GOS :: Volume #3

#206: Arrival

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The mine that the Black Scale Clan demon person hides, was razed by Heaven Shaking Thunder directly, the earth has gotten sucked. 黑鳞族魔人潜藏的矿山,直接被一枚震天雷夷为平地,大地都深陷了下去。 Shi Yan sits on Dual Headed Flood Dragon, facial expression is astonished, for the terrifying explosive force shock of that Heaven Shaking Thunder. 石岩坐在双头蛟龙身上,神情惊愕,为那震天雷恐怖爆炸力震惊不已。 Heaven Shaking Thunder, ruins a mountain peak, the might, simply is so shocking. 一枚震天雷,毁掉一座山峰,如此威力,简直骇人听闻。 At this moment, his background to Yang Family, had a more profound understanding. 这一刻,他对杨家底蕴,有了更加深刻的认识。 Was good, we walk.” Yang Mu stared under was looking at a while, feared the hand, said with ease: Only if the Sky Realm demon person master, under Heaven Shaking Thunder, certainly is otherwise difficult to escape.” “好了,我们走。”杨暮盯着下方望了一会儿,怕怕手,轻松道:“除非天位之境的魔人高手,否则在震天雷之下,绝难逃过一劫。” Shi Yan feels Soul Gathering Bead, lets loose Mental Energy to induce, really cannot realize a soul fluctuation again. In mine all Black Scale Clan demon people, under this strikes, should meet a cruel death completely, does not have slight life aura again, reveals from the mine. 石岩摸着聚魂珠,放开精神力感应,果然再也察觉不出一丝的灵魂波动。矿山中所有的黑鳞族魔人,在这一击之下,应该全部被粉身碎骨了,再也没有丝毫的生命气息,从矿山之中流露出来。 nodded, Shi Yan said with a smile: Sound is really big.” 点了点头,石岩笑道:“动静还真大啊。” Ha Ha, Heaven Shaking Thunder is this, refines Heaven Shaking Thunder, needs to consume seventy precious materials. Many materials, but also came from Devil Territory, only then our Yang Family, because goes on an expedition Devil Territory frequently, can obtain these scarce materials. This Heaven Shaking Thunder refinement method, even if tells other family them unable to collect the material to refine. ” Yang Mu said proudly. “哈哈,震天雷就是这样的,炼制一枚震天雷,需要耗费七十几种珍贵的材料。很多材料,还来自于魔域,也只有我们杨家因为常常征战魔域,才可以得到那些稀少的材料。这震天雷的炼制方法,就算是告诉别的家族”他们也凑不齐材料来炼制。”杨暮傲然道。 We return to Immortal Island now.” Shi Yan has hesitated, asked: Previous time I listened to that Shura Blood Guard saying that Immortal Island that Gate of Heaven, was battling the luxurious time, now situation how.” “我们现在就返回不死岛。”石岩沉吟了一下,问道:“上次我听那修罗血卫说,不死岛那一块的天门,正在交战正酣的时刻,现在情况如何了。” Still is confronting the radical degree that the demon person was attacking recently to drop, should somewhat unable to bear the loss. ” The Yang Mu complexion sank suddenly, „the movement of this demon person is indeed strange, not awfully through the space node comes, to disperse in Jialuo Sea Area each corner, does not know that the true intention is anything.” “还在对峙着”不过魔人最近攻击的激进程度有所下降,应该也有些承受不起损失。”杨暮脸色忽然沉了下来,“这次魔人的动作的确非常奇怪,不要命的通过空间节点而来,分散在伽罗海域各个角落,不知道真正的意图到底是什么。” Xia Xinyan how?” Shi Yan hesitant, spoke the inquiry. 夏心妍怎么样了?”石岩犹豫了一下,出言询问。 Yang Mu eye glittering, smiles bitterly to say at once: I look for you, because of her matter, that Xia Family Family Head, brought Immortal Island Xia Xinyan, must make our Yang Family be responsible. Yeah, this matter also is really the difficult office, before some Xia Family people had this condition, this simply is the non-solution, could not find the method. But Uncle Mo said that you have means that I do not know that genuine and fake the great grandfather as if quite regards as important you, because I together handle matters in neighbor, received his communication, making me fast take you to return to Immortal Island. ” 杨暮眼睛闪烁一下,旋即苦笑道:“我来找你,也是因为她的事情,那夏家家主,将夏心妍带到了不死岛,要让我们杨家负责。哎,这事情还真是难办,以前夏家就有人出现这种状况,这简直是无解的,根本找不到方法。但莫大叔说你有办法,我也不知道真假”不过太爷爷似乎颇为看重你,我因为就在附近一块办事,就收到了他的传讯,让我速速接你回不死岛。” Yang Mu strangely looks at Shi Yan, you really had the means solution Xia Xinyan issue.” 顿了一下”杨暮古怪地看着石岩,“你真的有办法解决夏心妍的问题。” Un.” Shi Yan nods. “嗯。”石岩点头。 Yang Mu eye one bright„, if really such, should not have any issue. You do not know that Xia Xinyan that girl, is the Xia Family treasure, because she saves you to have that condition, the Xia Family person flies into a rage, came Immortal Island to be restless directly, must make the great grandfather give a confession.” 杨暮眼睛一亮”“哈哈,真要是那样,应该就没什么问题了。你不知道啊,夏心妍那丫头,可是夏家的宝贝,她因为救你出现那种状况,夏家人暴跳如雷,直接来了不死岛闹腾,非要让太爷爷给个交代。” Relax, I have confidence to make her revive.” “放心吧,我有把握能够让她苏醒过来。” Good. “好。 . ” Yang Mu and unknown question in detail, stimulates to movement Dual Headed Flood Dragon, making its speed speed up. 。”杨暮并未详细问下去,催动双头蛟龙,让它速度加快。 Dual Headed Flood Dragonas if leaves the arrow of string, passed over gently and swiftly in the Black Stone Island cloud layer, increasingly estranged. 双头蛟龙”仿佛离弦之箭,在黑石岛的云层中掠过,渐行渐远。 Under Black Stone Island. 黑石岛下方。 Xie Kui, He Qingman and the others stood above the mountain peak, distant looks at that by the razing mine, the facial expression was been panic-stricken. 邪魁何青曼等人站在山峰之上,远远看着那被夷为平地的矿山,神情惊骇莫名。 Heaven Shaking Thunder!” Xie Kui deeply inspired, Yang Mu has used Heaven Shaking Thunder, ruined this duty to stop that mountain peak directly. Under Heaven Shaking Thunder the strength of terrifying, the demon person of boundary of Nirvana Origin must die without doubt, Yang Mu gives up actually, used including Heaven Shaking Thunder. ” 震天雷!”邪魁深吸了一口气,“杨幕用了一枚震天雷,直接将那座山峰毁掉了”这次任务到此为止了。在震天雷恐怖之力下,涅巢之境的魔人也必死无疑,杨暮倒是舍得,连震天雷都用上了。” A He Qingman face is low-spirited, sighs: This time we lose the good person......” 何青曼一脸黯然,叹息道:“这次我们损失好人……” Yang Mu, Shi Yan....” Xie Kui facial expression gloomy and cold, muttered whispers: I you.” 杨幕,石岩…。”邪魁神情阴冷,喃喃低语:“我记着你们俩了。” He Qingman shot a look at Xie Kui one, in the heart was worried, she knows that Xie Kui disposition, knows that Xie Kui was Tianxie Fairyland Heaven's Chosen Child, and sinister and ruthless exceptionally, once hate somebody, easily will not give inevitably up. 何青曼瞥了邪魁一眼,心中更为担心了,她知道邪魁的心性,知道邪魁天邪洞天天之骄子,并且阴毒异常,一旦恨上某个人,必然不会轻易放弃。 We should also leave.” Shen Yidan puts on a long face, takes back looked that rebukes oneself to say to the vision of sky: „ Early knows that Shi Yan background is so big, we will definitely take seriously his word plaster theory, will not have that big loss...... ” “我们也该离开了。”“沈宜丹哭丧着脸,收回看向天空的目光自责道:“早知道那石岩来头这么大,我们肯定会重视他的言垩论,也不会有那么大的损失”呢……” Walks.” Xie Kui coldly snorted one, in the pupil full is the chill in the air. “走吧。”邪魁冷哼一声,眸中满是寒意。 Black Stone Island when you arrive.” On Dual Headed Flood Dragon, Shi Yan asked at will. “你什么时候到的黑石岛。”双头蛟龙上,石岩随意问道。 The appearance of Yang Mu and Xie Kui, is towering, beforehand does not have any omen, has braved completely suddenly, this lets Shi Yan is very puzzled. 杨暮邪魁的出现,都非常突兀,事先没任何的预兆,全部突然就冒了出来,这让石岩很是不解。 I come compared with Xie Kui also early.” Yang Mu explained with a smile, „after I arrive at the Black Stone Island place above, from the beginning does not know that who is you, sought for a while above Black Stone Island. Until discovered after you and Shi Yubai fight, knows you from their talks, at that time I planned to get rid immediately, actually wants to have a look at your strength, waits and sees in the cloud layer on conceal.” “我比邪魁来的还早。”杨暮笑着解释,“我来到黑石岛上方之后,一开始并不知道谁是你,在黑石岛上方找寻了一会儿。直到发现你和史羽白交手之后,才从他们的谈话知道你,那时候我本打算立即出手,却又想看看你的实力,就藏在云层之中观望。” „After Xie Kui, comes.” 邪魁之后才过来。” „After um Xie Kui arrives at Black Stone Island, has not come immediately, but is taking advantage of his Martial Spirit, hides in the place bottom. You and Shi Yubai have fought a while, he sneaks from the place bottom, I discovered after his trail, quietly has been preparing, completes plan that has momentarily gotten rid of...... ” “嗯”邪魁到达黑石岛之后,并未立即现身,而是依仗着他的武魂,藏身在地底之中。你和史羽白交手了一会儿,他才从地底潜行过来,我发现他的踪迹之后,就已经在悄悄准备了,做好了随时出手的打算……” Yang Mu explained with a smile, Ha Ha said at once: „, But your boy also is really fierce, that Shi Yubai was higher than entire Realm you, has used energy unexpectedly the strength, cannot massacre you. I must get rid above immediately, actually sees you to be safe and sound, in the heart is also curious, therefore looked, how long wants to have a look at you to insist. Xie Kui cannot bear meddle, my also again Wait a moment, will possibly wait for that Shi Yubai to shell to you once more one time, having a look at you also to support.” 杨暮笑着解释了一番,旋即哈哈道:“,不过你小子还真是厉害啊,那史羽白比你高了整整一个境界,竟然费劲了力气,都不能杀掉你。我在上面本来立即就要出手的,却见你一直安然无恙,心中也是好奇,所以才看了下去,想看看你到底能够坚持多久。要不是邪魁忍不住插手,我可能还会再等一下,等那史羽白再次对你轰击一次,看看你是不是还能撑住。” The Shi Yan forced smile, I estimated that was very difficult to continue to support.” 石岩苦笑,“我估计很难继续撑住了。” Is uncertain.” Yang Mu shows a thought-provoking smiling face, you think that I do not know in your body, hasn't power used? I early heard, in your body, Three God Church Stars Martial Spirit, that Stars Martial Spirit you, although cannot bring to oppose the enemy, but essential time, helping you resist fatally strikes is also not the issue.” “不一定。”杨暮露出个耐人寻味的笑容,“你以为我不知道你身体之中,还有力量尚未动用么?我早听说了,你身体之中,还有三神教星辰武魂,那星辰武魂你虽然不能拿来对敌,但关键的时候,帮你抵挡致命一击还不是问题。” Stars Martial Spirit? 星辰武魂 Shi Yan Yang Mu did not say that he has almost forgotten in the body, existence of Stars Martial Spirit. 石岩一愣杨暮不说,他几乎忘记了身体之中,还有星辰武魂的存在。 Induced quietly, he discovered that Stars Martial Spirit is absorbing Strength of Stars as before continuously, has never stopped. 悄悄感应了一下,他发现星辰武魂依旧持续不断的吸收着星辰之力,从来不曾停止过。 His heart place, star light glittering, as if gathered many stars energy, that stars energy intensity, is not as if inferior his present Essence Qi muddy thickness. 他心脏处,点点星光闪烁,似乎已聚集了不少的星辰能量,那星辰能量的强度,似乎并不逊色他如今的精元浑厚度。 What a pity this extra power, he is always hard to use. 可惜这一股额外的力量,他始终难以动用。 Your this fellow, but also is really the different races, our Yang Family and Three God Church have fought for several hundred years, you have actually resulted in Star God Stars Martial Spirit, he he, if the Three God Church date god knows that on first generation Star God Stars Martial Spirit, fell your body not to know will make what feelings.” Yang Mu said after a sigh. “你这家伙,还真是异类啊,我们杨家三神教斗了数百年,你却得了星神星辰武魂,呵呵,要是三神教的日神知道上一代星神星辰武魂,落到了你的身上不知道会做何感想呢。”杨暮感叹道。 Was right, you said great grandfather to prepare Demonic Beast, that what Demonic Beast is.” Shi Yan is quite curious this matter. “对了,你说太爷爷为了准备了妖兽,那个,到底是什么样的妖兽啊。”石岩比较好奇此事。 Hehe I did not say.” Yang Mu hides Ji Ye intentionally. 嘿嘿我就不说。”杨幕故意藏季掖着。 What rank?” “什么级别的?” You see know oneself “你见到就知道己 . ” 。” Has your six levels of Dual Headed Flood Dragon to be fierce.” “有没有你这六级的双头蛟龙厉害。” Compared with my fierce, but also wants you to tame is good.” Yang Mu entangled was fierce, but disclosed message, that fellow, is not our, it came from Devil Territory, is strange hybrid, and also has the ability that continues to evolve!” “比我的厉害,不过也要你能够驯服才行。”杨暮被缠的厉害了,无奈透露了一个讯息,“那家伙,不是我们这一界的,它来自于魔域,是一种奇异的混种,并且还拥有继续进化的能力!” Shi Yan eye one bright. 石岩眼睛一亮。 Other happy is too early, I do not think that you can tame it.” The Yang Mu expression is strange, shakes the head saying: „, Does not know how the great grandfather thinks, leaves you to tame you that fellow unexpectedly Disaster Level, perhaps puts in an appearance, by that fellow killing.” “别高兴的太早,我可不认为你可以驯服它。”杨暮表情古怪,摇头道:“,不知道太爷爷怎么想的,竟然将那家伙留给你驯服你才百劫之境,说不定一个照面,就被那家伙给干掉了。” Big brother, we returned to Immortal Island, I is not quite clear regarding the Yang Family whole show. That you should introduce to me. ” “大哥,我们已经返回不死岛了,对于杨家的主要人物我还不太清楚呢。那个”你是不是应该给我介绍一下。” Was also good I to give you to say simply, said these people who you must know....” “也好我就给你简单说一下,说说你必须要知道的那些人…。” Altogether has the fourth generation person in Yang Family at this time, Yang Qingdi is a household head, for first generation. 杨家此时共有四代人,其中扬青帝乃一家之主,为第一代 Raises under the responsibility emperor, three sons, respectively are Yang Feng, Yang Xiao and Yang Lao, this is Yang Family second generation. 扬责帝之下,有三个儿子,分别为杨枫杨逍杨烙,这是杨家的第二代 In which Yang Xiao, is the father of Yang Hai, is the Shi Yan nominal grandfatherin five ten years ago, died in battle in Fourth Devil Area. 其中的杨逍,便是杨海之父,也就是石岩名义上的爷爷”在五十年前,战死在第四魔域 Yang Feng and Yang Lao they, respectively two, are Yang Zhuo and Yang Zhai, Yang Xiu and Yang Qi, this is Yang Family third generation. 杨枫杨烙两人,各有两子,为杨卓杨斋,杨修杨崎,这是杨家的第三代 Under the Yang Zhuo knee, there is Yang Mu and Yang Zhou, Yang Zhai has female Yang XueYang Xiu child Yang Ji, Yang Qi female Yang Meng. 杨卓膝下,有杨暮杨舟,杨斋有一女杨雪杨修一子杨奇,杨崎一女杨萌 Yang Mu, Yang Zhou, Yang Xue, Yang Ji and Yang Meng these five people, are Yang Family fourth generation. 杨暮杨舟杨雪杨奇杨萌这五人,乃杨家的第四代 Naturally, Yang Family direct descendant, not solely only then these many people, but, some surplus people, because in the body does not have Yang Family Immortal Martial Spirit, then had not been divided this row. 当然,杨家嫡系中,并不单单只有这么多人,不过,剩余的一些人,因为身体中并没有杨家不死武魂,则是没被划分此列。 first generation Yang Qingdi, cultivation base in the boundary of God Passage, second generation Yang Feng and Yang Lao in Sky Realm, again downward, third generation Yang Zhuo and Yang Zhai, Yang Xiu and Yang Qi almost in the boundary of Nirvana, finally fourth generation Yang Mu, Yang Zhou, Yang Xue and Yang Ke, Yang Meng these five people, is mostly in Earth Realm and Disaster Level. 一代扬青帝,修为通神之境,之下,二代杨枫杨烙都在天位之境,再往下,三代杨卓杨斋,杨修杨崎几乎都在涅盘之境,最后四代杨暮杨丹杨雪、杨苛、杨萌这五人,则是大多在地位百劫之境 Yang Family fourth generation, between first generation and first generationcultivation base of both sides as if only misses about Realm, is quite strange. 杨家四代,一代一代之间”双方的修为似乎只差一个境界左右,极为怪异。 This makes Shi Yan also very surprised, cannot bear closely examine, obtains Yang Mu such reply: „Before Earth Level, there is Elementary, Nascent, Human Realm and Disaster four heavy Realm, Wu Kanlai of these four heavy Realm to common family said that is also road of the section of long cultivation. However to our Yang Family, these four heavy Realm is not difficult to cross, the tremendous resource that our Yang Family has, can make these four heavy Realm breakthrough speeds speed up the several fold. So long as the will is tenacious, the intelligence is outstanding, under the catalysis of our family treasure, can in the short ten years, achieve Third Sky of Disaster Level fast. ” 这让石岩也非常惊奇,忍不住追问下去,却得到杨暮如此的回答:“地位之境前,有后天先天人位百劫四重境界,这四重境界对一般家族的武看来说,也算是一段漫长的修炼之路。然而”对我们杨家来说,这四重境界并不难越过,我们杨家掌握的宝贵资源,可以让这四重境界突破速度加快数倍。只要心志坚韧,资质出众,在我们家族珍宝的催化之下,可以在短短十来年时间,快速达到百劫三重天之境。” However, starts to Earth Realm from Disaster breakthrough, to continue breakthrough, cannot light depend on pill pill and spirit medicine. At this time, Realm breakthrough becomes slowly will get down, small Realm breakthrough, probably needs to consume for ten years, therefore, our first generation, mostly can enter into Earth Level fast, but breakthrough downward, will be getting more and more slow......” “然而,从百劫突破地位开始,若想要持续突破,就不能光靠丹丸和灵药了。这时候,境界突破就会变得缓慢下去,一个小境界突破,可能都需要耗费十来年的时间,所以么,我们这一代,也大多可以快速迈入地位之境,但往下的突破,就会越来越缓慢了……” This....” Shi Yan secret nod, if has become aware. “这样啊…。”石岩暗暗点头,若有所悟。 They sit on Dual Headed Flood Dragon, was talking, extremely quick went toward the Immortal Island line. 两人坐着双头蛟龙身上,一路交谈着,极快的朝着不死岛行去。 Ten come days later, sits in Dual Headed Flood Dragon Shi Yan, under the direction of Yang Mu, was seeing Immortal Island in that legend finally. 十来天后,坐在双头蛟龙身上的石岩,在杨暮的指点之下,终于见着了那座传说中的不死岛
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