说的那样”不是因为太阳属于星辰,就可以得到太阳之力那么简单。 If is really such, Three God Church will not differentiate Burning Sun Martial Spirit and Stars Martial Spirit, this Burning Sun Martial Spirit with Stars Martial Spirit, definitely had the difference, is definitely different. 若真是那样,三神教不会区分炎日武魂星辰武魂了,这炎日武魂星辰武魂之间,原先肯定是有区别,肯定是不一样的。 Can such, why this Stars Martial Spirit, actually be able to absorb the strength of Sun? 可要不是那样,为什么这星辰武魂,却可以吸收太阳之力? Shi Yan frowns, lightning flash through in the mind, as if grasped anything faintly. 石岩皱着眉头,一道道电光在脑海之中闪过,似乎隐隐把握到了什么。 Strange energy that in acupoint releases! 穴道中释放的奇异能量 A bright has delimited, Shi Yan understood suddenly. 一道亮光划过,石岩霍然明白了过来。 These days, his heart has absorbed many that mystical energy, mystical energy can let Immortal Martial Spirit and Petrification Martial Spirit changes, can make Stars Martial Spirit have the good variation similarly, making it evolve to this marvelous situation? 这段时间,他心脏吸收了不少的那神秘能量,神秘能量能够让不死武魂石化武魂发生变化,岂不是也可以让星辰武魂同样发生良好的变异,使得它进化到这种奇妙的地步? Should be this! 应该是这样了! Shi Yan affirms the nod. 石岩肯定点头。 hū hū!” 呼呼!” In the essence of SunEarthcore Flame is attracting fast watches from Flame of Sun flame burning hot energy, bunches of Flame of Sun, such as hot snakes, disappear in the Earthcore Flame Fiery Flame light group, becomes Earthcore Flame energy part, making Earthcore Flame the strength of Fiery Flame have the marvelous change. 太阳之精中”地心火在快速吸收看来自于太阳之火焰的炙热能量,一簇簇的太阳之火,如一道道火蛇,消失在地心火火炎光团中,成为地心火能量的一部分,让地心火火炎之力发生奇妙的变化。 Is separated by ten meters, Shi Yan is motionless, but Stars Martial Spirit in body, is actually absorbing that essence of Sun the strength of Sun, fights for with Earthcore Flame together from essence of Sun energy. 相隔十米,石岩一动不动,可身体中的星辰武魂,却也在吸收那太阳之精的太阳之力,和地心火一起争抢来自于太阳之精的能量 Under their absorptions, the light of that burning hot dazzling Sun, starts little is dim. 在两人的吸收下,那炙热炫目的太阳之光,开始一点点的黯淡下来。 Originally beyond scarlet-red day meteorite, starts the gradual losing brilliance, slowly starts to change to the normal meteorite, in being quietly, on that day outside meteorite the light of Fiery Flame, reduced the several fold. 本来赤红的天外陨石,也开始逐渐的失去光彩,慢慢向正常的陨石开始发生变化,在悄无声息中,那天外陨石的火炎之光,已经减少了数倍。 Thisburning hot high temperaturedisappears gradually. 这一块”炙热的高温”渐渐不见了。 Burning hot of entire desert, along with energy outflow in essence of Sun, becomes slowly is cool. 整个沙漠的炎热,都随着太阳之精内的能量流失,变得慢慢清凉起来。 Had to think cool?” “有没有觉得凉快了许多?” Has, in this desert, as if quantity of heat in little decrease. “有啊,这沙漠之中,似乎热量在一点点的减退。 Unis very comfortable, here is changing evidently, does not know that this change, can let the road that we discover to return to? ” 嗯”很舒服啊,看样子这里正在发生变化,不知道这种变化,会不会让我们找出返回的路?” Who knows that does not want to stay really in this damned place, yeah, in this way, does not know when is end.” “谁知道呢,真不想在这个鬼地方呆下去了,哎,在这样下去,不知道什么时候才是尽头呢。” Rubbish, we enter the abyss battlefield, to put to death Yang Family odd|surplus Nie. Now Yang Mu these person have not been seeing, even if were found the outlet to return, you also really did have a face inadequately?” “都别废话子,我们进入深渊战场,就是为了诛杀杨家的余孽。现在杨暮那些人一个没见着,就算是找到出路返回,你们难道还真有脸回去不成?” „......” “……” Comes from Warrior of Endless Sea all parties influence, gathers at the same place, in threes and fours, was discussing anything in a low voice. 来自于无尽海各方势力的武者,聚集在一块,三五成群,低声议论着什么。 Cao Zhilan all alone sits at the same time ” the black eyebrows deep lock, in the double deeply moving eye pupil, a little selects strange light glittering. 曹芷岚孤身一人坐在一边”黛眉深锁,共双动人心弦的眼眸之中,有点点奇光闪烁 Releases Spirit Divinity Martial Spirit quietly, Cao Zhilan starts around observation, the subtle change of air from desert, realizes from experience this desert unusuality. 悄悄释放出灵神武魂,曹芷岚开始观察四周,从沙漠中空气的细微变化,来体悟这沙漠的异常。 After a while, Cao Zhilan has stood suddenly, said: Can pass to have a look, I discovered that that side already did not have the intense Fiery Flame fluctuation, did not have to destroy completely the spiritual attack of our soul, now passes just appropriately, should not have any bad risk.” 过了一会儿,曹芷岚突然站了起来,道:“可以过去看看了,我发现,那边既没有了强烈的火炎波动,也没有了可以灭掉我们灵魂的精神攻击,现在过去正合适,应该不会有什么凶险。” Listens your!” Pan Zhe stands up suddenly. “听你的!”潘哲霍然站起。 After half double-hour. 半个时辰后。 Cao Zhilan, Di Yanqing, Gu Linglong and Pan Zhe four people go to returnarrive at that essence of Sun beyond ten meters, the distant looks at that essence of Sun, expressions are extremely strange. 曹芷岚翟砚晴古玲珑潘哲四人去而复返”重新来到那太阳之精十米之外,远远看着那太阳之精,一个个表情极其怪异。 Shi Yan person?” Gu Linglong angry shouts, that boy disappears, how right now can we seek for him?” 石岩人呢?”古玲珑气恼的嚷嚷起来,“那小子又不见了,这下子我们要如何找寻他?” Cao Zhilan has not spoken, but a face strange looked at that essence of Sun, in the heart has been raising the difficult situation. 曹芷岚并未讲话,只是一脸怪异的望着那太阳之精,芳心中掀起了惊涛骇浪。 Is this that essence of Sun? 这还是那太阳之精么? This clearly is only together beyond ordinary day the meteorite! 这分明只是一块普普通通的天外陨石啊! Comes from the heart of Sun, is having Sun to strength of pure Fiery Flame the essence of Sun, turned into this appearance? 来自于太阳之心,拥有着太阳至纯火炎之力的太阳之精,怎么变成了这个模样? Is who the essence of Sun strength of Sun, in such a short time, absorbing? 是谁将太阳之精中的太阳之力,在这么短的时间内,给吸收一空的? Can be Shi Yan? 会是石岩么? In the Cao Zhilan heart has filled up the huge doubts, stares at that to turn into the ordinary stone the essence of Sun, for a very long time is speechless. 曹芷岚心中填满了巨大的疑惑,盯着那变成普通石头的太阳之精,久久无语。 The first time, she has the feeling that one type cannot be grasped to Shi Yan, thought that on the body of Shi Yan, has filled too many mystical, made her somewhat unable to completely understand unexpectedly. 第一次,她对石岩生出一种不可把握的感觉,觉得在石岩的身上,充满了太多的神秘,竟然让她都有些看不透了。 Her Spirit Divinity Martial Spirit, is easiest to see clearly the will of the people, learned that the opposite party all hides the method strange Martial Spirit. 她的灵神武魂,是最容易洞察人心,获知对方所有潜藏手段的奇异武魂 Now, gives birth including her could not completely understand that Shi Yan thought that this makes her even have one terrified restless mood, she does not like some people being able to be separated from her induction the assurance, does not like this type feeling n extremely 如今,连她都生出看不透石岩的念头,这让她甚至生出一种惶恐不安的情绪,她不喜欢有人能够脱离她的感应的把握,极其不喜欢这种感觉n Pan Zhe and entire inkstone eyeball they, knows that the fables of essence of some related Sun, they also dull look at that to turn into every stone the essence of Sun, suddenly does not know that should say anything are good. 潘哲和整砚睛两人,也知道一些有关太阳之精的传说,两人也都呆呆望着那变成凡石的太阳之精,一时间不知道该说些什么才好。 For a long time after for a long time. 许久许久之后。 I think that Shi Yan that fellow should leave, um, now we must do, sets his direction.” Cao Zhilan deeply inspired, lets loose Spirit Divinity Martial Spirit to induce a while, suddenly aims at a direction, that side, that side as if has power to wind around!” “我想,石岩那家伙应该离开了,嗯,现在我们要做的,就是确定他的方向。”曹芷岚深吸了一口气,放开灵神武魂感应了一会儿,突然指向一个方向,“那边,那边的似乎有力量缭绕!” , Cao Zhilan suddenly was light well, the elegant face is quite strange. 顿了一下,曹芷岚突然轻“咦”一声,俏脸颇为奇怪。 What's wrong?” Pan Zhe asked. “怎么啦?”潘哲问。 „Do you have the discovery, now this desert has come in us is different? You let loose Mental Energy, hasn't encountered the hindrance once more? My Martial Spirit, can cover the normal range now finally. Un that side, that side definitely has formation and barrier exists, I think that we should be able to leave this damned place...... ” the Cao Zhilan light say|way. “你们有没有发现,现在这沙漠已和我们进来的时候不一样了?你们放开精神力,是不是没有再次遇到阻碍?我的武魂,如今终于可以覆盖到正常范围了。嗯”那边,那边肯定有阵法结界存在,我想我们应该可以离开这个鬼地方了……”曹芷岚淡淡道。 Really is such!” Gu Linglong screamed that „, this desert became more and more cool, covered the strangeness in desert to hinder power, probably also completely vanished.” “真的是那样!”古玲珑尖叫起来,“,这沙漠变得越来越凉快了,笼罩着沙漠之中的怪异阻碍力量,好像也全部消失了。” Probably, all these are because this change......” Di Yanqing looks at that changes into every stone the essence of Sun, exactly said that because of the essence of this Sun, because of its change, the entire desert changed.” “好像,这一切都是因为这一块的变化……”翟砚晴看着那化为凡石的太阳之精,“确切地说,是因为这一块太阳之精,因为它的变化,整个沙漠都随之改变了。” i got it!” 我知道了!” The Cao Zhilan tender body shakes, eyes is bright, startled shout said: „The entire desert, is strange formation! But the essence of this Sun, is entire formation the source of power, is an eye. When energy in eye vanished completely, this grand huge formation thoroughly lost has affected, this revealed the original appearance.” 曹芷岚娇躯一震,双眸明亮,惊喝道:“整个沙漠,都是一个诡异的阵法!而这一块太阳之精,就是整个阵法力量之源,也是阵眼。等阵眼之中的能量全部消失了,这个雄伟巨大的阵法就彻底失去作用了,这才显露出本来的面目。” Oh, will have such big formation?” Gu Linglong covers shouts lightly seasoned. “天哪,会有这么大的阵法么?”古玲珑掩口轻呼。 Has!” “有!” Cao Zhilan nodded, has hesitated, said: „, Here should not need to continue to stay, I could feel that in that direction, is teleportation that leaves. Un, we can pass. I think that Shi Yan should also leave from that side. After small a while. 曹芷岚点了点头,沉吟了一下,道:“,这里应该不用继续呆下去了,我感觉得到,在那个方向,就是离开的传送阵。嗯,我们可以过去。我想,石岩应该也是从那边离开的。小一会儿后。 Cao Zhilan one line, really discovered that desert Middle Ages formation, this ancient formation and they entered the desert similarly thatextremely. 曹芷岚一行人,果然发现一个沙漠中古阵法,这古阵法和他们进入沙漠的那一个”极为的相似。 Does not hesitate excessively, these people have stood, after the rainbow light dodges, vanishes from this desert does not see. 没有过多犹豫,这些人纷纷站了上去,在虹光一闪之后,从这沙漠中消失不见。 The great forest, heaven and earth Spiritual Qi is quite rich, in the forest, bird song flower is fragrant, the fresh air heads on, completely relaxed, whole body is comfortable. 广阔无垠的森林,天地灵气极为浓郁,森林之中,鸟语huā香,清新的空气扑面而来,令人心旷神怡,浑身舒坦。 Above an old tree towering to the skies, Shi Yan hides in the tree phyllome of cover, to ground hundred meters high, looks into the distant place. 一株参天古树上方,石岩藏身在茂密的树叶丛中,离地面百米高,眺望远处。 ancient formation from that desert, after teleportation arrived here, Shi Yan from the beginning when also returned to Endless Seato some Spiritual Qi threatening islands, however, looking up the day later, he knows immediately he wants to be many, he as before also in abyss battlefield. 从那沙漠中的古阵法,传送到这里之后,石岩一开始还当自己返回了无尽海”到了某个灵气逼人的岛屿,然而,在抬头看天之后,他马上知道他想多了,他依旧还在深渊战场。 The clear and boundless sky, white clouds, does not have Sun and Moon Stars, Stars Martial Spirit in body plaster, cannot realize injection of Strength of Stars. 晴空万里,白云朵朵,却没有日月星辰,体垩内的星辰武魂,察觉不到星辰之力的注入。 Had not said that Lunar Star Chen's world, obviously is not Endless Sea, here also in abyss battlefield, but the environment had the change. 没有曰月星辰的世界,显然不是无尽海,这里还在深渊战场,只是环境发生了变化而已。 Although here is the abyss battlefield, however, heaven and earth Spiritual Qi actually extremely rich, the views as if there is very big difference with Yang Mu and the others. 这里虽是深渊战场,然而,天地灵气却极其的浓郁,和杨暮等人的说法似乎有很大的差异。 According to Yang Mu and the others that in the abyss battlefield heaven and earth Spiritual Qi is quite thin, here, does not adapt to Warrior cultivation, here was only the ancient battlefield, only then ancient human body, only then the explorer, simply did not have Warrior in this life. 按照杨暮等人所说,深渊战场之中天地灵气极为稀薄,在这里,非常不适应武者修炼,这里只是古代的战场,只有古尸,只有探险者,根本没有武者在这生活。 May stand in hundred meters high place, Shi Yan looks out into the distance, actually in discovery this broad forest, full of vitality. 可站在百米高处,石岩极目远眺,却发现这广阔的森林之中,生机勃勃 In the extremely far place, as if still the grand cities exist, that cities build with the giant stone completely, in the city the colored flag dances in the breeze, as if can also see that faintly some people take a walk. 在极远之处,似乎还有一座雄伟的城镇存在,那城镇全部用巨石堆砌而成,城上彩旗飘舞,似乎隐隐还可以看到有人走动。 That giant stone old city to the Shi Yan position, ten li (0.5km) far, the entire city, covers under some mystical power, making Shi Yan be hard to peep at with Divine Sense. 那巨石古城离石岩的位置,有十里远,整座城市,都笼罩在某种神秘力量之下,让石岩难以用神识窥视。 Looks to the distant place, is the endless forest, in the ear even can also hear some Demonic Beast terrifying roars. 望向更远处,则是无尽的森林,耳中甚至还可以听到一些妖兽恐怖吼声。 Here, as if no much difference with outside world, has Spiritual Qi, has Demonic Beast, as if also has Warrior, does not have Sun and Moon Stars. 这里,和外界似乎并没有太大的区别,有灵气,有妖兽,似乎还有武者,却没有日月星辰 Waited and saw a while in hundred meters place, Shi Yan has hesitatedto decide that giant stone old city had a look, to have a look whether was living really Warrior. 在百米处观望了一会儿,石岩沉吟了一下”决定去那巨石古城看看,看看其中是否真的生活着武者 Peng! 嘭! If a big bird is common, the Shi Yan dive flies, falls the ground steadily. 如一头大鸟一般,石岩俯冲飞下来,稳稳落到地上。 Quickly, extremely outwardly submissive but inwardly evil-hearted energy, just likes trillion ropes is ordinary, the winding to his whole body, after falling to the ground suddenly he, discovered fiercely one were imprisoned, whole body cannot move. 倏地,一股极其阴柔的能量,犹如亿万绳索一般,霍然缠绕向他全身,落地之后的他,猛地发现自己被禁锢住了,浑身动弹不得。 Damn it alien race person!” 该死的异族人!” A chilly whisper soundtransmits in the Shi Yan ear bank, the sound came from behind. 一个清冷的嘀咕声”在石岩耳畔传来,声音来自于身后 Shi Yan wants to turn head to look at behind that person, actually discovered that neck is hard to sway from side to side, at once he then smells blue flower delicate fragrance, that fragrance breaks in Sea of Consciousness, immediately makes him be dizzy eye flower, drops in the place, direct stupor in the past. 石岩想要回头去看身后的那人,却发现脖颈难以扭动,旋即他便闻到一股兰huā清香,那香味冲入识海,当即让他头晕眼huā,一头跌落在地,直接昏迷了过去。
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