GOS :: Volume #3

#222: Ghost Hunter flaunts ominously

Pan Zhe, but dares to fight with me? „ Yang Mu sits well on Dual Headed Flood Dragon, is looking at Pan Zhe on silver horn god boat distantly, drinks wildly severely. 潘哲,可敢和我一战?“杨暮端坐在双头蛟龙身上,遥遥望着银角神舟上的潘哲,狂放厉喝。 That handle silver great sword flies to roar suddenly, circles in the Yang Mu top of the head, blooms ten meters silver Sword Light, that Sword Light aims at Pan Zhe straightly, the imposing manner is astonishing. 那柄银色巨剑骤然飞啸而出,盘旋在杨暮头顶,绽放出十米长的银色剑芒,那剑芒笔直指向潘哲,气势惊人。 On silver horn god boat, Pan Zhe grasps feather fan, gives a calm smile, to say unflustered: Yang Mu, our coming, what wants is your Yang Family this first generation is extinguished completely, I do not have the time and you waste the time.” 银角神舟上,潘哲手持羽扇,淡然一笑,从容不迫道:“杨暮,我们这趟前来,要的是你们杨家一代全部被灭,我可没功夫和你多浪费时间。” Doesn't dare?” Yang Mu laughs, Pan Zhe Pan Zhe, I know that you were timid.” “不敢是吧?”杨幕哈哈大笑,“潘哲潘哲,我就知道你胆怯了。” Pan Zhe not stimulatedshook the head with a smile, said to Warrior: We do not waste the time, should root out these Yang Family odd|surplus Nie.” 潘哲并不受激”笑着摇了摇头,冲身旁的武者道:“我们不要浪费时间了,也该将这些杨家余孽斩除了。” Son of God said is extremely.” Penglai Holy Land puts up Warrior green radish nodded, cold voice said: Yang Family does not extinguish, our vault of heaven sea area is not calm and steady. In recent years, Yang Family has not done a bit less our vault of heaven sea area to look for a job, Yang Family will have today, completely is because their conceited create.” “圣子所言极是。”蓬莱圣地的涅架武者卫青点了点头,冷声道:“杨家不灭,我们苍穹海域也不安稳。这些年来,杨家没少来我们苍穹海域找事,杨家会有今日,全然是因为他们的狂妄自大造成的。” Kills.” Pan Zhe waves. “杀。”潘哲挥手。 hōng hōng hōng!” 轰轰轰!” The huge rumbled sound, transmits from that silver horn god Elder Brother suddenly, god boat of triangle is state-of-art, one bunch of screw golden light, explode to shoot suddenly, plans toward the stone of overhead with Yang Mu fiercely flushes away. 巨大的轰鸣声,突然从那银角神哥之内传来,三角形的神舟尖端,一束螺旋金光,骤然爆射而出,猛地朝着当头的石筹和杨暮冲去。 Spiral Saint light!” Yang Mu sinks to drink one, startled called out: Dispersing!” “螺旋圣光!”杨暮沉喝一声,惊叫道:“散开!” The Shi Yan complexion changes, spreads the news to read to Ghost Hunter hurriedly, urged that it avoids immediately. 石岩脸色微变,急忙向鬼獠传出讯念,催促它立即避开来。 Ghost Hunter rave, air/Qi of astonishing evil spirit, erupts from it loudly, sees only green Dark Qi and black Devil Qifrom its body wells up quickly crazily, but forms a crazy fierce air wave, goes toward that spiral Saint light impact unexpectedly. 鬼獠狂吼一声,一股惊人的凶煞之气,从它身上轰然爆发,只见青色冥气和黑色魔气”倏地从它身体之中狂涌而出形成一股狂猛的气浪,竟直朝着那螺旋圣光冲击而去。 Shi Yan!” Yang Mu and the others urged Demonic Beast to avoid, sees with own eyes Shi Yan this sudden outbreak, calls out in alarm fiercely: Spiral Saint light is congealed by the strength of 300 Yuan Crystal, destroys the hardest defenses, cannot touch hardly!......” 石岩!”杨暮等人已催促妖兽避开,眼见石岩这一块突发状况,猛地惊叫起来:“螺旋圣光由300块元晶之力凝结而成,无坚不摧,不能硬碰啊!呃……” Calling out in alarm of Yang Mu, midway closure. 杨暮的惊呼,中途截止。 Spits chi chi!” “唾嗤嗤!” In the Ghost Hunter body wells up crazily, but the air wave, Dark Qi and Devil Qi strange congealment, forms First Level strange barrier that to explode from silver horn god boat instantaneously shoots, but the spiral Saint light, the bang shoots above barrier, was contained unexpectedly stiffly, how unable to break through this First Level barrier. 鬼獠身体中狂涌而出的气浪,冥气魔气诡异的凝结起来,瞬间形成一层奇异的结界那从银角神舟中爆射而出的螺旋圣光,轰射在结界之上,竟然被硬生生遏制住了,怎么都冲不破这一层结界 The spiral Saint such as the screw is only common, during crazy advances vigorously suddenly, assumes spiral-shaped gyrates, every time gyrates one time, the impulse will be violent a point. 螺旋圣光如螺旋一般,在狂突猛进之中,呈螺旋状旋动,每旋动一次,冲击力就会猛烈一分。 In Endless Sea, Penglai Holy Land silver horn god boat explodes the spiral Saint light that shoots, but inferior easy kills to destroy the hardest defenses a Nirvana Origin Warrior bang, the might is extremely astonishing. 无尽海,蓬莱圣地银角神舟爆射出来的螺旋圣光,可卑轻而易举将一名涅巢武者轰杀无坚不摧,威力极其惊人。 However, this bang shoots, actually by barrier that Ghost Hunter congealed stopping. 然而,这次轰射过来,却被鬼獠凝结出来的结界给阻拦了下来。 Dark Qi!” 冥气!” Devil Qi!” 魔气!” In silver horn god boat is standing Penglai Holy Land, Gu Family and Heaven Lake Holy Land Warrior, the facial expression changes countenance, cannot bear call out in alarm makes noise. 银角神舟内站着的蓬莱圣地古家天池圣地武者,神情动容,忍不住惊呼出声。 The Pan Zhe facial expression, does not dare to believe looks at Ghost Hunter heavily, the lip wriggled several, shouted to clear the way: What Demonic Beast is this? Why not only can actuate Dark Qi to link Devil Territory Devil Qi also to be able imperial to move? What your has Yang Family made? You dare are two Demonic Beast breeding!” 潘哲神情沉重之极,不敢置信地看着鬼獠,嘴唇蠕动了几下,才喝道:“这是什么妖兽?为什么不但可以驱动冥气魔域魔气也能够御动?你们杨家到底做了什么?你们竟敢为两界妖兽配种!” Gu Linglong, Di Yanqing , etc. reached fought list new first generation Expert, is the facial expression is panic-stricken, complete looks at Ghost Hunter. 古玲珑翟砚晴等荣登战榜的新一代强者,也是神情惊骇,全部看着鬼獠 Yang Mu, Yang Xue and Li Feng is a face is also startled to accommodate, is Ghost Hunter powerful shocks inexplicably. 杨暮杨雪李凤儿也是一脸惊容,为鬼獠强悍震惊莫名。 xiū xiū xiū!” 咻咻咻!” Ghost Hunter congeals in barrier that with Dark Qi and Devil Qi becomes, suddenly spreads the strange howl, at once then from that barrier, stirs up the plaster to project air/Qi of the evil spirit, malignant influences as if Arrow, on Warrior toward silver horn god boat shoots. 鬼獠冥气魔气凝结而成的结界之中,突然传出奇异的啸声,旋即便从那结界之中,激垩射出一道道凶煞之气,煞气仿佛箭矢,直朝着银角神舟上的武者射去。 The crowded malignant influences are similar to the arrow rain are common, falls in torrents dealing that in an extremely difficult situation, but Pan Zhe, Di Yanqing and the others stirring, is thrown into confusion. 密集的煞气如同箭雨一般,倾泻而出将潘哲翟砚晴等人搅的狼狈不堪,纷纷手忙脚乱的应对。 Shi Yan sits on Ghost Hunter the look is indifferent, the corner/horn brings back a gloomy and cold smiling face quietly. 石岩坐在鬼獠身上眼神冷漠,悄角勾起一个阴冷的笑容。 Ghost Hunter is Underworld Heavenly Ghost and Devil Territory Hunter Dragon hybrid, is among heaven and earth is quite ominous severe Demonic Beast Variation, although this time Ghost Hunter is only six levels of Demonic Beast, but it, because the talent different reported that once displays the air/Qi of evil spirit, power that forms be more fearful than general top six levels of Demonic Beast. 鬼獠冥界天鬼魔域獠龙混种,乃天地间极为凶厉的妖兽异种,虽然此时的鬼獠只是六级的妖兽,可它因为天赋异禀,一旦施展出凶煞之气,形成的力量要比一般顶尖的六级妖兽还要可怕。 The air/Qi of a series of crowded evil spirit, drizzle flies to shoot generally above silver horn Spirit Pill, Ghost Hunter does not wait for Shi Yan to tell that suddenly roared, unexpectedly toward the silver horn Spirit Pill impact. 一连串密集的凶煞之气,蓬蓬细雨一般飞射在银角神丹之上,鬼獠不等石岩吩咐,突然咆哮一声,竟直朝着银角神丹冲击而且。 Spiral Saint light that shoots from silver horn god boat, cannot resist the impact of Ghost Hunter, was divided into two by the impact of Ghost Hunter unexpectedly, at once changes into the golden luminous spot, dissipates in void. 银角神舟中射出来的螺旋圣光,根本抵挡不住鬼獠的冲击,竟被鬼獠的冲击一分为二,旋即化为金色光点,消散在虚空中。 Kills!” Yang Mu sees Ghost Hunter to launch the attack, laughs, Younger Brother Yan, we came, your this fellow is really the good luck, Ha Ha!” “杀上去!”杨暮一见鬼獠发动攻击,哈哈大笑,“小岩子,我们来了,你这家伙真是好运啊,哈哈!” Yang Ji, Yang Xue and Li Feng and the others, moves Dual Headed Flood Dragon and Cyan Blood Bat arrogantly, grazes from the golden luminous spots of these spiral Saint light, fast falls to that silver horn god boat strength bang!” 杨奇杨雪李凤儿等人,也同时傲动起双头蛟龙青血魔蝠,从那些螺旋圣光的金色光点之中飞掠而过,迅捷落向那银角神舟力“轰!” A Ghost Hunter ten meters body, fell on silver horn Spirit Pill, god boat as if could not bear the Ghost Hunter weight, trembled to sway unexpectedly fiercely. 鬼獠十米长的身躯,率先落到了银角神丹上,神舟似乎承受不住鬼獠的重量,竟然猛地震颤摇晃了起来。 „It is not good!” The Pan Zhe complexion great change, told hurriedly: Green radish, stands firm god boat!” “不好!”潘哲脸色巨变,急忙吩咐:“卫青,稳住神舟!” Warrior of boundary of Penglai Holy Land this Nirvana Origin, without demur, breaks in the cabin suddenly, his silhouette vanishes, from the god boat interior, then spread a Spiritual Qi fluctuation of rushing, swung silver horn god boat that wants to fall, was immediately as stable as the rock of Gibraltar. 蓬莱圣地这名涅巢之境的武者,二话不说,忽然冲入船舱,他身影一消失,从神舟的内部,便传出了一股澎湃的灵气波动,本来摇欲坠的银角神舟,立即又稳如泰山了起来。 Shi Yan, I want you dead!” A Gu Jiange face is ominous, cries loud and long, Dragon-slaying Sword of scruff departs suddenly, is dragging the long flame, shoots toward the Shi Yan bang fiercely. 石岩,我要你死!”古剑歌一脸凶厉,长啸一声,后颈的斩龙剑骤然飞出,拖着长长的火光,猛地往石岩轰射而来。 The Shi Yan facial expression is quiet, saw that Dragon-slaying Sword flies to shoot to come, throws together Blue Moonstone conveniently. 石岩神情沉静,眼看那斩龙剑飞射而来,随手扔出一块青月石 Blue Moonstone becomes ices cold azure light together, accurate striking above Dragon-slaying Sword, Blue Moonstone disrupts, the Profound Ice Cold Flame ice cold air/Qi, explodes to shoot suddenly, extinguishes the Dragon-slaying Sword flame unexpectedly instantaneously, that Profound Ice Cold Flame ice cold air/Qi, changes into bunch of icy light, flies to shoot in all directions. 青月石成一道冰寒青光,准确之极的碰击在斩龙剑之上,青月石碎裂,其中玄冰寒焰的冰寒之气,骤然爆射开来,竟然将斩龙剑的火光瞬间熄灭,那玄冰寒焰的冰寒之气,化为一束束冰光,四处飞射。 The Gu Jiange terrified color deterioration, to Dragon-slaying Sword recent him, was covered by 30 icy light, only thinks body biting cold cold Sen, unexpectedly Essence Qi in joined bodies plaster slow. 古剑歌悚然变色,离斩龙剑最近的他,被30道冰光笼罩,只觉身体彻骨冷森,竟然连体垩内的精元都缓慢了下来。 Seal of Death!” 死印!” In the Shi Yan heart drinks lowly, the left hand evacuation, seven hand imprint bang shoot suddenly, was full the strength of desperate death, instantaneously to that Gu Jiange side. 石岩心中低喝,左手排空而出,七块手印骤然轰射开来,充盈着绝望的死亡之力,瞬间到了那古剑歌身旁。 The Gu Jiange mind trembles with fear, with is Second Sky of Disaster Level, Seal of Death that but Shi Yan displays, makes him give birth to helpless feeling that is hard to be a worthy opponent, eye looks at Seal of Death comes, he does not dare to resist with all one's strength, gives way to traffic toward Gu Linglong side hurriedly. 古剑歌心神惊颤,同为百劫二重天之境,可石岩施展出来的死印,却让他生出一股难以匹敌的无奈感,眼看着死印汹涌而来,他不敢力敌,急忙往古玲珑身旁避让。 Really useless.” Gu Linglong shouted one tenderly, in the body plaster two handle Divine sword departs suddenly together, these two handle gods led the way alternately, like the cotton, has extremely outwardly submissive but inwardly evil-hearted aura soft, as if two loaches were common, flexible incomparable entangling to Seal of Death. “真没用。”古玲珑娇呼一声,体垩内两柄神剑突然一起飞出,这两柄神教交互前行,柔软如棉,有着极为阴柔的气息,仿佛两条泥鳅一般,灵活无比的缠向死印 Bang bang!” “砰砰!” Seal of Death bombardment above that two handle outwardly submissive but inwardly evil-hearted Divine sword, by the strange unloading strength of Divine sword, melting cleanness. 死印轰击在那两柄阴柔的神剑之上,被神剑的一股奇异的卸力,给化解的干干净净。 The Gu Linglong tall and slender eyebrow, raises up suddenly, has „, the heart of Divine sword Martial Spirit she, spirits from the sword of that two handle Divine sword, realized that the feebleness of aura, these two handles melted the Seal of Death Divine sword, under the attack of desperate Death Qi, sword spirit as if by contamination, the gloss above Divine sword, unexpectedly dim a point. 古玲珑细长的眉毛,忽然竖起,拥有“,神剑之心”武魂的她,从那两柄神剑的剑灵,察觉到了气息的衰弱,这两柄化解了死印的神剑,在绝望死气的侵袭之下,剑灵似乎被污秽了,神剑之上的光泽,竟然都黯淡了一分。 What evil Martial Skills that brat, you display?” The Gu Linglong elegant face tightens, gets angry: Made my sword be damaged unexpectedly spirit, I could not forgive you!” “臭小子,你施展的什么邪恶武技?”古玲珑俏脸绷紧,怒道:“竟然让我的剑灵受损了,我饶不了你!” Her words fall, a handle is bringing the wind attribute Divine sword, suddenly cuts the expansive sky, the extremely fast appears in the Shi Yan view. 她话语一落,一柄带着风属性的神剑,突然划破长空,极速出现在石岩眼帘。 This handle Divine sword, as if can stealth, Shi Yan not see how it braved, after hearing the howl, had discovered that the Divine sword shot toward his surface gate. 这柄神剑,似乎可以隐身,石岩都没有看到它怎么冒出来了,听闻啸声之后,已发现神剑朝着他面门射来。 Shouted!” “呼!” Ghost Hunter puts out foul air, spurts above that Divine sword, Divine sword was blown crookedly by the strong winds, the direction deviates, unexpectedly has delimited from the Shi Yan left three meters places, shoots toward Heaven Lake Holy Land saintess Di Yanqing. 鬼獠吐出一口浊气,喷在那神剑之上,神剑似被狂风吹歪,方向偏离,居然从石岩左侧三米处划过,往天池圣地的圣女翟砚晴射去。 With Di Yanqing that Yang Xue and Yang Ke fight, had a scare, gives way to traffic hurriedly, evaded the accidental injury of Divine sword, cold voice said: Gu Linglong, are you up to mischief?” 杨雪、杨苛交手的翟砚晴,吓了一跳,急忙避让开来,躲过了神剑的误伤,冷声道:“古玲珑,你搞什么鬼?” Made a mistake. “失误了。 Gu Linglong spits the tongue, takes back that Divine sword hurriedly, is staring at the Shi Yan illness brought on by the obstruction of flow of vital energy, your this bastard, depends Demonic Beast to be fierce, not can be regarded skill. Has to plant does not use Demonic Beast, with my war, my sword can cut to kill you alone!” 古玲珑吐了吐舌头,急忙将那神剑收回,盯着石岩更加气结,“你这混蛋,仗着妖兽厉害,算不得本事。有种不用妖兽,和我单独一战,我一剑就能斩杀了你!” Shi Yan remains unmoved, sits well on Ghost Hunter, the eye Divine Light glow is bright, the situation one by one income eyeground on silver horn god boat. 石岩不为所动,端坐在鬼獠身上,眼神光芒熠熠,将银角神舟上的情况一一收入眼底。 Yang Family five teams of Warrior, have gotten down from Demonic Beast in abundance, on Penglai Holy Land with this silver horn Spirit Pill, Heaven Lake Holy Land and Gu Family Warrior stands, Yang Mu and the others Demonic Beast, stare at that two Nirvana Origin Warrior that on god boat two Nirvana Origin Warriorare forcing unable to meddle. 杨家五队武者,已纷纷从妖兽身上下来,和这银角神丹蓬莱圣地天池圣地古家武者站在一起,杨暮等人的妖兽,盯着神舟上两名涅巢武者”逼迫的那两名涅巢武者不能插手。 Yang Mu and Yang Xue and Yang Ke, Li Feng, displays complacent Martial Skills one by one, was in sharp opposition with Pan Zhe, Di Yanqing and the others, gives it all. 杨暮杨雪、杨苛、李凤儿,各个施展出得意武技,与潘哲狸砚晴等人针锋相对,放手一搏。 On silver horn Spirit Pill, besides beside Pan Zhe, Di Yanqing, Gu Jiange and Gu Linglong, thirty Warrior, these Warrior cultivation base heights, has Earth Realm Third Sky, there is Disaster Level, with the Yang Family Warrior fight in the same place, the battle is just luxurious. 银角神丹上,除了潘哲翟砚晴古剑歌古玲珑之外,还有三十几名武者,这些武者修为高低不等,有地位三重天的,也有百劫之境的,和杨家武者斗在一起,交战正酣。 Shi Yan has not responded Gu Linglong, sees clearly the situation on god boat, starts to congeal to touch to kill the territory field quietly, lets out the territory field secretly. 石岩没有搭理古玲珑,将神舟上的形势看清,开始悄悄凝结出碰殛域场来,偷偷将域场放出去。 Gravitational Field does not have the shade invisible, only if boundary of Warrior Nirvana Origin, otherwise cannot realize. 磁殛域场无影无形,除非涅巢之境武者,否则根本察觉不出。 Quietly with Shi Yan that Gravitational Field bothers, is lucid, when is most appropriate, with bumping to kill the territory field to come Penglai Holy Land, Heaven Lake Holy Land and Gu Family Warrior to imprison. 悄悄用磁殛域场来搅局的石岩,神志清明,在最为恰当的时候,用碰殛域场来将蓬莱圣地天池圣地古家武者禁锢住。 In the intense fightlife and death can branch out in 12 seconds, sudden catching up of Gravitational Field, made these Penglai Holy Land and Heaven Lake Holy Land and Gu Family Warrior, bewildered move, gyrated power cannot display. 激烈的战斗中”生死在12秒就可以分出,磁殛域场的突然发力,令那些蓬莱圣地天池圣地古家武者,会莫名其妙的动弹不得,被旋动的一丝力量都施展不开来。 Yang Family Warrior, the facial expression is strange, actually seizing the chance under without hesitation killer, relaxed strikes to kill the match. 杨家武者,神情怪异,却毫不犹豫的趁机下杀手,轻松之极的将对手一击击杀。 Shi Yan sits well on Ghost Hunter, facial expression is callous, gathers secretly these dead essence. 石岩端坐在鬼獠身上,神情冷酷,暗暗将那些死者身上的精气聚集起来。 The fight on god boat, because of the strange function of Gravitational Field, Yang Family here Warrior occupies completely the winning side, wantonly slaughter. 神舟上的战斗,因为磁殛域场的诡异作用,杨家这边的武者占尽上风,大肆屠杀。 Reviews Penglai Holy Land these Warrior, is alarmed and afraid exceptionally, the eye looks at side companion, the bewildered losing battle efficiency, in these person of each hearts lacks self-confidence, in the fight is terribly suspicious and fearful, cannot display including the usual strength. 反观蓬莱圣地的那些武者,则是一个个惊惧异常,眼看着身边同伴,莫名其妙的失去战斗力,这些人各个心中没底,战斗中疑神疑鬼,连平时的实力都发挥不出。 „The boy is playing tricks!” The green radish drills from the cabin, immediately realized the child does not suit, induced with Divine Sense, suddenly aims at Shi Yan fierce. “那小子在捣鬼!”卫青从船舱上钻出来,立即意识到子不对劲,用神识感应了一下,突然厉声指向石岩 Shi Yan suddenly has become being the target of public criticism. 石岩突然成了众矢之的。
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