GOS :: Volume #2

#198: The focal point saunters

Is the first demon person is raising two white Bone Thorn, stands in the passage mouth, ominous severe is staring at He Qingman, immediately has not actually gotten rid. 为首魔人提着两根白色骨刺,站在通道口,凶厉的盯着何青曼,却并未立即出手。 His behind passage, the stone chip flutters about, crushed stones fall from the hole top. 身后通道,石屑纷飞,一块块碎石从洞顶落下。 An instant, that cave entrance has then piled up many stones. 只是一霎,那洞口便堆积了许多石块。 Also is a height about three meters grandiose demon person, lowers the head lowly, drills fast from passage. 又是一个身高三米左右的壮硕魔人,低垂着头,快速从通道内钻出来。 Other four demon people, before the crushed stone blocks the passage mouth, broke in this basketball court size cave. 剩余的四个魔人,也在碎石将通道口堵住前,冲入了这个篮球场大小石洞 Six demon people, stand together in bright cave, black scales, the height body is extravagant, dark blue pupil glittering the ominous severe Yinxie cold light, such as is selecting the poisonous snake that the person bites to stare at the game in the darkness. 六个魔人,一起站立在明亮的石洞,一身黑色鳞甲,身高体阔,暗绿色的瞳仁闪烁着凶厉阴邪的冷光,如择人而噬的毒蛇在黑暗中盯着猎物。 Bone tooth Sir!” Second from passage the demon person, goes forward one step, hangs the body slightly, the sound such as the sharp instrument blows the glass, extremely sharp sharp thorn ear, „the woman of this humanity, is virgin's body, her place vulva blood may make the sacrificial offering.” “骨牙大人!”第二个从通道中出来的魔人,上前一步,微微垂身,声音如锐器刮玻璃,极为尖利刺耳,“这名人类的女人,还是处子之身,她的处女阴血可做祭品。” This demon person spoke to period of five days, the cloudy evil eye has loafed on the He Qingman enchanting tender body, after the words fell, he has also licked the licking lips corner/horn, the pupil average overflow obscene meaning. 这名魔人讲话的对候,阴邪的眼睛在何青曼妖娆的娇躯上游荡了一遍,话落之后,他还舔了舔嘴角,眸中流溢出淫秽之意。 Un, a while withers her time, I will collect her place vulva blood, is called the Black Scale Clan demon person of bone tooth, shouted to clear the way lowly: Came out, begins to kill people, humanity that these come in not only then such, has killed this wave, we also want to seek for other game, duo!” “嗯,一会儿干死她的时候,我会收集她的处女阴血”,被称为骨牙的黑鳞族魔人,低喝道:“都出来了,就动手杀人吧,这些进来的人类不仅仅只有这么一股,杀了这一波,我们还想找寻别的猎物”,“咄!” Five shrivelled people call out, sharply however disperses, fiercely toward He Qingman and Batty and the others to shooting. 五名瘪人暴喝,急然分散开来,猛地朝着何青曼和巴蒂等人冲射而来。 The bone tooth is raising two woods white Bone Thorn, grins, coldly looks at He Qingman human woman, I will not kill you immediately, I will capture first you, then tosses about you slowly, making you be in deep sorrow under my monster, making you know fierce of my Black Scale Clan man!” 骨牙提着两根森白骨刺,咧着嘴,冷冷看着何青曼“人类女人,我不会立即杀死你,我会先将你擒拿下来,然后慢慢折腾你,让你在我的巨物下痛不欲生,让你知道我黑鳞族男人的厉害!” He Qingman is nipping the tooth, grips tightens that silver lance, did not say a word. 何青曼咬着牙齿,攥紧那银色长矛,一言不发。 dang dang dang!” 当当当!” The sound that gold/metal Tiejiao strikes, conveys from silent cave suddenly. 金铁交击的声音,忽然从寂静的石洞中传来。 Five demon people disperse, looks for Batty, Zhou Nan separately and other Warrior, Batty and the others, disperses, each one and demon person encounters. 五名魔人分散开来,分别找上巴蒂、周南等七名武者,巴蒂等人,也都分散开来,各自和魔人交锋。 The sharp weapons in their hand, shell in these Black Scale Clan demon people, the sharp weapon are keeping off by the black scales, cannot break that black scales unexpectedly, can only leave behind a mark above. 他们手中的利器,轰击在这些黑鳞族的魔人身上,利器被黑色鳞甲挡着,竟不能破开那黑色鳞甲,只能在上面留下点印痕。 The shining none remaining, the rainbow stirs up zhuo to shoot in cave, dazzling rays of light that various Martial Skills come out precise, were urged to send by Batty and the others. 灿灿精光,长虹般在石洞内激丵射,各种武技凝炼出来的炫目光芒,被巴蒂等人催发出来。 Blood crack cuts!” “血裂斩!” Batty calls out, left hand arm Pi Kairou cracks, a little bit blood such as the glittering and translucent carving red gem, from his arm, in the red none remaining with his right hand control collects suddenly elegantly, immediately forms half arc the bloody glow advantage to cut, cuts fiercely to and his demon person to a war. 巴蒂暴喝,左手手臂皮开肉裂,一滴滴鲜血如晶莹剔透的红色宝石,突然从他手臂内飘逸而出,和他右手手心中的红色精光汇集起来,立即形成半弧形的血光利斩,猛地斩向和他对战的一名魔人。 chi chi chi!” 嗤嗤嗤!” Scarlet arc light air tearing cutting, unexpectedly before him the weapon that puts forth is sharp , before cutting his body, instantaneously that demon person. 血色弧光似将空气撕裂切割,竟比他之前使出的兵器还要锐利,瞬间斩到他身前那名魔人身上。 The scarlet arc light, suddenly to launch splits suddenly, changes into bloody glow unexpectedly instantaneously, the bit common bang shoots piece by piece in that demon person chest. 血色弧光,骤然暴射分裂,竟瞬间化为一片片血光,刀片一般轰射在那魔人胸口。 A series of crowded gold/metal irons hand over in engine knock, bloody glow that these split, the slit internal breaks from demon person black scales, has injected in this demon person body directly. 一连串密集的金铁交击声中,那些分裂开来的血光,从魔人黑色鳞甲中的缝隙内穿过,直接射入这一名魔人身体中。 Takes advantage demon person who black scales are resisting, suddenly roar gets up, whole face pain. 依仗着黑色鳞甲抵挡的魔人,忽然厉啸起来,满脸痛苦。 Batty's Martial Skills, the midway splits, changes into piece by piece bloody glow, does not have the Bedevilment person body by the slit of black scales, finally caused heavy losses to this demon person. 巴蒂的武技,中途分裂,化为片片血光,透过黑色鳞甲的缝隙没入魔人身体,终于重创了这名魔人。 Between their scales and scales have the slit, so long as the attack evades the scales, can the severe wound they!” Batty facial expression shakes, reminded other people hurriedly loudly. “他们鳞甲和鳞甲之间有缝隙,只要攻击避过鳞甲,就能重伤他们!”巴蒂神情一震,急忙大声提醒旁人。 Under Batty's reminder, surplus six Tianxie Fairyland Warrior, quickly awakens, no longer constantly attacks the black scales of these demon people, starts to enhance strong points and avoid weaknesses, uses the exquisiteness of Martial Skills, seeks for the slit of demon person scales and scales, will then attack perpendicular incidence demon person fleshly body. 在巴蒂的提醒下,剩余六名天邪洞天武者,也幡然醒悟,不再一味攻击这些魔人身上的黑色鳞甲,开始扬长避短,利用武技的精妙,找寻魔人身上鳞甲和鳞甲的缝隙,进而将攻击直射魔人肉身 Assumed the lopsided situation, because of Batty's a few words, turns around gradually. 本来呈一面倒的局势,因巴蒂的一句话,渐渐扭转过来。 Shi Yan secret nod. 石岩暗暗点头。 Tianxie Fairyland Warrior, is really uncommon, when facing alien race demon person, they have not revealed slightly alarmed and afraid, in the fight in secret observation, has also been seeking for the weakness of these demon people. 天邪洞天武者,果然不凡,面对异族魔人时,他们并未露出丝毫惊惧,在战斗当中还一直在暗暗观察着,找寻这些魔人的弱点。 Because their innermost feelings do not fear, can be perceptive of the finest detail, understands thoroughly the attack entrances of these Black Scale Clan demon people. 正是因为他们内心不惧,才能够明察秋毫,洞彻到这些黑鳞族魔人身上的攻击入口。 These five demon people, a person has not taken out the weapon, empties, with the way of most simple and crude, by to Batty and the others, adopts to fight hand-to-hand the progress personal. 这五名魔人,没有一人取出武器,都空着手,用最简单粗暴的方式,贴身靠向巴蒂等人,采取肉搏进展。 The black scales of five demon people, not only firm incomparable, at the battle, these scales suddenly will also stand erect, the scale will early turn into a piece by piece cutting edge, extremely sharp. 五名魔人的黑色鳞甲,不但坚固无比,在交战的时候,那些鳞甲还会突然竖立,鳞早会变成一片片锋刃,极为的犀利。 An demon person speed is fast, has fired into Tianxie Fairyland Warrior fast, is going against that Warrior swift and fierce Martial Skills, grasps that Tianxie Fairyland Warrior unexpectedly. 一名魔人速度较快,快速冲向了一个天邪洞天武者,顶着那武者的凌厉武技,竟一把将那天邪洞天武者抱住。 The demon person height three meters, that Tian Xie tears day Warrior, has one meter about seven, directly by him according to the bosom. 魔人身高三米,那天邪泪天的武者,只有一米七左右,直接被他按在怀中。 At once, the scales of this demon person stand erect suddenly, the cutting edge submerges in that Tianxie Fairyland Warrior body piece by piece directly. 旋即,这魔人身上的鳞甲突然竖立起来,片片锋刃直接没入那天邪洞天武者身体中。 One was pulled by him, the body of that Tianxie Fairyland Warrior, by that demon person the flaws of scales cutting, the body was then underlined the wound of innumerable say|way obvious internal organs. 被他一番拉扯,那天邪洞天武者的身体,便被那魔人身上的鳞甲切割的千疮百孔,身上突显无数道可见内脏的伤口。 That person was screaming sad and shrill, in eye life force passed little, an essence, gradual dissipation. 那人凄厉尖叫着,眼中生机一点点流逝,一身的精气,也逐渐的消散开来。 Shi Yan has walked randomly in cave, not anxiously meddling, when to discovering Tianxie Fairyland was cut after by the demon person kills one person, he quietly moves toward that same place, absorbs an essence that person flows, this frowns, looks to that He Qingman. 石岩一直在石洞中游走,并未急着插手,待到发现天邪洞天这边的率先被魔人斩杀一人以后,他悄悄走向那一块,将那人身上流淌出来的一身精气吸收,这才皱着眉头,望向那何青曼 The He Qingman enchanting tender body, was protected by the First Level level severe gale barrier, the silver lance in its hand, in swings, can turn into silver Python instantaneously, looks for the opportunity to gnaw to nip the bone tooth. roar passes from He Qingman within the body, the wind blade edge flies to shoot together, the countless wind edges gather round the bone tooth directly firmly. 何青曼妖娆的娇躯,被一层层厉风屏障护住,它手中的银色长矛,在挥舞间,会瞬间变成银色怪蛇,找寻着机会啃咬骨牙。声声厉啸何青曼体内传出来,一道风刃飞射出来,数不尽的风刃直接将骨牙给牢牢围着。 The bone tooth is raising woods white Bone Thorn, black scales glittering the strange demon light, under the wind blade edge, a bone tooth three meters high body quick such as the lightning is common, is fluctuating unceasingly the position. 骨牙提着森白骨刺,一身黑色鳞甲闪烁着奇异的魔光,在风刃之下,骨牙三米高的身躯却快如闪电一般,不断地变幻着位置。 Wind blade edge that He Qingman Martial Spirit comes out precise, torn to pieces of that cliff, actually throughout cannot puncture the bone to inter the body tooth scales slit together. 何青曼武魂凝炼出来的风刃,将那一块石壁化的支离破碎,却始终不能刺入骨牙鳞甲缝隙。 Two come from woods white Bone Thorn in within the body, delimits white circular arcs in the bone tooth hand, cold severe murderous aura, overflows from that woods white Bone Thorn, is affecting the happy person in being quietly mental. 两根来自于体内的森白骨刺,在骨牙手中划出一道道白色圆弧,冷厉杀气,从那森白骨刺内流溢出来,在悄无声息间影响着欢人心智。 That cold severe murderous aura, emits in the cave, making the demon person, ominous severe air/Qi is getting stronger and stronger. 那冷厉杀气,散溢在山洞中,让魔人一个个精神抖擞,身上的凶厉之气越来越强。 Reviews He Qingman, Batty and the others, is getting more and more hot tempered in that cold severe murderous aura restlessly, has to lose usually in calmness, in the confrontation repeatedly makes a mistake, displaying of some Martial Skills, starts to fail to achieve the standard greatly. 反观何青曼、巴蒂等人,在那冷厉杀气中却越来越暴躁不安,有失平日里的冷静,交锋中频频出错,一些武技的施展,也开始大失水准。 Shi Yan is walking randomly unceasingly, keeps Bone Thorn in spirit tooth hand secretly. 石岩不断地游走着,暗暗留心骨牙手中的骨刺 Draws support Soul Gathering Bead, he can discover that stabs aura that from that white nose emits, has cup being puzzled will of the people evil power, the speed that these aura emit is very slow, the person in battle cannot realize. 借助于聚魂珠,他能发现从那白色鼻刺中散溢出来的气息,有着盅惑人心的邪恶力量,那些气息散溢的速度很缓慢,交战中的人根本察觉不出。 Because of these aura, the aspect in cave is having not the wonderful change gradually, this change, had not realized including He Qingman. 因为那些气息,石洞内的局面渐渐发生着不妙的变化,这种变化,连何青曼都没察觉。 The demon person is getting more and more fierce, power is getting stronger and stronger, reviews Tianxie Fairyland Warrior, is looks tired, in the look full is hot tempered restless, in within the body Essence Qi mobile speed, unexpectedly also becomes slow. 魔人越来越猛,身上的力量越来越强,反观天邪洞天武者,则是一个个神情疲惫,眼神中满是暴躁不安,体内精元流动的速度,竟然也变得迟缓下来。 Shi Yan observation a while, has knit the brows suddenly: He Qingman, pays attention that two Bone Thorn, power that in Bone Thorn the dissipation comes out, will make the demon person stronger and stronger, making you more and more hot tempered restless, gradually is weakening your power. aura that in that two Bone Thorn disperses, will become the factor that will determine the final outcome, words that you cannot prevent, your person all will die here, the He Qingman tender body will shake, in the bright eyes will project chilly rays of light suddenly, will look to that bone tooth will be raising Bone Thorn, as if finally has realized. 石岩观察了一会儿,突然皱眉道:“何青曼,留心那两根骨刺,骨刺中散逸出来的力量,会让魔人越来越强,让你们越来越暴躁不安,正逐渐消弱你们的力量。那两根骨刺中散出来的气息,会成为决胜的因素,你不能阻止的话,你的人将会全死在这里”,何青曼娇躯一震,明眸中骤然射出清冷的光芒,望向那骨牙提着的骨刺,似乎终于有所察觉了。 With the bone tooth of He Qingman dogfight, in the dark blue eye pupil, reveals the amazed light to come leisurely fiercely, he shot a look at Shi Yan one from afar, cold voice said: Boy vision is actually very sinister, saw unexpectedly tricks that I get, bold, you have killed this boy first, so as to avoid he will also be in the way, Sir understood, with the demon person who Zhou Nan encounters, suddenly will abandon next week south, the grand body such as the shutter will be common, toward the Shi Yan oppression. 正慢悠悠和何青曼缠斗的骨牙,暗绿色的眼眸中,猛地露出惊诧之光来,他远远瞥了石岩一眼,冷声道:“小子眼光倒是挺毒辣,竟然看出了我做的手脚,骁,你先杀了这小子,免得他还会碍事”,“知道了大人”,和周南交锋的魔人,突然弃下周南,雄伟的身躯如门板一般,直朝着石岩压迫而来。 Shi Yan expression not startled, said lightly: Also good, looked was so long, should move the physique, you were careful, if you died here, we not good to confess to Yang Family, He Qingman drank one tenderly „, you did not want the frontage and they battle, I spread the signal, how long Elder Sister Nan could not want they to seek, so long as you insisted that a while was good, although He Qingman discontented Shi Yan, but she actually knows that the Shi Yan true status, knows Yang Qingdi regarded as important Shi Yan extremely, even to know his life and death condition, did not hesitate to consume the blood of three drops of Immortal to speculate that these news others do not know, but she. Actually passes Xia Xinyan understood. 石岩神色不惊,淡淡道:“也好,看了这么久,也该活动活动筋骨了”,“你小心,你要是死在这里,我们可不好向杨家交代”,何青曼娇喝一声“,你不要正面和他们交战,我已传出讯号,要不了多久楠姐他们就会寻上来,你只要坚持一会儿就行了”,何青曼虽然不满石岩,可她却知道石岩的真正身份,知道扬青帝极为看重石岩,甚至为了得知他的生死状况,不惜耗费三滴不死之血来推测,这些消息别人不知,可她。却通过夏心妍知道了 If Shi Yan were dying with her together, Yang Family not only will blame Tianxie Fairyland, perhaps links He Family to vent anger. 石岩如果跟她在一起死了,杨家不但会责怪天邪洞天,说不定连何家都会迁怒。 This is not He Qingman can withstand. 一这绝不是何青曼可以承受的起的。 However, her kind tenderness drinks, has actually exposed essential words and expressions. 然而,她的一声关切的娇喝,却无意间暴露了一个关键的词语。 Yang Family! 杨家 In cave. 石洞中。 All Black Scale Clan demon people, hear these two word-time, in the dark blue eye pupil, explodes suddenly projects the light of biting cold hatred. 所有黑鳞族的魔人,听到这两个字时,暗绿色的眼眸中,骤然爆射出彻骨的仇恨之光。 Is the bone tooth of head, face upwards suddenly ominous severe angry roar Yang Family! Your this Damn it boy, unexpectedly is the Yang Family person! I must have your muscle, records your skin, making you try our Black Scale Clan torture! Extremely evil Yang Family, does not know that has killed my clan many people, our time is willing to brave death from the space node to come, must retaliate Yang Family!” 为首的骨牙,也突然仰天凶厉的怒啸杨家!你这该死的小子,竟然是杨家的人!我要抽你的筋,录你的皮,让你尝试我们黑鳞族的酷刑!万恶的杨家,不知道杀了我族多少人,我们这次甘愿冒死从空间节点而来,就是要报复杨家!” All Black Scale Clan demon people, abandon the match suddenly, clenches jaws, in dark blue eye projects the meaning of extreme hate, compels toward Shi Yan. 所有的黑鳞族魔人,突然弃下对手,一个个咬牙切齿,暗绿色的眼幢中射出极度怨恨之意,直朝着石岩逼去。 He Qingman is the good intention made Shi Yan pay attention, has not actually expected her good intention, evolves this result unexpectedly. 何青曼本是好心让石岩留意,却没有料到她的一番好意,竟演变成这个结果。 Shi Yan deeply frowned, before the Black Scale Clan demon person approaches, starts to gather power, constructs Gravitational Field quietly. 石岩深深皱起眉头,在黑鳞族的魔人靠近之前,开始聚集力量,悄悄构建磁殛域场 Yang Family, but also is really the cow, lets these savage demon person so envy and hate unexpectedly, does not know that Yang Family person in Fourth Devil Area, made many to make the demon person crazy wicked matter of come, Shi Yan attempts to pervert fast, in the heart wants to say secretly. 杨家,还真是牛啊,竟然让这些凶残的魔人如此忌恨,也不知杨家人在第四魔域内,做出了多少让魔人疯狂的恶事来”,石岩快速做着手脚,心中暗暗想道。 PS: 5 : 00 am, um, first makes one chapter to come out, today at least three. Recommends Jing Keshou new book «Easy Cauldron», Jing Keshou the book has been very interesting, this also started to pursue, was indeed good, the friend who liked the immortal hero, can have a look, should not be disappointed. PS:早上五点起来,嗯,先弄一章出来,今天至少三更。推荐荆柯守的新书《易鼎》,荆柯守的书一直很好看,这本也开始在追了,的确不错,喜欢仙侠的朋友,可以去看看,应该不会失望的。
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