Vault of heavensea area, piece of isolated islandcentral, sea watermurmur.
The deepbluesea water, floodripple, swing the ripplessuddenly, the brilliant whitesilverlight, grazesin the sea level.
The sea waterwas raised, in the sea water, emitscolossiquickly.
海水被掀起,海水之中,倏地冒出一个个庞然大物来。FiveDemonic Beast, flyfrom the sea, onfastnearbyisolated island, Yang FamilyWarrior, floatsfrom the sea water, tourtothatisolated island.
五头妖兽,从海中飞出来,快速上了附近的孤岛,一个个杨家武者,也从海水中浮出来,游向那孤岛。Under the blue sky, Shi Yanlooks all around, lets loosequietlyDivine Sense, all aroundinduction.
The Divine Senseplace visited, could not realize that slightlifeaura, thisshouldnot havewhatbad risk, in the Shi YanheartDading.神识所过之处,察觉不出丝毫的生命气息,这一块应该没有什么凶险,石岩心中大定。Yang Familyteleportation that sets upin the vault of heavensea area, hidingquite, hereisolated islandLarge expanse , many islandswere submergedby the sea water ” haveseveral hundredmetersto the sea level, thatteleportation, insea waterislands, cannot seeslightcluefromoutside ”, only thendeeplyenters the sea, eradicatesrestriction, candiscoverthisteleportation.杨家在苍穹海域设立的传送阵,颇为的隐蔽,这里孤岛成片,有许多岛屿被海水淹没”离海面有数百米,那传送阵,就在海水底下的一座岛屿上,从外面看不出丝毫的端倪”只有深入海中,破除禁制,才能够发现这个传送阵。Standson the isolated island, Shi YaninducedwithDivine Sense, could not realize after bad risk, thenandGhost Hunterstood.
站在孤岛上,石岩用神识感应了一下,察觉不到凶险之后,便和鬼獠站到了一块。„Younger Brother Yan, your team of people, what to do? CanrideourDemonic Beast?”Yang Muaskedinanotherspeaker.
“小岩子,你那一队的人,怎么办?要不要乘坐我们的妖兽?”杨暮在另一块扬声问道。This, 55people, fiveDemonic Beast, are divided intofivesquads, Yang Muand the othersDual Headed Flood Dragon, pushes, cansittenpeople, now, Warrior of theirsquad, got uptheirDemonic Beastin abundance.
这一趟,共有55人,五头妖兽,分成五个小队,杨暮等人的双头蛟龙,挤一挤,都可以坐上十来人,如今,他们小队的武者,已纷纷上了他们的妖兽。Shi Yanthis, theseassigntohistenWarrior, looks atGhost Hunter that thenslightlyobviouslydreads, does not dareto approach.石岩这一块,那些分配给他的十名武者,则是略显畏惧的看着鬼獠,不敢接近。Ghost Hunterheighttenmeters, ifcanride the person, by rights ought toDual Headed Flood DragonandCyan Blood Batis more comfortable, but, thisGhost Hunterominousair/Qi, the bodyfullis the sharpstrangethorn, thismakesthesefollowShi YanWarrior, does not dareto approach, for fear thatstirred upGhost Hunternothappy, byGhost Huntereating uncooked.鬼獠身长十米,如果可以乘人,理当比双头蛟龙和青血魔蝠舒适不过,这鬼獠一身凶气,身上满是尖利的怪刺,这让那些跟随石岩的武者,根本不敢靠近,生怕惹得鬼獠不高兴了,被鬼獠给生吃了。„All right.”Shi Yansmiles, puts out a handaccording to Ghost Hunterneck, quietlyandGhost Huntercommunication.
“没事。”石岩笑笑,伸手按在鬼獠的脖颈,悄悄和鬼獠沟通。Sincestimulates to movementafter the Immortal Islandmountain valleynegative energyhas subduedGhost Hunter, thisGhost Hunteras ifShi Yanhas regardedsimilar, laterintention of Shi Yan, so long astransmitstoGhost Hunter, Ghost Hunter will be very amenable, was getting more and more affectionatetoShi Yan.
The thoughttransmission ” Ghost Hunterslightlyrevealedsomenon-sentimentsnot to hopein the past, butalsodefers to the Shi Yanregard, after it, carries on the backsharpthorn that stands erect, inmysteriousincomebodyplaster.
念头传递过去”鬼獠略显些不情不愿,但也依照石岩的心意,将它后背上竖立起来的尖刺,神奇的收入体垩内。„Was OK.”Shi YansmiledtowardJiang HuquantotheseWarriorsaid: „Comes up.”
“可以了。”石岩朝姜湖泉笑了笑对那些武者道:“都上来吧。”Jiang Huquaninspired, observationGhost Hunter, whileapproachesquietly, whentohimdiscovered after the meaning that Ghost Hunterhas not begundaresto step the back of Ghost Hunter.姜湖泉吸了一口气,一边观察着鬼獠,一边悄悄靠近,待到他发现鬼獠没有动手的意思之后才敢踏上鬼獠的后背。„Wewalk!”Yang Mulight shout.
“我们走!”杨暮轻喝一声。Dual Headed Flood Dragon that herides ” rides the windto gosuddenly, hoversunder the blue sky, whenonestepdepartsfirst.
他乘坐的双头蛟龙”骤然乘风而去,在蓝天白云之下翱翔,当先一步飞出。Yang JiandYang XueDual Headed Flood Dragon, follows, Cyan Blood Bat of Li Fengis slightly slowerbuthad not been pulled down.杨奇、杨雪的双头蛟龙,紧随其后,李凤儿的青血魔蝠稍微慢一些但也没有被拉下来。„hū hū!”
“呼呼!”ButGhost Hunterfrom out of the blue ” as if the sharp swordis together common, fastpuncturedto surpassCyan Blood Battoward the daybeyondinstantaneously, has surpassedYang Mu, Yang JiandYang XueDual Headed Flood Dragon, to the front line of team.鬼獠破空而出”仿佛一道利剑一般,迅捷的朝着天外刺去瞬间超过了青血魔蝠,超过了杨暮、杨奇、杨雪的双头蛟龙,到了队伍的最前方。„TheDemonic Beast of yourboy, is really domineering, whomdoes not allowto arrangeatitsfrontunexpectedly.”Yang Musaid: „ThisDemonic Beastit is saidcanevolve, ifcanreacheightlevelsandninelevels, does not knowfiercethishow.”
“你小子的这妖兽,果然跋扈,竟然不允许谁排在它的前方。”杨暮赞道:“这妖兽据说可以一直进化,若是能够达到八级、九级,不知道该多么的凶猛。”„How do yousubduethisDemonic Beast?” After Li Fengpuzzled„thisDemonic Beastwas brought back toImmortal Island, in the islandmanyDemonic Beastlaw-abidinghave gotten downthisfellowto gobble upsecond-levelandthird-levelDemonic Beastdaily, the appetiteis quite astonishingyouDisaster Level, how will itlistenyour?”
“你到底怎么收服这妖兽的?”李凤儿一脸疑惑“这妖兽被带回不死岛之后,岛上很多的妖兽都安分了下来这家伙天天吞吃二级、三级的妖兽,食量极为惊人你才百劫之境,它怎会听你的?”Shi Yansmiles, „luckmakes it so.”石岩笑笑,“运气使然。”„Youalso are really the good luck.”Li Fengquitesomewhatenvies.
“你还真是好运啊。”李凤儿颇有些羡慕。„Careful, thisvault of heavensea areais the Penglai Holy Landsphere of influence”innearbyislands, shouldhavePenglai Holy LandWarrior, wesohoverin the space, was discoveredvery mucheasily. ” Yang Xuefrowns, „ourYang FamilyandPenglai Holy Landalwaysdo not gather, sincethistimetheyhave gotten ridtous, definitelywill not let offus, so long ashas discoveredus, will decidehoweverwill get ridimmediately.”
“小心一点,这苍穹海域属于蓬莱圣地的势力范围”附近的岛屿上,应该有蓬莱圣地的武者,我们这般在天上翱翔,很容易被发现。”杨雪皱着眉头,“我们杨家和蓬莱圣地向来不合,这次他们既然对我们出手了,肯定不会放过我们,只要发现了我们,定然会立即出手。”„Un”Yang Mualsonodded, „Penglai Holy LandPan Zhe, inThird Sky of Earth Level, fights the listto placefifth, is only poorer than me, ifreallybumps intothatfellow, mustpay attention. Ioncewithfighting, thispersonis indeed uncommon”is skilled inPenglai Holy LandvariousMartial Skillsdeep meanings, andcanachieve mastery through a comprehensive study, is a fiercerole. ”
“嗯”杨暮也点了点头,“蓬莱圣地的潘哲,也在地位三重天之境,战榜排名第五,比我只差一点,真要是碰到那家伙,都要留心一点。我曾经和交过手,此人的确不凡”精通蓬莱圣地的各种武技奥义,并且能够融会贯通,是个厉害的角色。”Shi Yanis secret.石岩暗暗警惕。FromYang Muand otherpopulation, heregardingfighting the listhad the profound recognition, thisis the list of Endless Seanewfirst generationmasterbattle efficiencyrank, the youthmasterunder 30 years old, canbe on the list.
从杨暮等人口中,他对于战榜已经有了深刻认识,这是无尽海新一代高手战斗力排名的榜单,30岁以下的青年高手,才能够上榜。InJialuo Sea Area, canreach the youth who fightslist, only thenfourpeople, respectivelyareYang Mu, Yang Zhou, Yang JiandXie Kui, butXia Family, a personcannotmountto fight the list.
在伽罗海域,能够荣登战榜的青年,只有四人,分别为杨暮、杨舟、杨奇和邪魁,而夏家,没有一人能够登上战榜。And, Yang Mufights the listto placefourth, Yang Zhou12, Yang Ji18, butTianxie FairylandXie Kui, is fighting the listtenth.
其中,杨暮战榜排名第四,杨丹12,杨奇18,而天邪洞天的邪魁,则是在战榜第十。Fights the list18youthmasters, eachoutstanding, the potentialis infinite, will be the futureEndless Sealeader, will becomerespective the head of influence.
战榜18名青年高手,每一个都出类拔萃,潜力无穷,乃未来无尽海的领袖,会成为各自势力的首脑。Yang Familycanhavethreepeopleto mountto fight the list, indicated that the Yang Familystrengthis extraordinary.杨家能够有三人登上战榜,足见杨家实力非凡。Ghost Huntercrazilyspreads, fliestowardgourd island that Gate of Heavenis , the rear area, Dual Headed Flood Dragon and azureBlood Devilspokehad not lagged behind.鬼獠一路狂驰,朝着天门所在的葫芦岛飞去,后方,双头蛟龙、青血魔辐也并未被拉下。„Has the enemy.”
The lineto not well-knownislandsabove, Shi Yanhas pattedGhost Huntergently, makingitsspeedslow down, knits the browsto say.
行到一片不知名的岛屿上方,石岩轻轻拍了拍鬼獠,让它速度放缓,皱眉道。„Un?”Yang Mustares, „Younger Brother Yan, can youinduce the enemy?”
“嗯?”杨暮一愣,“小岩子,你可以感应到敌人?”„Yes.”Shi Yannodded, „infrontthatislands, dozenspeople, cultivation base has lowhigh, has the master of boundary of Nirvana Origin.”
“是的。”石岩点了点头,“就在前方那一座岛屿上,也有数十人,修为有高有低,有涅巢之境的高手在。”„Xiaoyan, won't youmake a mistake?”Yang Xueis surprised the different way.
“小岩,你不会弄错吧?”杨雪诧异道。„Cannot.”Yang Mureplied, hehas rememberedanything, explained: „Initially on thatBlack Stone Island, Younger Brother Yandrew support the rare treasurecaninducetoaura of demonperson, wantsto comethistimehimalsothrough the rare treasure, realizedthat sidesound.”
“不会的。”杨暮答话,他想起了什么,解释道:“当初在那黑石岛上的时候,小岩子借助于秘宝可以感应到魔人的气息,想来这次他也是通过秘宝,察觉到了那边的动静。”Hedoes not knowthatthistimeisbecauseShi YanleftSea of Consciousnessprecise, throughkeenerDivine Sense, has learned the frontconditioncompared withthemquickly.
他并不知道,这次是因为石岩凝炼出了识海,通过更加敏锐的神识,比他们更快的获知了前方的状况。„Canavoid?”Yang Xuefrowns, „hasWarrior of boundary of Nirvana, is not quite easy to do, weshouldenter the abyssbattlefieldfirst, thenwaits forthesechasing downarrivals.”
“要不要避开来?”杨雪皱着眉头,“有涅盘之境的武者,不太好办,我们应该先进入深渊战场,然后等候那些追杀者的到来。”„Warrior of boundary of Nirvana, has builtSea of Consciousness, shouldknowourpositions. Weinvault of heavensea areagood a day, perhapsbyinfluence of Penglai Holy Landin here, knewourarrivals.”
“涅盘之境的武者在,修成了识海,应该也能够知晓我们的方位。我们在苍穹海域行了一天了,以蓬莱圣地在这儿的影响力,说不定已经知道我们的到来。”„Indeed, cannot avoid, theycame.”Shi Yanalsonodded.
“的确,避不开的,他们已经过来了。”石岩也点头了。„Does not know that whonewcomeris.”Yang Muhas hesitated, „usfiveDemonic Beast, aresixlevels, ifonly then1-2Nirvana OriginWarrior, wedraw supportDemonic Beastpower, does not fearthemactually, butWarrior of boundary of opposite partyputting upare too many, easilydid not cope. Can Younger Brother Yan, how manydefinitelyhaveto put upWarriornot?”
“三个。”„Three, thatdid not needtooto be worriedactually.”
“三个么,那倒是不用太担心了。”„hū hūshouted!”
The severe galehowls, a silvertrianglestrangeship, navigatesin the spacefast, abovethatstrangeship, is standingsilhouette.
厉风呼啸,一艘银色三角怪船,在天上快速航行,在那怪船之上,站着一道道身影。„silver horngod boat!”Yang Mucoldly snortedone, „is really the Penglai Holy Landperson, thissilver horngod boatcan the flying, be ableto go to sea, eachpriceless, is not the importantcharacter, does not have the qualificationsto have. InPenglai Holy Land, Warrior of boundary of Nirvana, has not used the silver horngod boatability, it seems likeshouldbePan Zhe.”
“银角神舟!”杨暮冷哼一声,“果然是蓬莱圣地的人,这银角神舟可以飞天,可以下海,每一艘都价值连城,不是重要的人物,是没有资格持有的。在蓬莱圣地,涅盘之境的武者,也没有动用银角神舟的能力,看来应该是潘哲在了。”„Yang Mubrother, long time no see, he he.” The franklaughter, transmitsfromthatsilver horngod boatsuddenly, is a handsomeyouth, grasps the feather fan, smiles, the speakershouted loudly.
“杨暮兄,好久不见了,呵呵。”爽朗的笑声,骤然从那银角神舟上传来,为首一个俊朗的青年,手持羽扇,满脸笑容,扬声高呼道。Shi Yansits wellon the body of Ghost Hunter, deeplylooked atseveralinthatdirection, complexiongraduallygloomy.石岩端坐在鬼獠的身上,朝着那方向深深望了几眼,脸色渐渐阴沉了下来。Gu FamilyGu Jiange ” the Heaven Lake Holy LandsaintessonceYanqingunexpectedlywas standingonthatship, initiallyonMonroe Island, thatHeaven Lake Holy LandsaintessDi Yanqingalmostkilledhim, has not thought that thistimein the vault of heavensea area, sawherunexpectedly, Gu Jiangethisperson, after Gu Familyredeemed, as ifbyGu Familyis imprisoned, has movedunexpectedlyonce more.古家的古剑歌”天池圣地的圣女曾砚晴竟然都在那船上站着,当初在门罗岛上,那天池圣地的圣女翟砚晴差点害死他,没想到这次在苍穹海域,竟然又见到她了,古剑歌此人,被古家赎过去之后,似乎并没受到古家的禁锢,竟然再次活动了起来。„Shi Yan!”Is separated bydozensmeters, Gu Jiangethatyin coldincomparablesound, passed on, „wemet!”
“石岩!”相隔数十米,古剑歌那阴寒无比的声音,已传了过来,“我们又见面了!”„Un, met.”Shi Yanis also cold the face, coldlyis looking atGu Jiange, „ has not thought that youare also living, verygoodto be very good, Icankillyouevidentlypersonally.
“嗯,又见面了。”石岩也寒着脸,冷冷望着古剑歌,“没想到你还活着,很好很好,看样子我可以亲手杀你了。„YouarethatShi Yan, is really smellyfart”believesmysword to cutto killyou? ” SideGu Jiange, bright-coloredmovingprettygirls, wears a emerald green coloredskirt, the appearanceis quite moving, sheraises headlightlysnort|hum, the whole facedisdainsto say.
“你就是那石岩,真是臭屁”信不信我一剑就能斩杀你?”古剑歌身旁,一个明艳动人的俏丽少女,穿一身翠绿色裙子,模样颇为动人,她仰头轻哼一声,满脸不屑道。„Gu Linglong, Second Sky of Earth Level, fightslistto placeeighth, is fiercer than thatGu Jiange.”Li Fengin a soft voice the statusroll-call of thatgirls.
“古玲珑,地位二重天之境,战榜排名第八,比那古剑歌厉害多了。”李凤儿轻声将那少女的身份点名。„Ido not believe.” The Shi Yanfacial expressionis indifferent, is looking atthatGu Linglongdistantly, „girl, the chesthas not grownwell, littlespoke the boast.”
“我不信。”石岩神情淡然,遥遥望着那古玲珑,“丫头,胸部还没发育好呢,少讲大话。”„Courts death!”Gu Linglongcoldly snorted, in the pupil the beltghost, a silverlong sword, fliessuddenlyfromhersleeve cuff, changes intotogetherlightning, perpendicular incidenceShi Yan.
A Shi Yanbrowwrinkle, sitsinGhost Hunterstanding firm, nobodyadoptsanyresistancemethod.石岩眉头一皱,坐在鬼獠身上屹然不动,没有人采取任何抵御手段。„chi chi chi!”
“嗤嗤嗤!”Ghost HunterspoutsgreenDark Qisuddenly, such as the greencloud layeris common, rushesthatsilverlong sword, thatlong swordpricksin the greencloud layer, immediatelywas imprisoned, every timegoes forward a point, becomesextremelydifficult.鬼獠突然喷出一口青色冥气,如青色云层一般,涌向那一口银色长剑,那长剑刺入青色云层之中,立即被禁锢住了,每前进一分,都变得极为艰难。
The sword in long swordspirits, seemed affectedbyDark Qi, somewhatis unable to recover.
就连长剑之中的剑灵,都似乎受到冥气的影响,有些一蹶不振。„Dark Qi!”
“冥气!”Thesepeople above silver horngod boat, the complexiongreat change, looks atGhost Hunter, cannot bearcall out in alarmalarmed and afraidmake noise.银角神舟之上的那些人,纷纷脸色巨变,惊惧地看着鬼獠,忍不住惊呼出声。„UnderworldDemonic Beast!” The smiling face on Pan Zhefacealsovanished, „, yourYang Familyand did Underworldgang up? Connects the Underworldentrance, that sideThree God Church, andis unidirectional, UnderworldDemonic Beast and deepperson, are hardto enter our, whatmethodyouthrough, theUnderworldDemonic Beast that obtains?”
“冥界妖兽!”潘哲脸上的笑容也消失了,“什么时候,你们杨家和冥界勾搭上了?连通冥界的入口,在三神教那边,并且都是单向的,冥界的妖兽和冥人,是难以进入我们这一界的,你们到底通过什么手段,得到的这冥界妖兽?”„Is short ofhismotherfuckeridle talk!” The Yang Muwhole facedoes not bear, „Pan Zhe, butdaresto fightwithme?”
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