GOS :: Volume #2

#200: Was one's turn me! Shares:

Six Black Scale Clan demon people, heard that Shi Yan came from Yang Family, immediately abandons the match, approaches toward him together. 六个黑鳞族的魔人,一听说石岩来自于杨家,立即弃下对手,一起朝着他逼近。 In cave, about has walked randomly idle Shi Yan, suddenly has become the priority target of demon person. 石洞中,一直左右游走无所事事的石岩,突然成了魔人的首要目标。 The Shi Yan facial expression is solemn, toward retreat, the back arrives quietly on the dike, so as to avoid being attacked front and rear, secret on the alert. 石岩神情冷峻,悄悄往后退,后背抵在岩壁上,免得腹背受敌,暗暗警惕着。 Saw with own eyes that the demon person encircles to Shi Yan, the He Qingman heart regret, knows one were more of a hindrance than a help, immediately shouted to clear the way tenderly: Protects him!”, 眼见魔人围向石岩,何青曼芳心懊悔不已,知道自己帮了倒忙,当即娇喝道:“保护好他!”, She wonderful graceful physique, willow catkin in a flash, crosses Batty and the others gently, plunders rapidly toward Shi Yan. 她妙曼的身姿,柳絮般轻轻一晃,越过巴蒂等人,迅速朝石岩掠来。 Other six Tianxie Fairyland Disaster Warrior, does not dare to neglect, all acts boldly regardless of one's safety to fire into the demon person, so as to avoid Shi Yan was cut to kill instantaneously. 剩余的六名天邪洞天百劫武者,也不敢怠慢,皆是奋不顾身冲向魔人,免得石岩被瞬间斩杀。 Kills!”, “杀!”, Bone tooth roar, two woods white Bone Thorn in hand, change into two pale lightning, carried cruel murderous aura, the rainbow is passing through the date to shoot. 骨牙厉啸,手中的两根森白骨刺,化为两道惨白电光,携带着一股暴戾的杀气,长虹贯日般射来。 Two Bone Thorn fly to roar, resembles gives tearing the air, the Bone Thorn acme, suddenly sparkles point green light. 两根骨刺飞啸中,似将空气都给撕裂,骨刺的尖端,突然闪耀出点点绿光 These green light like Ghost Flame, green spooky, active exceptionally, explodes to shoot suddenly state-of-art from Bone Thorn, changes into drizzleoverhead to cover to Shi Yan. 那些绿光鬼火,绿幽幽的,活跃异常,突然从骨刺尖端爆射开来,化为蓬蓬细雨”当头笼罩向石岩 Shi Yan wants to control Gravitational Field, thinks suddenly hostility, from wells up in all directions crazily. 石岩才欲操控磁殛域场,突觉一股戾气,从四面八方狂涌而来。 Buzz humming sound......” “嗡嗡嗡……” A green spooky luminous spot, enlarges in his view suddenly, unexpectedly is the poisonous insect that whole body lives the full green hangnail! 点点绿幽幽的光点,在他眼帘中霍然放大,竟是一种浑身生满绿色倒刺的毒虫! On these poisonous insects has aura of bone tooth, in the small body, full is hostility, these hostility unexpectedly are one spiritual fluctuation, shoots at the Shi Yan mind loudly. 这些毒虫身上有着骨牙的气息,小小的身子内,满是戾气,那些戾气居然还是一种精神波动,轰然射向石岩脑海。 The Shi Yan body shakes, in eyes appears a pain. 石岩身躯一震,双眸中显出一丝痛楚。 Spiritual impact that hostility precise becomes, making his soul tremble with fear, the mind was affected, cannot control Gravitational Field unexpectedly immediately. 戾气凝炼而成的精神冲击,让他灵魂为之惊颤,心神被影响,竟不能立即操控磁殛域场 Meanwhile, the poisonous insect that these bodies are covered with the hangnail, changes into everywhere green star light, the raindrop covers......, 与此同时,那些身上长满倒刺的毒虫,化为漫天绿色星光,雨点般覆盖过来……, Petrification! 石化 In the Shi Yan heart calls out, the complexion cloudy is suddenly severe, in eyes one group of ice cold light, explode to shoot. 石岩心中暴喝,脸色骤然阴厉下来,双眸中一团冰寒之光,爆射而出。 An instant, his body skin became the yellowish green, enters Third-Step section Petrification Martial Spirit, making his fleshly body instantaneous firm, if iron stone. 只是一霎,他身体皮肤成为了黄绿色,进入第三阶段的石化武魂,让他肉身瞬间坚若铁石。 dang dang dang......” 当当当……” Crowded green poisonous insect, to shooting to come, hangnail grips maliciously on the Shi Yan body, has not actually penetrated the Shi Yan body. 密集的绿色毒虫,冲射而来,身上的倒刺狠狠地扎在石岩身体上,却并未穿透石岩身体。 Well!”, “咦!”, The bone tooth calls out in alarm onein dark blue pupil, flashes through together the astonished light. 骨牙惊呼一声”暗绿色的瞳仁内,闪过一道惊异之光。 The green deep insect is Devil Territory monster insect, hangnail is sharp, when the bone tooth before and person battled, suddenly will be green the deep insect to releaseoften to receive the effect. 绿冥虫乃魔域妖虫,身上的倒刺锋利无比,骨牙以前与人交战时,突然将绿冥虫释放出来”每每可以收到奇效。 The green deep insect can drill into the person flesh and blood directly, gnaws the five main internal organs (entrails) of food enemy from the interior, gobbles up the none remaining the organ of enemy body directly. 绿冥虫能够直接钻入人身血肉,从内部啃食敌人的五脏六腑,直接将敌人身体的器官吞吃精光。 Although green deep insect volume is small, actually extremely savage, these green deep insects are he carefully with their flesh and blood feeding, even if the Devil Territory demon person, under the forays of these green deep insects, fleshly body tyrannical cannot resist, will enter in the body plaster by the green deep insect breakthrough body. 绿冥虫体积虽小,却极为凶残,这些绿冥虫都是他精心用自己的血肉喂食而成,即便是魔域的魔人,在这些绿冥虫的突然袭击之下,肉身的强横都抵御不住,会被绿冥虫突破皮肉进入体垩内。 According to the forecast of bone tooth, human Warrior because of only emphatically the accumulation of Essence Qi, fleshly body quite frail should, should not be able to resist the attack of green deep insect. 按照骨牙的预测,人类武者因为只着重精元的积累,肉身比较孱弱应,该抵挡不住绿冥虫的侵袭。 Initially the bone tooth fed green deep insect ” is also for mainly in view of having the Immortal Martial Spirit Yang Family person. 当初骨牙喂养绿冥虫”也是主要为了针对拥有不死武魂杨家人。 Even if Yang Family Warrior, has Immortal Martial Spirit ”, once had been drilled into the body by the green deep insect, cannot resist the gnawing food of green deep insect to body organ. 就算是杨家武者,身怀不死武魂”一旦被绿冥虫钻入了身体,也抵挡不住绿冥虫对身体器官的啃食。 Is battling, once entered the body by the green deep insect, the fleshly body restoration of Immortal Martial Spirit, cannot resist the green deep insect to eat the food unceasingly, before fleshly body has not restored, the five main internal organs (entrails) will be gnawed the food to be clean by the green deep insect. 在交战之中,一旦被绿冥虫进入身体,不死武魂肉身恢复,根本抵挡不住绿冥虫不断地啃食,在肉身尚未恢复之前,五脏六腑就会被绿冥虫啃食干净。 Green deep insect rush in the past, the earth-boring auger to the Shi Yan body, as if bumped into the steel and iron rock maliciously unexpectedly, so the unusual form, really made the bone tooth somewhat puzzled. 绿冥虫冲杀过去,狠狠地钻向石岩皮肉,竟然仿佛碰到钢铁岩石,如此异状,真是让骨牙有些不解了。 go away......” 滚开……” Shi Yan sneers, the body explodes suddenly projects misty black light, black light forms up the shield, covers him thoroughly. 石岩冷笑,身上突然爆射出蒙蒙乌光,乌光形成光盾,将他彻底覆盖。 The green deep standard covers densely and numerously on him, punctures the Shi Yan body with hangnail unceasingly, actually throughout cannot achieve wishes to enter his body plaster. 绿冥典密密麻麻覆盖在他身上,不断地用身上的倒刺去刺石岩的皮肉,却始终不能如愿进入他的身体垩内部。 Dark Light Shield, that misty black light just likes the essence, on the green deep insect him pushes directly completely. 乌光盾一出,那蒙蒙乌光犹如实质,直接将他身上的绿冥虫全部挤开来。 Bang......” “嘭……” Two woods white Bone Thorn of bone tooth, carry incomparable swift and fierce spiritto shoot quickly, attacks maliciously above Dark Light Shield. 骨牙的两根森白骨刺,携带着无匹的凌厉锐气”倏地射来,狠狠地冲击在乌光盾之上。 Dark Light Shield changes into one group of dazzling black light, explodes to break to pieces instantaneously, Bone Thorn castrates like the rainbow, punctures directly in the Shi Yan chest. 乌光盾化为一团炫目乌光,瞬间爆碎开来,骨刺去势如虹,直接刺在石岩胸口。 ......” “噗……” Two Bone Thorn acmes, insert the Shi Yan chest three cuns (2.5cm), Bone Thorn are trembling fastin the Bone Thorn acme, there is a green deep insect to brave, drills into the Shi Yan flesh and blood directly, flushes away to his body plaster fast. 两根骨刺的尖端,插入石岩胸口三寸,骨刺快速抖颤着”在骨刺的尖端,又有绿冥虫冒出来,直接钻入石岩血肉,快速向他体垩内冲去。 The Shi Yan peak however changes color. 石岩耸然变色。 Kills!”, “杀!”, He Qingman rushes finally, the long hair dance, wind edges are howling from her body, bang of blotting out the sky to bone tooth. 何青曼终于赶到,长发狂舞着,一道道风刃从她身体中呼啸而出,铺天盖地的轰向骨牙。 Bone tooth Hehe smiles, puts out a hand a move, that two insert in Bone Thorn of Shi Yan chest, flies upside down, falls into his hand. 骨牙嘿嘿一笑,伸手一招,那两根插在石岩胸口的骨刺,倒飞回来,重新落入他手中。 Boy, the green deep insect drilled into your body, you waited for slowly to fall the five main internal organs (entrails)...... bone tooth not to look at Shi Yan one by the green deep insect gnawing food again, turned around with the He Qingman battle same place, shouted to clear the way severely: „, The boy ended, don't care about he, killed the fellow who these were in the way......” “小子,绿冥虫还是钻入你身体了,你就等着被绿冥虫慢慢的啃食掉五脏六腑吧……”骨牙没再看石岩一眼,掉头和何青曼交战一起,厉喝道:“,那小子完了,不要管他了,杀了这些碍事的家伙……” Five demon peopleno longer get rid to Shi Yan, suddenly turns around, kills with Tianxie Fairyland Warrior in the same place. 五名魔人”不再对石岩出手,突然转身,又和天邪洞天武者杀在一起。 Shi Yan was disregarded directly. 石岩直接被无视了。 Clenches teeth, look cold brightness overflows, Shi Yan urges Essence Qi in round of body plaster unceasingly, tries to enter the green deep insect in body plaster to compel these. 咬着牙,眼神寒光四溢,石岩不断地催发体垩内的精元,试图将那些进入体垩内的绿冥虫逼出去。 In the body plaster, Essence Qi imitate, if lightning, the extremely fast grazes in the body plaster, rumbles maliciously on the green deep insect. 体垩内,一道道精元仿若电光,极速在体垩内飞掠,狠狠地轰在绿冥虫身上。 However, these green deep insects under the bombardment of Essence Qi, are unexpectedly safe and sound, is wriggling in his within the body as before, drills rapidly toward the Shi Yan heart abdomen. 然而,这些绿冥虫在精元的轰击之下,竟然安然无恙,依旧在他体内蠕动着,迅速朝着石岩的心脏腹部钻去。 Some Shi Yan creepy feeling, cannot think that must urge to send Negative Energy in body plaster. 石岩有些头皮发麻,不敢多想,就要将体垩内的负面力量催发出来。 In this time. 就在此时。 An flame strength of burning hot, overflows quietly from Blood Vein Ring, that flame strength, drills into Shi Yan fleshly body immediately. 一股炙热的炎力,悄然从血纹戒内流溢出来,那炎力一出,马上钻入石岩肉身 In a flash, Shi Yan just likes places in the stove to burn down, whole body is red, in the eye pupil, nostril and ear emit in abundance hunchback a wisp of large flame. 一瞬间,石岩犹如身处火炉中焚烧,浑身赤红,眼瞳、鼻孔、耳朵中纷纷冒出偻缕火舌。 Ten thousand years of Earthcore Flame the strength of Fiery Flame! 万年地心火火炎之力! The strength of this Fiery Flame, emits fast in Shi Yan fleshly body, making his fleshly body roasts the season to be incomparable all of a sudden. 这一股火炎之力,快速在石岩肉身中散溢开来,让他肉身一下子变得炙季无比。 Entire cave temperature, increases successively. 整个石洞的温度,也随之节节攀升。 Green deep insect in body plaster, has not drilled into the Shi Yan fleshly body strategic point truly, then under this burning hot strength, was fired burnt. 体垩内的绿冥虫,尚未真正钻入石岩肉身要害,便在这股炎热之力下,被烧成焦糊。 enough......” 够了……” The Shi Yan mind sinks to Blood Vein Ring, hurried communication. 石岩心神沉入血纹戒内,急忙传讯 The strength of Blood Vein Ring abundant Fiery Flame, vanishes quietly, the Shi Yan fleshly body anger soars to the heavens as before, the body emits the billowing heat wave, the burnt down pain is unusual. 血纹戒丰的火炎之力,悄然消失,石岩依旧肉身火气冲天,身上冒出滚滚热浪,被焚烧的痛苦异常。 The critical moment, ten thousand years of Earthcore Flame realized that his crisis, rescues unexpectedly on own initiative. 关键时刻,万年地心火察觉到他的危机,竟主动救驾。 Strength of really extremely powerful its Fiery Flame, although it has restrained extremely carefully, even if is the strength of such weak Fiery Flame, actually as before almost gives to burn down the ashes Shi Yan. 只是,它的火炎之力实在太过强悍,虽然它已极为小心克制了,可即便是这么微弱的火炎之力,却依旧差点把石岩都给焚烧成灰烬。 Shi Yan in rock magma deep pool interior, has quenchinged fleshly body with the technique of Extreme Refining, the body already adapted to the burning hot flame strength, such all of a suddenhe feared that also probably early die compared with the green deep insect. 要不是石岩在岩浆潭内,一直用极炼之术淬炼肉身,身体早已适应了炙热炎力,就这么一下子”他怕是要比绿冥虫还要早死。 Deeply inspired, Shi Yan stimulates to movement the strength of fleshly body, binds these green deep insects to change into burnt small Dead body with Essence Qi, pushes them rapidly to the two blood holes of chest. 深深吸了一口气,石岩催动肉身之力,用精元裹住那些绿冥虫化为焦糊的微小尸体,将它们迅速推挤向胸口的两个血洞。 Clenches teeth, Shi Yan is cold faceto dig with the nail the burnt sunspot of chest blood hole place. 咬着牙,石岩寒着脸”将胸口血洞处的焦糊黑点用指甲挖出来。 The flesh and blood of looks at chest blood hole is wriggling slowly, was starting to repair fleshly body on own initiative, Shi Yan relaxed secretly, looks to think again that bone tooth time, in the pupil full is the rich hatred. 看着胸口血洞的血肉在缓缓蠕动着,已开始主动修复肉身,石岩暗暗松了一口气,再看想那骨牙的时候,眸中满是浓郁的恨意。 Bone tooth of Earth Level, Bone Thorn that then pulls out from the body plaster, so is unexpectedly sharp, unexpectedly can burst his Petrification Martial Spirit, leaves behind three cuns (2.5cm) blood hole in his chest. 地位之境的骨牙,那从身体垩内抽出来的骨刺,竟如此锋利,居然能够破裂他的石化武魂,在他胸口留下三寸的血洞。 Shi Yan somewhat has a lingering fear, realized that the Petrification Martial Spirit sheep is not multipurpose, although can resist many injuries, is actually not true invulnerability. 石岩有些心有余悸,意识到石化武魂羊不是万能,虽然可以抵挡许多伤害,却并不是真正的刀枪不入。 Un......” “嗯……” The bone tooth in each green deep insect, has left behind his Mental Energy, the body of green deep insect dies, immediately made the bone tooth discover the unusuality of Shi Yan. 骨牙在每一只绿冥虫中,都留下了一道他的精神力,绿冥虫的身死,立即让骨牙发现了石岩的异常。 „Can you destroy completely the green deep insect in body plaster unexpectedly?”, The bone tooth found time to take a look at Shi Yan one, slightly surprised shouting to clear the way: Green deep insect does not fear the Essence Qi impact, only then the sharp weapon can crush it, what power that you, you use? Well! Fiery Flame! The strength of strive to excel Fiery Flame......” “你竟然可以在体垩内灭掉绿冥虫?”,骨牙抽空瞅了石岩一眼,略显惊讶的喝道:“绿冥虫不惧精元冲击,只有利器才可以粉碎它,你,你用的什么力量?咦!火炎!好强的火炎之力……” Was one's turn me......” “轮到我了……” Shi Yan grins to sneermind to calm down gradually not happily, not sadly. 石岩咧嘴冷笑”心神渐渐冷静下来,无悲无喜。 A cavity is cruel, bloodthirsty and crazy aura, erupt suddenly from his body, build grand Shi Yan, became emaciated instantaneously. 一腔暴戾、嗜杀、疯狂气息,霍然从他身体中爆发出来,体型雄伟的石岩,瞬间消瘦了一圈。 power in his body plaster, rises suddenly instantaneously one time! Rampage First Sky! 他体垩内的力量,瞬间暴涨一倍!暴走一重天 Entangles!”, “缠!”, Puts out a hand a phalanx tooth, Shi Yan sinks to drink one. 伸手一指骨牙,石岩沉喝一声。 Already ambushed Gravitational Field side bone tooth, moved quickly, pulled into which the bone tooth of that whole face doubts directly. 早就潜伏在骨牙身旁的一个磁殛域场,倏地挪动开来,将那满脸疑惑的骨牙直接扯入其中。 Raises woods white Bone Thornto battle the luxurious bone tooth with He Qingman, the body sways suddenly, as if has gotten drunk generally, staggers along, stands unexpectedly continually cannot come to a stop. 提着森白骨刺”与何青曼交战正酣的骨牙,身体冷不防摇晃起来,仿佛喝醉了一般,跌跌撞撞,竟然连站都站不稳。 Any ghost thing!”, “什么鬼东西!”, The bone tooth drinks severely, panic-stricken looking around, wants to know that was any thing restraint was occupied by him. 骨牙厉喝,惊骇的东张西望,想要知道到底是什么东西束缚住了他。 Entangles! Entangle! Entangles......” “缠!缠!缠……” The Shi Yan facial expression is invariableputs out a hand, distinction point to surplus several demon people, low shouting to clear the way speak unhurriedly and clearly. 石岩神情不变”伸出手,分别点向剩余几名魔人,一字一顿的低喝道。 Surplus five demon people, when with the Tianxie Fairyland Warrior confrontation, got the winning side obviously. These demon people depend impregnable of black scales, tyrannical firing into Batty and the others, in this not too spacious cave, Batty and the others the activity space is limited, was approached by the demon person very much easily. 剩余五名魔人,在和天邪洞天武者交锋的时候,明显占据了上风。这些魔人仗着身上黑色鳞甲的牢不可破,强横的冲向巴蒂等人,在这并不太宽敞的石洞中,巴蒂等人活动空间有限,很容易被魔人逼近。 In confrontation that once by these demon person near bodies, was fought hand-to-hand personal, Batty and the others a superiority does not have, by in an extremely difficult situation that the demon person kills, can only be moved aside unceasingly. 一旦被这些魔人近身了,贴身肉搏的交锋中,巴蒂等人一点优势都没有,被魔人杀的狼狈不堪,只能不断得到躲闪。 Howeveralong with Shi Yan several „......” character exit / to speak, in cave the situation reverses suddenly. 然而”随着石岩的几个“……”字出口,石洞内形势骤然逆转。 Five demon people, are completely same as that bone tooth, the body flies high to sway in cave, can only in very small sector activity, be again hard to form the effective attack to Batty and the others. 五名魔人,全部和那骨牙一样,身子在石洞内凌空摇晃起来,只能在很小的区间活动,再也难以对巴蒂等人形成有效的攻击。 The He Qingman beautiful pupil extraordinary splendor flow of tears, astonished looks at Shi Yan, as if some cannot believe their eye. 何青曼美眸异彩涟涟,惊异的看着石岩,似乎有些不敢相信自己的眼睛。 Batty, Zhou Nan and other Tianxie Fairyland Warrior, was shocked completely, the looks at match turns circle in void in abundance, does not know how exactly had a matter, does not know that the match was occupied by to restraint by what kind power. 巴蒂、周南等天邪洞天武者,也全部愣住了,看着对手纷纷在虚空中转圈,都不知道到底发生了怎么一回事,不知道对手被何种力量束缚住了。 What most makes their surprised is, they have emitted Mental Energy to induceactually anything not to discover. 最让他们惊讶的是,他们已放出精神力感应了”却什么都没有发现。 Why is also staring? Kills......” Shi Yan not to bear to say. “还愣着干吗?杀啊……”石岩不耐道。 „......” He Qingman then responded that elegant face one red, shouted to clear the way hurriedly tenderly: Speed has solved these disgusting fellows!”, “哦哦……”何青曼这才反应过来,俏脸一红,急忙娇喝道:“速度解决了这些恶心的家伙!”, Tianxie Fairyland Warrior, awakens suddenly, opening of being thrown into confusion kills. 天邪洞天武者,霍然惊醒,手忙脚乱的开杀。 P: Today second, late point also chapter, um, accumulates in the moral behavior A P:今日第二更,迟点还有一章,嗯,攒人品中A
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