GOS :: Volume #2

#196: Now took?

Giant black hole, as if the mouth of Demonic Beast, black spooky, resembles is waiting for visit of game. 一个巨大的黑洞,仿佛妖兽之口,黑幽幽的,似在等侯着猎物的上门。 aura of quiet cold yin cold, comes out from transmitting orally of that mine tunnel, stands in cave entrance, the people think ill, can faintly from that cavern, hears several roar, likely is the provocation of demon person. 幽冷阴寒的气息,从那矿洞之口传出来,站在洞口,众人都觉得身体不适,隐隐能够从那洞穴之中,听到几声厉啸,像是魔人的挑衅。 Shi Yan and Lin Nan and He Qingman one line, stand after the mine tunnel, knits the brows to size up darkly that is not seeing the bottom the cavern zhuo mouth. 石岩林楠何青曼一行人,站在矿洞之后,皱眉打量着那幽暗不见底的洞穴丵口。 Grips Soul Gathering Bead quietly, lets loose the Mental Energy secret induction, Mental Energy extends slowly. 悄悄握住聚魂珠,放开精神力暗暗感应,精神力慢慢延伸进去。 In the cavern, has crossings, this ore dodges, the interior seemed unearthed to empty, is the corner/horn said everywhere that extends in all directions. 洞穴内,有着一条条岔道,这一座矿闪,内部似乎被挖掘空了,到处都是角道,四通八达。 Mental Energy extends, from the cavern, as if can feel faintly came from yin cold cruel aura of Black Scale Clan demon person, actually cannot realize the exact locations of these demon people. 精神力延伸,从洞穴内,似乎可以隐隐感觉到来自于黑鳞族魔人身上的阴寒暴戾之气息,却察觉不出那些魔人的确切位置。 The cavern is extremely deep, many caverns lead to bottom of the mine directly, Shi Yan with the aid in Soul Gathering Bead, the range that can induce is also limited, has felt a while slightly, he realized that in 500 meters range, in the mine tunnel should not have the demon person to ambush. 洞穴极深,许多洞穴直接通往矿山底部,石岩就算是借助于聚魂珠,能感应到的范围也有限,略略感受了一会儿,他意识到在500米范围内,矿洞内应该没有魔人埋伏。 But he affirmed that definitely has the Black Scale Clan demon person, hides in the mine tunnel. 但他又肯定,绝对有黑鳞族的魔人,就躲藏在矿洞之中。 Was good, we go, everybody respective careful, Lin Nan stopped a while in cave entrance, resembled also secretly induced the situation in mine tunnel, she had not discovered probably aura of Black Scale Clan demon person „, has later gone, your four people grabbed Transmission Stone, momentarily maintained relation, Lin Nan exhorted to He Qingman and Shen Yidan four people. “好了,我们进去吧,大家各自小心”,林楠在洞口停了一会儿,似也暗暗感应了矿洞内的情况,她好像也没有发现黑鳞族魔人的气息“,待会进去了,你们四人都将音石抓着,随时保持联系”,林楠何青曼沈宜丹四人嘱咐。 These four people, grasped the silver-white stone, in the stone have been covering entirely the eyelet together, in model|pattern Guonei, this Transmission Stone can certainly four to maintain the telephone conversation. 这四人,都握着一块银白色的石头,石头上布满了小孔,在一定范国内,这音石可以让四人保持通话。 understood, the He Qingman four people, nod to indicate to understand together. 知道了”,何青曼四人,一起点头表示明白。 Entered the hole, in hole jet black, put out a hand not to see the five fingers, after the group came, drew support according to the alum, can see clearly the scene in hole. “进洞了”,洞内漆黑,伸手不见五指,一行人进来以后,借助于照明石,才可以看清洞内的场景。 cave covers entirely just saying that each do not say the midway, will branch off other fungus saying that the person in the mine tunnel, is very easy to walk chaotically, will then forget carelessly the background, will lose in the mine tunnel. 石洞布满一条条甫道,每一条甭道中途,又会岔开别的菌道,人在矿洞内,很容易走乱,一个不慎,便会忘记来路,会迷失在矿洞内。 Your four record say|way, own position, Lin Nan was urging the people. “你们四个记着道,记着自己的位置”,林楠叮嘱众人。 The first article the crossing appears quickly. 第一条岔道很快出现。 Separates, the Shi Yubai knitting the brows head, said lightly: Elder Sister Nan, we walked from this crossings first, once some discoveries, I will pass immediately Transmission Stone communication, „” “分开来吧”,史羽白皱了皱眉头,淡淡道:“楠姐,我们先从这各岔道走了,一旦有发现,我会立即通过音石传讯”,“嗯” With, Shi Yubai lowly drinks one, is leading his these followers, is leading the remaining people from this crossing advancement Lin Nan , to continue to proceed. “都跟上来”,史羽白低喝一声,带着他的那些跟随者,从这条岔道进境林楠带着剩下的人,继续往前走。 Not long time , the crossing appears. 多时,又有一条岔道出现。 Elder Sister Nan, we went, He Qingman smiles, said to Lin Nan: A while wanted some discovery, I can earliest possible time communication you, „, you pass, Lin Nan nodded with a smile „, suitable pill this girl was too harebrained, I followed her first, once heard your message, I will catch up immediately, He Qingman nodded, shoots a look at her these to follow, shouted to clear the way tenderly: With me, words, the He Qingman first line into crossing. 楠姐,我们去了”,何青曼嫣然一笑,对林楠道:“一会儿只要有了发现,我会第一时间传讯你”,“嗯,你过去吧”,林楠笑着点头“,宜丹这丫头太冒失,我先跟着她走,一旦听到你们的讯息,我会马上赶来的”,何青曼点头,瞥了一眼她的那些跟随着,娇喝道:“都跟着我”,话罢,何青曼第一个行入岔道。 Seven Disaster Level Tianxie Fairyland Warrior, facial expressions with deep veneration, immediately followed. 七名百劫之境天邪洞天武者,一个个神情肃然,都马上跟了过去。 The Shi Yan facial expression is faint, falls on finally, when to all people since later, this not anxiously not slow followed. 石岩神情淡漠,落在最后,待到所有人都进入之后,这才不急不缓的跟了上去。 Elder Sister Nan, boy, if died here, Yang Family can ask us to do accounts?” When vanishes after Shi Yan silhouette, Peng Pei asked suddenly. 楠姐,那小子要是死在了这里,杨家会不会找我们算账?”待到石岩身影消失之后,彭沛突然问道。 Shen Yidan as if also quite cares about this matter, closely examined getting up „, Elder Sister Nan, this fellow probably is not the Yang Family person, but that Shura Blood Guard probably highly cares about him, does not know that who he is. He only then Disaster Level cultivation base, if really has bumped into the demon person, so long as He Qingman is not slightly attentive, he ended, your leave alone that many, Lin Nan knit the brows „, person who Qingman has the discretion, will not act unreasonably, I look at Qingman to that boy, probably very repugnant appearance, her indication lets that fellow, perhaps is wants that boy dead”, Peng Pei said difficultly. 沈宜丹似乎也颇为在意此事,也追问了起来“,楠姐,这家伙好像不是杨家的人,可那名修罗血卫又好像非常在意他,也不知道他到底是谁。他只有百劫之境修为,真要是碰到了魔人,只要何青曼稍稍不用心一点,他就完了”,“你们别管那么多”,林楠皱了皱眉头“,青曼是有分寸的人,不会乱来的”,“我看青曼对那小子,好像很反感的样子啊,她指明让那家伙跟着,说不定是想要那小子死呢”,彭沛挠头道。 Lin Nan stares, in the eye also flashed through one to confuse, has hesitated, said: „, Qingman is not that person. Also, Yang Family daring has made him come Black Stone Island, decides however is believes his, this boy strength is perhaps astonishing. You also know, walks the fellow who from Yang Family, frequently has astonishing action, he, if the surname raises, I have not dared to despise him really, Shen Yidan shook the head „, but the issue is, he is surnamed, he was not the Yang Family person, was obviously good, leave alone that many, he if really died here, did not have anything at the worst, Lin Nan did not care saying: Like you said that he is not surnamed Yang, if really has had an accident, is not important.” 林楠一愣,眼中也闪过一丝迷惑,迟疑了一下,才道:“不会的,青曼不是那种人。再说了,杨家胆敢让他来黑石岛,定然是相信他的,说不定这小子实力惊人呢。你们也知道,从杨家走出来的家伙,常常都有惊人之举”,“他要是姓扬,我还真的不敢小看他”,沈宜丹摇了摇头“,可问题是,他姓石啊,他明显不是杨家的人”,“行了,别管那么多了,他真要是死在这里,也没什么大不了的”,林楠不在意道:“就像你们说的,他不姓杨,真要是出事了,也不打紧。” Un, Peng Pei nods. “嗯”,彭沛点头。 Shi Yan, you come to front, in swarthy hundred, front He Qingman shouted one suddenly lightly. 石岩,你到前面来”,黝黑的百道内,前方的何青曼突然轻呼一声。 This passage is not broad, only tolerates three people to walk side-by-side, He Qingman pushes to the front, walks in the front line. 通道并不宽阔,只能容三人并肩而行,何青曼一马当先,走在最前方。 In her behind, seven Disaster Level Warrior, set up in an array. 在她身后,七名百劫之境武者,一字排开来。 Shi Yan draws finally. 石岩拉在最后。 He Qingman shouted lightly, making team final Shi Yan be hard to continue to march forward slowly. 何青曼的一声轻呼,让队伍最后的石岩难以继续慢慢行进。 make way, Shi Yan frowns, makes an effort to push toward the front. 让一让”,石岩皱着眉头,用力往前方挤。 In his front, seven Tianxie Fairyland Warrior, stopped up in passage, the time of he toward leading the way, these seven Warrior have not been sideways to make way on own initiative, road that was keeping off leading the way as before. 在他的前方,七名天邪洞天武者,堵在了通道内,他往前行去的时候,这七名武者并未主动侧身让开来,依旧挡着了前行的路。 He Qingman walks in the front line, is gazing at the front sound discretely, has not paid attention the behind sound. 何青曼走在最前方,谨慎的注视着前方的动静,并未留意身后的动静。 Seven Warrior, on the face are having the mischievous happy expression, turns head looks at Shi Yan, to Shi Yan recent two, hugs one's shoulders, is standing abreast in row, in their shoulder slit place, only keeps a small slit. 七名武者,脸上带着促狭的笑意,回头看着石岩,离石岩最近的两人,抱着肩膀,并排站着,在两人肩膀缝隙处,只留一条小小的缝隙。 These two do not prepare to make Shi Yan pass obviously easily. 这两人明显不准备让石岩轻易过去。 Shi Yan decides in two person advance parties, the facial expression is indifferent, said lightly: make way, passage was too narrow, we have given way to traffic, you want, pushes.” One of them lowly chuckled said. 石岩在两人身前站定,神情冷漠,淡淡道:“让一让”,“通道太窄了,我们已经避让了,你想要过去,挤一下吧。”其中一人嘿嘿低笑道。 Good, I push, Shi Yan cracks into a smile. “好,那我就挤一下”,石岩咧嘴一笑。 Peng! 嘭! A few words fall, in passage, hears a sad dashing sound suddenly. 一句话落下,通道内,骤然传来一声沉闷的冲撞声。 Ka!” “咔咔!” Clear sound that bone lou breaks to pieces also along with rear-drive. 骨髅碎断的清脆声也随后传了出来。 Shi Yan from the slit of their shoulder place, has pushed stiffly, but these two, actually look fierce, the forehead cold sweat braves. 石岩硬生生从两人肩膀处的缝隙,挤了过去,可这两人,却龇牙咧嘴,额头冷汗直冒。 One of them, is one hugs one's shoulders, unceasingly sorption cold air eyes cut-throat looks at Shi Yan. 其中一人,更是一手抱着肩膀,不断地吸着凉气双眸凶狠的看着石岩 Isn't convinced?” Shi Yan sneers, suddenly puts out a hand, presses the shoulder joint that this person is breaking to pieces, slightly makes an effort. “不服气是吧?”石岩冷笑,突然伸手,按着这人碎断的肩膀骨节,略一使力。 This person spreads immediately kills the pig general sad and shrill pitiful yell, in silent passage, this pitiful yell, making the team front He Qingman tender body tremble greatly, the face that frightened is white. 此人立即传出杀猪一般的凄厉惨叫,在寂静无声的通道内,他这一声惨叫,让队伍前方的何青曼娇躯巨颤,吓的脸都白了。 Who called in the ghost?” He Qingman eyes full is murderous aura, turns head to look fiercely to behind. “谁在鬼叫?”何青曼双眸满是杀气,猛地扭头看向身后 A rear Shi Yan hand according to that person of shoulder place, listening to him to call out pitifully, no matter yelling of front He Qingman, said callously: Now took?” 后方石岩一只手按在那人肩膀处,听着他在惨叫,不管前方何青曼的叫喊,冷酷道:“现在服了没?” Boy is extremely arrogant!” “小子狂妄!” Abreast in row must get rid with this person of that Warrior fiercely shouted one. 和这人并排的那名武者厉叫一声就要出手。 Shi Yan Hehe sneers, is emptying a hand as if sharp sword, until this person, his five fingers fingertip, swift and fierce fine glow explodes to shoot. 石岩嘿嘿冷笑,空着的一只手仿佛利剑,直到此人,他五指指尖,一道道凌厉之极的精芒爆射而出。 stick!” “噗棒!” The Shi Yan five fingers puncture to paste the cheek of this person, pricks the cliff. 石岩五指刺来贴着此人的面颊,刺入石壁。 The Shi Yan five fingers like the spear|gun, deeply submerge stone wall Central committee, after he receives reaches behind the back, in that stone wall leaves behind five deeply to refer to the hole. 石岩五指如枪,深深没入石壁中央,他收回手之后,在那石壁上留下五个深深地指洞。 When that person also the Shi Yan thorn emptied, sneers must pound the armored hand to the Shi Yan surface gate. 那人还当石岩刺空了,冷笑着就要将铁拳砸向石岩的面门。 Batty, stop!” He Qingman drinks coldly. “巴蒂,住手!”何青曼冷喝。 Batty rumbled to stop to a Shi Yan fist midway, he looked said discontentedly to He Qingman: What doesn't Young Lady, why make me teach him?” 巴蒂轰向石岩的一拳中途停了下来,他不满地看向何青曼道:“何小姐,为什么不让我教训他?” Batty, you, you have a look at your left face nearby cliff, with Warrior that Batty is on good terms, the forced smile said. “巴蒂,你,你还是看看你左脸边上的石壁吧”,一个和巴蒂交好的武者,苦笑道。 Batty one dull, turns head to look to the left face cliff, immediately saw five deep places referring to holes, Batty complexion suddenly changes, immediately was honest. 巴蒂一呆,扭头看向左脸边的石壁,立即看到了五个深深地的指洞,巴蒂脸色骤然一变,马上老实了下来。 I just, just the state cracked a joke, was pinched Warrior of shoulder by Shi Yan as before, the forehead cold sweat is braving, actually does not dare to begin, the hollow laugh apologizing „, be not minding embarrasedly, we do not have any evil intention, I also crack a joke, Shi Yan nodded, takes back according to that hand in his shoulder, thought aloud that whispered in a low voice: Must ask for trouble, why......” “我刚刚,刚州只是开个玩笑而已”,被石岩依旧捏着肩膀的武者,额头冷汗直冒,却不敢动手,讪讪干笑着赔礼“,别介意,我们没什么恶意的”,“我也只是开个玩笑”,石岩点了点头,收回按在他肩膀上的那只手,自言自语地低声嘀咕道:“非要自讨苦吃,何必呢……” During the speech, Shi Yan continues to go toward the He Qingman line. 讲话间,石岩继续朝着何青曼行去。 Other five Tianxie Fairyland Warrior, see him to start to walk, immediately gives way to traffic on own initiative, sticks to the body in stone wall, for fear that can by Shi Yan. 剩余的五名天邪洞天武者,一见他开始行走,马上主动避让开来,将身子紧贴在石壁上,生怕会挨着了石岩 Early such knows the limitation well, Shi Yan was neither cold nor hot was ridiculing one, before the person arrived at the body of He Qingman. “早这么识相多好”,石岩不冷不热着讥讽了一句,人已到了何青曼的身前。 He Qingman frowns, watches Shi Yan action one by one, said lightly: These fellows, although does not keep eyes open, but did you get rid too to be also heavy a point? Zhou Nan shoulder skeleton was cracked-up, below and person battle, the strength definitely was affected, if therefore lost the life, I calculate that your head, does calculate on me?” Shi Yan coldly snorted „, you calculated, I must have a look at your day help heavenly dwelling person but actually, how dares to take me, you!” 何青曼皱着眉头,将石岩的举动一一看在眼里,淡淡道:“那些家伙虽然不长眼,但你出手也太重了一点吧?周南肩膀骨骼都被撞碎,下面与人交战的时候,实力肯定受到影响,要是因此丢了性命,我算到你头上”,“算到我头上?”石岩冷哼一声“,你算好了,我倒要看看你们天帮洞天的人,敢拿我怎样”,“你!” He Qingman wants with these words, to a following person confession, she sets the example, truly do not cope with the Shi Yan meaning, but Shi Yan actually such does not know the limitation, refutes her face unexpectedly in the presence of everyone, this made in her heart also annoyed, wished one could then to teach to blow Shi Yan here. 何青曼只是想要用这番话,给下面的人一个交代,她只是做做样子,并没有真正要对付石岩意思,可石岩却这么不识相,竟然当众驳她的面子,这让她心中又恼火了起来,恨不得在这里便教刮石岩一番。 However, remembered Shi Yan rare treasure, He Qingman endured, snort|hum, said: „Aren't you law-abidingly good?” 然而,一想起石岩身上的异宝,何青曼又忍了下来,哼了一声,道:“你安分一点不行么?” Line, in Shi Yan eyes has glistened, suddenly said: Demon person sought, I now am law-abiding, demon person who you prepared to deal with.” “行”,石岩双眸中闪亮了一下,突然道:“魔人寻上来了,我现在就安分,你们准备对付过来的魔人吧。” Came?” The He Qingman elegant face changes, said dignified: How many came? What cultivation base?” Batty, Zhou Nan and others followed Tianxie Fairyland Warrior that He Qingman comes, was shocked completely, puzzled looks at Shi Yan and He Qingman. “已经来了?”何青曼俏脸微变,神情凝重道:“来了多少?什么修为?”巴蒂、周南等跟随何青曼来的天邪洞天武者,全部愣住了,不解的看着石岩何青曼 Now only then six demon people come, um, one of them, should in Earth Level, this person need you to deal with. Another five, is not considered as that too strong, I think that your person is so fierce, should be able to solve with ease, I do not meddle, the Shi Yan facial expression is indifferent, languid closing right up against cliff, Yin and Yang strange gas channel. “现在只有六名魔人过来,嗯,其中一人,应该在地位之境,这人需要你来应付。另外五个,也不算是太强,我想你的人那么厉害,应该可以轻松解决,我就不插手了”,石岩神情淡然,懒洋洋的靠着石壁,阴阳怪气道。
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