GOS :: Volume #2

#190: Double Martial Spirit evolution

Shi Yan knows certainly that these milky white water drops come from where, knows that these water drops have the what kind mysterious function, the mind sink to the flesh and blood, looks at carefully these milky white water drops carefully, in the Shi Yan brain is considering fast, this strange power, can urge to send and strengthen Martial Spirit, can vigorous Essence Qi, have many mysterious uses, he has known that this power is enormous to his advantage. 石岩当然知道,那些乳白色的水珠来自于何处,也知道这些水珠拥有何种神奇的作用,心神沉入血肉,仔细端详那些乳白色的水珠,石岩脑中快速的思量着,这种奇异的力量,能够催发、增强武魂,能浑厚精元,有着诸多神奇的用途,他一直知道,这种力量对他的好处极大。 Looks at this, this mysterious power, as if did not have to be smelted completely, has not integrated his body truly completely. 只是,看这样子,这种神奇的力量,似乎还没有全部被熔炼开来,没有真正全部融入他身体。 After obtaining Profound Ice Cold Flame communication, Shi Yan too many hesitations, have not been only slightly a consideration, immediately decides to try to integrate the cell them completely, and in the body textile fiber, making them truly the fleshly body nutrient. 得到玄冰寒焰传讯以后,石岩没有太多的犹豫,只是略一思量,马上决定试着将它们全部融入细胞、和身体纤维中,让它们真正成为肉身的养分。 The body, the strength of strong Fiery Flame, flows in the meridians. The strength of Fiery Flame emits following the meridians in the whole body bone lou flesh and blood. 身体内部,浓烈的火炎之力,在经脉内流动。火炎之力顺着经脉散溢在浑身骨髅血肉。 fleshly body under quenching of strength of Fiery Flame, was repeatedly tempered, making fleshly body become more tyrannical, can adapt to the accumulation of power, can adapt to Essence Qi Rampage. 肉身火炎之力的淬炼下,被千锤百炼,令肉身变得更加强横,更能够适应力量的聚集,更能适应精元暴走 Extreme Refining 极炼 Repairs the present, Shi Yan to using Fiery Flame quenchings the body, had own comprehension. 修到了现在,石岩已对用火炎淬炼身体,有了自己的领悟。 He knows, Extreme Refining 他知道,“极炼 The technique of this fleshly body cultivation, quite unusual, knows that fleshly body after quenching of Earth Flame, is having the what kind gratifying change. 这种肉身修炼之术,颇为的奇特,知道肉身经过地火的淬炼,在发生着何种喜人的变化。 That milky white water drop, is not the moisture content of your body, will not be evaporated by Fiery Flame. You want with the strength of Fiery Flame, melts these milky white water drops, they will emit in the middle of your cell and textile fiber flesh and blood, is actually not difficult, you must do, tiny the fire point in the strength of Fiery Flame injects in these milky white water drops merely.” “那种乳白色的水珠,不是你身体的水分,不会被火炎蒸发。你只要用火炎之力,将那些乳白色的水珠融开来,它们就会散溢在你细胞、纤维血肉当中,其实并不困难,你所要做的,仅仅只是将火炎之力中细小的火点注入那些乳白色的水珠中。” Profound Ice Cold Flame realized that Shi Yan started to begin, immediately the detailed method will explain. 玄冰寒焰察觉到石岩开始动手了,马上将详细的方法道明。 Shi Yan comprehended immediately. 石岩立即领悟到了。 The strength of Fiery Flame, after being enlarged does not have the several fold, is the small Fiery Flame luminous spots, these Fiery Flame luminous spots are the bases of strength of Fiery Flame. Emits in the Shi Yan whole body. 火炎之力,被放大无数倍之后,便是一个个微小的火炎光点,那些火炎光点就是火炎之力的根本。散溢在石岩全身。 So long as can control these Fiery Flame luminous spots with the mind, the Fiery Flame the milky white water drop fusion in luminous spot and body can dissolve the water drop. Emits truly in the middle of the flesh and blood cell, Shi Yan starts to attempt. 只要能够用心神操控那些火炎光点,将火炎光点和身体内的乳白色水珠融合就可以将水珠溶解。真正散溢在血肉细胞当中,石岩开始尝试。 Concentrates on 1 : 00, the mind expands, the mind looks like turned into the magnifying glass...... Seeks for strength of richest meridians Fiery Flame, is controlling the meridians strength of Fiery Flame. 专注于一点,心神扩大,心神像变成了放大镜……找寻火炎之力最为浓郁的一条经脉,掌控着经脉中的火炎之力。 Pours into flesh and blood of chest, the mind enlarges infinitely, Fiery Flame changes gradually, after these Fiery Flame were enlarged does not have the several fold, turned into the Fiery Flame light group that is formed by the innumerable Fiery Flame luminous spots. 注入胸口的一处血肉,心神无限放大,火炎渐渐发生变化,那些火炎被放大无数倍之后,变成了由无数火炎光点形成的火炎光团。 Shi Yan Mental Energy beyond example concentrates Mental Energy to be divided into the innumerable small stocks instantaneously, pours into these Fiery Flame luminous spots separately, tries to control these Fiery Flame luminous spots, making them move toward the milky white water drop of that region. 石岩精神力空前集中精神力瞬间分为无数小股,分别注入那些火炎光点,试着操控那些火炎光点,令它们朝着那一块区域的乳白色水珠移动。 Very smooth! 很顺利! The water drop superposition of tens of thousands of Fiery Flame luminous spot in that together flesh and blood in abundance and milky white in his mind changes, extremely marvelous sensitive sleep, maps the heart suddenly. 那一块血肉内的成千上万的火炎光点在他的心神变化间纷纷和乳白色的水珠重合,一股极为奇妙敏感觉,忽然映入心田。 The Shi Yan clear detection, in chest that same place, has the warm current production, that warm current is similar some type of nutrient to emit truly in his together blood botulism, in heart one happy, Shi Yan is enduring the fleshly body pain, starts to change the whole body! 石岩清晰的察觉到,在胸口那一块,有暖流产生,那暖流仿佛某种养分真正散溢在他那一块血肉毒中,心中一喜,石岩忍着肉身的痛楚,开始着手去改变全身! When again in a hurry. 时再匆匆。 In rock magma deep pool interior, Shi Yan cultivation Extreme Refining 在岩浆潭内,石岩修炼着“极炼 The milky white water drop that changes into the strange strength in within the body pours into with the strength of Fiery Flame, slowly changes the whole body. 将体内的奇异之力化为的乳白色水珠用火炎之力注入,慢慢改变全身。 After a long time. 不知道过了多久 Also does not know that like this refine many times. 也不知道这样炼了多少次。 Some day, Shi Yan wakes up eyes to be radiant once more, such as dark night stars rays of light is eye-catching, Profound Ice Cold Flame coordinates, immediately disperses completely the strength of Fiery Flame, no longer admits the strength of many Fiery Flame to come, what kind of?” 某一天,石岩再次醒来双眸璀璨明亮,如黑夜繁星光芒夺目,玄冰寒焰非常配合,立即将火炎之力全部散开来,也不再接纳更多的火炎之力进来,“怎么样?” Profound Ice Cold Flame communication. 玄冰寒焰传讯 Shi Yan smiled. 石岩笑了。 The mind moves, the flesh of his body, turned into the yellowish green suddenly. 心神一动,他身体的肌肤,骤然变成了黄绿色。 d Petrification Martial Spirit Third-Step section! d石化武魂三阶段! Is raising Dragon-slaying Sword, a stroke is gently small, on his arm are suddenly many a scar. 提着斩龙剑,轻轻一划小,他手臂上骤然多出一道伤痕。 The scar appears, flesh and blood as if suddenly lived. Is wriggling slowly, at the naked eye obvious speed, is repairing that scar rapidly. 伤痕才一显现出来,血肉似乎突然活了。缓缓蠕动着,以肉眼可见的速度,迅速修复着那一道伤痕。 The wound reveals, immediately the cicatrization of obvious wound, is battling, being damaged, can recover the injury in the fight, this is Immortal Martial Spirit and other Third-Step sections! 伤口一显,立即可见伤口的愈合,在交战之中,受创的身体,在战斗中就可以将伤势全部恢复,一这是不死武魂的等三阶段! Double Martial Spirit evolution! 武魂进化! Fierce!” “厉害!” Profound Ice Cold Flame is also quite pleasantly surprised, looks like, this. Extreme Refining, is indeed suitable you, after these days meditation, your body was quenched innumerable, not only can withstand the strength of Fiery Flame, linked Martial Spirit also in pairs to evolve unexpectedly. Good, is very good!” 玄冰寒焰也颇为惊喜,“看来,这。极炼,的确非常适合你,经过这一段时间的苦修,你的身体被淬炼了无数遍,不但能够承受火炎之力,竟然连武魂也双双进化了。不错,真的很不错!” A Shi Yan face joyfully, I more and more thought now that accepts your condition, is I decided correctly.” 石岩一脸欣然,“我现在越来越觉得,答应你的条件,是我最正确的决定。” Naturally, I have said that you will definitely not regret!” “当然,我说过,你肯定不会后悔的!” Profound Ice Cold Flame proudly, you have a look at Soul Gathering Bead, now Soul Gathering Bead also refine was clean. And had the strength of soul. Now Soul Gathering Bead cannot continue to place on Fire Crystal Jade, otherwise the strength of these souls, will possibly be given the damage by Earthcore Flame, we were the time leave here.” 玄冰寒焰傲然,“你看看聚魂珠吧,现在聚魂珠也被炼的干净了。其中已有了灵魂之力。现在聚魂珠不能继续放在火晶玉上,不然那些灵魂之力,可能会被地心火给损坏,我们是时候离开这里了。” Shi Yan one startled, looks to not far away Soul Gathering Bead. 石岩一惊,不由望向不远处的聚魂珠 When does not know gets up, Soul Gathering Bead has become the dark green, the spheroid is smooth, seemed to be that the strange liquid flows slowly, in Soul Gathering Bead, does not have the strange black smoke to curl to raise again, falls Soul Gathering Bead on Fire Crystal Jade, no longer has the ability of suction soul. 不知何时起,聚魂珠成了暗青色,球体光滑透亮,其中似有奇异的液体缓缓流动,聚魂珠内,再也没有奇异的黑烟袅袅升起,落在火晶玉上的聚魂珠,也不再拥有吸吮灵魂的能力。 Soul Gathering Bead after this burning down. Was refined the strength of clear soul, from now on, this Soul Gathering Bead no longer is the same rare treasure, is only a vessel. After leaving here, but also needs after a period of time, waits for the strength of these souls to precipitate truly, can absorb.” 聚魂珠经过这一番的焚烧。被炼制成澄清的灵魂之力,从今之后,这聚魂珠不再是一样异宝,只是一种容器。离开这里之后,还需要再过一段时间,等那些灵魂之力真正沉淀下来,才可以吸收。” Earthcore Flame what to do?” 地心火怎么办?” „The Earthcore Flame life form has not formed thoroughly, but should be quick, to this stage, ten thousand years of volcano the strength of Fiery Flame, gathered on it completely, its life formation. Did not have many connections with ten thousand years of volcano. It needs, merely is only time, you can one and take it.” 地心火的生命形态还没有彻底成形,不过应该快了,到了这个阶段,万年火山的火炎之力,已全部聚集在它身上,它的生命形成。和万年火山已没有了多少关联。它所需要,仅仅只是时间而已,你可以将它一并带上。” „Does one and take?” “一并带上?” Shi Yan one dull, has hesitated, he takes out Jing Bottle to grasp in the control, said: „ 石岩一呆,沉吟了一下,他取出净瓶握在手心,道:“ This gadget, is I wanted to put it, you looked that can carry off Earthcore Flame with it? ” 这玩意,是我本来想要盛放它的,你看,可以用它将地心火带走么?” Profound Ice Cold Flame had not replied immediately, consciousness in quietly observation Jing Bottle, after a while, Profound Ice Cold Flame communication: „ 玄冰寒焰没有立即回答,意识在悄悄观察净瓶,一会儿后,玄冰寒焰传讯:“ It is not good. If Earthcore Flame has not evolved, it can put. But now is not good, this jar seal, cannot ventilate, in which material limits it completely, will be disadvantageous to its evolution, is unusable, ” 不行。如果地心火没有进化,它可以盛放。可现在不行,这瓶子密封,不能透气,其中的材料全部是限制它的,对它的进化会不利,不能用,” Shi Yan stunned. 石岩愕然 Jing Bottle, indeed is used to deposit Earthcore Flame, is only. The present Earthcore Flame shape is special, is to evolve Heavenly Flame, to form the complete life the special stage. 净瓶,的确是用来存放地心火的,只是。现在的地心火形态特殊,处于进化成天火、形成完整生命的特殊阶段。 At this stage, Jing Bottle the strength of limit, will disturb the evolution of Earthcore Flame, making the evolution of Earthcore Flame likely have other accident. 在这个阶段,净瓶的限制之力,会干扰地心火的进化,令地心火的进化可能发生别的变故。 Cannot put it, being hard brings it to exit, ” 不能盛放它,难以带它出去啊,” Shi Yan hesitant a while, asked: „ 石岩犹豫了一会儿,问道:“ Doesn't have other method? ” 没有别的方法么?” Also is not. ” 也不是。” Profound Ice Cold Flame somewhat is slightly scruple, at once said: „ 玄冰寒焰略有些迟疑,旋即道:“ Did you forget me where? ” 你难道忘记我在什么地方了么?” Shi Yan eye one bright. 石岩眼睛一亮。 This ring, is mysterious, it can hold has the life soul, I can come. Earthcore Flame should also be able to come. Does not know that this ring can also limit Earthcore Flame, this point, but must think whether you can control this ring thoroughly, in addition. Also a little quite difficult office, ” 这枚戒指,非常神奇,它可以容纳有生命的灵魂,我能够进来.地心火应该也可以进来。只是,不知道这戒指会不会也限制地心火,这一点,还要看你是不是可以彻底掌控这一枚戒指,除此之外。还有一点比较难办,” What? ” 什么?” I in inside, the fellow possibly do not dare to come. ” 我在里面,那家伙可能不敢进来。” Profound Ice Cold Flame said proudly: „ 玄冰寒焰傲然道:“ Let alone was the present, even if were it has effectively formed the complete life. Also is not my match, it inborn will fear me. ” 别说是现在了,就算是它真正形成了完整的生命。也不是我的对手,它天生会惧怕我。” You do not emit your aura. It could not feel that should be all right? ” 你不放出你的气息。它感觉不到,应该没事吧?” Before it has not come, I can hide my aura, but in the ring, I may not hide. Moreover, once after it comes, discovered that I in inside, it will think you have deceived it, this is not you are willing to see. ” 它没有进来之前,我可以隐藏我的气息,但在戒指内,我可隐藏不了。而且,一旦它进来之后,发现我在里面,它会觉得你欺骗了它,这绝不是你愿意见到的。” This is not good, that is not good. Can this not know what to do? ” 这也不行,那也不行。这可如何是好?” I do not hide my aura, you are trying and it communicate, if it to your affectionate, has surpassed to my fearing, it should be driving, only by doing so, will not affect it to your sentiment, you remember, once it thought that you have deceived it, later will not be then initiative and you are on good terms. ” 我不隐藏我的气息,你试着和它沟通吧,如果它对你的亲昵,超过了对我的惧怕,它应该会主动进来,也只有这样,才不会影响它对你的感情,你记得,一旦它觉得你欺骗了它,以后便不会主动和你交好了。” I try, ” 我试试吧,” Shi Yan deeply inspired, is precise mental consciousness, and in Mental Energy, tries to blend Fiery Flame aura of some within the body, quietly toward Fire Crystal Jade Bei Jin who Earthcore Flame is. 石岩深深吸了一口气,将精神意识凝炼起来,并且在精神力之中,试着参杂一些体内的火炎气息,悄悄朝着地心火所在的火晶玉卑近。 Realized that mental consciousness of Shi Yan, Earthcore Flame is joyful, has depended on own initiative, closely twines in the mental consciousness of Shi Yan. 一察觉到石岩的精神意识,地心火非常欣喜,主动靠了上来,紧紧缠绕在石岩的精神意识上。 Shi Yan does not worry, first accompanies it to play, carries on the simple exchange of consciousness with it. 石岩不着急,先陪着它玩耍,和它进行意识的简单交流。 When to Shi Yan thought when with its exchange, at the most harmonious atmosphere, he binds a wisp of consciousness of Earthcore Flame, has been separated from Fire Crystal Jade, arrives position that he is, and stretches out is bringing that hand of Blood Vein Ring, with the mind told that Profound Ice Cold Flame releases its aura. 待到石岩觉得和它的交流,处在最为融洽的气氛时,他裹住地心火的一缕意识,脱离了火晶玉,来到他所在的位置,并且伸出带着血纹戒的那一只手,用心神吩咐玄冰寒焰释放出它的气息 Profound Ice Cold Flame aura one overflows from Blood Vein Ring, the consciousness of that Earthcore Flame, as if the frightened person, does not attend to detaining of Shi Yan mental consciousness, panic-stricken immediately returned to Fire Crystal Jade, in the Shi Yan heart sighed, the mental consciousness pursued hurriedly, explained own intention. 玄冰寒焰气息一从血纹戒中流溢出来,那地心火的意识,仿佛惊弓之鸟,不顾石岩精神意识的挽留,惊恐的马上逃回了火晶玉中,石岩心中一叹,精神意识急忙追了上去,去解释自己的用意。 Earthcore Flame fears, becomes very terrified, in that Fire Crystal Jade restless is fluctuating various panic-stricken shapes, how regardless of Shi Yan entices with the consciousness, it does not dare to come out from Fire Crystal Jade again, „ 地心火非常惧怕,变得非常惶恐,在那火晶玉中不安的变幻着各种惊恐的形态,不论石岩如何用意识勾引,它都不敢再从火晶玉中出来,“ It is not good. ” 不行啊。” For a long time , the Shi Yan consciousness returns, helpless communication Profound Ice Cold Flame. 许久之后,石岩意识返回,无奈的传讯玄冰寒焰 No, you must succeed. ” 不,你要成功了。” Unexpected, Profound Ice Cold Flame returned to such one unexpectedly. 出乎意料,玄冰寒焰竟然回了这么一句。 What? ” 什么?” Shi Yan stares, „ 石岩一愣,“ I said that you must succeed! ” 我说你要成功了!” Profound Ice Cold Flame responded again, was quite excited, „ 玄冰寒焰再次回应,情绪颇为激动,“ Does your this ring, come from where? Do you obtain? Haven't you just, felt the change in ring? ” 你这一枚戒指,到底来自于何处?你怎么得到的?你刚刚,难道没有感觉到戒指之中的变化?” What changes? ” 什么变化?” Shi Yan is bewildered. 石岩莫名其妙。 Your ring, after realizing the proximity of Earthcore Flame, starts the fast seal my aura! After Earthcore Flame leaves, my aura had been blocked completely! But in ring. Opened a new space! In that space, unexpectedly, has formed small Fire Crystal Jade unexpectedly!, ” 你的戒指,在察觉到地心火的接近之后,开始快速封印我的气息!在地心火离开之后,我的气息已全部被封锁!而在戒指内部。已开辟了一个新的空间!在那空间之中,竟,竟已形成了一块小小的火晶玉!,” What?! ” 什么?!” Shi Yan with amazement. 石岩骇然。 The ring flows in strength of the Fiery Flame with these days. Mysterious precise becomes Fire Crystal Jade, and seal my power, it is the arrival of Earthcore Flame, the upholstery good all! It knows radically your regard, knows you must make anything. Ahead of time for you all lanes proper! Your this ring, where from must come? I continuously in ring, but I, actually cannot feel existence of Ring Spirit, this ring, supernatural object! ” 戒指用这段时间流入其中的火炎之力。神奇的凝炼成火晶玉,并封印我的力量,它已经为地心火的到来,铺垫好了一切!它根本就知道你的心意,知道你要做什么。提前为你将一切弄妥了!你这戒指,到底从什么地方得来的啊?我一直在戒指内,可我,却丝毫感觉不到戒灵的存在,这戒指,神物啊!”
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