GOS :: Volume #2

#193: Black Scale Clan

I walked first, I do not meet you after a period of time, will have others. Toro sits on Cyan Blood Bat, raises the sound track. 我先走了,我过段时间不来接你,也会有别人来。托罗坐在青血魔蝠身上,扬声道。 Shi Yan nodded. 石岩点了点头 Toro smiled to him, actuates Cyan Blood Bat, flies suddenly to the upper air, vanishes quickly does not see. 托罗冲他笑了笑,驱动青血魔蝠,骤然飞向高空,很快消失不见。 Comes Black Stone Island time, Toro has then said that after he delivers, must take that Dragon-slaying Sword first to leave for several days. 黑石岛的时候,托罗便说过,将他送到之后,要拿着那斩龙剑先离开几天。 Shi Yan in the heart of ten thousand years of volcano, when seven months, these days, Yang Family has sent a punitive expedition to Gu Family. 石岩在万年火山之心,待了七个月,这段时间,杨家已对古家兴师问罪过了。 After Gu Family knows Gu Jiange and Gu Lie two fathers'and sons' achievement, is the thunder is angry, but denied that this matter is related with Gu Family, only said that all are the Gu Jiange fathers'and sons' crimes. 古家得知古剑歌古烈两父子的作为后,也是雷霆大怒,但却否认此事和古家有关,只说一切都是古剑歌父子的罪过。 Shi Yan does not know that Gu Family has paid any grievous cost, but from holding screw socket, he knows that Yang Family asked for enormous advantage/cheap from Gu Family there probably, not only complied to give Gu Family handling Gu Jiange, but also complied to present Dragon-slaying Sword. 石岩并不知道古家付出了什么惨痛代价,但从托罗口中,他知道杨家好像从古家那里讨到了极大的便宜,不但答应了将古剑歌交给古家处置,还答应了会将斩龙剑奉还。 Toro is taking the Sinlung sword, then must to nearby Yang Family thing moves to micro to pass on Dragon-slaying Sword through formation, quite makes Yang Family come from Dragon-slaying Sword receiving in exchange Gu Family more benefits. 托罗拿着新龙剑,便是要到附近杨家的“物移微阵”通过阵法斩龙剑传出去,好让杨家斩龙剑换取来自于古家的更多利益。 Although Shi Yan does not know that Gu Family has paid anything, actually knows that Yang Family this time is so good to speak, Gu Family definitely suffered a loss. 石岩虽然不知道古家付出了什么,却知道杨家这次这么好说话,古家肯定吃了大亏。 Toro before the jujube, said lets Shi Yan carefully, said him , if not come, will have others to come Black Stone Island to look for him, making him should not be worried. 托罗临枣之前,说了让石岩小心一点,说他要是不来,也会有别人前来黑石岛找他,让他不要担心。 Shi Yan remained confidently. 石岩坦然留了下来。 On the mountain peak, the Shi Yan facial expression is faint, has clarified the situation on island quickly. 山峰上,石岩神情淡漠,很快弄清楚了岛上的形势。 Tianxie Fairyland that solemn simple and beautiful beautiful woman, named Lin Nan, the boundary of Nirvana Origin Second Sky, follows orders to clean up the demon person on island. 天邪洞天那一名端庄清丽的美妇,名为林楠,涅巢二重天之境,奉命来清理岛上的魔人。 Under Lin Nanbesides He Qingman, another three Earth Realm Warrior, two male femalerespectively is Peng Pei, Shi Yubai and Shen Yidan. 林楠之下”除何青曼外,另有三名地位武者,两男一女”分别为彭沛史羽白沈宜丹 In three people, Peng Pei and Shen Yidan in First Sky of Earth Level, Shi Yubai cultivation base slightly are high, in Second Sky of Earth Level. 三人中,彭沛沈宜丹都在地位一重天之境,史羽白修为略高,在地位二重天之境 He Qingman, Shi Yubai, Peng Pei and Shen Yidan four people, are quite young, male handsome, female pretty. 何青曼史羽白彭沛沈宜丹四人,都颇为年轻,男的英俊,女的貌美。 Although that Shen Yidan look is inferior to He Qingman like that causing the downfall of the nation beautiful woman ”, but is also elegant, the willow waist abundant buttocks, pair of phoenix eyes is bright and intelligent, has the light happy expression, annoys the person daydream very much. 沈宜丹相貌虽然不如何青曼那般倾国倾城”但也非常秀美,柳腰丰臀,一双丹凤眼水汪汪的,含着淡淡的笑意,很是惹人遐想。 These four people, are the Tianxie Fairyland young first generation skilled people, He Qingman is most outstanding, youngest, the talent is best. 这四人,都是天邪洞天年轻一代的好手,其中何青曼最为出众,年龄最小,天赋最佳。 23 Disaster Level Warrior, are similarly young, this time comes Black Stone Island with Lin Nan, to whet oneselfhope can draw support this experience, comes breakthrough bottleneck, on First Level building. 23名百劫之境武者,同样非常年轻,这次跟着林楠前来黑石岛,也是为了磨砺自己”希望能够借助于这一段经历,来突破瓶颈,更上一层楼。 Disaster Level, after the disaster, can realize from experience the Disaster mood, then breakthrough oneself. 百劫之境,历经劫难,才能够体悟到百劫的心境,进而突破自身。 Warrior of 23 Disaster boundaries, was led by He Qingman, Shi Yubai, Peng Pei and Shen Yidan four people, is divided into four squads, carries onLin Nan to investigation of demon person is responsible for managing these four Earth Realm Warrior, momentarily will report to Tianxie Fairyland here situationprevents these future seeds to be instead killed by the demon person. 23名百劫境的武者,被何青曼史羽白彭沛沈宜丹四人带队,分成四小队,进行对魔人的追查”林楠则是负责管理这四名地位武者,随时将这边的情况向天邪洞天汇报”防止这些未来的种子被魔人给反杀了。 Lin Nan smiles is coming the person her, introduced to Shi Yan, on the face is hanging the light happy expression throughout. 林楠微笑着将她这边的来人,向石岩介绍了一番,脸上始终挂着淡淡的笑意。 Lin Nan is not low in the Tianxie Fairyland status, her big brother Lin Hong, has Second Sky of Sky Realm cultivation base, is Tianxie Fairyland Elder, Second Brother Lin Xu, in the boundary of Nirvana Origin Third Sky, is governing the Tianxie Fairyland seven islands, handles the mines and spirit medicine on that seven islands. 林楠天邪洞天身份不低,她大哥林宏,有着天位二重天之境修为,乃天邪洞天长老,二哥林旭,在涅巢三重天之境,掌管着天邪洞天的七座岛屿,打理那七座岛屿上的矿场和灵药 Lin Family many people, hold an important post in Tianxie Fairyland, Lin Nan I am responsible for the experience of young master, dispute that is good at processing these young masters. 林家的许多人,在天邪洞天都身居要职,林楠本人则是负责年轻高手的历练,擅长处理那些年轻高手的纠纷。 Shi Yan gets down after Cyan Blood Bat, in the Lin Nan heart some doubts, do not know the Shi Yan true status. 石岩青血魔蝠身上下来以后,林楠心中有些疑惑,不知道石岩的真正身份。 Jialuo Sea Area Warrior, knows, only then Shura Blood Guard has Cyan Blood Bat, Shi Yan rides Cyan Blood Bat to come, opens Ting time, when Lin Nan also Shi Yan is also one of the Shura Blood Guard, but she from Toro's subtle manner to the Shi Yan, sees Shi Yan quickly is not Shura Blood Guard. 伽罗海域武者,都知道只有修罗血卫才配有青血魔蝠,石岩乘着青血魔蝠而来,一开婷的时候,林楠还当石岩也是修罗血卫之一,但她从托罗对石岩的微妙态度,很快看出石岩绝不是修罗血卫 After the spin , a talk of Shi Yan and He Qingman, makes her secret, guessed that Shi Yan should be the Yang Family young master. 旋后石岩何青曼的一番谈话,也让她暗暗好奇,猜测出石岩应该是杨家的年轻高手。 However, when to Shi Yan introduced oneself, says own name, Lin Nan had doubts. 然而,待到石岩自我介绍的时候,说出自己的姓名了,林楠又疑惑了。 Shi Yan this name, she is completely strange, by her understanding of the Yang Family young first generation master, she can affirm that in Yang Family young first generation outstanding character, should not have Shi Yan this person. 石岩这个名字,她全然陌生,以她对杨家年轻一代高手的了解,她可以肯定杨家年轻一代出众的人物中,应该没有石岩这个人。 Shen Yidan, Peng Pei and Shi Yubai three people, after hearing self introduction of Shi Yan, when some doubts, at once again look to Shi Yan, then slightly some contempt. 沈宜丹彭沛史羽白三人,听到石岩的自我介绍之后,也都有些疑惑,旋即再看向石岩时,便略略有些轻视。 They know that the Yang Family young master has these, sees several people that Shi Yan is not knows well, in addition Shi Yan is also surnamed, they think naturally Shi Yan is not the Yang Family direct descendant lineage/vein, Shi Yan only then Second Sky of Disaster Level cultivation base, although the Toro's manner to Shi Yan is a little strange, but they have not cared. 他们都知道杨家的年轻高手有那些,见石岩并不是熟识的几人,加上石岩又姓石,他们理所当然的认为石岩并非杨家的嫡系一脉,石岩又只有百劫二重天之境修为,虽然托罗对石岩的态度有点奇怪,可他们还是没放在心上。 How many demon people in island has?” After both sides introduction, Shi Yan asked indifferently. “岛上有多少魔人?”双方介绍之后,石岩淡然问道。 As far as I know, probably 50-60 demon people, naturally, there is a possibility more.” Lin Nan explained with a smile: These demon people, are Black Scale Clan.” “据我所知,大概有五六十名魔人,当然,也有可能更多。”林楠含笑解释:“这些魔人,都是黑鳞族的。” Black Scale Clan?” Shi Yan stares. 黑鳞族?”石岩一愣。 Lin Nan knitting the brows head, is surprised different way quietly: „Don't you know Black Scale Clan?” 林楠悄悄皱了皱眉头,诧异道:“你不知道黑鳞族?” Un. “嗯。 *...... ” Shi Yan nods. *……”石岩点头。 Can't?” Shen Yidan shouted one lightly, in phoenix eyes, flashed through not easy detection the meaning of contempt. Said with a smile in a soft voice:...... Yang Family and demon person has battled that many years, often comes and goes out Fourth Devil Area, so long as came from the Yang Family person, regarding the demon person's understanding, should us probably deeply is more right. ” “不会吧?”沈宜丹轻呼一声,丹凤眼内,闪过一丝不易察觉的轻视之意。轻声笑道:……杨家和魔人交战了那么多年,又时常出入第四魔域,只要来自于杨家的人,对于魔人的了解,都应该比我们要深才对啊。” You Black Scale Clan do not know that” that you do do? ” Peng Pei snort|hum, he was actually direct, your Realm is so low, specially had actually been delivered by Shura Blood Guard, this thinks that is because you know from A to Z Yang Family to make you assist regarding Black Scale Clan ournot to think that your Black Scale Clan has not listened, does not know really Shura Blood Guard delivers you to make anything. ” “你连黑鳞族都不知道”那你来干什么?”彭沛哼了一声,他倒是直接,“你境界这么低,却被修罗血卫专门送了过来,本以为是因为你对于黑鳞族了如指掌”杨家才让你来协助我们的”没想到你连黑鳞族都没有听过,真不知道修罗血卫送你来做什么。” Shi Yubai frowns, shook the head, the looks at Lin Nan forced smile said: Evidently Elder Sister Nan, this comes is not the aid, but is the burden.” 史羽白皱着眉头,摇了摇头,看着林楠苦笑道:“楠姐,看样子这来的不是援助,而是累赘啊。” I have not been the Yang Family person, I come Black Stone Island, wants to experience the demon person.” In the Shi Yan heart is somewhat disgruntled, desolate say|way. “我还算不上杨家人,我来黑石岛,也只是想要见识见识魔人而已。”石岩心中有些不悦,冷淡道。 You were not the Yang Family person *......” the contempt in Shen Yidan eye were heavy a point, scoffed to say with a smile: Frightened me to jump, I also think that you were Yang Family that several ruthless person. He He, is not best, otherwise we will be very irritablenow I more relaxed. ” “你不是杨家人啊*……”沈宜丹眼中的轻视又重了一分,嗤笑道:“真吓了我一跳,我还以为你是杨家的那几个狠人呢。呵呵,不是最好,不然我们会很别扭”哈”现在我就轻松多了。” Un, that several Yang Family fellow, arrogant, is handling matters with them, must be irritated by them may not.” Peng Pei also approval nodded, slanting Shi Yanboy, since you are not the Yang Family person, is honest, do not act presumptuously, otherwise had been killed by the demon person, do not blame us not to remind you.” “嗯,那几个杨家的家伙,一个个飞扬跋扈,和他们在一起处事,非要被他们气死不可。”彭沛也赞同的点了点头,斜了石岩一眼”“小子,你既然不是杨家人,就老实一点,不要擅自行动,不然被魔人干掉了,别怪我们没提醒你。” Do not state clearly!” Lin Nan stared Peng Pei and Shi Yubai. “别明说!”林楠瞪了彭沛史羽白一眼。 Although in the heart is also somewhat discontented, but she has not actually revealed that instead said to Shi Yan with a smile: Black Scale Clan is the race of demon person, the body has the black scales, these scales are inborn, is hard, the common weapon is very difficult to break. In addition, we also know to Black Scale Clan not many, recently we have searched for these Black Scale Clan demon people on Black Stone Island, was seeing them, but they have actually been avoiding, always not with our direct engagement, therefore we did not know the Black Scale Clan characteristics *......” 虽然心中也是有些不满,可她却并未表露出来,反而笑着对石岩说:“黑鳞族是魔人的一个种族,身上有着黑色的鳞甲,那些鳞甲是天生的,非常坚硬,一般的兵器都很难破开来。除此之外,我们对黑鳞族也所知不多,最近我们一直在黑石岛上搜寻这些黑鳞族的魔人,也见着了他们,可他们却一直在躲避,从来不和我们正面交战,所以我们也不知道黑鳞族的特点*……” Has not battled...... Shi Yan to stare officially, the drop nodded, um I have known how things stand, I will be careful *...... ” “还没正式交战……”石岩愣了一下,点子点头,“嗯”我有数了,我会小心*……” In these people, only then He Qingman quite knew about the Shi Yan status, but she has not reminded the people, as if wishes one could Shi Yan to be scolded by them, when Peng Pei and Shi Yubai taunted to Shi Yan, He Qingman raises head slightly, looked like indeed is also happy. 这些人中,只有何青曼石岩的身份比较了解,不过她却并未提醒众人,似乎恨不得石岩被他们数落,在彭沛史羽白石岩冷嘲热讽的时候,何青曼微微仰着头,看起来也的确心情很好。 Shi Yan knows that He Qingman has a mind to visit him to laugh, in the heart coldly snorted, on the face has not actually revealed that but said to Lin Nan: I indeed know nothing regarding the demon person, these time comes, to experience demon person, how below should be you to arrange to walk, i will do my best coordination. ” 石岩知道何青曼有心看他笑话,心中冷哼一声,脸上却并未表露出来,只是对林楠道:“我对于魔人的确一无所知,这一次过来,也只是为了见识见识魔人,下面该如何做”你安排就走了,我会尽力配合。” Also is image point appearance. 还算是像点样子。 Lin Nan secret nod, to Shi Yan expressed satisfaction humbly, in the heart actually affirmed that Shi Yan should really not be the Yang Family person. 林楠暗暗点头,对石岩的谦逊表示满意,心中却越加肯定石岩应该真不是杨家人了。 The Shen Yidan eye meaning of contempteven more was also obvious. 沈宜丹眼中的轻视之意”也愈加明显了。 Young master who if really Yang Family walks, possibly so to be how humble? 真要是杨家走出来的年轻高手,怎可能这么谦逊? Don't Yang Family these fellows, which make a great show of one's talents? Isn't arrogant? Isn't supercilious? 杨家的那些家伙,哪一个不是锋芒毕露?不是飞扬跋扈?不是目中无人的? Today here rests, early tomorrow morning nearby” we go to that mine to have a look, it is said the black spot copper is precious in Devil Territory, but the Black Scale Clan demon person, cultivation some mystiques, rely on the black spot copper probably very much. Perhaps these Black Scale Clan demon people, really hide in the middle of the mine. ” Lin Nan said. “今天就在这里歇息,明天一早”我们去附近的那一处矿山里面看看,据说黑斑铜在魔域非常珍贵,而黑鳞族的魔人,修炼的一些秘法,好像很依赖黑斑铜。说不定那些黑鳞族的魔人,真的就藏匿在矿山当中。”林楠道。 The people nod to indicate to understand together. 众人一起点头表示明白。 Shi Yan, you rest well, tomorrow and we will move together.” Lin Nan looks to Shi Yan. 石岩,你好好歇息,明天和我们一起行动。”林楠看向石岩 Shi Yan nods. 石岩点头。 You come with me, I have the words to ask that you *......” He Qingman got up Lightning Wind Winged Flying Lion leisurely, is cold the face to look that ” shouted to clear the way to Shi Yan tenderly. “你跟我过来,我有话问你*……”何青曼款款上了风雷飞狮,冷着脸看向石岩”娇喝道。 Lin Nan, Peng Pei, Shen Yidan and the others, gawkedslightly strangely to look suddenly to what Qingsui. 林楠彭沛沈宜丹等人,忽然愣了一下”略显古怪地看向何青荽。 A Shi Yubai brow wrinkle, in the eye gate over cold intent, looks at Shi Yan, looked at He Qingman, complexion some are slightly unattractive. 史羽白眉头一皱,眼中门过一丝冷意,望了望石岩,又看了看何青曼,脸色略略有些不好看。 The Shi Yan facial expression is indifferent, the expression one by one income eyeground on people face, unflustered on Lightning Wind Winged Flying Lion, sits with He Qingman shoulder to shoulder, does not say a word. 石岩神情淡然,将众人脸上的表情一一收入眼底,从容不迫的上了风雷飞狮,和何青曼并肩坐着,一言不发。 He Qingman looked that has not looked at Shi Yan, cultivated the straight beautiful leg to unbend, has kicked Lightning Wind Winged Flying Lion. 何青曼看也没看身旁的石岩,修直的美腿伸直,踢了一下风雷飞狮 Lightning Wind Winged Flying Lion under the Shi Yubai cold vision, leaves from this mountain peak against the wind, flies toward not far away piece of stone forest. 史羽白的冷冽目光下”风雷飞狮迎风而起,从这一座山峰离开,往不远处的一片石林中飞去。 Brother Shi, Qingman as if *...... Peng Pei looks at Lightning Wind Winged Flying Lion vanishes to this fellow a little interestat once has turned head to say to Shi Yubai: Should not be good intention I looks at the Qingman appearance, probably is very repugnant that boy, she looks for that boy alone, perhaps does not have the peaceful good intention. ” 史大哥,青曼似乎对这家伙有点兴趣啊*……”彭沛愣愣地看着风雷飞狮消失了”旋即回头对史羽白道:“不过应该不是好意”我看青曼的模样,好像很反感那小子,她单独找上那小子,说不定没安好心。” Shi Yubai facial expression one slow, nodsaid gently lightly: I think that boy am also the bad luck life, Qingman has keen eyesight in top is naturally impossible to have a liking for his, looks for him alonedefinitely is to teach him *...... ” 史羽白神情一缓,轻轻点头”淡淡道:“我看那小子也是倒霉的命,青曼眼高于顶”自然是不可能看上他的,单独找他”肯定是想要教训教训他*……” Was uncertain *......” Shen Yidan hesitant, said spookily: Qingman after that boy comes expression is somewhat strange, probably, blushes probably after a whiledoes not know that is how a matter. ” “也不一定呢*……”沈宜丹犹豫了一下,幽幽道:“青曼在那小子过来之后”表情有些奇怪,好像,好像还脸红过一会儿”也不知道是怎么一回事。” Shi Yubai look suddenly one cold. 史羽白眼神骤然一冷。
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