GOS :: Volume #3

#226: Reputation remoteness

Drizzle continuousness. 细雨绵绵。 Three silver horn god boat lead the way abreast in row, leaves for toward gourd island in the rain slowly, on god boat, rows of Warrior are standing, the facial expression is stern. 三艘银角神舟并排前行,在雨中缓缓朝着葫芦岛开赴,神舟上,一排排武者站立着,神情严峻。 And on silver horn Spirit Pill, Pan Zhe, once Yanqing and Gu Linglong three people stood, loud in Warrior conversations with another two god boat. 其中一艘银角神丹上,潘哲、曾砚晴古玲珑三人站在一起,高声和另外两艘神舟内的武者交谈。 The Endless Sea new first generation youth master, is assemble, to eradicate the future seed of Yang Family this first generation, from major sea area accumulations. 无尽海一代的青年高手,齐聚一堂,为了铲除杨家一代的未来种子,从各大海域聚集而来。 Has not thought really this Yang Family person, must hide into the abyss battlefield to seek asylum unexpectedly. The one had only known, ahead of time stopped up them in gourd island.” Pan Zhe frowns, „, once they enter the abyss battlefield, searched for on the trouble, there situation was quite complex, you also much paid attention.” “真没想到这次杨家人,竟然要躲入深渊战场避难。早知如此,就提前在葫芦岛堵住他们了。”潘哲皱着眉头,“一旦他们进入深渊战场,搜寻起来就麻烦多了,那里情况颇为复杂,你们也都多多留意。” Yang Family ended, even if draws the evening they to hide in the abyss battlefield, change anything.” The Di Yanqing facial expression is faint, under the fine drizzle, her graceful physique transgresses a silver-white light mark, prevents the drizzle outside, does not have drop of rain water, can stain her. 杨家完了,就算拉暮他们躲在深渊战场,也改变不了什么。”翟砚晴神情淡漠,蒙蒙细雨下,她绰约的身姿逸出一圈银白色的光纹,将细雨阻挡在外,没有一滴雨水,能够沾上她。 „The luck that on Immortal Island the nobody left, this Yang Family walks is simple.” Gu Linglong light snort|hum, it is said Yang Family is divided into three, enters seabed Huang City, enters the abyss battlefield, biggest, then went to Fourth Devil Area. They also are really bold, bright clearly know Devil Territory two Great Devil Emperor must cope with them, dares to migrate Devil Territory the main force unexpectedly, that side Lang Xun and Chi Yan said that will eradicate the Yang Family main force in Devil Territory.” 不死岛上空无一人,这次杨家走的侥是干脆。”古玲珑轻哼一声,“据说杨家分成三股,一股进入海底荒城,一股进入深渊战场,最大的一股,则是去了第四魔域。他们还真是胆大包天,明明知道魔域的两大魔帝要对付他们,竟然还敢将主力迁移进魔域,那边波旬赤阎已放话了,会在魔域杨家主力铲除。” Pan Zhe brother, to gourd island also far?” On another god boat, the Xie Kui corners of the mouth have the faint smiling face, the speaker shout to clear the way. 潘哲兄,离葫芦岛还有多远?”另外一艘神舟上,邪魁嘴角含着淡漠的笑容,扬声喝道。 Was quick, but Yang Mu and the others should one step enter the abyss battlefield ahead of time, we must meet in abyss battlefield Zhonghe Yang Mu and the others evidently. ” Pan Zhe said with a smile. “快了,不过”杨暮等人应该会提前一步进入深渊战场,看样子我们要在深渊战场中和杨暮等人见面了。”潘哲笑道。 Side Xie Kui, a manner is ease, the beautiful woman of appearance moving heart and soul, wears a emerald green colored dress, the snow myo- jade bone, has one dust such as immortal makings. 邪魁身旁,一名神态悠然,容貌动人心魄的美女,着一身翠绿色裙装,雪肌玉骨,自有一股出尘的如仙气质。 Cao Zhilan, Tuta sea area Cao Family big Young Lady, Third Sky of Earth Level, fights the list to place thirdin Endless Sea new first generation youth master, most formidable master. 曹芷岚,图塔海域曹家的大小姐,地位三重天之境,战榜排名第三”无尽海一代青年高手中,最令人敬畏的高手。 You two other day and Yang Mu and the others had fought, their strength how?” Cao Zhilan jade fat neck raises slightly, the gentle sound such as the spring breeze has caressed the people heart, you three Nirvana Origin boundary Warrior followed at that time, how finally ends up to turn out the poverty-stricken fate of abandoning a ship on the contrary?” “你们两日前和杨暮等人交过手,他们实力如何?”曹芷岚玉脂般的脖颈微微扬起,轻柔的声音如春风抚过众人心田,“你们当时有三位涅巢武者跟随,怎的最后反倒落得个弃船的窘迫下场?” Xie Kui is also quite curious, Yang Mu, although is extremely difficult to annoy, but most also can only contend with Nirvana boundary Warrior, you will defeat, but also is really strange.” 邪魁也是颇为好奇,“杨暮虽然极其难惹,但最多也只能和一名涅盘武者抗衡,你们会败,还真是奇怪。” Pan Zhe, Di Yanqing and Gu Linglong three people, facial expression some are unattractive, slightly is awkward. 潘哲翟砚晴古玲珑三人,神情都有些不好看,略显尴尬。 This time we do not defeat in the hand of Yang Mu.” Gu Linglong has spoken haltingly, said bitterly: Is another fellow bothers, lets us to leave behind them.” “这次我们不是败在杨暮的手上。”古玲珑嗫嚅了一下,恨恨道:“是另外一个家伙搅局,才让我们没能留下他们。” „?” Cao Zhilan came interestbright moon eye pupil appearance to be bright, the lip raised slightly, who was?” “哦?”曹芷岚来了兴趣”皓月般的眼眸神采熠熠,嘴唇微微扬起,“是谁?” Xie Kui stands side Cao Zhilan, is hearing the wonderful voice of beautiful woman, looks at her moving appearance, took her and Xia Xinyan in the heart has compared, regardless of the discovery in the appearance or the makings, this Cao Zhilan were less inferior than Xia Xinyan, they unexpectedly were the same level femme fatales. 邪魁站在曹芷岚身旁,听着身旁美女的美妙声音,看着她那动人的容颜,在心中不由拿她和夏心妍比较了一下,发现不论在容貌还是气质上,这曹芷岚都不比夏心妍逊色,两人竟是同级的红颜祸水。 However, the war list rank of Cao Zhilan, as if makes her makings more outstanding, was increased one point of Divine Light faintly. 不过,曹芷岚的战榜排名,似乎让她的气质更加出众,隐隐被添加了一分神光 Shi Yan!” Gu Linglong clenches the teeth, in the eye is shining, does not know where from braves a boy, his appearance, making our Gu Family bear the heavy loss. If this time is not he, we decide however can detain Yang Mu and the others, then waits for you to come to destroy completely them together.” 石岩!”古玲珑咬着银牙,眼中寒光四射,“不知道从什么地方冒出来的一个小子,他的出现,让我们古家承受了巨大损失。这次如果不是他,我们定然可以将杨暮等人留住,然后等你们过来一起灭掉他们。” Shi Yan?” Cao Zhilan smiles, who „is this name very strange he is? Yang Family new first generation, should not have this master is right. ” 石岩?”曹芷岚莞尔一笑,“这个名字很陌生”他是谁?杨家的新一代,应该没有这个高手才对啊。” The Xie Kui face hides to move, looks distantly to He Qingman on third god boat, said lightly: Junior sister, your origin to the Shi Yan is clearest, I think that you can dispel doubt for everybody.” 邪魁脸皮子动了动,遥遥望向第三艘神舟上的何青曼,淡淡道:“师妹,你对石岩的来历最清楚,我想,你可以为大家解惑。” A He Qingman fiery red armor, the cheek is charming, the ketone body is hot, in the look has the unique makings that a monster flatters. 何青曼一身火红的盔甲,脸蛋娇媚,酮体火辣,眼神中有着一股妖媚的独特气质。 Young Warrior on her god boatquietly has been gazing at her, is swallowing the saliva secretly, several think that the status can be joined to her youth talent, flatters her desirably, hopes that can bring to the attention of beautiful woman. 她那一艘神舟上的年轻武者”一直都在悄悄注视着她,暗暗吞咽着口水,几名自认为身份配得上她的青年才俊,刻意讨好她,希望能够引起佳人的注意。 This Tianxie Fairyland was Yang Family has gotten angry thoroughly, after knowing Yang Qingdi got sucked into Heavenly Demon Sealing Divine Formation, Tianxie Fairyland Cave Master has unilaterally torn and Yang Family treaty of alliance, disclosed the Yang Family personnel movement news, when saw to other sea area military that was guided by the Tianxie Fairyland master, killed Immortal Island. 这次天邪洞天算是和杨家彻底翻脸了,在得知扬青帝深陷“天魔封神阵”之后,天邪洞天洞主单方面撕毁了和杨家的盟约,将杨家的人员调动消息透露出去,待到别的海域武看到来,由天邪洞天的高手带路,一路杀到不死岛 Tianxie Fairyland in Jialuo Sea Area, had been pressed several hundred years by Yang Family, this time catches the opportunity of turning over finally, the nature is unwilling. 天邪洞天伽罗海域,被杨家压了数百年,这次终于逮到翻身的机会,自然不甘沉默。 Yang Family in Jialuo Sea Area, has controlled several hundred rich resources islands, these islands are Jialuo Sea Area are most precious. 杨家伽罗海域,掌控了数百资源丰富的岛屿,这些岛屿都是伽罗海域最为珍贵的。 Since Tianxie Fairyland has been drooling these islands, because actually the Yang Family potential does not dare to act rashly greatly, now drew support other sea area power and influence, Tianxie Fairyland can open and aboveboard take over control of these islands finally. 一直以来,天邪洞天都在垂涎着那些岛屿,却因为杨家势大不敢妄动,如今借助于别的海域威势,天邪洞天终于可以光明正大接管那些岛屿了。 This accident, Immortal Island became major influences the places of sharing, Immortal Island nine sacred mountain, became the major influences has cultivated the best cradle of new first generation master now, but originally by major islands of Yang Family control, was carved up by Tianxie Fairyland and these influences, Tianxie Fairyland made a profit in a big way, divides the islands quantity of arriving at to be many. 这一次变故,不死岛成为了各大势力的共享之地,不死岛的九座神山,如今成了各大势力培育新一代高手的最佳摇篮,而本来由杨家掌控的各大岛屿,则是由天邪洞天和那些势力瓜分,其中天邪洞天获利最大,分到的岛屿数量多。 Reviews Immortal Island another influence Xia Family, because is silent in this accident throughout, has not helped Yang Family, has not participated in this accident, therefore Xia Family has not shared any commodity, but Tianxie Fairyland above obtaining Yang Family these islands, the strength is stronger, has led Xia Family by far. 反观不死岛的另一个势力夏家,因为在这次变故中始终沉默,没有帮助杨家,也没有参与这次变故,所以夏家不曾分享到任何的物资,而天邪洞天在得到杨家的那些岛屿之上,实力更强,已远远领先夏家 The Tianxie Fairyland morale inspires greatly, since has torn to pieces the facial skin with Yang Family, no longer worry anything, hears Yang Family new first generation Yang Mu and the others, after entering in abundance the abyss battlefield seeks asylum, without hesitation Xie Kui, He Qingman and other new first generation masters dispatches, will try to pinch out the Yang Family future fire seed. 天邪洞天士气大振,既然和杨家撕破了脸皮,也不再顾忌什么,听闻杨家一代杨暮等人,纷纷进入深渊战场避难之后,毫不犹豫地将邪魁何青曼等新一代高手派遣出来,试图将杨家的未来火种掐灭掉。 Junior sister!” Xie Kui sees He Qingman to be silent, the complexion sinks, drinks one lowly, reminded the He Qingman attention situation. “师妹!”邪魁何青曼沉默,脸色一沉,低喝一声,提醒何青曼注意场合。 Initially in Black Stone Island, Xie Kui maintained Shi Yan to be quite discontented to He Qingman, left after that this Senior Brother younger sister because of the matter of Shi Yan, waited to quarrel several times ” the sentiments of two worlds to be affected greatly. 当初在黑石岛,邪魁就对何青曼维护石岩颇为不满,从那离开之后,这师兄妹因为石岩之事,等争吵过几次”两人间的感情大受影响。 After the Yang Family accident happened, He Qingman regarding coping with Yang Family does not crave, Tianxie Fairyland she dispatches the vault of heaven sea area the time, her heart has the contradiction, but also has rejected one time, was suppressed by Tianxie Fairyland Cave Master. 杨家变故发生之后,何青曼对于对付杨家并不热衷,天邪洞天将她派往苍穹海域的时候,她心有抵触,还拒绝了一次,却被天邪洞天洞主压住了。 Xie Kui knows that Shi Yan in the Black Stone Island mine tunnel, has saved the He Qingman life, knows that Mo Duanhun has rendered the He Family assistance, therefore He Qingman is not willing to hit a person when he is down to Yang Family at this time. 邪魁知道石岩黑石岛的矿洞中,算是救过何青曼的性命,也知道莫断魂给予过何家帮助,所以何青曼不愿意在这个时候对杨家落井下石。 But Xie Kui actually like this does not think that he early will have regarded the Tianxie Fairyland future receiver, nature ambitious wish is Tianxie Fairyland seeks the biggest interests. 邪魁却不这样想,他早将自己当成了天邪洞天未来的接管人,自然野心勃勃的想要为天邪洞天谋取最大的利益。 Only then Tianxie Fairyland is getting stronger and stronger, he can suppress Xia Family, will obtain Xia Xinyan in the future. 只有天邪洞天越来越强,他才可以压住夏家,在将来得到夏心妍 „Before Shi Yan, is not the Endless Sea person, but from remote place, he arrives at the Endless Sea time to be extremely short, was indicated to connect the Yang Family rare talent by Yang Qingdi. ” He Qingman under scolding of Xie Kui, but said some Shi Yan origins, Shi Yan, only then Second Sky of Disaster Level cultivation basefacing Earth Realm Warrior, the strength of his also war, on this person had many mystical places, cannot regard with the average man. ” 石岩以前不是无尽海的人”而是来自于一个偏僻之地,他来到无尽海的时间极其短暂,是被扬青帝指明要接入杨家的奇才。”何青曼邪魁的呵斥之下,无奈道出一些石岩的来历,“石岩只有百劫二重天之境修为”不过”就算是面对地位武者,他也有一战之力,这个人身上有许多神秘的地方,不能用常人来看待。” Gu Linglong snort|hum, this person somewhat was indeed different, Second Sky of Disaster Level cultivation base, can actually be able to block me to strike fully. Also, his cultivation one Martial Skills is mysterious, some arrangement traps that can be quietly, our losses are serious, is these traps that because he arranges.” 古玲珑哼了一声,“这人的确有些不同,百劫二重天之境修为,却可以挡得住我全力一击。还有,他修炼的一种武技非常神奇,可以悄无声息的布置些陷阱,我们这次损失惨重,就是因为他布置的那些陷阱。” Shi Yan......” Cao Zhilan muttered whispers, the corners of the mouth rose, nodded, said in a soft voice: Listened to your such saying, this fellow, should also really be an interesting character evidently, hopes that in abyss battlefield, he do not make me disappointed.” 石岩……”曹芷岚喃喃低语,嘴角上扬,点了点头,柔声道:“听你们这么一说,看样子这个家伙,应该还真是个有趣的人物,希望在深渊战场之中,他不要令我失望。” Xia Family, in a huge discussing official business main hall. 夏家,一个巨大的议事大殿之中。 Xia Family numerous heads are assemble, the master stands in great numbersXia Shenchuan to sit well is getting up the seat, looks dignified. 夏家众多首脑齐聚一堂,高手林立”夏神川端坐在上席,神情凝重。 Xia Xinyan graceful elegant sittingfrowns in next slightly, calmly is listening to the Xia Shenchuan words, does not make the word plaster theory. 夏心妍雍容典雅的坐在下首”微微皱着眉头,静静地听着夏神川的话,不做言垩论。 Big brother, Yang Family ended, why don't we collaborate with these influences? So long as we display to cope with the Yang Family stance to come, we then can take over control of these islands, before belonged to Yang Family these influences and islands, already not the master who was worth fighting, we can obtain these to belong to the Yang Family islands easily.” Xia Shenmou complained. “大哥,杨家完了,我们为何不与那些势力联手?只要我们表现出对付杨家的姿态来,我们便可以将那些岛屿接管了,以前属于杨家的那些势力和岛屿上,已没有值得一战的高手,我们可以轻而易举的得到那些本来属于杨家的岛屿啊。”夏神牟抱怨道。 Many Xia Family masters, approves of his opinion extremely, in abundance the nod name is. 许多夏家高手,也极为赞同他的意见,纷纷点头称是。 Yang Qingdi one day has not died, do not say that Yang Family will perish.” Xia Shenchuan light snort|hum, Yang Qingdi this person runs amuck Endless Sea for many years, Divine Ability world-shaking, although he had been imprisoned by Heavenly Demon Sealing Divine Formation temporarily, but before he has not died, Yang Family foundation also. You also know the Yang Qingdi manner, if some day he returns to Endless Sea, by him the conduct attitude, this time participated to deal with the Yang Family person in the past, cannot ask for the advantage.” 扬青帝一日未死,就不要说杨家会灭亡。”夏神川轻哼一声,“扬青帝此人横行无尽海多年,神通惊天动地,虽然他被天魔封神阵暂时禁锢了,但在他没死之前,杨家的根基就还在。你们也知道扬青帝的为人,若是有朝一日他返回无尽海,以他以往的行事作风,这次参与对付杨家的人,一个都讨不到好处。” Chi Yan Devil Emperor Heavenly Demon Sealing Divine Formation, can destroy completely God Realm Expert, now that Heavenly Demon Sealing Divine Formation, not only there is Chi Yan to assume personal command, Lang Xun is also defending. Two Great Devil Emperor collaborate, I do not believe that Yang Qingdi can get out of trouble, this time he must die without doubt!” Xia Shen Mou Jidao: Tianxie Fairyland makes a profit wantonly, obtained 200 islands, Tianxie Fairyland was fiercer than us, this time is the strength rises suddenly, how later can we and Tianxie Fairyland caress the graduated arm?” 赤阎魔帝天魔封神阵,可以灭掉神境强者,现在那天魔封神阵,不但有赤阎坐镇,就连波旬也在守着。两大魔帝联手,我不相信扬青帝可以脱困,这次他必死无疑啊!”夏神牟急道:“天邪洞天大肆获利,已得到200座岛屿了,天邪洞天本来就比我们厉害,这次更是实力暴涨,以后我们要如何和天邪洞天抚衡?” Remains silent, this is father's meaning, do you have the opinion?” Xia Shenchuan some are impatient. “保持沉默,这是父亲的意思,你有意见?”夏神川有些不耐烦。 Such remarks, Xia Shenmou was shocked immediately, silent, he sits down slowly, no longer talks too much anything. 此话一出,夏神牟当即愣住了,沉默了一下,他缓缓坐下,不再多言什么。 Duke beautiful, recently, do not go out. ” Xia Shenchuan has hesitated, said to Xia Xinyan: Since you enter into Second Sky of Earth Level, the person who visits to discuss marriage are getting more and more, these people, want through you, annexes our Xia Family, particularly Tianxie Fairyland, wants Venerable Jialuo Sea Area wholeheartedly alone, that Xie Kui this time goes to the vault of heaven sea area, may kill Shi Yan, you should better have an accurate tea ahead of time......,...” 公妍,最近一段时间,你不要外出。”夏神川沉吟了一下,对夏心妍道:“自从你迈入地位二重天之境,来上门提亲的人越来越多,那些人,想要通过你,来兼并我们夏家,尤其是天邪洞天,一心想要独尊伽罗海域,那邪魁这次去苍穹海域,可能会杀了石岩,你最好提前有个准茶……,…” Shi Yan , if there is matter, I will kill Xie Kui.” The Xia Xinyan look indifferently, said lightly: Moreover, I do not think that Xie Kui can go well, although he has Second Sky of Earth Level cultivation base, but I believe that Shi Yan can avoid this tribulation.” 石岩若有事,我会杀了邪魁。”夏心妍眼神漠然,淡淡道:“另外,我也不认为邪魁可以得手,虽然他有地位二重天之境修为,但我还是相信石岩可以躲过这一劫。” The Xia Family people together in an uproar, thought that fearing of Xia Xinyan was lost the worry. 夏家众人一起哗然,觉得夏心妍的怕是得了失心病了。 Your looks at, future Shi Yan, will dominate above all war list Expert, in new first generation, nobody can exceed him.” Duplicate Xinyan did not explain that has stood easely, indifferent leaves from the discussing official business main hall, I have closed up, Shi Yan has not returned before the abyss battlefield, do not call me.” “你们看着吧,将来的石岩,会凌驾所有战榜强者之上,新一代中,无人可以胜过他。”复心妍也不解释,悠然站了起来,冷漠的从议事大殿离开,“我闭关了,石岩没从深渊战场返回之前,不要来唤我。”
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