GOS :: Volume #3

#207: Yang Family

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The fog winds around, vast boundless giant islands, calmly are floating in the sea of deep broom. 云雾缭绕中,一座辽阔无边的巨大岛屿,在湛笤的海洋中静静浮着。 In islands, majestic mountain peaks, in-line clouds. 岛屿上,一座座巍峨的山峰,直插云霄。 Looks toward below from the place above, obviously in that islands everywhere is massive Spirit Farm, is planting the countless precious raw materials for medicine, strange Demonic Beast Spirit Beast, got up by Captive, disperses on the island each corner. 从上方朝下望去,可见那岛屿上到处都是块状灵田,种植着数不尽的珍贵药材,许多稀奇古怪的妖兽灵兽,被圈养起来,分散在岛上各个角落。 Rich Spiritual Qi, murmur running water, flowing in the islands seems to be restless, here heaven and earth Spiritual Qi extreme full, has not arrived at the islands, is only the inspiration air, then thinks completely relaxedly, the whole person relaxed. 浓郁的灵气,仿佛潺潺流水,在岛屿上流动不息,这里天地灵气极为的充盈,尚未降临岛屿,只是吸了一口气空气,便觉心旷神怡,整个人都放松了下来。 The islands are enormous, feared that wants the big several fold compared with the entire Merchant Union area, this is islands, rather this was together Continent. 岛屿极大,怕是比整个商盟的面积都要大数倍,与其说这是一座岛屿,不如说这是一块大陆了。 Sits on Dual Headed Flood Dragon, Shi Yan looks, cannot see end unexpectedly, sees, is the continuous mountains, above each mountain peak, as if there is person's shadow to exist. 坐在双头蛟龙身上,石岩一眼望去,竟看不到尽头,入目,全是连绵不绝的山川,每一座山峰上方,似乎都有人影存在。 This was Immortal Island. “这就是不死岛了。 Yang Mu smiled, is pointing at a behind Devil Qi billowing region, explained to Shi Yan: There has Gate of Heaven to Fourth Devil Area, the fight of we and demon person , occurred in that together. Toward inferior time, the Immortal Island, may have the demon person to appear and disappear, recently the demon person lost is not small, temporarily ceased all activities, this has not continued the unseemly behavior.” 杨幕笑了笑,指着身后一个魔气滚滚的区域,对石岩解释:“那里就有通往第四魔域天门,我们和魔人的战斗,也发生在那一块儿。往卑的时候,就连不死岛的附近,都有可能会有魔人出没,最近魔人损失也不小,暂时偃旗息鼓了,这才没有继续作怪。” Shi Yan stunned, looks following the direction that Yang Mu refers. 石岩愕然,顺着杨暮所指的方向望去。 Sees only in that region, Devil Qi rolling surges, rich Devil Qi is covering up there thoroughly, Shi Yan staring focuses attention on, actually discovered that anything cannot see. 只见在那一块区域,魔气滚滚涌动,浓郁的魔气将那里彻底遮掩着,石岩凝视注目,却发现什么都看不见。 There had been covered up by Devil Qi temporarily, um, do not take the trouble to wait and see could not see.” Yang Mu said with a smile. “那里暂时被魔气遮掩了,嗯,你不要费心观望了看不见的。”杨幕微笑道。 Un truly cannot see anything *......” nodded, Shi Yan to knit the brows: „Does that same place, have the troops to be stationed?” “嗯确实看不见什么*……”点了点头,石岩皱眉道:“那一块,是不是还有人马驻扎着?” Although cannot see that side condition but Shi Yan actually faintly to realize that there has extremely violent energy fluctuation, by his Spiritual Awareness, there must the master like clouds, definitely is ambushing Yang Family some top Warrior. 虽然看不见那边的状况但石岩却隐隐察觉到那里有着极为猛烈的能量波动,以他的灵觉来看,那里应当高手如云,肯定潜伏着杨家的一些顶尖武者 Naturally, Uncle Mo they, together is defending in that.” The Yang Mu facial expression slightly is dignified, I received the message saying that a while ago the great grandfather entered Devil Territory, it is said the great grandfather this time entered Devil Territory, must with the Devil Emperor Bo Xun direct dialog.” “当然,莫大叔他们,都在那一块守着。”杨幕神情略显凝重,“我前段时间收到消息说太爷爷又进入魔域了,据说太爷爷这次进入魔域,要和魔帝波旬直接对话。” With the Devil Emperor direct dialog?” Shi Yan with amazement. “和魔帝直接对话?”石岩骇然。 In the legend Devil Emperor Bo Xun in the boundary of God Passage Third Sky, a foot has entered into True God Realm. 传说中魔帝波旬通神三重天之境,一只脚已迈入了真神之境 By Shi Yan regarding the understanding of demon person, he knows that the same level Realm demon person be fiercer than Warrior of humanity, Yang Qingdi in Endless Sea, although the prestige remoteness, may have cultivation base of boundary of God Passage First Sky after all he if really with Devil Emperor Bo Xun frontage meet, extremely bad risk? 石岩对于魔人的认识,他知道同等境界的魔人要比人类的武者厉害许多,扬青帝无尽海虽然威名远扬,可毕竟只有通神一重天之境的修为他真要是和魔帝波旬正面相遇,岂不是极为凶险? Great grandfather, although only then God Passage First Sky cultivation base, but a great grandfather god God Passage ghost not measured that he dares to see right in front of one Devil Emperor Bo Xun, naturally has the full assurance.” Yang Mu smiles proudly, five ten years ago, the great grandfather in Third Sky of Sky Realm, can jump the ranks the demon Lord who executes the Devil Emperor subordinates, that demon main may at that time in the boundary of God Passage First Sky. The great grandfather enters into the boundary of God Passage now, Divine Ability are more general, but Devil Emperor Bo Xun the today we are no longer as we have been great grandfather really has run into him, the whole body draws back should not be difficult.” “太爷爷虽然只有通神一重天修为,不过太爷爷一身神通神鬼莫测,他敢面见魔帝波旬,自然有十足的把握。”杨幕傲然一笑,“五十年前,太爷爷在天位三重天之境的时候,就能越级格杀魔帝麾下的魔主,那魔主当时可在通神一重天之境啊。太爷爷如今迈入通神之境,神通更加广大,而魔帝波旬又今非昔比太爷爷真遇到了他,全身而退应该不难。” Devil Emperor Bo Xun today we are no longer as we have been?” Shi Yan has gawked, fog is crisp it is said the Lang Xun hundred years ago cultivation demon merit to have something go wrong, therefore has restored in ten thousand devil's lairs, for these years he outside walks with three bones of the dead Body Clone, true body has never left ten thousand devil's lairs. This great grandfather enters Devil Territory, should go for Uncle Xiao, does not know that he can live to bring Uncle Xiao *......” 魔帝波旬今非昔比?”石岩愣了一下,一头雾脆“据说波旬年前修炼魔功出了岔子所以一直在万魔窟内恢复,这么多年来他只是用三具白骨法身在外行走,真身从未离开过万魔窟。这次太爷爷进入魔域,应该是为了萧叔去的,也不知道他能不能将萧叔活着带回来*……” One hear of Yang Mu raised responsibility winter cloth, the Shi Yan complexion was sinking suddenly, but in the heart sighed. 一听杨幕提着责寒衣,石岩脸色骤然沉了下来,心中无奈一叹。 „The Uncle Xiao matter, you also leave are too sad, even if no you, that Lang Xun will look sooner or later also for Uncle Xiao. Previous time in Devil Territory, Uncle Xiao the youngest son heavy losses of Lang Xun, Lang Xun emitted the words at that time, said that must make Uncle Xiao attractive, that time is Uncle Xiao not with you in the same place, he same must be given the attack by Lang Xun.” Yang Mu comforts to say. 萧叔的事,你也别太难过,就算是没有你,那波旬早晚也会找上萧叔。上一次在魔域之中,萧叔波旬的小儿子重创,当时波旬就放出话了,说要让萧叔好看,那一次就算是萧叔没有和你在一起,他一样要被波旬给袭击。”杨暮宽慰道。 They speak, Dual Headed Flood Dragon has not actually ceased , to continue to soar in the Immortal Island place above. 两人说着话,双头蛟龙却并未停息,继续在不死岛的上方飞翔。 Under, the mountain peaks of insertion clouds, Spiritual Qi is threatening, the Spirit Farm ten thousand area units, Demonic Beast by Captive in each region, many Nascent and Human Level Warrior, was being ridden various class Demonic Beast in the islands or the soaring, or is speeding along the ground, is in high spirits, full of energy. 底下,一座座插入云霄的山峰,灵气逼人,灵田万顷,妖兽圈养在各个区域,许多先天人位之境武者,骑着各类的妖兽在岛屿上或是飞翔,或是在地上飞驰着,一个个神采飞扬,精神抖擞。 On Immortal Island, now about ten thousand Warrior, but most Warrior in Nascent, Human Realm and Disaster Level, the Earth Realm above Warrior quantity are not many, has about thousand people probably. Here Warrior, is not the entirety of our Yang Family, islands that our Yang Family grasps several hundreds, above these islands, same has the masters of our family to exist......” “在不死岛上,如今有近万武者,不过多数武者都在先天人位百劫之境,地位以上的武者数量并不多,大概只有千人左右。这里的武者,并不是我们杨家的全部,我们杨家掌握的岛屿数百,在那些岛屿之上,一样有我们家族的高手存在……” To Immortal Island, Yang Mu started is the situation on Shi Yan explanation island, the Immortal Island present situation was Shi Yan will narrate now carefully. 到了不死岛,杨幕又开始为石岩解释岛上的情况,将如今不死岛的现状为石岩仔细讲述了一遍。 Immortal Island is the Jialuo Sea Area sacred place, the Yang Family headquarters. 不死岛伽罗海域的圣地,杨家的总部。 In entire Endless Sea, Immortal Island is extremely famous cultivation sacred place, in the island Spiritual Qi is rich, what spirit medicine regardless of plants to be easy to survive, because Spiritual Qi is rich, any Warrior cultivation, will be here twice the result with half the effort, the precise Essence Qi speed, be more rapid than in other place. 在整个无尽海,不死岛都是极为著名的修炼圣地,岛上灵气浓郁,不论种植什么样的灵药都非常容易存活,因为灵气浓郁,任何武者在这里修炼,都会事半功倍,凝炼精元的速度,要比在别的地方迅速许多。 Dual Headed Flood Dragon entered Immortal Island, flew the most of the day time, arrives at a Spiritual Qi richest region. 双头蛟龙进了不死岛,又飞了大半天时间,才来到一个灵气最为浓郁的区域。 Looks below, that mountain valley is our Yang Family foundation.” Yang Mu light shout said suddenly. “看下面,那山谷便是我们杨家的根基。”杨幕霍然轻喝道。 The Shi Yan facial expression shakes, lowers the head waits and sees carefully. 石岩神情一震,低头细细观望。 In nine majestic great mountains, there is an open flat land, on the flat land is standing erect together grand palaces, these palaces are built by various giant incomparable kind of firm azure iron stones, the White Jade stones and hot inscription on stone tablet and bronze. 九座巍峨巨山之中,有一块开阔的平地,平地上竖立着一个个雄伟宫殿,那些宫殿都由巨大无比的各类坚固的青铁石、白玉石、火金石堆砌而成。 Under the sunlight, these scarce stones are splendid, split shining rays of light. 在日光下,那些稀缺的石头熠熠生辉,绽出灿灿的光芒 Looks, under these palace were being covered by five colors Divine Light, just like the place of deity. 一眼望去,下方那些宫殿似被五色神光笼罩着,宛如神仙之地。 Many Demonic Beast and Warrior, are moving on the following flat land, has counted sketchilyhere Demonic Beast and Warrior, feared that is then several thousand people, worst Demonic Beast is also third-level, weakest Warrior, in Human Level. 许多妖兽武者,在下面的平地上活动着,粗略数了一下”这里的妖兽武者,怕是便有数千人之多,最差的妖兽也是三级,最弱的武者,也都在人位之境 Your well examines carefully that nine great mountain.” Yang Li reminded. “你井细看那九座巨山。”杨黎提醒。 Shi Yan stares, looks to a several thousand zhang (3.33 m) great mountain, the look is dedicated. 石岩一愣,不由望向其中一座数千丈的巨山,眼神专注。 This great mountain is grand grandly, on the mountain full is various strange Yao, under the gaze of Shi Yan, his clear sees murmur running water Spiritual Qi, seems receiving the attraction of great mountain, in all directions came from Immortal Island collection of unexpectedly, pours into this mountain peak quietly, seems providing the Spiritual Qi nutrient for this mountain peak. 这巨山非常壮阔雄伟,山上满是各类奇药,在石岩的注视之下,他清晰的看到潺潺流水般的灵气,似乎受着巨山的吸引,竟从不死岛的四面八方汇集而来,悄悄注入这山峰之内,似乎在为这山峰提供着灵气养分。 The line of sight shift, he discovered surprisedly that other eight mountain peaks are also same. 视线转移,他惊奇的发现,别的八座山峰也是一样。 On Immortal Island winds around not loose heaven and earth Spiritual Qi, seems receiving the attractions of these nine mountain peaks, gathering continuously, pours into this mountain peak, is nourishing the mountain peak. 不死岛上缭绕不散的天地灵气,仿佛都受着这九座山峰的吸引,源源不绝的汇聚过来,注入这山峰之内,滋养着山峰。 Caves, appear on the cliffs of nine mountain peaks, from these caves, emits 12 person's shadows to come out once for a while, they as if meditation in the cave, after coming out, probably too had not adapted to the burning hot sunlight, is narrowing the eye, frowns quietly. 一个个山洞,在九座山峰的峭壁上显现,从那些山洞之中,时不时冒出12道人影出来,他们似乎一直在山洞之中苦修,出来之后好像还不太适应炙热的阳光,都眯着眼睛,悄悄皱着眉头。 These nine mountain peaks, it may be said that are our Yang Family most precious place, the heart of mountain peak, has many mysteriously. “这九座山峰,可谓是我们杨家最为宝贵的地方,山峰之心,有着诸多神奇。 Our Yang Family, reason that can so be strong, with these nine mountain peaks dense may not......, Divides ............ The Yang Mu intent has pointed out. 我们杨家,之所以能够一直这么强势,和这九座山峰密不可呢……,分…………杨幕意有所指道。 Because spirit medicine on mountain?” Shi Yan is astonished however. “因为山上的灵药么?”石岩讶然。 Solely is not spirit medicine.” Yang Mu smiled, why you will know quickly, because, wants to come your a while to enter in a mountain peak, you need to regain consciousness Xia Xinyan, naturally must seek for the place of peaceful cultivation. I can guarantee, in entire Endless Sea, does not have many places to have our cultivation environment to be good.” “不单单是灵药。”杨暮笑了笑,“你很快就会知道为什么,因为,想来你一会儿就会进入其中一座山峰中,你需要将夏心妍苏醒,自然要找寻安静的修炼之地。我敢保证,在整个无尽海,也没有多少地方有我们这里的修炼环境好。” Shi Yan is filled with the doubts, had not asked. 石岩满心疑惑,却并未多问。 We get down, the foresight sees two grandfathers, I think these days, two grandfathers should by that Xia Family Xia Shenchuan bothersome soon lost the patience.” Yang Mu laughs, stimulates to movement Dual Headed Flood Dragon to fly toward below grand palace. “我们下去,先见见二爷爷吧,我想在这段时间,二爷爷应该被那夏家夏神川烦的快要失去耐性了。”杨幕哈哈一笑,催动双头蛟龙直朝着下方的雄伟宫殿飞去。 On road that comes, Shi Yan knows that Yang Qingdi went to Devil Territory, his eldest son Yang Feng is protecting in that Gate of Heaven entrance at this time, on Immortal Island, at this time the director is second son Yang Lao, was the Shi Yan nominal two grandfathers. 来的路上,石岩已知道扬青帝去了魔域,他大儿子杨枫此时在那天门入口守护着,在不死岛上,此时主事者乃二儿子杨烙,也算是石岩名义上的二爷爷了。 Xia Family Xia Shenchuan, although is present Xia Family Family Head, is actually not and Yang Qingdi peer, actually and Yang Feng and Yang Lao person of the same generation, has Second Sky of Sky Realm cultivation base. 夏家夏神川,虽然是如今夏家家主,却并不是和扬青帝同辈,倒是和杨枫杨烙平辈,只有天位二重天之境修为 Xia Family previous Family Head, in the boundary of God Passage First Sky, actually has also met on Reincarnation Martial Spirit troublesome, often is in the soul Chaos unconscious situation. 夏家的上一任家主,也在通神一重天之境,却在轮回武魂上遇到了麻烦,时常处于灵魂混乱神志不清的情况。 Therefore, on Xia Family Family Head, early has passed to Xia Shenchuan the position of Family Head, meditation, tried to solve at that time often the unconscious trouble wholeheartedly. 因此,上一任夏家家主,早早将家主之位传给了夏神川,一心苦修,试图解决那时常神志不清的麻烦。 Xia Shenchuan is the Xia Xinyan sibling's grandfather, always regards great treasure to treat Xia Xinyan, he Xia Xinyan picks after Flame Cloud Island, determined that Xia Xinyan soul injury, after past that person was exactly the same, immediately the thunder is angry, Xia Xinyan brought Immortal Island, the potential to look for Yang Family directly to ask for an explanation. 夏神川乃是夏心妍的亲爷爷,一向将夏心妍当成至宝来对待,他将夏心妍火云岛接走之后,确定夏心妍的灵魂伤势,和当年那人一模一样之后,当即雷霆大怒,直接将夏心妍带到了不死岛,势要找杨家讨个说法。 Yang Qingdi inquired at that time after Mo Duanhun details, from the Mo Duanhun mouth, knew that Shi Yan has the method to rescue Xia Xinyan, then makes Xia Shenchuan wait on Immortal Island, waits for Shi Yan to come this to solve troublesome. 扬青帝当时询问了莫断魂详情之后,从莫断魂口中,得知石岩有方法搭救夏心妍,便让夏神川不死岛上等候,等候石岩来将这麻烦解决。 Although Xia Shenchuan is extremely discontented, actually does not dare to refute Yang Qingdi, can only wait on the island according to the word painstakingly. 夏神川虽然非常不满,却不敢反驳扬青帝,只能依言在岛上苦等。 This first-grade, is four months. 这一等,就是四个多月。 Curtain Young Master is good.” “幕少爷好。” Curtain Young Master is good.” “幕少爷好。” The Yang Mu line, many Warrior respectfully nod, these Warrior Realm cultivation base are not low, in Disaster and Earth Level, body aura is mostly vigorous, seems fiercer than same level Realm Warrior. 杨幕一路行来,许多武者都恭敬点头致意,这些武者境界修为都不低,大多在百劫地位之境,身上气息浑厚,似乎比同等境界武者厉害许多。 Shi Yan follows in Yang Mu behind, did not say a word, but let loose the mind to induce quietly, in heart secret surprised. 石岩跟在杨幕身后,一言不发,只是悄悄放开心神感应,心中暗暗惊奇。 Warrior that here presents, under same level Realm, each other outside is fiercer. 这里出现的武者,同等境界下,每一个都要比别的外面的厉害许多。 Their bodies * in vigor is outstanding, the vitality rushes incomparably, the fleshly body veins and flesh and blood exceptionally are solid, Essence Qi also pure vigorous. 他们身体*内的精气神非常出众,生命力澎湃无比,就连肉身的筋脉和血肉都异常坚实,精元也更加的精纯浑厚。 Shi Yan believes that here any First Sky of Human Level Warrior, be more formidable than Merchant Union same level Realm Warrior, outside the same level Realm battle, here person, could can be as good as them! 石岩相信,这里任何一个人位一重天之境武者,都要比商盟同等境界武者强大许多,同等境界交战,这里一人,或许可以抵得上外面两人! Is observation, Shi Yan is the heart startled, anticipated regarding the Yang Family ability more and more. 越是观察,石岩越是心惊,对于杨家的能力越来越期待。 ...... ……
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