GOS :: Volume #3

#227: Abyss battlefield

Grey The misty day, did not have Sun and Moon Stars, the heaven and earth spirit and poor Qing, this was a abandoned ancient open land. 蒙蒙的天,没有日月星辰,天地灵与贫清,这是一块被遗弃的古老荒地。 A giant mountain peak, as if cut offsummit to level from the middle by the great sword like the mirror, Gate of Heaven that shining green light congeals, in this summit float. 一座巨大的山峰,仿佛被巨剑从中间斩断”山顶平整如镜,灿灿绿光凝结的天门,就在这山顶悬浮着。 Shi Yan stands in the summit, looks around, discovered that the entire world was covered the First Level ash-gray cloud layer, Divine Sense extended, was detained by these ash-gray cloud layers unexpectedly, around the successive the kilometer is hard to cover. 石岩站在山顶,举目四望,发现整个世界都被蒙上了一层灰色云层,神识延伸出去,竟被那些灰色云层拦阻,连周围千米都难以覆盖。 Looks into the distant place, can see the giant incomparable gulf, shiny black, does not know deeply. 眺望远处,可以看到许多巨大无比的深坑,黑黝黝的,不知道有多深。 The rivers dry up, cannot see any vegetation, does not have life aura, here likely is together the deathtrap, to person an extremely sad feeling. 河流枯竭,看不见任何的草木,没有生命气息,这里像是一块死地,给人一种极其沉闷的感觉。 Here was the abyss battlefield.” Li Feng shouted one breath here not to have the direction gently ” „, did not have Sun and Moon Stars, heaven and earth Spiritual Qi was also thin, at all not suitable Warrior cultivation. The Ancient Times time, here is Jiang command battlefield, some innumerable ancient time Expert skeletons, formidable Warrior of these ancient times, in this abyss battlefield, have left behind many rare treasures and strange Martial Skills, but if wants to obtain these treasures, is extremely difficult. “这里就是深渊战场了。”李凤儿轻轻呼了一口气”“这里没有方向,没有日月星辰,天地灵气也非常稀薄,根本不适合武者修炼上古时期,这里是蒋命的战场,有无数古时期强者的尸骨,那些古时期的强大武者,在这深渊战场内,遗留了许多秘宝和奇异武技,但若想得到那些宝物,却极其困难。 Was excavated since the abyss battlefield, here has buried numerous Endless Sea Warrior, comes to inquire about that the ancient mystery Warrior, cannot live most likely exiting. Our comes the abyss battlefield, the goal to not inquire about here rare treasure, therefore, saves the life is our primary principle.” Yang Mu frowns, dignified say|way. “从深渊战场被发掘起,这里就埋葬了众多无尽海武者,前来探寻古老奥秘的武者,十之八九不能活着出去。我们这趟前来深渊战场,目的不是为了探寻这里的秘宝,所以,保全性命是我们的首要方针。”杨暮皱着眉头,神情凝重道。 I have come to here, I can lead you to go to the quite safe region, looks at that direction, the ash-gray cloud layer is heaviest, that side has ancient palace wreckage, there, many restriction and barrier expired, we can go to that side to stay some time.” Li Feng slender jade direction to one, tender sound track: With me, at least before achieving that region, will not have any danger.” “我来过这里,我可以带你们去较为安全的区域,看那个方向,灰色云层最重,那边有一块古老的宫殿残骸,在那儿,许多禁制结界都失效了,我们可以去那边呆一段时间。”李凤儿纤纤玉指点向一处,娇声道:“跟着我,至少在达到那一块区域之前,不会有什么危险。” Yang Mu nodded, „, Feng'er you guide before, we stay behind the trace on the way, lets chase down our people, knows our positions.” 杨暮点了点头,“嗯,凤儿你在前带路,我们途中留下痕迹,让追杀我们的人,知道我们的方位。” Does not have the issue.” The Li Feng chuckle was shooting a look at Shi Yan one, raises the eyebrow saying: Shi Yan, here, you may want law-abidingly honest. Un remembers that hear of Uncle Jiang's words, Uncle Jiang is skilled in him to know that regarding various formation barriersome formation mysteries, can make you avoid many bad risks. ” “没问题。”李凤儿轻笑着瞥了石岩一眼,扬眉道:“石岩,在这里,你可要安分老实一点。嗯”记得听姜叔的话,姜叔对于各类阵法结界非常精通”他知道一些阵法的奥妙,可以让你们避开很多凶险。” The Shi Yan look is faint, selects fork slowly. 石岩眼神淡漠,缓缓点叉。 Younger Brother Yan, this Imaginary Space Ring gives you, inside has food and fresh water, big bottle of Returning Yuan Pill, can make you quickly restore Essence Qi.” Yang Mu hands over a green ring, in abyss battlefield, was very difficult to find food and water, here heaven and earth Spiritual Qi was also thin, once Essence Qi lost greatly, wanted to restore not to be quite easy. That bottle of Returning Yuan Pill had 100 grains to have Returning Yuan Pill, after you and person fought, can quickly restore such as beginning. ” 小岩子,这个幻空戒给你,里面有食物和淡水,还有一大瓶回元丹,可以让你迅速恢复精元。”杨暮递过来一枚绿色戒指,“深渊战场中,很难找到食物和水,这里的天地灵气也非常稀薄,一旦精元损耗巨大,想要恢复颇为不易。那一瓶回元丹有100粒”有了回元丹,你与人战斗之后,才能迅速恢复如初。” Shi Yan received Imaginary Space Ring, the mind sinks, immediately discovers in Imaginary Space Ring, has house size Mou Jianhas chocked up many food and fresh water, a White Jade bottle lays aside above these food, should thinks of Returning Yuan Pill bottle Ping. 石岩接过幻空戒,心神沉入其中,立即发现幻空戒之中,有着房屋大小的一个牟间”其中摆满了许多食物和淡水,一个白玉瓶放置在那些食物上方,应该就是装着回元丹的瓶苹了。 Imaginary Space Ring can preserve the goods, this Imaginary Space Ring, in Endless Sea, value 1000 top grade Yuan Crystal, only then Sacred level Refiner Master, can refine, do not lose. „ Yang Mu explained with a smile. 幻空戒可以储藏物品,这一枚幻空戒,在无尽海,价值1000块极品元晶,只有圣级炼器师,才可以炼制出来,不要丢失了。“杨暮笑着解释。 Shi Yan nods. 石岩点头。 This Transmission Stone you are also receiving, the usage is very simple, so long as condenses Essence Qi to input Transmission Stone, then toward in front words, has same Transmission Stone us, can hear your words.” Yang Mu continues to explain, in abyss battlefield, many restriction are quite strange, possibly carelessly, we will have been separated by restriction, had this Transmission Stone, we not in a region, can relate.” “这块音石你也收着,用法很简单,只要凝聚精元输入音石,然后朝着里面前话,持有同样音石的我们,就可以听到你的话语。”杨暮继续讲解,“深渊战场中,许多禁制颇为古怪,可能一个不慎,我们就会被禁制分开了,有了这音石,我们就算是不在一个区域,也可以联系。” Un.” Grabs Transmission Stone, toward lost wisp of Essence Qi, this Transmission Stone overflows the light white light at once, in many sound holes on Transmission Stone, as if there is echo to transmit. “嗯。”抓着音石,朝着其中输了一缕精元,这音石旋即溢出淡淡的白光,音石上的许多音孔内,似乎有回音传来。 Shi Yan is pervert!” 石岩色狼!” Clear tender loudly shout, passed from Transmission Stone suddenly, the sound came from front Li Feng obviously, had a scare Shi Yan. 一个清脆的娇喝声,突然从音石内传了出来,声音明显来自于前方的李凤儿,将石岩吓了一跳。 He He, interesting?” The line hundred meters Li Feng, has turned head to smile, she is also taking together Transmission Stone, has raised toward Shi Yan. “呵呵,有趣吧?”已经行出百米的李凤儿,回头嫣然一笑,她也拿着一块音石,朝着石岩扬了扬。 Shi Yan shook the head, said lightly: Next time will leave is so loud, my courage is small, feared that was frightened to go wrong by you.” 石岩摇了摇头,淡淡道:“下次别这么大声,我胆子小,怕被你吓出毛病来。” Walks, we with Feng'er, before arriving at that palace wreckage, should be safe and sound.” Yang Mu smiled, has thought that he turns the hand into a blade, marks secure in this, leaves behind one line of characters: We went to that side, has courage to pursue, Yang Mu. “走吧,我们跟着凤儿,在到达那宫殿残骸之前,应该会安然无恙。”杨暮笑了笑,想了一下,他化手为刀,在这一块标记出安向,留下一行字:我们去了那边,有胆来追,杨暮 Shi Yan looked at that line of character one, has not said anything, in the heart also anticipated but actually Gu Linglong and the others can pursue. 石岩看了那一行字一眼,没有多说什么,心中倒也期待古玲珑等人可以追过来。 He thought faintly soon will enter into Earth Level, as if only missed one time to see the light suddenly, him, Gu Linglong, Pan Zhe and the others, was in this abyss battlefield natural restoration spirit medicine, whets own hone, through these people, he could become aware to enter into the Earth Level knack. 他隐隐觉得即将迈入地位之境,似乎只差一次顿悟了,在他来看,古玲珑潘哲等人,乃是这深渊战场内天然的恢复灵药,也是磨砺自己的磨刀石,通过这些人,他或许可以悟到迈入地位之境的诀窍。 Instinct militant he, naturally cannot dread chasing down of Gu Linglong these people, instead secret excited. 天性好战的他,自然不会畏惧古玲珑这些人的追杀,反而暗暗兴奋。 Li Feng pushes to the front, is leading her team of Warrior, falls from the summit, toward that ash-gray cloud layer rich place grazes . Moreover, Yang Mu, Yang Ji and Yang Xue follow, Shi Yan draws finally, is sizing up here situation unceasingly. 李凤儿一马当先,率领着她那一队武者,从山顶滑落,朝着那灰色云层浓郁之地飞掠而且,杨暮杨奇杨雪紧随其后,石岩拉在最后,不断地打量着这里的形势。 , The group have gotten down this grand mountain peak quickly, turns head the mountain peak that looks at Gate of Heaven to have, Shi Yan said suddenly: „When we came out the monkey, can come to here?”, Good, Gate of Heaven of this position, different light glittering, from far the extremely place, can see here dazzling rays of light. In the abyss battlefield does not have Sun and Moon Stars, this now Gate of Heaven bright, refers to the star light of road. In general, in hundred li (0.5km) then can see here bright, so long as records the approximate position, the return trip should not be difficult. ” Li Feng stopped, explained one to the people. 很快地,一行人下了这一座雄伟山峰,回头望了望有天门存在的山峰,石岩忽然道:“我们出来的时猴,是不是也要来这儿?”,“不错,这个方位的天门,异光闪烁,从极远之处,就可以看到这里炫目的光芒。深渊战场中没有日月星辰,这今天门的亮光,就是指路的星光。一般来说,百里之内”便可以看到这儿的亮光了,只要记着大致的方位,返程应该不困难。”李凤儿停了下来,向众人解释了一句。 Shi Yan nodded, no longer said anything, is following Li Feng silently, he sinks to Blood Vein Ring Divine Sense quietly, first spreads the friendly temperate emotion to ten thousand years of Earthcore Flame in Blood Vein Ring, trains and friendly relations of ten thousand years of Earthcore Flame. 石岩点了点头,不再多说什么,默默跟随着李凤儿,他悄悄将神识沉入血纹戒,先向血纹戒内的万年地心火传出友善温和的情感,培养和万年地心火的友好关系。 With Gu Linglong that war, if not for ten thousand years of Earthcore Flame emits the strength of Fiery Flame suddenly, he feared that will not have to invade body the strength of seven handle Divine sword to be clean to the elimination with ease, the critical moment, the help of ten thousand years of Earthcore Flame will make his heart live grateful, will multiply to ten thousand years of Earthcore Flame favorable impression. 古玲珑的那一战,若不是万年地心火突然放出火炎之力,他怕是没有那么轻松将侵入身体的七柄神剑之力给清除干净,关键时刻,万年地心火的帮助让他心生感激,对万年地心火好感倍增。 Divine Sense flies into Blood Vein Ring, with the consciousness gathering of ten thousand years of Earthcore Flame, Shi Yan from ten thousand years of Earthcore Flame there, induces to the joyful mood immediately. 神识飞入血纹戒,和万年地心火的意识汇聚,石岩立即从万年地心火那里,感应到喜悦的情绪。 Perceived that arrival of Shi Yan, ten thousand years of Earthcore Flame is very joyful, binds the Shi Yan thought to pester in that burning hot light group with the mental consciousness, as if toward the child who the Sir acts like a spoiled brat. 觉察到石岩的到来,万年地心火很是欣喜,用精神意识裹住石岩的念头在那炙热的光团之中纠缠,似乎朝着大人撒娇的孩童。 Soul fluctuation of rushing, ripples from that light group, the Shi Yan clear detection the Earthcore Flame soul in transformation, becomes is being as if getting more and more full of wisdom, becomes more and more formidable. 澎湃的灵魂波动,从那光团之中荡漾开来,石岩清晰的察觉到地心火的灵魂似乎正在蜕变,变得越来越有智慧,变得越来越强大。 As if, how long could not want, it can evolve, had the Heavenly Flame complete soul. 仿佛,要不了多久,它就能够进化完毕,拥有天火的完整灵魂。 From Earth Flame to the evolution of Heavenly Flame it already to last step, so long as the life form has formed truly, Earthcore Flame can be called true Heavenly Flame, has bigger Divine Ability to endure compared with the wisdom of humanity. 地火天火的进化它已到了最后一步,只要生命形态真正成形了,地心火就可以称为真正的天火,拥有着更大的神通有着堪比人类的智慧。 Exchanged a while Shi Yan to take back Divine Sense with Earthcore Flame, toward Profound Ice Cold Flame communication, I arrived at the abyss battlefield.” 地心火交流了一会儿石岩神识收回,又朝着玄冰寒焰传讯,“我到了深渊战场。” Abyss battlefield?”, Profound Ice Cold Flame had the response immediately, „do you come to here to do? Here is dangerous, by your Realm wanderer of cultivation base in the abyss battlefield, only will quickly die carelessly. In the abyss battlefield, heaven and earth Spiritual Qi is very thin, does not adapt to your cultivation, why will you come to here?” “深渊战场?”,玄冰寒焰立即有了回应,“你来这里干什么?这儿非常危险,以你的境界修为在深渊战场内胡乱闯荡,只会很快死亡。深渊战场中,天地灵气很稀薄,也不适应你的修炼,你为什么会到这里来?” How many do you know about the abyss battlefield?” “你对深渊战场了解多少?” Are not many.” Profound Ice Cold Flame hesitated I not to come to here, was not clear to here environment, but I once obtained a memory of fellow, the fellow came the abyss battlefield and to go to the abyss battlefield deep place, he had cultivation base of boundary of God Passage, had been stranded 300 years by restriction, almost cannot live coming out. The fellow gets out of trouble after that restriction, again has not stopped over, quick left, does not have what harvest, therefore I am also limited to here understanding. ” “不算多。”玄冰寒焰沉吟了一下“我也没来过这儿,对这里的环境并不清楚,不过我曾经得到一个家伙的记忆,那家伙来过深渊战场而且还去过深渊战场的深处,他有通神之境的修为,都被一个禁制困了300年,差点不能活着出来。那家伙从那禁制脱困之后,再也没有逗留,很快就离开了,并没有什么收获,因此”我对这里的了解也非常有限。” Understood.” Shi Yan nodded„, you pay attention, here possibly has another Heavenly Flame to exist, if you induce to his aura, remembers that immediately considers and me.” “明白了。”石岩点了点头”“,你留意一下,这里可能有另一种天火存在,如果你感应到他的气息,记得立即告并我。” Another Heavenly Flame?” Profound Ice Cold Flame slightly obviously is popular the plaster to exert, similar, interesting, for a long time has not seen similar, hopes that can bump into it here.”, „Do you want to bump into it?”, Naturally, perhaps, it and my attribute is close, can the coevolutionary algorithm. But also has the possibility, it will want to swallow me, between Heavenly Flame and Heavenly Flame, majority can swallow mutually, once swallows successfully, the wisdom and power of upper dog will rise suddenly, a fast evolution stride.” “另一种天火?”玄冰寒焰略显兴垩奋,“同类啊,有趣,好久没有见到同类了,希望能够在这儿碰到它。”,“你想碰到它么?”,“当然,说不定,它和我属性相近,可以共同进化呢。呃,不过也有可能,它会想要吞噬掉我,天火天火之间,大多数可以相互吞噬的,一旦吞噬成功,成功者的智慧和力量将会暴涨,快速的进化一大步。” Your power was limited by Blood Vein Ring, if really bumps into Heavenly Flame, you very much will possibly suffer a loss.” “你的力量血纹戒限制住了,真要是碰到天火,你可能会很吃亏。” Also is, but , he if dares to come in this ghost ring to look for me, perhaps, it also by this ghost ring imprisoning. Your this ring is strange, can tie to wrestle including our lives, it can surround me, should also be able to surround other Heavenly Flame.” “也是,不过,他要是敢来这鬼戒指内找我,说不定,它也会被这鬼戒指给禁锢住。你这戒指非常诡异,连我们这种生命都可以束搏住,它可以困住我,应该也可以困住别的天火。” The Shi Yan facial expression shakes, eyes is greatly bright. 石岩神情一震,双眸大亮。 In abyss battlefield Gate of Heaven different color break-ups. 深渊战场内天门一道道异光闪过。 Pan Zhe, Cao Zhilan, Gu Linglong, Xie Kui and the others, bringing about hundred Earth Realm Warrior, one by one to walk from Gate of Heaven. 潘哲曹芷岚古玲珑邪魁等人,带着近百名地位武者,一一天门之中走了出来。 Looked up a dusky day, the Pan Zhe facial expression was serious, light shout said: Arrived here.” 抬头望了一眼灰蒙蒙的天,潘哲神情沉重,轻喝道:“还是来到这里了。” We went to that side, has courage to pursueYang Mu.” Xie Kui gloomy the face, was reading in a soft voice one line of characters of ground, coldly snorted: Really acts recklessly, dares to leave behind the trail unexpectedly on own initiative, the Yang Family person really cannot change the extremely arrogant natural disposition.” “我们去了那边,有胆来追“杨暮。”邪魁阴沉着脸,将地上的一行字轻声读出来,冷哼一声:“真是不知死活,竟然敢主动留下踪迹,杨家人果然改不了狂妄的本性。” Is very good.” Gu Linglong clenches teeth, looked like does not require our many Fei Shijian to search, in this abyss battlefield cannot enter Demonic Beast, this time I thought how their Yang Family escaped this tribulation!” “很好。”古玲珑咬着牙,“看来不需要我们多费时间搜寻了,这深渊战场内不能进入妖兽,这次我看他们杨家怎么逃过此劫!” Yang Mu and the others are not fearful, so long as were overtaken by us, inevitably difficult escaping day.”, Pan Zhe frowns, the reminder people said: But abyss battlefield everywhere restriction and barrier, extremely awfully, everybody is actually careful, do not ruin in restriction and barrier.” 杨暮等人不可怕,只要被我们追上,必然难逃生天。”,潘哲皱着眉头,提醒众人道:“但深渊战场无处不在的禁制结界,却极为要命,大家都小心一点,不要葬送在禁制结界之中了。” Wants with me, I guarantee your safe.” Cao Zhilan gives a calm smile„, my Martial Spirit, in this abyss battlefield, can display the biggest superiority. Any restriction, barrier and formation, need the power support, I can seek for peripheral restriction, barrier and formation exact location and ensure you will not fall into.”, Such remarks, the people all are facial expression one happy. “只要跟着我,我保你们无事。”曹芷岚淡然一笑”“,我的武魂,在这个深渊战场之中,可以发挥出最大的优势来。任何禁制结界阵法,都需要有力量支撑,我可以找寻出周边禁制结界阵法的确切位置,确保你们不会陷入其中。”,此言一出,众人皆是神情一喜。
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