GOS :: Volume #3

#211: God blood wondrous use

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On Ancient God blood! 古神血! Profound Ice Cold Flame message, making Shi Yan also ignorant, he there, suddenly somewhat felt helpless. 玄冰寒焰的一番讯息,让石岩也懵了,他愣在那儿,一时间有些不知所措。 In the crystal wall stone chamber, winds around not loose rich heaven and earth Spiritual Qi , to continue to well up toward Soul Gathering Bead crazily, that Soul Gathering Bead gradually becomes clear, in his palm turning round rotation, continuously naked eye obvious crystal light, gradually appears in the bead surface. 晶壁石室中,缭绕不散的浓郁天地灵气,继续朝着聚魂珠狂涌,那聚魂珠渐渐变得晶莹起来,在他手掌心滴溜溜的转动,一缕缕肉眼可见的晶光,在珠子表面渐渐显现出来。 In the stone chamber one-third heaven and earth Spiritual Qi, vanish after Soul Gathering Bead, in Soul Gathering Bead, Shi Yan aura of that drop of blood, became is weakly indetectable. 当石室中1的天地灵气,消失在聚魂珠中之后,在聚魂珠内,石岩的那一滴鲜血的气息,已变得微弱不可察觉。 To this time, heaven and earth Spiritual Qi in stone chamber, stopped flowing. 到了这时候,石室中的天地灵气,才停止了流动。 All return to normal, but Soul Gathering Bead becomes the crystal is bright, under injections of that many heaven and earth Spiritual Qi, this Soul Gathering Bead as if had some marvelous change, the superficial trace was closer. 一切恢复正常,只是聚魂珠变得晶光闪闪,在那么多天地灵气的注入之下,这聚魂珠似乎发生了某种奇妙的变化,表面的纹路更加细密了一些。 Well is on the Ancient God blood *......” “井么是上古神血*……” I not really am clear.” Profound Ice Cold Flame silent a while, communication: „ Your cultivation the technique of that Extreme Refining, came from crazy Refiner Master, on message of related Ancient God blood, I also obtain from his there. “我也不甚清楚。”玄冰寒焰沉默了一会儿,才传讯:“你修炼的那极炼之术,来自于一名疯狂的炼器师,有关上古神血的讯息,我也是从他那里得到的。 He obtained one page of ancient Canjuan, the comfortable Ancient Times time, three big blood have special effect God King, that three big God King blood each wondrous use is infinite, is called the god blood, three god blood concrete use that people do not know, but he actually knows the god blood, once falls into rare treasure artifact, will cause immediately the mutation, the most common mutation inspires surrounding heaven and earth Spiritual Qi, making heaven and earth Spiritual Qi pour into the middle of rare treasure artifact crazily *...... ” 他曾经得到过一页古残卷,从中得自在上古时期,有三大鲜血有着特殊功效的神王,那三大神王的鲜血各个妙用无穷,被称为神血,三种神血具体用途那人也不知,但他却知道神血一旦落入秘宝器物之中,会立即引起异变,其中最常见的异变就是引动周围天地灵气,让天地灵气疯狂注入秘宝器物当中*……” Three big God King descendants, body *, so long as inherited the god blood, same has similar wondrous use. Once this Soul Gathering Bead quenchings after Earth Flame, making these souls form to clarify the strength of busy soul the function of that Soul Gathering Bead absorption soul to vanish, will become one type vessel that will put the strength of soul *...... ” “三大神王的后裔,体*内只要传承了神血,一样有着类似的妙用。这聚魂珠一旦经过地火淬炼,令那些魂魄形成澄清无暇的灵魂之力”那聚魂珠吸收魂魄的作用就会消失,成为一种盛放灵魂之力的容器*……” However, just your drop of blood dropped this Soul Gathering Bead after absorbing heaven and earth Spiritual Qi, internal structure as if quietly had the change, looks at such, this Soul Gathering Bead as if had the sign of bringing back to life. What a pity, your blood has not passed through precise, only then concise blood essence can be called the god blood, if really the god blood pours into Soul Gathering Bead, according to the characteristics, this Soul Gathering Bead feared can restore such as beginning. ” “然而,刚刚你一滴鲜血滴落”这聚魂珠在吸收了天地灵气之后,内部的结构似乎悄悄发生了变化,看那样子,这聚魂珠似乎有了起死回生的迹象。可惜,你的鲜血并未经过凝炼,只有凝练过的精血才能称得上神血,真要是神血注入聚魂珠,按照特性,这聚魂珠怕是能够恢复如初。” Your blood, if precise to become Shenxue, integrates in rare treasure artifact according to that Refiner Master ancient Canjuan one mystique, can let any damage rare treasure artifact restores such as beginning, your god blood, can repair all rare treasure artifact. Once you precise lost blood, can make Soul Gathering Bead have the ability of absorption accumulation soul once more......” “你的鲜血如果凝炼成神血,按照那炼器师古残卷的一种秘法来融入秘宝器物之中,能够让任何损毁的秘宝器物恢复如初,你的神血,可以修复所有异宝器物。你一旦凝炼出神血,也可以让聚魂珠再次拥有吸收聚集灵魂的能力……” Profound Ice Cold Flame explained slowlyknows it related to the knowledge on Ancient God blood, instills into to Shi Yan. 玄冰寒焰缓缓解释”将它所知有关上古神血的知识,灌输给石岩 Shi Yan has gawked half sound, Soul Gathering Bead in dull looks at hand, the expression is strange. 石岩愣了半响,呆呆的看着手中的聚魂珠,表情古怪。 Immortal Martial Spirit! 不死武魂 On this Ancient God blood should belong to Immortal Martial Spirit, Immortal Martial Spirit can restoreto cultivate abstrusest Realm fleshly body, it is said this Immortal Martial Spirit can rely on drop of blood essence, but restores fleshly body once more, the Resurrect rebirth. 这上古神血应该属于不死武魂,不死武魂可以将肉身恢复”修到最为深奥的境界,据说这不死武魂可以凭借一滴精血,而再次恢复肉身,复活重生。 Obviously, the body * in the unusuality of god blood, is related with Immortal Martial Spirit. 显然,体*内神血的异常,和不死武魂有关。 He cannot imagine this blood unexpectedly the rare treasure and artifact together to repair, lets useless rare treasure artifact, plays the proper effect. 只是”他想象不到这鲜血竟然可以将秘宝、器物都一起修复,让没用的异宝器物,重新发挥应有的功效。 This is a quite mysterious special use. 这是一种颇为神奇的特殊用途。 Most birth uncommon Warrior on Grace Mainland, in the hand had various class rare treasures. 神恩大陆上”大多数出生不凡的武者,手中都持有各类的秘宝。 Some many rare treasuresare the Warrior lifeblood, with the person battles, these rare treasures during the bombardment collision, may harm, then loses to have the function. 有许多秘宝”可谓是武者的命根子,与人交战的时候,这些秘宝在轰击碰撞之中,有可能会损害,进而失去应有到作用。 Same rare treasure, once has discarded, profound Refiner Master, is very difficult to restore such as beginning, can only offer a sacrifice to refine newly. 一样秘宝,一旦报废了,就连高深的炼器师,都很难恢复如初,只能重新祭炼新的。 His blood, after precise becomes blood essence, pours into the rare treasure with the special mystique, can let the rare treasure short time restores such as beginning, so effect, extremely the blood of mysterious non- navigation Immortal! The blood of Immortal! 他的鲜血,凝炼成精血之后,用特殊的秘法注入秘宝之中,可以让秘宝短时间恢复如初,如此功效,极为的神奇不航不死之血!不死之血! Shi Yan eye suddenly one bright, remembered that Yang Qingdi to drip into on Yang Hai drop of blood essence in the past, then after dozens years, can through the blood of that drop of Immortal, know for certain the Yang Hai position as before. The segmentum anterius time, Yang Qingdi is to use the blood of three drops of Immortal, calculated that his life and death trend, then makes Mo Duanhun come Rosy Clouds Island to look for him. 石岩眼睛骤然一亮,想起那扬青帝当年将一滴精血滴入杨海身上,然后事隔数十年,依旧可以通过那一滴不死之血,确知杨海的方位。前段时候,扬青帝为利用三滴不死之血,推算出他的生死动向,进而让莫断魂前来云霞岛找他。 Obviously, Yang Qingdi knows how the blood of precise Immortal, knows the wondrous use of blood of Immortal. 显然,扬青帝知道如何凝炼不死之血,知道不死之血的妙用。 To come, the Shi Yan mind was certain, lowered the head and looked at that Soul Gathering Bead one, once more to Profound Ice Cold Flame communication: I know that I start to inspire the Soul Gathering Bead strength of clear only soul now, crosses into the Xia Xinyan soul. Un, finally determines, in Soul Gathering Bead were many a drop of my blood, what issue won't have?” 这么想来,石岩心神一定,低头又看了那聚魂珠一眼,再次对玄冰寒焰传讯:“我知道,我现在就开始引动聚魂珠内的澄净灵魂之力,渡入夏心妍的灵魂。嗯,最后确定一下,聚魂珠中多了一滴我的鲜血,不会有什么问题吧?” Does not have the issue *......” “没问题*……” Shi Yan felt relieved finally. 石岩终于放下心来。 The beautiful person on looks at stone bed, in the Shi Yan look reveals a sadness, holds gently her, Shi Yan also took advantage of opportunity stone bed, face-to-face sat cross-legged to sit with her. 看着石床上的玉人,石岩眼神中流露出一丝哀伤,轻轻将她扶起来,石岩也顺势上了石床,和她面对面盘膝而坐。 A hand takes Soul Gathering Bead, Shi Yan is extending a hand, is grasping the beautiful person slightly icy cold small hand, built it above the bead body of Soul Gathering Bead. 一只手拿着聚魂珠,石岩又伸出一只手,握着玉人略显冰凉的小手,将其搭在了聚魂珠的珠体之上。 eyes closed, Shi Yan holds the breath slowly with rapt attention, consciousness a wisp of spirit enters in Soul Gathering Bead leisurely. 缓缓闭目,石岩屏息凝神,将一缕精神意识逸入聚魂珠内。 The strength of soul murmur, such as brook flows in Soul Gathering Bead generally gently, his wisp of mental consciousness pours into Soul Gathering Bead, immediately gives birth to does not have marvelously shaking to think, as if, this Soul Gathering Bead strength of soul, became his body * in blood was ordinary, moreover blood that type can be easy to control...... 灵魂之力潺潺,如溪流一般轻轻在聚魂珠内流动,他一缕精神意识注入聚魂珠,立即生出一股奇妙无化的撼觉,仿佛,这聚魂珠内的灵魂之力,成了他体*内的血液一般,而且还是那种可以容易掌控的鲜血…… According to method that Profound Ice Cold Flame said that his energetic consciousness is towing the Soul Gathering Bead strength of soul, tries to tow to entrain from Soul Gathering Bead it. 按照玄冰寒焰所说的方法,他精神意识牵引着聚魂珠内的灵魂之力,试着将其从聚魂珠之中拖拽出来。 Without any difficulty, given his energetic consciousness, strength of the wisp of clear soul only, just likes bright thread is ordinary, did not stagnate to be brought from Soul Gathering Bead, has poured into the Xia Xinyan icy cold control quietly. 没有任何的困难,在他精神意识的牵引下,一缕澄净的灵魂之力,犹如崭亮的细线一般,毫无凝滞地从聚魂珠内被带了出来,悄悄灌入了夏心妍冰凉的手心之内。 In heart one happy, Shi Yan uses own mental consciousness to tow the strength of this wisp of clear soul only, slowly its belt to the Xia Xinyan brain territory. 心中一喜,石岩用自己的精神意识牵引着这一缕澄净的灵魂之力,缓缓将其带向夏心妍的脑域。 The strength of this wisp of soul, along her arm meridians, the line into she pure white slender neck, stopped, then flows in toward her brain territory. 这一缕灵魂之力,沿着她的手臂经络,行入她洁白修长的脖颈,停了一下,便往她脑域流入。 Bang! 轰! When the mental consciousness of Shi Yan, falls into her brain territory, the Shi Yan mind shakeswashes to be indistinct, thought unexpectedly one have crashed into the battlefield of soul confrontation. 石岩的精神意识,落入她脑域之时,石岩脑海一震“洗惚间,竟觉得自己坠入了灵魂交锋的战场。 The strength of all sorts of swift and fierce souls, emerged from her mind quickly, have filled hostile aura, adopted to unexpectedly the stance that Shi Yan this wisp of mental consciousness bang killed. 种种凌厉之极的灵魂之力,倏地从她脑海之中涌现,充满了敌对气息,竟摆出一副要将石岩这一缕精神意识轰杀的姿态来。 The complexion is invariable, Shi Yan from Profound Ice Cold Flame there, early knows that will have such condition. 脸色不变,石岩玄冰寒焰那里,早知道会有如此状况。 The mental consciousness takes advantage of opportunity receives, just likes lightning is ordinary, the extremely fast received from the Xia Xinyan mind. 精神意识顺势一收,犹如电光一般,极速从夏心妍的脑海之中收了回来。 However, then by mental consciousness hauling the strength of clear only soul, actually in the Shi Yan spirit consciousness under the beforehand hauling, has injected the Xia Xinyan mind easily. 然而,那被精神意识牵引的澄净灵魂之力,却在石岩精神意识之前的牵引下,轻而易举的注入了夏心妍的脑海在哦中。 A quite violent soul fluctuation, transmits from the Xia Xinyan brain territory suddenly, this soul fluctuation blots out the sky, extremely violent wild, as if has formed the soul storm, must give any soul extinguishes instantaneously kills. 一股颇为猛烈的灵魂波动,霍然从夏心妍的脑域中传来,这一股灵魂波动铺天盖地,极为的猛烈狂暴,仿佛形成了灵魂风暴,要将任何的灵魂都给瞬间灭杀。 Shi Yan is unflustered, is gripping tightly Soul Gathering Bead, lets loose the mind, was in the deserted situation by own Divine Sense. 石岩从容不迫,紧握着聚魂珠,放开心灵,让自己神念处于空寂的地步。 At this moment, the Shi Yan soul as if by the stealth, came from the Xia Xinyan soul storm, has wreaked havoc a while in the stone chamber, then gradually quiet. 这一刻,石岩的灵魂仿佛被隐形了,来自于夏心妍的灵魂风暴,在石室之中肆虐了一会儿,便又渐渐沉寂了下去。 When to Shi Yan could not realize again after exceptionally, he is also precise a wisp of spirit consciousness, pours into Soul Gathering Bead in the similar method, tows the strength of more soul to come, pours into the Xia Xinyan brain territory it. 待到石岩再也察觉不出异常之后,他才又凝炼出一缕精神意识来,以同样的方法注入聚魂珠,牵引出更多的灵魂之力来,将其注入夏心妍的脑域。 The mental consciousness of Shi Yan falls into the Xia Xinyan brain territory each time, from her body, will immediately then spread the violent soul storm, produces mood that the instinct conflicts. 每次石岩的精神意识落入夏心妍的脑域,从她的身上,便会立即传出猛烈之极的灵魂风暴,产生本能抵触的情绪来。 At this time, Shi Yan will not meet the tough head-on with toughness, realized to hide hurriedly completely the spirit, including own soul aura, deferred to the Profound Ice Cold Flame method to come concealing. 这个时候,石岩也不会硬碰硬,急忙将精神意识全部藏匿起来,连自己的灵魂气息,都按照玄冰寒焰的方法来隐匿 When continuously her strength of soul counter-attack, vanishes after the shade, Shi Yan once more will begin, tows the strength of more soul to come, to pour into her brain territory. 一直等到她的灵魂反击之力,消失无影以后,石岩才会再次动手,牵引出更多的灵魂之力来,注入她的脑域。 Shi Yan is not irritable, comes, to start once again little. 石岩并不急躁,一点点地来,周而复始。 , He discovered gradually along with unceasing injection of strength of soul, came from the Xia Xinyan sound of soul counter-attack, started gradually to reduce. 渐渐地,他发现随着灵魂之力的不断注入,来自于夏心妍身上的灵魂反击之动静,已开始逐渐的减少了。 On the face transgresses a joyful smiling face quietly, he knows that Profound Ice Cold Flame the method, was really effective. 脸上悄悄逸出一个欣喜的笑容,他知道玄冰寒焰的这个方法,果然奏效了。 Along with injections of strength of these clear souls, Xia Xinyan these scattered in disorder consciousness fragments, were gathering only slowly, Xia Xinyan as if had the weak self-awareness gradually, as if knew her situation. 随着那些澄净灵魂之力的注入,夏心妍那些散乱的意识碎片,已经在在慢慢聚集起来,渐渐地,夏心妍似乎有了微弱的自我意识,似乎知道她的处境了。 In the heart Dading, Shi Yan actually does not dare to hesitate, tows the strength of more clear soul to come out only, emerges the Xia Xinyan mind. 心中大定,石岩却不敢迟疑,牵引出更多的澄净灵魂之力出来,涌入夏心妍的脑海。 The time in fast passes. 时间在不知不觉间快速流逝。 On this day, when Shi Yan strength of the wisp of soul pours into her brain territory, finally had not realized that came from her soul counter-attack, she does not have the instinct to erupt the strength of soul, carries on the crazy bang overflowing well to Shi Yan. 这一天,石岩将一缕灵魂之力注入她脑域时,终于没有察觉到来自于她的灵魂反击,她没有本能地将灵魂之力爆发出来,对石岩进行狂轰滥井。 Along with injection of strength of soul, the consciousness of Xia Xinyan, as if had the sign that regained consciousness gradually at the same time, her builds in the Soul Gathering Bead above white hands, as if suddenly has had a weak absorption...... 随着灵魂之力的注入,夏心妍的意识,似乎已有了逐渐苏醒的迹象与此同时,她那搭在聚魂珠上方的玉手,似乎忽然产生了一股微弱的吸收了…… The strength of soul the Shi Yan clear feeling, in that Soul Gathering Bead has, is receiving some informed and experienced hauling, overflows unexpectedly on own initiative, slides slowly toward the white delicate arms of Xia Xinyan. 石岩清晰的感受到,那聚魂珠内存在着的灵魂之力,受着某种历练的牵引,竟主动流溢出来,缓缓朝着夏心妍的玉臂中滑去。 Shi Yan opens eyes suddenly. 石岩霍然睁开眼。 In front, beautiful person cheek is ruddy, breath is even, although black eyebrows is wrinkling tightly, at least had an expression. 面前,玉人脸蛋红润,鼻息均匀,黛眉虽然紧皱着,却至少有了点表情。 She restores useful power in the subconscious absorption to her soul. 一她在下意识吸收对自己灵魂恢复有用的力量 Shi Yan draws this conclusion immediately. 石岩马上得出这个结论。 Such one, he truly felt relieved that knows recently crossed into the Xia Xinyan brain territory strength of soul, feared that has displayed to have to affect. 这么一来,他是真正放下心来,知道这些日子渡入夏心妍脑域中的灵魂之力,怕是已发挥出应有作用来了。 Was OK *......” Profound Ice Cold Flame initiative communication to come, from now on, she had understood that absorbed the Soul Gathering Bead strength of soul on own initiative, below has not needed you to guide. Un, you can bustle about for yourself finally, now, how I tell you through the strength of absorption soul, making your Mental Energy have the mutation, becomes Divine Sense, then gathers Divine Sense to form the Sea of Consciousness method *......” “可以了*……”玄冰寒焰主动传讯过来,“从现在起,她已懂得主动来吸收聚魂珠内的灵魂之力,下面已不需要你来导引了。嗯,你终于可以为自己忙碌了,现在,我告诉你如何通过吸收灵魂之力,让你的精神力产生异变,成为神识,进而聚集神识形成识海的方法*……” The Shi Yan eye has shone quickly. 石岩眼睛倏地亮了起来。
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