GOS :: Volume #3

#216: Antiquity Gate of Heaven

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Fierce!!” “厉害!!” Profound Ice Cold Flame spreads the urgent thought once more, careful, immediately leaves here! The soul of this fellow, without the emotion of any your humanity, only then inexhaustible slaughtering. It will destroy completely all living thing, ruins all souls! This fellow, absolutely is not general Demonic Beast!”, Shi Yan with amazement. 玄冰寒焰再次传出急迫的念头,“小心,立即离开这里!这家伙的灵魂,没有任何你们人类的情感,只有无穷无尽的杀戮。它会灭掉一切生物,毁掉所有的灵魂!这家伙,绝对不是一般的妖兽啊!”,石岩骇然。 Is inferior to think that stimulates to movement in the body plaster hurriedly completely power, enters the both legs the billowing Essence Qi bang once more, urges to send out Escaping Lightning Changes. 不及多想,急忙催动体垩内全部力量,再次将滚滚精元轰入双腿,催发出逸电变 lightning has delimited the mountain valley together. 一道电光划过山谷。 Decides in a Ghost Hunter hundred meters extra income. 鬼獠百米之外落定。 Roar roar roar!” “吼吼吼!” Ghost Hunter crazy was roaring, that pair of cruel green pupil, was staring Shi Yan stubbornly, in the Shi Yan body first 20 meters place anchorage body, was actually being wrestled by that 12 chains tight packings. 鬼獠疯狂的咆哮着,那一双残忍的绿眸,死死瞪着石岩,却在石岩身前20米处定住身子,被那12根锁链紧紧束搏着。 Two sacred mountain, hear the violent rumbled sound, is connecting the sacred mountain 12 chains, stretches tight, as if the break will be momentarily ordinary. 两座神山,传来猛烈的轰鸣声,连接着神山的12根锁链,绷的紧紧的,仿佛随时会断裂一般。 Six levels of Demonic Beast, ominous flame that but this Ghost Hunter flash erupts, simply world-shaking. 只是六级的妖兽,可这鬼獠一瞬间爆发出来的凶焰,简直惊天动地 Shi Yan facial expression cloudy eyeball is uncertain, the breath, such is staring front Ghost Hunter slowly, grins to sneer saying: Calculates that you suppress!” 石岩神情阴睛不定,缓缓呼吸,就这么瞪着面前的鬼獠,咧嘴冷笑道:“算你狠!” He has not expected approaches this Ghost Hunter, the body came from the Ghost Hunter power bunch unexpectedly wrestles, Profound Ice Cold Flame promptly comes out to rescue, he must be struck to kill inadequately by this Ghost Hunter. 他没有料到才一靠近这鬼獠,身体竟然就被来自于鬼獠力量束搏,要不是玄冰寒焰及时出来搭救,他非要被这鬼獠给一击击杀不成。 Also failed. 又失败了。 This Demonic Beast is uncommon.” In Blood Vein Ringspread the Profound Ice Cold Flame news to read, while spreading the news read, came from Profound Ice Cold Flame aura, gradual weakening, the bunch of Blood Vein Ring to Profound Ice Cold Flame wrestled, started to deepen, as if gave to imprison it again. “这妖兽非常不凡。”血纹戒内”传出了玄冰寒焰的讯念,在传出讯念的同时,来自于玄冰寒焰气息,逐渐的减弱,血纹戒玄冰寒焰的束搏,又开始加深,似乎重新将它给禁锢了起来。 Un, it is said is Underworld Heavenly Ghost and Devil Territory Hunter Dragon hybrid......”, Shi Yan this Hunter Dragon origin, described to that Profound Ice Cold Flame, said according to my grandfather that this Demonic Beast should not exist, said that Underworld and Devil Territory cannot exchange, this Ghost Hunter origin, simply might be called the miracle.” “嗯,据说是冥界天鬼魔域獠龙混种……”,石岩将这獠龙的来历,向那玄冰寒焰描述,“按照我那爷爷所说,这妖兽根本不应该存在,说冥界魔域根本不能互通,这鬼獠的来历,简直堪称奇迹。” Underworld Heavenly Ghost and Devil Territory Hunter Dragon hybrid?” Profound Ice Cold Flame is extremely surprised, „did you determine?” 冥界天鬼魔域獠龙混种?”玄冰寒焰极其惊讶,“你确定?” He indeed said.” “他的确是这么说的。” Profound Ice Cold Flame was suddenly silent. 玄冰寒焰忽然沉默了。 For a long time after for a long time, Profound Ice Cold again the biography ridiculed especially, you had in a big way trouble!” 许久许久之后,玄冰寒特才再次传讥,“你们有大麻烦了!” The Shi Yan complexion changes, said: „, This words how allow?”, He knows this Profound Ice Cold Flame, although is not humanity, but regarding this understanding, feared that be thorough than God Realm Expert. 石岩脸色一变,顿了一下,才道:“,此话怎许?”,他知道这玄冰寒焰虽然不是人类,但对于这一界的了解,怕是要比神境强者还要透彻。 This fellow does not know that had many years, obtained the ancient time many God Realm Expert memories, it not only understood that Grace Mainland some unknown hidden secret, the ancient secret to Underworld and Devil Territory have browsed. 这家伙不知道存在了多少年,得到了古时期许多神境强者的记忆,它不但了解神恩大陆的一些不为人知的秘辛,对冥界魔域的古老秘密都有所涉猎。 Since it is said that decided however has discovered anything! 它既然这么说,定然发现了什么! „The appearance of Ghost Hunter, means that definitely has fearful existence, passage between Underworld and Devil Territory breaking, Underworld and Devil Territory passage broke, the space barrier will become extremely will not stabilize this Grace Mainland space node, will present many crevices. ” 鬼獠的出现,意味着肯定有可怕的存在,将冥界魔域之间的通道给破开了,冥界魔域通道一破开,空间屏障就会变得极其不稳定”就连这神恩大陆的空间节点,也会出现很多空隙。” What does this mean?”, Means that the deep person and demon person, feared will collaborate, to this launches the ruinous offensive once more!” “这意味着什么?”,“意味着冥人和魔人,怕是会联手,再次对这一界发动毁灭性的攻势!” Shi Yan with amazement. 石岩骇然。 Underworld and Devil Territory, always corruptly read this bounty some rich resources on Grace Mainland, was they two is quite deficient. Once the deep person and demon person, obtain these urgently needed commodities on Grace Mainland, they crazily will then expand, the strength rises fast, when the time comes, was your this disasters. ” 冥界魔域,一向贪念这一界的富饶”神恩大陆上的一些丰富的资源,是他们两界极为缺乏的。一旦冥人和魔人,得到神恩大陆上的那些急需物资,他们便会疯狂的扩张,实力快速疯涨,到时候,就是你们这一界的灾难了。” Underworld and Devil Territory passage opens, is the signal that these two collaborate! Is they must enter your Grace Mainland to seize the indication that the resources slaughter wantonly!” 冥界魔域通道打开,就是这两界联手的讯号!是他们要进入你们神恩大陆攫取资源大肆杀戮的征兆!” What?” Shi Yan shocks incomparably. “什么?”石岩震惊无比。 This Ghost Hunter how many ages?” “这鬼獠有多少岁数了?” It is said had several hundred years old.” “据说有数百岁了。” Recently, has the demon person directly from the space node, arrives at this directly?” “最近一段时间,有没有魔人直接从空间节点,直接降临这一界?” Has!”, That was awful.” “有!”,“那就糟糕了。” Profound Ice Cold Flame appears also but quite„, Underworld and Devil Territory passage, from the connection to the stability, to letting the space node presents the crevice, takes about 500 years. 500 years, the deep person and demon person, need to invest the countless commodities at this matter, can truly the passage steady connection of Underworld and Devil Territory, then affects to enter the Grace Mainland space node, once there is an demon person to brave death from the space node to appear, and presents the high Level demon person, this almost means that they will soon have prepared appropriately.” 玄冰寒焰显得也颇为无奈”“,冥界魔域通道,从连通至稳定,到让空间节点出现空隙,需要500年左右的时间。500年时间,冥人和魔人,在这件事情上需要投入数不尽的物资,才可以真正将冥界魔域通道平稳连通,进而影响到进入神恩大陆的空间节点,一旦有魔人冒死从空间节点出现,并且出现高等级的魔人,这几乎就意味着他们已即将准备妥当了。” Then will be what kind of?” “接下来会怎样?” Underworld and our does not have the space node, Underworld and our Gate of Heaven, are unidirectional, only then we can enter Underworld through Gate of Heaven, but the deep person is actually hard to enter into Grace Mainland through Gate of Heaven. Also said that deep person is hard to step into truly our. However, once the passage connection of Underworld and Devil Territory, that deep person can through Devil Territory and our space nodes, steps into this.” 冥界和我们这一界不存在空间节点,冥界和我们这一界的天门,是单向的,只有我们能通过天门进入冥界,可冥人却难以通过天门迈入神恩大陆。也是就说,冥人难以真正踏入我们这一界。然而,一旦冥界魔域通道连通,那冥人就可以通过魔域和我们这一界的空间节点,踏入这一界了。” Then?” “然后呢?” Then some day, you will discover that „ the massive high Level demon people and deep people, will brave suddenly here. “然后某一天,你就会发现“大量的高等级的魔人和冥人,会突然在这里冒出来。 When the time comes, this Endless Sea all Warrior can be the game of deep person and demon person, how long perhaps could not want, here will be slaughtered cleanly, could not look for a humanity again. ”, Why doesn't demon person enter this through Gate of Heaven?” 到时候,这无尽海的所有武者都会是冥人和魔人的猎物,或许要不了多久,这里就会被屠戮干净,再也找不着一个人类。”,“魔人为什么不通过天门进入这一界?” In Gate of Heaven, the demon person of God Realm rank, is hard to be genuine shuttle n here to have heaven and earth to know restraint, if the demon person of Devil Emperor rank, can easily enter this through Gate of Heaven, here already life extinguish. Second, reason that third Devil Territory by thorough seal, is because there has the True God Realm demon person, can disregard Gate of Heaven heaven and earth natural law, therefore by the thorough seal, was not remained Gate of Heaven!” 天门之中,神境级别的魔人,难以真正穿梭n这里有天地知则的约束,若是魔帝级别的魔人,可以轻易通过天门进入这一界,这里早就生灵涂炭了。第二、第三魔域之所以被彻底封印了,也是因为那里有真神之境的魔人,可以无视天门天地规则,所以才被彻底封印,连天门都不留!” Shi Yan hear of chest cavity are dumbfounded. 石岩听的膛目结舌。 He has never thought that demon person so is unexpectedly fearful, said according to this Profound Ice Cold Flame that the second, third Devil Territory demon person fears, to prevent stepping- of these demon people, therefore these two big Devil Territory connect this Gate of Heaven, thoroughly was ruined. 他从来不曾想过,魔人竟然如此可怕,按照这玄冰寒焰所说,第二、第三魔域的魔人更加恐怕,正是为了阻止这些魔人的涉足,所以这两大魔域连通这一界的天门,都被彻底毁掉了。 Is who makes Gate of Heaven?”, Warrior of God King level.” “是谁弄出来天门?”,“神王级的武者。” „, Warrior of God King level?”, „, In legend, Antiquity time, demon person and other deep person races, although various place different contact surfaces, friendly are actually together. Existence of Gate of Heaven, to let the major races, can the intercommunication. Because each resources are limited, communication among from all walks of life, can make everybody gain the most abundant cultivation resources, appointed the what kind clan has the profit.”, In the Antiquity time, the region called the sea, in the sea had many Gate of Heaven, Gate of Heaven connected from all walks of life. The place of sea Man Gu, is center from all walks of life, on our Grace Mainland. However, when does not know gets up, among various clans actually erupted the racial hatred, because of existence of Gate of Heaven, some formidable races, can arrive at other contact surface, exterminates the clan other race directly.” “啊,神王级的武者?”,“嗯,传说中,远古时期,不论是魔人、冥人还是别的各种种族,虽然各处不同的界面,却友好相处。天门的存在,也是为了让各大种族,可以相互来往。因为每一界的资源有限,各界之间的来往,能够让大家获取到最为充裕的修炼资源,对任何种族都有益处。”,“在远古时期,有一个区域叫界海,界海中有许多天门,天门连通各界。界海所处的蛮古之地,乃是各界的中心,就在我们神恩大陆上。然而,不知道何时起,各族之间却爆发了种族仇恨,因为天门的存在,一些强大的种族,可以降临别的界面,将别的种族直接灭族。” „The war of race, because of existence of Gate of Heaven, becomes easy. The small and weak race, entered by the formidable race, was exterminated. Initially Grace Mainland and Devil Territory and deep territory, is only three contact surfaces, had more contact surface more multi- races to implicate the war, inherited hundreds of thousands of years of race, forever the disappearing bum during the fight in the river of history......”, until one day, Expert of various clans, realized existence of Gate of Heaven, after extreme danger. When constructs Gate of Heaven, supposes all sorts of restriction, prevents the appearance of contact surface war. Some races in the contact surface war, suffered a loss, knew that is incapable of resisting the aggression of superior race, has to destroy Gate of Heaven, completely cuts off the relation with outside world. ” “种族之战,因为天门的存在,变得轻而易举。许多弱小的种族,被强大的种族进入,被灭绝了。当初神恩大陆魔域、冥域,也只是三个界面而已,有更多的界面更多种族牵连到大战,传承数十万年的种族,在战斗之中永远消氓在历史长河……”,“直到某一天,各族的强者,意识到天门的存在,极为的危险之后。才在构造天门的时候,设下种种的禁制,防止界面战争的出现。一些种族”在界面战争之中,吃了大亏,自知无力抵御高等种族的侵略,不得不毁去天门,和外界彻底断绝联系。” In that time, many Gate of Heaven one by one vanishes, many races, thorough and our lost the contact. Later although also has scarce Gate of Heaven, but Gate of Heaven in the construction, has actually joined all sorts of restriction, prevents to present a side to be too strong, directly situation occurrence of another side extermination of the clan.” “在那个时代,很多天门一一消失,很多种族,彻底和我们这一界失去了联系。之后虽然也有稀少的天门,可天门在构建的时候,却加入了种种禁制,防止出现一方太强,直接将另外一方灭族的情况发生。” Underworld, is the extremely tyrannical race, connects Underworld Gate of Heaven, reason that is unidirectional, should to prevent the deep person enters this wantonly, specially establishes. Devil Territory is also the formidable alien race, reason that Gate of Heaven cannot through the God Realm demon person, fear that is also the demon person who knows the God Realm rank, once enters this, will create this ruinous attack, in the past this God King has constructed this barrier, to preserve this safety......”, Profound Ice Cold Flame as the witness of history, through all sorts of ancient time God Realm Expert memories, related hidden secret between Gate of Heaven and alien race who it knows, narration that has not concealed gives Shi Yan to listen. 冥界,就是极为强横的种族,连通冥界天门,之所以是单向的,应该就是为了防止冥人大肆进入这一界,才特意设置的。魔域也是强大的异族,之所以天门不能通过神境的魔人,怕也是知道神境级别的魔人,一旦进入这一界,将会造成这一界毁灭性的打击,当年这一界的神王构建了这种屏障,也是为了保全这一界的安危……”,玄冰寒焰身为历史的见证者,通过种种古时期神境强者的记忆,将它所知晓的有关天门和异族之间的秘辛,没有丝毫隐瞒的讲述给石岩听。 When said to the Profound Ice Cold Flame words, Shi Yan when shock, realized Endless Sea here, feared that must encounter challenges greatly. 待到玄冰寒焰的一番话讲完,石岩在震撼之余,也意识到无尽海这里,怕是要遭遇多么大的挑战了。 Shi Yan.” 石岩。” Yang Lao appears quietly, dignified incomparable, after coming, he shot a look at that Demonic Beast Ghost Hunter, deeply looked at Shi Yan one, suddenly said: Again one month, you, if was unable to subdue this Ghost Hunter, do not continue to waste the time. One month later, you leave Immortal Island, I will arrange you to the safe place.” 杨烙悄悄出现,神情凝重无比,过来之后,他瞥了一眼那妖兽鬼獠,又深深望了石岩一眼,忽然道:“再有一个月时间,你如果还不能收服这鬼獠,就不要继续浪费时间了。一个月之后,你离开不死岛,我会安排你到安全的地方。” The Shi Yan facial expression changes, sinking sound track: What had?”, Yang Family in cangue Luo sea area, is this Endless Sea, is one of the most powerful influences, but the basis of Immortal Island Yang Family, here also has sacred mountain. 石岩神情一变,沉声道:“发生了什么?”,杨家不论是在枷罗海域,还是这无尽海,都是最为强悍的势力之一,而不死岛正是杨家的根据,这里还有神山在。 What disaster is, forces Yang Family unexpectedly, can evacuate the Immortal Island situation temporarily? 到底是什么样的灾难,竟然逼迫到杨家,要暂时撤离不死岛的地步? Three days ago, Devil Emperor Bo Xun bones of the dead Body Clone, comes in the different sea areas. He spoke your great grandfather in Fourth Devil Area, byHeavenly Demon Sealing Divine Formation, was imprisoned, said your great grandfather, even if had does not extinguish vestment top crisp imperial rare treasure to exist, by thatHeavenly Demon Sealing Divine Formation, will be built up sooner or later.” The Yang Lao facial expression is serious. “三天前,魔帝波旬的白骨法身,在不同的海域现身。他明言你太爷爷在第四魔域之中,被“天魔封神阵,禁锢住了,说你太爷爷即便有不灭圣衣这顶尖的脆御秘宝存在,也会被那“天魔封神阵,给早晚炼死。”杨烙神情沉重。 „” Did not say that Lang Xun hasn't restored? ”, Shi Yan has a big shock. “啊”不是说波旬还未恢复么?”,石岩大惊失色。 That, Heavenly Demon Sealing Divine Formation, is not Devil Emperor Bo Xun, but from another Devil Emperor Chi Yan, Lang Xun and Chi Yan these two situations becomes water and fire Devil Emperor, collaborated.”, Yang Lao look cloudy secondary rainbow, complexion ugly. “那,天魔封神阵,不是魔帝波旬的,而是来自于另一位魔帝赤阎,波旬赤阎这两大势成水火的魔帝,联手了。”,杨烙眼神阴霓,脸色难看之极。 „Can demon person enter our?”, Shi Yan deeply inspired, making oneself slowly calm. “魔人要进入我们这一界了?”,石岩深吸了一口气,让自己慢慢镇定下来。 Demon person returns the future.” Yang Lao shook the head, „, but, these big influences of other sea area, left for toward our cangue Luo Haiyu quietly. These demon people who before arrived, have not died by luck, looked for the heads of these big influences, made the promise, must with they signed the peace business make respectively, exchanges Devil Territory and our resources, the condition was --- “魔人还未来。”杨烙摇了摇头,“不过,别的海域的那些大势力,已悄悄往我们枷罗海域开赴了。之前降临的那些魔人,侥幸未死,的,找上了那些大势力的首脑,许下诺言,要和他们签下和平商贸的各约,互通魔域和我们这一界的资源,条件是--- Extinguishes my Yang Family! ”, 灭我杨家!”,
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