GOS :: Volume #2

#194: Dark night latent evils

Vandyck brown stone, grotesque, hates to stand erect, forms one black famous forests. 黑褐色的石头,奇形怪状,一根恨竖立着,形成一片黑色名林。 The weather is gradually black, Black Stone Island Wan Suju lonesome, cannot hear the slight person beast voice, making the person heart live to constrain. 天色渐黑,黑石岛万簌俱寂,听不到丝毫的人兽声音,让人心生压抑。 In stone forest, Lightning Wind Winged Flying Lion languid is lying, He Qingman and Shi Yan before bored looks at black stone, around vigilant look, as if will be guarding to have the demon person to touch together once for a while. 石林中,风雷飞狮懒洋洋的趴着,无聊的看着一块黑石前的何青曼石岩,时不时警惕的看看四周,似乎在提防会有魔人摸过来。 You should better leave Black Stone Island immediately!” The He Qingman beautiful eye „, you do not know with deep veneration the situation on traffic island, does not know the demon person on traffic island has many, does not know fierce of demon person. You only then Second Sky of Disaster Level cultivation base, on the island, our here people, will not spend zhuo thoughts take care of you, if really has encountered with the demon person, nobody will protect you, He Qingman one gets down from Lightning Wind Winged Flying Lion, immediately the elegant face is dignified, persuading Shi Yan to open. “你最好立即离开黑石岛!”何青曼美目肃然“,你不知道岛上的形势,不知道岛上的魔人有多少,也不知道魔人的厉害。你只有百劫二重天之境修为,在岛上,我们这边的人,不会花丵心思照顾你,真要是和魔人交锋了,没人会保护你”,何青曼一从风雷飞狮身上下来,马上俏脸凝重,劝说石岩蒂开。 All right, I do not need you to protect, if really has bumped into the demon person, does not need your multibarreled me, the Shi Yan facial expression is faint, shook the head „, temporarily I will not leave Black Stone Island, when here Black Scale Clan demon person was cleaned up cleanly, I naturally can leave, the work you do not take the trouble.” “没事,我不需要你们保护,真要是碰到了魔人,不需要你们多管我”,石岩神情淡漠,摇了摇头“,暂时我不会离开黑石岛,等这边的黑鳞族魔人被清理干净了,我自然会离开,不劳你费心。” You!” “你!” He Qingman hates, to stare Shi Yan to say darkly: Senior Mo on Flame Cloud Island, in the martial arts Realm aspect, has to raise to me and my father, I lazy manages you. Really does not know good from bad, by your Disaster Level cultivation base, if our here person take care of you, you do not think that you can go on living in the demon person hand of Black Scale Clan with ease?” 何青曼暗恨,瞪着石岩道:“要不是莫大人火云岛上,在武道境界方面,对我和我父亲多有提点,我才懒的管你。真是不识好歹,以你百劫之境修为,要是我们这边的人不照顾你,你以为你能在黑鳞族的魔人手中轻松活下去?” Shi Yan knits the brows, said lightly: My matter, is not one's turn you to manage, clenched teeth, He Qingman deeply inspired, the milk-white bosom along with it even more abundantly, she bitterly is staring Shi Yan, shouted to clear the way tenderly: Was my Senior Brother soon comes!” 石岩皱眉,淡淡道:“我的事情,轮不到你管”,咬了咬牙,何青曼深深吸了一口气,酥胸随之愈加丰挺,她恨恨地瞪着石岩,娇喝道:“是我师兄快要来了!” Your Senior Brother?” In the Shi Yan hand holds appreciatively black gravel, the doubts was saying: With my what Guan?” “你师兄?”石岩手中把玩着一块黑色石子,疑惑道:“与我何关?” My Senior Brother to Elder Sister Xinyan foolish one piece, he has known you after the matter that Elder Sister Xinyan handles, the thunder was angry already wanted to teach you. If after he comes, discovered that your also here you will certainly probably withstand his anger, by your cultivation base, bumps into my Senior Brother, died!” He Qingman spoke without reservation. “我师兄一直对心妍姐痴心一片,他知道你对心妍姐做的事情之后,雷霆大怒早就想要教训你了。要是他过来以后,发现你也在这里你必将要承受他的怒火,以你的修为,碰到我师兄,死定了!”何青曼直言不讳。 How does he know me and Xinyan matter?” Shi Yan the gravel crumb in hand, gains ground coldly looks at He Qingman „, is you tells him?” He Qingman beautiful pupil glittering, has braced oneself saying: „Is that also what kind of? Since your this ruthless person dares to be so fickle to Elder Sister Xinyan the widowed righteousness, is afraid the person to know?” Your brain is sick!” Shi Yan scolded. “他怎么知道我和心妍的事情?”石岩将手中的石子捏碎,抬头冷冷看着何青曼“,是你告诉他的吧?”何青曼美眸闪烁了一下,硬着头皮道:“那又怎样?你这种无情无义的人既然敢对心妍姐那么薄情寡义,难道还害怕人知道?”“你脑子有病!”石岩骂道。 You are sick!” The He Qingman elegant face changes, the eyes shed ghost, gets angry: Now Senior Mo does not protect you in nobody, believes me to teach you!” You can try, the Shi Yan eye narrows the facial expression to be suddenly cold. “你才有病!”何青曼俏脸一变,双眸舍煞,怒道:“现在莫大人不在没有人保护你,信不信我教训你!”“你可以试试”,石岩眼睛一眯神情骤然冷冽下来。 „Do you act recklessly really?” He Qingman sees Shi Yan not to dread, suddenly the manner is coldly severe, she instead gawked you to know did not say that fierce of my Senior Brother Xie Kui, did know his cruel and merciless? I told you, if he wanted to cope with you, on this Black Stone Island, makes you who he can do die in the demon person hand everyone cannot see him to get rid, by me to his disposition understanding, I believed coming out of his real doing!” Xie Kui is the Tianxie Fairyland young first generation first master body is homesick, wooden two Martial Spirit, the Third Sky of Earth Level cultivation base manner mean cold blood, in Jialuo Sea Area is also ominous Zhao, absolutely is a hard to deal with character. “你这人是不是真的不知死活?”何青曼石岩毫不畏惧,忽然态度冷厉下来,她反而愣了“你知不道我师兄邪魁的厉害,知不知道他的心狠手辣?我告诉你,他若是想要对付你,在这黑石岛上,他能做的让你死在魔人手中谁都看不出他出过手,以我对他心性的了解,我相信他真的做的出来!”邪魁天邪洞天年轻一代第一高手身怀土、木两种武魂,地位三重天之境修为为人阴狠冷血,在伽罗海域也算是凶名昭著,绝对是个难缠的人物。 Shi Yan from Toro's mouth, heard Xie Kui something, know Xie Kui has been infatuated with Xia Xinyan, these years often look for various types to give a pretext Xia Family, to see Xia Xinyan. 石岩从托罗的口中,也听说了邪魁的一些事情,知道邪魁一直迷恋夏心妍,这些年来时常找各种借口去夏家,就是为了见夏心妍 This person is aloof in the Tianxie Fairyland status, does not know that many Tianxie Fairyland young women unrequited love him, he actually never cares, wants to obtain the approval of Xia Xinyan wholeheartedly, actually throughout cannot result in recompenses to hope, how regardless of Xia Xinyan turns down him, his toughness does not reduce, clings to for dear life hits rottenly. 这人在天邪洞天身份超然,不知道多少天邪洞天的年轻女子暗恋他,他却从不在意,一心想要得到夏心妍的认可,却始终不能得偿所愿,不论夏心妍如何婉拒他,他都韧性不减,死缠烂打。 From knowing this person, Shi Yan is then disgusted. 从知道这个人起,石岩便心生反感。 Goal of Xie Kui pursue, is by the woman who he regards as bans the business, Xie Kui more is the losing heart unreasoning passion, Shi Yan more is not feeling well, has the classification person to peep at itself to collect the feeling of valuable thing. 邪魁追求的目标,乃被他视为禁商的女人,邪魁越是死心痴情,石岩越是不爽,有种别人窥视自己收藏珍品的感觉。 Knows that was afraid?” Saw with own eyes after Shi Yan hears the news that Xie Kui must come, suddenly silent, He Qingman raises head slightly, said proudly: Now is afraid is not late, looks in the Senior Mo share, I can deliver you to leave Black Stone Island with Lightning Wind Winged Flying Lion. I deliver you to leave now, tonight arranges you to nearby islands, when the Yang Family person came, where I will tell them you, who said that I do want to walk?” Shi Yan faint say|way. “知道害怕了吧?”眼见石岩听到邪魁要来的消息之后,忽然沉默了下来,何青曼微微仰着头,傲然道:“现在害怕还不算迟,看在莫大人的份上,我可以用风雷飞狮送你离开黑石岛。我现在就送你离开,今夜把你安排到附近的岛屿上,等杨家的人过来了,我会告诉他们你在什么地方”,“谁说我要走了?”石岩淡漠道。 He Qingman face color on proudly, restraining, said suddenly astonished: You stay here, must wait for my Senior Brother to cope with you , don't you know fierce of my Senior Brother?”, I, no matter he is fierce, but I will definitely not leave Black Stone Island, Shi Yan sinking sound track. 何青曼脸上的傲然之色,骤然收敛,惊愕道:“你留在这里,真要等我师兄对付你,你是不是不知道我师兄的厉害?”,我不管他多厉害,但我肯定不会离开黑石岛,石岩沉声道。 He Qingman is astonished however, deeply looks at he, partly makes a sound nodded, no wonder that: You must suicide, my also being disinclined managed you, seek fortune for oneself, „, news thank you, the Shi Yan facial expression was faint. 何青曼讶然,深深地看着他,半响才点了点头,古怪道:“你非要寻死,我也懒得管你了,自求多福吧”,“嗯,谢谢你的消息”,石岩神情淡漠。 Is impolite.” “不客气。” He Qingman puts on a serious face, looks up to reveal stars the nighttime sky, she takes out a rush cushion, such closed right up against a behind black stone to sit, said desolately: Tonight here rests, early tomorrow morning, on us that mountain peak and their collection zhuo gathers, Shi Yan nodded, has not replied, under the non- pipe shaft the dust of land, sat directly, eyes closed controls one's breathing. 何青曼板着脸,抬头望了望露出点点繁星的夜空,她取出一个蒲团,就这么靠着身后的一块黑石坐了下来,冷淡道:“今夜就在这里休息吧,明日一早,我们上那山峰和他们集丵合”,石岩点了点头,却并未答话,不管身下土地的灰尘,直接坐了下来,闭目调息。 A He Qingman good intention, this he knows fairly well, but this woman extremely thinks oneself infallible, this makes Shi Yan somewhat repugnant, but looks in her reminder, Shi Yan has not haggled over anything. 何青曼一番好意,这点他心中有数,只是这女人太过自以为是,这让石岩有些反感,不过看在她的提醒上,石岩也没有计较什么。 Close your eyes, Shi Yan sinks to Blood Vein Ring the mind. 闭上眼,石岩将心神沉入血纹戒 In Blood Vein Ring, Profound Ice Cold Flame and ten thousand years of Earthcore Flame coexists, aura by the seal in two regions, each other was not disturbed mutually. 血纹戒内,玄冰寒焰和万年地心火共存,气息被封印在两个区域,彼此互不干扰。 My power and aura by the seal, recently, you, I cannot add on you thoroughly carefully.” The Profound Ice Cold Flame news read, passed on coming out Ring Spirit to know that from Blood Vein Ring the evolution of Earthcore Flame at crucial moments, it does not want to let my aura and ice is cold, affected the evolution of Earthcore Flame, this had the thorough seal I, „the evolution of Earthcore Flame, how long needed?” Was difficult saying that the quick words 1-2 years, the slow words, probably took ten years. You must remember, when the Earthcore Flame evolution, you need to emit the mental consciousness unceasingly, communicates with it , to continue transmits your charitable disposition to it, in this case, it forever will remember you, even if were the life form has formed, will regard the family member to regard you.” Un, i got it, Shi Yan has hesitated, suddenly asked: „Do you know the Devil Territory Black Scale Clan demon person?” Black Scale Clan......” Profound Ice Cold Flame seems considering, after a while, it has withdrawn related Black Scale Clan message from the memory probably, responded: Black Scale Clan is one of the Devil Territory seven clans, has the black scales inborn, these black scales are quite firm, the defensive power is astonishing. The Black Scale Clan life in the Devil Territory dark place, it is said the body can concealing in the darkness, once to the night, the Black Scale Clan clansman has been able disappearance easily, in the night to be able the stealth, even the life fluctuation can slow down continually, is very difficult to seek. What's wrong, were you seeing the Black Scale Clan person?”, Has not been seeing, but should quick be able to see „,” remembers that night should better not with the person battle of Black Scale Clan, will suffer a loss. Also, Black Scale Clan scales, is not only firm, critical moment, but can also stir up zhuo to shoot from their bodies, is ordinary like the blade, destroys the hardest defenses. With the Black Scale Clan battle time, frequently pays attention the black scales on their body, once discovered that the scales vibrated, immediately is far away! The Black Scale Clan scales shiver all over, was the scales must indication that flew to shoot „,” I remember „, the stone paid attention Soul Gathering Bead, although it now did not have the ability of absorption soul, but the primary function of induction life soul also. You keep Mental Energy on Soul Gathering Bead, based on this, so long as the Black Scale Clan clansman approached, you draw support Soul Gathering Bead, can realize that obtains. Night, the fierce Black Scale Clan clansman, the body and life soul can concealing get up together, the equivalent to stealth, your Realm was too low, not necessarily realized that may have the help of Soul Gathering Bead, can induce, i got it, the Shi Yan secret heart was startled. “我的力量气息彻底被封印了,最近一段时间,你自己小心一点,我帮不上你。”玄冰寒焰的讯念,从血纹戒内传了出来“戒灵应该知道地心火的进化在关键时刻,它不想让我的气息和冰寒,影响了地心火的进化,这有彻底封印了我”,“地心火的进化,需要多长时间?”“难说,快的话一两年,慢的话,可能需要十来年。你要记得,在地心火进化的时候,你还是需要不断地放出精神意识,和它沟通,继续向它传递你的善念,这样的话,它才会永远记得你,就算是生命形态成形了,也会将你当成亲人来看待。”“嗯,我知道了”,石岩沉吟了一下,忽然问道:“你知不知道魔域黑鳞族魔人?”“黑鳞族……”玄冰寒焰似乎在思量,过了一会儿,它好像从记忆中提取了有关黑鳞族讯息,回应道:“黑鳞族魔域七族之一,天生有黑色鳞甲,那些黑色鳞甲极为坚固,防御力惊人。黑鳞族生活在魔域幽暗之地,据说身体可以隐匿在黑暗中,所以一旦到了夜晚,黑鳞族的族人可以轻易的消失,在夜里能够隐身,甚至连生命波动都会减缓,很难找寻。怎么,你见着了黑鳞族人?”,还没见着,不过应该很快就可以见着了“,”记得,夜里最好不要和黑鳞族的人交战,会非常吃亏。还有,黑鳞族的鳞甲,不但坚固,关键时刻,还可以从他们身体内激丵射出去,像刀刃一般,无坚不摧。和黑鳞族交战的时候,时刻留心他们身体上的黑鳞,一旦发现鳞甲抖动了,立即远离!黑鳞族的鳞甲乱颤,就是鳞甲要飞射出去的征兆“,”我记得了“,石留意聚魂珠,它现在虽然没了吸收灵魂的能力,但感应生命灵魂的基本作用还在。你留一丝精神力聚魂珠上,在一定范围内,只要黑鳞族的族人靠近了,你借助于聚魂珠,是可以察觉得到的。夜里,厉害的黑鳞族族人,身体和生命灵魂能一起隐匿起来,相当于隐身了,你的境界太低,不一定察觉到,可有了聚魂珠的帮助,是可以感应到的”,“我知道了”,石岩暗暗心惊。 Night can the stealth, this Black Scale Clan demon person, but also is really strange. 夜里可以隐身,这黑鳞族的魔人,还真是诡异。 After a Profound Ice Cold Flame exchange, Shi Yan does not dare to look down upon these to come from the Fourth Devil Area demon person. 玄冰寒焰一番交流之后,石岩越加不敢小视这些来自于第四魔域的魔人。 Opens eyes, takes out Soul Gathering Bead, Shi Yan emits Mental Energy, drills into Soul Gathering Bead. 睁眼,取出聚魂珠,石岩放出一丝精神力,钻入聚魂珠之中。 Mental Energy falls into Soul Gathering Bead, warm, is comfortable. 精神力落入聚魂珠内,暖洋洋的,非常舒适。 The Soul Gathering Bead strength of soul, as if strange liquid, is flowing slowly, although the strength of these souls have not been able directly to absorb at this time, but his Mental Energy falls into inside, thought that enjoyed, such as bathes in the hot spring, could not say relaxed satisfied. 聚魂珠内的灵魂之力,仿佛奇异的液体,在缓缓流动着,虽然此时这些灵魂之力还不能够直接吸收,可他的精神力落入里面,已经觉得非常享受了,如沐浴在温泉内,说不出的放松惬意。 This wisp of Mental Energy pours into Soul Gathering Bead, Shi Yan Spiritual Awareness is keen immediately, this wisp of Mental Energy, resembled by Soul Gathering Bead enlarging did not have the several fold, through Soul Gathering Bead, Shi Yan can see clearly subtle change all around unexpectedly, this Mental Energy, as if can seep all. 这一缕精神力注入聚魂珠,石岩灵觉马上敏锐起来,他这一缕精神力,似被聚魂珠给放大了无数倍,通过聚魂珠,石岩竟然真的可以洞察到周遭的细微变化,这的精神力,仿佛可以渗透一切了。 Bunch cloudy severe Xiegui aura, maps the mind suddenly...... Shi Yan discolored! 一团团阴厉邪诡的气息,霍然映入脑海……石岩勃然变色 Through Soul Gathering Bead, his clear induction, in him and He Qingman 300 meters places, is gathering bunch of strange cloudy severe life aura! 通过聚魂珠,他清晰的感应到,在他和何青曼身旁300米处,聚集着一团团奇诡阴厉的生命气息 He has counted sketchily, discovers these aura, feared that is not lower than 30 groups! 他粗略数了一下,发现那些气息,怕是不低于30团! Black Scale Clan! 黑鳞族 A face with amazement, the Shi Yan hurried careful induction, induces that life aura formidable degree. 一脸骇然,石岩急忙细细感应,感应那生命气息的强大程度。 In these life aura, four groups most vigorous ominous severe, is sending out thick hostility unceasingly, that four groups of masters, should be the Earth Level Black Scale Clan masters, surplus, should in Disaster Level. 那些生命气息中,有四团最为浑厚凶厉,不断地散发着浓浓的戾气,那四团的主人,应该是地位之境黑鳞族高手,剩余的,应该都在百劫之境 He Qingman!” Shi Yan drinks suddenly lowly. 何青曼!”石岩突然低喝。 Late at night, what did you quarrel?” The He Qingman long eyelash moved, has not actually opened eyes, the whole face does not bear. “半夜三更的,你吵什么?”何青曼长长的睫毛动了一下,却并未睁开眼,满脸不耐。 I think that we were surrounded. “我想,我们被包围了”。
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