GOS :: Volume #3

#244: Yin Demon Race

In the pitch-dark darkness, Shi Yan wakes up leisurely. 伸手不见五指的黑暗中,石岩悠悠醒来。 Opens eyes, subconscious letting loose Divine Sense, wants to understand thoroughly the surrounding condition, however, Divine Sense moves, in Sea of Consciousness actually suddenly transmits an extremely intense stabbing pain, this stabbing pain directly in his Sea of Consciousness abundant eruption, almost lets his pain fainted again. 睁开眼,下意识的放开神识,想要来洞彻周围的状况,然而,神识一动,识海中却骤然传来一股极其强烈的刺痛,这股刺痛直接在他识海之丰爆发,差点让他疼的再一次昏厥过去 The complexion suddenly changes, is suppressing the Sea of Consciousness pain, he holds the breath hurriedly with rapt attention, Divine Sense little reclamation. 脸色骤然一变,强忍着识海的痛楚,他急忙屏息凝神,将神识一点点的收回。 Divine Sense takes back ” the Sea of Consciousness ache to vanish at once does not see. 神识收回”识海的疼痛旋即消失不见。 eyes is splendid, but in the darkness, he cannot see the surrounding picture as before. 双眸熠熠生辉,可黑暗中,他依旧看不见周围的景象。 Puts out a handto try to find outhe discovered starts is the ice-cold rock, that rock encircles extremely firmly, is rough, does not know that is any type stone. In Sea of Consciousness, as if got down restriction, so long as Divine Sense lets loose, will manifest suddenly, making him has a headache to crack immediately. 伸手”摸索着”他发现入手全是冰冷的岩石,那岩石极其坚围,非常粗糙,不知道是什么类型的石块。识海中,似乎被下了禁制,只要神识一放开,就会发作,让他马上变得头疼欲裂。 eyes with rapt attention, actually cannot see the surrounding landscape, stood to move, he was trying power in stimulation of movement body plaster, actually discovered that Essence Qi also one and was imprisoned, power, was hard to release. 双眸凝神,却看不见周围的景观,站起来活动了一下,他试着催动体垩内的力量,却发现精元也一并被禁锢住,一身的力量,都难以释放出来。 Essence Qi and Sea of Consciousness were limited, said to general Wu Kanlai that equivalent to was seized the life gate, is difficult to have any power. 精元识海都被限制,对一般的武看来说,相当于被掐住了命门,再难拥有什么力量 However, to Shi Yan, even if Essence Qi and Sea of Consciousness is imprisoned together, he also has power as before available, power that in fleshly body itself prolonged quenchings, negative energy in acupoint, these, once stimulates to movement, he has any strength to hit back. 然而,对石岩来说,即便是精元识海一起被禁锢,他依旧还有力量可用,肉身中本身经久淬炼的力量,穴道中的负面之力,这些一旦催动起来,他并不是没有任何的还手之力。 He does not know how to be separated from here. 只是,他不知道怎么从这里脱离出去。 Divine Sense cannot use, the mind was also limitedhim to be very difficult and blood number abstains the communication, cannot obtain Profound Ice Cold Tao and Earthcore Flame message. 神识不能动用,就连心神也被限制”他很难和血数戒沟通,也得不到玄冰寒涛和地心火讯息 Tao's black stone chamber, Shi Yan sits well in the place, is waiting for anything silently. 涛黑的石室,石岩端坐在地,默默地等候着什么。 He knows that person imprisoned him, has not actually wanted his life, definitely will appear, does not know this place condition, his discrete does not dare to stimulate to movement negative energy to crush this stone chamber, but where was waiting for Cuibi Young Lady from catch humanity to come back silently? Here, had has not presented humanity for a long time, the fellow did not know from where.” 他知道,那人禁锢住了他,却没有要他性命,肯定会出现,不知道此地的状况,他谨慎的没敢催动负面之力来粉碎这石室,而是在默默地等候着“翠碧小姐从什么地方逮了个人类回来?我们这里,有很长时间没有出现过人类了,那家伙不知道来自于何处。” Un, humanity indeed little can present here, this Cuibi commands to go out, actually comes back to the belt that fellow, has not massacred immediately, but imprisons not to know that wants to make anything. ” “嗯,人类的确很少能够出现我们这里,这次翠碧统领外出,却将那家伙给带回来,没有立即杀掉,只是禁锢起来”不知道想要做什么。” Lets him do what he pleases, we led in any case that fellow for Cuibi Young Lady on the line.” “管他呢,反正我们为翠碧小姐将那家伙带过去就行了。” Two gloomy and cold male voice, transmit outside the stone chamber, Shi Yan hear of purity. 两个阴冷的男声,在石室之外传来,石岩听的一清二楚。 long time, stone chamber of this seal, does not hear one suddenly creaking sound, at once the dim bold light overflows from outside, when rays of light appears, two bodies are thin, a Yin Qi youth, appears suddenly in the luminous place. 多时,这密封的石室,骤然传来一声“嘎吱”声响,旋即昏暗的豪光从外面流溢进来,在光芒出现的时候,两道身子消瘦,一身阴气的青年,突然在光亮之处显现出来。 Under the dim glimmer, Shi Yan looks with rapt attention, discovered that these two youth face whitens, the body is extremely thin, spreads light outwardly submissive but inwardly evil-hearted Cold Qi from their bodies, their bodies, as if do not have the temperature, extremely strange. 在昏暗的微光下,石岩凝神一望,发现这两个青年脸色苍白,身子极其消瘦,从他们的身上传出淡淡的阴柔寒气,他们的身上,仿佛没有温度,极其的诡异。 Stands, goes out with us, our Young Lady must see you.” And a youth, shouted to clear the way coldly. “站起来,跟我们出去,我们小姐要见你。”其中一名青年,冷喝道。 Stone Jiong a brow wrinkle, has not asked anything much, taking advantage of opportunity has stood. 石窘眉头一皱,却没有多问什么,顺势站了起来。 You give me honestly, otherwise, I did not mind that makes you understand the custom.” Youth facial expression yin coldshot a look at Shi Yan one, then in the front guides, with.” “你给我老实一点,否则,我不介意让你懂规矩。”那青年神情阴寒”瞥了石岩一眼,便在前方带路,“跟上来吧。” Shi Yan without demur, went out of stone chamber immediately, sizes up the surroundings quietly. 石岩二话不说,立即走出了石室,悄悄打量周围。 This is a worry-free corridor, the two sides are stone wall, in stone wall has many Demonic Beast images, some illumination stones of illumination. 这是一条宽畅的长廊,两边都是石壁,石壁上有着许多妖兽的图像,还有一些照明的发光石头。 Stones of these illuminations, are not specially bright, even is somewhat dim, under that glimmer, Shi Yan cannot distinguish the Demonic Beast designs in these stone wall, is what kind Demonic Beast. 那些照明的石头,并不是特别明亮,甚至有些昏暗,在那种微光之下,石岩也分辨不出那些石壁上的妖兽图案,到底是何种妖兽 These two body outwardly submissive but inwardly evil-hearted ice cold youth, the appearance is quite good-looking, they when the front guide, once for a while turns head to look to Shi Yan one, the facial expression is vigilant. 这两名身体阴柔冰寒的青年,模样都颇为俊俏,两人在前方带路的时候,时不时回头望向石岩一眼,神情警惕。 Sea of Consciousness was imprisoned, Shi Yan is hard to let loose Divine Sense to induce, therefore, how he does not know the strengths of these two youth, light outwardly submissive but inwardly evil-hearted fluctuation that but spreads from two human body plasters, their cultivation base should not specially be profound, if the strength restores, Shi Yan can slaughter these two self-confidently easily. 识海被禁锢,石岩难以放开神识来感应,因此,他并不知道这两名青年的实力如何,但从两人体垩内传出的淡淡阴柔波动来看,两人的修为应该并不算特别高深,若是实力恢复,石岩自信可以轻易屠杀掉这两人。 However, in does not know in the situation of own situation, Shi Yan has not moved rashly. 不过,在不知道自己的处境的情况下,石岩并没有冒然行动。 Can evade peeping at his Divine Sense that sound chilly woman who he captures, easy imprisons Realm extremely to be absolutely profound him ”. 将他擒拿的那名声音清冷的女人”可以躲过他神识的窥视,轻而易举的将他禁锢住”境界绝对极其高深。 Some such masters exist, he knows, if gets rid rashly, perhaps will end up to turn out an extremely pitiful fate. 有这么一名高手存在,他知道若是冒然出手,说不定会落得个极其凄惨的下场。 Honest is following these two youth, across the long corridor, Shi Yan arrives at a spacious main hall. 老老实实的跟随着这两名青年,穿过长长的走廊,石岩来到一处宽敞的大殿。 This main hall assumes generally the circular, all around full is maliciously thick stone pillar, in the main hall, many aura outwardly submissive but inwardly evil-hearted men and women is standing erect, seems waiting for anything. 这大殿呈概圆形,四周满是一狠狠粗大的石柱,在大殿之中,许多气息阴柔的男女竖立着,似乎在等候着什么。 These people, aura is quite outwardly submissive but inwardly evil-hearted, the stature is thin, the male and female skin is white, shining of as if few contact sunlight. 这些人,身上的气息都颇为阴柔,身材瘦削,男女皮肤都非常白,似乎很少接触阳光的照耀。 In the main hall, a aura prolonged distant old man, is having the goat beard, the pupil unexpectedly is the iron grey, he sits well in main hall central, one side nearby many men and women are stand erect, should be the status of bodyguard servant. 大殿中,一名气息绵长悠远的老者,留着山羊胡须,瞳孔竟然是灰白色,他一人端坐在大殿中垩央,旁边的许多男女则是竖立一边,应该是侍卫仆人的身份。 girls that side this old man, a look loses face, wears a court lady style of dress jumper, black eyebrows like the picture, simple and beautiful moving. 这老者身旁,一个相貌出彩的少女,穿一身宫装套裙,黛眉如画,清丽动人。 At this time, this girls pair of limpid profound eye pupil, looks from afar to Shi Yan, the sound chilly say|way: The father, this is humanity that I capture. ” 此时,这少女一双清澈深邃的眼眸,远远望向石岩,声音清冷道:爹爹,这就是我擒拿的人类。” The old man has stroked beard, the nod, iron grey eyes discussed gently looks pale to Shi Yan. 那老者捋了一把胡须,轻轻点头,灰白色的双眸谈淡望向石岩 Shi Yan stands in helping the dagger, realized obviously outwardly submissive but inwardly evil-hearted aura, submerges his whole body pore instantaneously, walked in his body quietly, as if gave to peep at his whole body. 石岩站在帮匕,明显察觉到一股阴柔的气息,瞬间没入他浑身毛孔,在他身体之中悄悄走了一遍,似乎将他全身上下都给窥视了一遍。 Humanity, do you come from where?” “人类,你来自于何处?” Looked at a while, old man not anxiously not slow spoke to ask, sound unexpectedly quite outwardly submissive but inwardly evil-hearted of pleasant to hear. 看了一会儿,那老者才不急不缓的出言问道,声音竟然颇为的阴柔好听。 Who are you?” Shi Yan did not answer asked back that in this abyss battlefield, in the legend did not have Warrior to exist, here was only ancient time the place of Warrior confrontation, heaven and earth Spiritual Qi is quite thin, why can you here? Who are you? Is here, the abyss battlefield?” “你们是谁?”石岩不答反问,“这深渊战场之中,传说中并没有武者存在,这里只是古时期的武者交锋之地,天地灵气极为稀薄,为什么你们会在这里?你们到底是什么人?这里,到底是不是深渊战场?” Dissolute!” That simple and beautiful girls, black eyebrows one pressed, cold voice said: You only need to reply that my father's issue then, rubbish!” “放肆!”那清丽的少女,黛眉一蹙,冷声道:“你只需要回答我爹爹的问题即可,不要废话!” The swift and fierce soul fluctuation, such as the sharp sword pricks the Shi Yan mind together generally. 一道凌厉的灵魂波动,如利剑一般刺入石岩脑海。 restriction in Shi Yan Sea of Consciousness manifests suddenly suddenly, as if trillion insect shows were gnawing in Sea of Consciousness, making him the headache want to crack immediately, almost could not bear scream. 石岩识海中的禁制骤然发作,仿佛有亿万虫秀在识海中啃噬着,让他当即头疼欲裂,差一点忍不住尖叫起来。 Clenches teeth secretly, the complexion is fierce, Shi Yan does not utter a word, but is staring that girls silently. 暗暗咬着牙,脸色狰狞,石岩一声不吭,只是默默瞪着那少女 Good Cuibi.” “行了翠碧。” The old man waves, making that named Cuibi girls stop devastation to Shi Yan Sea of Consciousness, slightly somewhat curious looks at Shi Yan, the old man said: Your this humanity is actually good, in our Yin Demon Racethousand souls bite, actually the throat does not have throat one, if I haven't misread you to have Earth Level cultivation base? ” 那老者挥挥手,让那名为翠碧少女停止对石岩识海的摧残,略有些好奇的看着石岩,老者道:“你这人类倒是不错,在我们阴魅族的“千魂噬,之下,竟然吭都没吭一声,我要是没看错的话”你应该只有地位之境修为吧?” „? Can't the father?” That named Cuibi simple and beautiful girls, cannot bear call out in alarm suddenly, he has clearly formed Sea of Consciousness! Sea of Consciousness forms this is essence of Warrior Nirvana Origin can achieve, how may be Earth Level? ” “啊?爹爹,不会吧?”那名为翠碧的清丽少女,忽然忍不住惊呼起来,“他分明形成了识海啊!识海形成”这是涅巢之精武者才可以达到的啊,怎么可能会是地位之境?” Good, I indeed have cultivation base of Earth Realm boundary.” Shi Yan nods slowly, I come from outside world, um, I do not belong to the abyss battlefield, is only because of some reasons, steps into here. Before, I in a desert of burning hot, through teleportation, arrived here......” “不错,我的确只有地位境的修为。”石岩缓缓点头,“我从外界而来,嗯,我不属于深渊战场,只是因为一些原因,才踏入这里。之前,我在一个炙热的沙漠之中,通过传送阵,才到达这里……” Really is Earth Level?” When the Cuibi limpid beautiful pupil, flashed through astonished color looked at Shi Yan togetheragainactually many some curiosity. “真是地位之境?”翠碧清澈的美眸中,闪过一道惊异之色”再看石岩时”倒是多了些好奇心。 It seems like you should obtain some fortuitous encounter, otherwise, impossible to build Sea of Consciousness in Earth Level, um, good, you are not general human Warrior.” The old man stared at Shi Yan to nod slowly, has hesitated, said: You said that you come from outside world, then you do have to hear our Yin Demon Race? ” “看来你应该获得了某种奇遇,否则,不可能在地位之境修成识海,嗯,不错,你不是一般的人类武者。”那老者盯着石岩缓缓点头,沉吟了一下,又道:“你说你来自于外界,那么”你有没有听说过我们阴魅族?” Shi Yan shakes the head. 石岩摇头。 The old men look dejected, the look is somewhat desolate, we left were too long, the long time to the outside world person clan, did not remember our Yin Demon Race. Yeah, what a pity, what a pity we are hard to leave from here, I want to know that what really outside world turned into......” 老者神情黯然,眼神有些落寞,“我们离开太久了,久到外界的人族,都不记得我们阴魅族了。哎,可惜啊,可惜我们难以从这里离开,我真想知道外界到底变成什么样了……” Father, we here are not the life good? Why have you wanted?” Cuibi puzzled say|way. “爹爹,我们在这里不是生活的挺好的么?为什么你一直想要出去呢?”翠碧不解道。 You will not understand......” that old man sighed, for a very long time did not speak. “你不会懂的……”那老者叹息一声,久久不语。 Shi Yan stunned, by that Cuibi in Sea of Consciousness has moved a hands and feet, he was more law-abiding, although the heart has the doubts, actually does not dare to ask. 石岩愕然,被那翠碧识海中动过一次手脚之后,他安分了许多,虽然心有疑惑,却不敢多问。 My some issues hope that you can reply earnestly, if your reply makes me satisfy, I can put you to leave, as you wish goes to where. However, if your reply satisfies me, calculates that you assign not well, I will make you leave silently......” “我有些问题希望你能够认真回答,如果你的回答让我满意,我可以放你离开,随便你去何处。不过,如果你的回答让我不满意,那么,算你命不好,我会让你无声无息的离开……” The old men lowered the head to sob, suddenly gained ground, stern said to Shi Yan. 老者垂头唏嘘了一番,突然抬头,正色对石岩道。 Meanwhile, a strange fluctuation, emerges from that old man suddenly. 与此同时,一股奇异的波动,骤然从那老者身上涌现。 restriction of Shi Yan body, shortly will be relieved, Sea of Consciousness returns to normal, Essence Qi can also rolling flow. 石岩身体的禁制,在顷刻间被解除,识海重新恢复正常,精元也可以滚滚流动起来。 Divine Sense lets looseShi Yan to look at carefully the opposite old man quietly, with his daughter Cuibi. 神识放开”石岩悄悄端详对面的老者,和他的女儿翠碧 Divine Sense falls to that old man by, by invisible power to direct hindrance, actually when nearby Cuibi, Divine Sense has not encountered too many hindrance. 神识落到那老者旁边,被一股无形的力量给直接阻碍,倒是在翠碧附近的时候,神识并没遇到太多的阻碍。 Sky Realm! 天位之境 Divine Sense around the Cuibi week revolved, a Shi Yan face with amazement, almost unable to bear scream that this girls was young, unexpectedly was having Sky Realm cultivation base! 神识翠碧周围绕了一圈,石岩一脸骇然,差点忍不住尖叫起来,这少女年纪轻轻,居然拥有着天位之境修为 Should she in Sky Realm, old man be what kind Realm? 她都在天位之境,那老者该是何种境界 Do not think, here, you cannot run away absolutely.” The old man facial expression indifferently, said lightly: You told me first, how did you enter here step by step? Before the place of that desert, where do you pass through? Also, can you old route return? If you can the old route return, I promise you, not make things difficult you, and also will give you a greatest chance!” “不要多想,在这里,你是绝对逃不出去的。”老者神情漠然,淡淡道:“你先告诉我,你是如何一步步进入这里的?在那沙漠之地之前,你经过什么地方?还有,你能不能原路返回?如果你可以原路返回,我答应你,绝不会为难你,并且还会给你一个莫大的机缘!” I cannot find road, sorry, although I also want to leave, does not have the means.” But Shi Yan shakes the head. “我找不着回去的路,抱歉,虽然我也想要离开,却真的没办法。”石岩无奈摇头。 An old man brow wrinkle ” seems considering the next issue. 老者眉头一皱”似乎在思量着下一个问题。 In this time, a person suddenly in a hurry comes, after bows politely, reported the report: Sir, we had discovered human Warrior, this time population are many, about hundred people!” 就在此时,一人突然匆匆而来,过来叩拜之后,禀报道:“大人,我们又发现了人类武者,这一次的人数很多,有近百人!” The Shi Yan pupil shrinks, wants not to think that then knows should be Cao Zhilan one line of seeks. 石岩瞳孔一缩,想也不想,便知道应该是曹芷岚一行人寻上来了。 PS today in family|home a little matter, sorry, can only one, I make up tomorrow.. PS今天家里有点事,抱歉,只能一更,呃,我明天补。。
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