GOS :: Volume #3

#217: We should in the same place!

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I just obtained some related ancient time Gate of Heaven situations...... 我刚刚得到些有关古时期天门的情况…… The Shi Yan facial expression is serious, him from the news of Profound Ice Cold Flame there learning, 1510 rephrasing in own words gives Yang Lao. 石岩神情沉重,将他从玄冰寒焰那里获知的消息,1510的转述给杨烙 These news that Profound Ice Cold Flame knows, extremely remote, until now Warrior possibly was long ago hard to see clearly from ancient relics, these come from the Profound Ice Cold Flame information, Yang Lao never has listened. 玄冰寒焰知晓的那些消息,极为的久远,久远到如今的武者可能从古迹上都难以洞察,这些来自于玄冰寒焰的情报,就连杨烙都从未听过。 When expounded the situation to Shi Yan that Yang Lao is panic-stricken, silent for a long time. 待到石岩将情况阐明,杨烙惊骇无比,沉默了许久。 These message, where can you from come? Can definitely be true?” Yang Lao deeply inspired, the facial expression is stern. “这些讯息,你从什么地方得来的?可以肯定属实么?”杨烙深深吸了一口气,神情严峻无比。 Comes from Profound Ice Cold Flame.” The Shi Yan nodin its long years, once and God Realm Expert of several ancient times had toward, these news, came from these God Realm Expert memories. I think that should not make any mistake.” “来自于玄冰寒焰。”石岩点头”“在它的漫长岁月中,曾经和数位古时期的神境强者有过来往,这些消息,全部来自于那些神境强者的记忆。我想,应该不会有什么差错。” In Fourth Devil Area, Chi Yan and Lang Xun two Devil Emperor, as if never gathers, if your news is true, then these two Devil Emperor feared that was planning already our Yang Family. Connects Underworld and Devil Territory passage, if really needs several hundred years of connection, then, possibly in several hundred years ago, these two Devil Emperor started to conspire to cope with us.” “在第四魔域,赤阎波旬两位魔帝,似乎从来不合,如果你的消息属实,那么这两位魔帝怕是早就在算计我们杨家了。连通冥界魔域通道,真要是需要数百年时间的连通,那么,可能在数百年前,这两位魔帝已经开始密谋对付我们了。” The Yang Lao eyes lightning sparkle, such, Lang Xun got rid to capture Xiao Hanyi, its goal, should be forces your great grandfather single to seek him, then and Chi Yan collaborated, then usedHeavenly Demon Sealing Divine Formation, copes your great grandfather. These two Devil Emperor, to cope with our Yang Family, but also really deliberately plans.” 杨烙双眸电光闪耀,“这么来看,波旬出手擒拿了萧寒衣,其目的,应该就是逼迫你太爷爷独身寻他,然后和赤阎联手,进而用“天魔封神阵,来对付你太爷爷。这两位魔帝,为了对付我们杨家,还真是处心积虑啊。” Including you, doesn't know Underworld and situation of Devil Territory connection?” Shi Yan stunned. “连你,都不知道冥界魔域连通的情况?”石岩愕然 Shook the head, Yang Lao said: Perhaps the previous demon person and deep person collaborate, was extremely remote to the present, long ago to nobody knows also has such secret facts. I do not know that” Endless Sea other these heads of influence, should same not know this matter. Yeahthis matter was thorny, head who I believe these influences, even if listens to us to say situation, they also not necessarily believe that ” instead thinks our Yang Family is mysterious. ” 摇了摇头,杨烙道:“或许上次魔人和冥人联手,离如今太过久远了,久远到没人知道还有如此隐情。我不知道”无尽海别的势力的那些首脑,应该一样不知此事。哎”这事情棘手了,我相信那些势力的首脑,就算是听我们说出此间的形势,他们也不见得相信”反而会认为我们杨家故弄玄虚。” Shi Yan is silent, knows Yang Lao will delimit possibly becomes the fact. 石岩沉默,知道杨烙的划断可能会成为事实。 In this possibly sweeps across in front of the entire Endless Sea big accident, only then trivial Disaster Level, and unknown he, could not have any influence. 在这件可能席卷整个无尽海的大变故面前,只有区区百劫之境,并且名不经传的他,根本产生不了任何的影响力。 He also knows that present he, cannot take to the Yang Family big help. 他也知道,如今的他,并不能带给杨家多大的帮助。 Fortunately, can obtain this message, we at least know that the deep person and demon person want to make anything, can know that the movement of following opposite party, we can prepare like this ahead of time.” Yang Lao has patted the Shi Yan shoulder, comforts saying: You leave were too worried that Yang Family can stand erect Endless Sea for many years not but actually, naturally has relied on. At the worst, we evacuate this place for the time being, when saw clearly the situation to these people, we kill again, our Yang Family thing, does not lose temporarily importantly, we sooner or later can seize.” “还好,能够得到这个讯息,我们至少知道冥人和魔人想要做什么,能够知道接下来对方的动作,这样我们可以提前做准备。”杨烙拍了拍石岩肩膀,宽慰道:“你别太担心,杨家能够屹立无尽海多年不倒,自然有所凭仗。大不了,我们暂且撤离此地,待到那些人看清了形势,我们再杀回来,我们杨家的东西,暂时失去不要紧,我们迟早能够夺回来。” Shi Yan knows what he refers to is Immortal Island several sacred mountain. 石岩知道他指的乃是不死岛的几座神山 Do not want to be too many, continue to stay here, finding the way to subdue Ghost Hunter. Since your great grandfather said that you can achieve, I believe that you affirm, these days I will prepare the plan of strain, when does not suit, I will arrange you to the appropriate place. ” “你别想太多,继续留在这儿,想办法收服了鬼獠。你太爷爷既然说你可以做到,我相信你肯定可以,这段时间我会准备应变之策”等到不对劲的时候,我会将你安排到妥当之地。” Un.” “嗯。” I went first, you are attentive. Remembers that our Yang Family but actually, your this first generation will not be good, in the future our Yang Family will continue to stand erect in Endless Sea, this small setback cannot defeat us. ” “我先去了,你自己用心。记得,我们杨家不会倒,你们这一代都不错,将来我们杨家还是会在无尽海继续屹立,这小小的挫折”打不垮我们。” I understand.” “我明白。” After Yang Lao opens again, Shi Yan stopped Escaping Lightning Changes meditation temporarily, sits cross-legged to sit in the mountain valley, such eyes such as electricity is staring at that Ghost Hunter. 杨烙再开之后,石岩暂时停止了逸电变苦修,盘膝坐在山谷之中,就这么双眸如电的盯着那鬼獠 Time pressin one month, if cannot subdue Ghost Hunter, he is possibly difficult to see this Ghost Hunter, loses this best opportunity. 时间紧迫”一个月内,若是不能将鬼獠收服,他可能再难见到这鬼獠,失去这最佳的时机。 You may know that what method has to subdue this Demonic Beast?” Shi Yan communication Profound Ice Cold Flame. “你可知道,有什么方法可以收服这妖兽?”石岩传讯玄冰寒焰 „To subdue Demonic Beast, In general needs compared with their strength powerful, they that only then with overwhelming power, hits dread you, can make them honest.” Profound Ice Cold Flame had the response quickly, „, but, your power, is obviously impossible to press these six levels of Demonic Beast Variation. Under this situation, only then achieves with the method of soul communication, or your power attribute, making Demonic Beast think kind, making it think that you and it are the same kind of biology, it may be intimate with you.” “想要收服妖兽,一般来说需要比它们的实力强悍,只有用压倒性的力量,打的它们畏惧你,才可以让它们老实下来。”玄冰寒焰很快有了回应,“不过,你的力量,显然不可能压过这六级的妖兽异种。在这种情况之下,只有用灵魂沟通的方法来达成,或者你身上的力量属性,让妖兽觉得亲切,让它觉得你和它乃是同一类生物,它才有可能亲近你。” Soul communication? Is the power attribute close? 灵魂沟通?力量属性相近? Shi Yan deeply frowns. 石岩深深地皱着眉头。 Why Yang Qingdi believes that he is predestined friends with this Ghost Hunter? Why will think, only then can he, obtain affectionate of this Ghost Hunter? 扬青帝到底凭什么认为,他和这鬼獠有缘?为什么会觉得只有他,才能够得到这鬼獠的亲昵? In this period, definitely had the secret that he did not understand. 其间,肯定有他不了解的隐秘。 Shi Yan thought one as if grasped anything, but wants to come carefully, these days he has almost exhausted all methods, but Ghost Hunter actually throughout did not show respect for somebody's ability. 石岩觉得自己仿佛把握到了什么,可仔细想来,这段时间他几乎用尽了所有的方法,但鬼獠却始终不买账。 On own body, what but also there is not to try? Is the power attribute close? In own body plaster, what power there is, when subdues Ghost Hunter, hasn't used? 在自己的身上,还有什么没有试过?力量属性相近?自己的体垩内,有什么力量在收服鬼獠的时候,不曾动用过? In the mind flashed through a bright suddenly, Shi Yan has stood fiercely. 脑海中忽然闪过一道亮光,石岩猛地站了起来。 negative energy! 负面之力 Shi Yan eyes is suddenly bright, flickers is looking at that Ghost Hunter that does not move, as if grasped the key faintly. 石岩双眸突然明亮起来,一瞬不移的望着那鬼獠,似乎隐隐把握到了关键。 This days, he has tried and Ghost Hunter soul communication, tries close Ghost Hunter, has tried all sorts of methods, but truly has not actually used negative energy in body plaster. 这段日子,他一直尝试和鬼獠灵魂沟通,尝试接近鬼獠,尝试了种种方法,但却不曾真正动用过体垩内的负面之力 But the body of Ghost Hunter, is sending out cruelly, Bloodthirsty and savage aura throughout, this is absolutely evil power. 鬼獠的身上,始终散发着暴戾、嗜血凶残之极的气息,这是绝对邪恶的力量 These strength basketsobviously are not the proper ways, is entirely different from general biological aura, in this Ghost Hunter heart, has as if been full of the hatred and destruction to common people! 这些力篓”显然不是正途,和一般生物身上的气息截然不同,在这鬼獠心中,似乎充满了对世人的仇恨和毁灭! Evil aura, with Negative Energy that in acupoint emits, is the attribute quite close? 邪恶的气息,和自己穴道之内散溢出来的负面力量,属性岂不是极为相近? What have you thought of?” Did the Profound Ice Cold Flame surprise, what method find very much?” “你想到了什么?”玄冰寒焰很诧异,“是不是找到什么方法了?” Shi Yan has not responded, the facial expression yin cold, go toward that Ghost Hunter line step by step. 石岩并未回应,神情阴寒,一步步朝着那鬼獠行去。 Howling!” “嚎!” Ghost Hunter is also the broad sound roars, air/Qi of hurricane evil spirit, is centered on it, toward sweeps across suddenly in all directions. 鬼獠又是广声咆哮,一股飓风般的凶煞之气,以它为中心,骤然朝着四面八方席卷而来。 In the fierce ugly face, its green spooky evil eye, has been gazing at Shi Yan. 狰狞的鬼脸上,它那绿幽幽的邪恶眼睛,一直注视着石岩 With the impact of air/Qi of evil spirit, goes directly to the soul evil power, approaches toward Shi Yan this quietly, once Shi Yan enters into restricted area, came from evil power on Ghost Hunter, then will thoroughly erupt. 伴随着凶煞之气的冲击,直达灵魂的邪恶力量,也悄悄朝着石岩这一块逼近,一旦石岩迈入禁区,来自于鬼獠身上的邪恶力量,便会彻底爆发出来。 Your this fellow, can go in? Your this time may be careful, my power, by your ghost ring seal......” Profound Ice Cold Flame communication reminder. “你这家伙,又要进去么?你这次可要小心啊,我的力量,又被你那鬼戒指封印了……”玄冰寒焰传讯提醒。 Shi Yan stopped and its exchange. 石岩已停止了和它的交流。 Gradually moves toward Ghost Hunter, must approach hundred meters restricted area gradually, he has been able to realize that in these ominous flame disturbing of Dark Qi and Devil Qi, these two types do not belong to this power, the ominous flame is dreadful, is carrying the evil mental consciousness of Ghost Hunter, simply such as strong winds rough sea waves, fierce cruel. 一步步走向鬼獠,渐渐要逼近百米的禁区,他已可以察觉到那些凶焰之中冥气魔气的翻搅,这两种不属于这一界的力量,凶焰滔天,携带着鬼獠的邪恶精神意识,简直如狂风巨浪,凶猛暴戾。 Howling!” “嚎!” Ghost Hunter calls out once moreas if thought that Shi Yan is challenging its patience, ten meters body fiercely wild stands, twines hears the huge striking sound in its wire rope. 鬼獠再次嚎叫”似乎觉得石岩在挑战它的耐性,十米长的身躯猛地狂暴的立起来,缠绕在它身上的铁索传来巨大的碰击声。 Shi Yan stimulates to movement Negative Energy in acupoint suddenly. 石岩突然催动起穴道内的负面力量 An instant, cruel and crazy, hatred, destruction wait / etc. Negative Emotions, immediately the flood Shi Yan mind, in his body, Negative Energy rolling surges, forms the light white fog, evil gloomy. 只是一霎,暴戾、疯狂、仇恨、毁灭等等负面情绪,立即满溢石岩脑海,他身体之中,负面力量滚滚涌动,形成淡淡的白雾,邪恶阴森。 Ghost Hunter suddenly peaceful. 鬼獠霍然安静了下来。 Is separated by 110 meters, that manic restless Ghost Hunter, in the green spooky evil eye pupil, has appeared one to be at a loss for the first time, it such is looking at Shi Yan, actually does not have the swinging body once more, tries to shake off the shackles. 相隔110米,那一直狂躁不安的鬼獠,绿幽幽的邪恶眼眸之中,首次显现出一丝迷惘,它就这么望着石岩,竟然没有再次摆动身躯,试图挣脱枷锁。 Should fill the green and glossy eye pupil of Bloodthirsty killing intent, at this moment, becomes quite dedicated, it seemed pondering that in hesitant, is judging anything...... 应该充满嗜血杀意的绿油油的眼眸,这一刻,变得颇为专注,它似乎在思考,在犹豫,在判断着什么…… The Shi Yan body has not stopped, such is stimulating to movement negative energy, spreads the whole body with Negative Energy, steps into Ghost Hunter restricted area step by step. 石岩身子并未停下来,就这么催动着负面之力,用负面力量蔓延全身,一步步踏入鬼獠禁区 A foot falls. 一脚落入。 In the green pupil of Ghost Hunter, appears the hesitant color, as to begin , is worrying anything likely. 鬼獠的绿眸之中,显出犹豫之色,似乎想要动手,又像是在顾虑什么。 The Shi Yan facial expression is faintlook quite to be gloomy, body evil and cruel negative aura, emits gradually, flushes away toward that Ghost Hunter unexpectedly. 石岩神情淡漠”眼神却颇为阴森,身上邪恶、暴戾的负面气息,渐渐散溢开来,竟朝着那鬼獠冲去。 Meanwhile. 与此同时。 Negative Emotions that in the mind floods, hunchback the Divine Sense convergence with one wisp, forms the extremely evil Divine Sense thought that also escape to Ghost Hunter. 脑海中满溢的负面情绪,和一缕偻神识汇合,形成极度邪恶的神识意念,也同时飞逸向鬼獠 This time Divine Sense thought that with entirely different that the past emits, is carrying Negative Emotions, making Shi Yan several want Bedevilment, has to plant to destroy all, gives the thought that exterminates to exist in world all lives. 这次的神识意念,和以往放出的截然不同,其中携带着的负面情绪,让石岩几欲入魔,有种想要毁灭一切,将世间所有生灵都给灭绝的念头存在。 This thought usually, once appears in Shi Yan heart, Shi Yan to crazy is not far, in the past, he has suppressed, is maintaining the Pure Brightness in mind. 这种念头平日里一旦在石岩心底浮现,石岩离疯狂就不远了,往常,他会一直压制,保持着脑海中的清明。 However, at this moment, he is actually outspoken, lets loose the reason on own initiative, making these Negative Emotions become to attach most importance leads. 然而,这一刻,他却毫无保留,主动放开理智,让那些负面情绪为主导。 Shi Yan eyes is gradually red, as if drops the blood to be ordinary, evil biology that such as the hell deep place crawls, destruction crazy aura. 石岩双眸渐渐赤红,仿佛滴血一般,如地狱深处爬出来的邪恶生物,一身毁灭疯狂之气息 Ghost Hunter peaceful. 鬼獠安静了下来。 Winds around in aura of its evil spirit all around, the tide removes generally, it such dull looks at Shi Yan, that should fill in the evil green pupil of meaning of bloodthirsty, appears the joyful mood unexpectedly. 缭绕在它周遭的凶煞之气息,潮水一般褪去,它就这么呆呆的看着石岩,那本该充满嗜杀之意的邪恶绿眸之中,竟然显现出欣喜的情绪来。 Shi Yan gradually moves toward it, eyes is red, lost the reason gradually. 石岩一步步走向它,双眸赤红,已渐渐失去理智。 Ghost Hunter such joyful looks at he, all hostilities completely vanish, is waiting for anything likely, is anticipating anything. 鬼獠就这么欣喜的看着他,所有的敌意全部消失,像是在等候着什么,期待着什么。 hū hū shouted!” 呼呼呼!” The Ghost Hunter breath is loud, somewhat is popular the plaster to exert unexpectedly, the huge body of setting up, crawls slowly in the place. 鬼獠鼻息粗重,竟然有些兴垩奋,本来立起来的庞大身躯,慢慢匍匐在地。 Shi Yan before the Ghost Hunter body, Ghost Hunter that full is the back of sharp thorn, a region vibrates suddenly gently, sees only there sharp thorn to contract slowly, retracts unexpectedly its body. 石岩到了鬼獠身前,鬼獠那满是尖刺的后背,一块区域忽然轻轻抖动,只见那里的尖刺慢慢收缩,竟然缩回它的身体。 After Ghost Hunter carries on the back, strange appears a smooth open area, can accommodate one person just in time. 鬼獠的后背上,奇异的显出一块平坦的空地来,正巧可以容纳一人。 Shi Yan rises with a spring, the diving posture falls there, sits cross-legged to sit down steadily, grins to laugh wildly: We should in the same place.” 石岩一跃而起,飞身落到那里,稳稳盘膝坐下,咧嘴狂笑:“我们本该在一起。” hōng hōng hōng!” 轰轰轰!” Imprisons the 12 wire ropes of Ghost Hunter whole bodyto explode to break to pieces suddenly. 禁锢鬼獠全身的12根铁索”突然间爆碎开来。 Yang Qingdi keeps Ghost Hunter restriction, was nothing left. 扬青帝留在鬼獠身上的禁制,已荡然无存。 Howling!” “嚎!” Ghost Hunter sends out carefree dripping roaring, the huge body vibrated, the making threatening gestures soaring heaven, hovers in the mountain valley heartily. 鬼獠发出一声畅快淋漓的咆哮,庞大的身躯抖动了一下,张牙舞爪的飞腾上天,在山谷之中尽情翱翔。 Person, conjunction without a gap. 一人一首,契合无间。
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