GOS :: Volume #3

#203: Illusionary Devil Seven Changes

The light is just fierce. 曰光正烈。 The Shi Yan lightning flees generally from the mine tunnel, looked up strong sunlight, has distinguished a direction, left from the mine tunnel fast. 石岩闪电一般从矿洞内窜出来,抬头望了一眼浓烈的日光,辨别了一个方向,快速从矿洞离开。 In the behind mine tunnel, spreads a violent tremor suddenly, the entire mine as if has dragged. 身后的矿洞中,骤然传出一股猛烈的颤动,整座矿山都似乎摇曳了一下。 Fierce evil power, erupts in mine, bunch of dark Devil Qi, brave from the mine slit unexpectedly leisurely, aura is quite ominous severely. 凶猛邪恶的力量,在矿山内爆发出来,一团团黑暗魔气,竟从矿山顶部的缝隙中冒逸而出,气息极为凶厉。 Several roar, simultaneously spread from cave, the howl is quite anxious. 数声厉啸,同时从山洞内传出,啸声颇为急切。 The body that Shi Yan marches forward rapidly, has stagnated slightly, is grasping Soul Gathering Bead, the secret induction, the expression was getting more and more dignified. 石岩飞速行进的身子,略略凝滞了一下,握着聚魂珠,暗暗感应,表情越来越凝重了。 Through Soul Gathering Bead, he realizes in cave to transmit violent power to the bang, is very obvious, Tianxie Fairyland Warrior, must bump into with the demon person. 通过聚魂珠,他察觉到山洞中传来猛烈的力量对轰,很显然,天邪洞天武者,应当和魔人碰上了。 Shi Yan can affirm that battles with that Nirvana Origin boundary demon person, must be Lin Nan without doubt. 石岩可以肯定,和那涅巢境魔人交战,应当是林楠无疑。 With is the boundary of Nirvana Origin, Shi Yan does not think that Lin Nan can win, under the bombardment of that demon person, Lin Nan can preserve the life quite to be difficult, wants to live is coming out the Tianxie Fairyland Warrior complete belt, without doubt is dream of a fool. 同为涅巢之境,石岩不认为林楠能够获胜,在那魔人的轰击之下,林楠能够保全性命都极为艰难,想要活着将天邪洞天武者全部带出来,无疑是痴人说梦。 Does not dare excessively to stay in this region, but has felt secretly, he then once more quickens pace, leaves fast. 不敢在这个区域过多停留,只是暗暗感受了一下,他便再次加快步伐,快速离开。 hōng hōng hōng!” 轰轰轰!” The behind mine, as if wanted avalanche, in wild power to the bang , the mine cliff smashing, had the clear crack. 身后的矿山,似乎要崩塌了,在狂暴的力量对轰下,矿山石壁粉碎,出现了清晰的裂缝。 The Shi Yan complexion changes, the speed speeds up once more. 石岩脸色微变,速度再次加快。 After one hour, Shi Yan arrives at that mountain peak peak that last night built up, in that mountain peak peak, Shi Yan staring looks into that mine tunnel. 一个小时后,石岩来到了昨夜集结的那一座山峰的峰顶,在那山峰顶端,石岩凝视眺望那矿洞。 Sunspots, ” cannot choose the exact way because of flurry in escape distressedly, the Shi Yan person in the high place, distinguishes these sunspots, is Tianxie Fairyland Warrior. 一个个黑点,狼狈地在逃逸”慌不择路,石岩人在高处,辨别出那些黑点,正是天邪洞天武者 In the heart sighedShi Yan to know that this Tianxie Fairyland feared had suffered a loss, does not know that many people died in the mine tunnel. 心中一叹”石岩知道这次天邪洞天怕是吃了大亏了,不知道有多少人死在矿洞。 Waits and sees carefully, he discovered that these Black Scale Clan demon people, why do not know the reason, as if has not pursued from the mine tunnel. 细细观望,他发现那些黑鳞族的魔人,不知道因何原因,似乎并未从矿洞内追击出来。 Relaxed slightly, Shi Yan sat silently on the mountain peak, sank to Blood Vein Ringto start the mind with the Profound Ice Cold Flame communication. 略略放松了一下,石岩在山峰上默默坐下来,将心神沉入血玟戒”开始和玄冰寒焰沟通。 Looks for a movement Martial Skills to me, can of the winding speed and silhouette strange change......” “找一种身法的武技给我,能够提升速度和身影诡异变化的那种……” Now either?” “现在就要么?” Now wants!” “现在就要!” Profound Ice Cold Flame silent, seems choosing suitable Martial Skills for him. 玄冰寒焰沉默了下去,似乎在为他挑选适合的武技 Shi Yan does not worry, frowns to wait. 石岩也不着急,皱着眉头等候着。 After a half hour, Profound Ice Cold Flame had the response. 半小时后,玄冰寒焰有了回应。 „A movement called, Illusionary Devil Seven Changes had seven changes, once cultivation succeeded, can let your speed promotion several fold, this movement was quite verve, the request to fleshly body was extremely high, but also needs the corresponding Realm coordination. By your present fleshly body intensity and Disaster mood, most can only grasp two changesI to tell you two changes of this foundation first. ” “有一种身法叫,幻魔七变”有七种变化,一旦修炼成功,可以让你速度提升数倍,这种身法颇为刚猛,对肉身的要求极高,还需要有相应的境界配合。以你现在肉身的强度和百劫的心境,最多只能掌握两种变化”我先将这基础的两种变化告诉你。” The Shi Yan facial expression shakes, is happy: Good!” 石岩神情一震,喜道:“好!” These two changes are Phantom Change and Escaping Lightning Changes, Phantom Change can make you transform afterimage, your Realm is higher, power is stronger, afterimage that can transform are more.” I thinks you by me to your profound understanding, once grasped Phantom Change, should be able to transform two afterimage, but afterimage is only afterimageis written in water, to Realm profound Warrior, Divine Sense, can know that your true body, this you must pay attention. Escaping Lightning Changes, can let your straight line and curve speed promotion several fold, such as lightning general fast, but actually consumes power, once displays, power continuous passing, you must use carefully...... ” “这两种变化为幻影变逸电变,幻影变可以让你幻化出残影,你境界越高,力量越强,可以幻化出来的残影越多。以我对你的深刻了解”我想你一旦掌握了幻影变,应该可以幻化出两道残影,不过残影只是残影”转瞬即逝,对上境界高深的武者,神识一查,就可以知道你的真身了,这点你要留意。逸电变,可以让你直线、曲线速度提升数倍,如闪电一般迅捷,不过却非常耗费力量,一旦施展出来,力量就会源源不断的流逝,你要慎用……” Phantom Change? Is the leisurely electricity beautiful? 幻影变?逸电娈? The Shi Yan light listens to these two changes, the eye is suddenly one bright. 石岩光听这两个变化,眼睛便是骤然一亮。 He also knows that Phantom Change is only a movement, naturally was inferior that Zuo Family illusory image Martial Spirit is so formidable. 他也知道,幻影变只是一种身法,自然不如左家的幻影武魂那么强大。 Zuo Family illusory image Martial Spirit, once displays, the illusory image has the Divine Sense fluctuation of Warrior, can transform including the soul, even if Realm has Sea of Consciousness Warrior extremely high, is hard to distinguish the difference of illusory image and true body. 左家的幻影武魂,一旦施展出来,幻影拥有武者神识波动,连灵魂都能幻化出来,就算是境界极高拥有识海武者,也难以分辨出幻影和真身的区别。 Zuo Family illusory image Martial Spirit, during fight unpredictable. 左家的幻影武魂,在战斗之中变幻莫测。 In battle, once the Zuo Family person displays illusory image Martial Spirit, the match cannot distinguish the illusory image and true body, meets the bad risk time, can use the illusory image Martial Spirit rapid escape, extremely wonderful. 交战中,一旦左家人施展出幻影武魂,对手根本不能分别幻影和真身,遇到凶险的时候,也可以利用幻影武魂迅速逃逸,极为的神妙。 Phantom Change this change, cannot achieve that wonderful of Zuo Family illusory image Martial Spirit, can only the short time form afterimage, and will vanish quickly. 幻影变这种变化,达不到左家幻影武魂的那种神妙,只能短时间形成残影,并且会很快消失。 However, is battling, victory and defeat possibly in short 12 seconds, if can the short time confuse opposite party, then looks for the opportunity to strike to kill, this Phantom Change can also play the greatly strengthened role, even may decide that a fight victory and defeat, currently speaking, this Phantom Change was also quite uncommon. 不过,在交战之中,胜负可能就在短短12秒时间,若是能够短时间迷惑对方一下,进而找寻机会一击必杀,这幻影变也能发挥极强的作用,甚至有可能决定一场战斗的胜负,从这一点来看,这幻影变也极为不凡了。 Escaping Lightning Changes, can the large scale winding speed, making the speed rise suddenly suddenly, just likes the lightning general fast. 逸电变,可以大幅度提升速度,令速度骤然暴涨,犹如闪电一般迅捷。 The price is consumption power is too then big, once stimulates to movement Escaping Lightning Changes, passing of Essence Qi will be fearful, but the advantage is also obvious, Escaping Lightning Changes, speed suddenly quick several fold, this can make him approach the match instantaneously, uses with the Phantom Change coordination, can indeed achieve the wondrous use that strikes to kill. 代价便是消耗的力量太大,一旦催动逸电变,精元的流逝会非常可怕,但好处也是显而易见的,逸电变一出,速度骤然快了数倍,这可以让他瞬间靠近对手,和幻影变配合使用,的确可以达到一击必杀的妙用。 Runs into the formidable enemy, Escaping Lightning Changes is used to escape, is the good choice. 遇到强大的敌人,逸电变用来逃命,也是不错的选择。 Under situation that in fully aware of must die, Essence Qi again many are not the match of opposite party, at this time Essence Qi preserved has not been affecting, the words that was used to escape completely perhaps, can draw support Escaping Lightning Changes seek livehood from the dead boundary. 明知必死的局势下,精元再多也不是对方的对手,这时候精元保存着也没有作用,全部用来逃命的话,说不定能够借助于逸电变从死境求生。 The Shi Yan eye glistens, calmly is listening to the introduction of Profound Ice Cold Flame related Phantom Change and Escaping Lightning Changes, the earnest terrain * tastes, strives quickly to master the knacks of these two changes. 石岩眼睛闪亮,静静地听着玄冰寒焰有关幻影变逸电变的介绍,认真地体*回味,争取尽快掌握这两种变化的诀窍。 „......, The cultivation method, I told you, these two changes are only the foundations, should not be difficult to grasp to you. So long as some flower fee times, you can know quickly how to utilize these two changes, but this Illusionary Devil Seven Changes movement, is extremely high regarding the request of fleshly body, Warrior of Ancient Times time, fleshly body extremely powerful, quenching of their very emphatically fleshly body, you , to be really good Illusionary Devil Seven Changes cultivation, must carry on fleshly body meditation perseveringly. That that you display can the short time urge round of acupoint power Martial Skills, should also be the mystique of Ancient Times time, similarly needs your body powerful, otherwise the backlash strength you cannot withstand, brutal Martial Skills that therefore, Extreme Refining this fleshly body quenchings, you cannot pull down, have the words of time many to draw support with the Earthcore Flame communication ” the strength of its Fiery Flame , to continue cultivation to get down ......... “……,修炼的方法,我已经告诉你,这两种变化只是基础,对你来说应该不难掌握。只要huā费一些功夫,你可以很快知道如何运用这两种变化,不过这幻魔七变身法,对于肉身的要求极高,上古时期的武者,一个个肉身都极为强悍,他们非常着重肉身的淬炼,你若想真的将幻魔七变修炼好,一定要持之以恒的进行肉身苦修。你施展的那种可以短时间催发穴道力量武技,应该也是上古时期的秘法,同样需要你身体强悍,不然反噬力你都承受不了,所以,极炼这个肉身淬炼的残酷武技,你不能拉下来,有时间的话”多和地心火沟通”借助于它的火炎之力,继续修炼下去……… Profound Ice Cold Flame its consciousness, transmits through Blood Vein Ring to Shi Yan. 玄冰寒焰将它的意识,通过血纹戒传达给石岩 Since reaches the agreement after Shi Yan, help Shi Yan that this Profound Ice Cold Flame starts to do one's best, it also knows that bumps into Shi Yan this master is also its luck, has changed other master, it feared that is difficult to escape by the life of enslaving. 自从和石岩达成协议之后,这玄冰寒焰就开始尽心尽力的帮助石岩,它也知道,碰到石岩这种主人也算是它的幸运,换了别的主人,它怕是难脱被奴役之命。 Only then Shi Yan is living well, and soon will achieve the boundary of Nirvana Origin, it and Shi Yan the agreement of can successfully completeit also to come out from Blood Vein Ring earlier. 只有石岩好好活着,并且早日达到涅巢之境,它和石岩的约定才能顺利完成”它也可以早点从血纹戒内出来。 i got it, um, I took back the mind. 我知道了,嗯,我收回心神了。 Shi Yan responded to one, here sat cross-legged to sit, closed one's eyes to start to realize from experience the exquisiteness of Phantom Change and Escaping Lightning Changes. 石岩回应了一句,就在这里盘膝坐了下来,闭上眼开始体悟幻影变逸电变的精妙。 This Phantom Change and Escaping Lightning Changes, complement one another, to form afterimagefirst to need to stimulate to movement Escaping Lightning Changes, only then silhouette in barrel, can form afterimage with the mystique. 幻影变逸电变,相辅相成,要想形成残影”首先需要催动逸电变,只有身影在快速行进之中,才能用秘法将残影形成。 In other words, he needs to grasp Escaping Lightning Changes first. 也就是说,他需要先掌握逸电变 Escaping Lightning Changes cultivation, key, in the several meridians of two legsmust let Essence Qi in the meridians flows, produces slightly Yuan explodes Essence Qi to branch out several, surges in the avoidance meridians fast, attacks in the intersection of meridians and meridians, forms the explosion of Essence Qito form the crazy fierce impulse. 逸电变修炼,关键在两腿的几条经脉”要让精元在经脉中流动的时候,产生轻微的“元爆”精元分出几股,在退避经脉快速涌动,冲击在经脉与经脉的交叉点,形成精元的爆炸”才可以形成狂猛的冲击力。 Yuan explodes a occurrence, draws support this fearful impulse, can achieve Escaping Lightning Changes reallyinstantaneously the speed promotion several fold, quick such as lightning bolt of lightning. “元爆”一发生,借助于这股可怕的冲击力,就可以真的达成逸电变”瞬间将速度提升数倍,快如闪电奔雷 Shi Yan holds the breathcalms the mind to realize from experience with rapt attention, has tested the mind imperial to move Essence Qi, flows in the meridians of two legs slowly, tries to seek for that to form Yuan explodes the intersection...... 石岩屏息凝神”静心体悟,已试着用心神御动精元,在两腿的经脉中缓缓流动,试着找寻出那可以形成“元爆”的交叉点…… The time passes in his silent meditation fast. 时间在他默然苦修中快速流逝。 Treads! Treads to stumble!” “踏踏!踏绊!” The serious sound of footsteps, transmits from distant place suddenly. 沉重的脚步声,突然从远处传来。 Shi Yan suddenly awaking revolutions, not anxiously not slow opening eyes. 石岩霍然醒转,不急不缓的睁开眼。 Shi Yan! You damn!” 石岩!你该死!” Shi Yubai drinks severely, in the eye was full of the biting cold hatred, flushed toward this him who whole body fresh blood drip flowinged. 史羽白厉喝,眼中充满了彻骨的仇恨,浑身血淋漓的朝这他冲来。 Shi Yan frowns, suddenly has stood, sinking sound track: With my what Gan?” 石岩皱着眉头,突然站了起来,沉声道:“与我何干?” Tianxie Fairyland enters Warrior of that mine tunnel, dozens, return now, has seven people. 天邪洞天进入那矿洞的武者,有数十名,如今返回来的,只有七人。 Lin Nan and Peng Pei have not come, now comes, only then Shi Yubai, Shen Yidan and He Qingman, four facial expression sorrowful Disaster Warrior, Batty and Zhou Nan, in this row, it seems like that the luck are also good. 林楠彭沛没有过来,如今现身的只有史羽白沈宜丹何青曼,还有四名神情悲痛的百劫武者,巴蒂和周南两人,也在此列,看来运气不错。 Stared at He Qingman, Shi Yubai and the others to look at several, in the Shi Yan heart sighed slightly, he knows the person who did not have, should be buried in the mine tunnel completely. 盯着何青曼史羽白等人看了几眼,石岩心中微微一叹,他知道没有回来的人,应该全部葬身在矿洞了。 Elder Sister Nan, Elder Sister Nan to save us, alone defended in ore cave entrance.” The He Qingman eye socket is moist, the flowing wants to sob, said mournfully: Elder Sister Nan died, she at all was not the match of that demon person, why this will Black Stone Island, have so fierce demon person? Fellow, perhaps in the boundary of Nirvana Origin Third Sky.” 楠姐,楠姐为了救我们,独自守在了矿洞口。”何青曼眼眶湿润,潸然欲泣,凄然道:“楠姐死定了,她根本不是那魔人的对手,为什么这黑石岛,会有如此厉害的魔人?那家伙,恐怕在涅巢三重天之境啊。” Died, Peng Pei also died, has not come out from the mine tunnel, was killed.” Shen Yidan is distracted, the face whiten like the paper, received the serious attack obviously, these demon people were too formidable, the same level Realm demon person, was fiercer than us were too many, Peng Pei they died quite miserable......,...” “都死了,彭沛也死了,没有从矿洞出来的,都被杀死了。”沈宜丹精神恍惚,脸色苍白如纸,明显受了沉重打击,“那些魔人太强大了,同等境界的魔人,比我们厉害太多了,彭沛他们死的好惨啊……,…” Peng Pei was torn...... the He Qingman sound to sob by the demon person livingly. 彭沛被魔人活生生撕裂了……”何青曼声音哽咽。 In the heart sighed, Shi Yan helpless shaking the head, said: I know like this, I leave, had reminded you, does not know why you must stay in inside.” 心中叹息了一下,石岩无奈的摇了摇头,道:“我就知道会这样,我离开的时候,已经提醒过你们了,不知道为什么你们还要呆在里面。” „......” “哇……” He Qingman covered the face to weep bitterly, squats twitches in the place burning incense shoulder unceasingly, cries to call out: Is I am not good, I think that Elder Sister Nan came, we can massacre these demon people, if I remove immediately, will not be this result. Blames me, was I have killed Elder Sister Nan, has killed everybody „......” 何青曼掩面痛哭,蹲在地上香肩不断抽搐,哭叫道:“是我不好,我以为楠姐来了,我们可以杀掉那些魔人的,要是我马上撤出去,也不会是这种结果。都怪我,是我害死了楠姐,害死了大家“……” wū wū......” 呜呜呜……” Shen Yidan also suddenly sobs, on the pale face the tear stains like the raindrop, fall following her cheeks, we should remove, we should not remain, to not save us, Elder Sister Nan will not die „” 沈宜丹也突然哭泣起来,惨白的脸上泪痕如雨珠,顺着她脸颊滑落,“我们该撤出来的,我们不该留下去啊,不是为了救我们,楠姐也不会死”“” Is you! Is you! If you explained the situation earlier, everybody will not die!” The Shi Yubai hatred stares Shi Yan, the violent is shouting to clear the way: Was you have killed them!” “是你!都是你!你要是早点说明情况,大家都不会死!”史羽白怨毒地瞪着石岩,暴喝道:“是你害死了他们!” Oneself show off power, cannot complain about others.” The Shi Yan calm face, coldly said: I reminded He Qingman first, later also told Lin Nan, making her do not stay for a long time, bumps into your times, I have also warned you, is you do not believe me, this can complain who?” “自己逞强,怨不得别人。”石岩沉着脸,冷冷道:“我先提醒了何青曼,之后又告诉了林楠,让她不要久留,碰到你们的时候,我也警告过你们,是你们不相信我,这能怨的了谁?” Is you!” “就是你!” Shi Yubai calls out one, the hysteria grazes to come toward Shi Yan, whole body murderous aura is steaming. 史羽白暴喝一声,歇斯底里地朝着石岩飞掠而来,浑身杀气腾腾。
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