GOS :: Volume #2

#197: Cannot block

Six demon people......” “六个魔人……” He Qingman nods slowly, not only has not feared intent, in the beautiful pupil instead splits excited rays of light, shouted to clear the way lowly: Everybody prepares, it seems like we must open, seven Tianxie Fairyland Warrior first, light shout, the complexion suddenly one positively, the body reveals thick fighting intent. 何青曼缓缓点头,不但没有惧意,美眸中反而绽出兴奋的光芒,低喝道:“大家准备,看来我们要先开张了”、七名天邪洞天武者,轻喝一声,脸色骤然一正,身上流露出浓浓的战意 Shi Yan secret nod. 石岩暗暗点头。 Tianxie Fairyland worthily is one of the Jialuo Sea Area three big influences, these young Warrior, not with the experience that the Black Scale Clan demon person battles, hears six demon people to touch quietly, they not only do not have an anxiety, faintly somewhat is unexpectedly excited, obviously is the brave generations. 天邪洞天不愧为伽罗海域三大势力之一,这些年青的武者,并没有和黑鳞族魔人交战的经历,听闻六个魔人悄悄摸上来,他们不但没一个紧张,一个个竟然还都隐隐有些激动,明显都是骁勇善战之辈。 Careful, in this cave, these Black Scale Clan demon people, can concealing aura. Perhaps, before your bodies, you could not realize that”, closes right up against the cliff, the Shi Yan facial expression is sluggish, speaks the reminder. “小心一点,在这山洞中,那些黑鳞族的魔人,可以隐匿身上的气息。说不定,到了你们的身前,你们都察觉不到”,靠着石壁,石岩神情懒散,出言提醒。 Batty and the others, listened to Shi Yan these words, some doubts, strangely are looking at him. 巴蒂等人,听了石岩这一番话,都有些疑惑,奇怪地望着他。 You should better care his reminder, He Qingman from the eyes of these followers, saw does not trust „, he said that the demon person can hide aura, definitely will not be wrong. Remembers that attention is centralized, did not permit to divert attention!” “你们最好将他的提醒放在心上”,何青曼从这些跟随者的眼中,看到了不信任“,他说魔人能够隐藏气息,就肯定不会错。记得,注意力集中,都不准分心了!” Yesterday's time, he has not listened to...... Batty look to be strange Black Scale Clan, whispered low voice. “昨天的时候,他不是连黑鳞族都没听过么……”巴蒂眼神古怪,小声嘀咕了一句。 Yesterday was yesterday, He Qingman snort|hum, in the heart also somewhat confused, does not know how Shi Yan was familiar suddenly to Black Scale Clan, but the performance of Shi Yan, had made her cancel last night to the suspicion of Shi Yan „, remembers that the demon person stealth will possibly come, be not sneak attacked.” “昨天是昨天”,何青曼哼了哼,心中也有些迷惑,不知道石岩怎么突然对黑鳞族熟悉起来的,但昨夜石岩的表现,已让她打消了对石岩的怀疑“,都记得,魔人可能会隐身而来,别被偷袭了。” Relax, has me here, these demon person stealth do not get up.” Shi Yan sprinkles however smiles, not anxiously not slow say|way: 150 meters, um, is close toward here, the front 50 meters places, as if have spacious point cave. That cave should be a black spot copper mining area, I think, if really battles with the demon person, rushes to there quite appropriately, otherwise everybody will be hands tied the feet tied, in the narrow cavern, very difficult to meet the unit to display power, He Qingman stares slightly, hesitant 2-3 seconds, the slight bow, said: Walks, arrives at the front cave place, spacious, fights conveniently. Here terrain is indeed narrow, should look for good point fight area, He Qingman takes the lead, the wonderful graceful tender body such as the obscure ray, shoots at the front together suddenly. “放心吧,有我在这里,那些魔人隐身不起来的。”石岩洒然一笑,不急不缓道:“还有150米,嗯,正在朝着这边接近,前方50米处,似乎有一个宽敞点的石洞。那石洞应该是黑斑铜的一处矿区,我想,真要是和魔人交战,赶到那里比较合适一点,不然大家都会束手束脚,狭窄的洞穴内,很难将力量会部发挥出来”,何青曼略略一愣,犹豫了两三秒,微微点头,道:“走,到前方的石洞处,宽敞一点,战斗起来也方便。这里的地形的确狭窄,是应该找个好点的战斗区”,何青曼带头,妙曼的娇躯如一道暗光,骤然射向前方。 Shi Yan gives a calm smile, strolls general follows fast, is in hot pursuit after the He Qingman tender body, long time, he then does not arrive in this cave with that He Qingman. 石岩淡然一笑,闲庭信步一般快速跟上,在何青曼娇躯之后紧追不舍,不多时,他便和那何青曼一起来到这个石洞中。 This cave has basketball court general size, all around also has the obvious excavation trace, in stone wall, many size stone cisterns, in several stone cisterns, but also has pinchbeck light glittering, it seems like should be the black spot copper ore. 石洞有篮球场一般大小,周遭还有着明显的挖掘痕迹,石壁上,有很多大小不等的石槽,几个石槽内,还有着点点金色铜光闪烁,看来应该就是黑斑铜的矿石了。 Around cave, three noon hundred, do not know to where. 石洞四面,有三午百道,不知道通往何处。 Shi Yan and He Qingman one line, stand two sides do not say, looks solemn, pays attention that shade sound. 石岩何青曼一行人,站在其中一个甭道两边,神情肃穆,留心那荫道的动静。 Is this?” He Qingman shot a look at Shi Yan one, lowers the sound, said: How long also wants to arrive?” “是这个吧?”何青曼瞥了石岩一眼,压低声音,道:“还要多久才到来?” He Qingman and Shi Yan side-by-side paste one side this do not say the cliff, lest she sound excessively alarms gradually close demon person high, not only has lowered the sound, the fragrant lip also collected to the Shi Yan ear bank. 何青曼石岩肩并肩贴在这甭道一边的石壁,她唯恐声音过高惊动逐渐接近的魔人,不但压低了声音,芳唇还凑向了石岩的耳畔。 A wisp of intoxicant fragrance, enters mouth and nose quietly leisurely, in the Shi Yan heart, extends the left hand quietly, compared with blowing a digit. 一缕醉人的芳香,悄悄逸入口鼻,石岩心中一荡,悄悄伸出左手,比刮了一个数字来。 He Qingman nods gently, hints to understand that at once she is away from that passage mouth, to these follower communication, how long will tell them the demon person to need to crop up. 何青曼轻轻点头,示意明白,旋即她又隔着那通道口,向那些跟随者传讯,告诉他们魔人需要多久才会冒头。 Grasps Soul Gathering Bead, Shi Yan is calculating secretly, the intention feels aura of these Black Scale Clan demon people. 一手握着聚魂珠,石岩暗暗计算着,用心感受这些黑鳞族魔人的气息 The Black Scale Clan demon person, in suffering injustice cave, has the exceptional superiority, the body almost can abandon unit concealing. 黑鳞族的魔人,在不见天日的石洞中,有着得天独厚的优势,身体几乎可以舍部隐匿 In general, only if forms Sea of Consciousness to put up Warrior, otherwise is very difficult to see clearly aura of these demon people. 一般来说,除非形成识海的涅架武者,否则很难洞察出这些魔人的气息 He Qingman these people, Realm has not achieved the boundary of Nirvana, although these Black Scale Clan demon people were close to them, but they cannot realize the slight sound. 何青曼这些人,境界尚未达到涅盘之境,这些黑鳞族的魔人虽然离他们已非常接近,可他们还是察觉不出丝毫的动静。 Is grasping Soul Gathering Bead Shi Yan keenly, the spiritual insight actually incomparable, can very clear detection these demon person bunch of life aura, even can feel their discretion faintly, on light hostility with them. 掌握着聚魂珠石岩,精神洞察力却敏锐无比,可以非常清楚的察觉到那些魔人一团团的生命气息,甚至隐隐可以感受到他们的谨慎,和他们身上淡淡的戾气 Divine Sense! Sea of Consciousness! 神识识海 In the dark cavern, Shi Yan eyes is splendid, in the heart sets firm resolve secretly, once the Soul Gathering Bead strength of soul can absorb, decides however must borrow the Soul Gathering Bead strength of clear only soul immediately, was formed Sea of Consciousness by oneself. 幽暗的洞穴中,石岩双眸熠熠生辉,心中暗暗下定决心,一旦聚魂珠内的灵魂之力可以吸收了,定然要立即借用聚魂珠内的澄净灵魂之力,让自己形成识海 Along with the utilization of Mental Energy, he increasingly realized that Mental Energy is higher than plans, when battles with the person, can have many superiority. 随着精神力的运用,他逐渐意识到精神力高出一筹,在与人交战的时候,能够有多少优势。 Quick?” “快了么?” He Qingman breath was filled with an orchid fragrance, shouted in his ear bank lightly, the intoxicant delicate fragrance, imitated the benevolence demon to provoke, making Shi Yan somewhat capricious. 何青曼吐气如兰,又在他耳畔轻呼,醉人的幽香,仿佛心魔在挑衅,让石岩不由有些心猿意马。 Shi Yan turned the head to look at her one eyes. 石岩别头望了她一眼。 In the dark cavern, the He Qingman beautiful pupil is bright, Essence Qi as if Jianghai in tender body in the tuck dive, unceasingly is condensing. 幽暗的洞穴内,何青曼美眸明亮无比,娇躯中的精元仿佛江海在翻腾,不断地凝聚着。 Draws support Soul Gathering Bead, the Shi Yan secret feeling, actually from the He Qingman body, faintly hears the sound of wind eating delicacies. 借助于聚魂珠,石岩暗暗感受,竟然从何青曼的身躯之中,隐隐听到风啸之声。 In this time, to this cave only remaining 30 meters far these Black Scale Clan demon people, suddenly stopped. 就在此时,离这个石洞只剩下30米远的那些黑鳞族的魔人,骤然停了下来。 Is that aura is thickest the cloudy severe demon person, spiral marvelous spiritual fluctuation, ripples quietly, slowly toward this elegant. 为首那名气息最为浓厚阴厉的魔人,身上一股螺旋般的奇妙精神波动,悄悄荡漾开来,慢慢朝着这一块飘逸而来。 That demon person has discovered! 那魔人有所发现了! Begins!” The Shi Yan big mouth collects to the He Qingman ear bank, sinks to shout to clear the way: „The opposite party has discovered you, while them still in passage, immediately attacks!” “动手吧!”石岩大嘴凑向何青曼的耳畔,沉喝道:“对方已发现了你们,趁着他们还在通道内,立即出击!” Kisses!” “亲!” He Qingman drinks one tenderly, in darkness the neck flood red, tender body also gently trembles. 何青曼娇喝一声,黑暗中脖颈泛红,娇躯也轻轻一颤。 xiū xiū xiū!” 咻咻咻!” chi chi chi!” 嗤嗤嗤!” God Weapon sharp weapons, with the colorful Sword Light rainbow light, injection that demon person is treating quickly cave. 一道道神兵利器,伴随着五颜六色的剑芒虹光,倏地射入那魔人待着的石洞 Suddenly, in cave hears the grating roar sound, the cone-shape sharp instrument, departs from the He Qingman control, the severe gale seems full in that cone-shape sharp instrument, made that cone-shape sharp instrument quickly like the lightning, and had the astonishing incomparable penetrating power. 一时间,石洞内传来刺耳的厉啸声,道道锥形锐器,从何青曼手心飞出,厉风似乎充盈在那锥形锐器之中,令那锥形锐器快如闪电,并且带有惊人无比的穿透力。 Mean humanity!” “卑鄙的人类!” In passage, transmits an demon person's cloudy severe scream quickly. 通道中,倏地传来魔人的一声阴厉的尖叫。 dang dang dang!” 当当当!” dang dang dang!” 当当当!” The sound that gold/metal irons strike against, conveys from passage constantly. 一声声金铁碰击的声音,不迭从通道内传来。 In narrow passage, blows out the dazzling bright suddenly. 狭隘的通道内,骤然爆出炫目亮光。 Is a height three meters Black Scale Clan demon person, the top of the head the cave hole top, black scales are splitting marvelous black light. 为首一名身高三米的黑鳞族魔人,头顶着石洞洞顶,一身黑色鳞甲绽出奇妙的黑光。 Above his scales, the coins size spot is hovering slowly, appears quite strange. 他那鳞甲之上,一个个铜钱大小的斑点缓缓游动着,显得颇为诡异。 Various types of God Weapon sharp weapons and Sword Light rainbow light, the bang shoots above his scales, actually cannot pierce that black scales, but made that scales the spot above coins shape, the speed of hovering slightly changed slow. 各种神兵利器和剑芒虹光,轰射在他身上的鳞甲之上,却丝毫不能洞穿那黑色鳞甲,只是令那鳞甲之上的铜钱形状的斑点,游动的速度略略变缓一些。 The cone-shape sharp instrument that He Qingman releases, stirs up zhuo to shoot on him, makes his grand demon body sway. 就连那何青曼释放出来的锥形锐器,激丵射在他身上,也只是让他雄伟的魔躯摇晃一下。 This demon person roar, unperturbed is not fearing, keeps off the bang of everywhere attack to shoot unexpectedly, clashes toward here fast? He Qingman and the others, stand in cave entrance , to continue an eye of light with the aid of that shiningly, they saw the motion of this demon person, reveals the panic-stricken meaning. 这魔人厉啸着,夷然不惧,竟挡着漫天攻击的轰射,快速朝着这边冲?何青曼等人,都站在洞口,借助那灿灿续目之光,他们都看见了这魔人的行动,一个个露出惊骇之意。 Although early knows that Black Scale Clan demon person scales are uncommon, but they have not expected these fellow scales, unexpectedly fearful to so situation. 虽然早知道黑鳞族魔人一身鳞甲不凡,可他们还是没有料到这些家伙身上的鳞甲,竟然可怕到如此地步。 That many attacks fall above that black scales, actually does not have the bang to break the defense of this fleshly body scales, once this demon person near body comes, how this can battle with him? 那么多攻击落在那黑色鳞甲之上,竟然都没轰破这肉身鳞甲的防御,一旦这魔人近身过来,这要如何与他交战? Illumination!” He Qingman is not shortly wonderful, suddenly shouted tenderly. “照明!”何青曼眼看不妙,忽然娇呼起来。 Batty and the others, without demur, take immediately completely photo facing stone, the laying aside of being thrown into confusion in the cave hole top, lays aside in each corner. 巴蒂等人,二话不说,立即将身上的照面石全部拿出来,手忙脚乱的放置在石洞的洞顶,放置在各个角落。 The dark cavern, quickly was bright, in several according to the alum, this basketball court size cave, shines like the daytime suddenly. 原本幽暗的洞穴,倏地明亮起来,在十几块照明石下,这篮球场大小石洞,忽然亮如白昼。 The Black Scale Clan clansman, in the darkness can body concealing, but so many photo alum suspend, will be dark drives out completely, the statures of these demon people immediately have also exposed. 黑鳞族的族人,在黑暗之中可以将身体隐匿,但如此多的照明石摆出来,将黑暗全部驱除,这些魔人的身躯也立即暴露了出来。 He Qingman knew that cannot resist these demon people to enter cave, knows to inevitably a war in the cavern, therefore completes the illumination for this war ahead of time, so as to avoid everywhere is restrained in the darkness, was sneak attacked by the demon person directly until death. 何青曼自知抵挡不住这些魔人进入石洞,知道要不可避免在洞穴内一战,所以提前为这一战做好照明,免得在黑暗中处处受制,直接被魔人偷袭至死。 I do not believe unable to break your scales!” “我就不信破不开你的鳞甲!” He Qingman saw with own eyes that in cave rays of light is greatly bright, that is the demon person of head, seized the chance soon to clash, suddenly drank one coldly. 何青曼眼见石洞光芒大亮,那为首的魔人,也趁机快要冲了进来,突然冷喝一声。 A silver lance, appears in her pure white left hand quickly, lance, in cave silver brilliant Sheng. 一杆银色长矛,倏地在她素白左手内出现,长矛一出,石洞内银光大盛。 A silver Python in shining silver light, unexpectedly from the silver lance body of lance leisure moves fast, this Python, swift and fierce aura, jumps to shoot quickly in cave. 一头银色怪蛇在灿灿的银光之中,竟从长矛的银色矛身内慢悠悠的飘忽出来,这怪蛇一出,一股凌厉之极的气息,倏地在石洞内迸射出来。 The silver Python height five meters, it braves from the lance, swallows the lance unexpectedly, at once suddenly changes into together the silver arc, quickly the direction of fire is the Black Scale Clan demon person of head. 银色怪蛇身长五米,它从长矛内冒出来,竟一口将长矛吞下,旋即突然化为一道银弧,倏地射向为首的黑鳞族魔人。 Almost has kept off all the demon people of attack with the body, sees the silver arc photoemission to come, in the dark blue demon eye, reveals the dignified color. 用身体几乎挡了所有攻击的魔人,见银色弧光射来,暗绿色的魔眼之中,露出凝重之色。 Woods white Bone Thorn, braves suddenly from his chest scales slit. 一根森白骨刺,突然从他胸口鳞甲缝隙内冒出来。 This Bone Thorn length one meter, seems the bone of his body, but also some coherence blood, look like frightening. 骨刺长一米,仿佛是他身体的一根骨头,还粘着些鲜血,看起来让人心惊胆颤。 Holds this Bone Thorn, aura of this demon person, suddenly ominous severe several fold, in the dark blue eye pupil, full is the cruel crazy meaning. 一把抓住这根骨刺,这魔人身上的气息,骤然凶厉了数倍,暗绿色的眼瞳之中,满是暴戾疯狂之意。 Bone Thorn is trembling lightly, looks for the silver arc that He Qingman shoots accurately, the Bone Thorn acme, attacks above the silver light. 骨刺轻颤着,准确地找上何青曼射来的银弧,骨刺的尖端,抨击在银光之上。 Scoffs!” “嗤!” A silver and white bright, stir up zhuo to shoot in all directions, in that cave suddenly the stone chip randomly flies, in cave spreads the sound of rumbled unceasingly, resembled to want the avalanche unexpectedly. 点点银色、白色亮光,四处激丵射,那石洞内一时间石屑乱飞,石洞内不断地传出轰鸣之声,竟然似要崩塌了。 The silver light that He Qingman shoots, as if a lightning, immediately flies back, falls into her hand, changes into the lance once more. 何青曼射出去的银光,仿佛一道闪电,立即飞回,重新落入她手中,再次化为长矛。 In cave, that demon person facial expression is ominous, is raising Bone Thorn that braves from own body, whole body Devil Qi is billowing, cave that flies from the stone randomly walked, stood in cave. 石洞内,那魔人神情凶厉,提着从自己身体内冒出来的骨刺,浑身魔气滚滚,已从石块乱飞的石洞内走了出来,率先站在了石洞中。 Also is white Bone Thorn, braves from the scales slit of his back, he also has pulled backhandedly out that Bone Thorn, grasps one to come from Bone Thorn in body, his line of sight has swept one on He Qingman, with the strange human words, sneers saying: Human girl, you definitely has not tried our Black Scale Clan man, Hehe, I will make you live to might as well die!” 又是一根白色骨刺,从他后背的鳞甲缝隙内冒出来,他反手将那一根骨刺也抽了出来,一手持有一根来自于身体内的骨刺,他视线在何青曼身上扫了一眼,操着古怪的人类话语,冷笑道:“人类丫头,你肯定没试过我们黑鳞族的男人,嘿嘿,我会让你生不如死!” The He Qingman complexion changes. 何青曼脸色一变。 The Shi Yan look gradually is also dignified. 石岩眼神也渐渐凝重起来。
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