GOS :: Volume #3

#202: Battering

Through Soul Gathering Bead, Shi Yan realized that the base from mine, spreads an extremely similar life fluctuation! 通过聚魂珠,石岩察觉到从矿山的底部,传出一股极为同样的生命波动! By him regarding the understanding of life intensity, he can affirm that the life fluctuation of that powerful, came from a Black Scale Clan demon person of boundary at least Nirvana Origin Third Sky! 以他对于生命强度的认识,他可以肯定,那一股强悍的生命波动,来自于一名至少涅巢三重天之境的黑鳞族魔人! The Black Scale Clan demon person of boundary of Nirvana Origin Second Sky, on this Black Stone Island, absolutely is extremely fearful existence. 涅巢二重天之境的黑鳞族魔人,在这黑石岛上,绝对是极为可怕的存在。 Although Lin Nan same has cultivation base of boundary of Nirvana Origin, but through with the battle of demon person, Shi Yan can affirm under same level Realm, the Black Scale Clan demon person, wants fierce many compared with Warrior of humanity absolutely! 林楠虽然一样有着涅巢之境的修为,但通过和魔人的交战,石岩可以肯定同等境界下,黑鳞族的魔人,绝对比人类的武者要厉害的多! In other words, Lin Nan definitely is not the match of that demon person. 也就是说,林楠肯定不是那魔人的对手。 Is Realm profound demon person, the bad risk when through that unstable space node, withstands is also bigger, this demon person can arrive at Endless Sea, perhaps before was injured, at this time possibly just restored. 越是境界高深的魔人,在通过那不稳定空间节点的时候,承受的凶险也越大,这魔人能够降临无尽海,或许之前受了点伤,此时可能才刚刚恢复过来。 Should be the heavy losses of bone tooth, has enraged this fellow, he under being furious, the life fluctuation is extremely intense, makes Shi Yan realize through Soul Gathering Bead. 应该是骨牙的重创,激怒了这家伙,他在震怒之下,生命波动太过强烈,才让石岩通过聚魂珠察觉到。 At this time, this demon person upward barrel from the mine, is flushing toward Shi Yan this. 此时,这魔人正从矿山底部往上快速行进,朝着石岩这一块冲来。 How long could not want, this demon person will then appear in this, even if when the time comes were Lin Nan rushes, perhaps also the enemy of non- that demon person. 要不了多久,这魔人便会出现在这一块,到时候即便是林楠赶到,恐怕也非那魔人之敌。 Shi Yan has the sober understanding to own strength, even if stimulates to movement the boundary of Rampage Second Sky, power rises suddenly suddenly two times, can cope with Earth Level Warrior at most, but that demon person actually in the boundary of Nirvana Origin Second Sky, demon person fleshly body extremely powerful, if really to this demon person, he does not have any hope of survival. 石岩对自己的实力有着清醒的认识,就算是催动暴走二重天之境,力量骤然暴涨两倍,也顶多可以对付地位之境武者,可那魔人却在涅巢二重天之境,魔人肉身又极为强悍,真要是对上这魔人,他没有任何生存的希望。 Therefore, his first thought that then rapidly leaves. 因此,他第一个念头,便是迅速离开。 How to work together?” “怎么同事?” He Qingman calls out in alarm oneshe not to know that what happened ”, but from the Shi Yan expression, she knows that decides however has extremely fearful matter occurrence. 何青曼惊呼一声”她不知道发生了什么事情”但从石岩的表情来看,她知道定然有极为可怕的事情发生。 First leaves here *......” “先离开这里*……” The Shi Yan calm face, returned tobody toward old route like the lightning, flushes away toward the exit / to speak of mine tunnel rapidly. 石岩沉着脸,已朝着原路返回”身如闪电,迅速往矿洞的出口冲去。 Coming time, Shi Yan bears in mind the crossing all the way, regarding this labyrinth crossing, in his mind as if the inscription printed the map, clear. 过来的时候,石岩一路上将岔道都记在心里,对于这迷宫般的岔道,他脑海中仿佛铭印了地图,一清二楚。 Shi Yan answered one, then immediately fast leaves, this lets in the He Qingman heart surprised. 石岩只是答了一句,便立即快速离开,这让何青曼心中的惊讶更甚。 What Young Lady, how each office?” “何小姐,怎每办?” Tianxie Fairyland Warrior, looks together to He Qingman, somewhat feels helpless. 天邪洞天武者,一起看向何青曼,有些不知所措。 Elegant face cloudy clear uncertain, He Qingman black eyebrows deep lock, hesitant a while, courageously said:, Withdraw! You also saw this fellow was strange he to be clear compared with anyone the situation. He must walk, obviously has the sufficient reason *...... ” 俏脸阴晴不定,何青曼黛眉深锁,犹豫了一会儿,当机立断道:,“撤出去!你们也看到这家伙的古怪了”他比谁都清楚形势。他要走,显然是有着充足的理由*……” Batty and the others nod together. 巴蒂等人一起点头。 He Qingman pushes to the front, the tender body has dragged, changes into together azure light, flushes away in the Shi Yan direction. 何青曼一马当先,娇躯摇曳了一下,化为一道青光,直朝着石岩的方向冲去。 Shi Yan grazesbody * in Essence Qi rolling to rush two legs in passage fast, he stops over each time, the hard black stone then spreads an explosive, must have several stones to disrupt. 石岩通道中快速飞掠”体*内精元滚滚涌向两腿,他每次落脚,坚硬的黑石地便传出一声爆响,必有几块石头碎裂开来。 It seems like needs to seek for one type movement Martial Skills that improves the speed. 看来有必要找寻一种提高速度的身法武技了。 Shi Yan in barrel, is considering secretly. 石岩在快速行进中,暗暗思量着。 To his knowledge, many Martial Skills dedicated movement speeds ”, once cultivation succeeds, can the large scale winding speed, and can make silhouette unpredictable in the battlemakes the person unable to feel the accurate intention. 据他所知,有很多武技专注身法速度”一旦修炼成功,可以大幅度提升速度,并且可以在交战中让身影变幻莫测”让人摸不着准确的意图。 Initially also when day Mo city Shi Family, hehad then discovered in Shi Family Martial Spirit Palace several this kind of movement Martial Skills, is only these Martial Skills Level is too low, he disdained cultivation at that time. 当初还在天陌城石家的时候,他在石家武魂殿内”便发现了几种这一类的身法武技,只是那些武技等级太低,他当时不屑修炼 Later some fights, does not have the special situation, needs to use this kind of Martial Skills. 之后的一些战斗,也没有特殊的场合,需要用到这一类武技的。 However, today through Soul Gathering Bead, he in perceiving the demon person of boundary of mine tunnel deep place that Nirvana Origin Second Sky, when grazes fast comes, that lightning general speed, first time makes him realize that own speed is too slow. 然而,今日通过聚魂珠,他在觉察到矿洞深处那涅巢二重天之境的魔人,在快速飞掠而来的时候,那种电光一般的速度,第一次让他意识到自己速度还是太慢。 In certain crucial times, speed can earnest money chi chi!” 在某些关键的时刻,速度可以保钱“嗤嗤!” The front passage draw, transmits silhouette suddenly in the sound that in the air skices. 前方的通道平,霍然传来身影在空气中疾行的声响。 Shi Yan flies to the body, stagnates suddenly, looks up to the front. 石岩飞冲的身子,骤然凝滞,抬头望向前方。 Plentiful silhouette, pulls out long illusion together, the ghosts and demons flashes before generally from front passage, because this silhouette the speed is too fast, shadow by pulling is very long, appears extremely strange. 一道丰腴的身影,拉出长长的幻象,鬼魅一般从前方通道中闪现出来,这身影因为速度太快,影子被拉的很长,显得极为怪异。 Shouted!” “呼!” Lin Nan stopped suddenly, is surprised Exotic Land to look at Shi Yan, knits the brows: What's the matter? Qingman they?” 林楠突然停了下来,诧异地望着石岩,皱眉道:“怎么回事?青曼他们呢?” It looks like the person unexpectedly is Lin Nan, in Shi Yan heart slightly loose, they in behind, a while, we a bit faster leave here *......” 一看来人竟是林楠,石岩心中略松,“他们在后面,一会儿就到,我们快点离开这里吧*……” Leaves here?” Some Lin Nan stunned, have not seen being bewitched person, our goals are to eliminate here demon person, before the duty has not been accomplished, how can leave easily?” “离开这里?”林楠有些愕然,“还未见着魔人呢,我们的目的是清除这里的魔人,在任务尚未完成之前,怎能轻易离开?” You must complete the task, that as you wish, I do not accompany.” Shi Yan was disinclined saying that crossed that Lin Nan, must clash fast. “你们要完成任务,那随便你们,我就不奉陪了。”石岩懒得多说,越过那林楠,就要快速冲出去。 He has realized, the speed that the demon person of boundary of that Nirvana Origin Second Sky, flies was speeding up gradually, how long cannot want, that demon person feared that will arrive at this. 他已察觉到,那涅巢二重天之境的魔人,飞逝过来的速度在逐渐加快,要不了多久,那魔人怕是就会来到这一块了。 Time press, to save own life, Shi Yan does not want to waste the unnecessary time. 时间紧迫,为了保全自己的性命,石岩不想浪费多余的时间。 Explained one, wasted for one point, in this moment, each point of each second, extremely precious, perhaps said that several words, had the possibility also to ruin. 多解释一句,就多浪费一分时间,在这个关头,每一分每一秒,都极为的宝贵,或许多说几句话,就有可能将自己也葬送了。 What's the matter?” Lin Nan calls out in alarm, „ I receive Qingman communication, said that you have run into the demon person. “到底怎么回事?”林楠惊呼,“我收到青曼传讯,说你们这边遇到了魔人了。 You asked He Qingman, she met * arrives. The Shi Yan back to Lin Nan, continuation that before silhouette does not stay clashes, responded to one lightly. “你自己问何青曼吧,她一会*就到了。石岩背对着林楠,身影毫不停留的继续前冲,淡淡回应了一句。 Lin Nan wants to ask again that actually discovered Shi Yan vanished to disappear. 林楠再想多问,却发现石岩已消失不见了。 Really is a strange fellow, does not know that Black Stone Island makes anything, said must whet itself, experiences fierce of demon person, unexpectedly such quickly must walk......” “真是个奇怪的家伙,也不知道来黑石岛做什么,明明说要磨砺自己,见识见识魔人的厉害,居然这么快就要走……” Lin Nan frowns, thought aloud, has mind filled with the doubts. 林楠皱着眉头,自言自语了一句,满腹疑惑。 hū hū shouted!” 呼呼呼!” silhouette, appear from passage, in a slightly narrow cavern, Shen Yidan, Peng Pei and Shi Yubai three people have dozens to follow, will enter passage. 一道道身影,从通道中显现出来,在一个略显狭隘的洞穴中,沈宜丹彭沛史羽白三人带着数十名跟随着,正要进入通道 Shi Yan has braved suddenly. 石岩突然冒了出来。 Well!” “咦!” Shen Yijing calls out in alarm one, looks at Shi Yan, asked strangely: How did you come back?” 沈宜井惊呼一声,奇怪地看着石岩,问道:“你怎么回来了?” Yes did not say that you did run into the demon person? Now what do you run? ” Peng Pei Hehe smiles, speaks to ridicule: You none who does not became by demon person ran away in fear the courage, now on mind entirely to crack? Ha Ha, what you come Black Stone Island to make you do not whet? ” “是呀”不是说你们遇到魔人了么?你现在跑什么?”彭沛嘿嘿一笑,出言讥讽道:“你莫不成被魔人吓跑了胆子,现在就心神俱裂了?哈哈,那你来黑石岛做什么”你不是要来磨砺的么?” Shi Yan is disinclined to respond them, coldly snorted, must cross three people to leave. 石岩懒得搭理他们,冷哼一声,就要越过三人离开。 Waits!” “等一等!” Shi Yubai in front of Shi Yan, on the handsome face full is the suspicion, what have you met? Qingman person? Even if must retreat, must talk clearly the matter!” 史羽白堵在石岩面前,英俊的脸上满是怀疑,“你们到底遇到了什么?青曼人呢?就算是要溃逃,也要将事情说清楚了!” Yes, does not need to fear that” we did not come *...... ” Shen Yidan to give a calm smile, in the beautiful pupil disdained completely, let alone Elder Sister Nan first one step passed, Elder Sister Nan in the boundary of Nirvana Origin. Has her, these demon people could not injure you, does not know really you feared anything.” “是呀,没必要怕啊”我们不都过来了*……”沈宜丹淡然一笑,美眸中满是不屑,“更何况楠姐都先一步过去了,楠姐可是在涅巢之境。有她在,那些魔人也伤不了你,真不知道你怕什么。” These three people, regarded Shi Yan obviously did not have the coward of courageto think after Shi Yan experience to fierce of demon person, was scared. 这三人,显然将石岩当成了没胆子的懦夫”以为石岩见识到魔人的厉害之后,被吓破了胆子。 In the Shi Yan heart sneers, to stopping up beside passage Shi Yubai to the mine tunnel was saying: Makes way, you must flaunt hero I, no matter, do not keep off me to leave here *......” 石岩心中冷笑,对堵着通往矿洞之外通道史羽白道:“让开,你们要逞英雄我不管,不要挡着我离开这里*……” „Before matter has not talked clearly, does not permit *...... ” the Shi Yubai look one coldly, coldly said: You think really you are surnamed Yang? Even if you really surnamed Yang, I same am unambiguous you! Snort, has Disaster Level, even if you is really the Yang Family person, definitely is not the important character.” It is not one's turn you to come in this Black Stone Island to come, wants to walk walks. ” “事情没说清楚之前”不准走*……”史羽白眼神一寒,冷冷道:“你真以为你姓杨啊?就算是你真的姓杨,我一样不含糊你!哼,只有百劫之境,就算是你真是杨家的人,也肯定不是什么重要的人物。在这黑石岛”轮不到你想来就来,想走就走。” Shi Yan complexion gloomy gets down suddenly. 石岩脸色骤然阴沉下来。 Has not continued to explain that is maintaining the body of boundary of Rampage First Skysuddenly as if shell generally suddenly to launch, dashes to go toward Shi Yubai. 没有继续解释,一直保持着暴走一重天之境的身体”骤然仿佛炮弹一般暴射而出,直朝着史羽白冲撞而去。 „” He dares to begin! ” “啊”他竟敢动手!” Shen Yidan cannot bear scream that shakes the head to disdain saying: Disaster Level cultivation base, dares with Second Sky of Earth Level Warrior to holding unexpectedly, does not know really he is courageous, the brain does not sober.” 沈宜丹忍不住尖叫起来,摇头不屑道:“百劫之境修为,竟然敢和地位二重天之境武者对持,真不知道他是胆子大,还是脑子不清醒了。” Definitely was scared by the demon person, who could not distinguish clearly is in itself.” “肯定是被魔人吓破了胆子,分不清自己是谁了。” Side these Tianxie Fairyland Warrior, reveal the ridicule the expression, is sneering the looks at Shi Yan ridicule. 旁边那些天邪洞天武者,一个个露出嘲笑的表情,冷笑着看着石岩讥讽。 Shi Yubai coldly snorted, the body is stopping up that passage, motionless, two delimit together half circular arc, dark yellow rays of light was fast, forms First Level to have the thick earth breath barrier to come out. 史羽白冷哼一声,身子堵着那通道,一动不动,两手划出一道半圆弧,暗黄色光芒快速凝炼,形成了一层有着浓浓土息的屏障出来。 Shi Yubai Martial Spirit, can control the strength of earth, power of this earth precise becomes earth wall wall resists the impact of general Earth Realm Warrior sufficiently. 史羽白武魂,可以掌控大地之力,这土之力量凝炼而成的“土壁墙”足以抵挡一般地位武者的冲击。 After that earth wall wall comes out precise, Shi Yubai sneers retreat two steps, the body hidden was entering in passage, impact of coldly looks at Shi Yan. 将那“土壁墙”凝炼出来之后,史羽白冷笑着后退了两步,身子隐入了通道中,冷冷看着石岩的冲击。 Concubine *......” “妾*……” A sad explosive, spreads from that dark yellow light wall suddenly. 一身沉闷的爆响,突然从那暗黄色的光墙上传出。 Under the impact of Shi Yan, that wall suddenly twist deformation, at once suddenly has only exploded to break to pieces! 石岩的冲击之下,那光墙骤然扭曲变形了一下,旋即突然爆碎开来! Shen Yidan, Peng Pei and the others discolored. 沈宜丹彭沛等人勃然变色 The Shi Yan body potential like the rainbow, dashes on Shi Yubai that maliciously, in has not guarded against, flying upside down that he shells directly, before he has not fallen to the ground, Shi Yan has passed through him, disappearing trail in dark passage. 石岩身势如虹,狠狠地冲撞在没有丝毫防备的史羽白身上,将他直接轰击的倒飞出去,在他尚未落地之前,石岩已穿过了他,在幽暗的通道中不见了踪迹。 *......” “啊*……” Shen Yidan is covering the mouth, on elegant face full is panic-stricken, does not dare to believe looks at Shi Yan to vanish the direction that. 沈宜丹掩着口,俏脸上满是惊骇,不敢置信的望着石岩消失的方向。 How possible?” “怎么可能?” Peng Pei is out of sorts to call out in alarm, I, cannot break through history Senior Brother light wall! Boy, boy how possibly broken falling?” 彭沛失神惊叫,“就连我,也冲不破史师兄的光墙啊!那小子,那小子怎么可能破的掉?” who knows!” 鬼知道!” Shen Yidan is smiling bitterly shaking the head, in beautiful pupil full is astonished, I think that we have looked down on him. Perhaps, perhaps this fellow, but also is really Yang Family direct descendant. Otherwise, he is impossible to have the so fearful explosive force. We ............ Possibly was mistaken.” 沈宜丹苦笑着摇头,美眸中满是惊异,“我想,我们都小瞧了他。说不定,说不定这家伙,还真是杨家的嫡系。要不然,他不可能有如此可怕的爆发力的。我们…………可能真的看走眼了。” Is impossible, Yang Family that several small monster, I have listened. But Shi Yan this name, I have not heard absolutely, said again, he said him to be surnamed, stone, how may be the Yang Family person?” Peng Pei called to shout. “不可能的,杨家的那几个小怪物,我都听过的。可石岩这个名字,我绝对没有听说过啊,再说了,他可是说他姓,石,的啊,怎么可能会是杨家人?”彭沛叫嚷道。 At this time, Shi Yubai stands slowly, handsome face ugly incomparable trend, in the eye full is the envy and hate. 此时,史羽白缓缓站起来,俊脸难看无比的走向这一块,眼中满是忌恨。 First looks for Qingman, I have been able to do accounts with him slowly *......” “先去找青曼,等出去了,我会和他慢慢算账*……” Shen Yidan and Peng Pei neglect one, is the expression is strange, has not said anything, flushes away in the direction that Shi Yan comes with Shi Yubai together. 沈宜丹彭沛忽视一眼,都是表情古怪,却没有多说什么,跟着史羽白一起往石岩过来的方向冲去。
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