GOS :: Volume #3

#228: Meteorite( third)

The grey cloud is densely covered, everywhere the bones of the dead, nine broken palaces are towering, the palace is being supported by towering stone pillar, each palace, likely is a hill. 灰云密布,满地白骨,九座残破的宫殿耸立着,宫殿由参天石柱撑着,每一座宫殿,都像是一座小山。 Nine palaces, many stone pillar broke, three palace stone top, as if momentarily will not cave. 九座宫殿,很多石柱破碎了,有三座宫殿石顶都不在了,仿佛随时都会塌陷。 motherfucker, here agree secure has many people to come, on here skeleton clean, was recorded including the clothing, a thing does not have remaining.” Yang Ji walked in a palace, leafed through many skeletons, has achieved nothing, shook the head, crying out. 妈的,这里肯安有许多人来过,这里的尸骨身上干干净净,连衣衫都被录了,一点东西都没有剩下。”杨奇在一座宫殿内走了一圈,将许多尸骨翻了个遍,还是一无所获,摇了摇头,大声抱怨。 After Shi Yan comes, moves has not moved, knows that here surely does not have any rare treasure to exist. 石岩过来之后,动都没动,知道这里肯定没有任何异宝存在。 Nonsense, already told you, you are impossible to obtain any thing here.” Li Feng knitting the brows head, here restriction and barrier do not exist, we can come, others naturally also early have come, to have how possibly the thing to leave you. Previous one lies down I come time, carefully looks up a discovery not to have, if you can find anything, is strange. ” “废话,早就告诉你了,你不可能在这里得到什么东西的。”李凤儿皱了皱眉头,“这里禁制结界都不存在了,我们可以过来,别人自然也老早就来过了,怎么可能会有东西留给你。上一躺我来的时候,也都仔细查过”一点发现都没有,你要是能够找到什么,才奇怪呢。” Un, here is quite safe, definitely will not have anything to stay behind.” Yang Mu nodded, has nosed, said: I think that Pan Zhe these people, should look, here topography is open, suits a war actually. Un, did not know many people, if came the person to be too many, they were not separated, was very actually difficult to massacre.” “嗯,这里相当安全,肯定不会有什么留下的。”杨暮点了点头,查探了一下,道:“我想潘哲那些人,应该会找上来,这里地势开阔,倒是适合一战。嗯,就是不知道来了多少人,如果来人太多,他们不分开的话,倒是很难杀掉。” First determined direction that retreats.” Yang Xue hesitant, if really comes the person to be too many, we want the battle to be disadvantageous, must remove immediately from here. Then seeks to cope with their opportunities once more, this abyss battlefield is extremely in any case vast, here we must treat for three years, does not need dead to spell from the beginning.” “先确定撤退的方向吧。”杨雪犹豫了一下,“真要是来人太多,我们只要交战不利,要立即从这里撤出去。然后再次找寻对付他们的机会,反正这深渊战场极其辽阔,在这里我们要待三年,不必一开始就死拼。” These nine palaces, is strange formation, but this formation damaged, was unable to operate normally.” Jiang Huquan has hesitated, said: Is very easy across these nine palaces, that side grey cloud is heavier, including very unusual energy fluctuation, believes that also has restriction to exist together, but we , to evacuate, but must walk from that side, has the dangerous region to us, similarly will pose the threat to chasing down.” “这九座宫殿,也是一种奇异的阵法,只是这阵法破损了,已经不能正常运作了。”姜湖泉沉吟了一下,道:“穿过这九座宫殿很容易,那边的灰云更重,其中有非常异常的能量波动,相信那一块还有禁制存在,但我们要想撤离,还必须从那边走,对我们有危险的区域,同样会对追杀者形成威胁。” Shi Yan looks after nine palacesgrey cloud heavier region, he lets loose Divine Sense, in observes unable to sense that any life fluctuation, can actually feel in has a very strange energy fluctuation to exist. 石岩不由望向九座宫殿之后”灰云更重的区域,他放开神识,在其中察觉不出任何的生命波动,却可以感觉到里面有一股非常诡异的能量波动一直存在。 As if, inside restriction the operation season, has been waiting for walking into a trap of stranger. 仿佛,里面的禁制一直都在运作季,在等候着生人的自投罗网。 First determines the evacuation the direction.” Yang Mu toward Jiang Huquan nodded. “先确定撤离的方向吧。”杨暮朝着姜湖泉点了点头 Un, I have a look.” The withering lake spring moves toward that same place, the looks at grey cloud densely covered place, hesitated to hesitate a while, said to Yang Mu: Do not come, I had a look first in the past, guaranteed unobstructive, I will call you to come.” “嗯,我去看看。”萎湖泉独自一人走向那一块,看着灰云密布之地,躇踌了一会儿,对杨暮道:“你们不要进来,我先过去看看,确保无碍了,我会唤你们进来的。” The words, Jiang Huquan person of thorough, his silhouette steps into, immediately vanished. 话罢,姜湖泉一人深入,他身影一踏入其中,立即消失了。 As if, he one step has entered into another world, aura, one and hidden. 仿佛,他一步迈入了另外一个世界,就连身上的气息,都一并隐去了。 The Shi Yan complexion changes, lets loose Divine Sense to inquire about quietly that the discovery in that region, actually does not have Jiang Huquan life aura. 石岩脸色微变,悄悄放开神识探寻,却发现在那一块区域,竟然没有姜湖泉的生命气息 Secret heart startled, Shi Yan realized that this abyss battlefield really everywhere has the strangeness, immediately is careful. 暗暗心惊,石岩意识到这深渊战场果然到处都有古怪,马上小心起来。 After a long time, Jiang Huquan facial expression distressed walked, a dusthair is scattered in disorder, as if suffered a disaster. 不知道过了多久,姜湖泉神情狼狈的从中走了出来,一身灰尘”头发散乱,似乎经历了一场灾难般。 What kind of?” Yang Mu asked hurriedly. “怎么样?”杨暮急忙问道。 Meteorite! As soon as I go, has the giant meteorite to drop from the clouds, the meteorite is crowded, each generally is been big by the grinding pan, impact power is fierce. Un must pass, must face the bombardment of meteorite, incautiously, will be pounded the meat patty.” The Jiang Huquan facial expression is stern. “陨石阵!我一进去,就有巨大的陨石从天而降,陨石非常密集,每一块都由磨盘一般大,冲击的力量非常凶猛。嗯要从中通过,必须要面对陨石的轰击,一不小心,就会被砸成肉饼。”姜湖泉神情严峻。 Has the law of explaining?” Li Feng shouted lightly. “有破解之法没?”李凤儿轻呼。 Had not found, I need to restore first, then goes to seek once more.” Jiang Huquan shook the head, sits silently, takes out the jade bottle, pours under three grains of Returning Yuan Pill clothing/taking. “还未找到,我需要先恢复一下,然后再次进去找寻。”姜湖泉摇了摇头,默默坐下来,取出玉瓶,倒出三粒回元丹服下。 Here also is really the danger numerous, it seems like wants to live in the abyss battlefield, but also is really not an easy matter.” Yang Ji said after a sigh. “这里还真是危险重重啊,看来想要在深渊战场活下来,还真不是一件容易的事情。”杨奇感叹道。 Un, in the abyss battlefield, everywhere restriction and barrier, compared with chasing down who we are going to face, is more formidabe!” The Yang Mu facial expression is also serious, said with deep veneration. “嗯,深渊战场中,无处不在的禁制结界,要比我们将要面临的追杀者,更难对付!”杨暮也神情沉重,肃然道。 Jiang Huquan restored a while, has stood, drills into. 姜湖泉恢复了一会儿,又站了起来,重新钻入其中。 For a long time, Jiang Huquan is distressed going out, corners of the mouth were many a bloodstain, as if in inside by meteorite bang, aura disorder. 许久之后,姜湖泉又是狼狈的从中走出,嘴角已多了一丝血迹,似乎在里面被陨石轰中了,气息紊乱。 After coming out, Jiang Huquantakes out Returning Yuan Pill without demur once more , to continue to control one's breathing the restoration. 出来之后,姜湖泉二话不说”再次取出回元丹,继续调息恢复。 Shi Yan and the others the complexion sinks, did not say a word, but was gazing at Jiang Huquan. 石岩等人脸色都沉入下来,一言不发,只是注视着姜湖泉 Goes in twice, Jiang Huquan is one by one distressed, regarding him who formation is quite skilled, ends up to turn out so to be out, the person who if knows nothing about to formation, enters rashly, is very difficult to live coming out? 进去两次,姜湖泉一次比一次狼狈,对于阵法颇为精通的他,都落得个如此下场,若是对阵法一窍不通的人,冒然进入,岂不是很难活着出来? This meteorite, but they arrive at formation that the abyss battlefield bumps into, but has Earth Level Jiang Huquan, and is skilled in formation, so is distressed, can other people also pass through? 这陨石阵,只是他们来到深渊战场碰到的一个阵法,而有着地位之境姜湖泉,并且精通阵法,都如此狼狈,旁人还要不要从中穿过? It seems like, this abyss battlefield indeed easily does not treat.” Before Yang Mu sighed in a soft voice„, had heard strangeness, actually some do not believe that thought the possible rumor to exaggerate here bad risk, today I know that rumor not empty, did not enter, could not find out inside fearfulness.” “看来,这深渊战场的确不容易待下去。”杨暮轻声一叹”“以前一直听说其中的怪异,却有些不太相信,觉得可能传言夸大了这里的凶险,今天我才知道,传言一点不虚,不进入其中,真的想不出里面的可怕。” Also good.” Shi Yan smiled, said indifferently: Here exceed bad risk, more is favorable for us, we will die, other people are equally difficult to run away here attack awfully. Hehe, I think that” comes to chase down our people, the overall strength should be stronger than us, in other words, their losses will be here bigger „, why this we will also come here reason.” Yang Xue nodded, because of here everywhere bad risk, wants to cope with us, becomes very difficult.” “也好。”石岩笑了笑,淡然道:“这里越凶险,对我们越有利,我们会死,旁人一样难逃这里的要命袭击。嘿嘿,我想”前来追杀我们的人,整体实力应该比我们更强,也就是说,在这里他们的损失将会更大“嗯,这也是为什么我们会来这里的原因。”杨雪点了点头,“正是因为这儿遍地凶险,想要对付我们,就变得非常困难。” Time that the people spoke, Jiang Huquan opened the eye once more. 众人讲话的功夫,姜湖泉再次张开眼。 Uncle Jiang, how?” Yang Ji urgently asked. “姜叔,怎么样了?”杨奇急问。 Shook the head, Jiang Huquan looks dejected, I saw actually possibly controls a meteorite eye, but that intraocular has uncommon ancient language, these ancient writing, I did not know that does not know the meanings of these ancient language I am very difficult the method that discovers to explain to come. ” 摇了摇头,姜湖泉神情黯然,“我倒是见到了可能控制陨石阵的阵眼,可那阵眼内有许多生僻的古文,那些古老的文字,连我都不认识,不知道那些古文的意思”我很难找出破解的方法来。” ancient language character?” Shi Yan oneat once asks: What ancient language character?” 古文字?”石岩一愣”旋即问道:“什么样的古文字?” Should be the one grooved writing of Ancient Times time, special-purpose above formation and restriction, these writing that only then the formation master of ancient time understands, our time, few people knew these ancient language characters.” Jiang Huquan sighed, my master, recognized not entire these ancient language characters, I was worse.” “应该是上古时期的一种槽形文字,专用在阵法禁制之上,只有古时期的阵法师才懂的那些文字,我们这个时代,已经很少有人认识那些古文字了。”姜湖泉叹息一声,“就连我师傅,也认不全那些古文字,我就更差了。” What to do can this?” Yang Ke stunneddoes not understand these ancient language characters, can't explain that meteorite?” “这要怎么办?”杨苛愕然”“不懂那些古文字,是不是就破解不掉那陨石阵?” Does not know that these ancient language characters the meaning, I definitely do not dare to move heedlessly not so, the danger is bigger. ” But Jiang Huquan nods. “不知道那些古文字的含义,我肯定不敢乱动”不然,危险更大。”姜湖泉无奈点头。 „Can you write down the ancient language character that you see?” Shi Yan said suddenly. “你能不能将你看到的古文字写下来?”石岩突然道。 The people are astonished however, looks at Shi Yan that feels strange, does not know why he had this saying. 众人讶然,都奇怪的看着石岩,不知道他为何有此一说。 Younger Brother Yan, do you want to do?” Yang Mu stayed, none who does not becomes, do you also understand the Ancient Times time the writing to be inadequate?” 小岩子,你想干什么?”杨暮呆了呆,“莫不成,你还懂上古时期的文字不成?” Understands some, but does not know that these ancient language characters, is I knows. ” Shi Yan nods. “懂一些”但不知道那些古文字,是不是我认识的。”石岩点头。 „? Do you also really understand?” The Li Feng beautiful pupil flashes through together the extraordinary splendor, shaking the head of at once some do not believe„aren't you are cracking a joke? Recognizes including Uncle Jiang Morohisa not entire, can you know?” “啊?你还真懂啊?”李凤儿美眸闪过一道异彩,旋即有些不相信的摇了摇头”“你不是在开玩笑吧?连姜叔师井都认不全,难道你能认识?” Uncle Jiang, you writes to show me.” Shi Yan insisted. “姜叔,你写来给我看看吧。”石岩坚持。 Jiang Huquan was also confused, has hesitated, said: „The ancient language character in that eye, only then several characters, I still really remember, um, but does not know the meaning, you want to look that I delimit you show.” 姜湖泉也是一头雾水,沉吟了一下,道:“那阵眼之中的古文字,也只有几个字,我还真记得,嗯,只是不知道意思,你想要看,我就划给你看看吧。” Jiang Huquan squats on the ground, grasps a handle dagger, on the ground of people, portrays six strange Chi writing. 姜湖泉蹲在地上,手持一柄匕首,就在众人的地上,刻画出六个奇持的文字来。 Near! Rest! Fire! Wind! Fresh! Death!” “临!休!火!风!生!死!” Shi Yan is pointing at the pingpong ancient language character of ground, speak unhurriedly and clearly, calm light shout comes out, is these six characters by chance, I also recognize. ” 石岩指着地上的乒古文字,一字一顿,冷静的轻喝出来,“就是这六个字”恰巧,我还都认得。” People dull such as wooden chicken. 众人呆如木鸡。 You are not will speak irresponsibly?” Li Feng stayed, cannot bear call out in alarm. “你不会是乱说的吧?”李凤儿呆了一下,忍不住惊呼起来。 Yang Mu, Yang Ji and the others are also the expression that a face does not believe that the look strangely, doubtful, as if thought that Shi Yan can recognize these ancient language characters, is not quite at all realistic. 杨暮杨奇等人也是一脸不太相信的表情,眼神古怪之极,半信半疑的,似乎觉得石岩能够认得这些古文字,根本不太现实。 „Really is Young Master Yan, these six characters?” The Jiang Huquan facial expression shakes, has stood suddenly, in eyes flashes through together astonished rays of light. 岩少爷,真是这六个字么?”姜湖泉神情一震,霍然站了起来,双眸中闪过一道惊异的光芒 Wrong navigation Shi Yan definitely nodded, I before 17 years old, will not be interested regarding the ancient writing, this language I recognize exactly, definitely was these six characters.” “不会错航”石岩肯定地点了点头,“我在17岁之前,对于古老的文字非常有兴趣,这种文字我恰恰认得一些,肯定就是这六个字了。” I go again.” Jiang Huquan has hesitated, suddenly said: This time I will move an eye, message that if Young Master Yan gives is good, I think that I can explain meteorite. However, news that if Young Master Yan gives contains errors, I think that I will not come back again......” “我再去一趟。”姜湖泉沉吟了一下,突然道:“这次我会动动阵眼,如果岩少爷给出的讯息不错,我想我可以破解着陨石阵。不过,如果岩少爷给的消息有误,我想,我不会再回来了……” Jiang Huquan deeply is gazing at Shi Yan, seems waiting for anything. 姜湖泉深深地注视着石岩,似乎在等候着什么。 The people complexion changes, listened to the meaning in Jiang Huquan words, when looked again thought Shi Yan, facial expressions are serious. 众人脸色一变,都听出了姜湖泉话里的意思,再看想石岩时,一个个神情沉重。 Will not be wrong.” Under the gaze of people, the Shi Yan calm reply, feels relieved Uncle Jiang, I will not harm your, believes me, these six characters absolutely mistakenly.” “不会错的。”在众人的注视之下,石岩冷静的回答,“放心吧姜叔,我不会害你的,相信我,这六个字绝对错不了。” Good!” Jiang Huquan sinks to drink one, no longer hesitates, Third Level drills into. “好!”姜湖泉沉喝一声,不再犹豫,第三层钻入其中。 Younger Brother Yan......” Yang Mu shouted one lightly, wanted to say anything, finally was actually smiling bitterly shaking the head, has not said the following words. 小岩子……”杨暮轻呼一声,想要说些什么,却最终苦笑着摇了摇头,没有将下面的话说出来。 I know that you are worried about anything.” The Shi Yan facial expression is indifferent, cracks into a smile, „does big brother, you look at me to look like the person of that acting unreasonably?” “我知道你们担心什么。”石岩神情淡然,咧嘴一笑,“大哥,你看我像那种乱来的人么?” Yang Mu is startled, at once shook the head. 杨暮一怔,旋即摇了摇头。 That was right, relax, Uncle Jiang will not have the matter.” Shi Yan comforts to say. “那就对了,放心吧,姜叔不会有事的。”石岩宽慰道。 Some people came, but also is really quick. “有人来了,还真快啊。 Li Feng light shout, when does not know gets up, her tender body stands above break stone pillar, the condescending looking into the distance distant place, the elegant face is gradually ugly, Pan Zhe, Gu Linglong, Cha Yanqing, Cao Zhilan, Xie Kui and He Qingman......” 李凤轻喝一声,不知何时起,她娇躯立在一个断裂的石柱上方,居高临下的眺望远处,俏脸渐渐难看起来,“潘哲古玲珑茬砚晴曹芷岚邪魁何青曼……” Xie Kui! He Qingman!” Yang Mu look gloomy and cold, has sneered to say suddenly: Tianxie Fairyland also really dares to start, it seems like that this time they when cope with our Yang Family, really did not have worry.” 邪魁何青曼!”杨幕眼神骤然阴冷了下来,冷笑道:“天邪洞天还真敢下手啊,看来这次他们在对付我们杨家的时候,真是毫无顾忌了。” „Did He Qingman also come?” In the Yang Xue eye the cold brightness dodges, angry say|way: She also participated in this matter unexpectedly!” 何青曼也来了?”杨雪眼中寒光一闪,恼怒道:“她竟然也参与了此事!” I know that you and she relate quite well.” Yang Mu sighed, „, but at this time, good relations, could not go against the use. Yeah, has a look, if this girl sets the example, we do not use the cruel methods but actually, but she , to kill us, snort|hum, that should not be forgiving!” “我知道你和她关系颇好。”杨暮一叹,“但在这时候,再好的关系,也顶不上用场了。哎,看看把,这丫头如果只是做做样子,我们倒不用下狠手,但她如果真想要杀我们,哼,那也别留情!” I know how to do.” Yang Xue inspired, the facial expression nods heavily. “我知道怎么做。”杨雪吸了一口气,神情沉重地点头。 PS I must buoy up, starting today, insists three! Un, can the words, everybody monthly ticket slightly supports, is not the position, is not the bonus, only to light the fervor to oneself, encourages to the point ~ ( to be continued ) PS我要振作了,从今天起,坚持三更!嗯,可以的话,大家月票小小支援一下,不为名次,不为奖金,只为给自己点燃激情,给点鼓励吧~(未完待续)
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