GOS :: Volume #3

#215: Accident

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In mountain valley. 山谷中。 Shi Yan faces Ghost Hunter, sleep is only at wit's end. 石岩独自一人面对鬼獠,只觉无计可施。 Ghost Hunter this Demonic Beast Variation, by the Yang Qingdi seal some power, has only been able to attack in hundred meters, hundred meters range is Ghost Hunter restricted area, once approaches, will certainly welcome the Ghost Hunter fierce attack. 鬼獠妖兽异种,已被扬青帝封印了部分力量,只能在百米之内攻击,百米范围乃鬼獠禁区,一旦靠近,必将迎来鬼獠凶猛的攻击。 Three days, Shi Yan has tried various methods, wants close hundred meters boundary, whenever he steps into hundred meters restricted area, this Ghost Hunter violent disposition greatly will send, body that fierce fierce ominous flame, must crash Shi Yan simply. 三天来,石岩试过各种方法,想要接近百米界限,每当他踏入百米禁区,这鬼獠就会狂性大发,身上那凶猛狂烈的凶焰,简直要将石岩生生压垮。 Without any method and Ghost Hunter communication, he also tried to emit the mental consciousness. 没有任何方法和鬼獠沟通,他也曾经试过放出精神意识。 However, his energetic consciousness, once attempts with the Ghost Hunter communication, under the Ghost Hunter dreadful ominous flame, will directly be wanted to collapse to several of suppression. 然而,他精神意识一旦试图和鬼獠沟通,就会在鬼獠的滔天凶焰之下,被直接给压制的几欲崩溃。 On this day, Shi Yan attempts with the Ghost Hunter communication, however, Divine Sense one precise comes out, from the body of Ghost Hunter, gushes out aura that hot tempered does not bear. 这一天,石岩又试图和鬼獠沟通,然而,神识才一凝炼出来,就从鬼獠的身上,涌出暴躁不耐的气息来。 Is centered on Ghost Hunter, airing of the wave of evil spirit sends, covers the mountain valley directly, easily accomplished general, all around all bones of the dead will give to raise, these bones of the dead as if sharp swords, shoot toward Shi Yan......, Was good because of Shi Yan early has pre- just, evacuates promptly, evaded that everywhere the offensive. 鬼獠为中心,一波凶煞之气爆发出来,直接将山谷覆盖,摧枯拉朽一般,将周遭所有白骨都给掀起,那些白骨仿佛利剑,直朝着石岩射来……,好在石岩早有预刚,及时撤离开来,才躲过那漫天的攻势。 Shi Yan has an obstinate however weak feeling. 石岩有种顽然无力的感觉。 This Heavenly Ghost and Hunter Dragon hybrid, is quite indeed fearful, not only ominous air/Qi, and loathing gratifying air/Qi, is watertight extremely, the energy is infinite, never with resting general, throughout is staring at him. 天鬼獠龙混种,的确极为可怕,不但一身凶气,并且极为厌恶喜人之气,滴水不漏,精力无限,从不用歇息一般,始终盯着他。 If not for before Yang Lao just before leaving, indicated Yang Qingdi to say this Ghost Hunter and he was predestined friends, Shi Yan feared that was gave up. 若不是杨烙临走之前,指明扬青帝曾经说过这鬼獠和他有缘,石岩怕是已放弃了。 Yang Qingdi all sorts of mysterious, makes him not have to leave here immediately , to continue to seek for this and method of Ghost Hunter communication. 扬青帝的种种神奇,才让他没有马上离开这儿,继续找寻这和鬼獠沟通的方法。 Time in a hurry. 时间匆匆。 A twinklinghalf a month passed by. 一眨眼”半月过去了。 Half a month time, Shi Yan does not have anxiously and Ghost Hunter actually approaches, and Ghost Hunter is maintaining the safe distance, has not been obtaining the approval of Ghost Hunter anxiously quickly, in this mountain valley, the nose heart realizes from experience Escaping Lightning Changes and Phantom Change. 半月时间,石岩倒是没有急着和鬼獠靠近,一直和鬼獠保持着安全的距离,没有急着那么快得到鬼獠的认可,就在这山谷中,鼻心来体悟逸电变幻影变 Yang Family is indeed filthy rich, these days, various delicacies delicacies, send continuously, are being full the Shi Yan taste. 杨家的确财大气粗,这段时间,各类佳肴美味,源源不断送来,充盈着石岩的脾胃。 Millenniums ginsengs, several hundred years of Fleece Flower Root ” the physique of all sorts of Demonic Beast, this type in the delicacy that Shi Family cannot realize from experience absolutely, such daily was sent by the specialist, making Shi Yan fleshly body blood essence more and more full. 千年的人参,数百年的何首乌”种种妖兽的筋骨,这种在石家绝对体悟不到的美味,就这么天天被专人送来,让石岩肉身精血越来越足。 Had not found the breakthrough mouth on Ghost Hunter, but under Shi Yan Escaping Lightning Changes these days meditation realizes from experience, instead has the sign that has clearly become aware gradually. 没有在鬼獠身上找到突破口,但石岩逸电变在这段时间的苦修体悟之下,反而渐渐有了明悟的迹象。 Xiu! 咻! Just likes lightning is ordinary, Shi Yan silhouette puts on the corner in the valley, in two legs, Essence Qi explodes, is providing the crazy fierce power impact. 犹如电光一般,石岩身影在谷中穿棱,两腿之中,精元爆炸开来,提供着狂猛之极的力量冲击。 The Shi Yan body, like lightning, flies to shoot in the valley seriously unceasingly. 石岩的身躯,当真如闪电,在谷中不断地飞射着。 hōng hōng hōng!” 轰轰轰!” Essence Qi of thigh explodesto grow the strong fierce impulse, under the stimulation of movement of special mystique, these impulse forms the extremely fast, making Shi Yan silhouette quick makes people be hard to catch with the line of sight simply. 腿部的精元爆炸”衍生出强猛的冲击力,在特殊秘法的催动之下,这些冲击力形成极速,让石岩身影快的简直让人用视线难以捕捉。 hū hū!” 呼呼!” The sound that Dual Headed Flood Dragon flutters, transmits from the valley quietly, long timeYang Mu does not get down from Dual Headed Flood Dragon, appears before the Shi Yan body with a smile, said: „Does Younger Brother Yan enter the collection to be what kind of? ” 双头蛟龙振翅的声响,悄然从谷外传来,不多时杨幕双头蛟龙身上下来,笑着在石岩身前出现,道:“小岩子”进集怎样?” Shook the head, but Shi Yan said: Had not found breakthrough.” To subdue this Ghost Hunter evidently, but also is really not an easy matter. ” 摇了摇头,石岩无奈道:“没有找到突破。”看样子想要收服这鬼獠,还真不是一件容易的事情。” That is natural.” Yang Mu nods, this Ghost Hunter so fierce, is two terrifying Demonic Beast hybrid, is the miracle between heaven and earth, if so easy to subdue, we already gave solution oneself this fellow “那是当然。”杨幕点头,“这鬼獠如此凶悍,又是两种恐怖妖兽混种,乃天地间的奇迹,若是那么容易收服,我们早就将这家伙给解决己” Shi Yan is not discouraged, also has the time, in any case I not anxiously for a while, great grandfather, since said that I am predestined friends with this Demonic Beast, decide however have his truth.” 石岩也不气馁,“还有时间,反正我也不急着一时,太爷爷既然说我和这妖兽有缘,定然有他的道理的。” Great grandfather......” “太爷爷……” Mentioned Yang Qingdi to come, this Yang Mu look glittering, smiling face somewhat reluctantly. 提起扬青帝来,这杨幕眼神闪烁了一下,笑容有些勉强。 Shi Yan excels in watching a person's every mood, from the slight expression change of Yang Mu, saw some unusual, the knitting the brows head, Shi Yan said on the quiet: What's wrong *......” 石岩擅于察言观色,从杨幕的细微表情变化,看出了些不同寻常,悄悄皱了皱眉头,石岩道:“怎么啦*……” Yeah......” the Yang Mu forced smile, sighed in a soft voice, started to speak but hesitated. “哎……”杨暮苦笑,轻声一叹,欲言又止。 In the Shi Yan heart sinks. 石岩心中一沉。 Knows Yang Mu from him, never sees Yang Mu to have this expression. 从他认识杨幕起,就从来不曾见过杨幕有这种表情。 Yang Mu in his eyes, makes widely known extremely arrogantly, has filled infinitely self-confident, as if no anything to make him worry bothersomely that now the strangeness of this Yang Mu, makes Shi Yan have not the wonderful feeling immediately. 在他眼中的杨幕,张扬狂妄,充满了无穷自信,仿佛没有任何事情可以让他烦愁,如今这杨幕的怪异,顿时让石岩生出不妙的感觉来。 Actually how?” Shi Yan sinking sound stern say|way. “究竟怎么啦?”石岩沉声正色道。 Great grandfather feared that was meets to trouble.” Yang Mu sighedseven days ago, the great grandfather and we broke the relation, Uncle Mo and grandfather they, have not been able and he relate through the mystique on. This is the matter that never has, our Yang Family has the mystique to connect two, in the past the great grandfather entered Devil Territory, same can control us through the mystique, heavy accident that Jialuo Sea Area had, we can also report to the great grandfather, but now......” “太爷爷怕是遇到麻烦了。”杨幕叹息一声”“七天前,太爷爷和我们断了联系,莫大叔和爷爷他们,已不能通过秘法和他联系上了。这是从来不曾发生的事情,我们杨家有秘法连通两界,以往太爷爷进入魔域,一样可以通过秘法来掌控我们,伽罗海域发生的重大事故,我们也都可以向太爷爷汇报,可现在……” The Shi Yan complexion changes, great grandfather has cultivation base of boundary of God Passage, since dares single and that Devil Emperor Bo Xun contact, naturally has the complete assurance, how can like this?” 石岩脸色微变,“太爷爷有着通神之境的修为,既然敢独身和那魔帝波旬接触,自然有着完全的把握,怎么会这样?” I do not know that *......” Yang Mu shook the head, smiles reluctantly, „can perhaps relate quickly on, he he, Younger Brother Yan should not be worried about anything , to continue here and Ghost Hunter many exchanges, I believe you, can definitely find the method in one day, can with the Ghost Hunter communication *......” *...... ” “我也不知道*……”杨暮摇了摇头,勉强一笑,“或许很快就能联系上了,呵呵,小岩子你不要担心什么,继续在这里和鬼獠多多交流吧,我相信你,肯定能够在某一天找到方法,可以和鬼獠沟通的*……”*……” I come to have a look at your progress, nothing, walked.” Yang Mu natural waving, got up Dual Headed Flood Dragon, leaves the mountain valley quickly. “我来只是看看你的进展,没什么事情,走了。”杨幕潇洒的挥手,又重新上了双头蛟龙,很快离开山谷。 In the Shi Yan heart casts the First Level shadow, thought faintly some do not suit, but he believes that Yang Qingdi Divine Ability, should be insufficient to come across any crisis in Devil Territory. 石岩心中蒙上一层阴影,隐隐觉得有些不对劲,不过他相信扬青帝神通,应该不至于在魔域遇到什么危机。 Before not having Endless Sea, he through the description of Xiao Hanyi and Xia Xinyan, had some understanding to this nominal great grandfather, from these population, Shi Yan realized that Yang Qingdi is one of the Endless Sea most valiant outstandingly able people. 在没有无尽海之前,他通过萧寒衣夏心妍的描述,就对这个名义上的太爷爷有了些了解,从这些人口中,石岩意识到扬青帝无尽海最彪悍的奇人之一。 Later some performance of Yang Qingdi, has proven the guess of Shi Yan. 之后扬青帝的一些表现,也证明了石岩的猜测。 Such a powerful person, handles anything, should have the subsequent party, will not be hard to work loose the hopeless situation that by own stalemate, he believes that Yang Qingdi will not have the matter. 这么一个强悍的人,做任何事情,应该都有着后手,绝不会让自己陷入难以挣脱的绝境,他相信扬青帝不会有事。 Shi Yan continues in the mountain valley, cultivation Escaping Lightning Changes, while is thinking and method of Ghost Hunter communication. 石岩继续在山谷中,一边修炼逸电变,一边想着和鬼獠沟通的方法。 Also was two months passes. 又是两个月过去了。 Shi Yan Escaping Lightning Changes, obtains huge breakthrough finally, after these days meditation, in his both legs the Essence Qi explosion of veins convergence point, becomes more violent. 石岩逸电变,终于获得巨大突破,经过这段时间的苦修,他双腿之中筋脉交汇点的精元爆炸,变得越加猛烈。 Naturally, Shi Yan, once displays Escaping Lightning Changes to come, speed that increases sharply suddenly, makes Shi Yan be wild with joy. 自然而然的,石岩一旦施展出逸电变来,那突然激增的速度,也让石岩欣喜若狂。 Stimulates to movement Escaping Lightning Changes fully, Shi Yan, when true body such as lightning bolt of lightning, the speed on quick seven times compared with the normal condition continue, puts on the corner in the mountain valley, straight such as the lightning passed over gently and swiftly. 全力催动逸电变,石岩真身如闪电奔雷,速度要比正常情况下快上七倍都不止,在山谷中穿棱中,直如闪电掠过。 On this day, Shi Yan thought for a long time, to think moved in Ghost Hunter restricted area carefully finally with Escaping Lightning Changes, prepared to take risk to try, has a look whether after to being able to approach Ghost Hunter, the whole body drew back again. 这一天,石岩仔细想了许久,终于觉得用逸电变鬼獠禁区活动一下,准备冒险试一试,看看能否靠近鬼獠之后,再全身而退。 Deeply inspires, Shi Yan stimulates to movement body slowly * in turbulent Essence Qi, with extremely fast inflow both legs. 深吸一口气,石岩缓缓催动体*内的汹涌精元,以极速流入双腿。 hōng hōng hōng!” 轰轰轰!” In the leg, the veins convergence point, spreads the violent explosive sound cry suddenly, this explosive sound has as if led his joint, only listened to his thigh bone to iron spread the clear sound. 腿中,筋脉交汇点,骤然传出猛烈的爆炸声鸣,这爆炸声仿佛带动了他骨节,只听他腿部骨烙都传出了清脆的声响。 Lightning flying shoots at Ghost Hunter suddenly. 一道闪电骤然飞射向鬼獠 Crawls in the place, the green pupil is narrowing Ghost Hunter, realized nearness of Shi Yan immediately. 匍匐在地,绿眸眯着的鬼獠,立即察觉到了石岩的靠近。 Howling!” “嚎!” Ghost Hunter explodes roars, ten meters body, stands suddenly, body that turbulent malignant influences, erupt directly. 鬼獠爆吼一声,十米长的身躯,霍然立起来,身上那汹涌的煞气,直接爆发开来。 As if ominous flame tide, covered instantaneously has defended hundred meters, during the Ghost Hunter huge body activities, the sharp claws and strange thorn, sparkled together the strange gloss, Dark Qi and Devil Qi well up completely, spread directly, covered completely this region. 仿佛凶焰浪潮,瞬间笼罩了防御百米,鬼獠庞大的身躯活动间,利爪和身上的怪刺,一起闪耀出奇异的光泽,冥气魔气全部涌出来,直接蔓延开来,将这一块区域全部覆盖住。 Breaks in Ghost Hunter restricted area Shi Yan, gets sucked into the mire directly, was covered thoroughly by that Ghost Hunter ominous flame. Blotting out the sky the air/Qi of ominous flame, just likes the essence, covers his body, that ominous air/Qi crazy rushing Shi Yan, fires into his mind, must submerge him thoroughly. 冲入鬼獠禁区石岩,直接深陷泥沼,被那鬼獠的凶焰彻底笼罩住。铺天盖地的凶焰之气,犹如实质,将他身躯覆盖,那凶气疯狂的涌向石岩,冲向他脑海,要将他彻底淹没。 What's the matter?” Profound Ice Cold Flame passes on the incoming signal to read suddenly, strive to excel Demonic Beast, this Demonic Beast can control Dark Qi and Devil Qi unexpectedly, fierce!” “怎么回事?”玄冰寒焰突然传来讯念,“好强的妖兽,这妖兽竟然可以操控冥气魔气,厉害啊!” Is dormant Profound Ice Cold Flame in Blood Vein Ring, realizes covering of this fearful aura, on own initiative with the Shi Yan communication. 蛰伏在血纹戒内的玄冰寒焰,也察觉到这股可怕气息的笼罩,主动和石岩沟通。 Torrential ominous flame oppression comes, the Shi Yan body as if directly was imprisoned, cannot move, that came from the Ghost Hunter ominous flame, formed the soul attack, the great waves has swept across to come generally, rushed the Shi Yan mind directly. 滔滔凶焰压迫而来,石岩身躯仿佛被直接禁锢住,动弹不得,那来自于鬼獠的凶焰,形成了灵魂攻击,浪涛一般席卷而来,直接涌向石岩脑海。 Sea of Consciousness raises the difficult situation, continuously Divine Sense immediately the escape from Sea of Consciousness, suddenly, has formed the First Level level Divine Sense barrier, tries to resist from the fierce impact of Ghost Hunter. 识海掀起惊涛骇浪,一缕缕神识顿时从识海中飞逸,瞬息间,形成了一层神识屏障,试图抵挡住来自于鬼獠的凶猛冲击。 In the Shi Yan heart with amazement, wants to leave this restricted area again, is difficult such as to ascend to heaven. 石岩心中骇然,再想要离开这一块禁区,已是难如登天。 Fierce!” Profound Ice Cold Flame is surprised, this Demonic Beast potential is infinite, I am also unprecedented, how do you annoy this fellow?” “厉害!”玄冰寒焰大吃一惊,“这妖兽潜力无穷,我也前所未见啊,你怎么惹上这个家伙?” Shi Yan resists with hardship looks like from the soul attack of Ghost Hunter, is strenuous, under Dark Qi and Devil Qi that fleshly body in these rolling emerge, such as was given the bombardment by the great mountain, creakies. 石岩苦苦抵御看来自于鬼獠的灵魂攻击,非常吃力,肉身在那些滚滚涌入的冥气魔气之下,如被巨山给轰击,摇摇欲坠。 He leaves Ghost Hunter, but also takes 50 meters far. 他离鬼獠,还要50米远。 Ghost Hunter has not launched the fleshly body attack, is only the air/Qi of evil spirit, makes Shi Yan unable to withstand, such as a light vessel in strong winds rough sea waves, as if momentarily will be raised extinguishes. 鬼獠根本不曾进行肉身攻击,只是身上的凶煞之气,就让石岩承受不住,如狂风巨浪中的一叶轻舟,似乎随时都会被掀灭。 Well!” “咦!” Profound Ice Cold Flame calls out in alarm once more, it has as if discovered anything, suddenly said pleasantly surprised: Blood Vein Ring has let loose to my restraint, this is, is this makes me help you?” 玄冰寒焰再次惊呼,它似乎发现了什么,突然惊喜道:“血玟戒放开了一些对我的束缚,这是,这是让我来帮助你么?” The next quarter, Shi Yan felt suddenly from Blood Vein Ring, emerges fiercely ices cold aura extremely. 下一刻,石岩突然感觉到从血玟戒之中,猛地涌入极度冰寒的气息 The flash, the Shi Yan whole body ties turn into ice to be frozen, as if places in the ice sculpture, continuously came from Profound Ice Cold Flame power, covers directly his body. 只是一瞬间,石岩全身结成冰冻,仿佛身处在冰雕之中,缕缕来自于玄冰寒焰力量,将他身体直接罩住。 Comes from the Ghost Hunter fierce offensive, under meddling of Profound Ice Cold Flame, was prevented by these ice cold air/Qi unexpectedly outside, cannot rout Shi Yan immediately. 来自于鬼獠的凶猛攻势,在玄冰寒焰的插手之下,竟被那些冰寒之气阻挡在外,不能立即将石岩击溃。 Shi Yan relaxed gently. 石岩轻轻松了一口气。 Howling *......” “嚎*……” Ghost Hunter moved suddenly! 鬼獠骤然动了! With a rave, these trapped|sleepy locks spread the gold/metal iron bang in its chains, sees only the Ghost Hunter huge body, such as dark clouds are common, covers unexpectedly toward Shi Yan. 伴随着一声狂吼,那些困锁在它身上的锁链传出金铁巨响,只见鬼獠庞大的身子,如一片黑云一般,竟然直朝着石岩覆盖下来。 Dark cloud capping. 乌云压顶。 The Shi Yan complexion great change, thought that own soul, had been locked by that Ghost Hunter ominous soul directly, has one type, regardless of he runs away to where, will be struck the frustration that kills. 石岩脸色巨变,觉得自己的灵魂,被那鬼獠的凶魂给直接锁定了,生出一种不论他逃向何处,都会被一击击杀的挫败感来。
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