GOS :: Volume #3

#204: I am your big brother!

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Shi Yubai was insane! 史羽白疯了! In entering after the disaster of mine tunnel, Shi Yubai all responsibility, puts the blame on to Shi Yan on. 在进遇矿洞的大难之后,史羽白将一切责任,归咎到石岩身上。 In the mine tunnel the provocation of Shi Yan, already made him hate to the marrow of the bones to Shi Yan, now the Shi Yan manner, is makes him fly into a rage, in the heart saved must let Shi Yan bleeding the thought of price. 矿洞内石岩的挑衅,早已让他对石岩恨之入骨,如今石岩的态度,更是让他勃然大怒,心中存了要让石岩出血的代价的念头。 He Qingman, Shen Yidan and the others, die by heartbreak at this time, saw that Shi Yubai gets rid to Shi Yan suddenly, wants to prevent, has actually come from. 何青曼沈宜丹等人,此时伤心欲绝,一见到史羽白突然对石岩出手,想要阻止,却已来自不及。 Just like the insane beast, the Shi Yubai body explodes projects dark yellow rays of light, bunch of shining yellow ball of light, depart from his two fiercely. 宛如疯兽,史羽白身上爆射出暗黄色光芒,一团团金灿灿的黄色光球,猛地从他两手之中飞出。 These yellow ball of lighthave grinding pan size, golden light is shining, is containing astonishing power. 这些黄色光球”都有磨盘大小,金光灿灿,其中蕴藏着惊人之极的力量 The Shi Yan complexion changes. 石岩脸色一变。 Is inferior to think that he has stimulated to movement Petrification Martial Spirit subconsciously, and immediately entered the boundary of Rampage Second Sky by oneself, together offers a sacrifice to including Dark Light Shield. 不及多想,他下意识地催动了石化武魂,并且立即让自己进入暴走二重天之境,连乌光盾都一起祭出。 Shi Yubai has Second Sky of Earth Level cultivation base, has missed entire Level, possibly instantaneously will be struck carelessly to kill, making the opportunity that he defends once more not have. 史羽白有着地位二重天之境修为,差了整整一个等级,一个不慎,可能瞬间就会被击杀,让他连再次防御的机会都没有。 Complete power emerges the body, the instant, the Shi Yan imposing manner changes, evil, savage and cruel aura, fills the air fiercely in the Shi Yan whole body. 全部力量涌入身体,霎那间,石岩气势为之一变,一股邪恶、凶残、暴戾的气息,猛地弥漫在石岩周身。 Is centered on Shi Yan, this aura ripples ripple, forms an astonishing air wave unexpectedly. 石岩为中心,这一股气息涟漪般荡漾开来,竟形成一圈惊人的气浪。 He Qingman and Shen Yidan stopped the sob, is surprised incomparable looks at Shi Yan, is the change of Shi Yan imposing manner shocks, the short time has put behind the bitterness of mine tunnel. 何青曼沈宜丹停止了哭泣,皆是惊讶无比的看着石岩,为石岩气势的变化而震惊,短时间忘却了矿洞的惨痛。 Rumbling Lou?” “轰轰娄?” The dark yellow light groups, shell continuously, explodes again and again in the Shi Yan whole body. 一个个暗黄色的光团,接连不断地轰击过来,在石岩周身连连爆炸开来。 Shi Yan Dark Light Shield, explodesbody to fly upside down instantaneously broken fiercely, the person when airborne, he has spouted a blood. 石岩身上的乌光盾,瞬间爆碎”身躯猛地倒飞而出,人在空中时,他已喷出一口鲜血。 Strikes, Shi Yan then received the wound, the five main internal organs (entrails) seems shattered, the whole body ache was incomparable. 只是一击,石岩便受了创伤,五脏六腑似乎都被震裂了,浑身疼痛无比。 Differs Realm, this Shi Yubai is nurses hatred gets rid fully, this strikes, he is wants Shi Yan dead! 相差一个境界,这史羽白又是含恨全力出手,这一击,他是想要石岩死! Shi Yan has not died! 石岩并未死! Although spouts a blood, but Shi Yan after depreciation, has stood immediately, the facial expression is fierce: Shi Yubai, did I remember you?” 虽然喷出一口鲜血,可石岩在跌落之后,立即又站了起来,神情狰狞道:“史羽白,我记住你了?” I must make you arrive at nine quiet Hades, has remembered me?” “我要让你到了九幽黄泉,都一直记得我?” Shi Yubai clenches jaws, in the eye full is the cruel light, you do not come Black Stone Island, we will not have the matter, without you, we are also insufficient to be so miserable?” 史羽白咬牙切齿,眼中满是残忍之光,“你不来黑石岛,我们都不会有事,没有你,我们也不至于这么惨?” He already regardless of good and bad, to kill Shi Yan to look to borrow to oneself. ” He advanced on all responsibility Shi Yan. 他已不论青红皂白了,为了给自己杀石岩找个借。”他将一切责任都推到了石岩身上。 A few words fall, Shi Yubai has not called a halt, handsome face suddenly flood red, in eyes flashes through together yellow light. 一句话落下,史羽白并未停手,俊脸突然泛红,双眸中闪过一道黄光 power that rushes, erupts suddenly from his body plaster, Shi Yubai silhouette like the electricity, fires into Shi Yan once more. 一股更加澎湃的力量,霍然从他体垩内爆发出来,史羽白身影如电,再次冲向石岩 This time, his precise yellow light has not practiced once more, the straight close body flies to shoot side Shi Yan, the speed is vigorous and quick, making Shi Yan unable to see clearly his trail simply. 这一次,他并未再次凝炼黄色光练,直接近身飞射到石岩身旁,速度又疾又快,让石岩简直看不清他的踪迹。 Realm missed a rank ” the both sides power disparity to be too big, Shi Yubai fully got rid ” the Realm above superiority, immediately experienced. 境界差了一个级别”双方力量差距太大,史羽白又是全力出手”境界上面的优势,马上体验出来。 Shi Yan regretted that at this time has not demanded movement Martial Skills to Profound Ice Cold Flame earlier, if at this time he already cultivation good Escaping Lightning Changes and Phantom Change these two changes, he can transfer instantaneously, evaded that Shi Yubai this strikes. 石岩这时候才后悔没有早点向玄冰寒焰索要身法武技,如果此时他已修炼逸电变幻影变这两种变化,他是可以瞬间挪移开来,避过史羽白这一击的。 What a pity, his speed Shi Yubai, because of the Realm disparity, he cannot see the Shi Yubai trail obviously quickly. 可惜,他速度明显快不过史羽白,因为境界的差距,他也看不出史羽白的踪迹。 Because has not expected Shi Yubai to get rid suddenly, he does not have to construct ahead of time Gravitational Field, at this time wants to construct Gravitational Field again, without enough time. 由于没有料到史羽白突然出手,他没有提前将磁殛域场构建出来,这时候再想构建磁殛域场,也来不及了。 He understands, in this case, the avoidance is not good to choose. 他明白,在这种情况下,躲避绝不是好选择。 Only then resists hardly! ( to be continued )This writing by setting sail to be renewed group 只有硬抗!(未完待续)【本文字由启航更新组 Customers 客官 ProvisionSlaughter God renewal 提供】【杀神吧更新】 Howling!”, Shi Yan calls out one, the whole body Negative Energy stimulation of movement, in the body plaster Essence Qi rolling surges, shortly, he will display Seal of Life and Death. “嚎!”,石岩暴喝一声,全身负面力量催动,体垩内精元滚滚涌动,顷刻间,他将生死印施展开来。 hōng hōng hōng hōng hōng hōng bang?” 轰轰轰轰轰轰轰?” Seal of Life and Seal of Death the instant of the palm reappearing, strange fuses in together, Seal of Life Seal of Death overlaps, Seal of Life and Death becomes! 生印死印从掌心浮现的霎那间,奇异的融合在一起,生印死印重叠,生死印成! Seven hand imprints, explode to shoot, the front surface bang to Shi Yubai, in the hand imprint, one is not power that Disaster Warrior can have, suddenly eruption! 七块手印,爆射而出,迎面轰向史羽白,手印中,一股绝不是百劫武者可以拥有的力量,骤然爆发! Shi Yubai Realm is higher than plans, shortly will realize power terrifying how in Seal of Life and Death contains, when panic-stricken, he does not dare to hesitate, in power rapid congealment body plaster. 史羽白境界高出一筹,顷刻间意识到生死印中蕴藏的力量多么的恐怖,在惊骇之余,他不敢犹豫,也将体垩内力量迅速凝结。 The yellow light beam, explodes to shoot from his chest zhuo together, light beam thick like stone pillar, precise brilliance is eye-catching, power is vigorous. 一道黄色光柱,从他胸口丵爆射而出,光柱粗如石柱,凝炼的光华夺目,力量浑厚无比。 The thick extravagant yellow light beam, shells in Seal of Life and Death together, strikes in the junction of that explosion, rays of light stirs up the plaster to shoot, the fierce impulse, crushes that black stone completely, the stone chip flutters about. 粗阔的黄色光柱,和生死印轰击在一起,在那爆炸的交击点,光芒激垩射,凶猛的冲击力,将那一块的黑石全部粉碎,石屑纷飞。 In everywhere stone chip, the Shi Yan body throws to fly once more, from the sky draws a long arc, suddenly crashes. 漫天石屑中,石岩身躯再次抛飞出去,在空中划出一道长长的弧线,才突然坠落。 The Shi Yan chest fresh blood drip has flowinged, the corners of the mouth are also hanging two bloodstains, the complexion even more was also pale. 石岩胸口已鲜血淋漓,嘴角也挂着两道血痕,脸色也愈加苍白了起来。 Reviews Shi Yubai, although stands in the explosion convergence point not but actually, but body actually large scale is shivering, on the face also hung all over startled has accommodated. 反观史羽白,虽然立在爆炸交汇点不倒,可身躯却大幅度的颤抖着,脸上也挂满了惊容。 He strikes fully, precise becomes the light beam power, so wild power impact, let alone Warrior of Disaster double boundary, even if same level Second Sky of Earth Level Warrior, hard anti- this strikes, feared that also has the dead end. 他全力一击,将力量凝炼成光柱,如此狂暴的力量冲击,别说百劫二重之境的武者,就算是同级的地位二重天之境武者,硬抗这一击,怕是也只有死路一条。 Although Shi Yan whole body fresh blood drip flowings, unexpectedly once more sway has actually stood, he has not died! 石岩虽然浑身血淋漓,却竟然再次摇摇晃晃的站了起来,他还没死! Calls a halt!” “停手!” He Qingman drinks one tenderly, urgently called out: Shi Yubai, are you doing? You know that this loss, too has not related with him much. What do you want to make? You know did not say that he is really the Yang Family person!”, The Shi Yubai complexion changes. 何青曼娇喝一声,急叫道:“史羽白,你到底在干什么?你知道的,这次的损失,和他并没有太多关系的。你到底想要做什么?你知不道,他真的是杨家的人!”,史羽白脸色微变。 Shen Yidan has also gawked, surprisedly looks at He Qingman, „, is really he Yang Family person?” 沈宜丹也愣了,惊讶地看着何青曼,“,他真是杨家人?” He is the Yang Family orphan, this time comes Endless Sea, recognizes the ancestor to return to the birth family.”, At this time, He Qingman had no way to hide the Shi Yan identity......, He if really has Lan Chang two short, Yang Family definitely will investigate! Shi Yubai, don't you permit to continue to act unreasonably? ” “他是杨家的遗孤,这次来无尽海,正是来认祖归宗的。”,在这个时候,何青曼也没法隐瞒石岩的身份了……,他真要是有个兰长两短,杨家肯定会追究下去!史羽白,你不准继续乱来?” ...... Snort! In any case here only then our people on one's own side, I have killed him, said that died in the demon person hand. BuiltWarrior of boundary of even/including Nie putting up including Elder Sister Nan in any case, had been killed by the demon person, died such a Disaster Level fellow, was logical? ” ……哼!反正这里只有我们自己人,我杀了他,就说是死在魔人手中好了。反正连楠姐都搭进去了”连涅架之境的武者,都被魔人杀了,死这么一个百劫之境的家伙,也是顺理成章?” Shi Yubai was really insane, He Qingman more shelters Shi Yan, he is crazy, more must kill Shi Yan to give vent to indignation. 史羽白真的疯了,何青曼越是庇护石岩,他越是疯狂,越是要杀石岩泄恨。 The words fall, Shi Yubai flying shoots at Shi Yan once more, the facial expression is fierce: Boy, I must kill you, even if you are the Yang Family person, died on this Black Stone Island, nobody will revenge for you.” 话落,史羽白再次飞射向石岩,神情狰狞道:“小子,我就是要杀你,就算你是杨家人,在这黑石岛上死了,也没人会为你报仇。” Shi Yubai?” He Qingman shouted angrily, stopped to me?” 史羽白?”何青曼怒喝,“给我停下来?” Shi Yubai simply has not responded her, when she yelled, Shi Yubai set firm resolve secretly, must kill Shi Yan not to be possible. 史羽白根本没有搭理她,在她大叫的时候,史羽白更是暗暗下定决心,非要杀了石岩不可。 In Tianxie Fairyland, his Shi Yubai is infatuated with He Qingman this matter, well-known. 天邪洞天,他史羽白迷恋何青曼这事,众人皆知。 So long as He Qingman relates well with whom, he would making others suffer some hardships by any means possible, compelling the opposite party to give up on own initiative. 何青曼只要和谁关系好一点,他总会千方百计的让别人吃些苦头,逼对方主动放弃。 Including person on one's own side , he in addition so, to external Shi Yan, he naturally will not be forgiving. 连自己人,他尚且如此,对上外来的石岩,他自然更加不会留情。 Especially in the mine tunnelhe does not have the protection by Shi Yan is dashedhis chest that has hit. The bone broke to pieces one, making him lose completely the face before these followers. 尤其是在矿洞中”他没有防备的被石岩冲撞了一下”撞的他胸。骨头都碎断了一根,让他在那些跟随者面前丢尽了脸。 At that time, he decided that must kill Shi Yan. 在那个时候,他就决定要杀石岩了。 Saw with own eyes that Shi Yubai clashes once more, Shi Yan look suddenly one cold , to continue to urge in the round of body plaster remaining powerto come out Seal of Life and Death once more precise. 眼见史羽白再次冲上来,石岩眼神骤然一冷,继续催发体垩内残余的力量”再次将生死印凝炼出来。 Bang?” “轰?” Shi Yan flies upside down once again, the time of falling, chest bone lou breaks to pieces, in body plaster aura disorder, facial expression distressedly. 石岩又一次倒飞出去,落到的时候,胸口骨髅碎断,体垩内气息紊乱,神情狼狈之极。 ?” “噗?” Unexpected, under Shi Yubai in this strikes, puts out a blood unexpectedly. 出人意料,史羽白在这一击之下,竟然也吐出一口鲜血。 Crazy fierce power that Seal of Life and Death erupts, lets be higher than Realm Shi Yubai unexpectedly, could not withstand! 生死印爆发出来的狂猛力量,竟然让高出一个境界史羽白,都已承受不住! Creakying that the body of Shi Yubaishivers, as if continually stood cannot come to a stop. 史羽白的身子”颤抖的摇摇欲坠,似乎连站都站不稳了。 He Qingman and Shen Yidan they, facial expression delay, in the beautiful pupil full is the extraordinary splendor, does not dare to believe looks at Shi Yan. 何青曼沈宜丹两人,神情呆滞,美眸中满是异彩,不敢置信地看着石岩 Shi Yan unexpectedly tough such! 石岩竟然韧性如此之强! Under Shi Yubai shells continually, he not only caresses completely hardly, has not died unexpectedly! 史羽白连番轰击之下,他不但全部硬抚下来,竟然至今未死! Not only, his personal appearance as before is so as stable as the rock of Gibraltar at this time, the facial expression is firm and resolute, may clamp the feather to be white, in this to the bang, also started to spit blood unexpectedly, has revealed weak became Venerable. 不但如此,此时他身形依旧稳如泰山,神情坚毅,可夹羽白,在这番对轰之下,居然也开始吐血,露出了不支的趋尊来。 It is not the fight of same rank, has the evenly matched situation to come, this made He Qingman and Shen Yidan they start unable to completely understand. 不是同一级别的战斗,却出现势均力敌的形势来,这让何青曼沈宜丹两人开始看不透了。 Boy, really worthily is the Yang Family person, is indeed fierce?” Clenching jaws that Shi Yubai hates, is staring at Shi Yan mean, today does not kill you, will come the date you to will certainly kill me! Such being the case, even if pays grievous cost, can my also potential take your life?” “小子,果然不愧是杨家人,的确厉害?”史羽白恨的咬牙切齿,阴狠地盯着石岩,“今天不杀你,来日你必将杀我!既然如此,就算是付出惨痛代价,我也势要取你性命?” Shi Yubai, you must act unreasonably again, don't blame me to meddle?” He Qingman could not bear finally, gives a loud shout, then flies toward that Shi Yubai. 史羽白,你再要乱来,别怪我插手了?”何青曼终于忍不住了,大喝一声,便朝着那史羽白飞去。 The He Qingman diving posture plunders, cultivates the straight beautiful leg midway to tread, time that must fly once more, thought under foot transmits an extremely strong restraint strength. 何青曼飞身掠来,修直的美腿中途踏地,才要再次飞起的时候,却觉得脚下的传来一股极为强劲的束缚力。 The He Qingman tender body, looks like took root suddenly generally, two legs by that strange power restraint, could not be being been moving unexpectedly. 何青曼的娇躯,忽然像扎根了一般,两腿被那古怪的力量束缚着,竟动弹不得。 The elegant face changes, He Qingman flustered looking around, startled called out: Senior Brother, what chaotic do you pound?” 俏脸一变,何青曼慌张的东张西望,惊叫道:“师兄,你捣什么乱?” The people in field, are the facial expression are all strange, looks all around, starts to seek for anything. 场内的众人,皆是神情古怪,也都环顾四周,开始找寻着什么。 He Qingman in Tianxie Fairyland, never easily shouted that others Senior Brother, can by her be shouted the Senior Brother person, has one. 何青曼天邪洞天,从不轻易喊别人师兄的,能被她喊师兄的人,只有一个。 MP Xie Kui! MP邪魁 First Senior Brother, when did you come?”, Shen Yidan pleasantly surprised say|way. 大师兄,你什么时候来了?”,沈宜丹惊喜道。 „Shortly after just came, heard that boy has killed Elder Sister Nan, therefore I also think that he damn?” A gloomy and cold sound, conveys from people. “刚来不久,听说那小子害死了楠姐,所以我也认为他该死?”一个阴冷的声音,从众人脚下传来。 Comes the person as if to hide in place bottom, in the field the people, nobody discover his existence unexpectedly. 来人似乎藏身在地底,场内众人,竟没人发现他的存在。 Tianxie Fairyland here person, one hear of Xie Kui came, as if had found the dependence, a facial expression suddenly loosen. 天邪洞天这边的人,一听邪魁过来了,都仿佛找到了依靠般,神情骤然一松。 Ha Ha, is the First Senior Brother bright affair?” Shi Yubai laughs, right now again does not have worry, striding bravely forward goes toward the Shi Yan line, said with a smile ferociously: I thought how long you can also jump to reach?” “哈哈,还是大师兄明事理?”史羽白哈哈大笑,这下子再无顾虑,昂首阔步的朝石岩行去,狞笑道:“我看你还能蹦达多久?” Is definitely longer than you!”, A heroic sound, conveys from the day, has the flood dragon friends of two heads, crops up from the cloud layer slowly. “肯定比你久!”,一个豪迈的声音,从天外传来,一只拥有两个头的蛟友,缓缓从云层中冒头。 A handle silver great sword, cuts the vault of heaven, flies to shoot suddenly. 一柄银色巨剑,划破苍穹,霍然飞射而来。 In everywhere silver light, the silver great sword falls loudly, rumbles directly that Shi Yubai body the hashed meat. 在漫天银光中,银色巨剑轰然落下,将那史羽白身躯直接轰成碎肉。 The silver great sword cut to kill Shi Yubai instantaneously, castrated does not reduce, shelled fiercely in the He Qingman left three meters earth. 银色巨剑瞬间斩杀了史羽白,去势不减,猛地轰击在何青曼左边三米的大地之中。 The mountain peak shakes shivers, the earth deep place, hears one to drink suddenly stuffily. 山峰一震颤抖,大地深处,骤然传来一声闷喝。 At once ” a personal appearance thin white clothing youth, gloomy and cold the face is braving slowly from the earth, his corners of the mouth are hanging a bloodstain, holds up the head looks at to approach Dual Headed Flood Dragon that gradually. 旋即”一个身形消瘦的白衣青年,阴冷着脸从大地中缓缓冒出来,他嘴角挂着一丝血迹,昂首看着逐渐逼近的双头蛟龙 Younger Brother Yan, welcome to Jialuo Sea Area?” On Dual Headed Flood Dragon, a build valiant youth, after has killed Shi Yubai superficially, laughs to Shi Yan brightly. 小岩子,欢迎来到伽罗海域?”双头蛟龙身上,一个体型彪悍的青年,在轻描淡写的杀了史羽白之后,冲着石岩灿烂大笑。 „Are you?” Shi Yan stunned. “你是?”石岩愕然 „Am I your big brother, Yang Mu?” Youth heroic laughing, at once proudly looks at Tianxie Fairyland and the others, said lightly: In Jialuo Sea Area, our Yang Family is the master, this is our Yang Family domain. Here, who dares to do right with our Yang Family, we want who dies?” “我是你大哥,杨暮?”青年豪迈的大笑,旋即傲然看着天邪洞天的等人,淡淡道:“在伽罗海域,我们杨家才是主人,这是我们杨家的地盘。在这里,谁敢和我们杨家做对,我们就要谁死?”
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