GOS :: Volume #3

#205: Destroys the mountain

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The Tianxie Fairyland Warrior complexion, Xie Kui that braves from the place bottom, the corners of the mouth is hanging a bloodstain ugly, gloomy and cold looks at Yang Mu, you dare to kill him.” 天邪洞天武者脸色难看之极,从地底中冒出来的邪魁,嘴角挂着一丝血迹,阴冷看着杨幕,“你竟敢杀他。” Has what does not dare.” Yang Mu laughs, leaps to fly from Dual Headed Flood Dragon, stands firm side Shi Yan, smiles looks at Shi Yan, said: Also good.” “有何不敢。”杨暮哈哈大笑,一跃从双头蛟龙身上飞下来,就在石岩身旁站定,笑看着石岩,道:“还行吧。” All right.” Shi Yan shook the head with a smile. “没事。”石岩笑着摇了摇头。 Third-Step section.” Yang Mu is somewhat stunned, slightly surprisedly looks at he, the vision drifts away in the Shi Yan chest. “第三阶段。”杨暮有些错愕,略显惊讶地看着他,目光在石岩胸口游离。 Shi Yan the wound of front, is healing slowly, the speed naked eye that restores obvious. 石岩的胸前的伤口,正在缓缓愈合,恢复的速度肉眼可见。 Un.” Shi Yan nods. “嗯。”石岩点头。 You in Disaster Level?” Yang Mu looked that has not looked at Xie Kui, the facial expression is strange, mutters: „It is not quite normal....” “你在百劫之境吧?”杨暮看也没看邪魁,神情怪异,喃喃自语道:“不太正常啊…。” Similarly has Immortal Martial Spirit Yang Mu, regarding Immortal Martial Spirit to knowing from A to Z, he knows, In general, to achieve the Immortal Martial Spirit Third-Step section, at least must suddenly Earth Level, only then Realm is at Earth Level, can make Immortal Martial Spirit evolve to the Third-Step section. 同样拥有不死武魂杨暮,对于不死武魂对了如指掌,他知道,一般来说,若想要达到不死武魂的第三阶段,至少要突然地位之境,只有境界处在地位之境,才能够让不死武魂进化到第三阶段。 But Shi Yan obviously only then Disaster Level cultivation base, but Immortal Martial Spirit actually mysterious has been at the Third-Step section, this does not gather the common sense obviously, lets have Immortal Martial Spirit him similarly surprisedly. 石岩明明只有百劫之境修为,但不死武魂却神奇的处在了第三阶段,这显然不合常理,让同样拥有不死武魂的他大为惊讶。 Un, I in Second Sky of Disaster Level.” Shi Yan nods once more. “嗯,我在百劫二重天之境。”石岩再次点头。 Surprised color baryon in a point Yang Mu eye. 杨暮眼中的惊讶之色更重子一分。 Xie Kui, He Qingman and other Tianxie Fairyland Warrior, after Yang Mu appears, facial expression quite unnatural. 邪魁何青曼天邪洞天武者,在杨幕出现之后,神情都颇为不自然 The Shen Yidan beautiful pupil is staring at the chest of Shi Yan, corners of the mouth were many a bitter and astringent meaning, Shi Yan chest. The change, had determined that was Immortal Martial Spirit without doubt, to this moment, she naturally knows that formerly they completely had been mistaken, Shi Yan clearly was Yang Family direct descendant. 沈宜丹美眸凝视着石岩的胸口,嘴角多了一丝苦涩之意,石岩胸。的变化,已确定乃不死武魂无疑了,到了这一刻,她自然知道先前他们全部看走眼了,石岩分明是杨家的嫡系。 Shi Yubai was struck to kill by a Yang Mu sword, the body has become the hashed meat, these Tianxie Fairyland Warrior, although is filled with the anger, actually does not dare to retaliate, instead somewhat is on nettles. 史羽白杨暮一剑击杀,身体成了碎肉,这些天邪洞天武者,虽然满心愤怒,却不敢报复,反而有些忐忑不安。 Person who you have killed our, this matter I will report the report to come up, some people will want a justice to your Yang Family.” Xie Kui gloomy the face, is erasing the bloodstain of corners of the mouth, in this moment, your Yang Family also dares to start to the ally, I thought that you did not want the aid of our Tianxie Fairyland.” “你杀了我们的人,这事我会禀报上去,会有人向你们杨家讨个公道。”邪魁阴沉着脸,将嘴角的血迹抹掉,“在这个关头,你们杨家还敢对盟友下手,我看你们是不想要我们天邪洞天的援助了。” Scoffs.” Shaking the head that Yang Mu disdains smiledsaid lightly: This matter you reported report to come up freely, do I want to take a look at you to be able but actually to take us to be what kind of? Tianxie Fairyland is not calculation that you said that if you to ignore demon person no matter, Hehe, waits for more demon people to come, I thought that your Tianxie Fairyland can be safe and sound.” “嗤。”杨暮不屑的摇头笑了笑”淡淡道:“这事你尽管禀报上去,我倒要看看你们能拿我们怎样?天邪洞天也不是你说的算,你们要是放任魔人不管,嘿嘿,等更多的魔人前来,我看你们天邪洞天能够安然无恙。” The Xie Kui complexion changes. 邪魁脸色微变。 The demon person entered Jialuo Sea Area, although demon person most envy and hate Yang Family, but the Yang Family strength is placed there, the demon person wants to shake the Yang Family foundation, is not easy. 魔人已经进入了伽罗海域,虽然魔人最为忌恨杨家,可杨家实力摆在那儿,魔人想要动摇杨家的根基,并不容易。 On the contraryTianxie Fairyland and Xia Family, because the strength is inferior, on the contrary easily first becomes the target that the demon person attacks. 相反”天邪洞天夏家,因为实力逊色,反倒是容易先成为魔人打击的目标。 Even if Tianxie Fairyland and Xia Family does not get rid to the demon person, once the demon person arrives in abundance, will not let Tianxie Fairyland and Xia Family feels better, perhaps instead for the time being puts down Yang Family, first processes Tianxie Fairyland and Xia Family. 就算是天邪洞天夏家不对魔人出手,一旦魔人纷纷降临,也不会让天邪洞天夏家好过,说不定反而会暂且放下杨家,先将天邪洞天夏家处理掉。 Yang Mu gives a calm smile, takes out one to have green medicinal pills of screw flower mark, gives Shi Yan conveniently, said: Situation how.” 杨暮淡然一笑,取出一枚有着螺旋huā纹的青色丹药,随手递给石岩,道:“情况如何。” Shi Yan was impolite, received that medicinal pills to swallow directly, immediately felt mild aura, in medicinal pills spread from the abdomen came. 石岩也不客气,接过那一枚丹药直接吞服了下去,立即感觉到一股温润的气息,从腹中丹药扩散开来。 This medicinal pills efficacy, is temperateto melt, the efficacy then pours into his front the wound. 丹药的药力,非常温和”一化开来,药力便注入他胸前的伤口。 This medicinal pills as if can make Immortal Martial Spirit restore the injury the speed to speed up, these efficacies just like maliciously thread, twines in that wound place, making his chest injury the restoration speed change quick. 这枚丹药似乎可以让不死武魂恢复伤势的速度加快,那些药力犹如一狠狠细线,缠绕在那伤口处,让他胸口伤势的恢复速度变快了许多。 On Black Stone Island has dozens Black Scale Clan demon people, including the master of boundary of Nirvana Second Sky, morning time, we enter that mine tunnel, meets in the mine tunnel neutralization demon person....” Shi Yan described the situation simply. 黑石岛上有数十名黑鳞族的魔人,其中有涅磐二重天之境的高手,早晨的时候,我们进入那矿洞,在矿洞中和魔人相遇…。”石岩简单将情况描述了一遍。 „The demon person of boundary of Nirvana Second Sky.” Yang Mu slightly is surprised, nodded, the expression was gradually dignified ” „ looks like is really somewhat is difficult to manage. Has not thought really that on this small Black Stone Island, then has the demon person of boundary of Nirvana Origin to appear, it seems like that this demon person sent seriously was cruel-hearted. 涅盘二重天之境的魔人。”杨暮略显惊讶,点了点头,表情渐渐凝重起来”“看来还真是有些难办了。真没想到,这小小的黑石岛上,便有涅巢之境的魔人出现,看来这一趟魔人当真是发了狠心了。 Qingman, you were said that the demon person of boundary of that Nirvana Origin, was discovered by him.” That side Xie Kui, in listening to the description of He Qingman, after listening, a Xie Kui brow wrinkle, in a soft voice asks. 青曼,你是说那涅巢之境的魔人,是被他发现的。”邪魁那边,也在听着何青曼的描述,听完之后,邪魁眉头一皱,轻声问道。 He Qingman nods slowly, explained in a low voice: On his body, should have a rare treasure, through that rare treasure, he can realize the sound of demon person ahead of time. These in that cave, is the demon person who he discovers first, but, but we have not cared, Elder Sister Nan, Elder Sister Nan......” 何青曼缓缓点头,低声解释:“在他的身上,应该有一种秘宝,通过那秘宝,他可以提前察觉到魔人的动静。这一趟在那石洞中,也是他先发现的魔人,只是,只是我们没有在意,楠姐,楠姐……” He Qingman sound, sobbed. 何青曼的声音,又哽咽了起来。 Demon person who you discover first.” The Yang Mu sense of hearing was extremely good, heard the narration of He Qingman, slightly astonished looking to Shi Yan, when saw the Shi Yan nod after him, Yang Mu laughed, claps hands saying: One set, Ha Ha, no wonder the great grandfather said that your boy is unusual, my this coming, is great grandfather direct communication with me, making me meet your.” “你先发现的魔人。”杨暮听觉极好,听到了何青曼的叙述,略显惊愕的望向石岩,待到他见石岩点头之后,杨暮哈哈一笑,抚掌赞道:“有一套啊,哈哈,难怪太爷爷说你小子不寻常,我这次过来,也是太爷爷直接传讯与我,让我来接你的。” Shi Yan including saying with a smile: Also draws support the rare treasure.” 石岩含笑道:“也只是借助于异宝而已。” The great grandfather in Yang Mu mouth, is advocation of Yang Qingdi Yang Family, now Yang Family grasps the character of real power. 杨暮口中的太爷爷,便是杨家之主扬青帝,如今杨家掌握实权的人物。 A Yang Mu such saying, knows that He Qingman of inside story does not have to be excessively amazed actually, but Xie Kui, Shen Yidan and the others, is the complexion slightly changes. 杨暮这么一说,知道内情的何青曼倒是没有过多惊诧,可邪魁沈宜丹等人,则是脸色微微一变。 Especially Shen Yidan, is secret regret, criticizes itself to be a snobbish SOB, actually does not have the responsibility to leave Shi Yan is uncommon. 尤其是沈宜丹,更是暗暗懊悔不已,暗骂自己狗眼看人低,竟然没有责出石岩的不凡来。 Can by the character who Yang Qingdi worries about, even if now unknown, in the future must be able to be the resounding Endless Sea eminent, if they know the Shi Yan status earlier, in the mine tunnel, that Shi Yubai feared that will be does not dare to stop Shi Yan, Lin Nan also to take seriously the judgment of Shi Yan, but not rashly and demon person will fight. 能够被扬青帝记挂的人物,即便现在名不经传,将来也必会是响亮无尽海的翘楚,若是他们早点知晓石岩的身份,在矿洞中,那史羽白怕是都不敢阻拦石岩,林楠也会重视石岩的判断,而不会冒然和魔人一战。 Younger Brother Yan, we walked, after the demon people of these mine tunnels process, immediately returns to Immortal Island. He He, you come back from that far place, is not quite easy, should go home to have a look.” Yang Mu roar lightly, that Dual Headed Flood Dragon descends suddenly, has crouched in hiding on the mountain peak. 小岩子,我们走了,把那些矿洞的魔人处理掉之后,立即返回不死岛。呵呵,你从那么远的地方回来,也颇为不易,也该回家看看了。”杨暮轻啸一声,那双头蛟龙霍然降落,在山峰上蹲伏了下来。 Yang Mu got up Dual Headed Flood Dragon, beckons toward Shi Yan, we walked.” 杨暮率先上了双头蛟龙,朝着石岩招手,“我们走了。” In the Shi Yan heart is somewhat surprised, has not asked anything, according to the word in that Dual Headed Flood Dragon, eyes different light glittering, stared at Dual Headed Flood Dragon to observe and emulate carefully. 石岩心中有些惊讶,却没有多问什么,依言上了那双头蛟龙,双眸异光闪烁,盯着双头蛟龙细细观摩起来。 This Dual Headed Flood Dragon height about seven meters, in two, contain the ice to be cold separately and strength of burning hot, the flood dragon back such as gold/metal Tie, firm incomparableand has the iron hook common sharp claws. 双头蛟龙身长七米左右,两个头中,分别蕴藏着冰寒和炙热之力,蛟龙后背如金铁,坚固无比”并有铁钩一般的利爪。 Six levels of Demonic Beast Dual Headed Flood Dragon, two heads, can emit frost ice and Fiery Flame, mounts the clouds and rides the mist, day line of ten thousand li (0.5km), are one of fiercest Demonic Beast Yang Family tames. 六级妖兽双头蛟龙,两个头,可以喷吐冰霜火炎,腾云驾雾,日行万里,乃杨家驯养的最厉害的妖兽之一。 Comes Endless Sea time, Xiao Hanyi had said that he had seen the Lord of Yang Family, once were approved, there is an opportunity to obtain Dual Headed Flood Dragon as riding instead of walking Demonic Beast, Shi Yan has remembered these words, now saw Dual Headed Flood Dragon, in the heart was having the idea naturally. 前来无尽海的时候,萧寒衣曾经说过等他见过了杨家之主,一旦被认可了,也有机会获得双头蛟龙作为代步的妖兽,石岩一直记得这番话,如今见着了双头蛟龙,心中自然而然有了想法。 Ha Ha, do not look, waited to return to Immortal Island, you will have your Mounts.” Yang Mu grins to laugh, great grandfather has chosen hot tempered Demonic Beast for you, must test you with that Demonic Beast, can Hehe, tame him, must think your ability enough.” “哈哈,别看了,等回到了不死岛,你会拥有自己的坐骑的。”杨暮咧嘴大笑,“太爷爷已为你挑选了一头暴躁的妖兽,要拿那妖兽考验你,嘿嘿,能不能驯服他,还是要看你能力够不够。” „It is not Dual Headed Flood Dragon.” Shi Yan stunned. “不是双头蛟龙么。”石岩愕然 „It is not, that Demonic Beast also wants compared with Dual Headed Flood Dragon ominously severe, Hehe, does not know how the great grandfather thinks, actually takes that fellow to test you. Younger Brother Yan, you should better a psychology prepare should not be scared. ” “不是,那妖兽双头蛟龙还要凶厉,嘿嘿,不知道太爷爷怎么想的,竟然拿那家伙考验你。小岩子,你最好有个心理准备啊”不要被吓破了胆子。” „It is not Dual Headed Flood Dragon, that is what friend Demonic Beast.” “不是双头蛟龙,那是什友妖兽。” Hehe, I not to mention, when the time comes you will be surprised.” 嘿嘿,我暂且不说,到时候你会大吃一惊的。” They talked uninhibitedly, arrived at the body of Dual Headed Flood Dragon, on the mountain peak Tianxie Fairyland Xie Kui, He Qingman and the others, was frowns to look at them, the facial expression was strange. 两人旁若无人的交谈,都已到了双头蛟龙的身上,山峰上天邪洞天邪魁何青曼等人,都是皱着眉头望着两人,神情古怪。 In that mine tunnel, has the demon person of boundary of putting up.” Xie Kui inquired Shen Yidan. “在那矿洞之中,真的有涅架之境的魔人。”邪魁询问身旁的沈宜丹 Naturally has.” Shen Yidan repeatedly nodded, said low-spirited: „If not such, how Elder Sister Nan cannot walk....” “自然有。”沈宜丹连连点头,黯然道:“如果不是那样,楠姐怎会走不出来…。” Xie Kui nodded, sneers to say gently: I must have a look at that Yang Mu but actually, how to process that side demon person!” 邪魁轻轻点了点头,冷笑道:“我倒要看看那杨暮,怎么将那边的魔人处理掉!” Yes.” He Qingman also whole face doubts, Yang Mu, although is fierce, but also is only Third Sky of Earth Level cultivation base, facing that the demon person of boundary of putting up, is impossible to win.” “是呀。”何青曼也满脸疑惑,“杨暮虽然厉害,但也只是地位三重天之境修为,面对那涅架之境的魔人,根本不可能取胜的。” We walk.” Yang Mu laughs, stimulates to movement Dual Headed Flood Dragonto fly toward that mine of Shi Yan direction. “我们走喽。”杨暮哈哈一笑,催动双头蛟龙”朝着石岩指点的那矿山飞去。 Big...... Big brother. “大……大哥。 . ” Shi Yan shouted irritably, reminded: That side demon person, has cultivation base of boundary of Nirvana, may have confidence.” 。”石岩别扭的喊了一句,提醒道:“那边的魔人,有涅盘之境的修为,可有把握。” Relax.” The Yang Mu facial expression is invariable, a while makes you experience fierce of our Yang Family Heaven Shaking Thunder, on me altogether is only bringing two Heaven Shaking Thunder, this time extinguishes with one kills the Black Scale Clan demon person of boundary of that Nirvana, does not calculate that too wastes.” “放心吧。”杨幕神情不变,“一会儿让你见识见识我们杨家震天雷的厉害,我身上总共只带着两枚震天雷,这次用一枚灭杀那涅盘之境的黑鳞族魔人,也不算太浪费。” Heaven Shaking Thunder? 震天雷 Shi Yan stunned, in heart secret nod, knows that Yang Mu does not act recklessly, he felt relieved. 石岩愕然,心中暗暗点头,知道杨暮不是蛮干,他放心了。 Quickly, under speeding along of Dual Headed Flood Dragon, Shi Yan and Yang Mu they, appears in the place above of that mine. 很快地,在双头蛟龙的飞驰下,石岩杨暮两人,出现在那一处矿山的上方。 You induce first, has a look at these Black Scale Clan demon people, whether also in inside.” Yang Mu beginning, has not been standing on Dual Headed Flood Dragon anxiously, occupying a commanding position is overlooking below mine tunnel. “你先感应一下,看看那些黑鳞族的魔人,是否还在里面。”杨幕并未急着动手,在双头蛟龙身上站了起来,居高临下的俯视着下方的矿洞。 Shi Yan nods slowly, takes Soul Gathering Bead, the hand is grasping Soul Gathering Bead, secret induction. 石岩缓缓点头,将聚魂珠取出来,手握着聚魂珠,暗暗感应。 Strong cruel hatred, transmits from the mine tunnel deep place suddenly, in the slit in mine, emits billowing Devil Qi suddenly, the violent spiritual fluctuation, followed the mental consciousness of Shi Yan to seek unexpectedly. 一股浓烈的暴戾恨意,霍然从矿洞深处传来,矿山上的缝隙中,突然冒出滚滚魔气,猛烈之极的精神波动,竟顺着石岩的精神意识寻了上来。 The Shi Yan complexion changes, takes back from Soul Gathering Bead Mental Energy hurriedly, sinking sound track: Also.” 石岩脸色一变,急忙将精神力聚魂珠上收回,沉声道:“还在。” That is good.” Yang Mu laughs, the ring on hand has glistened suddenly, an enumeration size golden sphere, braves suddenly in his control. “那就好。”杨暮大笑,手上的戒指忽然闪亮了一下,一枚举头大小的金色圆球,突然在他手心冒出来。 That golden sphere under the control of Yang Mu, changes into golden light quickly, pounds loudly to the following mine. 那金色圆球在杨暮的操控之下,倏地化为金光,轰然砸向下面的矿山。 hōng hōng hōng.” 轰轰轰。” Landslide cracks in the earth the strength of terrifying explosion, transmits from the mine fiercely. 山崩地裂的恐怖爆炸之力,猛地从矿山传来。 Heaven Shaking Thunder explodes, must shatter seriously general the sky, the mine center, spreads marvelous golden ripples to fluctuate fiercely. 震天雷爆炸开来,当真是要将天空震裂一般,矿山中心,猛地传出一股奇妙的金色涟漪波动。 At once, under the gaze of Shi Yan, entire mine flying ash annihilation. 旋即,在石岩的注视之下,整座矿山飞灰湮灭。 In shining golden light, the mine explodes to break to pieces unexpectedly directly, was destroyed by Heaven Shaking Thunder instantaneously. 在灿灿金光之中,矿山竟然直接爆碎开来,被震天雷瞬间摧毁。
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