GOS :: Volume #3

#214: Ghost Hunter

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Shi Yan with Yang Lao, toward two sacred mountain! In the middle one mountain valley slowly line. 石岩跟着杨烙,朝着两座神山!间的一个山谷缓缓行去。 To mountain valley also several li (0.5km) far, Shi Yan faintly from that mountain valley, induced blotting out the sky air/Qi of evil spirit. 离山谷还有几里远,石岩已隐隐从那山谷之中,感应出一股铺天盖地的凶煞之气。 Green and black cloud layer above that mountain valley are rich exceptionally, spread extremely intense Devil Qi and Underworld Dark Qi, that two different aura, strange collects in together, as if came from on that Demonic Beast. 在那山谷上方”青色和黑色云层浓郁异常,从中传出极为强烈的魔气冥界冥气,那两种不同的气息,奇异的汇集在一起,似乎全部来自于那妖兽身上。 Howling!” “嚎!” As if perceived that some people approach, from that mountain valley, transmits roaring of world-shaking suddenly. 似乎觉察到有人接近,从那山谷之中,骤然传来一声惊天动地的咆哮。 Roaring sound, in nearby mountain valley Captive various Demonic Beast, in abundance alarmed and afraid crawling in the place, appears panic-stricken exceptionally, does not dare to be straight unexpectedly the body. 咆哮声一出,附近山谷中圈养的各类妖兽,纷纷惊惧的匍匐在地,显得惊恐异常,竟然不敢直起身子。 This ominous thing.” Yang Lao whispered, but the whole faceis raising this Demonic Beast, but also is really strenuous, this one -and-a-half years of time, this Demonic Beast has eaten about hundred third-level, four levels of Demonic Beast, our Yang Family is filthy rich, but also really cannot withstand.” “这凶物。”杨烙嘀咕了一句,满脸无奈”“养着这头妖兽,还真是吃力,这才一年半时间,这妖兽已吃了近百头三级、四级的妖兽,要不是我们杨家财大气粗,还真是承受不住啊。” Shi Yan with amazement. 石岩骇然。 Third-level, four levels of Demonic Beast, was quite precious, the fellow in short one -and-a-half years of time, can actually gobble up these many high Level Demonic Beast, obviously this Demonic Beast is quite ominous severely, feared that is not good to deal with. 三级、四级的妖兽,已颇为珍贵了,那家伙在短短一年半时间,竟然能够吞吃这么多的高等级妖兽,可见这妖兽极为凶厉,怕是不好应付。 Its roared, let Yang Mu Dual Headed Flood Dragon unexpectedly, before somewhat hesitated not to hesitate, as if quite dreaded. 它的一声咆哮,竟让杨幕双头蛟龙,都有些躇踌不前,似乎颇为畏惧。 Dual Headed Flood Dragon is six levels of Demonic Beast, in Yang Family, this kind of Demonic Beast make things difficult to have tamed extremely, want to be ominously severer than Cyan Blood Bat, in the past Dual Headed Flood Dragon roar, will make Yang Family this Demonic Beast body shiver, has not expected really has Demonic Beast, before can make Dual Headed Flood Dragon hesitant not. 双头蛟龙乃六级妖兽,在杨家,这类的妖兽已极为难以驯服,要比青血魔蝠还要凶厉一些,以往双头蛟龙的一声厉啸,会让杨家这一块的妖兽都身子颤抖,没料到竟然有妖兽,能让双头蛟龙都犹豫不前。 Yang Mu has to get down from Dual Headed Flood Dragon, hugs to smile bitterly to Shi Yan, Younger Brother Yan, you also saw, the fellow also wants hard to deal with many compared with my Dual Headed Flood Dragon. Yeah, does not know how really the great grandfather thinks, makes you tame it unexpectedly, really has cracked a joke, I see that fellow, somewhat is fearful and apprehensive.” 杨暮不得不从双头蛟龙身上下来,对石岩抱以苦笑,“小岩子,你也看到了,那家伙比我的双头蛟龙还要难缠的多。哎,真不知道太爷爷怎么想的,竟然让你去驯服它,真是开玩笑了,我见到那家伙,都有些心惊胆颤的。” Shi Yan more surprised child. 石岩更加惊奇子。 Walked has not made that fellow underestimate us. ” Yang Lao coldly snorted, our Yang Family can the town plaster press it, naturally has the method to cope with it, we on its body, has consumed that many resources, naturally must take back the price.” “走了”不让那家伙小看了我们。”杨烙冷哼一声,“我们杨家可以镇垩压着它,自然就有方法对付它,我们在它的身上,耗费了那么多的资源,自然是要收回代价的。” Shi Yan nods gentlycalm face, said: I was really anticipate more and more.” 石岩轻轻点头”沉着脸,道:“我真是越来越期待了。” You may be careful, does not want not to tame it, was given to gobble up by it on the contrary.”, On the Yang Meng small face worried completely that that fellow, is not indeed affable, must be careful, otherwise is not careful, will be given to eat by it. My previous time has not approached it, almost by its aura shaking move.” “你可要小心呀,不要没有驯服它,反倒被它给吞吃了。”,杨萌小脸上满是担忧,“那家伙,的确不好惹,一定要小心谨慎,不然一个不小心,真的会被它给吃了。我上次还未靠近它,就差点被它身上的气息给震的动弹不得呢。” Howling!”, In mountain valley, that Demonic Beast roared to begin, its as if extremely not gratifying kind approached, smelled the human aura, immediately then exposed the air/Qi of evil spirit. “嚎!”,山谷中,那头妖兽的咆哮再起,它似乎极为不喜人类靠近,一嗅到人类的气息,马上便展露出凶煞之气。 General Warrior ”, so long as hears its ominous to roar severely, feared that will be fearful and apprehensive, does not dare to approach. 一般的武者”只要听闻它的凶厉咆哮,怕是都会心惊胆颤,不敢靠近。 Shi Yan, deeply frowns, holds the breath with rapt attention, does not dare to treat it lightly. 就连石岩,也是深深皱着眉头,屏息凝神,不敢掉以轻心。 Finally, under guiding of Yang Lao, Shi Yan arrives among that two sacred mountain. 终于,在杨烙的带路下,石岩来到那两座神山之间。 The countless bones of the dead, these bones of the dead skeletons are quite everywhere giant, obviously is Demonic Beast bone lou. 满地累累白骨,那些白骨骨架颇为巨大,明显乃是妖兽的骨髅。 In the mountain valley, everywhere is bones of the dead, looks, imitates the buddha's bones sea to be ordinary, seriously is soul-stirring. 山谷中,遍地都是白骨,一眼望去,仿佛骨海一般,当真是惊心动魄。 kacha!” 咔嚓!” The foot steps on above the bones of the dead, listening the sound that the skeleton is breaking to pieces, Shi Yan to have the absolutely terrified feeling. 脚踩在白骨之上,听着骨骼碎断的声响,石岩都不由生出毛骨悚然的感觉。 Rich Devil Qi and Dark Qi, do not wind around above that mountain valley loose, in green Dark Qi and black Devil Qi central, huge Demonic Beast silhouette is partly visible, made threatening gestures face upwards to whoosh. 浓郁的魔气冥气,在那山谷上方缭绕不散,在青色冥气和黑色魔气中垩央,一个巨大的妖兽身影若隐若现,正张牙舞爪的仰天嘶吼着。 12 arm thick or thin pitch-black wire ropes, are connecting two sacred mountain, twines on the body of that Demonic Beast, that Demonic Beast sways to strugglethese wire ropes then to spread the violent metal collision sound each time. 12根手臂粗细的乌黑铁索,连接着两座神山,缠绕在那妖兽的身上,那妖兽每次摇晃挣扎”那些铁索便传出猛烈的金属碰撞声。 hū hū shouted!” 呼呼呼!” That Demonic Beast face upwarding turnover, the space winds around not loose rich Dark Qi and Devil Qi, such as was been ordinary by the sponge suction, vanishes in its body suddenly. 妖兽仰天吞吐,天上缭绕不散的浓郁冥气魔气,如被海绵吸吮一般,骤然消失在它身体之中。 Fuzzy Demonic Beast, in Zhou Jin the countless bones of the dead, revealed suddenly. 本来模糊的妖兽,在周进累累白骨之中,骤然显露出来。 A Shi Yan face with amazement. 石岩一脸骇然。 This is huge Demonic Beast of dragon-like python, the height ten meters, does not have the meat wing, the abdomen full is scales, the body has been covered with the arm long fierce black thorn, black light glittering, lives two giant dragon fingernails all over the body, on the dragon claw glittering sharp rays of light, as if destroys the hardest defenses. 这是一头似龙似蟒的巨大妖兽,身长十米,没有肉翼,腹部满是鳞甲,身上则是长满了手臂长的狰狞黑刺,通体黑光闪烁,生有两个巨大的龙爪,龙爪上闪烁着锋利的光芒,似乎无坚不摧。 Its Dragon Claw attacks fiercely on hard stony soil, shells deeply cave the stony soil, Dragon Claw every strikes, in the mountain valley then hears a huge rumbled sound. 它龙爪在坚硬的石地上猛击,将石地轰击出一个个深深地石洞,那龙爪每一击下来,山谷中便传来一声巨大的轰鸣声。 What most terrifying is the head of Demonic Beastthat is a fierce ugly face, in the copper bell eyeball blooms simplygreen light, full is Bloodthirsty is ominous, in this malicious ghost general appearance, actually also lives the pitch-black sharp thorn, as if sharp sword inverts a maliciously on its face. 最为恐怖的乃是妖兽的头颅”那简直就是一张狰狞的鬼脸,铜铃般的眼珠子中”绽放出绿光,满是嗜血凶厉,这恶鬼一般的面目上,竟然也生有乌黑的尖刺,仿佛一狠狠利剑倒插在它脸上。 Demonic Beast height about ten meters, such as Dragon Rumang, has the fierce ghost surface appearance, looks, will make the person spill over the intent of fear from heart. 妖兽身长十米左右,如龙如蟒,有着狰狞鬼面的面目,一眼望去,就会让人从心底泛出畏惧之意。 Demonic Beast saw with own eyes that some people approach, roared suddenly, air/Qi of rich evil spirit, was centered on it, such as hurricane general spread came. 妖兽眼见有人靠近,又是忽然咆哮起来,一股浓郁之极的凶煞之气,以它为中心,如飓风一般扩散开来。 The air/Qi of that evil spirit just likes the essence. 那凶煞之气犹如实质。 Let the person soul shiver, the air/Qi of place visited evil spirit, nearby Demonic Beast broken bone, pa pa explodes to break to pieces unexpectedly. 让人灵魂都为之颤抖,凶煞之气所过之处,附近一块的妖兽碎骨,竟然啪啪爆碎开来。 Yang Mu and Yang Meng they, cannot bear retreat several steps, look glittering is uncertain. Shi Yan is also the complexion changes, hurried precise Divine Sense, with the strength of Sea of Consciousness, resists from the invisible evil spirit air/Qi in Demonic Beast, retreat that this will has not dreaded, two legs take root to stand firm generally same place. 杨暮杨萌两人,都忍不住后退几步,眼神闪烁不定。石岩也是脸色一变,急忙凝炼神识,用识海之力,来抵挡来自于妖兽身上的无形凶煞之气,这才堪堪没有畏惧的后退,两腿生根一般站定原地。 Yang Lao is surprised, slightly strangely looks at Shi Yan. 杨烙一脸惊讶,略显古怪地看着石岩 Enters here from this Demonic Beast, many Yang Family Warrior once came to experience this Demonic Beast ominous severe, almost every Yang Family Warrior, initially this place, will be frightened by this Demonic Beast, reveals the meaning of fearing, then subconscious retreat several steps, do not dare with that Demonic Beast looking at each other. 从这妖兽进驻这里起,有很多杨家武者曾经来见识这妖兽的凶厉,几乎每一个杨家武者,初来此地,都会被这妖兽震慑到,露出惧怕之意,进而下意识的后退几步,不敢和那妖兽对视。 Yang Mu and Yang Meng they, have Earth Level cultivation base, this time comes again, under that Demonic Beast ominous flame, actually as before somewhat cannot withstand, retreat cannot help but several steps. 杨暮杨萌两人,都有着地位之境修为,这次再来,在那妖兽的凶焰之下,竟然依旧有些承受不住,不由自主的后退了几步。 But Shi Yan, actually stands erect to freeze, this was too unusual. 石岩,却屹立原地不动,这太反常了。 Only then Disaster Level Shi Yan, is actually relying on what, under this Demonic Beast ominous severe vision gaze of air/Qi and terrifying, but maintains freezes? 只有百劫之境石岩,究竟是凭借着什么,在这头妖兽的凶厉之气和恐怖的目光注视之下,而保持原地不动的? Yang Lao cannot think through, in the heart thought more and more view of Yang Qingdi feared is a little ripples according to strength Shi Yan Sea of Consciousness, Divine Sense wind around quietly dispersing, resists that Demonic Beast ominous flame with the strength of Divine Sense, saw with own eyes that Yang Mu Yang Meng retreat several steps, he was startled secretly, reason that in the heart somewhat was also joyful, realizes this time him has not had stage fright, completely was because stemmed from Sea of Consciousness precise. Sea of Consciousness, has many wondrous uses, a simplest use, then can borrow the strength of Divine Sense, resists the soul of air/Qi of this kind of evil spirit to frighten. 杨烙想不通,心中越来越觉得扬青帝的说法怕是有点依据力石岩识海荡漾,一道道神识悄悄缭绕散开,用神识之力来抵御那妖兽的凶焰,眼见那杨暮杨萌后退了数步,他暗暗吃惊,心中又有些喜悦,意识到这次他之所以没有怯场,完全是因为凝炼出乎识海识海,有着诸多妙用,其中一项最为简单的用途,便是可以借用神识之力,抵挡这类凶煞之气的灵魂震慑。 Yang Mu and Yang Meng they, although has Earth Level cultivation base, actually precise has not become Sea of Consciousness comes out, is facing Demonic Beast the air/Qi of ominous flame, cannot form the defense with Divine Sense, the soul direct exposure, can only be frightened the mind, retreat cannot help but. 杨暮杨萌两人,虽然都有着地位之境修为,却并未凝炼成识海出来,面对着妖兽的凶焰之气,不能用神识形成防御,灵魂直接暴露出来,只能被震慑住心神,不由自主的后退 „Is this fellow, what thing?” Deeply inspired, the Shi Yan sinking sound asked. “这家伙,到底是什么东西?”深深吸了一口气,石岩沉声问道。 Ghost Hunter.” 鬼獠。” Yang Lao has hesitated, just now explained: It is said is Underworld Heavenly Ghost and Devil Territory Hunter Dragon hybrid, Underworld Heavenly Ghost and Devil Territory Hunter Dragon, is eight levels of Demonic Beast, in Underworld and Devil Territory, these two Demonic Beast is quite famous lets the deep person and demon people are at wit's end. This Ghost Hunteris your great grandfather in a Fourth Devil Area strange discovered that this is only the cub, as if be only several hundred years of age, is actually six levels of Demonic Beast, according to your great grandfather's view, this ugly face is two eight levels of Demonic Beast hybrid, has the ability of infinite evolution, said it, if the chance arrived, in the future at least can become nine levels of Demonic Beast, if obtains the day of material treasure, even can become ten levels of Demonic Beast! ” Shi Yan stunned. 杨烙沉吟了一下,方才解释:“据说是冥界天鬼魔域獠龙混种,冥界天鬼魔域獠龙,都是八级的妖兽,在冥界魔域,这两种妖兽极为著名”让冥人和魔人都无计可施。这鬼獠”乃是你太爷爷在第四魔域一处奇地发现的,这只是幼兽,似乎只有数百年年龄,却已是六级的妖兽了,按照你太爷爷的说法,这鬼脸乃是两个八级妖兽混种,有着无限进化的能力,说它如果机缘到了,将来至少能够成为九级的妖兽,如果得到天材地宝,甚至能成为十级妖兽!”石岩愕然 Demonic Beast that generally can evolve unceasingly, extremely fierce, can evolve to nine levels of Demonic Beast, from all walks of life is scarce Variation, can evolve to ten levels of Demonic Beast, almost only has listened in the legend, few people can see with own eyes. 一般能够不断进化的妖兽,都极为凶悍,可以进化到九级的妖兽,在各界都是稀少之极的异种,能够进化到十级的妖兽,几乎都只在传说之中听过,很少有人能够亲眼见到。 This Ghost Hunter not only has the ability that unceasing evolves, can become nine levels of Demonic Beast unexpectedly, even there is an opportunity becomes Demonic Beast Paragon, reaches ten levels of altitudes. 鬼獠不但拥有不断进化的能力,竟然还可以成为九级妖兽,甚至有机会成为妖兽至尊,达到十级的高度。 Demonic Beast of this rank, Shi Yan really never has also seen, even listens not to listen continually. 这种级别的妖兽,石岩还真的从未见过,甚至连听都没有听过。 No one knows that Underworld Heavenly Ghost, how will appear in that Fourth Devil Area, and in the Hunter Dragon union with Devil Territory, has given birth to this Ghost Hunter Variation.” Yang Lao shook the head, your great grandfather, why cannot think through Heavenly Ghost to be able in Devil Territory to appear, why cannot think through Heavenly Ghost to be able with the Hunter Dragon mix, the name of this Ghost Hunter, is your great grandfather gets up, this gadget, before it is said that has not appeared, was really among heaven and earth rarest Variation.” “谁也不知道冥界天鬼,怎会在那第四魔域出现,并且和魔域中的獠龙结合,生下了这鬼獠异种。”杨烙摇了摇头,“就连你太爷爷,都想不通天鬼为何能够在魔域出现,更加想不通为何天鬼可以和獠龙混合,这鬼獠之名,也是你太爷爷起的,这玩意,据说以前都没有出现过,真是天地间最为罕见的异种了。” That, so should Variation, how subdue?” Shi Yan muttered asks. “那个,如此异种,到底该如何收服?”石岩喃喃问道。 Yang Lao has gawked, partly makes a sound is smiling bitterly shaking the head, do not ask me, I know nothing radically. Your great grandfather this fellow brings back to Immortal Island after Devil Territory, personally with 12 profound iron chains its restraint lives, lets our every other seven days, sends one third-level, four levels of Demonic Beast to feed it, said that you arrived at Immortal Island, is tamed this Ghost Hunter by you.” 杨烙愣了,半响才苦笑着摇头,“你不要问我,我根本就一无所知。你太爷爷将这家伙从魔域带回不死岛之后,亲自用12根玄铁金锁将其束缚住,让我们每隔七天,送来一头三级、四级的妖兽喂养它,说等你来到不死岛,由你来驯服这鬼獠。” I?” Shi Yan stayed, great grandfather also really thinks highly of me.” “我?”石岩呆了,“太爷爷还真的看得起我啊。” Un.” Yang Lao nodded, a face is strange, all of us, do not think that you have to tame this Ghost Hunter, but your great grandfather said that only then you are predestined friendsme not to know that with this Ghost Hunter your great grandfather has what basis, but he told, only permits you to tame this Ghost Hunter, does not know how he thinks. ” “嗯。”杨烙点了点头,一脸怪异,“我们所有人,都不认为你有能够驯服这鬼獠”但你太爷爷却说,只有你和这鬼獠有缘”我也不知道你太爷爷到底有何依据,但他却吩咐了下来,只准你来驯服这鬼獠,不知道他如何想的。” Great grandfather affirmed silly.” Yang Meng spits the tongue, said cute: Elder Brother Yan has not seen this fellow, experience that also has not tamed, he is definitely incorrect.” “太爷爷肯定糊涂了。”杨萌吐了吐舌头,可爱道:“岩哥哥都没见过这家伙,也没有驯兽的经验,他肯定不行的呀。” Does not manage.” Yang Lao has hesitated, said to Shi Yan: You remain, tries to tame this fellow. Un remembers that do not depend on its hundred meters, in hundred meters, is its fleshly body attack range. Since your great grandfather said that definitely has his truth, tames the Demonic Beast method related, although I have, may not have one type to suit this Demonic Beast, your great grandfather also told, not knowledge that uses me to direct your any tames related. ” “不管了。”杨烙沉吟了一下,对石岩道:“你留下来,试着驯服这家伙。嗯”记得,不要靠进它百米,百米之内,是它的肉身攻击范围。你太爷爷既然这么说了,肯定有他的道理,有关驯服妖兽的方法,我虽然有许多,可没有一种适合这妖兽,你太爷爷也吩咐了,不用我指点你任何有关驯兽的知识。” The words, Yang Lao then directly brings Yang Meng and Yang Mu to leave, leaves behind Shi Yan one person to worry facing Ghost Hunter. 话罢,杨烙便直接带着杨萌杨暮离开,留下石岩一人面对鬼獠发愁。
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