GOS :: Volume #3

#201: Understands clearly the situation

west Gravitational Field, six demon person together restraint. 西个磁殛域场,将六名魔人一起束缚了。 The demon person in Gravitational Field, body cannot help but gyrates along with the strength of strangling to death, black scales pa pa makes noise. 魔人在磁殛域场中,身体不由自主地随着绞杀之力旋动,身上的黑色鳞甲“啪啪”作响。 In the territory field, two different power attack mutually, sufficiently various influence power. 域场中,两种不同的力量相互冲击,足以影响各种力量 The demon human body * in power, was affected equally, the speed of power accumulation suddenly changes slow, is hard the display of power maximum degree. 魔人体*内的力量,一样受到影响,力量聚集的速度骤然变缓,难以将力量最大程度的发挥出来。 However, the scales of these demon people, indeed extremely strange. 然而,这些魔人身上的鳞甲,的确极为的诡异。 Under the function of territory field, their fleshly body not twisted skin opens the meat crack, demon person fleshly body powerful, has experienced at this time completely. 在域场的作用下,他们肉身并未被绞的皮开肉裂,魔人肉身强悍,在这时候完全体验了出来。 He Qingman drinks tenderly, making Tianxie Fairyland Warrior quickly awaken, fires into the demon person together. 何青曼的一声娇喝,让天邪洞天武者幡然醒悟,一起冲向魔人。 Do not approach!” Shi Yan sees these people to fire into the demon person, immediately calls out: Long-distance range attack! Once approaches them, you same will come under the influence of restraint power! Will be the same with them, is hard to stand firm the body potential!” “不要靠近!”石岩一见这些人想要冲向魔人,立即暴喝起来:“远距离攻击!一旦靠近他们,你们一样会受到束缚力量的影响!会和他们一样,难以稳住身势!” Batty and the others the complexion changes, stopped hurriedly, maintained with these demon people a safe distance, displays complacent Martial Skills, shells by demon person of temporary imprisonment. 巴蒂等人脸色微变,急忙停了下来,和那些魔人保持了一段安全距离,施展出得意武技,来轰击被暂时禁锢的魔人。 Shi Yan stimulates to movement negative energy, body power rises suddenly one time, suddenly fires into the bone tooth. 石岩催动起负面之力,身体力量暴涨一倍,突然冲向骨牙。 As the territory field to construction, he naturally the influence territory field, did not fall into the territory field, he displays Finger Spear immediately, sharp such as the five fingers of blade, straight thrust to the eye pupil of bone tooth. 身为域场到构建者,他自然不受域场的影响,一落入域场中,他立即施展出指枪诀,锋利如刀的五指,直刺向骨牙的眼瞳。 Black Scale Clan demon person, not only body has covered entirely the scales, their cheeks neck place, same has the scales to cover. 黑鳞族的魔人,不但身上布满了鳞甲,就连他们的脸颊脖颈处,一样有鳞甲覆盖。 Black scales, firm incomparable, enduresdoes not draw support compared with the Shi Yan Petrification later body in the God Weapon sharp weapon, wants to penetrate these scales, unusual difficulty. 黑色的鳞甲,坚固无比,堪比石岩石化之后的身体”不借助于神兵利器,想要穿透那些鳞甲,非常的困难。 Place that only then their eyes, slightly scalesremote are not easiest to start. 只有他们的双眼,没有丝毫鳞甲”遥也是最容易下手的地方。 In the bone tooth dark blue pupil, revealed for the first time the startled color, looks at Shi Yan the five fingers of helplessly puncture, he wants Bone Thorn to stop with the hand, actually the discovery arm brandishes, is very difficult to grasp the direction and criterion, the whole person as ifcannot put forth complete power in the mire. 骨牙暗绿色的瞳孔中,首次显露出惊慌之色,眼睁睁的看着石岩的五指刺来,他想要用手中骨刺阻拦,却发现手臂挥舞间,很难把握好方向和尺度,整个人仿佛在泥沼中”使不出全部的力量 Just you were not very fierce?” “刚刚你不是挺猛的么?” Shi Yan is sneering, the five fingers approach fast, fiercely thorn to eyes of bone tooth. 石岩冷笑着,五指快速逼近,猛地刺向骨牙的双眸 Whish!” “哗哗哗!” In this time. 就在此时。 Bone tooth scales, tremble suddenly together, these scales as if lived, wave min ripples generally. 骨牙身上的鳞甲,突然一起抖颤起来,那些鳞甲仿佛活了过来,波玟一般荡漾。 Above the scales in coins size the spot, cruel murderous aurasuch as the sharp medicine is intense. 在鳞甲之上铜钱大小的斑点中,一股暴戾的杀气”如尖药般激烈。 Shi Yan remembers the Profound Ice Cold Flame words suddenly. 石岩霍然想起玄冰寒焰的一番话。 The Black Scale Clan demon person, in the critical moment, can stimulate to movement the scales of body, making the whole body scales explode to shoot. 黑鳞族的魔人,在紧要关头,可以催动身体的鳞甲,令满身鳞甲爆射而出。 These scales, endure compared with bladedestroy the hardest defenses, the impulse is quite violent, once hit a target by these scales, torn to pieces of same level Realm Warrior, body cut. 那些鳞甲,堪比刀刃”无坚不摧,冲击力极为猛烈,一旦被那些鳞甲射中,同等境界武者,身体会被切割的支离破碎。 Scales, since the Black Scale Clan defense barrier ” is also they most important attack sharp weapon. 鳞甲,既是黑鳞族的防御屏障”也是他们最重要的攻击利器。 However, the Black Scale Clan demon person, does not arrive at the essential time, will not use the scales of body to oppose the enemy, once because the whole body scales fly to shoot, buttheir bodies will also be seriously battered, but also is difficult to restore. 然而,黑鳞族的魔人,不到关键的时候,是绝不会动用身体的鳞甲对敌的,因为一旦浑身鳞甲飞射而出”他们身体也会遭受重创,还难恢复过来。 Does not arrive at the life to receive time of threat, these demon people, such will not do. 不到性命受到威胁的时刻,这些魔人,绝不会这么做。 In the bone tooth dark blue eye pupil, full is crazy, the five fingers of looks at Shi Yan he stares come, the corners of the mouth deep place splits a cruel smiling face. 骨牙暗绿色的眼眸中,满是疯狂,他直勾勾的看着石岩的五指过来,嘴角深处绽出一个残忍的笑容。 The cruel smiling face of Shi Yan desperado to this, extremely familiar. 石岩对这种亡命之徒的残忍笑容,极为的熟悉。 Must inject that hand of bone tooth eye pupil, withdraws like lightning, at this time, Shi Yan was calm, does not dare to covet the merit, unexpectedly rapid the violent from Gravitational Field drew back. 就要射入骨牙眼瞳的那一只手,闪电般抽回,在这个时候,石岩非常冷静,不敢贪功,竟迅速从磁殛域场中暴退出来。 Dodges into passage!” “闪入通道!” One leaves from the territory field, the Shi Yan eye glance, the Black Scale Clan demon people in discovery surplus three territory fields, the decent whole body scales shiver suddenly, unexpectedly is the same with that bone tooth, prepares life-and-death to wrestle, the method of maintaining life stimulated. 一从域场内抽身,石岩眼睛一瞥,突然发现剩余三个域场中的黑鳞族魔人,都有模有样的浑身鳞甲颤抖,居然和那骨牙一样,准备殊死一搏,将保命的手段激发了出来。 Gathers round these demon people, delight Tianxie Fairyland Warrior that attacked, hear Yanjie is one dull, puzzled looks to Shi Yan. 围着这些魔人,正攻击的不亦乐乎的天邪洞天武者,闻言皆是一呆,不解的看向石岩 What's wrong *......” “怎么啦*……” He Qingman is a face is also astonished however, she is controlling that silver lance, penetrated scales of demon person unexpectedly, must receive to scrape off the life oneself of that demon person in this moment, Shi Yan says suddenly wants retreat, this makes in her heart have doubts greatly. 何青曼也是一脸讶然,她操控着那银色长矛,竟然已经穿透一个魔人身上的鳞甲,就要收刮掉那魔人的性命己在这关头,石岩突然说要后退,这让她心中大为疑惑。 „The words that does not want dead, a bit faster walk!” “不想死的话,就快点走!” Sees with own eyes the scales of these demon people, the frequency of vibration is getting quicker and quicker, Shi Yan explained radically without enough time, when has fired into fast passage. 眼见那些魔人身上的鳞甲,抖动的频率越来越快,石岩根本来不及多解释,已快速冲向过来时的通道 Listens his!” “听他的!” He Qingman has gawked for one second, from the anxiety of Shi Yan, she has realized immediately improper, officially informed Batty and the others, after Shi Yan, her second dodges into passage. 何青曼只是愣了一秒,从石岩的紧张,她立即意识到了不妥,知会了巴蒂等人一声,在石岩之后,她第二个闪入通道 Tianxie Fairyland Warrior, responded finally that started to leave to draw back hurriedly, flushed away toward passage. 天邪洞天武者,终于反应过来,开始急忙抽身退开来,往通道冲去。 xiū xiū xiū *......” 咻咻咻*……” In cave, the scales fly suddenly randomly, these scales as if sharp bits, are carrying the astonishing penetrating power, shoots from the body of demon person, toward covers in all directions. 石洞中,骤然鳞甲乱飞,那些鳞甲仿佛锋利的刀片,携带着惊人之极的穿透力,纷纷从魔人的身体中射出来,朝着四面八方覆盖开来。 These scales, disregard Gravitational Field restraint, stirs up * to shoot. 那些鳞甲,无视磁殛域场束缚,纷纷激*射开来。 Suddenly, in cave the scales fly randomly, as if the projection of everywhere Arrow disorder, flooded in entire cave. 一时间,石洞内鳞甲乱飞,仿佛漫天箭矢无规律的投射,充斥在了整个石洞中。 Shi Yan and He Qingman they, enter passage first, Batty, Zhou Nan fully realized that Shi Yan and He Qingman will not withdraw at this time, evacuation that early also knows the limitation, before these scales stir up * shoots, entered passage. 石岩何青曼两人,最先进入通道,巴蒂、周南深知石岩何青曼不会这时候退避,也都识相的早早撤离,在那些鳞甲激*射之前,进入了通道 However, is two Tianxie Fairyland Warrior, actually late one step entered passage, fleshly body keeps off in the passage mouth. 然而,还是有两名天邪洞天武者,却迟了一步进入通道,肉身挡在了通道口。 Two sad and shrill pitiful yells, transmit from these two population immediately, Shi Yan to them, is seeing the body of these two clearly, had made into the hornet's nest by these scales, at once is split up, changed into hashed meat. 两声凄厉之极的惨叫,立即从这两人口中传来,石岩正对着两人,清晰地看到这两人的身体,被那些鳞甲打成了马蜂窝,旋即四分五裂,化为了一块块碎肉。 Everywhere scales, but also is stirring up in all directions * shoots, these scales put on to shoot, interweaves the crowded blade net, floods in entire cave. 漫天鳞甲,还在四处激*射,那些鳞甲穿射开来,交织成密集的刀网,充斥在整个石洞 The Shi Yan calm face, sucks tongue secretly. 石岩沉着脸,暗暗咂舌。 Black * the clan this life-and-death wrestles, is really quite cut-throat, this awfully strikes, sufficiently the match who lets the unclear condition, was cut to kill instantaneously. 黑*族这殊死一搏,果然极为凶狠,这要命的一击,足以让不明状况的对手,被瞬间斩杀。 He from Profound Ice Cold Flame there, knows that these Black Scale Clan fellows have this one move, even if his five fingers puncture bone tooth eyes blindly, oneself feared that must build to be torn by the scales that bone tooth body * in stirs up * to shoot. 要不是他从玄冰寒焰那里,知道这些黑鳞族的家伙有此一招,他五指即便是将骨牙双眸刺瞎,自己怕也要搭进去被那骨牙身体*内激*射出来的鳞甲撕裂了。 Everywhere scales flew to shoot Black Scale Clan these demon people, fleshly body covered with blood, the body received the heavy losses obviously. 漫天鳞甲飞射黑鳞族的这些魔人,肉身血肉模糊,身体显然受了重创。 In the scales stir up * shoot, but that instant these demon person bodies * in power, grew several tenths unexpectedly in abundance! 在鳞甲激*射而出的那一霎这些魔人身体*内的力量,竟纷纷增长了几成! And that bone tooth is most tyrannical, after the scales stir up * projects the body, his body * in suddenly jumps projects an explosive force of surging forward, that explosive force, tears to lack Gravitational Field unexpectedly.! 其中那骨牙最为强横,在鳞甲激*射出身体之后,他身体*内骤然迸射出一股汹涌澎湃的爆炸力,那爆炸力,竟然将磁殛域场撕裂一个缺。! A bone tooth of blood, in the facial expression ominous severe incomparable dark blue double pupil, is containing the inexhaustible envy and hate. 一身鲜血的骨牙,神情凶厉无比暗绿色的双瞳中,蕴藏着无穷无尽的忌恨。 He actually does not dare to stay for a long time in cave, before not clarifying the strangeness of Gravitational Field, he has not taken advantage of the promotion of power short time to chase down Shi Yan and He Qingman, instead distressed flushes away toward another passage of coming, these by restraint five demon people do not manage. 他却不敢在石洞中久留,在搞不清磁殛域场的古怪之前,他并未依仗着力量短时间的提升来追杀石岩何青曼,反而狼狈的朝着过来的另外一个通道冲去,连那些被束缚着的五名魔人都不管了。 In cave, different piece of scales as if have own life to stop circling in flight quickly, stayed for several seconds in void, at once suddenly shoots toward that bone tooth. 石洞中,一异片鳞甲仿佛有着自己的生命倏地停止了飞旋,在虚空中停留了数秒,旋即突然朝着那骨牙射去。 The body of bone tooth, as if suddenly has become the magnet, projects the scales of body one by one to take back these unexpectedly. 骨牙的身体,仿佛突然成了磁石,竟然将那些射出身体的鳞甲又一一收回。 Sees only that piece by piece scales, pricks in his flesh and blood extremely accurately, in that bone tooth, when passage abundant fast escape, piece by piece scales, has become his body firmest barrier. 只见那一片片鳞甲,极为准确地重新刺入他的血肉中,在那骨牙在通道丰快速逃逸的时候,一片片鳞甲,又成了他身体最为坚固的屏障。 Also can take back unexpectedly! 竟然还能收回! Shi Yan with amazement, shocks him not to think for the method that these Black Scale Clan emerge one after another incessantly, these fellows not only can let out to offend somebody the scales, but can also take back the body so method the scales again, really the non- average man may compare. 石岩骇然,为这些黑鳞族层出不穷的手段而震惊他真的没有想到,这些家伙不但可以将鳞甲放出去伤人,还可以重新将鳞甲收回身体如此手段,果然非常人可比。 The looks at bone tooth helplessly runs away Shi Yan actually not to dare to pursue. 眼睁睁的看着骨牙逃走石岩却不敢追击。 Because in cave, came from the scales of another five demon people, but also is dancing in the air in all directions. 因为在石洞中,来自于另外五名魔人身上的鳞甲,还在四处飞舞着。 These scales stirs up * shoots, may say without any rule, extremely crowded, breaks in cave rashly, only will become the target, may make into the hornet's nest by some inferior scales. 这些鳞甲的激*射,没有任何的规律可言,又极为的密集,冒然冲入石洞,只会成为靶子,可能会被卑些鳞甲打成马蜂窝。 Shi Yan, He Qingman and the others, hide in passage, looks at these stir up the scales that * shoots dignified. 石岩何青曼等人,就躲藏在通道中,神情凝重地看着那些激*射的鳞甲。 By Gravitational Field restraint five demon people, somewhat are slightly alarmed and afraid, is struggling in the territory field unceasingly, tries to run away from the territory field. 磁殛域场束缚着的五名魔人,略有些惊惧,在域场中不断地挣扎着,试图从域场内逃出来。 What a pity, these five people, only then Disaster Level cultivation base, when the scales explode shoots, explosive force that their bodies * in short form, was inferior that bone tooth that terrifying, cannot tear an opening the territory field. 可惜,这五人只有百劫之境修为,在鳞甲爆射出来的时候,他们身体*内短暂形成的爆炸力,也不如骨牙那么恐怖,没能将域场撕裂一道口子。 Shi Yan does not dare to act rashly, before these scales have not stopped dancing in the air, he stayed in passage as before honestly. 石岩还是不敢轻举妄动,在那些鳞甲尚未停止飞舞之前,他依旧老实呆在了通道中。 You, how you know that Black Scale Clan does have this counter-attack method?” “你,你怎么知道黑鳞族有此反击手段?” In the He Qingman beautiful pupil full is the different light, deeply looks at Shi Yan, yesterday's time, you did not say that hasn't heard Black Scale Clan these demon people? Why you suddenly, probably to these Black Scale Clan demon people, has been familiar? What you have been hiding, having the sincerity to help us?” 何青曼美眸中满是异光,深深地看着石岩,“昨天的时候,你不是说没有听说过黑鳞族这些魔人么?为什么你突然之间,好像对这些黑鳞族的魔人,又熟悉了起来?你是不是一直在隐藏什么,没有真心想要帮助我们?” Shi Yan knitting the brows head, has not looked slightly to her, is staring in cave the scales that as before flies to shoot, said lightly: Yesterday's time, I know nothing regarding Black Scale Clan as before. However, that rare treasure that I grasp, can see clearly the soul fluctuation of demon person, can know that indistinctly they want to make anything, just I to that bone tooth began, with the aid in such rare treasure, had discovered the intention of bone tooth, this reminded you.” 石岩微微皱了皱眉头,并未看向她,依旧盯着石洞中飞射的鳞甲,淡淡道:“昨天的时候,我对于黑鳞族依旧一无所知。不过,我掌握的那种异宝,可以洞察出魔人的灵魂波动,隐约可以知道他们想要做什么,刚刚我对那骨牙动手的时候,也是借助于那样异宝,发现了骨牙的意图,这才提醒你们。” He all reasons, pushed completely in having on the rare treasure. 他将一切原因,全部推在持有的异宝上了。 The He Qingman black eyebrows deep lock, to Shi Yan this explanation is also satisfied, originally is this, it seems like Yang Family is indeed fierce, considers the secret feast to be innumerable.” 何青曼黛眉深锁,对石岩这个解释还算是满意,“原来是这样,看来杨家的确厉害,真当是秘宴无数。” Has not related with Yang Family anything, I have not gone to Immortal Island, who knows Yang Family has any strange rare treasure.” Shi Yan curls the lip to say. “和杨家没什么关系,我还没去过不死岛呢,鬼知道杨家有什么奇异的秘宝。”石岩撇嘴道。 „?” “啊?” He Qingman was more surprised, looks to the Shi Yan good look, had doubts strangely, „don't you come from the remote place? That place, there is a mysterious rare treasure?” 何青曼更加惊讶了,看向石岩好眼神,越加的怪异疑惑了,“你不是来自于偏僻之地么?那种地方,也有如此神奇的异宝?” He Qingman, Merchant Union that same place, was the Grace Mainland barren land, Shi Yan that place came out, even if there is rare treasure, should unable to achieve this rank? 何青曼来看,商盟那一块,算是神恩大陆的贫瘠之地了,那种地方出来的石岩,就算是身怀秘宝,应该也达不到这种级别吧? Remote place?” Shi Yan from her expression, listened to the meaning of contempt, snort|hum, said desolately: Any place has the mysterious place, do not think that has Endless Sea is the Grace Mainland Warrior center. In many places, same has the mystical treasure.” “偏僻之地?”石岩从她的语气中,听出了点轻视的意思,哼了一声,冷淡道:“任何地方都有神奇的地方,不要以为只有无尽海才是神恩大陆武者中心。在很多地方,一样有着神秘的宝物。” I know certainly that Endless Sea is not the Grace Mainland center.” The He Qingman knitting the brows head, slightly somewhat disdains saying: That place that but, you come, actually absolutely is the marginalized place. Snort, I am the Tianxie Fairyland person, naturally knows where Warrior Expert are many, any strong side few *......” “我当然知道无尽海也不是神恩大陆的中心。”何青曼皱了皱眉头,略有些不屑道:“不过,你来的那地方,却绝对是边缘化的地方。哼,我可是天邪洞天的人,自然知道什么地方武者强者多,什么地方强者少*……” Shi Yan curls the lip, is disinclined to respond her. 石岩撇嘴,懒得搭理她。 Qingman! Qingman!” 青曼青曼!” In the Shi Yan behind passage deep place, spread the Lin Nan cry suddenly, the sound broken, that Lin Nan and the others should receive He Qingman communication, now finally has caught up. 石岩身后通道深处,忽然传出了林楠的呼叫声,声音破远,那林楠等人应该收到了何青曼传讯,现在终于赶了过来。 The He Qingman facial expression shakes, beautiful pupil one bright, said enthusiastically: Our people arrived, right now can follow up a victory with hot pursuit. „ Snort, this, we with that bone tooth, found the large unit of Black Scale Clan demon person directly, gave to clean up them one time completely, continuation of province wasted the time on the island.” 何青曼神情一震,美眸一亮,兴匆匆道:“我们的人到了,这下子可以乘胜追击了。“哼,这一趟,我们跟着那骨牙,直接找到黑鳞族魔人的大部队,一次性将他们全部给清理了,也省的继续在岛上浪费时间了。” Shi Yan nodded, wants to reply, actually suddenly through Soul Gathering Bead, realized exceptionally. 石岩点了点头,才欲答话,却忽然通过聚魂珠,察觉到了异常。 Induced with rapt attention, Shi Yan discolored, suddenly the violent shouted to clear the way: Withdraws cave, immediately!” 凝神感应了一下,石岩勃然变色,忽然暴喝道:“撤出石洞,立即!”
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