GOS :: Volume #2

#195: Fright

Black stone forest. 黑色石林 He Qingman suddenly opening eyes pupil, elegant face changes, looked all around, tenderly shouted to clear the way: What did you say?” We should be surrounded by the Black Scale Clan demon person 何青曼霍然睁开眼眸,俏脸微变,环顾四周了一圈,才娇喝道:“你说什么?”“我们应该被黑鳞族的魔人包围了” Shi Yan has stood, looks solemn, sinking sound track: At least 30 people, have 300 meters far to us. And four demon people, should in Earth Level!” „Aren't you are cracking a joke?” He Qingman black eyebrows micro pressed, as if some do not believe that she spoke, let loose own Mental Energy quietly, extended toward 300 meters away. 石岩站了起来,神情肃穆,沉声道:“至少有30人,离我们只有300米远。其中有四个魔人,应该在地位之境!”“你不是在开玩笑吧?”何青曼黛眉微蹙,似乎有些不信,她讲话的时候,又悄悄放开自己的精神力,朝着300米外延伸。 Mental Energy place visited, piece of deathly silence, without any life fluctuation, without any unusual aura. 精神力所过之处,一片死寂,没有任何的生命波动,没有任何奇特的气息 He Qingman is somewhat disgruntled, coldly snorted. Is looking angrily at Shi Yan, shouted to clear the way: What does not have obviously, you late at night do not rest, disturbs intentionally is?” 何青曼有些不悦,冷哼一声。怒视着石岩,喝道:“明明什么都没有,你半夜三更不休息,故意捣乱是不是?” Shi Yan is astonished however, draws support the Soul Gathering Bead induction once more. 石岩讶然,又再次借助于聚魂珠感应。 Under his Mental Energy sees clearly, he discovers that thirty Black Scale Clan demon person, not only has not vanished, approached unexpectedly gradually! 在他的精神力洞察之下,他发现那三十几名黑鳞族的魔人,不但并未消失,竟然已逐渐靠近过来! The eye narrows the eyes slightly, Shi Yan realized immediately He Qingman Mental Energy, cannot induce to existences of these Black Scale Clan demon people. 眼睛微微眯起,石岩立即意识到何青曼精神力,不能感应到这些黑鳞族魔人的存在。 Night it, the Black Scale Clan demon person can concealing silhouette, be able to slow down the soul fluctuation, is equal to the stealth. 夜其,黑鳞族的魔人可以隐匿身影,可以将灵魂波动减缓,等同于隐形。 Although He Qingman in Earth Level, but she does not have Soul Gathering Bead available, cannot realize existence of blade person. 何青曼虽然在地位之境,可她没有聚魂珠可用,根本就察觉不出刀人的存在。 They came slowly the Shi Yan calm face, said with deep veneration: You cannot induce, showed that they do not exist!” “他们已慢慢过来了”石岩沉着脸,肃然道:“你感应不出,证明他们不存在!” Is disinclined to respond you.” The He Qingman whole face is impatient, is at heart repugnant, sits is motionless there, closed the eye dark. “懒得搭理你。”何青曼满脸不耐烦,心里非常反感,坐在那儿一动不动,又将眼昧闭上了。 She has Earth Level cultivation base, she self-confident own Mental Energy certainly be keener than Shi Yan, she could not realize that the surrounding sound, has Disaster Level Shi Yan, can discover Yun Jing of demon person? 她有着地位之境修为,她自信自己的精神力肯定要比石岩敏锐,她都察觉不出周围的动静,只有百劫之境石岩,又怎能发现魔人的云静? He Qingman thought that this is the Shi Yan bored action, has not been serious. 何青曼觉得这是石岩无聊的举措,根本没当一回事。 Shi Yan, deeply inspired dignified, walks toward that Lightning Wind Winged Flying Lion slowly. 石岩神情凝重之极,深深吸了一口气,缓缓朝着那风雷飞狮走去。 He Qingman closes one's eyes, can actually feel the Shi Yan sound, but she has not cared, in the heart complained secretly that complained Yang Family delivers to here Shi Yan this burden. 何青曼闭着眼,却能感觉到石岩的动静,不过她并未在意,心中暗暗抱怨,抱怨杨家石岩这个累赘送到这里来。 Peng! suddenly, a Shi Yan fist hits hard on Lightning Wind Winged Flying Lion, Lightning Wind Winged Flying Lion that will not guard against enrages instantaneously, has stood quickly. Roar!” Lightning Wind Winged Flying Lion roars, in the copper bell eye pupil, is full the dreadful anger. „Are you insane?” He Qingman drinks one tenderly, flushed fiercely, is looking angrily at Shi Yan, „do you have the problem? What show provocation does Lightning Wind Winged Flying Lion make randomly? Live is impatient?” 嘭!”突然,石岩一拳重击在风雷飞狮身上,将毫无防备的风雷飞狮瞬间激怒,倏地站了起来。“吼!”风雷飞狮怒吼,铜铃般的眼瞳中,充盈着滔天怒火。“你疯啦?”何青曼娇喝一声,猛地冲了过来,怒视着石岩,“你有毛病啊?秀乱挑衅风雷飞狮做什么?是不是活的不耐烦了?” Walks!” Shi Yan catches up suddenly. Grasps He Qingman, leaps fiercely to Lightning Wind Winged Flying Lion. Lets loose me!” He Qingman flies into a rage, a mountain avalanche turbulent fluctuation, erupts quickly from her tender body. “走!”石岩骤然发力。一把将何青曼抱住,猛地飞跃向风雷飞狮。“放开我!”何青曼勃然大怒,一股山岳崩塌般的汹涌波动,倏地从她娇躯内爆发出来。 Under this rushing great strength, Shi Yan thought one as if grasp a balloon of rapid rise, has not stimulated to movement Petrification Martial Spirit with enough time. Then by He Qingman within the body staggering retreat of power impact several steps, Lightning Wind Winged Flying Lion angry roar that stepped on again and again, loudly is roared. 在这一股澎湃巨力之下,石岩觉得自己仿佛抱住一个迅速膨胀的气球,还未来得及催动石化武魂。便被何青曼体内的力量冲击的跄踉后退了几步,踩的风雷飞狮怒啸连连,大声咆哮不已。 He Qingman has worked loose him. Is cold the face, in the pupil full is being the malignant influences, Shi Yan, you think that really I don't dare to move you?, „ Walks quickly!” Shi Yan drinks severely, the right hand raises quickly. Seven hand imprints come out fiercely precise, pushes out loudly. 何青曼挣脱了他。寒着脸,眸中满是煞气,“石岩,你是不是真以为我不敢动你?,“快走!”石岩厉喝,右手倏地扬起。七个手印猛地凝炼出来,轰然推出去。 Rumbling......” the Seal of Life wind has a vigor wave. Is carrying the swift and fierce impulse, shells fiercely in a left darkness. “轰轰……”生印飙起一股劲浪。携带着凌厉之极的冲劲,猛地轰击在左侧的一片黑暗之中。 The places of that darkness, the distortion fluctuates suddenly, dazzling light explode to shoot, several this jet black silhouette, facial expression fierce appears suddenly from the darkness. 那一片黑暗之地,骤然扭曲变幻,一道道炫目之光爆射开来,几这漆黑的身影,神情狰狞的骤然从黑暗中显现出来。 Alien race person! 异族人! Person who these appear, body has covered entirely the black scales, the skin is swarthy, full is the spot, the height probably about three meters, the build is valiant, look cloudy severe evil, the body has richly from cruel aura. 这些显现出来的人,身上布满了黑色鳞甲,皮肤黝黑,满是斑点,身高大概在三米左右,体型彪悍,眼神阴厉邪恶,身上有着浓郁自暴戾气息 The alien race person who appears, six, in the dark blue eye pupil, project such as the poisonous snake generally from yin cold severe light. Six alien race people, were compelled from the darkness by Seal of Life, their bodies one steady, then suddenly fiercely shoots, only they grazes toward Shi Yan. 显现出来的异族人,有六名,暗绿色的眼眸中,射出如毒蛇一般自阴寒厉光。六个异族人,被生印从黑暗中逼出来,他们身子一稳,便突然猛地射来,只朝着石岩两人飞掠。 „!” He Qingman shouted one tenderly, the elegant face earth full was the surprise, the dull looks at six Black Scale Clan demon people grazed to come, suddenly said excitedly: Also really has demon person in! Ha, good, has been worrying unable to look for them.” Walks!” Shi Yan drinks severely, urgently said: Solely is not only these six people, the place that you cannot see, is having more demon people to approach. Now does not walk, we were encircled inevitably, when the time comes wants to walk walks does not escape.” He Qingman with amazement. “啊!”何青曼娇呼一声,俏脸土满是诧异,呆呆的看着六名黑鳞族魔人飞掠而来,突然兴奋道:“还真的有魔人在啊!哈,太好了,正愁找不着他们呢。”“走啊!”石岩厉喝,急道:“不单单只是这六人,你看不见的地方,正有更多的魔人在靠近。现在不走,我们必然被团团围住,到时候想走都走不脱。”何青曼骇然。 Little Thunder, we walked. “小雷,我们走了。 She has gawked for one second, immediately responded that trampled a hot tempered restless Lightning Wind Winged Flying Lion foot fiercely. Lightning Wind Winged Flying Lion spreads the wings to ascend the sky immediately. ”她愣了一秒,立即反应过来,猛地踹了暴躁不安的风雷飞狮一脚。风雷飞狮立即展翅上天。 The people on Lightning Wind Winged Flying Lion, He Qingman lower the head to overlook below black stone forest, really in the discovery darkness has the ripple common fluctuation to ripple. 人在风雷飞狮身上,何青曼低头俯视下方的黑色石林,果然发现黑暗中有波纹一般的波动荡漾。 In these darkness, does not know that has ambushed many Black Scale Clan demon people. 在那些黑暗当中,不知道潜伏了多少黑鳞族的魔人。 He Qingman stared under was waiting and seeing a while, the secret mute tongue, recalled just thrilling, somewhat had a lingering fear. 何青曼盯着下方观望了一会儿,暗暗哑舌,回想起来刚刚的惊险,也有些心有余悸。 Shi Yan promptly realized that surrounding of these Black Scale Clan demon people, get rid to attack Lightning Wind Winged Flying Lion to compel her to walk, perhaps they really will be retained by the Black Scale Clan demon person. 要不是石岩及时察觉到这些黑鳞族魔人的包围,出手袭击风雷飞狮逼她走上来,说不定他们真会被黑鳞族的魔人留住。 Although Lightning Wind Winged Flying Lion is six levels of Demonic Beast, but was sphered by these many Black Scale Clan masters, feared that is is also very difficult to protect them, these demon people dare, definitely does not fear Lightning Wind Winged Flying Lion, otherwise not deliberate slowly approaches... He Qingman more wants more to be the heart is startled. 风雷飞狮虽然乃六级妖兽,但被这么多黑鳞族的高手围住,怕是也很难护住他们,这些魔人胆敢过来,肯定是不惧风雷飞狮,不然不会有预谋的慢慢靠近…何青曼越想越是心惊。 Half sound, her beautiful pupil looks to Shi Yan, said: How you know that the demon person does come?” 半响,她美眸看向身旁的石岩,道:“你怎么知道魔人过来的?” The Shi Yan facial expression is faint, has not claimed credit, has not blamed the He Qingman beforehand misunderstanding, said lightly: „ I have my method. 石岩神情淡漠,并未居功,也没有责怪何青曼之前的误解,淡淡道:“我有我的方法。 The next time, can you also induce to aura of these demon people? ” He Qingman eye one bright. 下一次,你还能感应到这些魔人的气息么?”何青曼眼睛一亮。 In 500 meters, so long as these demon people appear, I think that I should be able to induce.” Shi Yan nodded, these demon people excel at concealing aura, once they hid the life fluctuation, the average person indeed easily did not realize. Reason that I can discover, is not because my Mental Energy is powerful, because on me has same rare treasure. “500米之内,只要这些魔人出现,我想我应该可以感应到。”石岩点了点头,“这些魔人非常擅长隐匿气息,一旦他们将生命波动隐藏了,一般人的确不容易察觉。我之所以能够发现,也不是因为我精神力强盛,而是因为我身上有着一样异宝”。 Really is the rare treasure affects in the display.” He Qingman has as if also guessed correctly, by your cultivation base, does not draw support the treasure, definitely was inferior my induction keen Shi Yan did not deny, nodded naturally.” “果然是异宝在发挥作用。”何青曼似乎也猜到了,“以你的修为,不借助于宝物,肯定不如我的感应灵敏的”石岩并不否认,点了点头“当然。” Later cleans up the motion of demon person, you and I together, I do not need you to enter the war, so long as you use your rare treasure, gives me to determine position black ink of demon person promptly then. He Qingman has thought that proposed suddenly. 以后清理魔人的行动,你和我一起,我不需要你参战,只要你利用你的异宝,及时将魔人的位墨给我确定即可。何青曼想了一下,忽然提议。 After this small twists and turns, their relations were slightly more harmonious, He Qingman also no longer unceasingly in view of him. 经过这一次小波折,两人的关系略微融洽了一些,何青曼也不再不断地针对他了。 Ok.” Shi Yan said indifferently. “可以。”石岩无所谓道。 You feel, having a look at the demon person to go to where now?, He Qingman pokes head on Lightning Wind Winged Flying Lion, lowers the head to look under pitch-dark black stone forest, and let descend toward below that Lightning Wind Winged Flying Lion coordinated. Shi Yan pours into Soul Gathering Bead Mental Energy again, the eyes closed secret feeling., He opens eyes quickly, a directional distant place black mountain peak, said: „ All demon people, are going toward that mountain peak line.” Also is really there.” He Qingman nodded, that mountain peak, produces the black spot copper, our tomorrow's goals, that mountain peak tomorrow we will directly pass, today the time is too late, do not take risk.” Shi Yan proposed. “你感觉一下,看看魔人现在去了何处?,何青曼风雷飞狮上探出头来,低头望着下面黑漆漆的黑色石林,并让风雷飞狮配合的往下面降落了一些。石岩重新将精神力注入聚魂珠,闭目暗暗感受。很快地,他睁开眼,指向远处一个黑色山峰,道:“所有的魔人,都在往那座山峰行去。”“还真是那里。”何青曼点了点头,“那座山峰,就出产黑斑铜,我们明天的目标,也正是那山峰”“明天我们直接过去好了,今日时间太迟,不要冒险了。”石岩提议道。 Un.” He Qingman has thought, also said: Tonight matter, they do not say with Lin Nan, when anything has not occurred why. “嗯。”何青曼想了下,又道:“今夜的事情,不要和林楠他们讲,就当什么都没有发生过”“为什么”。 „ Our coming, is follows orders to clean up the demon person, I and Shen Yidan, Peng Pei, Shi Yubai will lead respectively. The motion of this cleaning up demon person, is the above person, must test we four people of abilities, who this time moves to display prominently, after returning to Tianxie Fairyland, who then can obtain bigger entrusting with heavy responsibility. That Shen Yidan, has been competing with me, I naturally must exceed her, presses her head! He Qingman confident say|way. “我们这次过来,都是奉命清理魔人,我和沈宜丹彭沛史羽白三人将各自带队。这次清理魔人的行动,也是上面的人,要考验我们四人的能力,这次行动谁表现突出,返回天邪洞天以后,谁便可以得到更大的重用。那沈宜丹,一直在和我较劲,我自然要胜过她,压她一头!何青曼坦然道。 Shi Yan has gawked, then nodded, „.” When the summit that Lightning Wind Winged Flying Lion in Lin Nan and the others are at falls, Shi Yan saw that these people control one's breathing in eyes closed. Nobody spoke. 石岩愣了一下,然后才点了点头,“哦。”风雷飞狮林楠等人所在的山顶落下来时,石岩看到这些人都在闭目调息。没有人讲话。 Shi Yubai after the summit black stone, opened eyes coldly to sweep Shi Yan one together, slightly knitting the brows head, also has closed the eye. 史羽白在山顶一块黑石之后,睁眼冷冷扫了石岩一眼,微微皱了皱眉头,又闭上了眼。 „Hasn't Qingman, what discovered?” Lin Nan smiles lightly, asked at will. Had not discovered. He Qingman answered one with a smile, „ tomorrow everybody must be careful, perhaps really can meet in that cavern with the demon person. „ Un, these demon people have enormously possibly in that black spot copper mine mountain, Qingman, well rest, we early tomorrow morning.” E understood, Elder Sister Nan. ” The 2nd date early morning. Lin Nan early starts to call that calls everybody to be ready, lets He Qingman, Shen Yidan, Peng Pei and Shi Yubai four people, called the respective follower. 青曼,没发现什么吧?”林楠淡淡笑着,随意问道。“没发现。何青曼笑着答了一句,“不过明天大家就要小心了,说不定真会和魔人在那洞穴中遇上。“嗯,这些魔人有极大的可能会在那黑斑铜矿山中,青曼,好好休息吧,我们明天一早出发。”E知道了,楠姐。”第二日清晨。林楠早早开始吆喝,唤大家做好准备,让何青曼沈宜丹彭沛史羽白四人,将各自的跟随者都叫起来。 He Qingman these four people, are the young masters of Tianxie Fairyland emphatically trained, all in Earth Level, four people separately leads a squad, each squad has 78 Disaster Level followers. 何青曼这四人,都是天邪洞天着重培养的年轻高手,全在地位之境,四人分别带领一小队,每个小队有78名百劫之境的跟随者。 Shi Yan, in that cave, the road fork is extremely numerous, after entering in the cave, everybody will possibly disperse. Any side discovery sound. Immediately communication comes out, other three parties will rush over, um, immediately must move, whose do you prepare with which side?” Lin Nan asked. „ Little brother, you with me, my here strength, can guarantee that fully you are well.., Shi Yubai opens the mouth to invite suddenly. 石岩,那山洞中,岔口极多,进入山洞中之后,大家可能会分散开来。任何一方发现动静。立即传讯出来,其余三方会马上赶到,嗯,马上就要行动了,你准备跟谁哪一方?”林楠问道。“小兄弟,你跟着我这边吧,我这边实力更足一点,可以确保你无恙。。,史羽白忽然开口邀请。 Shi Yan shakes the head with a smile. 石岩笑着摇头。 Is what kind of me? The elder sister meets take care of you. The Shen Yidan half real , half fake shouting, in the heart actually quite disdained, hopes that Shi Yan do not comply. „ We are the old knowledge, last night we had also reached an agreement, he with me. He Qingman light say|way. „ Un.” Shi Yan smiled. “跟我怎样?姐姐会照顾你的。沈宜丹半真半假的叫嚷了一句,心中却颇为不屑,希望石岩不要答应下来。“我们是旧识,昨夜我们也商量好了,他跟着我。何青曼淡淡道。“嗯。”石岩笑了笑。 as you wish.” Lin Nan nodded, said to He Qingman with a smile: Shi Yan, but the Yang Family person, your this girl takes on, demon to injure him. If he has an accident, Yang Family blames, we are not good to confess.” 随便你。”林楠点了点头,笑着对何青曼道:“石岩可是杨家的人,你这丫头多担待一点,不要让魔人伤了他。他要是有个三长两短,杨家怪罪下来,我们可不好交代啊。” understood Elder Sister Nan.” 知道了楠姐。” Was good, everybody.”... “好了,大家出发吧。”…
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