GOS :: Volume #3

#242: Absorption!

In the desert, evil spiritual fluctuation, sweeps across the four directions from that great sword, such as the great waves disturb, flies to go toward Pan Zhe one line. 沙漠中,邪恶的精神波动,从那巨剑之上席卷四方,如浪涛翻搅,朝着潘哲一行人飞冲而去。 Solar Fiery Flame of essence of Sun, in instant that that handle great sword departs, suddenly greatly Sheng. 太阳之精的太阳火炎,在那柄巨剑飞出的霎那,也突然大盛。 Bunches of sharp inflammations, the escape from the essence of Sun, is a blood red color with the scarlet-red sky, lets this burning hot desert, becomes is blazing hot. 一簇簇尖炎,从太阳之精内飞逸而出,和赤红的天空呈一种血红颜色,让这炎热的沙漠,变得更加的炙热难耐。 Cao Zhilan, Pan Zhe, Gu Linglong and new first generation eminents of Di Yanqing these four Endless Sea all parties influences, distressed exceptionally, are far away from the essence of Sun at this time in abundance, wishes one could not to come to here from the start. 曹芷岚潘哲古玲珑狸砚晴这四名无尽海各方势力的新一代翘楚,此时一个个狼狈异常,纷纷远离太阳之精,恨不得压根就没有来过这里。 The distant place, these do not dare to approach the follower of essence of Sun, saw that distant place Fiery Flame soars to the heavens, the evil spiritual fluctuation covers four directionsin the heart flood cold, does not dare to approach, actually wants to know that actually that had any with amazement important matter together. 更远处,那些不敢靠近太阳之精的跟随者,眼看远处火炎冲天,邪恶的精神波动笼罩四方”都心中泛寒,不敢靠近,却又想知道那一块究竟发生了什么骇然大事。 Harbors the giant curious heart, these people gather at the same place, cannot help but goes toward that region line. 怀着巨大的好奇之心,这些人聚集在一块,不由自主的往那一块区域行去。 The line hundred steps, these people immediately noticed that the Cao Zhilan elegant face is serious, fast grazes. 才行出百步,这些人马上看到曹芷岚俏脸严肃,飞快地飞掠而来。 Withdraws! Immediately!” “都撤走!立即!” The Cao Zhilan complexion sinks, rashly drinks the n sound tenderly, at once crosses these people fast , to continue to dash toward the front. 曹芷岚脸色一沉,不由分说的娇喝n声,旋即快速越过这些人,继续朝着前方飞奔。 Pan Zhe, Gu Linglong and entire inkstone qing three people draw in the rear area, when discovers subordinates Warrior to them , is also calling hurriedly, making the people be far away from that same place rapidly, does not permit anybody to stop over here. 潘哲古玲珑、整砚蜻三人拉在后方,待到他们发现麾下武者靠前之后,也急忙吆喝着,让众人迅速远离那一块,不准任何人在这里逗留。 Has not known that what happened Warrior, sees four people that leads to be so distressed, cannot think, has turned around hurriedly, follows in Pan Zhe and the others behind, at the maximum speed is far away. 还不知道发生了什么事情的武者,一见领头的四人这么狼狈,也不敢多想,又急忙掉过头来,跟随在潘哲等人的身后,以最快的速度远离。 Essence of pupil Sun is near. 太阳之精眸近。 Bunches of solar Fiery Flame, from that region, cover rapidly has put in order is spatial today, as if fire Yun Yiban oppressed. 一簇簇太阳火炎,从那一块区域飞速而出,笼罩了整今天空,仿佛火云一般压迫下来。 That handle float in the scarlet-red great sword of space, monster different the release evil the spiritual fluctuation in void, on that sword body an only blood red eye, winks, is releasing scarlet rays of light, is extremely strange. 那柄悬浮在天上的赤红巨剑,在虚空之中妖异的释放出邪恶的精神波动,那剑体上一只只血红的眼睛,一眨一眨的,释放着猩红的光芒,极其诡异。 At this time, on that great sword an only blood red eye, in winking within, as if stared to something. 此时,那巨剑上一只只血红的眼睛,在眨动间,似乎盯向了某物。 Under the great sword, Shi Yan eyes is red, unconscious, raises head to look at that handle width half meter of space, length two meters great swordin look were many some confused colors. 巨剑之下,石岩双眸赤红,神智不清,仰头望着天上的那柄宽半米,长两米的巨剑”眼神之中多了些迷茫之色。 Blood Vein Ring on his hand, in simultaneously, becomes bloody glow greatly Sheng, above the ape Red Light glow with that handle great sword is extremely similar. 他手上的血纹戒,也在同时,变得血光大盛,和那柄巨剑之上的猩红光芒极其相似。 Shining bloody glow, shoots from that Blood Vein Ring implosion, Profound Ice Cold Flame power, was restrained completely. 灿灿血光,从那血纹戒内爆射开来,玄冰寒焰力量,被全部克制住。 Is dazzling bloody glow in Blood Vein Ring an instant, originally float in space motionless great sword, as if had suddenly discovered any goal, or is receiving the hauling of some attraction, flies unexpectedly slowly toward Shi Yan. 血纹戒炫目出血光的一霎,本来悬浮在天上不动的巨剑,似乎突然发现了什么目标,亦或者受着某种吸引力的牵引,竟缓缓朝着石岩飞来。 The Shi Yan whole face is at a lossas if not know that had anything, but subconscious will wear that hand of Blood Vein Ring to hold up high. 石岩满脸迷惘”似乎并不知道发生了什么,只是下意识的将佩戴着血纹戒的那只手高高举起。 In Blood Vein Ring, the strange light extraordinary splendor, scarlet bloody glow is dazzling, resembles to the trim day give to dye blood-red. 血纹戒内,奇光异彩,猩红的血光炫目无比,似要将整片天都给染成血红色 Meanwhile, the nose plants to wind around Negative Emotions in Shi Yan body, such as the tide was suddenly common, emerged in Blood Vein Ring, Blood Vein Ring after obtaining injections of these Negative Emotions, rippled fiercely an intense spiritual fluctuation. 与此同时,鼻种缭绕在石岩身体中的负面情绪,霍然如潮水一般,涌入了血纹戒内,血纹戒在得到那些负面情绪的注入之后,猛地荡漾出一股强烈的精神波动。 Hot crystal scarlet-red great sword, changes into stream of light generally suddenly, shoots at Blood Vein Ring fiercelyis only an instant, then vanishes in Blood Vein Ring does not see. 火晶一般赤红的巨剑,骤然化为一道流光,猛地射向血纹戒”只是一霎,便在血纹戒内消失不见。 Unconscious Shi Yanrestores suddenly soberly. 神智不清的石岩”骤然恢复清醒。 All sorts of disorder Sea of Consciousness Negative Emotions, are nothing left in the flash, in the body, came from essence of Sun the strength of Sun, but also is seething with excitement unceasingly combustion, wisp of hunchback drills into his heart, making his heart star light, scarlet-red such as one group of combustion Fiery Flame. 种种紊乱识海负面情绪,在一瞬间荡然无存,身体之中,来自于太阳之精的太阳之力,还在不断地沸腾燃烧着,一缕偻的钻入他心脏,让他的心脏变得星光点点,赤红如一团燃烧火炎 The body such as was burnt down, the ache is unusual, came from Profound Ice Cold Flame cold energy, such as the cold current, seems combing his body together, making the ache of his body weaken slightly. 身体如被焚烧,疼痛异常,来自于玄冰寒焰寒力,如一道寒流,似乎在梳理着他的身体,让他身体的疼痛稍稍减弱一些。 Has kilometer far to the essence of Sun, stands in the desert, he can induce to as before coming from essence of Sun the strength of strong Sun. 离太阳之精有千米远,站在沙漠之中,他依旧可以感应到来自于太阳之精的浓烈太阳之力。 Looks back, looks into that essence of Sun, Shi Yan discovered impressively that after these days change, that came from heart of Sun the essence of Sun, the light of burning hot dazzling Sun , seemed to be dim gradually. 回首,眺望那太阳之精,石岩赫然发现,经过这一段时间的变化,那来自于太阳之心的太阳之精,炙热炫目的太阳之光,似乎也逐渐黯淡了下来。 Contains in essence of Sun the strength and Flame of Sun in Sun, under him and Earthcore Flame dual digestions, the fast outflow, in this short time, has consumed unexpectedly most probably. 蕴藏在太阳之精中的太阳之力和太阳之火,在他和地心火的双重消化之下,快速的流失,竟然在这短短时间内,已消耗了大半。 The light of Sun beyond that huge day the meteorite, releases, so was no longer dazzling. 那巨大的天外陨石,释放出来的太阳之光,已不再那么的炫目了。 Shi Yan frowns, suddenly also not too clearly exactly had anything. 石岩皱着眉头,一时间还不太清楚到底发生了什么。 He remembers faintly before , as if some people have approached this, he walks rapidly from essence of that side Sun, seems chasing down any person...... Hesitant, he lets loose Divine Sense, spreads slowly, periphery wants to have a look whether has the intense life fluctuation. 只是”他隐隐记得之前似乎有人接近过这一块,他从太阳之精那边飞速走来,似乎在追杀什么人……犹豫了一下,他将神识放开,缓缓蔓延出去,想要看看周围是否有强烈的生命波动。 Two, three...... 一个”两个,三个…… In Sea of Consciousness, his clear detection dozens Warrior, these people have two li (0.5km) far to him, is far away from this at the extremely quick speed. 识海之中,他清晰的察觉到数十名武者,那些人离他只有两里远,正以极快的速度远离这一块。 Shi Yan stunned. 石岩愕然 Has gawked a while, does not know he who why these people withdraw, the thought that also has not continued to pursue, thinks that he turns around, goes toward that the direction line of essence of Sun. 愣了一会儿,不知道那些人为何退避的他,也没有继续追击的念头,想了想,他转身,又朝着那太阳之精的方向行去。 Why can run away?” “为什么要逃?” For a long time, ” that Gu Linglong stopped the body suddenly, turns the head to look at rear area the scarlet-red sky, knits the brows: Is only Shi Yan, doesn't need that anxiously?” 许久之后”那古玲珑突然停了身子,别头望着后方赤红的天空,皱眉道:“只是一个石岩,没有必要那么紧张吧?” Shi Yan? „ Reason that Cao Zhilan shook the headmust run away, does not have anything to relate with Shi Yan from the start, that handle sudden great sword, is the chief criminal who we must run away! ” 石岩?”曹芷岚摇了摇头”“之所以要逃,和石岩压根没什么关系,那柄突然出现的巨剑,才是我们要逃的罪魁祸首!” That handle great sword......” Gu Linglong is startled, small face quite make things difficult looks, nodded, in an instant that handle great sword presents, several handle Divine sword in my body, spread the intense early warning signal, was urging I shunt immediately. That great sword really that fierce?” “那柄巨剑……”古玲珑一怔,小脸颇为难看,点了点头,“在那柄巨剑出现的一霎,我身体中的几柄神剑,传出强烈的预警信号,催促着我立即躲开。难道,那巨剑真的那么的厉害?” Is fierce, Qing that I was also very difficult to say......” ” the Cao Zhilan facial expression with deep veneration, said lightly: But, massacres us, to that handle great sword, should be the easy matter. Even does not want it to cut to kill, the evil spiritual fluctuation that but it releases, sufficiently makes our soul crush completely! ” “到底多么厉害,我也很难说的清……””曹芷岚神情肃然,淡淡道:“不过,杀掉我们所有人,对那柄巨剑来说,应该是轻而易举的事情。甚至”都不要它一个个斩杀,只是它释放出来的邪恶精神波动,就足以让我们灵魂全部粉碎!” Such remarks, people immediately dumbstruck. 此话一出,众人当即目瞪口呆 Is so fierce?” Pan Zhe pounds the tongue secretly, „said that this handle great sword , a kind of treasure Sacred level?” “这么厉害?”潘哲暗暗砸舌,“这么说,这柄巨剑,岂不是圣级之一类的宝物?” At least is Sacred level!” “至少是圣级!” Di Yanqing also nodded, „the evil spiritual fluctuation of that great sword indeed extremely fearful, the great distance is so far, I almost cannot be popular the thought of fleeing. I have the master gate rare treasure, perhaps this time really must die there, eyes on that great sword, have cup being puzzled will of the people power, as if each eye, has an evil life to teach...... ” 狸砚晴点了点头,“那巨剑的邪恶精神波动”的确极其的可怕,相隔那么远,我差点兴不起逃离的念头。要不是我有着师门秘宝,这次说不定真要死在那儿,那巨剑上的一只只眼睛,有着盅惑人心的力量,仿佛每一只眼睛,都拥有着一个邪恶的生命一教……” Pan Zhe one line of complexions change. 潘哲一行人脸色微变。 Di Yanqing these words, reminding them of eyes above that great sword, these eyes winked in the space, released scarlet bloody glow, help was extremely wicked, to the person a dangerously very bloody feeling, making these Endless Sea original operating the rudder have the meaning of fear, does not dare with it opposing the enemy. 翟砚晴的这番话,让他们都想起了那巨剑之上的一只只眼睛,那些眼睛在天上一眨一眨的,释放出猩红的血光,极其的帮恶诡异,给人一种非常危险非常血腥的感觉,让这些无尽海本来的掌舵者都生出恐惧之意,不敢与之对敌。 Now what to do?” Gu Linglong asked that Shi Yan there, we actually does not dare to approach obviously, that great sword does not know that whose belonged, you said that there can have other people?” “现在怎么办?”古玲珑问道,“石岩明明在那儿,我们却不敢靠近,那巨剑也不知道属于谁的,你们说那里会不会还有旁人?” Temporarily first do not approach that same place, I will use my Martial Spirit induction, when I could not realize that side burning hot Fiery Flame, cannot induce the danger time, we had a look again in the past. Un, Shi Yan to fear insufficient, so long as when the time comes he also, is not our matches.” Cao Zhilan stable morale of troops. “暂时先别接近那一块,我会用我的武魂感应,等我察觉不到那边的炙热火炎,感应不到危险的时候,我们再过去看看。嗯,石岩不足为惧,只要到时候他还在,绝不是我们的对手。”曹芷岚稳定军心。 The people nod in abundance. 众人纷纷点头。 In the Shi Yan look the different luminous spot point, in the heart full is surprised, step by step toward that essence of line Sun. 石岩眼神中异光点点,心中满是惊讶,一步步朝着那太阳之精行去。 In this ghost ring, suddenly to be how many a great sword, this handle sword should be the entity, why can this ghost ring hold?” Profound Ice Cold Flame message, transmits from Blood Vein Ring once more, I have looked at the structure of this ring, according to the truth, here should unable to hold the entity, why can put this handle strange sword?” “这鬼戒指之中,怎么突然多了一把巨剑,这柄剑应该是实体啊,为什么这鬼戒指可以容纳?”玄冰寒焰讯息,再次从血纹戒中传来,“我看过这个戒指的结构,按照道理,这里不应该能够容纳实体的啊,为什么可以盛放这柄怪剑呢?” I think that this handle great sword and my ring, has some relation...... ” “我想,这柄巨剑”和我的这枚戒指,有着某种联系……” Why said?” “为什么这么说?” I do not know the reason, but I thought faintly that aura of Blood Vein Ring and this handle sword looks like very much. Especially, the strange blood mark on this handle sword, this and texture in this ring surface is similar, perhaps, this ring and this handle sword, are the same person to build.” “我也不知道原因,只是我隐隐觉得,血纹戒和这柄剑的气息很像。尤其是,这柄剑上的奇异血纹,这和这枚戒指表面上的纹理非常相似,说不定,这戒指和这柄剑,属于同一人打造呢。” dan “郸” Shi Yan feels Blood Vein Ring, the expression is quite strange. 石岩摸着血纹戒,表情颇为怪异。 He emits the mind in Blood Vein Ring, a space that can in clear seeing Blood Vein Ring open once more, in that blood-red singular space, that handle great sword static float, a point has not lived. 他放出心神在血纹戒内,可以清晰的看到血纹戒内再次开辟的一个空间,在那血红色的奇异空间中,那柄巨剑静静的悬浮着,没有一点生息。 Before on the great sword the evil spiritual fluctuation of world-shaking, was already nothing left at this time. 之前巨剑上惊天动地的邪恶精神波动,此时早已荡然无存。 Lets loose the mind, Shi Yan tries to feel, feels energy fluctuation on this handle great sword, actually the discovery has achieved nothing, how regardless of he relates the great sword, cannot obtain the slight back coupling from the great sword. 放开心神,石岩试着去感受,感受这柄巨剑上的能量波动,却发现一无所获,不论他如何联系巨剑,都不能从巨剑上得到丝毫的回馈。 If not for the beforehand experience the strangeness of this handle rejection, how Shi Yan will have thought that this handle great sword is sloppy, does not have what extraordinary place. 若不是之前见识过这柄拒绝的诡异,石岩怎么都会觉得这柄巨剑稀松平常,没有什么出奇之处。 Is hard with the great sword communication, could not feel again the slight spiritual fluctuation, this great sword falls into Blood Vein Ring, as if dazzling light Huadu therefore has restrained, turned into every iron from a handle Divine sword, lost the world-shaking imposing manner and power. 难以和巨剑沟通,也再也感觉不到丝毫的精神波动,这巨剑一落入血纹戒,仿佛所以的耀眼光华都收敛了,从一柄神剑变成了一件凡铁,失去了惊天动地的气势和力量 hū hū shouted!” 呼呼呼!” In the essence of Sun, spreads the strange howling sound. 太阳之精内,传出奇异的呼啸声。 Shi Yan stopped suddenly, is separated by ten meters, stares at that essence of Sun to wait and see, feels that to come from the essence of Sun strength of Sun. 石岩突然停了下来,相隔十米,盯着那太阳之精观望,感受那来自于太阳之精内的太阳之力。 The strength of billowing Sunreleases from that essence of Sun, submerges the Shi Yan body, drills into his heart. 滚滚太阳之力”从那太阳之精内释放出来,没入石岩身体,钻入他心脏。 Why does not know, after undergoing the beforehand body earth-shaking sweeping change, his fleshly body as if gradually adapted to the burning hot of strength of Sun. 不知道为何,在经历了之前身体翻天覆地的大变化之后,他肉身似乎已逐渐适应了太阳之力的炙热。 When these strength of Sun submerge body, his fleshly body will not emit Flame of Sun again, will not have Fiery Flame to burn down his body again. 在那些太阳之力没入身体的时候,他肉身不会再冒出太阳之火,也不会再有火炎焚烧他的身体。 His body, as if again was changed, becomes can adapt to Flame of Sun, becomes auxiliary becomes with stars Wu Zhouri! 他的身体,似乎被再次被改变,变得能够适应太阳之火,变得和星辰武洲日辅相成!
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