GOS :: Volume #3

#213: Has one set!

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When Shi Yan and Xia Xinyan they, strike together from sacred mountain, Yang Family numerous Warrior, are gazing at them surprisedly, the expression on face is quite splendid. 石岩夏心妍两人,一同从神山中击出来时,杨家的众多武者,纷纷惊讶的注视着他们,脸上的表情极为精彩。 Matter between related Shi Yan and Xia Xinyan, this days, already spread over. 有关石岩夏心妍之间的事情,这段日子,早就传遍了。 Yang Family many old Warrior, know that in the past Xia Family also person, is the same with the Xia Xinyan symptom, collection zhuo has gathered the wisdom of Jialuo Sea Area three big influence heads, cannot revive that Xia Family master, instead worked just the opposite, making that person die ahead of time. 杨家的许多年老武者,都知道当年夏家也有一人,和夏心妍的症状一样,集丵合了伽罗海域三大势力首脑的智慧,都没能将那夏家高手苏醒过来,反而适得其反,令那人提前身亡。 After Xia Shenchuan brings Xia Xinyan is arriving at Immortal Island, Xia Shenchuan has made several times, therefore these Yang Family Warrior, know that Xia Xinyan this Xia Family new first generation proud also soul Chaos, feared is also hard to regain consciousness again. 夏神川带着夏心妍来到不死岛之后,夏神川闹了几次,所以这些杨家武者,都知道夏心妍这名夏家一代的骄傲也灵魂混乱,怕是再也难以苏醒。 Now Shi Yan and collection Xinyan appears shoulder to shoulder, this gives shock of people, simply being hard word anything. 如今石岩和集心妍并肩出现,这给予众人的震撼,简直难以言啥。 The difficult problem that in the past three big influence heads could not solve, actually Shi Yan relied on what method, made Xia Xinyan restore unexpectedly such as beginning? 当年三大势力首脑都解决不了的难题,石岩究竟凭借什么手段,竟然让夏心妍恢复如初? In each individual heart, is saving the huge doubts, visual Shi Yan again person, facial expression delay. 每个人心中,都存着巨大的疑惑,目视着石岩再人,神情呆滞。 , Yang Lao and Xia Shenchuan received message quickly, has caught up, gathers side Shi Yan. 很快地,杨烙夏神川都收到了讯息,纷纷赶了过来,聚集在石岩身旁。 Xia Shenchuan cannot believe that simply own eye, stared at Xia Xinyan to look at for quite a while, the body shivered unexpectedly gently, has spoken haltingly the half of the day, nodded saying: Wakes up well, wakes up well......” 夏神川简直不敢相信自己的眼睛,盯着夏心妍看了半天,身躯竟然轻轻颤抖,嗫嚅了半天,才点头道:“醒来就好,醒来就好……” Grandfather.” Xia Xinyan Bei Chiwei, gives a calm smile, said: I have been all right, um, my breakthrough to Second Sky of Earth Level.”, „?” “爷爷。”夏心妍贝齿微露,淡然一笑,道:“我没事了,嗯,我突破地位二重天之境了。”,“啊?” Xia Shenchuan was shocked once more dull, lets loose Divine Sense hurriedly, careful spied on the condition of Xia Xinyan body, then splits a bright incomparable smiling face, nods once more, good, good child, I to know that your disaster is well, must have the happiness in old age! Ha Ha!”, „Does Brother Xia, you satisfy now?” Won't the Yang Lao implicit smile, then investigate the responsibility of our family|home boy? Hehe!” 夏神川再次呆愣住了,急忙放开神识,细致的将夏心妍身体的状况窥探了一番,然后才绽出一个灿烂无比的笑容,再次点头,“好,好孩子,我就知道你大难无恙,必有后福!哈哈!”,“夏老哥,现在你满意了吧?”杨烙含蓄的微笑,“这下不会追究我们家小子的责任了吧?嘿嘿!” Ha Ha.” Issue that a Xia Shenchuan face joyfully, repeatedly noddedlooks at Shi Yan of two illumination, boy one set, your great grandfathers do not handle, your this boy can solve unexpectedly. Good good, if later our Xia Family encounters this kind of problem again, it seems like must solve by you, Ha Ha, very good to be very good!,” “哈哈。”夏神川一脸欣然,连连点头”两眼发光的看着石岩,“小子真有一套,你太爷爷都搞不定的问题,你这小子居然可以解决。不错不错,以后我们夏家若是再遇到这一类的麻烦,看来都要靠你来解决了,哈哈,很好很好!、” Shi Yan stunned, shook the head, truth truth: No! This is also lucky, moreover I have consumed next time to have similar situation the rare treasure again, I was also helpless. ” 石岩愕然,摇了摇头,实话实话道:“别!这趟也是侥幸,而且我已将秘宝耗费掉了”下次再有类似的情况,我也无能为力了。” Not not, you certainly.”, A Xia Shenchuan face stern, „, so long as you told us the method, what rare treasure, my Xia Family will refine.” “不不,你一定可以的。”,夏神川一脸正色,“只要你告诉我们方法,不论是什么样的秘宝,我夏家都会重新炼制出来。” Some rare treasures, cannot refine, but is exists inborn.” Shi Yan resigned-looking „...... In brief, next time will have similar matter again, do not rely on me, I cannot solve.” “有的秘宝,不是可以炼制出来的,而是天生存在的。”石岩一脸无奈“……总之,下次再有类似的事情,千万不要依赖我,我也解决不掉。” Your this fellow.” Xia Xinyan rebuked stared his one eyes, that person somewhat seemed to be angry, how always refused?” “你这家伙。”夏心妍嗔怪地瞪了他一眼,伊人似乎有些恼怒,“怎的老是推三阻四?” This time is really lucky.” The Shi Yan forced smile, is not I do not want to help you, said in a truth-seeking way that the rare treasure in my hand, indeed could not display to affect.” “这次真是侥幸啊。”石岩苦笑,“不是我不想帮你们,实事求是的说,我手中的秘宝,的确发挥不了作用了。” Considers as finished.” Xia Shenchuan magnanimous waving, does not care saying: Our Xia Family should not carry my this going back, will urge them well, will not make them have similar matter. “算了算了。”夏神川大度的挥了挥手,不在意道:“我们夏家应该也没有那么背”我这趟回去,会好好叮嘱他们,不会让他们发生类似的事情。 Un, Xinyan, you enter into Second Sky of Earth Level, needs to go home consolidated, several types of Martial Skills, you must cultivation, miss the opportunity not to be good as early as possible. ” 嗯,心妍,你才迈入地位二重天之境,需要回家巩固一番,有几样武技,你必须要趁早修炼,错过了时机可不好。” This words one, Shi Yan and Xia Xinyan they, are somewhat stunned. 此话一处,石岩夏心妍两人,都是有些错愕。 Early knows that this treated in the stone chamber some time. ” In front of Xia ShenchuanShi Yan to blink toward Xia Xinyan, „did you say?” “早知道这样”就在石室中多待一段时间了。”当着夏神川的面”石岩朝着夏心妍眨了眨眼,“你说呢?” The Xia Xinyan bright-colored cheeksare suddenly crimson a piece, lowers the head does not speak. 夏心妍明艳的脸颊”霍然绯红一片,低着头不吭声。 Well!”, Yang Lao shouted one lightly, strangely chuckled gets up, the appearance was quite popular the plaster to exert. “咦!”,杨烙轻呼一声,嘿嘿怪笑起来,模样颇为兴垩奋。 Yang Mu and Yang Meng and other Yang Family people, as if discovered that new Continent is ordinary, stares at them not to put, expression each quite strange. 杨暮杨萌杨家人,也仿佛发现新大陆一般,盯着两人不放,表情各个颇为怪异。 Xia Shenchuan has gawked, look like the electricity, looks at Shi Yan, shot a look at own granddaughter, Wu Ran silent. 夏神川愣了一下,眼神如电,望了望石岩,又瞥了瞥自己的孙女,乌然沉默了下来。 Xia Xinyan in Jialuo Sea Area is famous having keen eyesight in Ding, is Heaven's Chosen Child, never places in the same age youth eminent the eye, has Xia Family wholeheartedly, only then cultivation of martial arts. 伽罗海域中”夏心妍是有名的眼高于顶,乃天之骄子,从来不把同龄的青年翘楚放在眼中,一心只有夏家,只有武道的修炼 For these years, pursues the Xia Xinyan man, is found in Jialuo Sea Area each corner, other youth talent of sea area big influence, has drooled the Xia Xinyan scallion nature Lan Xinhe peerless appearance, frequently paces back and forth in Xia Family, only for can have a liking for one side Xia Xinyan, obtains looking upon with favor of beautiful woman. 这么多年来,追求夏心妍的男子,遍布伽罗海域每一个角落,就连别的海域大势力的青年才俊,也一直垂涎夏心妍的葱质兰心和绝世容颜,常常徘徊在夏家,只为能够看上夏心妍一面,得到佳人的垂青。 However, anyone, regardless of the how outstanding youth, was never placed in the eye by Xia Xinyan. 然而,不论是谁,不论多么出众的青年,都从未被夏心妍放在眼中。 Tianxie Fairyland new first generation leader Xie Kui, painstakingly loves her many years, never has the slight progress, has been crushed with grief. 就连天邪洞天一代的领军人物邪魁,苦恋她多年,也从来不曾有丝毫进展,一直郁郁寡欢。 In Jialuo Sea Area, Xia Xinyan is a faintly recognizable Yunshan, may not surmount simply, letting all youth only to look up. 伽罗海域,夏心妍可谓是一座飘渺的云山,简直不可攀越,让所有青年都只能仰望。 Yang Family Yang Ji and the others, once was Xia Xinyan infatuated after a period of time, actually repeatedly got refused before the beautiful womanfinally lets it go, has cancelled this thought. 就连杨家杨奇等人,也曾经为夏心妍痴迷过一段时间,却在佳人面前屡屡碰钉子”最终不了了之,打消了这个念头。 Now, because of the Shi Yan words, the beautiful woman unexpectedly elegant face is crimson, a bashful belt happy appearance, seriously people surprisedly. 如今,因为石岩的一番话,佳人竟然俏脸绯红,一副含羞带喜的模样,当真将众人惊讶到了。 cough cough!” Xia Shenchuan has coughed two, although although has this disgruntledness, because actually Shi Yan rescued to awake to ask for the granddaughter, was not good to manifest suddenly, was only fluent: „, Un, since the matter has been solved, we said goodbye, walks.” 咳咳!”夏神川干咳了两声,虽然虽然有此不悦,却因为石岩将孙女救醒了讨来,也不好发作,只能道:“,嗯,既然事情解决了,那我们就告辞了,走吧。” Wait a moment.” Shi Yan shouted one suddenly lightly. 等一下。”石岩忽然轻呼一声。 Boy, do not reach out for a yard after taking an inch!” Xia Shenchuan light shout, „, although you have saved her, but do not think that among you can have anything, I the granddaughter, must inherit the position of my Xia Family Family Head in the future, the children personal relationships naturally must forever put. Snort, even if must get married, is our Xia Family looks for husband for daughter, kid who in the future will have, will be surnamed Xia!”, The crimson on Xia Xinyan face, removes slowly, in the eye pupil flashes through one mournfully grieved. “小子,你不要得寸进尺!”夏神川轻喝,“虽然你救了她,但也不要以为你们之间能有什么,我着孙女,将来是要继承我夏家家主之位的,儿女私情自然要永远放下来。哼,就算是要成婚,也是我们夏家招女婿,将来生下来的娃,也是姓夏!”,夏心妍脸上的绯红,缓缓褪去,眼眸中闪过一丝凄然酸楚。 That from infancy to maturity, she is educated, then cannot have the children personal relationships, in the future she must inherit the position of Xia Family Family Head, even if must bear children, can be arranges by Xia Family, looks for husband for daughter passing through the gate, all are beyond control she to take responsibility. 从小到大,她接受的教育,便是不能有儿女私情,将来她是要继承夏家家主之位的,就算是要生儿育女,也会是由夏家安排,招个女婿进门,一切由不得她做主。 Also because of soher in Jialuo Sea Area, never thinks children personal relationships matter. 也是因为如此”她在伽罗海域,才从来不想儿女私情这事。 Becauseshe knows that her future, is beyond control she to take responsibility. 因为”她知道她的未来,由不得她做主。 ...... Snort! ” Yang Lao coldly snorted, the whole face is disgruntled, has not said anything. ……哼!”杨烙冷哼一声,满脸不悦,却并未多说什么。 Shi Yan also deeply frowned, look gloomy, he from the Xia Xinyan facial expression, saw gradually reluctantly, saw to destiny has no alternative. 石岩也深深地皱起眉头,眼神渐渐阴沉了下来,他从夏心妍的神情中,看出了无奈,看出了对命运的无可奈何。 At this time, he knows that all languages stir up, will work just the opposite, not only cannot make Xia Shenchuan change the original intention, instead in the heart of Xia Shenchuan, will leave a poor impression, will make Xia Xinyan clamp in the middle is difficult to cultivate the behavior, will possibly affect Xia Family and Yang Family many years of friendly relations. 在这个时候,他知道所有的语言相激,都会适得其反,不但不能让夏神川改变初衷,反而会在夏神川的心中,留下不好的印象,也会让夏心妍夹在中间难做人,甚至可能会影响夏家杨家多年的友好关系。 He knows, to obtain Xia Xinyan, only then a method, some day, his Shi Yan showed that his abilitycan dominate above Xia Family! 他知道,若想得到夏心妍,只有一个方法,某一天,他石岩证明他的能力”可以凌驾在夏家之上! Let entire Xia Family, can only overlook him! 让整个夏家,都只能俯视他! Deeply inspired, Shi Yan complexion tranquil, gives a calm smile, takes out three to win from Yang Lao Heaven Mending Pill, goes forward to give the beautiful woman, said in a soft voice: These three Heaven Mending Pill you accept, if next time will have no other choice but to use Reincarnation Martial Spirit, these three Heaven Mending Pill, can guarantee your three times.” 深吸了一口气,石岩脸色平静了下来,淡然一笑,取出三枚赢自杨烙补天丹,上前一步递给佳人,柔声道:“这三枚补天丹你收下,下次若是不得已要动用轮回武魂,这三枚补天丹,可以保你三次。” In Xia Xinyan heart one sweet, bright eyes move, is gazing at Xia Shenchuan secretly. 夏心妍心中一甜,明眸动了动,暗暗注视着夏神川 The Xia Shenchuan eye looks at the day, the corners of the mouth actually slightly pulled, was concerned with that has not prevented her to accept these three Heaven Mending Pill. 夏神川眼睛望天,嘴角却微微扯动了一下,不闻不问,并未阻止她接受这三枚补天丹 In entire Endless Sea, this Heaven Mending Pill also only then Yang Family can refine, even if in Yang Family, Heaven Mending Pill is the extremely precious thing, only then Yang Family direct descendant with the character of Shura king rank, has the qualifications to have, Reincarnation Martial Spirit of Heaven Mending Pill to Yang Family has the extremely good function, this point Xia Shenchuan knows fairly well. 在整个无尽海,这补天丹也只有杨家才能炼制出来,即便是在杨家,补天丹都是极为珍奇之物,只有杨家的嫡系和修罗王这种级别的人物,才有资格持有,补天丹杨家轮回武魂有着极佳的作用,这一点夏神川心中有数。 Has traded other medicinal pills, perhaps duplicate god Sichuan will scold, will prevent her to receive, however, regarding this Heaven Mending Pill, he is actually hard to open the mouth. 换了别的丹药,说不定复神川会呵斥,会阻止她收下来,然而,对于这补天丹,他却难以开口。 Thanks.” Xia Xinyan is tactful, sneaked a peek at from the Xia Shenchuan expression had tacitly consented to that this silently received, expressed gratitude in a soft voice. “谢谢。”夏心妍知趣,从夏神川的表情之中窥见了默许,这才默默接过,轻声道谢。 Takes care.” Shi Yan deeply looks at she, said in a soft voice: Remembers our agreements.” “保重。”石岩深深地看着她,柔声道:“记得我们的约定。” The Xia Xinyan elegant face is flood red, lowers the head lowly, the housefly has complied with one generally in a soft voice: Un.” 夏心妍俏脸又是泛红,低垂着头,蚊蝇一般轻声应了一声:“嗯。” Walked.” In the Xia Shenchuan heart disgruntleddoes not think the granddaughter and Shi Yan walk is too near, light snort|hum, pulls taut Xia Xinyan, flew suddenly, changes into together Divine Light, breaks in the clouds fiercely, winks not to see with own eyes. “走了。”夏神川心中不悦”不想孙女和石岩走的太近,轻哼一声,一把扯住夏心妍,骤然飞了起来,化为一道神光,猛地冲入云霄,眨眼不见。 Boy, there is one set.” Yang Lao Hehe smiled, makes an effort to pat the shoulder of Shi Yan, you, if can handle that girl, Xia the ghost must want to cry but have no tears, Ha Ha, good good, had my past style!” “小子,有一套啊。”杨烙嘿嘿一笑,用力拍了拍石岩的肩膀,“你要是真能搞定那丫头,夏老鬼非欲哭无泪不可,哈哈,不错不错,有我当年的风范!” Younger Brother Yan, this!” Yang Mu raises up the thumb, expressed admiration, Xia Xinyan this girl, had keen eyesight in Ding in our Jialuo Sea Area, many people drooled her beautiful appearance, whose actually never saw her to reveal the shy meaning in front. Your this fellow, but also is really fierce, no wonder the great grandfather regarded as important you.” 小岩子,这个!”杨暮竖起大拇指,啧啧称奇,“夏心妍这丫头,在我们伽罗海域眼高于顶,多少人垂涎她的美貌,却从未见她在谁面前露出羞涩之意的。你这家伙,还真是厉害,怪不得太爷爷那么看重你了。” Elder Brother Yan I support you! ”, Yang Meng also cheershee hee to say with a smile: Sister Xia is so attractive, is our Jialuo Sea Area most beautiful scenery, such beautiful woman, should be subdued by our Yang Family person. Ha Ha, Brother strange these fellows did not make every effort to succeed initially I also maliciously to despise them, has not thought that Elder Brother Yan was so fierce, came, ganged up with Sister Xia, was really fierce. ” 岩哥哥”我支持你!”,杨萌也欢呼起来”嘻嘻笑道:“夏姐姐那么漂亮,是我们伽罗海域最美的一道风景,这样的美人儿,就该被我们杨家的人收服了。哈哈,奇哥哥那些家伙不争气”当初我还狠狠地鄙视过他们,没想到岩哥哥这么厉害,才过来,就和夏姐姐勾搭上了,真是厉害啊。” Ganged up?” The Shi Yan forced smile, shook the head, your this girl, talked nonsense anything, my this has conquered her with the charisma!” “勾搭上了?”石岩苦笑,摇了摇头,“你这丫头,胡说八道什么呀,我这是用人格魅力征服了她!” Is same, the result is you arrives at the same place in any case, hee hee.” Yang Meng smiles tenderly, exceed looks at Shi Yan more pleasing to the eyes. “都是一样的,反正结果就是你们俩走到一起,嘻嘻。”杨萌娇笑,越瞧石岩越顺眼。 Side these Yang Family Warrior, when looks to him, all shows admiring expression, as if can obtain the Xia Xinyan heart, compared with using Soul Gathering Bead regains consciousness Xia Xinyan must make them admire general. 旁边那些杨家武者,在看向他的时候,也个个露出敬佩之极的表情,仿佛能够得到夏心妍的芳心,比用聚魂珠夏心妍苏醒还要让他们佩服一般。 Shi Yan stunned, he has not thought really duplicate Xinyan in Jialuo Sea Area, unexpectedly really just likes an unclimbable Yunshan, subtle feelings between he and Xia Xinyan, mean that this Yunshan has put down a today's ladder for him, enabling him while to reach the peak. 石岩愕然,他真没想到复心妍伽罗海域,竟然真的犹如一座不可攀登的云山,他和夏心妍之间的微妙情愫,意味着这一座云山为他放下了一今天梯,让他可以趁着一直登上峰顶。 Boy, with me comes, leading you to have a look at your great grandfather to indicate to by you tame Demonic Beast. “小子,跟我来,带你去看看你太爷爷指明要由你来驯服的妖兽 Yang Lao shouted to clear the way suddenly. 杨烙突然喝道。 The Shi Yan facial expression shakes. 石岩神情一震。
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