GOS :: Volume #3

#218: Three choices

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When Shi Yan is riding Ghost Hunter, from that mountain valley, arrives at Yang Family these palaces, the facial expression is quite astonished. 石岩骑着鬼獠,从那山谷之中,来到杨家那些宫殿时,神情颇为惊异。 In that palace, full is Yang Family Warrior, looks from the place above, the dense and numerous Warrior ants seem to be common, sketchy several, feared that has about ten thousand people. 那一座座宫殿中,满是杨家武者,从上方望来,密密麻麻的武者仿佛蚂蚁一般,粗略数一下,怕是有近万人。 These streams of people, collect in one greatly broad * in field. 那些人流,汇集在一个巨大的广*场上。 Broad * in field * Yang, ancient formation, the surroundings have built crystal light glittering top grade Crystal Stone, billowing heaven and earth Spiritual Qi, overflows from these Crystal Stone, has poured into that ancient formation, lets in that ancient formation the illusory image numerous, light of the seven colors wind around. 广*场中*央,一座古老的阵法,周围堆砌了晶光闪烁极品晶石,滚滚天地灵气,从那些晶石之中流溢出来,注入了那古阵法,让那古阵法内幻影重重,有七彩之光缭绕。 Numerous Yang Family Warrior, branch out, encircles by that ancient formation. 众多杨家武者,分出一块块,围在那古阵法旁边。 Yang Lao and Mo Duanhun they, the facial expression with deep veneration, in a that ancient formation strange compass place, is provoking the compass unceasingly. 杨烙莫断魂两人,神情肃然,在那古阵法一个奇异的罗盘处,不断地拨弄着罗盘。 Yang Family Warrior, under their instruction, the systematic station in that ancient formation, one group of dazzling glares have flashed through, stands in ancient formation * Yang's Warrior, then vanishes does not see. 一道道杨家武者,在两人的吩咐下,井然有序的站到了那古阵法中,一团炫目的强光闪过,站在古阵法中*央的武者,便消失不见。 teleportation. 传送阵。 Lowered the head to look at one, Shi Yan had then realized that ancient formation, was connects two places mysterious formation. 只是低头望了一眼,石岩便意识到那古老的阵法,乃是连通两地的神奇阵法 This teleportation, only then Realm achieves Sacred level Refiner Master, can construct with the big supernatural power, extremely complex, in Endless Sea, only then looks like Yang Family this formidable influence, can please move Sacred level Refiner Master, the consumption the commodity that is hard to imagine, can construct. 传送阵,只有境界达到圣级炼器师,才可以用大法力构建出来,极为的复杂,在无尽海,也只有像杨家这种强大的势力,能请的动圣级炼器师,耗费难以想象的物资,才可以构建出来。 Yang Family Warrior, under the arrangement of Yang Lao and Mo Duanhun, enter teleportation in abundance, has consumed top grade Yuan Crystal, was flickered to transfer to not the well-known region. 一个个杨家武者,在杨烙莫断魂的安排下,纷纷进入传送阵,耗费了一块块极品元晶,被瞬移到不知名的区域。 When is riding Ghost Hunter to Shi Yan, falls from the place above, this many Demonic Beastin a terrified way screamed completely. 待到石岩骑着鬼獠,从上方落下时,这一块许多妖兽”全部惶恐尖叫起来。 Here Demonic Beastcrawls under the Ghost Hunter pressure unexpectedly in the place, does not dare with Ghost Hunter looking at each other, the body to trembleas if saw the natural enemy is common. 这边的妖兽鬼獠的压力下”竟然匍匐在地,不敢和鬼獠对视,身躯瑟瑟发抖”仿佛见到了天敌一般。 Yang Lao looks up the day, the facial expression nose does not shake. 杨烙抬头望天,神情不鼻一震。 In Mo Duanhun eyes, blows out one group of none remaining, nods toward Shi Yan gently, seems quite surprised to the Shi Yan ability. 莫断魂双眸中,也爆出一团精光,朝着石岩轻轻点头,似乎对石岩的能力极为惊讶。 Boy, good, is very good.” Yang Lao shows a faint smilethis Ghost Hunter to be really predestined friends with you, it stayed in Immortal Island was so long, always nobody can approach it, your this boy can tame this Demonic Beast Variation, explained that ascended the sky or cares for our Yang Family.” “小子,不错,很不错。”杨烙微微一笑”“这鬼獠果然与你有缘,它在不死岛呆了那么久,始终无人可以接近它,你这小子能够驯服这妖兽异种,说明上天还是眷顾我们杨家的。” Numerous Yang Family Warrior, heard that word complexion one happy, ” as if grasped anything under Yang Lao these words. 众多杨家武者,闻言脸色一喜,在杨烙这一句话下”似乎把握到了什么。 What situation?” Shi Yan gets down from Ghost Hunter, has patted Ghost Hunter gently, has been releasing air/Qi of evil spirit Ghost Hunter, suddenly law-abiding, languid lying has not continued to reveal ominous crazy side on the ground ”. “什么情况?”石岩鬼獠身上下来,轻轻拍了拍鬼獠,一直释放着凶煞之气的鬼獠,突然安分了下来,懒洋洋的趴在地上”没有继续显露出凶狂的一面来。 Other influence Warrior, left for toward Jialuo Sea Area, how long cannot want, these people will present here *......” Yang Lao gloomy the face, your great grandfather byHeavenly Demon Sealing Divine Formation, the news of imprisonment, had spread over entire Endless Sea, after Lang Xun said that nobody will think your great grandfather also to be able, since, Heavenly Demon Sealing Divine Formation, was living coming out, therefore, feared our Yang Family these people, caught this once in a thousand years good opportunity to prepare to destroy completely our Yang Family at one fell swoop...... ” “别的势力武者,已朝着伽罗海域开赴,要不了多久,那些人就会出现在这里*……”杨烙阴沉着脸,“你太爷爷被“天魔封神阵,禁锢的消息,已传遍了整个无尽海,在波旬放话之后,没人会认为你太爷爷还能从,天魔封神阵,中活着出来,因此,本来惧怕我们杨家的那些人,逮到了这千载难逢的好机会”准备一举灭掉我们杨家了……” Yang Lao said the situation simply. 杨烙将情况简单说了一遍。 Lang Xun bones of the dead Body Clone, comes in the major sea areas, indicates this Yang Qingdi to die without doubt, many ahead of time the demon person who enters from the space node, contacts with the major influence heads repeatedly, has transmitted Lang Xun and Chi Yan good intentions to these people. 波旬的白骨法身,在各大海域现身,指明这一趟扬青帝必死无疑,许多提前从空间节点进入的魔人,频频和各大势力首脑接触,向那些人传递了波旬赤阎的善意。 And has shown the sincerity, will be numerous the rare commodity that only then Devil Territory has, delivers to these big influence hands. 并且拿出了诚意,将众多只有魔域才存在的稀有物资,送到那些大势力手中。 Chi Yan and Lang Xun, said that must live in peace together with Endless Sea, connects two, exchanges the commodity. 赤阎波旬,放话要和无尽海和平相处,连通两界,互换物资。 The propositions of two Great Devil Emperor, making many people not law-abiding, came from the Devil Territory god rare object capital, let many person not being able to sit still oneself in the past, Endless Sea connected Fourth Devil Area Gate of Heaven, grasped in the family|home hand, only then Yang Family can enter Fourth Devil Area through Gate of Heaven, then brought back to the strange cultivation material that this can never present from Fourth Devil Area. 大魔帝的提议,让很多人不安分了,来自于魔域的神奇物资,也让许多人坐不住己以往,无尽海连通第四魔域天门,掌握在楞家手中,也只有杨家才可以通过天门进入第四魔域,进而从第四魔域带回这一界永远不会出现的奇异修炼材料。 Also because of so, the Yang Family resources is quite abundant in Endless Sea, Yang Family according to this superiority, stands erect steadily proudly in Endless Sea. 也是因为如此,杨家的资源在无尽海极为雄厚,杨家依这个优势,稳稳傲然屹立在无尽海 Nobody does not drool the Devil Territory commodity, before Yang Family was dominating the entrance, because of the power of Yang Family, these people does not dare to act unreasonably, can only receive in exchange for these commodities from the hand of Yang Family, was received to blow numerous rare treasures by Yang Family. 没人不垂涎魔域的物资,以前杨家把持着入口,因为杨家的强盛,那些人不敢乱来,只能从杨家的手中来换取那些物资,被杨家收刮了众多稀有的珍宝。 Now Yang Qingdi was imprisoned, more unfortunate than fortunate, Chi Yan and Lang Xun they also proposed let them the treaty that was hard to reject, for the Devil Territory commodity, for the wealth of Yang Family several hundred years of accumulation, these people collaborated finally, tries to destroy completely Yang Family at one fell swoop, shared Devil Territory. 如今扬青帝被禁锢,凶多吉少,赤阎波旬两人又提出了让他们难以拒绝的条约了,为了魔域的物资,为了杨家数百年积累的财富,这些人终于联手,试图一举灭掉杨家,共享魔域 Decides that major influences then no longer hesitant, starts to send the master, catches up toward Jialuo Sea Area......, That power really extremely powerful, and Yang Family is Tianxie Fairyland and Xia Family of union, suddenly law-abiding. 决定下来,各大势力便不再犹豫,开始派遣高手,往伽罗海域赶来……,那一股力量实在太过强悍,以至于本来和杨家算是同盟的天邪洞天夏家,也忽然安分了下来。 Xia Family is good, Xia Shenchuan has been ahead of time to Yang Lao indicated that Xia Family impossible because of Yang Family, comes facing collaborations of these influences, this time will hold troops, no matter this right and wrong. 夏家还好,夏神川已提前向杨烙表明,夏家不可能因为杨家,来面对那些势力的联手,这次将会按兵不动,不管这趟是非。 But Tianxie Fairyland, not only has not helped the meaning of Yang Family, actually in secret with these influence contacts, as if has a mind with the aid at this big accident, direct substitution Yang Family in Endless Sea Earth Realm. 天邪洞天,不但没有帮助杨家的意思,竟然暗中和那些势力接触,似乎有心借助于这一趟的大变故,直接取代杨家无尽海地位 One at night, Yang Family is isolated and cuts off from help, has become the fat in people eyes. 一夜间,杨家孤立无援,成了众人眼中的肥肉。 Numerous savage influences, after obtaining Lang Xun affirmed news that Yang Qingdi must die, opens the big mouth, tries to gnaw to eat Yang Family. * the situation of family|home, arrived at the precipitousest time. 众多凶残的势力,在得到波旬肯定扬青帝必死的消息之后,纷纷张开血盆大口,试图将杨家啃食一空。*家的局势,已到了最为险峻的时刻。 But, Yang Lao starts to launch exit strategy, is divided into batches of small stock power, wealth and Warrior of Yang Family these year of accumulations, quietly shift. 无奈之下,杨烙开始启动撤离计划,分成一批批小股力量,将杨家这些年积累的财富和武者,悄悄转移。 You come just right *......” Yang Lao frowns, this has to evacuate, now we have three evacuation regions \; first, Devil Territory \; first, seabed Huang City, one is the abyss battlefield, you choose one *......” “你来的正好*……”杨烙皱着眉头,“这趟不得不撤离了,如今我们有三个撤离区域,一是魔域,一是海底荒城,还有一个便是深渊战场,你挑选一个吧*……” Devil Territory?” Will Shi Yan, remember with amazement evacuates toward Devil Territory? At this time entered Devil Territory, can extinguishes by Lang Xun and Chi Yan at one fell swoop kills?” 魔域?”石岩骇然,“怎会想起了往魔域撤离?这时候进入魔域,岂不是要被波旬赤阎给一举灭杀了?” „The Devil Territory situation, imagines with you are different.” Yang Lao gives a calm smile, at the critical moment of family big change, he is indifferent to personal gains and losses as before, in Fourth Devil Area, many regions, Lang Xun and Chi Yan they, cannot induce condition. Devil Territory is enormous, this kind of many are wonderfully uncountable, our Yang Family has managed that many years in Devil Territory, some regions the understanding of Devil Territory, is deeper than some demon people. This time our Yang Family removes into the Devil Territory person, will occupy 80%! Many years ago, we in have set up concealing formation in some Devil Territory strange, with the aid of there natural environment, after we pass, Chi Yan and Lang Xun they, is hard to seek for us to come *......” 魔域的情况,和你想象中不一样。”杨烙淡然一笑,在家族大变的关键时刻,他依旧宠辱不惊,“在第四魔域之中,有许多区域,就连波旬赤阎两人,都感应不出其中的状况。魔域极大,这类的奇地多不可数,我们杨家魔域经营了那么多年,对魔域的一些区域的了解,比一些魔人还要深。这次我们杨家撤入魔域的人,将占据八成!许多年前,我们就在魔域一些奇地之中设立了隐匿阵法,借助那里的天然环境,我们过去之后,赤阎波旬两人,也难以找寻出我们来*……” Shi Yan hear of expressing admiration. 石岩听的啧啧称奇。 He thought in Fourth Devil Area, has Lang Xun and Chi Yan of two Great Devil Emperor boundary of God Passage Third Sky, can understand thoroughly the Devil Territory situation easily, such as the umbrella listened to a Yang Lao saying, he knows that the Devil Territory strange place, let Lang Xun and Chi Yan two Great Devil Emperor unexpectedly, possibly was at wit's end. 他本以为在第四魔域,有着通神三重天之境的波旬赤阎大魔帝,可以轻而易举将魔域的情况洞彻,如伞听杨烙一说,他才知道魔域的奇异之地,竟然让波旬赤阎大魔帝,都可能无计可施。 Seabed Huang City, is strange place of Endless Sea seabed, there is living Sea Clan Warrior, that is the Sea Clan world, if there are large quantities of Endless Sea influences to enter, will cause the Sea Clan powerful to rebound, possibly provokes two clan wars. But our Yang Family, with the several Sea Clan influences of that side, has had the communication, we enter part to go to seabed Huang City, should unobstructive.” “海底荒城,乃是无尽海海底的一个奇异之地,那里生活着海族武者,那是海族的天下,若是有大批的无尽海势力进入,会引起海族的强势反弹,可能挑起两族大战。而我们杨家,和那边的几股海族势力,一直都有来往,我们进入一部分去海底荒城,应该无碍。” Abyss battlefield? Where is this?” “深渊战场呢?这是个什么地方?” Abyss battlefield in the vault of heaven sea area, it is said belonged our, why actually does not know the reason, from our fissions. The abyss battlefield is quite strange, connects abyss battlefield Gate of Heaven to have the change throughout, every other hundred years, change one time.” “深渊战场在苍穹海域,据说本来属于我们这一界,却不知道因何原因,从我们这一界分裂出去了。深渊战场颇为怪异,连通深渊战场的天门始终在发生变化,每隔百年,变化一次。” Any intent “什么意默” Three hundred years ago, Elementary to Warrior of boundary of God Passage, can enter Gate of Heaven. Two hundred years ago, Gate of Heaven change, Warrior of boundary of God Passage, has been hard to enter, hundred years ago, there Gate of Heaven change again, including Sky Realm Warrior, was hard to enter. Now, there Gate of Heaven, including Warrior of boundary of Nirvana Origin, cannot enter. These days, only then Warrior under Earth Realm and Earth Realm, can enter the abyss battlefield *......” “三百年前,后天通神之境的武者,都可以进入天门。两百年前,天门发生变化,通神之境的武者,已难以进入其中,一百年前,那里的天门再次发生变化,连天位之境武者,都难以进入了。如今,那里的天门,连涅巢之境的武者,都不能进入其中。这段时间,只有地位地位之下的武者,才能够进入深渊战场*……” „? That Gate of Heaven every more than hundred years single layer limits?” “啊?那天门每百年多一重限制?” Is this.” Yang Lao nodded, this time, we will be divided into three, enters Devil Territory, enters seabed Huang City, enters the abyss battlefield. By doing so, to prevent big accident, after all, regardless of walks to enter that region, is too centralized, possibility that may face thoroughly destroy completely, like this is divided into three, can raise the probability that the bloodlines retain......” “就是这样。”杨烙点了点头,“这次,我们将会分成三股,一股进入魔域,一股进入海底荒城,一股进入深渊战场。这样做,是为了防止出大意外,毕竟,不论走进入那一块区域,太集中的话,都有可能面临被彻底灭掉的可能,这样分成三股,才可以提高血脉保留的机率……” I go to the abyss battlefield.” Yang Mu sneers, I not only need enter the abyss battlefield, but must say that told these person of me in inside. Hehe, in the abyss battlefield, Warrior of boundary of Nirvana Origin is hard to enter at this time, these major influences want to come to stamp out the source of trouble, definitely will unable to send the master of boundary of Nirvana Origin to come the abyss battlefield to kill me, „, I am waiting in the abyss battlefield, the person who dares to chase down, destroys completely their one by one.” “我去深渊战场。”杨幕冷笑,“我不但要进入深渊战场,还要放话出去,告诉那些人我在里面。嘿嘿,此时深渊战场之中,涅巢之境的武者难以进入,那些各大势力想来会斩草除根,必然会派遣不到涅巢之境的高手来深渊战场杀我,“哼,我就在深渊战场等着,将敢来追杀的人,将他们一一灭掉。” I also go to the abyss battlefield *......” the Shi Yan light nod, wants to come to that side quite to be interesting.” “我也去深渊战场*……”石岩淡淡点头,“想来那边会比较有趣一点。” Earth Realm above Warrior cannot enter the abyss battlefield, this means in inside, the master who even if some major influences send chases down, Realm also many Third Sky of Earth Level. 地位以上的武者不能进入深渊战场,这意味着在里面,即便有各大势力派遣的高手过来追杀,境界也最多地位三重天之境 Shi Yan believes that by his power, facing Earth Level Warrior, will not suffer a loss. 石岩相信以他的力量,面对地位之境武者,并不会吃大亏。 In other words, abyss battlefield most suits him, there, is possibly safest, but can also through and confrontation of these major influence Warrior, through slaughtering, comes continually to promote own power. 也就是说,深渊战场最为适合他,在那里,可能也最为安全,还可以通过和那些各大势力武者的交锋,通过杀戮,来不断地提升自己的力量 Ha Ha, Younger Brother Yan is good.” Yang Mu has smiled, we arrived at the abyss battlefield, but actually must have a look at many people to dare to look for our troubles, most, making me kill a happiness.” “哈哈,小岩子不错。”杨幕笑了,“我们到了深渊战场,倒要看看有多少人敢来找我们的麻烦,最好多来点,让我杀个痛快。” Abyss battlefield extremely mystical, it is said is Antiquity time powerful Warrior the place of sparring, in the abyss battlefield, restriction and barrier is everywhere, remained rare treasure Martial Skills of many Antiquity times, you must enter the abyss battlefield, not only need be careful that these chase down your fellows, must be careful abyss battlefield everywhere all sorts of restriction, and formation barrier awfully.” Yang Lao knits the brows to say. “深渊战场极为神秘,据说乃远古时期强悍武者的斗法之地,在深渊战场之中,禁制结界无处不在,其中残留了许多远古时期的异宝武技,你们真要进入深渊战场,不但要小心那些追杀你们的那些家伙,更要小心深渊战场无处不在的种种禁制、和要命的阵法结界。”杨烙皱眉道。 In abyss battlefield, there is the rare treasure in same legend, perhaps, can let Family Head, since, Heavenly Demon Sealing Divine Formation, is separated from *......” continuously silent Mo Duanhun, suddenly the receptacle, looks at Shi Yan, shows expression looking pensive. “深渊战场中,有一样传说中的异宝,或许,可以让家主从,天魔封神阵,之中脱离*……”一直沉默的莫断魂,突然插口,怔怔地看着石岩,露出若有所思的表情。 The Yang Lao facial expression shakes, the facial expression is also quite strange, similarly looks to Shi Yan. 杨烙神情一震,神情也颇为怪异,同样看向石岩 What's wrong? Is related with Younger Brother Yan?” Yang Mu calls out in alarm. “怎么?和小岩子有关?”杨幕惊叫。 Yang Lao and Mo Duanhun nod together. 杨烙莫断魂一起点头。
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