GOS :: Volume #3

#212: Achievement Sea of Consciousness

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In Yang Family sacred mountain. 杨家神山中。 Shi Yan and Xia Xinyan face-to-face sit cross-legged to sit, among them, the Soul Gathering Bead none remaining overflows, the wisp hunchback the strength of clear soul only, following their arms and neck, flows in the brain territory. 石岩夏心妍面对面盘膝而坐,两人之间,聚魂珠精光四溢,缕偻澄净的灵魂之力,顺着两人的臂膀、脖颈,一路流入脑域。 In Soul Gathering Bead, murmur the strength of running water soullittle reduction. 聚魂珠中,潺潺流水般的灵魂之力”一点点的减少。 The time passesin a flash, a half year crossed. 时间流逝”转瞬间,半年已过。 Shi Yan holds the breath with rapt attention, on the head does not know gets up, unexpectedly also bright shining. 石岩屏息凝神,脑袋上不知何时起,竟然也亮灿灿的。 Extremely intense soul fluctuation, transmits from his brain territory, slowly spread to the entire stone chamber. 极为强烈的灵魂波动,从他脑域之中传来,慢慢扩散到整个石室。 Arrived at the critical moment. 已到了关键时刻。 For the six months, according to the view of Profound Ice Cold Flamehe in absorbing Soul Gathering Bead the strength of soulinjection of strength of soul, making his Mental Energy vigorousspiritual inductive force, even can cover the surrounding area hundred li (0.5km), making him to understand clearly the surrounding area the slightest sign of trouble within hundred li (0.5km)! 半年来,按照玄冰寒焰的说法”他一直在吸收聚魂珠内的灵魂之力”灵魂之力的注入,让他精神力浑厚无比”精神感应力,甚至可以覆盖方圆百里,令他可以洞悉方圆百里之内的风吹草动! The fine idea strength under injection of soul power, shows dozens times of growth, this growth rate, has not been weaken until today. 精计力在灵魂力量的注入下,呈数十倍的增长,这增长幅度,直到今日都未减弱。 Mental Energy rises suddenly, Shi Yan has not ceased, in intention precise Mental Energy, 1000 Mental Energy according to the special rule seed about in the same place, becomes. In his brain territory, Mental Energy as if hundreds of thousands of thread, under his mind control, these hundreds of thousands of fine Divine Light lines, 1000 1000 kneading together in one. 精神力暴涨中,石岩并未停息,一直都在用心凝炼精神力,将1000股精神力按照特殊的规律籽合在一起,成为一股。在他脑域之中,精神力仿佛数十万的细线,在他的心神掌控之下,这数十万的精神光线,1000股1000股的揉合在了一起。 On this dayMental Energy in his mind, in again especially, gradually has become several hundred. 这一天”他脑海之中的精神力,在重新特合之后,渐渐成了数百股。 Several hundred fried ricecakes about later Mental Energyunder his mind control, poured into soul imprintto work as in these Mental Energy, after being suddenly many his soul imprint, these originally slightly thick Mental Energy quantity, suddenly extremely fast contraction! 数百股糍合之后的精神力”在他的心神掌控之下,被注入灵魂烙印”当这些精神力之中,霍然多了他的灵魂烙印之后,那些原本略显粗大的精神力量,骤然间极速收缩! Shi Yan clear seeingin his brain territory, these Mental Energy quantities has the mutation suddenly. 石岩清晰的看到”在他脑域之中,那些精神力量骤然发生异变。 Mental Energy, are glistening the different light, rays of light shining, he sees each Mental Energy quantity, slowly is contracting changes is small, in each Mental Energy quantity, is full his soul imprint, has his these years life experiences and realizing from experience. 一道道精神力,闪亮着异光,光芒灿灿中,他看到每一道精神力量,都在慢慢收缩变小,每一道精神力量之中,都充盈着他的灵魂烙印,有着他这些年的一段段人生经历和体悟。 The mind sinks to a Mental Energy quantitylooks at carefully secretly, looks like watches the movie to be ordinary, can discover own some time scene. 将心神沉入其中一股精神力量”暗暗端详,就像是看电影一般,能够从中发现自己某一段时间的场景。 Past eventsas if was playbacked. 往事”似乎在其中被回放。 That Mental Energy quantitiesdeeply imprint the experience of his life, Mental Energy quantitiesas if have become his life miniature. 那一道道精神力量”深深地烙印了他人生的经历,一道道精神力量”似乎成了他生命的一段缩影。 His soul in this process as if sublimated, indulges in these Mental Energy quantities. 在这个过程之中”他灵魂似乎都升华了,沉溺在那些精神力量当中。 Some moment. 某一刻。 lightning, jump in these Mental Energy quantities, the Mental Energy quantity becomes cannot see clearly ” unable to induce gradually. 一道道电光,在那些精神力量之中跳跃出来,精神力量逐渐变得看不清”感应不出。 A strange energy fluctuationstarts to emit, a change of mystical, in occurred quietly unceasingly...... 一种奇异的能量波动”开始从中散溢开来,一种神秘的变化,在悄然不绝间发生子…… Shi Yan suddenly thought that oneself as if many innumerable eyes! Also were likely many souls! 石岩突然觉得,自己仿佛多了无数的眼睛!又像是多了一个个灵魂! The marvelous feeling maps the heart suddenly, he also without enough time realizes from experience, these Mental Energy quantitiescondensed the fusion suddenly in one. 奇妙的感觉霍然映入心头,他还来不及体悟,那些精神力量”骤然间凝聚融合在了一起。 In the brain territory, Essence Qi power fusionsgradually have become energetic sea. 脑域中,一道道精元力量融合”渐渐成了一个精神海洋。 Sea of Consciousness! 识海 Hunchback wisp of Divine Sense, gathered at onein his mind, became had one square meter size god Sea of Consciousness ocean in his consciousnessprobably. 一偻缕神识,聚集在了一起”在他脑海之中,成了一个在他知觉之中”大概有一平方米大小的神识海洋。 In the mind regardshim to see this small Sea of Consciousness, was full the intense life fluctuation in his mind, in Sea of Consciousnessalready deep imprint all memories of his soul. 心神内视”他可以看到这小小的识海,在他脑海之中充盈着强烈的生命波动,识海之中”已深深烙印了他灵魂的一切记忆。 Among the intention changes, he can in Sea of Consciousness, see own past each experience! 心念变化间,他可以在识海之中,看到自己以往的每一段经历! So long as he wants to look that Sea of Consciousness will become a silver screen, will show a film general, his once past events, in clear incomparable will appear. 只要他想要看,识海就会成为银幕,放电影一般,将他曾经的往事,在其中清晰无比的显现出来。 In Sea of Consciousness, has all of his life, has his life imprint, seems the sublimation of his soul! 识海中,有着他人生的一切,有着他生命的烙印,仿佛是他灵魂的升华! , In his brain territory no longer had bright glitteringall as if slowly to return to gradually normal. 渐渐地,他脑域中已不再有亮光闪烁”一切似乎又慢慢恢复了正常。 Soul Gathering Bead, stopped luminous glittering, when does not know gets up, in Soul Gathering Bead did not have slight soul power. 聚魂珠在不知不觉间,停止了光亮的闪烁,不知何时起,聚魂珠内已没了丝毫的灵魂力量 Is quenchinged the strength of clear only soul becomes by several thousand soulsafter these days their absorption, was nothing left. 由数万魂魄淬炼而成的澄净灵魂之力”经过这一段时间两人的吸收,已荡然无存。 Shi Yan opens eyes suddenly. 石岩霍然睁开双眸 The intention movesSea of Consciousness to form a strange fluctuation, Divine Sense is assigned away from the capital, toward spreads rapidly in all directions. 心念一动”识海形成一股奇异的波动,神识外放,迅速朝着四面八方蔓延。 The Divine Sense place visited, is centered on sacred mountain, nearby list wooden Demonic Beast, palaces, many Yang Family Warrior, all sorts of scenes, one by one shines in Sea of Consciousness. 神识所过之处,以神山为中心,附近的单木妖兽,一栋栋的宫殿,许多杨家武者,种种场景,一一识海之中映照出来。 Small Sea of Consciousness, delimited to divide the innumerable images, each image, was corresponding the outside world scene. 小小的识海,划有分了无数块影像,每一块影像,都对应着外界的场景。 Shi Yan stunned, expression strangely. 石岩愕然,表情古怪之极。 Divine Sense that such flickers is assigned away from the capital, with the change of Sea of Consciousness, making him give birth to extremely marvelous realizing from experience. 这么一瞬的神识外放,和识海的变化,让他生出极为奇妙的体悟。 Divine Sense that his lets out, as if the camera and satellite that cannot see unable to feelcompletely includes nearby scene, but Sea of Consciousnesslikely is screenreveals these scene one by one that clear incomparable, in the leave of grass texture including each scene, sees clearly. 他那放出去的神识,仿佛一个个看不见摸不着的摄像头、卫星”将附近的场景全部收录,而识海”则像是屏幕”将那些场景一一显露出来,清晰无比,连每一个场景之中的草叶纹理,都看到清清楚楚。 The corners of the mouth full are the strange smiling face, Shi Yan sit on stone bedlook glisten. 嘴角满是怪异的笑容,石岩坐在石床上”眼神闪亮。 cultivation of this martial arts, after Sea of Consciousness forms, ” really has this wondrous use, this stems from him to be unexpected. 这武道的修炼,识海形成之后”竟然有此妙用,这出乎他意料之外。 Before he also knows that Warrior of boundary of Nirvana Origin, can induce the surrounding every action and every movement through Divine Sense ”, but, he thought that feeling should with closing one's eyes to touch the thing to be ordinary, should not have to understand clearly. 以前他也知道涅巢之境的武者,可以通过神识感应周围的一举一动”不过,他觉得那种感觉应该和闭着眼睛摸东西一般,应该没有多么的清晰明了。 However, now he has also formed Sea of Consciousness, had Divine Sense, first realizing from experience, had has moved the inexplicable mood to fluctuate. 然而,如今他也形成了识海,拥有了神识,第一次体悟,却有了感动莫名的情绪波动。 He believes his present ability, if places that world that he was born, he can be called as the gods. 他相信他现在的能力,如果放在他出生的那个世界,他可以被称呼为神明了。 The people in same place ” can actually see clearly the slightest sign of trouble hundred li (0.5km) away, can see clearly all slightly, this endured compared with the satellite of that world simply. 人在原地”却可以洞察百里之外的风吹草动,可以将一切细微洞察,这简直堪比那世界的卫星了。 Also not solely so! 还不单单如此! Sea of Consciousness again changes, Divine Sense form the attack suddenly precise, punctures fiercely toward nearby crystal wall. 识海再变,一道道神识骤然凝炼形成攻击,猛地朝着旁边的晶壁刺去。 In the air, curls the light white fog that heaven and earth Spiritual Qi forms, obviously by power of some not being able to see attacking, had the vacuum place of together in light white fog center, forms one bunch of power fluctuations fiercely to shooting. 空气之中,袅袅天地灵气形成的淡淡白雾,明显被某种看不见的力量给冲击了,在淡淡的白雾中心“有一块真空之地,形成一束力量波动”猛地冲射出去。 *......” “噗*……” These three waves of Divine Sense attack, falls to that crystal wall above, that crystal wall hears the collision sound that an ear may hear. 这三波神识冲击,落到那晶壁之上,那晶壁传来一声耳朵可听到的碰撞声。 A happy expression in Shi Yan facial expression happy was thicker a point. 石岩神情一喜眼中的笑意更浓了一分。 Really Divine Sense has become, can directly carry on the soul to attack to the enemy. 果然神识已成,可以直接对敌人进行灵魂攻击。 Divine Sense is different from Mental Energy, although the same naked eye is difficult to see, can actually form extremely violent soul offensive. 神识精神力不同,虽然一样肉眼难见,却可以形成极为猛烈的灵魂攻势。 Supple, can such as send the silk, hard, then can become the steel needle has the direct destructive power to the soul! 柔,可以如发丝,硬,则可以成钢针对灵魂有着直接的破坏力! Shi Yan sits on stone bedcorners of the mouth has a smile, unceasingly makes the change that he is understanding clearly using strength of Divine Sense and Sea of Consciousness ”, attempt repeatedly. 石岩就坐在石床上”嘴角含笑,不断地在运用神识识海之力”做着他洞悉的变化,一遍遍的尝试。 Congratulates you, you formed Sea of Consciousness to have Divine Sense *...... ” in ring, has transmitted Profound Ice Cold Flame message, you as if the Soul Gathering Bead strength of soul, completely shared with your woman! That, do you comply with my” what to do? ”, The Shi Yan forced smile was sorry that I in cultivation, did not remember this matter. Unknowingly, the strength of these souls were given to use up by us. That, you did not say the strength of how many souls I have more than enough? Why isn't of use?, You have used 60%, your woman used 40% *......” Profound Ice Cold Flame to think, said: „, Your potential is big, imagined compared with me has used the strength of many soul, I think that you most needed three achievement foot enough. Has not actually expected you actually to absorb the strength of 60% soul, making your Sea of Consciousness expand was so big, your present Sea of Consciousness not only formed also had the strength of many Divine Sense, was because you have absorbed 60%. But your woman cultivation base is more profound than you, in her mind also be tired to strangely, has absorbed unexpectedly also 40%, I owed really in a big way......”, that you are not considered as that has said that my blood can make Soul Gathering Bead have the ability of absorption soul *...... Shi Yan somewhat to be also embarrassed once more ” ” this, when this Soul Gathering Bead restored, I will continue to gather the strength of soul next timeI to apportion you strength of the soul, this by *...... ” “恭喜你,你形成了识海”拥有了神识*……”戒指中,传来了玄冰寒焰讯息,“不过你似乎把聚魂珠之中的灵魂之力,和你的女人全部分享了啊!那个,你答应我的那一份”怎么办?”,石岩苦笑“抱歉我在修炼之中,没有记得这事。不知不觉中,那些灵魂之力”就被我们给用光了。那个,你不是说我用不了多少灵魂之力的么?为什么那么不顶用啊?,,“你用了六成,你的女人用了四成*……”玄冰寒焰想了一下,道:“,你的潜力大,比我想象中多用了不少灵魂之力,我本以为你最多需要三成就足够了。却没有料到你却吸收了六成的灵魂之力,让你的识海扩充了那么大,你现在识海不但形成了还拥有了不少的神识之力,都是因为你吸收了六成。而你的那女人修为比你高深,她脑海之中的也烦为怪异,竟然也吸收了四成,我真是亏大了……”,,“那个”你不算是说过,我的鲜血可以让聚魂珠再次拥有吸收灵魂的能力么*……”石岩也有些不好意思”“这样吧,等这聚魂珠恢复了,我会继续聚集灵魂之力”下次”我会将其中的灵魂之力分给你,这样呵以吧*……” Un , can only so *......” Profound Ice Cold Flame have no alternativelike this I not to have the means that hopes that you remember our agreements were good. ”, The Shi Yan drop nodded, has readily agreed. “嗯,也只能如此了*……”玄冰寒焰也无可奈何”“都这样了”我也没办法,希望你记得我们的约定就好了。”,石岩点子点头,一口答应了下来。 Your woman, soon woke up... *......” Profound Ice Cold Flame communication. “你的女人,快要醒来了…*……”玄冰寒焰传讯 In Shi Yan heart one happy, immediately stopped and communication of Profound Ice Cold Flame, immediately looks with rapt attention to Xia Xinyan. 石岩心中一喜,马上停止了和玄冰寒焰的沟通,立即凝神望向夏心妍 black eyebrows wrinkled ” the Xia Xinyan long eyelash to tremble red lip to wriggle slightly lightlygently, as if must revive from the dreamland. 黛眉微微皱着”夏心妍长长的睫毛轻颤”红唇轻轻蠕动了一下,似乎要从梦境之中苏醒过来。 Shi Yanin heart unexpectedly somewhat is concentrated anxious. 石岩神情专注”心中竟然有些紧张。 Xia Xinyan soul fluctuation, the gradual restoration is gradually steady, her tender and delicate cheek, gradual is ruddy. 渐渐地”夏心妍身上的灵魂波动,逐渐的恢复平稳,她那娇嫩的脸蛋,也逐渐的红润起来。 Even if at this time, she as before were eleganthas imposing inviolable elegant tone. 即便是在这个时候,她依旧雍容华贵”身上自有一股凛然不可侵犯的典雅气韵。 The elegant demeanor of looks at that person ” the Shi Yan look is gentle, the corners of the mouth also full are the light happy expression. 看着伊人的风采”石岩眼神温柔,嘴角也满是淡淡的笑意。 After a long timeXia Xinyan opens eyes finally slowly, the deeply moving bright eyes, glisten like the stars, like the sea, such calmly is staring at Shi Yan profoundly. 不知道过了多久夏心妍终于缓缓睁开双眸,动人心弦的明眸,闪亮如星辰,深邃如大海,就这么静静地凝视着石岩 Saw you, was really good.”, That person corners of the mouth rake out a graceful curve, smiles, to say in a soft voice. “又看到你了,真好。”,伊人嘴角勾出一个优雅的弧度,抿嘴一笑,轻声道。 Xinyan you were all right *...... ” Shi Yan deeply to inspireon face to ripple the gentle smiling face, leapt from stone bed, put out a hand toward Xia Xinyan, said: Gets down, has a look to have anything exceptionally, do not leave behind any old ailment to be good *......” 心妍”你没事了*……”石岩深深吸了一口气”脸上荡漾着温柔的笑容,一跃从石床上下来,朝着夏心妍伸出手来,道:“下来走走,看看有没有什么异常,不要留下什么病根才好*……” Duplicate Xinyan smilesshook the head gently, actually amenable extends the white hands, whatever Shi Yan is pulling, from that stone bed. 心妍嫣然一笑”轻轻摇了摇头,却顺从地伸出玉手,任由石岩拉扯着,从那石床上下来。 Perfect naked body, in stone chamber graceful good several steps, on the elegant face full is happy expression shesaid in a soft voice: I is not only all right, but also has entered into Second Sky of Earth Level.”, Shi Yan stunned, said at once pleasantly surprised: „, Congratulates you *......” 完美的胴体,在石室内风姿绰约的行了几步,俏脸上满是笑意的她”柔声道:“我不但没事,还迈入了地位二重天之境。”,石岩愕然,旋即惊喜道:“,恭喜你*……” Xia Xinyan nodsfaint smile to stare at himour gambling approximately also to have gently, in before you have not defeated me, he he, you give me the honest point *...... ” words, she takes back by Shi Yan is grasping the white hands, raises the eyebrow slightly, the provocation said: „, You may probably try hard, diligently, I will not comply with your anything matter *......” 夏心妍轻轻点头”似笑非笑盯着他”“我们的赌约还有在”在你没有击败我之前,呵呵,你给我老实一点*……”话罢,她收回被石岩握着的玉手,微微扬眉,挑衅道:“,你可要努力哦,不努力,我可不会答应你什么事情*……” Relax, will not make you wait for a long time.”, Shi Yan grins to laugh, the whole face is self-confident, how long could not want, I will exceed you *......” “放心,不会让你久等的。”,石岩咧嘴大笑,满脸自信,“要不了多久,我就会胜过你*……” Boasted *......” Xia Xinyan to purse the lips, said with a smile lightly: Only boast earlier do not show that looks to me *...... ” “吹牛*……”夏心妍抿嘴,轻笑道:“不要光大话”早点证明给我看吧*……” My meeting *......” “我会的*……”
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