GOS :: Volume #3

#220: Flowing Clouds Heaven Breaking Shuttle

Yang Family Warrior, enters in teleportation continuously, after one group of dazzling rays of light. Vanishes from teleportation does not see. 杨家武者,络绎不绝地进入传送阵中,在一团炫目的光芒过后。从传送阵中消失不见。 Nearby teleportation, revolved several thousand Warrior, these person of Realm heights, actually full of energy, cannot see gloomily from their faces, the facial expression is firm and resolute, has as if been full of confidence with the future. 传送阵附近,已围绕了数千武者,这些人境界高低不等,却一个个精神抖擞,从他们的脸上看不出灰暗,神情坚毅,对未来似乎充满了信心。 Yang Lao and Mo Duanhun they, the look has the profound meaning, looks at Shi Yan nearby teleportation. 杨烙莫断魂两人,眼神颇有深意,就在传送阵一旁看着石岩 Is pointing at itself, Shi Yan is very the surprise, is related with me?” 指着自己,石岩很是诧异,“和我有关?” In the abyss battlefield, has many ancient time formidable Warrior rare treasures, has rare day material treasure.” Mo Duanhun nodded, Endless Sea many Expert, had gone to the abyss battlefield, many people are gone forever, disappear in the middle of the abyss battlefield, in these people, the personal name is the iron dragon, is extremely fierce Sacred level Refiner Master. Thousand years ago, the Refiner technique of iron dragon is well-known Endless Sea, rare treasure that he refines each priceless.” “在深渊战场之中,有着许多古时期强大武者的秘宝,有着许多罕见的天材地宝。”莫断魂点了点头,“无尽海许多强者,都曾经去过深渊战场,很多人一去不返,消失在深渊战场当中,在这些人中,有一人名为铁龙,乃一名极为厉害的圣级炼器师。千年前,铁龙的炼器术闻名无尽海,他炼制的异宝各个都价值连城。” „Did he die in abyss battlefield?” Shi Yan knits the brows. “他死在了深渊战场?”石岩皱眉。 Does not know that died in the abyss battlefield.” Yang Lao said that „, but, since he entered, again has not appeared in Endless Sea. This person has Refiner Master of talent extremely, the most famous same rare treasure that he refines, forCloud Broken Heaven Edge this, Cloud Broken Heaven Edge, is the Sacred level rare treasure, can eradicate any space barrier, tears all restriction and formation, draws support, Cloud Broken Heaven Edgeiron dragon can through Gate of Heaven, not enter from all walks of life easily, can, our between put on the corner in Underworld and Devil Territory willfully, can surround him without any formation restriction barrier. ” “不知道是不是死在了深渊战场。”杨烙接话,“不过,自从他进入了,就再也没有出现在无尽海。这个人乃是极为有天赋的一名炼器师,他炼制的最为著名的一样秘宝,为“流云破天棱”这,流云破天棱,是圣级秘宝,可以破除任何空间屏障,撕裂所有禁制阵法,借助于,流云破天棱”铁龙可以不通过天门,轻而易举进入各界,可以在冥界魔域、我们这一界之间任意穿棱,没有任何的阵法禁制结界可以困住他。” You said that so long as there are, Cloud Broken Heaven Edge can the great grandfather, since, Heavenly Demon Sealing Divine Formation, in does bring? ” Shi Yan understood. “你是说,只要有了,流云破天棱”可以将太爷爷从,天魔封神阵,之中带出来?”石岩明白了过来。 If related that Cloud Broken Heaven Edge, the legend is not false it indeed to have this strange ability. ” Mo Duanhun affirms to say. “如果有关那,流云破天棱,的传说不假”它的确有这个奇异的能力。”莫断魂肯定道。 Can't?” Yang Mu does not know that condition, said with amazement: If that rare treasure so is really mysterious, why the iron dragon can't come out from the abyss battlefield? Did not say that in the middle of abyss battlefield everywhere is restriction and barrier? Had that rare treasure, can he walk sideways in the middle of the abyss battlefield? ” “不会吧?”杨幕也不知此间的状况,惊讶道:“要是那秘宝真有这么神奇,为什么铁龙没能从深渊战场出来?不是说,在深渊战场当中”到处都是禁制结界么?有了那秘宝,他岂不是可以在深渊战场当中横着走?” Reason that it is said that the iron dragon dies in the abyss battlefield , because has met Heavenly Flame. He tries to subdue that Heavenly Flame, by Heavenly Flame backlash, will actually be ruined.” Mo Duanhun has hesitated, said: Iron dragon, although is Sacred level Refiner Master, but, his cultivation base has Third Sky of Sky Realm, must subdue Heavenly Flame forcefully, he cannot endure.” “据说,铁龙之所以死在深渊战场,是因为遇到了一种天火。他试图收服那天火,却被天火反噬,将自己葬送了。”莫断魂沉吟了一下,才道:“铁龙虽然乃是圣级炼器师,不过,他本身的修为只有天位三重天之境,强行要收服天火,他也吃不消。” What relations that and does Younger Brother Yan have?” Yang Mu asked again. “那和小岩子有什么关系?”杨幕再问。 Shi Yan has also gawked, in agreement said: Right, what relations has with me?” 石岩也愣了,附和道:“对呀,与我有什么关系?” Between Heavenly Flame and Heavenly Flame, can mutual induction two Heavenly Flame simultaneously in a range, they be able to perceive existence of opposite party. ” Mo Duanhun explained that Heavenly Flame this life, unusual mystical, some Heavenly Flame can with saving the paragenesis, some Heavenly Flame, once approaches, will battle even mutually to swallow, if Shi Yan to the abyss battlefield, has perhaps been able through Profound Ice Cold Flame, to induce to that Heavenly Flame position, possibly has the opportunity to obtain iron dragon before death rare treasure, Cloud Broken Heaven Edge.” 天火天火之间,可以相互感应”两种天火同时在一处范围,它们可以觉察到对方的存在。”莫断魂解释,“天火这种生命,非常神秘,有的天火可以同存共生,有的天火一旦靠近,就会交战甚至相互吞噬,石岩如果到了深渊战场,说不定可以通过玄冰寒焰,感应到那种天火的位置,可能有机会得到铁龙生前的秘宝,流云破天棱,。” I understood.” Shi Yan smiles noddedthis to go to the abyss battlefield, I can with the Profound Ice Cold Flame communication, seek for the iron dragon, Cloud Broken Heaven Edge, regards the main goal.” “我明白了。”石岩笑着点了点头”“这趟去了深渊战场,我会和玄冰寒焰沟通,将找寻铁龙的,流云破天棱,当成主要的目的。” Un you carefully, reluctantly. So long as you induce to that Heavenly Flame position, making Yang Mu they search for in the past, Cloud Broken Heaven Edge, then, otherwise that Heavenly Flame realized that Profound Ice Cold Flame on you, perhaps will regard the goal to kill you, yes? ” Mo Duanhun said. “嗯”你小心一点,也不要勉强。你只要感应到那天火的方位,让杨幕他们过去搜寻,流云破天棱,即可,不然那天火察觉到玄冰寒焰在你身上,说不定会将你当成目标来袭杀,明白么?”莫断魂道。 Un, I know how to do to fly “嗯,我知道怎么做飞” Was good, you first Wait a moment, two days, when Yang Ke and Yang Xue they came, you trigger together.” “好了,你们先等一下,过两天,等杨岢杨雪他们过来了,你们一起触发。” After three day, flies Yang Ke, Yang Xue and Li Feng three people, returns from outside world together, to Immortal Island. 三日之后飞杨岢杨雪李凤儿三人,一同从外界返回,到了不死岛 Yang Ke and Yang Xue they, are the Yang Family direct descendant bloodlines, with is Second Sky of Earth Level, Li Feng in First Sky of Earth Level, is of a Li Mu three big Shura kings daughter, is the Yang Family new first generation skilled person. 杨岢杨雪两人,都是杨家嫡系血脉,同为地位二重天之境,李凤儿则是在地位一重天之境,乃三大修罗王之一李牧的女儿,也是杨家的新一代好手。 Yang Mu, Yang Ke, Yang Xue and Li Feng and Shi Yan, your five people lead, everyone I assign ten Earth Realm Warrior to you, you enter the abyss battlefield together, gives me to stay in inside honestly the last three years, in three years, do not permit to leave the abyss battlefield.” After Yang Lao and the others arrived in full, told with deep veneration. 杨暮杨岢杨雪李凤儿、石岩,你们五人带队,每人我给你们分配十名地位武者,你们一起进入深渊战场,都给我老老实实在里面呆上三年,三年内,不准离开深渊战场。”杨烙等人到齐之后,肃然吩咐。 Shi Yan and Yang Mu and the others nod together. 石岩杨幕等人一起点头。 Shi Yan, only then Disaster Level cultivation base, does not have the experience, making him lead one team, can not be inappropriate?” Li Feng frowns, looks at Shi Yan, you determined strangely you don't have the issue?” 石岩只有百劫之境修为,也没有经验,让他率领一队,会不会不妥当?”李凤儿皱着眉头,奇怪地看着石岩,“你确定你没问题么?” Li Feng is the Shura king Li Mu only daughter, First Sky of Earth Level, in Yang Family, she was the same with Yang Mu and the others, accepts the Yang Family best cultivation resources, fresh simple and beautiful bright-colored, these years are Yang Family fight up and down the country, are deep Yang Family thinking highly, early have regarded their family|home Immortal Island. 李凤儿乃修罗李牧的独女,地位一重天之境,在杨家,她和杨暮等人一样,接受杨家最好的修炼资源,生的清丽明艳,这些年为杨家南征北战,深得杨家器重,早将不死岛当成了自己的家。 Li Mu as one of the three big Shura kings, slaughters the battle each time outside, will be leading her, although this girl is young, but two have actually been stained with completely the blood, the fight experience is quite rich, any bad situation has met, she had also gone to the abyss battlefield, knows the abyss battlefield bad risk. 李牧身为三大修罗王之一,每次在外厮杀争斗,都会将她带着,这丫头虽然年纪轻轻,可两手却已沾满了鲜血,战斗经验极为丰富,什么恶劣的情况都遇到过,她还曾经去过深渊战场,知道深渊战场的凶险。 She worried that ten Warrior with Shi Yan, because of the judgment fault of Shi Yan, will die in the surface quickly, aims at Shi Yan actually desirably. 她担心十名武者跟着石岩,会因为石岩的判断失误,很快死在哩面,倒不是刻意针对石岩 Also *......” Yang Xue nodded, Xiaoyan, do you have the confidence to have ten people?” “也是呀*……”杨雪点了点头,“小岩,你有信心能够带好十人么?” In the Yang Xue name is Shi Yan Second Sister, Yang body daughter, this time she is also first time sees Shi Yan, too did not know about the Shi Yan situation, but actually does not think that has Disaster Level Shi Yan, can arrange ten Earth Level Warrior. 杨雪名义上算是石岩二姐,杨身之女,这次她也是第一次见到石岩,对石岩的情况不太了解,但却不认为只有百劫之境石岩,能够将十名地位之境武者安排好。 Especially before Shi Yan, in the remote place, she had thought Shi Yan should not have the experience of many imperial person, is worried about Shi Yan unable to complete, will compensate the family ten Earth Realm Warrior lives. 尤其是石岩之前一直都在偏僻之地,她觉得石岩应该没有多少御人的经验,担心石岩做不好,会赔上家族十名地位武者的性命。 Earth Level Warrior, even if in Yang Family, was quite precious. 地位之境武者,即便是在杨家,也算是颇为珍贵了。 This time by Yang Lao arrangement Earth Realm Warrior , is selective, each intelligence is extraordinary, might enter into the boundary of Nirvana Origin in the future very much, will consider for the benefit of family, she does not think that will be led by Shi Yan, will be a good idea. 这次被杨烙安排的地位武者,又都是精挑细选的,每一个都资质非凡,很有可能在将来迈入涅巢之境,为了家族的利益着想,她不认为由石岩带队,是个好的主意。 Tries *......” Shi Yan to give a calm smile, I am indeed inexperienced, therefore to abyss battlefield, I as far as possible not with your separated *......” “试试吧*……”石岩淡然一笑,“我的确经验不足,所以到了深渊战场,我会尽量不和你们分开的*……” „The situation of abyss battlefield is quite special *......” Li Feng to shake the head, explained:, „Some restriction no one can realize, although we in the same place, but there is possibility one person to have no intention to move restriction, restriction will immediately separate us, making us all isolate, in that case, once your team met any condition, we are unable to give your correct opinion *......” “深渊战场的情况比较特殊*……”李凤儿摇了摇头,解释道:,“有一些禁制谁都察觉不出,我们虽然会在一起,但有可能一人无意触碰了禁制,禁制就会将我们立即分开来,让我们个个孤立,在那种情况下,一旦你那一队遇到什么状况,我们也无法给你正确的意见*……” „......” Shi Yan abandons to Yang Lao. “呃……”石岩弃向杨烙 Might as well.” Yang Lao smiled, said to Second Sky of Earth Level 40-year-old Warrior: Jiang Huquan, you with Shi Yan, I believe that you direct him, should not leave the too big mistake.” “无妨。”杨烙笑了笑,冲一名地位二重天之境的四旬武者道:“姜湖泉,你跟着石岩,我相信有你指点他,应该不会出太大的差池。” Jiang Huquan nods with a smile, said to Shi Yan: Young Master Yan felt relieved, I continuously with you.” 姜湖泉含笑点头,对石岩道:“岩少爷放心,我会一直跟着你。” Yang Lao mentioned by name Jiang Huquan, Li Feng, Yang Xue and the others a manner loosen, have smiled, no longer said anything. 杨烙点名了姜湖泉,李凤儿、杨雪等人神态一松,都笑了起来,不再多说什么。 Has Uncle Jiang, that should be all right, Ha Ha, but Uncle Jiang Grandpa An complacent apprentice.” Yang Mu said. “有姜叔在,那应该就没事了,哈哈,姜叔可是安爷爷的得意徒弟。”杨幕道。 Shao An is Yang Family consecrates, First Sky of Sky Realm, is skilled in formation barrier, excels in arranging various restriction, since Jiang Huquan is his apprentice, definitely also is extremely skilled in this aspect. 邵安杨家供奉,天位一重天之境,精通阵法结界,擅于布置各类禁制,姜湖泉既然是他的徒弟,在这方面肯定也极为精通。 Saw that Yang Lao puts oneself this Jiang Huquan, in his heart knew how things stand gradually. 眼看杨烙姜湖泉放到自己这一块,他心中渐渐有数了。 It seems like that in name has itself to lead, actually essential time, is taken the judgment policy-maker by Jiang Huquan, these ten Earth Realm Warrior, were led by oneself, rather is protects own. 看来,名义上有自己带队,其实关键的时候,还是由姜湖泉来作为判断决策者,这十名地位武者,与其说让自己率领,不如说是来保护自己的。 Demonic Beast cannot enter abyss battlefield, you remember that to the vault of heaven sea area, to that Gate of Heaven, has arranged first Demonic Beast. Un, nearby Heavenly Demon Mountain Range, Demonic Beast runs amuck, it is said eight levels of Demonic Beast assume personal command, you went to that same place, can the Demonic Beast arrangement in the day monster mountain......” Yang Lao starts to urge some details. 妖兽不能进入深渊战场,你们记得,到了苍穹海域,到了那天门附近,先将妖兽安排好。嗯,附近的天妖山脉,妖兽横行,据说有八级的妖兽坐镇,你们去了那一块,可以将妖兽安排在天妖山的……”杨烙开始叮嘱一些细节。 Shi Yan is listening silently. 石岩默默听着。 After one hour, Yang Lao said: Was good, you enter teleportation, is also bringing Demonic Beast. I will arrive at the vault of heaven sea area your teleportation, that side teleportation, to Gate of Heaven to abyss battlefield, be only 20,000 li (0.5km), at your Demonic Beast speed, three days can arrive.” 一个小时之后,杨烙才道:“好了,你们都进入传送阵,将妖兽也带着吧。我会将你们传送到苍穹海域,那边的传送阵,离通往深渊战场的天门,只有20000里,以你们妖兽的速度,三天就可以到达。” Shi Yan has patted Ghost Hunter, stands honestly in teleportation. 石岩拍了拍鬼獠,老实站到传送阵之中。 Ghost Hunter lowers roars, the ominous severe eye pupil, has swept in formation Yang Mu and the others Dual Headed Flood Dragon. 鬼獠低吼一声,凶厉的眼眸,扫了一眼阵法之中杨幕等人的双头蛟龙 In formation, Yang Mu, Yang Ke and Yang Xue Dual Headed Flood Dragon, Cyan Blood Bat of that Li Feng, is seeing Ghost Hunter since later, on own initiative gives way to traffic. 阵法之中,杨幕杨岢杨雪双头蛟龙,还有那李凤儿的青血魔蝠,在看到鬼獠进入之后,都主动避让开来。 Ghost Hunter height ten meters, but Dual Headed Flood Dragon and Cyan Blood Bat, only then 56 meters, the Ghost Hunter not only volume is bigger, the air/Qi of ominous flame also fully, with for six levels of Demonic Beast, but Ghost Hunter actually steadily suppressed Dual Headed Flood Dragon and Cyan Blood Bat. 鬼獠身长十米,而双头蛟龙青血魔蝠,只有56米长,鬼獠不但体积更大,身上的凶焰之气也更足一点,同为六级的妖兽,可鬼獠却稳稳压制住了双头蛟龙青血魔蝠 Careful Penglai Holy Land person.” Yang Lao before starting teleportation, finally urged one: Martial Spirit Palace pays no attention to the Endless Sea dispute, this time has not gotten rid to cope with our Yang Family, but Penglai Holy Land actually began, we teleportation that sets up in the vault of heaven sea area, although hides, but once your many people come, definitely is known by the Penglai Holy Land person, therefore, before entering Gate of Heaven, is careful.” “小心蓬莱圣地的人。”杨烙在启动传送阵之前,最后叮嘱了一句:“武魂殿不理无尽海的纷争,这次也没有出手来对付我们杨家,不过蓬莱圣地却动手了,我们在苍穹海域设立的传送阵,虽然隐蔽,可一旦你们这么多人现身,必然会被蓬莱圣地的人知道,所以,在进入天门之前,都小心一点。” understood *......” Yang Mu laughs, they know well, their understood, these other masters of influence, definitely knows. I think, to destroy completely our, these fellows will not be definitely law-abiding, I believe that in abyss battlefield, decides however can bump into chasing down, Hehe, so good.” 知道了*……”杨幕哈哈大笑,“他们知道最好,他们知道了,那些别的势力的高手,也肯定知道。我想,为了灭掉我们这一股,那些家伙肯定不会安分,我相信在深渊战场之中,定然能够碰到追杀者,嘿嘿,如此甚好。” Snort *......” Yang Ke grins fiendishly, I heard that this time comes our Jialuo Sea Area young first generation, seven people, fight the list, above, hopes that they can pursue to the abyss battlefield come *......” “哼*……”杨岢狞笑,“我听说这次来我们伽罗海域的年轻一代,有七人都在,战榜,之上,希望他们能够追到深渊战场来*……” Fights the list?” Shi Yan stunned. “战榜?”石岩愕然 Endless Sea, the rank list of youth first generation master battle efficiency, fights in the list to altogether have 18 people, each is the Endless Sea most outstanding young master, can on fight the list, in the future will be the Endless Sea leader *......” Li Feng will answer. 无尽海,青年一代高手战斗力的排名榜单,战榜上共有18人,每一个都是无尽海最为杰出的年轻高手,能够上战榜的,未来都将是无尽海的领袖人物*……”李凤儿解释道。 Our Yang Family, are how many people on the list?” Shi Yan asked. “我们杨家,有多少人上榜?”石岩问道。 Yang Mu, Yang Zhou and Yang Ke, above fighting list.” Li Feng smiles, shot a look at that Yang Ke one, „, but, Yang Ke is sets the base, is fighting the list 18 th, he he.” 杨幕杨舟杨岢,都在战榜之上。”李凤儿抿嘴一笑,瞥了那杨岢一眼,“不过,杨岢是垫底的,在战榜的第18名,呵呵。” Shi Yan facial expression one positive. 石岩神情一正。
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